Ashbourne, Derbyshire

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Ashbourne is a town in Derbyshire

Other current and historical names

Location and coordinates are for the approximate centre of Ashbourne within this administrative area. Geographic features and populated places may cross administrative borders.

Ashbourne in historic gazetteers

Gazetteer of the British Isles (Edinburgh: Bartholomew, 1887). John Bartholomew

Ashborne, par., township, and town, with terminus ry. sta., N. Derbyshire, on river Henmore, 1¼ mile above its influx to the Dove, 12 miles NW. of Derby and 142 miles from London -- par., 10,686 ac., pop. 5291; township, 59 ac., pop. 2095; town, pop. 3485; P.O., T.O., 2 Banks. Market-day, Saturday. It has mfrs. of cotton and lace, and an active trade in malt and dairy produce is carried on. The troops of Charles I. were defeated here in 1644 by the forces of the Parliament. The seats of A. Hall. A. Green, and A. Grove are in the vicinity, with P.O. at Ashborne Green.

Ashbourne in the Domesday Book

A village in Hamston hundred, in the county of Derbyshire. is a Good Stuff website.