Other current and historical names
Location and coordinates are for the approximate centre of Leominster within this administrative area. Geographic features and populated places may cross administrative borders.
Gazetteer of the British Isles (Edinburgh: Bartholomew, 1887). John Bartholomew
Leominster.-- mun. bor. and par. with ry. sta., Herefordshire, on river Lugg, 12 miles N. of Hereford and 157 miles from London, 8086 ac., pop. 6044; P.O., T.O., 2 Banks, 1 newspaper. Market-day, Friday. Three rivers - the Lugg, Pinsley, and Kenswater - pass through the town, which is situated in a fertile valley. Its commerce is maintained chiefly by hops and cider, besides which there is a large industry in the mfr. of leather gloves. Cattle and sheep are reared in the vicinity. Leominster returned 1 member to Parliament until 1885.
Gazetteer of the British Isles (Edinburgh: Bartholomew, 1887). John Bartholomew
Leominster In, and Leominster Out, 2 townships, comprising the par. and bor. of Leominster, Herefordshire - L. In, pop. 4939; L. Out, pop. 1105.
A village in Leominster hundred, in the county of Herefordshire.
Two manors recorded in Domesday.
1st Manor
2nd Manor