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Bracknell Forest
Gazetteer Entries in Bracknell Forest, England
Populated Places only
Geographic Features only
Allsmoor Pond
Inland Water
Bracknell SU885685
Benhams Copse
Forest or Wood
Binfield SU854741
Berrybank Copse
Forest or Wood
Sandhurst SU851608
Big Wood
Forest or Wood
Binfield SU837682
Big Wood
Forest or Wood
Bracknell SU889699
Bramshill Forest
Forest or Wood
Crowthorne SU857650
Bray Paddock
Forest or Wood
Winkfield SU922743
Broadmoor Bottom
Sandhurst SU860628
Broom Covert
Forest or Wood
Winkfield SU896652
Butter Bottom
Crowthorne SU856639
Chaucer Woods
Forest or Wood
Crowthorne SU835637
Chawridge Gorse
Forest or Wood
Winkfield SU894744
Clayhill Plantation
Forest or Wood
Crowthorne SU853659
Coalpit Copse
Forest or Wood
Sandhurst SU819628
Crowthorne Wood
Forest or Wood
Crowthorne SU855655
Cunworth Copse
Forest or Wood
Bracknell SU856673
Dene Copse
Forest or Wood
Winkfield SU899651
Drown Boy Pond
Inland Water
Warfield SU875733
Edgbarrow Woods
Forest or Wood
Crowthorne SU845631
Englemere Pond
Inland Water
North Ascot SU906686
Englemere Pond
Other Water Feature
Winkfield SU905685
Fan Covert
Forest or Wood
Winkfield SU898649
Farleymoor Lake
Inland Water
Bracknell SU854694
Forbe's Fields
Forest or Wood
Winkfield SU926741
Fountainhill Wood
Forest or Wood
Winkfield SU937704
Furze Ground
Forest or Wood
Binfield SU854744
Gardener's Copse
Forest or Wood
Binfield SU847738
Gormoor Pond
Inland Water
Crowthorne SU871659
Gravel Hill
Hill or Mountain
Crowthorne SU875656
Great Hazes
Forest or Wood
Binfield SU849747
Great Round Wood
Forest or Wood
Binfield SU851752
Hanworth Plantation
Forest or Wood
Bracknell SU864670
Hawland's Copse
Forest or Wood
Binfield SU843724
Hazelwood Copse
Forest or Wood
Binfield SU860720
Hill Copse
Forest or Wood
Bracknell SU881697
Home Covert
Forest or Wood
Winkfield SU915740
Horseshoe Lake
Inland Water
Sandhurst SU818622
Iron Covert
Forest or Wood
Winkfield SU900648
Jock's Copse
Forest or Wood
Bracknell SU857703
Kiln Covert
Forest or Wood
Winkfield SU894655
Lake Plantation
Forest or Wood
Winkfield SU897647
Long Copse
Forest or Wood
Warfield SU859708
Long Copse
Forest or Wood
Bracknell SU834701
Long Down
Forest or Wood
Sandhurst SU832622
Long Ground
Other Landcover
Binfield SU854748
Long Wood
Forest or Wood
Winkfield SU945709
Lower Lake
Inland Water
Crowthorne SU834637
New Covert
Forest or Wood
Winkfield SU906706
New England Wood
Forest or Wood
Binfield SU853751
Nut Covert
Forest or Wood
Winkfield SU890651
Oak Grove
Forest or Wood
Camberley SU854605
Oxshed Covert
Forest or Wood
Winkfield SU950708
Paddock Wood
Forest or Wood
Winkfield SU935704
Passmore's Plantation
Forest or Wood
Winkfield SU904677
Piggy Wood
Forest or Wood
Bracknell SU871706
Pockets Copse
Forest or Wood
Binfield SU837696
Point Copse
Forest or Wood
Binfield SU853738
Pope's Wood
Forest or Wood
Bracknell SU848703
Pump Rough
Forest or Wood
Bracknell SU901700
Pumproom Copse
Forest or Wood
Winkfield SU919740
Rapley Lake
Inland Water
Winkfield SU898646
Rapley Lake
Other Water Feature
Winkfield SU895645
Riggs Copse
Forest or Wood
Bracknell SU845687
Rivermead Plantation
Forest or Wood
Warfield SU863720
Round Copse
Forest or Wood
Winkfield SU908713
Savernake Pond
Inland Water
Bracknell SU886678
Slade Pond
Inland Water
North Ascot SU905702
Smallbrook Bottom
Sandhurst SU829627
South Forest
Forest or Wood
Winkfield SU943714
Starch Copse
Forest or Wood
Bracknell SU885692
Stevens's Copse
Forest or Wood
Warfield SU895733
Stratton's Copse
Forest or Wood
Binfield SU860741
Stroud's Copse
Forest or Wood
Warfield SU893730
Surrey Hill
Hill or Mountain
Winkfield SU887640
Swain's Copse
Forest or Wood
Bracknell SU835702
Tarman's Copse
Forest or Wood
Bracknell SU849682
The Belt
Forest or Wood
Winkfield Street SU913718
The Dell
North Ascot SU905701
The Gorse
Forest or Wood
Binfield SU861719
The Grove
Forest or Wood
Warfield SU863718
The Grove
Forest or Wood
Winkfield SU930718
The Larches
Forest or Wood
Bracknell SU879683
The Larches
Forest or Wood
Bracknell SU892702
The Rough
Forest or Wood
Winkfield SU896671
The Rough
Forest or Wood
North Ascot SU916703
The Spinney
Forest or Wood
Winkfield SU911707
The Yateley Lakes
Inland Water
Sandhurst SU825612
Tinkers Copse
Forest or Wood
Bracknell SU856704
Top Copse
Forest or Wood
Binfield SU834698
Tow's Bourne
Inland Water
Winkfield Street SU904731
Upper Lake
Inland Water
Crowthorne SU835636
Weller's Wood
Forest or Wood
Warfield SU875731
West Garden Copse
Forest or Wood
Bracknell SU843679
West's Copse
Forest or Wood
Warfield SU892740
Westcott Gorse
Forest or Wood
Warfield SU862729
Weycroft Copse
Forest or Wood
Winkfield SU907714
Whitegrove Copse
Forest or Wood
Bracknell SU878701
Wickham Bushes
Forest or Wood
Crowthorne SU862647
Wilson's Copse
Forest or Wood
Binfield SU859735
Wood End
Forest or Wood
Winkfield SU933709
Woodenhill Plantation
Forest or Wood
Bracknell SU857661
Wykery Copse
Forest or Wood
Bracknell SU850686