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Gazetteer Entries in Cambridgeshire, England
Populated Places only
Geographic Features only
Markers are clustered as there are too many to display individually when zoomed out.
Abbey Wood
Forest or Wood
Fordham TL633696
Abbotsley Brook
Other Water Feature
Abbotsley TL245575
Abbotsley Downs
Forest or Wood
Abbotsley TL212561
Abington Woods
Forest or Wood
Little Abington TL532490
Acre Fen
Other Landcover
Chatteris TL380848
Acre Pond
Inland Water
Horseheath TL623474
Adventurer's Fen
Other Landcover
Haddenham TL433747
Adventurers' Fen
Other Landcover
Burwell TL552691
Adventurers' Land
Other Landcover
Stretham TL507716
Adventurers' Land
Other Landcover
Wisbech St. Mary TF366027
Agden Green
Other Landcover
Great Staughton TL125663
Agden Hill
Hill or Mountain
Great Staughton TL125671
Agdengreen Spinney
Forest or Wood
Kimbolton TL119662
Agdengreen Wood
Forest or Wood
Great Staughton TL125657
Alconbury Brook
Other Water Feature
Winwick TL125805
Alconbury Brook
Other Water Feature
The Stukeleys TL195735
Alder Carr
Forest or Wood
Hildersham TL541489
Aldreth Field
Other Landcover
Haddenham TL447741
Alice Grove
Forest or Wood
Boxworth TL350643
Almhouse Belt
Forest or Wood
Kirtling TL681577
Anthonyhill Plantation
Forest or Wood
Heydon TL433415
Appleton Plantation
Forest or Wood
Great Wilbraham TL541571
Appletree Home Park
Other Landcover
Cottenham TL445660
Arbury Orchard
Forest or Wood
Histon TL441615
Archer's Wood
Forest or Wood
Upton and Coppingford TL176810
Archer's Wood
Forest or Wood
Sawtry TL175805
Armstrong's Gorse
Forest or Wood
Alconbury TL195740
Arrington Hill Plantation
Forest or Wood
Arrington TL323513
Arrow Plantation
Forest or Wood
Heydon TL437396
Ash Closes
Other Landcover
Soham TL596718
Ash Copse
Forest or Wood
Brington and Molesworth TL077790
Ash Drain
Other Water Feature
Ramsey TL325865
Ash Grove
Forest or Wood
Sawston TL501512
Ash Pen
Forest or Wood
Duxford Airfield TL453471
Ash Plantation
Forest or Wood
Abbotsley TL225609
Ash Plantation
Forest or Wood
Waresley TL244553
Ash Plantation
Forest or Wood
Hinxton TL492461
Ash Plantation
Forest or Wood
West Wickham TL625483
Ash Plantation
Forest or Wood
Knapwell TL332600
Ash Plantation
Forest or Wood
Litlington TL310438
Ash Spinney
Forest or Wood
Eltisley TL269581
Ash Wood
Forest or Wood
Chippenham TL660691
Ash Wood
Forest or Wood
Great Staughton TL138662
Ashwell Moor
Other Landcover
Coveney TL502822
Askham Field
Other Landcover
Doddington TL390911
Aversley Wood
Forest or Wood
Upton and Coppingford TL161818
Aversley Wood
Forest or Wood
Sawtry TL165815
Back Dike
Other Water Feature
Peterborough TL135965
Other Landcover
March TL431968
Badgers Holt
Other Landcover
Longstanton TL404660
Baker's Fen
Other Landcover
Burwell TL562696
Ballard's Covert
Forest or Wood
Holme TL204894
Ballast Hole Pond
Inland Water
Wimblington TL451940
Balsham Wood
Forest or Wood
Balsham TL588496
Bancroft Field
Other Landcover
Soham TL598749
Bare Fen
Other Landcover
Over TL386714
Barrington Hill
Hill or Mountain
Harlton TL393520
Barton's Belt
Forest or Wood
Little Wilbraham TL574569
Barway Fen
Other Landcover
Soham TL564754
Basefield Wood
Forest or Wood
Stetchworth TL651569
Bassenhally Field
Other Landcover
King's Dyke TL288980
Bath Spinney
Forest or Wood
Great Eversden TL357537
Baulk Wood
Forest or Wood
Hatley TL285514
Bedford Level
Other Landcover
Works, nr Ely TL560804
Beech Belt
Forest or Wood
Little Wilbraham TL570569
Beezling Fen
Other Landcover
Chatteris TL365882
Bell Plantation
Forest or Wood
Dullingham TL624572
Bellamy's Grove
Forest or Wood
The Stukeleys TL240764
Belsars Field
Other Landcover
Rampton TL423695
Berry Fen
Other Landcover
Haddenham TL438740
Berry Fen
Other Landcover
Bluntisham TL371738
Bevill's Leam
Other Water Feature
Whittlesey TL285935
Bevill's Wood
Forest or Wood
Abbots Ripton TL203794
Bibles Grove
Forest or Wood
Abington Pigotts TL302442
Big Covert
Forest or Wood
Elton TL114938
Big Holt
Forest or Wood
Wood Walton TL216846
Big Spinney
Forest or Wood
Rampton (South Cambridgeshire) TL434683
Biggin Pin Plantation
Forest or Wood
Horningsea TL499618
Biglins Wood
Forest or Wood
Folksworth TL141899
Billing Brook
Other Water Feature
Haddon TL125935
Binnimoor Fen
Other Landcover
March TL443971
Birch Fen
Other Landcover
Manea TL406862
Bishop Lands
Other Landcover
Wisbech St. Mary TF346048
Bishop's Land
Other Landcover
Manea TL485886
Black Belt
Forest or Wood
Weston Colville TL586558
Black Ham
Other Water Feature
Yaxley TL215915
Blackberry Belt
Forest or Wood
Little Wilbraham TL598560
Blacklane Field
Other Landcover
Gorefield TF395111
Blackquarter Spinney
Forest or Wood
Kimbolton TL086680
Blackthorn Spinney
Forest or Wood
Dry Drayton TL368613
Blackthorn Wood
Forest or Wood
Cheveley TL689591
Blakeney Fen
Other Landcover
Soham TL557749
Block Fen
Other Landcover
Wimblington TL431897
Block Fen
Other Landcover
Manea TL429842
Block Moors
Other Landcover
Coveney TL479820
Blockmoor Fen
Other Landcover
Sutton TL421816
Blockmoor Fen
Other Landcover
Soham TL570759
Blue Bell Spinney
Forest or Wood
Elton TL091924
Bluntisham Fen
Other Landcover
Bluntisham TL364723
Bluntisham Heath
Other Landcover
Bluntisham TL339745
Bobs Wood
Forest or Wood
Huntingdon TL219719
Borley Wood
Forest or Wood
Balsham TL579485
Borley Wood
Forest or Wood
Horseheath TL585485
Bottisham Fen
Other Landcover
Swaffham Prior TL531646
Bottisham Lode
Other Water Feature
Lode TL525645
Bottisham White Fen
Other Landcover
Swaffham Prior TL528647
Boundary Plantation
Forest or Wood
Madingley TL382608
Bourn Brook
Other Water Feature
Kingston TL355555
Bourn Wood
Forest or Wood
Bourn TL313555
Boybridge Grove
Forest or Wood
Abington Pigotts TL308441
Boyton Belt
Forest or Wood
Stetchworth TL614590
Brackhill Fen
Other Landcover
Colne TL385772
Brackland Rough
Forest or Wood
Fordham (East Cambridgeshire) TL633697
Braddons Plantation
Forest or Wood
Bottisham TL531610
Brampton Wood
Forest or Wood
Brampton TL180701
Breed Fen
Other Landcover
Wicken (East Cambridgeshire) B TL560708
Brickyard Plantation
Forest or Wood
Abbotsley TL248586
Bridge Belt
Forest or Wood
Weston Colville TL588560
Bridge Fen
Other Landcover
Ely TL548783
Brinkley Wood
Forest or Wood
Westley Waterless TL615554
Brinkley Wood
Forest or Wood
Brinkley TL615555
Broad Belt
Forest or Wood
Burrough Green TL608569
Broad Close Spinney
Forest or Wood
Longstowe TL307541
Broad Drove Field
Other Landcover
Tydd St. Giles TF393137
Broad Moor Spinney
Forest or Wood
Croxton TL258598
Broad Plantation
Forest or Wood
Abbotsley TL236556
Brook Field
Other Landcover
Rampton TL415674
Brookfield Spinney
Other Landcover
Chesterton TL109963
Brown Spinney
Forest or Wood
Shepreth TL400479
Browns Leys Grove
Forest or Wood
Boxworth TL347645
Browse Wood
Forest or Wood
Steeple Morden TL294434
Bucket Hill Plantation
Forest or Wood
Caldecote TL343586
Buckworth Wood
Forest or Wood
Buckworth TL137766
Buckworth Wood
Forest or Wood
Leighton TL135765
Buff Wood
Forest or Wood
Hatley TL281503
Bullby Hill
Hill or Mountain
Waresley TL241555
Bullby Hill Plantation
Forest or Wood
Abbotsley TL241559
Bullocks Haste Common
Other Landcover
Cottenham TL464698
Bungalow Belt
Forest or Wood
Bartlow TL594447
Bungalow Wood
Forest or Wood
Burrough Green TL590581
Burcroft Field
Other Landcover
Wisbech TF445099
Burgoyne's Plantation
Forest or Wood
Little Abington TL546500
Burnt Farm Plantation
Forest or Wood
Madingley TL399606
Burnt Fen
Other Landcover
Ely TL622849
Burrow Lands
Other Landcover
Chatteris TL401843
Burrow Moor
Other Landcover
March TL392959
Burrow Pond
Inland Water
Manea TL404844
Burwell Fen
Other Landcover
Burwell TL572675
Burwell Lode
Other Water Feature
Burwell TL565685
Burwell Poors' Fen
Other Landcover
Burwell TL573690
Bury Fen
Other Landcover
Ramsey TL296842
Bury Lug Fen
Other Landcover
Ramsey TL298835
Bush Wood
Forest or Wood
Abbotsley TL207571
Bushmead Big Wood
Forest or Wood
Great Staughton TL120602
Bushmeadow Wood
Forest or Wood
Swaffham Bulbeck TL555610
Bushy Common Plantation
Forest or Wood
Waresley-cum-Tetworth TL218552
Bushy Grove
Forest or Wood
Burrough Green TL653549
Bushy Wood
Forest or Wood
Cheveley TL690592
Butler's Spinney
Forest or Wood
Harlton TL382526
Byall Fen
Other Landcover
Coveney TL463828
Byall Fen
Other Landcover
Coveney TL495843
Byall Fen
Other Landcover
Manea TL459864
Byron's Pool
Inland Water
Cambridge, unparished area TL436546
Byron's Pool
Other Water Feature
Cambridge TL435545
Cadenham Plantation
Forest or Wood
Swaffham Prior TL570629
Cadge's Wood
Forest or Wood
West Wickham TL639493
Cadwin Field
Other Landcover
Willingham TL412691
Caldecote Fen
Other Landcover
Yaxley TL194892
Caldecote Wood
Forest or Wood
Denton and Caldecote TL134880
Callow Brook
Other Water Feature
Dry Drayton TL375605
Calpher Wood
Forest or Wood
Easton TL140698
Calves Field
Other Landcover
Wisbech St. Mary TF392053
Cambridge Hill
Hill or Mountain
Little Wilbraham TL602570
Cambridge Hill Plantation
Forest or Wood
Weston Colville TL577541
Cannon Field
Other Landcover
Parson Drove TF400087
Cardinal's Green
Other Landcover
Horseheath TL618458
Carlton Wood
Forest or Wood
Carlton TL654529
Carriage Drive Belt
Forest or Wood
Swaffham Bulbeck TL582598
Carriage Drive Belt
Forest or Wood
Burrough Green TL586587
Carton Grange New Wood
Forest or Wood
Weston Colville TL601550
Castle Camps Millennium Wood
Forest or Wood
Castle Camps TL626430
Castle Grove
Forest or Wood
Sawtry TL184845
Cat Field
Other Landcover
Gorefield TF418109
Catworth Gorse
Forest or Wood
Catworth TL107737
Catworth Hill
Hill or Mountain
Catworth TL101735
Cawdle Fen
Other Landcover
Ely TL537782
Chalkpit Plantation
Forest or Wood
Kirtling TL692576
Chalkpit Plantation
Forest or Wood
Babraham TL516508
Chapel End Spinney
Forest or Wood
Little Gidding TL120826
Chapel Pond
Inland Water
Earith TL384749
Chapman's Plantation
Forest or Wood
Stow cum Quy TL508605
Charcoals Wood
Forest or Wood
Woodditton TL658574
Charcoals Wood
Forest or Wood
Stetchworth TL655575
Charterhouse Plantation
Forest or Wood
Balsham TL553530
Chatteris Fen
Other Landcover
Somersham TL388800
Chear Fen
Other Landcover
Cottenham TL496715
Cheney Water
Other Water Feature
Steeple Morden TL295435
Cherry Bush Wood
Forest or Wood
Weston Colville TL596555
Cheveley Belt
Forest or Wood
Cheveley TL680627
Chilly Hill
Hill or Mountain
Weston Colville TL586550
Chippenham Fen
Forest or Wood
Chippenham TL651695
Chrishall Grange Plantation
Forest or Wood
Ickleton TL454427
Church End Cow Pastures
Other Landcover
Cottenham TL469694
Church Fen
Other Landcover
Cottenham TL442724
Church Field
Other Landcover
Whittlesey TL253973
Church Field
Other Landcover
Cottenham TL462682
Church Hill Plantation
Forest or Wood
Abbotsley TL250586
Church Plantation
Forest or Wood
Whittlesford TL471484
Church Pond
Inland Water
Childerley TL355615
Cinder Path Belt
Forest or Wood
Westley Waterless TL592575
Clarke's Hill
Hill or Mountain
Great Shelford TL470535
Clay Pit Belt
Forest or Wood
Whittlesford TL459482
Claypit Plantation
Forest or Wood
Cheveley TL658638
Claypit Plantation
Forest or Wood
Little Abington TL536495
Claypit Plantation
Forest or Wood
Fulbourn TL526511
Clipsall Field
Other Landcover
Fordham TL617721
Cloudy Lake
Inland Water
Little Paxton TL196627
Clunch Pit Hill
Hill or Mountain
Newton (South Cambridgeshire) TL447499
Cobalder Spinney
Forest or Wood
Wood Walton TL202852
Cobb's Wood
Forest or Wood
Wimpole TL348514
Cockcraft's Spinney
Forest or Wood
Upwood TL264824
Coldham Field
Other Landcover
Elm TF441022
Cole's Plantation
Forest or Wood
Madingley TL397616
Colin's Wood
Forest or Wood
Stapleford TL486530
College Grove
Forest or Wood
Carlton TL637516
Colne Fen
Other Landcover
Somersham TL379781
Colne Fen
Other Landcover
Somersham TL372827
Colne Green
Other Landcover
Bluntisham TL365764
Colne Heath
Other Landcover
Bluntisham TL356755
Combers Wood
Forest or Wood
Stetchworth TL651577
Comberton Plantation
Forest or Wood
Madingley TL390594
Conington Fen
Other Landcover
Wood Walton TL201858
Coploe Hill
Hill or Mountain
Ickleton TL494420
Coppingford Spinney
Forest or Wood
Upton and Coppingford TL163801
Coppingford Wood
Forest or Wood
Upton and Coppingford TL176801
Coppingford Wood
Forest or Wood
Sawtry TL175805
Coronation Wood
Forest or Wood
Diddington TL181663
Cottenham Lode
Other Water Feature
Cottenham TL465695
Cottenham Pastures
Other Landcover
Cottenham TL453661
Coveney Byall Fen
Other Landcover
Coveney TL480847
Coveney Fen
Other Landcover
Coveney TL484821
Coveney Sedge Fen
Other Landcover
Coveney TL493811
Cow Common
Other Landcover
Manea TL486913
Cow Fen
Other Landcover
Swavesey TL370680
Cow Gallery Wood
Forest or Wood
Linton TL550475
Cow Pasture Gorse
Forest or Wood
Great Gidding TL135832
Cow Pasture Plantation
Forest or Wood
Sawtry TL140837
Cow Pastures
Other Landcover
Woodhurst TL315756
Cowground Plantation
Forest or Wood
Ely TL618840
Crab Tree Spinney
Forest or Wood
Waresley-cum-Tetworth TL210552
Cracknow Hill
Hill or Mountain
Barrington TL380505
Craft's Hill
Hill or Mountain
Bar Hill TL386631
Crane Hill
Hill or Mountain
Waresley-cum-Tetworth TL199556
Crane's Fen
Other Landcover
Willingham TL387744
Creek's Plantation
Forest or Wood
Pampisford TL496485
Creekgall Fen
Other Landcover
Elm TF448002
Crofts Wood
Forest or Wood
Horseheath TL601468
Cromwell's Close Plantation
Forest or Wood
St. Neots TL214610
Crooked Drain
Other Water Feature
Soham TL585775
Crossway Wood
Forest or Wood
Wimblington TL404908
Crow Hill Plantation
Forest or Wood
Swaffham Prior TL556641
Crow Spinney
Forest or Wood
Perry TL150662
Crow Spinney
Forest or Wood
Sibson-cum-Stibbington TL102956
Crow Spinney
Forest or Wood
Elton TL082925
Croydon Hill
Hill or Mountain
Croydon TL307495
Croydon Plantation
Forest or Wood
Hatley TL300503
Curf Fen
Other Landcover
Chatteris TL392881
Dam Pit
Inland Water
Broughton TL279775
Dane Bottom
Stetchworth TL649591
Darby Bushes
Forest or Wood
Denton and Caldecote TL178879
Darcey Lode
Other Water Feature
Manea TL475895
Deal Grove
Forest or Wood
Sawston TL487503
Dean Plantation
Forest or Wood
Stow cum Quy TL513609
Decoy Belt
Forest or Wood
Wood Walton TL225886
Decoy Wood
Forest or Wood
Wood Walton TL230886
Deers Land
Forest or Wood
Weston Colville TL580531
Dell Pond
Inland Water
Hamerton and Steeple Gidding TL131809
Delph Dike
Other Water Feature
Whittlesey TL275985
Denny Plantation
Forest or Wood
Commercial End TL555627
Denton Common
Other Landcover
Denton and Caldecote TL176882
Denton Fen
Other Landcover
Holme TL190886
Denton Fen Covert
Forest or Wood
Holme TL199894
Derisley Wood
Forest or Wood
Woodditton TL661608
Dernford Fen
Forest or Wood
Sawston TL473503
Dianas Wood
Forest or Wood
Kirtling TL696558
Dick's Wood
Forest or Wood
Waresley-cum-Tetworth TL186531
Dickerson's Pit
Inland Water
Cambridge TL480621
Dickman's Grove
Forest or Wood
Pampisford TL503487
Diddington Brook
Other Water Feature
Diddington TL185665
Diddington Wood
Forest or Wood
Diddington TL172665
Dipslade Coppice
Forest or Wood
Hamerton and Steeple Gidding TL118785
Distant Signal Belt
Forest or Wood
Little Wilbraham TL569567
Ditton Meadows
Other Landcover
Fen Ditton TL476601
Ditton Park Wood
Forest or Wood
Woodditton TL667569
Ditton Park Wood
Forest or Wood
Stetchworth TL665565
Dog House Grove
Forest or Wood
Wilburton TL480744
Double Plantation
Forest or Wood
Childerley TL354606
Dovehouse Close Spinney
Forest or Wood
Pidley cum Fenton TL336785
Down Plantation
Forest or Wood
Heydon TL427399
Down Spinney
Forest or Wood
Conington TL352658
Downham Common
Other Landcover
Downham TL524859
Downs Plantation
Forest or Wood
Abbotsley TL210555
Dragonfly Pond
Great Staughton TL133677
Drayton Lagoon
Inland Water
Swavesey TL335699
Duckpit Fen
Other Landcover
Sawtry TL188847
Dudney Wood
Forest or Wood
Kimbolton TL124678
Dunham's Wood
Forest or Wood
March TL445975
Dunstal Field
Other Landcover
Cottenham TL454670
Dunton Field
Other Landcover
Tydd St. Giles TF413167
Earith Fen
Other Landcover
Earith TL392765
East Fen
Other Landcover
Isleham TL657748
Easton Weir
Inland Water
Easton TL139720
Eastrea Field
Other Landcover
Coates (Fenland) TL299970
Eaton Ford Green
Forest or Wood
St Neots TL176600
Eau Fen
Other Landcover
Soham TL543768
Eaudike Field
Other Landcover
Tydd St. Giles TF434170
Eauleet Field
Other Landcover
Tydd St. Giles TF387150
Eight Acre Plantation
Forest or Wood
Newmarket TL667620
Eight Acre Wood
Forest or Wood
Cambridge TL439555
Eight Roads Land
Other Landcover
Farcet TL233941
Eight Roods Land
Other Landcover
Farcet TL233941
Elbow Field
Other Landcover
Parson Drove TF394098
Elder Plantation
Forest or Wood
Weston Colville TL596546
Ellington Common
Other Landcover
Ellington TL151722
Elney Lake
Inland Water
Fen Drayton TL334694
Elsworth Wood
Forest or Wood
Elsworth TL312617
Eltisley Wood
Forest or Wood
Eltisley TL272587
Elton Furze
Other Landcover
Elton TL116938
Elton Furze
Forest or Wood
Elton TL115935
Emmanuel Knoll Plantation
Forest or Wood
Godmanchester TL266700
Engineers Wood
Forest or Wood
Needingworth TL341713
Ermine Spinney
Forest or Wood
Denton and Caldecote TL170877
Euximoor Fen
Other Landcover
Christchurch TL477990
Eversden Wood
Forest or Wood
Kingston TL343531
Ewell Fen
Other Landcover
Haddenham TL434728
Far Fen
Other Landcover
Fen Drayton TL345686
Far Fen Lake
Inland Water
Swavesey TL346692
Farcet Fen
Other Landcover
Farcet TL229930
Farm Belt
Forest or Wood
Westley Waterless TL592568
Farm Close Spinney
Forest or Wood
Boxworth TL349648
Farm Plantation
Forest or Wood
Madingley TL398601
Feed Plantation
Forest or Wood
Hildersham TL540485
Fen Spinney
Forest or Wood
Shingay cum Wendy TL318463
Fen Wood
Forest or Wood
Whittlesford TL450475
Fengate Field
Other Landcover
Tydd St. Giles TF403141
Fenhall Field
Other Landcover
Gorefield TF393106
Fenland Field
Other Landcover
Wisbech TF443087
Fenland Field
Other Landcover
Newton-in-the-Isle TF435153
Fenlane Field
Other Landcover
Tydd St. Giles TF390143
Fenside Cow Common
Other Landcover
Warboys TL326819
Fenton Lode or Twenty Foot Drain
Other Water Feature
Somersham TL355815
Ferry Lagoon
Inland Water
Swavesey TL345698
Ferry Mere
Inland Water
Swavesey TL346702
Ferry Pond
Inland Water
Swavesey TL343702
Fetches Plantation
Forest or Wood
Kirtling TL705576
Fiddler's Acre
Forest or Wood
Kimbolton TL116687
Fidwell Fen
Other Landcover
Stretham TL528713
Fifteen Acre Plantation
Forest or Wood
Kirtling TL701575
Fir Belt
Forest or Wood
Burrough Green TL600576
Fir Dale Spinney
Forest or Wood
Folksworth and Washingley TL132887
Firdale Spinney
Forest or Wood
Glatton TL139866
Fisher's Plantation
Forest or Wood
Cheveley TL697599
Fishpond Plantation
Forest or Wood
Madingley TL395605
Fishpond Plantation
Forest or Wood
Dry Drayton TL371617
Fishpond Spinney
Forest or Wood
Kimbolton TL110684
Flag Fen
Other Landcover
Whittlesey TL286946
Flood's Drain
Other Water Feature
March TL375935
Fodder Fen
Other Landcover
Downham TL533864
Fodder Fen
Other Landcover
Wicken TL539719
Fodder Fen Common
Other Landcover
Manea TL483928
Folksworth Spinney
Forest or Wood
Folksworth TL144895
Ford Wood
Forest or Wood
Bassingbourn TL333434
Fordham Moor
Other Landcover
Fordham TL630723
Forty Acre Belt
Forest or Wood
Little Wilbraham TL581556
Forty Acre Plantation
Forest or Wood
Duxford TL450439
Forty Acre Wood
Forest or Wood
Chippenham TL653695
Foulmire Fen
Other Landcover
Haddenham TL415766
Four Acre Covert
Forest or Wood
Wimpole TL341502
Four Ponds
Inland Water
Snailwell TL640677
Fox Covert
Forest or Wood
Holme TL190888
Fox Hill
Hill or Mountain
Harlton TL368513
Fox Hole Hill
Hill or Mountain
Warboys TL329815
Fox's Belt
Forest or Wood
Burrough Green TL598576
Foxburrow Plantation
Forest or Wood
Snailwell TL656678
Foxburrow Plantn
Forest or Wood
Snailwell TL655675
Frith Fen
Other Landcover
Landbeach TL478676
Fulbourn Fen
Other Landcover
Fulbourn TL510576
Furlong Field
Other Landcover
Tydd St. Giles TF446169
Further Field
Other Landcover
Cottenham TL433663
Furze Clump
Forest or Wood
Stapleford TL497532
Gall Fen
Other Landcover
Haddenham TL436756
Gallow Brook
Other Water Feature
Toseland TL225625
Gallow Hill
Hill or Mountain
Abbotsley TL189573
Gallows Hill
Hill or Mountain
Steeple Morden TL305385
Gamlingay Wood
Forest or Wood
Waresley-cum-Tetworth TL245535
Gamsey Wood
Forest or Wood
Wood Walton TL222815
Gardike Field
Other Landcover
Tydd St. Giles TF443173
Gashouse Spinney
Forest or Wood
Longstowe TL307554
Gaul Field
Other Landcover
Newton-in-the-Isle TF423148
Gault Hole
Other Water Feature
Mepal TL435805
Gaunt Fen
Other Landcover
Warboys TL366846
Gidding Grove Gorse
Forest or Wood
Great Gidding TL105821
Gifford Wood
Forest or Wood
Chippenham TL659694
Gildenburgh Water
Other Water Feature
Whittlesey TL285965
Gilrags Wood
Forest or Wood
Croydon TL299477
Girton Wood
Forest or Wood
Girton TL429630
Glass Moor
Other Landcover
Whittlesey TL291928
Glatton Folly
Forest or Wood
Great Gidding TL136848
Goffers Knoll
Hill or Mountain
Melbourn TL388423
Gog Magog Hills
Hill or Mountain Range
Stapleford TL496532
Gold Dike
Other Water Feature
Parson Drove TF335075
Goose Fen
Other Landcover
Soham TL545752
Gore Common
Other Landcover
Ramsey TL252893
Gore Field
Other Landcover
Gorefield TF398120
Gore Field
Other Landcover
Gorefield TF410123
Gorse Covert
Forest or Wood
Cheveley TL694597
Grafham Water
Inland Water
West Perry TL148679
Grafham Water
Other Water Feature
Grafham TL145685
Grainger's Belt Wood
Forest or Wood
Little Wilbraham TL593562
Gran's Plantation
Forest or Wood
Dullingham TL605595
Gransden Wood
Forest or Wood
Great Gransden TL262551
Grantchester Road Plantation
Forest or Wood
Cambridge TL438550
Gravel Pit Belt
Forest or Wood
Bartlow TL579450
Gravelpit Hill Plantation
Forest or Wood
Thriplow TL444453
Gravelpit Plantation
Forest or Wood
Snailwell TL646673
Gravelpit Plantation
Forest or Wood
Hinxton TL485460
Gravelpit Plantation
Forest or Wood
Shudy Camps TL598460
Gravelpit Plantation
Forest or Wood
Heydon TL422420
Gray's Moor
Other Landcover
Elm TF420008
Great Bendysh Wood
Forest or Wood
Castle Camps TL620405
Great Chishill
Hill or Mountain
Great Chishill TL427385
Great Chitlings Wood
Forest or Wood
Stetchworth TL654573
Great Common
Other Landcover
Sawtry TL187836
Great Coven's Wood
Forest or Wood
Weston Colville TL623532
Great Coven's Wood
Forest or Wood
Carlton TL625535
Great Dams Fen
Other Landcover
Coveney TL476831
Great East Field
Other Landcover
Tydd St. Giles TF445165
Great Fen
Other Landcover
Soham TL608796
Great North Fen
Other Landcover
Cottenham TL442692
Great Raveley Drain
Other Water Feature
Ramsey TL235835
Great Raveley Fen
Other Landcover
Ramsey TL235833
Great Spinney
Forest or Wood
Sutton (East Cambridgeshire) B TL434787
Great Widgham Wood
Forest or Wood
Dullingham TL667552
Great Widgham Wood
Forest or Wood
Stetchworth TL665555
Green End Cow Pastures
Other Landcover
Cottenham TL473684
Green Lane Belt
Forest or Wood
Swaffham Bulbeck TL582596
Green Ride
Forest or Wood
Stapleford TL497534
Greenhouse Plantation
Forest or Wood
Cambridge TL491592
Grigg's Grove
Forest or Wood
Castle Camps TL608409
Grunty Fen
Other Landcover
Wilburton TL494770
Grunty Fen Drain
Other Water Feature
Downham TL515805
Gull Field
Other Landcover
Newton-in-the-Isle TF435131
Gull Field
Other Landcover
Bluntisham TL367740
Gutter Bridge Plantation
Forest or Wood
Swaffham Bulbeck TL551627
Guyhirn Field
Other Landcover
Wisbech St. Mary TF396042
Haddenham Pastures
Other Landcover
Haddenham TL473757
Hail Lane Plantation
Forest or Wood
Abbotsley TL216574
Hainey Hill
Hill or Mountain
Soham TL557755
Hale Fen
Other Landcover
Coveney TL477812
Hale Fields
Other Landcover
Somersham (Huntingdonshire) BU TL372773
Half Rounds Plantation
Forest or Wood
Stetchworth TL635591
Halfmoon Plantation
Forest or Wood
Kennett TL686676
Halfmoon Plantation
Forest or Wood
Denton and Caldecote TL178881
Halfmoon Plantation
Forest or Wood
Ickleton TL460430
Hall Fen
Other Landcover
Coveney TL495824
Hall Fen
Other Landcover
Soham TL536767
Hall Field
Other Landcover
Wisbech TF476093
Hall Orchard
Forest or Wood
Fulbourn TL528562
Hall Plantation
Forest or Wood
Mepal TL447829
Hall Plantation
Forest or Wood
Bourn TL321562
Hall Plantation
Forest or Wood
Lolworth TL362638
Hall Wood
Forest or Wood
Folksworth and Washingley TL139889
Hall Wood
Forest or Wood
West Wratting TL610523
Hall Yard Wood
Forest or Wood
Fordham (East Cambridgeshire) TL632699
Hallard's Fen
Other Landcover
Burwell TL572674
Hamerton Grove
Forest or Wood
Hamerton and Steeple Gidding TL118796
Hammonds Eau
Other Water Feature
Sutton TL395805
Hanchard Plantation
Forest or Wood
Madingley TL402615
Hardwick Wood
Forest or Wood
Caldecote TL354576
Hardwicke Spinneys
Forest or Wood
Abbotsley TL207568
Hare Park Plantation
Forest or Wood
Dullingham TL617581
Hare Wood
Forest or Wood
West Wickham TL622478
Hare Wood
Forest or Wood
Horseheath TL625475
Harecroft Field
Other Landcover
Wisbech TF448095
Harlock's Moor
Forest or Wood
Burrough Green TL635564
Hart Field
Other Landcover
Gorefield TF389113
Hartford Lake
Inland Water
Houghton and Wyton TL264728
Hawk's Wood
Forest or Wood
Kingston TL324533
Hawkesden Leys Plantation
Forest or Wood
St Neots TL201616
Hay Wood
Forest or Wood
Westley Waterless TL624555
Hayfield Plantation
Forest or Wood
Pampisford TL499490
Hayley Wood
Forest or Wood
Little Gransden TL290529
Hayley Wood
Forest or Wood
Longstowe TL295525
Hayling Lake
Inland Water
Little Paxton TL192623
Heath Belt
Forest or Wood
Little Wilbraham TL582559
Heath Plantation
Forest or Wood
Kennett TL681694
Heath Plantation
Forest or Wood
Fulbourn TL532529
Heath Plantn
Forest or Wood
Kennett TL685695
Heath Pond
Inland Water
Warboys TL315806
Hemingford Meadow
Other Landcover
Hemingford Grey TL307712
Hempsals Fen
Other Landcover
Willingham TL437709
Hen Brook
Other Water Feature
Abbotsley TL205585
Hermitage Grove
Forest or Wood
Sawtry TL174804
Hermitage Wood
Forest or Wood
Alconbury Weston TL195778
Hermitage Wood
Forest or Wood
The Stukeleys TL195775
Herne Common
Other Landcover
Ramsey TL249881
Heronry North Lake
Inland Water
Southoe and Midloe TL200637
Heronry South Lake
Inland Water
Little Paxton TL198632
Heydon Valley
Heydon TL435411
High Fen
Other Landcover
Sawtry TL185849
High Holborn Hill
Hill or Mountain
Sawtry TL164826
High Lode
Other Water Feature
Ramsey TL285865
High Wood
Forest or Wood
Hail Weston TL145622
Highfield Spinney
Forest or Wood
Waresley-cum-Tetworth TL202555
Higney Wood
Forest or Wood
Wood Walton TL209844
Hilda's Wood
Forest or Wood
Hildersham TL540486
Hildersham Wood
Forest or Wood
Great Abington TL534456
Hill Close Spinney
Forest or Wood
Pidley cum Fenton TL323790
Hill Crofts
Forest or Wood
Weston Colville TL619526
Hill Plantation
Forest or Wood
Fulbourn TL515536
Hill Plantation
Forest or Wood
Barrington TL377509
Hill Plantation
Forest or Wood
Madingley TL388604
Hill Plantation
Forest or Wood
Steeple Morden TL294406
Hill Row Field
Other Landcover
Haddenham (East Cambridgeshire TL449764
Hill Wood
Forest or Wood
Alconbury Weston TL205785
Hilly Plantation
Forest or Wood
Chippenham TL675668
Hiptoft Field
Other Landcover
Wisbech St. Mary TF398070
Hirn Field
Other Landcover
Wisbech St. Mary TF431077
Histon Wood
Forest or Wood
Histon TL432633
Hobson's Brook
Other Water Feature
Cambridge, unparished area TL455555
Hod Fen
Other Landcover
Yaxley TL189909
Hog Fen
Other Landcover
Yaxley TL194918
Holborn Spinney
Forest or Wood
Elton TL087963
Holland Wood
Forest or Wood
Abbots Ripton TL238785
Holme Fen
Other Landcover
Aldreth TL456726
Holme Fen
Other Landcover
Wood Walton TL221886
Holme Lode
Other Water Feature
Holme TL205895
Holme Lode Covert
Forest or Wood
Holme TL203889
Holme Wood
Forest or Wood
Denton and Caldecote TL183878
Holt Fen
Other Landcover
Wicken TL530742
Holywell Fen
Other Landcover
Holywell (Huntingdonshire) TL332707
Holywell Lake
Inland Water
Swavesey TL341697
Holywell Spinney
Forest or Wood
Needingworth TL342711
Home Dams Fen
Other Landcover
Coveney TL489814
Home Dams Fen
Other Landcover
Coveney TL490831
Home Plantation
Forest or Wood
Duxford TL454444
Home Wood
Forest or Wood
Burrough Green TL602572
Home Wood
Forest or Wood
Longstowe TL310557
Honey Hill
Hill or Mountain
Manea TL431884
Honeyhill Wood
Forest or Wood
Boxworth TL351605
Hop Spinney
Forest or Wood
Elton TL107949
Horn Field
Other Landcover
Tydd St. Giles TF416162
Horny Bush Wood
Forest or Wood
Weston Colville TL593549
Horse Close Spinney
Forest or Wood
Chesterton TL120959
Horse Common Plantation
Forest or Wood
Wimpole TL330517
Horse Fen
Other Landcover
Fordham TL615727
Horse Moor
Other Landcover
Wimblington TL439945
Horse Pastures
Forest or Wood
Weston Colville TL625530
Horse Pond
Inland Water
Grafham TL157695
Horseheath Pond
Inland Water
Dullingham TL639568
Horseley Fen
Other Landcover
Chatteris TL405834
Horseshoe Plantation
Forest or Wood
Balsham TL569531
Horseshoe Pond
Inland Water
Madingley TL390607
How Fen
Other Landcover
Manea TL416871
How Moor
Other Landcover
Wimblington TL391899
Howards Plantation
Forest or Wood
Shudy Camps TL597452
Howe Plantation
Forest or Wood
Swaffham Bulbeck TL556613
Hundred Acre Belt
Forest or Wood
Burrough Green TL600579
Hundred Acres
Other Landcover
Burwell TL561683
Hundred Acres
Other Landcover
Stretham TL524745
Hundred Acres
Other Landcover
Soham TL585777
Hundred Foot Drain or New Bedford River
Other Water Feature
Sutton TL415785
Hundred Foot Drain or New Bedford River
Other Water Feature
Downham TL505885
Hungry Hill Belt
Forest or Wood
Little Wilbraham TL602566
Hunt's Close Gorse
Forest or Wood
Brington and Molesworth TL060729
Huntingdon Wood
Forest or Wood
Hail Weston TL152621
Hut Plantation
Forest or Wood
Burrough Green TL583590
Ice House Plantation
Forest or Wood
Madingley TL390603
Icehouse Grove
Forest or Wood
Dry Drayton TL376623
Icehouse Plantation
Forest or Wood
Holme (Huntingdonshire) TL181861
Ingles Spinney
Forest or Wood
Croxton TL249605
Inham Field
Other Landcover
Wisbech St. Mary TF422073
Inkerson Fen
Other Landcover
Parson Drove TF343065
Inlay's Field
Other Landcover
Wisbech St. Mary TF410050
Isle of Ely
Other Landcover
Witchford TL491801
Isleham Plantation
Forest or Wood
Chippenham TL659710
Isleham Plantn
Forest or Wood
Fordham TL655715
Ivesdike Field
Other Landcover
Leverington TF439124
Jack O' Thumbs Grove
Forest or Wood
Conington TL339658
Jack's Corner Spinney
Forest or Wood
Bury TL291830
Jackson's Covert
Forest or Wood
Holme TL219884
Jackson's Grove
Forest or Wood
Great Gransden TL262556
Jamies Wood
Forest or Wood
Kirtling TL697563
Jenny Wisson Wood
Forest or Wood
Abbotsley TL201566
Jerusalem Wood
Forest or Wood
Chippenham TL647689
Johnson's Land
Other Landcover
Farcet TL220932
Johnston's Pond
Inland Water
Wimpole TL336521
Joist Fen
Other Landcover
Waterbeach TL519697
Jubilee Copse
Forest or Wood
Diddington TL179663
Jubilee Plantation
Forest or Wood
Abbotsley TL223580
Jubilee Plantation
Forest or Wood
Linton TL572497
Jubilee Plantation
Forest or Wood
Conington TL317662
Jury Acre
Other Landcover
Chatteris TL373856
Karrow Field
Other Landcover
Newton (Fenland) TF439145
Karrow Field
Other Landcover
Tydd St. Giles TF401157
Kidman's Plantation
Forest or Wood
Newton (South Cambridgeshire) TL447489
Kidney Plantation
Forest or Wood
Stetchworth TL624593
King's Belt
Forest or Wood
Little Wilbraham TL600563
King's Dike
Other Water Feature
Whittlesey TL255965
King's Spinney
Forest or Wood
Croxton TL245596
Kings Belt
Forest or Wood
Kirtling TL677567
Kingsland Spinney
Forest or Wood
Upwood and the Raveleys TL253808
Kingston Wood
Forest or Wood
Bourn TL325542
Knapwell Plantation
Forest or Wood
Cambourne TL321601
Knapwell Wood
Forest or Wood
Knapwell TL330607
Knarr Lake
Inland Water
Wisbech St. Mary TF346016
L Grove
Forest or Wood
Boxworth TL354645
L Moor
Other Landcover
Meldreth TL384474
Laburnum Plantation
Forest or Wood
Ickleton TL458424
Ladies Grove
Forest or Wood
Westley Waterless TL622557
Lady Grove
Forest or Wood
Great Staughton TL124673
Lady Grove
Forest or Wood
Hildersham TL548480
Lady Nunn's Old Eau
Other Water Feature
Newton-in-the-Isle TF385125
Lady Pastures Spinney
Forest or Wood
Kingston TL326533
Lady's Plantation
Forest or Wood
Dullingham TL621583
Lady's Wood
Forest or Wood
Upwood and the Raveleys TL243825
Lagden's Grove
Forest or Wood
South Grove TL522485
Lagden's Grove
Forest or Wood
Pampisford TL521491
Lairstall Pond
Inland Water
Swavesey TL369689
Lake Ewart
Inland Water
Caxton TL314592
Lake Plantation
Forest or Wood
Shudy Camps TL622445
Langdridge Fen
Other Landcover
Willingham TL386726
Langlands Plantation
Forest or Wood
Abbotsley TL229555
Langley Wood
Forest or Wood
Castle Camps TL607424
Langwood Fen
Other Landcover
Manea TL423863
Lap Close Spinney
Forest or Wood
Elsworth TL342641
Latches Fen
Other Landcover
Wimblington TL439927
Lattersey Field
Other Landcover
Coates (Fenland) TL285967
Lazier Fen
Other Landcover
Stretham TL495723
Leighton Gorse
Forest or Wood
Leighton TL095755
Leys Wood
Forest or Wood
West Wickham TL627491
Lilly Holt
Other Landcover
Benwick TL346901
Lily Hill Plantation
Forest or Wood
Waresley TL238552
Lime Kiln Belt
Forest or Wood
Westley Waterless TL596571
Limekiln Plantation
Forest or Wood
Fordham TL636691
Limekiln Plantation
Forest or Wood
Arrington TL326508
Limepit Hill
Hill or Mountain
Cambridge TL507551
Limlow Hill
Hill or Mountain
Litlington TL322417
Lingay Hill
Hill or Mountain
Stetchworth TL611604
Lingey Fen
Other Landcover
Grantchester TL432545
Little Acre Fen
Other Landcover
Chatteris TL385846
Little Biggin Common
Other Landcover
Castle Camps TL621410
Little Biggin Wood
Forest or Wood
Waresley-cum-Tetworth TL181532
Little Boleness Field
Other Landcover
Wisbech TF463078
Little Catworth Gorse
Forest or Wood
Catworth TL100738
Little Chitlings Wood
Forest or Wood
Stetchworth TL655576
Little Common
Other Landcover
Sawtry TL185840
Little East Field
Other Landcover
Tydd St. Giles TF444162
Little Fen
Other Landcover
Burwell TL577690
Little Fen
Other Landcover
Earith TL378745
Little Field
Other Landcover
Rampton (South Cambridgeshire) TL421685
Little Green
Other Landcover
Guilden Morden TL283449
Little Grove
Forest or Wood
Boxworth TL341632
Little Less Wood
Forest or Wood
Alconbury Airfield TL216779
Little North Fen
Other Landcover
Cottenham TL430674
Little Ouse River
Other Water Feature
Littleport TL645875
Little Paxton Wood
Forest or Wood
Southoe and Midloe TL168636
Little Widgham Wood
Forest or Wood
Dullingham TL663549
Little Wilbraham Fen
Other Landcover
Little Wilbraham TL523587
Little Wilbraham River
Other Water Feature
Little Wilbraham TL525585
Little Wood
Forest or Wood
Catworth TL088736
Littleport Plains
Other Landcover
Littleport TL542882
Littless Wood
Forest or Wood
Easton TL130682
Lodge Hill Wood
Forest or Wood
Kirtling TL692580
Lodge Plantation
Forest or Wood
Diddington TL189663
Lodge Plantation
Forest or Wood
Babraham TL511513
Lodge Spinney
Forest or Wood
The Stukeleys TL239753
Long Belt
Forest or Wood
Weston Colville TL589546
Long Brick Field
Other Landcover
Tydd St. Giles TF437163
Long Field
Other Landcover
Newton-in-the-Isle TF434134
Long John Belt
Forest or Wood
Brinkley TL607561
Long Meadow Field
Other Landcover
Gorefield TF424108
Long Nursery Plantation
Forest or Wood
Madingley TL387609
Long Plantation
Forest or Wood
Abbotsley TL214568
Long Plantation
Forest or Wood
St Ives TL303731
Long Plantation
Forest or Wood
Alconbury Weston TL168768
Long Plantation
Forest or Wood
Brampton TL216722
Long Plantation
Forest or Wood
Hemingford Abbots TL274705
Long Plantation
Forest or Wood
Stapleford TL493531
Long Plantation
Forest or Wood
Duxford TL455457
Long Plantation
Forest or Wood
Barrington TL384509
Long Plantation
Forest or Wood
Abbotsley TL249584
Long Plantation
Forest or Wood
Fowlmere TL430419
Long Spinney
Forest or Wood
Waresley-cum-Tetworth TL217535
Long's Lake
Inland Water
Shingay cum Wendy TL324464
Longacre Green
Other Landcover
Kirtling TL676552
Longland Field
Other Landcover
Wisbech TF437072
Longroad Plantation
Forest or Wood
Cambridge TL458554
Longropes Field
Other Landcover
Wimpole TL343513
Lopham's Wood
Forest or Wood
Carlton TL652516
Lord's Acre
Forest or Wood
Great Gransden TL263550
Lord's Fen
Other Landcover
Yaxley TL198918
Lord's Holt
Forest or Wood
Whittlesey TL310991
Lordship Pond
Inland Water
Toseland TL237631
Lordship Spinney
Forest or Wood
Shingay cum Wendy TL324479
Lotting Fen
Other Landcover
Ramsey TL244855
Low Fen
Other Landcover
Wilburton TL481733
Low Fen
Other Landcover
Fen Drayton TL331694
Low Grounds
Other Landcover
Willingham TL384733
Lowen Wood
Forest or Wood
Easton TL122687
Lower Links Covert
Forest or Wood
Woodditton TL636608
Lower Wood
Forest or Wood
Weston Colville TL625528
Lower Woodhouse Fen
Other Landcover
Ely TL557843
Lucy Wood
Forest or Wood
Kirtling TL683568
Madingley Wood
Forest or Wood
Madingley TL400596
Mag's Hill
Hill or Mountain
Fulbourn TL506542
Magog Down
Other Landcover
Stapleford TL492528
Magog Wood
Forest or Wood
Stapleford TL490530
Magpie Spinney
Forest or Wood
Glatton TL136870
Main Drain
Other Water Feature
Downham TL505855
Malton Rook Grove
Forest or Wood
Orwell TL368480
Mamre Wood
Forest or Wood
Chippenham TL660706
Manimeer Spinney
Forest or Wood
Old Weston TL086800
Mare Fen
Other Landcover
Littleport TL549887
Mare Fen
Other Landcover
Swavesey TL364698
Marmer's Wood
Forest or Wood
Stetchworth TL645573
Mason's Pastures
Other Landcover
Cottenham TL466671
Mattendine Spinney
Forest or Wood
Boxworth TL345643
Meadow Field
Other Landcover
Stretham TL508737
Meadow Field
Other Landcover
Newton-in-the-Isle TF439135
Meadow Plantation
Forest or Wood
Papworth St. Agnes TL272654
Meadow Plantation
Forest or Wood
Abbotsley TL242579
Meagre Wood
Forest or Wood
Hail Weston TL155641
Meggs Hill
Hill or Mountain
Babraham TL514524
Memorial Wood
Forest or Wood
Stapleford TL494529
Mepal Fen
Other Landcover
Mepal TL431818
Mermaid Spinney
Forest or Wood
Boxworth TL347643
Mickle Hill
Hill or Mountain
Brington and Molesworth TL056730
Middle Bit Plantation
Forest or Wood
Weston Colville TL577550
Middle Common
Other Landcover
Stretham TL506727
Middle Covert
Forest or Wood
Holme TL210887
Middle Fen
Other Landcover
Ely TL568792
Middle Fen
Other Landcover
Swavesey TL359702
Middle Fen
Other Landcover
Willingham TL411722
Middle Hill Plantations
Forest or Wood
Swaffham Prior TL574620
Middle Moor
Other Landcover
Whittlesey TL278894
Middle Moor
Forest or Wood
Whittlesford TL463481
Middlemoor Fen
Other Landcover
Chatteris TL379836
Midloe Wood
Forest or Wood
Southoe and Midloe TL157648
Mill Dole Pond
Inland Water
Croxton TL244594
Mill Field
Other Landcover
Rampton (South Cambridgeshire) TL417682
Mill Plantation
Forest or Wood
Woodditton TL662592
Mill Plantation
Forest or Wood
Croxton TL260598
Mill River
Other Water Feature
Bassingbourn cum Kneesworth TL315455
Millhill Spinney
Forest or Wood
Caxton TL293581
Milton Fen
Other Landcover
Horningsea TL487627
Mitchel's Wood
Forest or Wood
Caldecote TL350580
Mitchell Hill Common
Other Landcover
Cottenham TL480704
Money Hill
Hill or Mountain
Haslingfield TL403514
Monk's Wood
Forest or Wood
Sawtry TL195805
Monkfield Wood
Forest or Wood
Cambourne TL321594
Monks Wood
Forest or Wood
Sawtry TL198800
Monks' Lode
Other Water Feature
Wood Walton TL205845
Moor Close Spinney
Forest or Wood
Conington TL177862
Moor Plantation
Forest or Wood
Whittlesford TL466479
Moore Lake
Inland Water
Fen Drayton TL329696
Moorley Plantation
Forest or Wood
Woodditton TL665601
Morborne Hill
Hill or Mountain
Folksworth and Washingley TL125913
Morborne Thorns
Forest or Wood
Morborne TL150917
Morden Grange Plantation
Forest or Wood
Steeple Morden TL301399
Morden Green
Other Landcover
Steeple Morden TL291424
Mosshouse Pond
Inland Water
Woodhurst TL321762
Mountwood Spinney
Forest or Wood
Kimbolton TL088668
Mow Fen
Other Landcover
Littleport TL574884
Mow Fen
Other Landcover
Swavesey TL355699
Mow Fen
Other Landcover
Rampton TL441701
Moyne's Wood
Forest or Wood
Steeple Morden TL299455
Mundford Field
Other Landcover
Wisbech St. Mary TF406061
Mutlow Hill
Hill or Mountain
West Wratting TL545543
My Lady's Pond
Inland Water
Wimpole TL337504
Needham Field
Other Landcover
Wisbech TF467038
Needham Hall Field
Other Landcover
Elm TF482040
Needingworth Copse
Forest or Wood
Needingworth TL343714
Needingworth Heath
Other Landcover
Holywell-cum-Needingworth TL338733
Nether Grove
Forest or Wood
Longstanton TL401665
Nethergrove Lake
Inland Water
Longstanton TL401664
New Barns Plantation
Forest or Wood
Bourn TL334582
New Barns Plantation
Forest or Wood
Caldecote TL351592
New Barns Plantation
Forest or Wood
Caldecote TL343584
New Bedford River or Hundred Foot Drain
Other Water Feature
Sutton TL415785
New Bedford River or Hundred Foot Drain
Other Water Feature
Downham TL505885
New Belts
Forest or Wood
Weston Colville TL590556
New Dock
Inland Water
Swavesey TL360695
New Dyke
Other Water Feature
Wood Walton TL215865
New Field
Other Landcover
Gorefield TF405110
New Field
Other Landcover
Wisbech St. Mary TF429067
New Field
Other Landcover
Newton-in-the-Isle TF427136
New Field
Other Landcover
Tydd St Giles TF423163
New Forest
Forest or Wood
Croydon TL295487
New Gorse
Forest or Wood
Abbotsley TL233606
New Ground Common
Other Landcover
Rampton TL423675
New Meadow
Other Landcover
Farcet TL213948
New or North Western Cut
Other Water Feature
Holme TL225915
New Plantation
Forest or Wood
Shudy Camps TL627443
New Plantation
Forest or Wood
Little Abington TL533508
New Plantation
Forest or Wood
Sawston TL505515
New River
Other Water Feature
Burwell TL585695
New Wood
Forest or Wood
Boxworth TL340613
New Wryde Drain
Other Water Feature
Wisbech St. Mary TF345035
Newditch Plantation
Forest or Wood
Thriplow TL432460
Newheath Plantation
Forest or Wood
Balsham TL557531
Newroad Plantation
Forest or Wood
Dry Drayton TL374619
Newton Fen
Other Landcover
Newton-in-the-Isle TF412133
Nightlayer's Fen
Other Landcover
Chatteris TL400872
Nill Well
Other Water Feature
Yelling TL265625
No Ditch Field
Other Landcover
Wicken (East Cambridgeshire) B TL589708
North Bridge Field
Other Landcover
Wisbech TF441080
North Fen
Other Landcover
Sutton TL404812
North Fen
Other Landcover
Downham TL541851
North Fen
Other Landcover
Haddenham (East Cambridgeshire TL445772
North Fen
Other Landcover
Waterbeach TL514700
North Horse Fen
Other Landcover
Soham TL587758
North Inham Field
Other Landcover
Parson Drove TF382093
North Level Main Drain
Other Water Feature
Gorefield TF395125
North Lodge Plantation
Forest or Wood
Croxton TL253601
North Road Plantation
Forest or Wood
Longstowe TL309565
North Western or New Cut
Other Water Feature
Holme TL225915
North White Fen
Other Landcover
Lode TL521639
North Wood
Forest or Wood
Folksworth and Washingley TL133897
Northey Wood
Forest or Wood
Shudy Camps TL610455
Northlane Field
Other Landcover
Tydd St. Giles TF396152
Nut Plantation
Forest or Wood
Denton and Caldecote TL173879
Nutting Grove
Forest or Wood
Ashley TL697596
Nymandole Field
Other Landcover
Wisbech St Mary TF426089
Oak Grove
Forest or Wood
Sawtry TL174805
Oak Grove
Forest or Wood
Castle Camps TL609424
Oak Grove
Forest or Wood
Steeple Morden TL301455
Oak Plantation
Forest or Wood
Denton and Caldecote TL162874
Oak Plantation
Forest or Wood
Croxton TL253599
Oak Plantation
Forest or Wood
Elton TL087923
Oak Tree Wood
Forest or Wood
Babraham TL503508
Offord Common
Other Landcover
Buckden TL215671
Old Bedford River
Other Water Feature
Sutton TL415785
Old Cambridge Road Plantation
Forest or Wood
Weston Colville TL575545
Old Croft River
Other Water Feature
Littleport TL565905
Old Eau Field
Other Landcover
Parson Drove TF398087
Old Eau Field
Other Landcover
Tydd St. Giles TF438174
Old Fen
Other Landcover
Witchford TL486809
Old Field
Other Landcover
Newton-in-the-Isle TF427132
Old Field
Other Landcover
Wisbech TF476057
Old Hurst Grove
Forest or Wood
Old Hurst TL300776
Old Mill Plantation
Forest or Wood
Cambridge, unparished area TL437546
Old School Wood
Forest or Wood
Hildersham TL545488
Old Weston Grove
Forest or Wood
Old Weston TL089770
Old Yard Copse
Forest or Wood
Folksworth and Washingley TL136892
Oldfield Land
Other Landcover
Woodhurst TL323759
One Mile Plantation
Forest or Wood
Snailwell TL668663
Osier Fen
Other Landcover
Farcet TL211926
Osier Wood
Forest or Wood
Cheveley TL688593
Ouse Fen
Other Landcover
Over TL375725
Out Wood
Forest or Wood
Dullingham TL658548
Out Wood
Forest or Wood
Burrough Green TL655545
Outerness Wood
Forest or Wood
Conington TL187854
Overhall Grove
Forest or Wood
Knapwell TL338631
Overhall Spinney
Forest or Wood
Boxworth TL338634
Ox Field
Other Landcover
Gorefield TF423122
Ox Grove
Forest or Wood
Longstowe TL307559
Oxholme Lake
Inland Water
Fen Drayton TL341692
Paddock Belts
Forest or Wood
Bartlow TL588448
Paddock Plantation
Forest or Wood
Balsham TL562531
Padnal Fen
Other Landcover
Prickwillow TL580834
Pains Pasture
Forest or Wood
Linton TL560477
Palmer's Grove
Forest or Wood
Conington TL174857
Pap's Field
Other Landcover
Leverington TF440112
Papley Gorse
Forest or Wood
Folksworth and Washingley TL119909
Papworth Wood
Forest or Wood
Papworth Everard TL291629
Park Belts
Forest or Wood
Longstowe TL303556
Park Field
Other Landcover
Gorefield TF433125
Park Fields
Other Landcover
Somersham (Huntingdonshire) BU TL366771
Park Plantations
Forest or Wood
Gamlingay TL221523
Park Wood
Forest or Wood
Burrough Green TL640546
Park Wood
Forest or Wood
Whittlesford TL470488
Park Wood
Forest or Wood
Brinkley TL645545
Parrock Field
Other Landcover
Newton-in-the-Isle TF428147
Parson Drove Fen
Other Landcover
Parson Drove TF356076
Partridge Hall Plantation
Forest or Wood
Burrough Green TL608572
Peacock Plantation
Forest or Wood
Lolworth TL357629
Pear Tree Spinney
Forest or Wood
Abbotsley TL209563
Pellews Pond
Inland Water
Cambridge TL429599
Penny Loaf Hill Plantation
Forest or Wood
Steeple Morden TL293386
Pepperton Hill
Hill or Mountain
Duxford TL471444
Pepperton Hill
Hill or Mountain
Duxford TL475445
Perry West Wood
Forest or Wood
Great Staughton TL133664
Perry Wood
Forest or Wood
Great Staughton TL142666
Pheasant Plantation
Forest or Wood
Cambridge TL422598
Pickle Fen
Other Landcover
Chatteris TL381833
Pickmore Wood
Forest or Wood
Woodditton TL651581
Pidley Heath
Other Landcover
Pidley cum Fenton TL332762
Pidley Parks
Other Landcover
Somersham TL342773
Pig Sty Belt
Forest or Wood
Weston Colville TL592559
Pig Water
Other Water Feature
Yaxley TL195925
Pillar Plantation
Forest or Wood
Eltisley TL264603
Pincote Wood
Forest or Wood
Kingston TL328536
Pingle Wood
Forest or Wood
Warboys TL313814
Pivet and Gorse Plantation
Forest or Wood
Croxton TL258600
Plain Field
Other Landcover
Gorefield TF418097
Pleasure Grounds
Forest or Wood
Madingley TL393606
Plum Belt
Forest or Wood
Bartlow TL592454
Plunder Wood
Forest or Wood
Dullingham TL665547
Pock Field
Other Landcover
Gorefield TF413094
Pond Plantation
Forest or Wood
Hildersham TL539484
Pond Plantation
Forest or Wood
Longstowe TL303557
Poors Land
Other Landcover
Ramsey TL274862
Pope Field
Other Landcover
Parson Drove TF398096
Poplar Plantation
Forest or Wood
Cambourne TL316595
Poppy Hill Plantation
Forest or Wood
Babraham TL514512
Potter's Plantation
Forest or Wood
Bottisham TL545613
Prince of Wales Wood
Forest or Wood
Kirtling TL697572
Priory Plantation
Forest or Wood
Shudy Camps TL624450
Pudding Acre
Forest or Wood
Sawston TL463507
Punchbowl Pond
Inland Water
Dullingham TL631570
Purlieu Spinney
Forest or Wood
Offord Cluny and Offord D'Arcy TL241662
Quaney Field
Other Landcover
Tydd St. Giles TF407145
Queen's Fen
Other Landcover
Lode TL519645
Queen's Grounds
Other Landcover
Bluntisham TL365725
Quy Water
Other Water Feature
Stow cum Quy TL525615
Rack Fen
Other Landcover
Littleport TL569908
Railway Belt
Forest or Wood
Bartlow TL575451
Railway Covert
Forest or Wood
Holme TL221880
Railway Plantation
Forest or Wood
Pampisford TL513472
Ramscot Bush Plantation
Forest or Wood
Great Gransden TL260569
Ramsey Fen
Other Landcover
Ramsey TL313917
Rand's Wood
Forest or Wood
West Wratting TL621506
Rand's Wood
Forest or Wood
West Wickham TL625505
Raveley Wood
Forest or Wood
Upwood and the Raveleys TL244817
Rayner's Grove
Forest or Wood
Whittlesford TL467487
Reach Lode
Other Water Feature
Reach TL555675
Red Lodge Plantation
Forest or Wood
Chippenham (East Cambridgeshir TL672699
Red Wood
Forest or Wood
Ellington TL168703
Redbrick Plantation
Forest or Wood
Hardwick (South Cambridgeshire TL376583
Redland Field
Other Landcover
Soham TL575753
Redland Hill Spinney
Forest or Wood
Wood Walton TL240814
Redmere Fen
Other Landcover
Littleport TL645861
Redmoor Field
Other Landcover
Wisbech TF440062
Redmoor Mill Field
Other Landcover
Wisbech TF446071
Redmoor Plantation
Forest or Wood
Ely TL558832
Redmoor Plantn
Forest or Wood
Ely TL555835
Reed Fen
Other Landcover
Wicken TL533748
Reed Fen
Other Landcover
March TL454987
Remer's Field
Other Landcover
Gorefield TF406093
Richey Field
Other Landcover
Wisbech St Mary TF404076
Richmond Field
Other Landcover
Gorefield TF411111
Riddy Wood
Forest or Wood
Wood Walton TL218817
Ridge's Pond
Inland Water
Woodhurst TL314758
Ridgeway Plantation
Forest or Wood
Papworth St. Agnes TL272629
Ringmoor Spinney
Forest or Wood
Denton and Caldecote TL126884
River Cam
Other Water Feature
Horningsea TL495635
River Cam or Rhee
Other Water Feature
Guilden Morden TL275455
River Cam or Rhee
Other Water Feature
Meldreth TL365475
River Granta
Other Water Feature
Cambridge TL485515
River Great Ouse
Other Water Feature
Willingham TL395745
River Great Ouse
Other Water Feature
Cottenham TL455715
River Kennett
Other Water Feature
Kennett TL705685
River Kym
Other Water Feature
Kimbolton TL105665
River Lark
Other Water Feature
Ely TL615825
River Mel
Other Water Feature
Meldreth TL375475
River Nene
Other Water Feature
Ramsey TL325915
River Rhee or Cam
Other Water Feature
Guilden Morden TL275455
River Rhee or Cam
Other Water Feature
Meldreth TL365475
River Snail
Other Water Feature
The Pines Industrial Estate BU TL635685
Rivey Hill
Hill or Mountain
Linton TL565481
Rivey Wood
Forest or Wood
Linton TL565477
Road Covert
Forest or Wood
Elton TL111942
Robinson Crusoe Island
Forest or Wood
Cambridge TL448576
Rockyjoint Plantation
Forest or Wood
Shepreth TL390485
Roger's Wood
Forest or Wood
Lolworth TL367644
Rolts Wood
Forest or Wood
Upwood TL267826
Rook Grove
Forest or Wood
Dry Drayton TL380617
Rook Plantation
Forest or Wood
Stetchworth TL624596
Rook Plantation
Forest or Wood
Hildersham TL540482
Rookery Wood
Forest or Wood
Bottisham TL549618
Rooks Grove
Forest or Wood
Abbots Ripton TL236779
Rose Wood
Forest or Wood
Upwood and the Raveleys TL264817
Round Clump
Forest or Wood
Stapleford TL498534
Round Covert
Forest or Wood
Bottisham TL546614
Round Covert
Forest or Wood
Elton TL112940
Round Hill Plantation
Forest or Wood
Madingley TL388600
Round Plantation
Forest or Wood
Brinkley TL603558
Round Plantation
Forest or Wood
Hinxton TL509464
Round Plantation
Forest or Wood
Ickleton TL456434
Round Plantation
Forest or Wood
Hildersham TL538484
Round Spinney
Forest or Wood
Abbotsley TL213575
Round Spinney
Forest or Wood
Arrington TL306523
Roundabout Plantation
Forest or Wood
Chippenham TL677694
Rouses Wood
Forest or Wood
Croydon TL310477
Rowles Field
Other Landcover
Newton-in-the-Isle TF426142
Rowley's Hill
Hill or Mountain
Harston TL426497
Rudd Lake
Inland Water
Little Paxton TL193626
Rummer's Field
Other Landcover
Wisbech St. Mary TF417059
Ruperts Wood
Forest or Wood
Woodditton TL688584
Rushmoor Plantation
Forest or Wood
Shepreth TL400468
Ryland Field
Other Landcover
Tydd St. Giles TF405153
Safford's Grove
Forest or Wood
Eltisley TL271582
Salome Wood
Forest or Wood
Leighton TL129778
Sand Wood
Forest or Wood
Gamlingay TL235535
Sandpit Plantation
Forest or Wood
Newmarket TL664621
Sandpit Plantation
Forest or Wood
Little Abington TL540499
Sandpit Pond
Inland Water
Over TL377696
Savage's Spinney
Forest or Wood
Easton TL134692
Sawtry Fen
Other Landcover
Sawtry TL189834
Sawtry Field Plantation
Forest or Wood
Glatton TL154842
Sawtry Gorse
Forest or Wood
Great Gidding TL138846
Saxon Belt
Forest or Wood
Woodditton TL687587
Sayer's Field
Other Landcover
Wisbech St. Mary TF412084
Sayer's Lake Field
Other Landcover
Soham TL595757
Scot's Garden Wood
Forest or Wood
Bottisham TL547616
Sea Field
Other Landcover
Leverington TF442122
Sedge Fen
Other Landcover
Soham TL561747
Sedge Fen
Other Landcover
Swaffham Prior TL549678
Sedge Fen
Other Landcover
Wimblington TL409932
Setchel Fen
Other Landcover
Cottenham TL469709
Seven Acre Wood
Forest or Wood
Cambridge TL440556
Severals Belt
Forest or Wood
West Wratting TL601526
Shade Common
Other Landcover
Soham TL581750
Shaffendike Field
Other Landcover
Tydd St. Giles TF413143
Shambles Plantation
Forest or Wood
Kennett TL682688
Sharp Hill Plantation
Forest or Wood
Orwell TL355520
Sharp's Green
Other Landcover
Kirtling TL693553
Sheep Walk Plantation
Forest or Wood
St. Neots TL219608
Sheepclose Spinney
Forest or Wood
Dry Drayton TL376620
Sheldrick's Plantation
Forest or Wood
Whittlesford TL466490
Shelford Bottom
Great Shelford TL481539
Shire Field
Other Landcover
Gorefield TF396115
Short Nursery Plantation
Forest or Wood
Madingley TL395608
Show Belt
Forest or Wood
Dullingham TL604589
Sidehill Plantation
Forest or Wood
Stetchworth TL627597
Signal Hill Plantation
Forest or Wood
Babraham TL516521
Silverley Plantation
Forest or Wood
Kirtling TL698593
Simkins Spinney
Forest or Wood
Croydon TL297476
Simons Belt
Forest or Wood
Stetchworth TL618588
Sir John's Wood
Forest or Wood
Waresley-cum-Tetworth TL196554
Six Acre Plantation
Forest or Wood
Littleport TL609895
Six Acre Plantn
Forest or Wood
Littleport TL605895
Six Yards Spinney
Forest or Wood
Tilbrook TL082706
Sixpenny Wood
Forest or Wood
Woodditton TL674572
Sixteen Acre Plantation
Forest or Wood
Newmarket TL662620
Sixteen Foot Drain
Other Water Feature
March TL465945
Skeg Fen
Other Landcover
Wilburton TL472725
Skeggins Fen
Other Landcover
Ramsey TL294876
Slade Field
Other Landcover
Chatteris TL386872
Slade Spinney
Forest or Wood
Wood Walton TL240810
Sluggs Green
Forest or Wood
Burrough Green TL632565
Sluice Wood
Forest or Wood
Great Abington TL525491
Small Fen
Other Landcover
Haddenham TL425765
Smithy Fen
Other Landcover
Cottenham TL451705
Snailwell Fen
Other Landcover
Snailwell TL638687
Snoots Common
Other Landcover
Stretham TL497733
Snout Common
Other Landcover
Rampton TL418673
Soham Fen
Other Landcover
Soham TL611747
Soham Lode
Other Water Feature
Soham TL575745
Soham Lode
Other Water Feature
Down Field TL615725
Somersham Fore Fen
Other Landcover
Somersham TL375801
Somersham Heath
Other Landcover
Somersham TL342761
Somersham High Fen
Other Landcover
Somersham TL374809
Somersham High North Fen
Other Landcover
Somersham TL362814
South Bridge Field
Other Landcover
Wisbech TF452073
South Fen
Other Landcover
Sutton TL423773
South Grove
Forest or Wood
South Grove TL525475
South Horse Fen
Other Landcover
Soham TL590715
South Inham Field
Other Landcover
Parson Drove TF384081
South Lodge Plantation
Forest or Wood
Croxton TL256586
Sparrow's Spinney
Forest or Wood
Ellington TL161700
Sparrows' Grove
Forest or Wood
Burrough Green TL652544
Spikehall Plantation
Forest or Wood
Weston Colville TL592543
Spinney Fen
Other Landcover
Wicken TL552714
Spot's Grove
Forest or Wood
Conington TL183854
Spring Plantation
Forest or Wood
Weston Colville TL618534
Spring Plantation
Forest or Wood
Stow cum Quy TL519611
Springhill Lagoon
Inland Water
Fen Drayton TL336689
Springs Plantation
Forest or Wood
Great Wilbraham TL556577
Square Plantation
Forest or Wood
Balsham TL575479
Squires Plantation
Forest or Wood
Duxford Airfield TL451473
Squirrels' Grove
Forest or Wood
Great Gransden TL262555
St Edmund's Fen
Forest or Wood
Wicken (East Cambridgeshire) B TL566701
St Ives Thicket
Forest or Wood
St. Ives TL299717
St Ives Wood
Forest or Wood
Bottisham TL544617
St Margaret's Green
Other Landcover
Hildersham TL554491
St Thomas's Dole Plantation
Forest or Wood
Wyton-on-the-Hill TL261743
Stangate Hill
Hill or Mountain
Sawtry TL183794
Stanker's Pond
Inland Water
Sutton (East Cambridgeshire) B TL452789
Stannel Wood
Forest or Wood
Chippenham TL674691
Starlock Hay Fen Common
Other Landcover
Stretham TL517738
Starve Goose Plantation
Forest or Wood
Comberton TL381581
Station Belt
Forest or Wood
Little Wilbraham TL577565
Staunch Hill Plantation
Forest or Wood
Leighton TL109753
Stilton Fen
Other Landcover
Yaxley TL185898
Stilton Roughs
Forest or Wood
Holme TL200899
Stinnage's Wood
Forest or Wood
Caldecote TL348579
Stocking Fen
Other Landcover
Ramsey TL292864
Stokehill Plantation
Forest or Wood
Weston Colville TL617536
Stonald Field
Other Landcover
Whittlesey TL250979
Stone Plantation
Forest or Wood
Hildersham TL541485
Stonehorse Plantation
Forest or Wood
Ely TL613840
Stoner's Belt
Forest or Wood
Burrough Green TL610572
Stow Cum Quy Fen
Other Landcover
Stow cum Quy TL515627
Stow Fen
Other Landcover
March TL426949
Streetly Hall Grove
Forest or Wood
West Wickham TL603481
Stroud Hill Spinney
Forest or Wood
Pidley cum Fenton TL335787
Sutton Fen
Other Landcover
Sutton TL401774
Sutton West Fen
Other Landcover
Sutton TL411799
Swaffham Bulbeck Fen
Other Landcover
Swaffham Prior TL539659
Swaffham Bulbeck Lode
Other Water Feature
Swaffham Bulbeck TL545645
Swaffham Poor's Fen
Other Landcover
Swaffham Prior TL534642
Swaffham Prior Fen
Other Landcover
Swaffham Prior TL542670
Swan Pond
Inland Water
Girton TL427634
Swan Weir
Inland Water
Woodhurst TL318760
Swasedale Fen
Other Landcover
Ely TL578802
Swavesey Lake
Inland Water
Swavesey TL354697
Sweeting's Fen
Other Landcover
March TL381970
Sylhall Plantation
Forest or Wood
Ashley (East Cambridgeshire) B TL701610
Telegraph Clump
Forest or Wood
Stapleford TL496537
Ten Acre Plantation
Forest or Wood
Fulbourn TL520515
Ten Acre Spinney
Forest or Wood
Upwood and the Raveleys TL246812
Ten Wood
Forest or Wood
Stetchworth TL664559
Teversham Fen
Other Landcover
Stow cum Quy TL508589
The Belt
Forest or Wood
Fowlmere TL440419
The Belts
Forest or Wood
Wimpole TL334525
The Belts
Forest or Wood
Kingston TL335525
The Coppice
Forest or Wood
Hamerton and Steeple Gidding TL145820
The Dock
Inland Water
Littleport TL575873
The Fens
Other Landcover
Wisbech St. Mary TF389032
The Fifty Acres
Other Landcover
Isleham TL632773
The Girls Grove
Forest or Wood
Dullingham TL611585
The Gorse
Forest or Wood
Yelling TL247613
The Grating Wood
Forest or Wood
Woodditton TL683581
The Green
Forest or Wood
Wood Walton TL214808
The Green
Other Landcover
Morborne TL140915
The Grove
Forest or Wood
Cambridge TL445581
The Grove
Forest or Wood
West Wratting TL612520
The Grove
Forest or Wood
Great Abington TL528487
The Guvnor's Belt
Forest or Wood
Stetchworth TL608593
The Holt
Forest or Wood
Hemingford Grey TL310714
The Holt
Forest or Wood
Holme TL187882
The Horse Pond
Inland Water
Cambridge TL513564
The Island
Godmanchester TL243706
The Lake
Inland Water
Somersham (Huntingdonshire) BU TL366781
The Lake
Inland Water
Hemingford Abbots TL278706
The Lawn
Other Landcover
Somersham TL345774
The Lawn
Forest or Wood
Madingley TL392605
The Lawn Orchard
Forest or Wood
Somersham TL345774
The Lawns
Other Landcover
Sutton (East Cambridgeshire) B TL447781
The Long Holt
Forest or Wood
Willingham TL375739
The Meadow
Other Landcover
Somersham TL364800
The Meadow
Other Landcover
Willingham TL419709
The Moor
Other Landcover
Melbourn TL386454
The Oaks
Forest or Wood
Elton TL093926
The Old Rookery
Forest or Wood
Little Gidding TL128816
The Osiers
Forest or Wood
Childerley TL361621
The Plantation
Forest or Wood
Bar Hill TL382628
The Pony Field
Other Landcover
Cambridge TL479608
The Rookery
Forest or Wood
Little Downham TL518846
The Rookery
Forest or Wood
Chippenham TL678670
The Rookery
Forest or Wood
Abbotsley TL226582
The Rookery
Forest or Wood
Little Gidding TL127815
The Rookery
Forest or Wood
Holme TL208899
The Rookery
Forest or Wood
Bourn TL323556
The Roughs
Forest or Wood
Holme TL187892
The Spinney
Forest or Wood
Waresley TL245550
The Spinney
Forest or Wood
Little Shelford TL453508
The Spinney
Forest or Wood
Conington TL318667
The Spinneys
Forest or Wood
Waresley-cum-Tetworth TL220533
The Warren
Other Landcover
Upwood TL255827
The Weir
Inland Water
Warboys TL309801
The Wilderness
Forest or Wood
Hamerton and Steeple Gidding TL131810
The Wilderness
Forest or Wood
Conington TL317665
The Willows
Forest or Wood
Kennett TL688675
Thetford Cow Common
Other Landcover
Stretham TL525754
Thetford Field
Other Landcover
Little Thetford TL526760
Thistle Hill Plantation
Forest or Wood
Gamlingay TL229552
Thistle Hill Plantn
Forest or Wood
Abbotsley TL225555
Thompson Plantation
Forest or Wood
Madingley TL392602
Thorn Hill
Hill or Mountain
Orwell TL362519
Thorofare Spinney
Forest or Wood
Boxworth TL341623
Three Corner Plantation
Forest or Wood
Little Abington TL523501
Three Corner Plantation
Forest or Wood
Fowlmere TL425421
Three Cornered Plantation
Forest or Wood
Stow cum Quy TL511617
Thrift Covert
Forest or Wood
Ashley TL680635
Tick Fen
Other Landcover
Warboys TL345848
Tit Brook
Other Water Feature
Comberton TL395555
Todd's Pit
Inland Water
Cambridge TL477622
Todd's Pond
Inland Water
Dullingham TL619581
Toft Plantation
Forest or Wood
Toft TL356576
Toilyard Plantation
Forest or Wood
Kirtling TL686570
Toll Bar Spinney
Forest or Wood
Sibson-cum-Stibbington TL086981
Tom's Wood
Forest or Wood
Great Staughton TL122626
Top Moor
Other Landcover
Landbeach TL481688
Top Plantation
Forest or Wood
St Ives TL299730
Top Plantation
Forest or Wood
Dry Drayton TL360607
Top Plantation
Forest or Wood
Hemingford Abbots TL269662
Top Spinney
Forest or Wood
Denton and Caldecote TL157879
Toseland Wood
Forest or Wood
Toseland TL237633
Town Ground
Other Landcover
Wood Walton TL216812
Townsend Pond
Inland Water
Great Gidding TL121837
Treading Field
Other Landcover
Tydd St. Giles TF395132
Trinity Plantation
Forest or Wood
Ashley TL689630
Trout Pond
Inland Water
Swavesey TL350694
Turf Fen
Other Landcover
Ely TL563766
Turf Fen
Other Landcover
Wimblington TL396893
Turf Fen
Other Landcover
Ramsey TL335895
Turf Fen
Other Landcover
Warboys TL321825
Turks Head Lake
Inland Water
Cottenham TL457691
Turtlow Plantation
Forest or Wood
Croxton TL261590
Tween Towns Wood
Forest or Wood
Guilden Morden TL285439
Twenty Foot Drain or Fenton Lode
Other Water Feature
Somersham TL355815
Twenty Foot River
Other Water Feature
March TL355995
Two Acre Plantation
Forest or Wood
Cambridge TL518499
Two Mill Field
Other Landcover
Cottenham TL441677
Tydd St Giles Fen
Other Landcover
Tydd St. Giles TF400145
Tydd St Mary's Fen
Other Landcover
Newton-in-the-Isle TF380127
Underdown Plantation
Forest or Wood
Fordham TL640692
Underlands Wood
Forest or Wood
Ellington TL162703
Upend Wood
Forest or Wood
Kirtling TL696582
Upton Wood
Forest or Wood
Upton and Coppingford TL179795
Upwell Fen
Other Landcover
Christchurch TL496964
Valley Plantation
Forest or Wood
Heydon TL436412
Vermuden's Drain or Forty Foot
Other Water Feature
Chatteris TL405875
Vestey Wood
Forest or Wood
Stapleford TL497524
Vicarage Field
Forest or Wood
Balsham TL586530
Victoria Plantation
Forest or Wood
Wimpole TL353510
View Ponds
Inland Water
Boxworth TL349644
View Spinney
Forest or Wood
Boxworth TL349643
Village Plantation
Forest or Wood
Croxton TL249599
Villedomer Wood
Forest or Wood
Stapleford TL490526
Vinegar Hill
Hill or Mountain
Alconbury Weston TL181773
Wade's Plantation
Forest or Wood
Hildersham TL540481
Wales Field
Other Landcover
Elm TF464065
Walker's Grove
Forest or Wood
Wilburton TL478748
Walton Hill
Hill or Mountain
Sawtry TL210799
Warboys Heath
Other Landcover
Warboys TL326807
Warboys Wood
Forest or Wood
Wistow TL301818
Warboys Wood
Forest or Wood
Warboys TL305815
Warbraham Wood
Forest or Wood
Burwell TL598641
Waresley Wood
Forest or Wood
Little Gransden TL265545
Warren Hill
Hill or Mountain
Cheveley TL659633
Warren Hill
Hill or Mountain
Kimbolton TL108684
Warren Spinney
Forest or Wood
Kimbolton TL107682
Warrenhill Plantation
Forest or Wood
Cheveley TL661635
Water Newton Gorse
Forest or Wood
Water Newton TL102966
Waterbeach Joist Fen
Other Landcover
Waterbeach TL510697
Watercourse Belts
Forest or Wood
Weston Colville TL594552
Waterden Fen
Other Landcover
Ely TL562820
Weatherfield Orchard
Forest or Wood
Dry Drayton TL355607
Weatherfield Plantation
Forest or Wood
Dry Drayton TL357609
Weathersome Common
Other Landcover
Willingham TL403736
Weaveley Wood
Forest or Wood
Waresley-cum-Tetworth TL222540
Weaveley Wood
Forest or Wood
Gamlingay TL225545
Weedy Lake
Inland Water
Little Paxton TL195631
Welches Wood
Forest or Wood
Ickleton TL466415
Well Belt
Forest or Wood
Woodditton TL651617
Well Head Plantation
Forest or Wood
Little Shelford TL451505
Wennington Wood
Forest or Wood
Abbots Ripton TL245790
Wentworth Sedge Fen
Other Landcover
Witchford TL496809
West Brook
Other Water Feature
Fenstanton TL305685
West Fen
Other Landcover
Coveney TL516823
West Fen
Other Landcover
Fordham TL615693
West Fen
Other Landcover
March TL365973
West Fen
Other Landcover
Bluntisham TL356730
West Fen
Other Landcover
Willingham TL397717
West Field
Other Landcover
Newton (Fenland) TF439140
West Field
Other Landcover
Willingham TL405690
West Green Plantation
Forest or Wood
Sawston TL492486
West Grove
Forest or Wood
Bourn TL323557
West Hill
Hill or Mountain
Foxton (South Cambridgeshire) TL410476
West Meadow
Other Landcover
Brampton TL224703
West Moor
Other Landcover
Chatteris TL372868
West Wood
Forest or Wood
Grafham TL152698
West Wood
Forest or Wood
Sawtry TL204806
Westmoor Common
Other Landcover
Downham TL503849
Westmoor Fen
Other Landcover
Downham TL518883
Westoe Park Belt
Forest or Wood
Bartlow TL597442
Weston Quick Belt
Forest or Wood
Weston Colville TL588539
Wet Horse Fen
Other Landcover
Fordham TL610725
Wheatley's Drain
Other Water Feature
Wood Walton TL225835
Wheatmath Field
Other Landcover
Wisbech TF434097
Whistlegate Belt
Forest or Wood
Burrough Green TL597579
White Cross Field
Other Landcover
Stretham TL508752
White Fen
Other Landcover
Swaffham Prior TL534652
White Fen
Other Landcover
Doddington TL341922
White Gate Pond
Inland Water
Croxton TL250593
White Grove
Forest or Wood
Boxworth TL346639
White Hill Spinney
Forest or Wood
Fenstanton TL312669
White Moor
Other Landcover
March TL387987
White Wood
Forest or Wood
Dullingham TL598590
Whitehill Plantation
Forest or Wood
Fulbourn TL512539
Whitepits Plantation
Forest or Wood
Madingley TL377597
Whiting's Grove
Forest or Wood
Weston Colville TL633520
Whitman's Meadow Plantation
Forest or Wood
Conington TL190859
Whittlesey Dike
Other Water Feature
Whittlesey TL315955
Whittlesford Bridge Plantation
Forest or Wood
Hinxton TL486471
Wicken Lode
Other Water Feature
Wicken (East Cambridgeshire) B TL555695
Wicken Poors' Fen
Forest or Wood
Wicken (East Cambridgeshire) B TL562702
Wilbraham Hill Belt
Forest or Wood
Little Wilbraham TL572571
Wilderness Spinney
Forest or Wood
Longstowe TL308558
Wildmere Plantation
Forest or Wood
Waresley TL241554
Willock Field
Other Landcover
Wisbech St. Mary TF412069
Willow Row Farms
Other Landcover
Littleport TL583900
Wimblington Common
Other Landcover
Wimblington TL431909
Wisbech High Fen
Other Landcover
Wisbech St. Mary TF370043
Wistow Wood
Forest or Wood
Wistow TL296821
Witton's Fields
Other Landcover
Waterbeach TL499666
Wood Corner
Forest or Wood
Great Staughton TL123600
Wood Fen
Other Landcover
Littleport TL556848
Wood Pen
Forest or Wood
Duxford TL471440
Wood Ponds White
Forest or Wood
Steeple Morden TL282429
Wood Walk Spinney
Forest or Wood
Childerley TL350615
Wood Walton Fen
Other Landcover
Wood Walton TL218846
Other Landcover
Gamlingay Great Heath TL210521
Woodhurst Heath
Other Landcover
Woodhurst TL324754
Forest or Wood
Abington Pigotts TL304444
Woolley Leys Plantation
Forest or Wood
Alconbury TL174748
Woolpack Grove
Forest or Wood
Castle Camps TL607431
Wrat Field
Other Landcover
Gorefield TF430122
Yards End Dyke
Other Water Feature
Yaxley TL175915
Yaxley Fen
Other Landcover
Yaxley TL207918
Yaxley Lode
Other Water Feature
Yaxley TL205915
Youth Wood
Forest or Wood
Stapleford TL487533