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Cheshire East
Gazetteer Entries in Cheshire East, England
Populated Places only
Geographic Features only
Acton's Rough
Forest or Wood
Hatherton SJ671486
Adlington Basin
Inland Water
Adlington SJ937815
Admiral's Plantation
Forest or Wood
Burland SJ620518
Alans Wood
Forest or Wood
Macclesfield Forest and Wildbo SJ988662
Alder Wood
Forest or Wood
Over Alderley SJ873773
Alder Wood
Forest or Wood
Ollerton SJ788768
Alderhedge Wood
Forest or Wood
Aston by Budworth SJ684799
Alderlees Wood
Forest or Wood
Bosley SJ921643
Allgreave Wood
Forest or Wood
Wincle SJ971664
Ambrose Acre
Forest or Wood
Peover Superior SJ771742
Amsterdam Covert
Forest or Wood
Peover Superior SJ761725
Approach Clump
Forest or Wood
Knutsford SJ754796
Arclid Wood
Forest or Wood
Brereton SJ790629
Arley Brook
Other Water Feature
Tabley Superior SJ705795
Ashtonhole Wood
Forest or Wood
Gawsworth SJ917682
Astbury Mere
Inland Water
Congleton SJ847623
Astbury Mere
Other Water Feature
Congleton SJ845625
Aston Gorse
Forest or Wood
Aston juxta Mondrum SJ655582
Bachehouse Pool
Inland Water
Hurleston SJ615547
Baddiley Gorse
Forest or Wood
Baddiley SJ609510
Baddiley Mere
Other Water Feature
Baddiley SJ595505
Baddiley Mere Pond
Inland Water
Baddiley SJ596502
Baddiley Reservoir
Inland Water
Baddiley SJ590499
Bag Mere
Inland Water
Brereton SJ796642
Bag Mere
Other Water Feature
Brereton SJ795645
Bagbrook Wood
Forest or Wood
Nether Alderley SJ840738
Bagstones Wood
Forest or Wood
Wincle SJ959651
Bakestonedale Moor
Other Landcover
Pott Shrigley SJ957799
Ball Clough
Bosley SJ907658
Balterley Mere
Inland Water
Weston SJ748508
Bancroft Wood
Forest or Wood
Somerford Booths SJ835654
Bankside Brook
Other Water Feature
Wettenhall SJ625605
Bankside Wood
Forest or Wood
Wettenhall SJ624609
Barlow Wood
Forest or Wood
Bradwall SJ739627
Barnett Brook
Other Water Feature
Dodcott cum Wilkesley SJ615435
Barnfield Wood
Forest or Wood
Bosley SJ944651
Bartomley Bottoms
Wincle SJ967659
Barton's Clough
Adlington SJ926799
Basford Coppice
Forest or Wood
Weston SJ766516
Bath Wood
Forest or Wood
Odd Rode SJ840579
Bathhouse Wood
Forest or Wood
Henbury SJ865740
Bathing Wood
Forest or Wood
Rode Heath SJ814573
Beancroft Wood
Forest or Wood
North Rode SJ889673
Beech Avenue
Forest or Wood
Knutsford SJ748804
Beech Wood
Forest or Wood
Church Minshull SJ668599
Beech Wood
Forest or Wood
Over Alderley SJ849759
Belt Wood
Forest or Wood
Tabley Superior SJ727783
Belt Wood
Forest or Wood
Mere SJ715816
Ben's Wood
Forest or Wood
Poynton SJ948827
Bennet's Covert
Forest or Wood
High Legh SJ699828
Bennettshill Wood
Forest or Wood
Wincle SJ953667
Bent's Wood
Forest or Wood
Over Alderley SJ858762
Berristall Dale
Pott Shrigley SJ949784
Berristall Wood
Forest or Wood
Pott Shrigley SJ951787
Berrybank Wood
Forest or Wood
Macclesfield Forest and Wildbo SJ986683
Bickerton Hill
Hill or Mountain
Bickerton SJ501534
Big Dogbottom Wood
Forest or Wood
North Rode SJ902669
Big Low
Hill or Mountain
Rainow SJ957770
Big Mere
Inland Water
Marbury cum Quoisley SJ559454
Big Mere
Other Water Feature
Marbury cum Quoisley SJ555455
Big Wood
Forest or Wood
North Rode SJ902659
Big Wood
Forest or Wood
Aston by Budworth SJ678801
Big Wood
Forest or Wood
Henbury SJ863733
Big Wood
Forest or Wood
Lower Withington SJ807698
Big Wood
Forest or Wood
Marbury cum Quoisley SJ555446
Big Wood
Forest or Wood
High Legh SJ682849
Birch Coppice
Forest or Wood
Chelford SJ822734
Birch Island
Bucklow Hill SJ739815
Birchall Brook
Other Water Feature
Buerton SJ695445
Birchenhill Wood
Forest or Wood
Walgherton SJ699474
Birchenough Hill
Hill or Mountain
Macclesfield Forest and Wildbo SJ993679
Birches Wood
Forest or Wood
Bosley SJ933637
Birkin Brook
Other Water Feature
Mobberley SJ765825
Birkinheath Covert
Forest or Wood
Rostherne SJ761837
Birtles Lake
Inland Water
Henbury SJ859741
Black Clump
Forest or Wood
Tabley Superior SJ718783
Black Clump
Forest or Wood
Tabley Inferior SJ728766
Black Firs
Forest or Wood
Wrenbury cum Frith SJ586489
Black Firs
Forest or Wood
Odd Rode SJ813587
Black Firs Plantation
Forest or Wood
Congleton SJ833638
Black Hill
Hill or Mountain
Disley SJ985825
Black Lake
Inland Water
Wilmslow SJ834810
Black Mere
Inland Water
Doddington SJ709474
Black Planting
Forest or Wood
Somerford Booths SJ837658
Blackberry Covert
Forest or Wood
Brereton SJ775654
Blackthorn Wood
Forest or Wood
Hankelow SJ672464
Blakehey Wood
Forest or Wood
Adlington SJ938806
Hill or Mountain
Sutton SJ934723
Blakenhall Moss
Forest or Wood
Blakenhall SJ721483
Boathouse Covert
Forest or Wood
Siddington SJ845720
Boathouse Plantation
Forest or Wood
Mobberley SJ756808
Boden Lodge Wood
Forest or Wood
Odd Rode SJ807585
Boffeys Covert
Forest or Wood
Brereton SJ775652
Bollinhurst Reservoir
Inland Water
Disley SJ975835
Bollinhurst Wood
Forest or Wood
Disley SJ975832
Bomish Wood
Forest or Wood
Peover Superior SJ794721
Bongs Rough
Forest or Wood
Tabley Superior SJ703794
Bongs Wood
Forest or Wood
Aston by Budworth SJ701797
Bonis Wood
Forest or Wood
Prestbury SJ900791
Booths Mere
Inland Water
Marthall SJ767784
Booths Mere
Other Water Feature
Knutsford SJ765785
Bosley Reservoir
Inland Water
Bosley SJ920660
Bosley Reservoir
Other Water Feature
Bosley SJ925665
Botany Bay Wood
Forest or Wood
Tabley Inferior SJ728770
Bottoms Reservoir
Inland Water
Sutton SJ946715
Boundary Wood
Forest or Wood
Knutsford SJ746805
Boundary Wood
Forest or Wood
Church Minshull SJ677629
Bower Clough
Rainow SJ955783
Bowlers Moss
Other Landcover
Peckforton SJ539581
Bowshot Wood
Forest or Wood
Twemlow SJ787678
Bradwall Wood
Forest or Wood
Bradwall SJ752639
Bratt's Wood
Forest or Wood
Odd Rode SJ819566
Brereton Heath Plantation
Forest or Wood
Brereton SJ801650
Brereton Pool
Inland Water
Brereton SJ774658
Brick Hills
Forest or Wood
Chelford SJ820757
Brick Kiln Wood
Forest or Wood
Lower Withington SJ809720
Brick-kiln Wood
Forest or Wood
Buerton SJ675415
Brickhill Wood
Forest or Wood
Ashley SJ791836
Brickhill Wood
Forest or Wood
Knutsford SJ771775
Brickkiln Wood
Forest or Wood
Peckforton SJ544573
Bridestones Plantation
Forest or Wood
Congleton SJ905622
Bridge Pool
Inland Water
Macclesfield Forest and Wildbo SK005677
Bridge Wood
Forest or Wood
Siddington SJ843738
Brinepits Wood
Forest or Wood
Coole Pilate SJ665465
Broad Hill
Hill or Mountain
Lower Withington SJ817688
Broad Moss
Other Landcover
Rainow SJ975772
Forest or Wood
Over Alderley SJ868764
Brook Plantation
Forest or Wood
Buerton SJ674416
Brook Planting
Forest or Wood
Odd Rode SJ815579
Brookhouse Moss
Forest or Wood
Smallwood SJ806617
Broom Wood
Forest or Wood
Wincle SJ949660
Broomhall Gorse
Forest or Wood
Baddington SJ637486
Broomhall Green
Other Landcover
Broomhall SJ625473
Broomhall Wood
Forest or Wood
Coole Pilate SJ644469
Buck's Hill
Hill or Mountain
Siddington SJ856706
Bulgamy Wood
Forest or Wood
Henbury SJ860749
Bulkeley Hill
Hill or Mountain
Peckforton SJ525555
Bulkeley-hall Clump
Other Landcover
Bulkeley SJ526539
Bull's Wood
Forest or Wood
Acton SJ635519
Bunister Wood
Forest or Wood
Somerford Booths SJ832653
Burleyhurst Wood
Forest or Wood
Mobberley SJ814818
Burned Hey Wood
Forest or Wood
Wilmslow SJ834821
Burnt Acre
Other Landcover
Lower Withington SJ827720
Burnt Covert
Forest or Wood
Minshull Vernon SJ691603
Burrow Coppice
Forest or Wood
Weston (Cheshire East) SJ725517
Burymewick Wood
Forest or Wood
Disley SJ984848
Byrons Wood
Forest or Wood
Macclesfield SJ922719
Cage Hill
Hill or Mountain
Lyme Handley SJ966830
Callwood's Moss
Forest or Wood
Chelford SJ817756
Canal Covert
Forest or Wood
Marbury cum Quoisley SJ572470
Carr Clough
Kettleshulme SJ985786
Carr Wood
Forest or Wood
Wilmslow SJ839817
Cartlidge Wood
Forest or Wood
Bosley SJ941641
Cascade Wood
Forest or Wood
Mottram St Andrew SJ875776
Castle Hill
Hill or Mountain
Ashley SJ796837
Castle Hill
Hill or Mountain
Rostherne SJ745855
Catchpenny Pool
Inland Water
Lower Withington SJ813713
Catchpenny Pool
Other Water Feature
Lower Withington SJ815715
Cats Tor
Hill or Mountain
Rainow SJ994759
Cessbank Common
Other Landcover
Sutton SJ959681
Chapel Brook
Other Water Feature
Marton SJ845675
Chapel Covert
Forest or Wood
Dodcott cum Wilkesley SJ605421
Chapel Mere
Inland Water
Cholmondeley SJ540518
Chapel Mere
Other Water Feature
Cholmondeley SJ535515
Chapel Wood
Forest or Wood
Swettenham SJ806665
Chapel Wood
Forest or Wood
Hunsterson SJ699465
Chapel Wood
Forest or Wood
Chelford SJ820737
Chapel Wood
Forest or Wood
Marthall SJ799746
Checkley Brook
Other Water Feature
Checkley cum Wrinehill SJ725465
Checkley Wood
Forest or Wood
Checkley cum Wrinehill SJ735455
Chelford Heath
Forest or Wood
Snelson SJ810746
Chesterton Wood
Forest or Wood
Ridley SJ567538
Chestnut Clump
Forest or Wood
Tatton SJ740815
Chestnut Wood
Forest or Wood
Hatherton SJ668468
Chorley Green
Other Landcover
Chorley (Wrenbury Ward) SJ574514
Clamhunger Wood
Forest or Wood
Bucklow Hill SJ733813
Clannor Heath
Other Landcover
Shavington SJ694506
Cleulowcross Clough
Wincle SJ950670
Cleulowcross Wood
Forest or Wood
Wincle SJ951674
Cliff Hill
Hill or Mountain
Higher Hurdsfield SJ938744
Clock House Wood
Forest or Wood
Mottram St Andrew SJ867778
Clonter Wood
Forest or Wood
Swettenham SJ821671
Cloud Plantation
Forest or Wood
Congleton SJ901633
Clough Brook
Other Water Feature
Macclesfield Forest and Wildbo SJ975675
Clough Pool
Inland Water
Bollington SJ943769
Coach Pasture Pond
Inland Water
Over Alderley SJ850759
Coalpit Clough
Lyme Handley SJ968831
Cobb's Moss
Forest or Wood
Wybunbury SJ704496
Cock Wood
Forest or Wood
Henbury SJ884732
Cocksmoss Wood
Forest or Wood
Marton SJ858674
Collins Wood
Forest or Wood
Prestbury SJ894800
Colshaw Wood
Forest or Wood
Siddington SJ832701
Colt Hovel Wood
Forest or Wood
Lower Withington SJ817728
Comber Mere
Inland Water
Newhall SJ585443
Comber Mere
Other Water Feature
Dodcott cum Wilkesley SJ585445
Combermere Wood
Forest or Wood
Dodcott cum Wilkesley SJ639396
Congleton Moss
Forest or Wood
Congleton SJ873612
Congleton Park Park Wood
Forest or Wood
Congleton SJ859633
Cope's Copse
Forest or Wood
Brindley SJ586539
Coronation Planting
Forest or Wood
Odd Rode SJ820572
Coronation Wood
Forest or Wood
Cholmondeley SJ541522
Corsican Clump
Forest or Wood
Mobberley SJ752813
Cottage Plantation
Forest or Wood
Acton SJ624529
Cotton Relief Wood
Forest or Wood
Mobberley SJ760806
Cotton Wood
Forest or Wood
Holmes Chapel SJ751675
Court's Gorse
Forest or Wood
Newhall SJ619452
Cowap's Covert
Forest or Wood
High Legh SJ695820
Coxbank Wood
Forest or Wood
Audlem SJ656415
Crabmill Flash
Inland Water
Moston SJ717604
Cranberry Moss
Forest or Wood
Eaton SJ863648
Croker Hill
Hill or Mountain
Bosley SJ933677
Croker Hill
Hill or Mountain
Sutton SJ935675
Cromwell Wood
Forest or Wood
North Rode SJ886659
Crow Wood
Forest or Wood
Lyme Handley SJ961826
Crow Wood
Forest or Wood
Tabley Inferior SJ718767
Crow Wood
Forest or Wood
Mobberley SJ753810
Cumberland Plantation
Forest or Wood
Macclesfield Forest and Wildbo SJ992698
Cut-thorn Hill
Hill or Mountain
Macclesfield Forest and Wildbo SK005685
Daffodil Dell
Swettenham SJ813671
Dairy Wood
Forest or Wood
Aston by Budworth SJ673810
Dairy Wood
Forest or Wood
Tatton SJ740819
Dale Top
Hill or Mountain
Pott Shrigley SJ960803
Damhead Wood
Forest or Wood
North Rode SJ893666
Danes Moss
Other Landcover
Gawsworth SJ905705
Danielhill Wood
Forest or Wood
Over Alderley SJ870775
Deadman's Clough
Styal SJ843824
Dean Rough
Forest or Wood
Barthomley SJ757514
Deans Rough
Forest or Wood
Lower Withington SJ819710
Deep Clough
Macclesfield Forest and Wildbo SK011728
Deer Clough
Pott Shrigley SJ950814
Deer Park Mere
Inland Water
Cholmondeley SJ541508
Deer Park Mere
Other Water Feature
Cholmondeley SJ545505
Denman Wood
Forest or Wood
Bradwall SJ750623
Dexter Dale
Congleton SJ881612
Dickens Wood
Forest or Wood
Wilmslow SJ862778
Dighill Wood
Forest or Wood
Gawsworth SJ877677
Dingle Brook
Other Water Feature
Lower Withington SJ805715
Dingle Lake
Inland Water
Sandbach SJ762609
Dingle Wood
Forest or Wood
Brereton SJ804659
Disleybank Wood
Forest or Wood
High Lane SJ966846
Ditchfield's Covert
Forest or Wood
High Legh SJ702834
Doddington Pool
Inland Water
Doddington SJ714464
Dog Hole Wood
Forest or Wood
Great Warford SJ813762
Dog Wood
Forest or Wood
Knutsford SJ756794
Dogkennel Wood
Forest or Wood
Siddington SJ840731
Dogkennel Wood
Forest or Wood
Tabley Inferior SJ717772
Dryheath Wood
Forest or Wood
Marton SJ862694
Dryhurst Wood
Forest or Wood
Disley SJ977849
Duck Spinney
Forest or Wood
Tatton SJ756805
Duckow Wood
Forest or Wood
Dodcott cum Wilkesley SJ649412
Dumber Wood
Forest or Wood
Macclesfield SJ893757
Dumville's Plantation
Forest or Wood
Nether Alderley SJ849743
Eardswick Wood
Forest or Wood
Church Minshull SJ670604
Ecclesfield Wood
Forest or Wood
Ashley SJ781835
Eelcage Covert
Forest or Wood
Peover Superior SJ764739
Egerton Clump
Forest or Wood
Mobberley SJ750817
Elliott's Wood
Forest or Wood
Batherton SJ657506
Elm Wood
Forest or Wood
Poynton SJ946829
Elmerhurst Wood
Forest or Wood
Lyme Handley SJ962840
Engine Wood
Forest or Wood
Brereton SJ792665
Engine Wood
Forest or Wood
Pott Shrigley SJ943786
Ettily Wood
Forest or Wood
Siddington SJ855704
Fall Wood
Forest or Wood
Wincle SJ962644
Fanshawe Brook
Other Water Feature
Siddington SJ865715
Farm Covert
Forest or Wood
Nether Alderley SJ846735
Farm Wood
Forest or Wood
Chelford SJ812733
Farmwood Pool
Inland Water
Lower Withington SJ810729
Farsidegreen Wood
Forest or Wood
North Rode SJ888672
Fender Wood
Forest or Wood
Middlewich SJ726663
Fernybank Wood
Forest or Wood
North Rode SJ897676
Finlow Hill Wood
Forest or Wood
Nether Alderley SJ860770
Finlow Hill Wood
Forest or Wood
Over Alderley SJ863768
Fish House Plantation
Forest or Wood
Ashley SJ761852
Fish Pond Coverts
Forest or Wood
Rostherne SJ755819
Flagbridge Wood
Forest or Wood
Mobberley SJ760825
Flee Crows Plantation
Forest or Wood
Kidsgrove SJ833559
Forest Bottom
Macclesfield Forest and Wildbo SJ989657
Forge Wood
Forest or Wood
Congleton SJ847636
Fowle Brook
Other Water Feature
Haslington SJ735565
Fox Covert
Forest or Wood
Wettenhall SJ615605
Fox Covert
Forest or Wood
Brereton SJ765645
Fox Hill
Hill or Mountain
Rainow SJ982766
Foxcroft Wood
Forest or Wood
Bosley SJ912659
Foxfield Wood
Forest or Wood
Peover Superior SJ788728
Froglane Plantation
Forest or Wood
Nether Alderley SJ840751
Furze-acre Wood
Forest or Wood
North Rode SJ902667
Garden Covert
Forest or Wood
Cholmondeley SJ550517
Garden Wood
Forest or Wood
North Rode SJ899671
Garden Wood
Forest or Wood
Siddington SJ862709
Gaws Wood
Forest or Wood
North Rode SJ898665
Gawsworth Common
Other Landcover
Gawsworth SJ921682
George's Rough
Other Landcover
Hurleston SJ611561
George's Wood
Forest or Wood
Walgherton SJ704479
George's Wood
Forest or Wood
Doddington SJ704475
George's Wood
Forest or Wood
Nether Alderley SJ829745
Gibbons Cliff Wood
Forest or Wood
Wincle SJ972665
Gibhill Wood
Forest or Wood
Pott Shrigley SJ943804
Gibson Wood
Forest or Wood
Adlington SJ910810
Gin Clough
Rainow SJ956764
Gleads Moss
Forest or Wood
Lower Withington SJ821685
Gleaveshole Wood
Forest or Wood
Mere SJ722809
Glebe Covert
Forest or Wood
Marbury cum Quoisley SJ565464
Glover's Moss
Forest or Wood
Hunsterson SJ696467
Golden Brook Pits
Inland Water
Knutsford SJ744811
Goodwin's Hole
Inland Water
Bosley SJ915642
Gooseberry Pool
Inland Water
Eaton SJ879656
Gore Wood
Forest or Wood
Aston by Budworth SJ693802
Gorse Covert
Forest or Wood
Baddington SJ638483
Gorse Covert
Forest or Wood
Henbury SJ868741
Gorse Wood
Forest or Wood
Hatherton SJ675468
Gorse Wood
Forest or Wood
Adlington SJ919814
Goyt Forest
Forest or Wood
Kettleshulme SJ995775
Grange Copse
Forest or Wood
Wincle SJ955657
Gravel Wood
Forest or Wood
Crewe Green SJ743542
Gravelhole Wood
Forest or Wood
Henbury SJ874726
Great Wood
Forest or Wood
Peover Superior SJ771726
Green Covert
Forest or Wood
Aston by Budworth SJ683809
Green Gutter
Macclesfield Forest and Wildbo SJ990709
Greenhey Wood
Forest or Wood
Swettenham SJ790674
Grey's Gorse
Forest or Wood
Millington SJ731855
Grotto Wood
Forest or Wood
Odd Rode SJ855584
Grotto Wood
Forest or Wood
Peover Superior SJ783730
Hadley Covert
Forest or Wood
Marbury cum Quoisley SJ553460
Half Plantation
Forest or Wood
Tatton SJ746822
Hall Green
Other Landcover
Kidsgrove SJ830563
Hall o' Coole Gorse
Forest or Wood
Newhall SJ627452
Hall Wood
Forest or Wood
Wilmslow SJ865827
Hammerpool Wood
Forest or Wood
Gawsworth SJ864701
Hammerton Moss
Other Landcover
Wincle SJ961668
Hampers Wood
Forest or Wood
Lyme Handley SJ966821
Handley Park Covert
Forest or Wood
Norbury SJ546472
Hanging Wood
Forest or Wood
Moreton cum Alcumlow SJ857582
Hankelow Fox Covert
Forest or Wood
Hankelow SJ662456
Hardy Green
Other Landcover
Kettleshulme SJ987802
Hardy's Covert
Forest or Wood
Ashley SJ772845
Harelane Rough
Forest or Wood
Brereton SJ792655
Harpers Bank Wood
Forest or Wood
Rostherne SJ738841
Harris Wood
Forest or Wood
Rode Heath SJ811569
Harrop Brook
Other Water Feature
Pott Shrigley SJ955785
Harrop Wood
Forest or Wood
Pott Shrigley SJ958785
Hase Bank Wood
Forest or Wood
Pott Shrigley SJ953812
Hassall Pool
Inland Water
Hassall SJ771574
Hayles Clough
Rainow SJ949764
Hazelwall Wood
Forest or Wood
Siddington SJ858714
Heald Covert
Forest or Wood
Wrenbury cum Frith SJ583486
Heatherley Wood
Forest or Wood
Over Alderley SJ852754
Heawood Plantation
Forest or Wood
Nether Alderley SJ833756
Heild Wood
Forest or Wood
Wincle SJ978673
Helmesley Wood
Forest or Wood
Macclesfield Forest and Wildbo SJ985660
Heron Copse
Forest or Wood
Wincle SJ947639
Heskey Wood
Forest or Wood
Siddington SJ861703
Hey Wood
Forest or Wood
High Legh SJ689850
Hibbert Brow Wood
Forest or Wood
Adlington SJ927802
Higgin's Clough
Disley SJ978852
High Cliff
Hill or Mountain
Rainow SJ949767
High Moor
Hill or Mountain
Sutton SJ964701
High Wood
Forest or Wood
Bosley SJ918677
High Wood
Forest or Wood
Marton SJ862683
Highbirch Wood
Forest or Wood
Gawsworth SJ888719
Higher Moor
Other Landcover
Disley SJ976817
Highlees Wood
Forest or Wood
Henbury SJ873748
Higmere Plantation
Forest or Wood
Knutsford SJ755793
Hill's Gorse
Forest or Wood
Wardle SJ618578
Hinging Bank Covert
Forest or Wood
Crewe SJ682546
Hog Clough
Wincle SJ962655
Holford Moss
Forest or Wood
Plumley SJ714744
Hollinhey Wood
Forest or Wood
Langley SJ933714
Hollins Wood
Forest or Wood
Bradwall SJ737627
Holly Rough
Forest or Wood
Marbury cum Quoisley SJ549457
Holly Wood
Forest or Wood
Congleton SJ871596
Holme Wood
Forest or Wood
Pott Shrigley SJ940794
Holme Wood
Forest or Wood
Lyme Handley SJ982810
Hooksbank Wood
Forest or Wood
Wilmslow SJ812825
Horse Coppice Reservoir
Inland Water
Disley SJ969835
Horse Green
Other Landcover
Norbury SJ555470
Horse Wood
Forest or Wood
Siddington SJ851700
Hungerhill Wood
Forest or Wood
North Rode SJ883661
Hunter's Pool
Inland Water
Mottram St Andrew SJ881780
Huntley Wood
Forest or Wood
Henbury SJ868724
Hurleston Reservoir
Inland Water
Hurleston SJ622554
Hurst Green
Other Landcover
Norbury SJ552469
Ice Pond
Inland Water
Tatton SJ745818
Ilse Pool
Inland Water
Sandbach SJ726607
Ingersley Clough
Bollington SJ943771
Intac Wood
Forest or Wood
North Rode SJ887666
Island Planting
Forest or Wood
Odd Rode SJ822581
Island Wood
Forest or Wood
Tabley Inferior SJ721772
Issues Wood
Forest or Wood
Adlington SJ908794
Jenkins Hey Wood
Forest or Wood
Over Alderley SJ856747
Jepson Clough
Adlington SJ929809
Jillion Covert
Forest or Wood
Brereton SJ780655
Jones's Covert
Forest or Wood
High Legh SJ675842
Jones's Wood
Forest or Wood
Lower Withington SJ813701
Jubilee Planting
Forest or Wood
Odd Rode SJ815582
Jumber Clough
Pott Shrigley SJ949791
Kaylane Brook
Other Water Feature
High Legh SJ695855
Kennel Wood
Forest or Wood
Eaton SJ863658
Kennel Wood
Forest or Wood
Lyme Handley SJ967826
Kennel Wood
Forest or Wood
Mere SJ721814
Kent's Rough
Forest or Wood
Dodcott cum Wilkesley SJ647407
Kermincham Heath
Other Landcover
Swettenham SJ801682
Kerridge Hill
Hill or Mountain
Bollington SJ942759
Kerridge Hill
Hill or Mountain
Rainow SJ945755
Keycliff Wood
Forest or Wood
Bosley SJ921661
King's Clough
Rainow SJ987753
King's Plantation
Forest or Wood
Bickerton SJ515542
Kingspool Wood
Forest or Wood
Moreton cum Alcumlow SJ847590
Kingspool Wood
Forest or Wood
Moreton cum Alcumlow SJ846590
Kirby Clough
Kettleshulme SJ990780
Kiss Wood
Forest or Wood
Wincle SJ947651
Knathole Wood
Forest or Wood
Disley SJ991850
Knight's Pool
Inland Water
Macclesfield SJ922730
Knightslow Wood
Forest or Wood
Lyme Handley SJ964816
Ladbitch Wood
Forest or Wood
Kettleshulme SJ998774
Ladderstile Wood
Forest or Wood
North Rode SJ898658
Lady's Wood
Forest or Wood
Poynton SJ925838
Lamaload Reservoir
Inland Water
Macclesfield Forest and Wildbo SJ972750
Lamaload Reservoir
Other Water Feature
Rainow SJ975755
Lamb's Covert
Forest or Wood
Ashley SJ762845
Lane Wood
Forest or Wood
Hatherton SJ677472
Lanehead Wood
Forest or Wood
Wincle SJ955664
Lanehouse Copse
Forest or Wood
Wincle SJ957659
Lantern Wood
Forest or Wood
Lyme Handley SJ972822
Larch Wood
Forest or Wood
Minshull Vernon SJ691601
Lawton Mere
Inland Water
Alsager SJ803567
Lawyers Wood
Forest or Wood
Church Minshull SJ658601
Leadbeaters Reservoir
Inland Water
Macclesfield SJ929730
Leech Pool
Inland Water
Tatton SJ744813
Leech Wood
Forest or Wood
Macclesfield Forest and Wildbo SJ991685
Lees Wood
Forest or Wood
Crewe Green SJ741535
Leonard's Wood
Forest or Wood
Pickmere SJ699763
Letitia Planting
Forest or Wood
Odd Rode SJ817571
Lewinshill Wood
Forest or Wood
Bosley SJ921667
Ley Plantations
Forest or Wood
Henbury SJ849730
Lima Clough
Rainow SJ949775
Limekiln Wood
Forest or Wood
Moreton cum Alcumlow SJ860586
Lindow Moss
Other Landcover
Wilmslow SJ824812
Little Barnfield Wood
Forest or Wood
Wincle SJ954650
Little Dogbottom Wood
Forest or Wood
North Rode SJ902670
Little Kennel Wood
Forest or Wood
North Rode SJ886671
Little Mere
Inland Water
Marbury cum Quoisley SJ563456
Little Mere
Inland Water
Bucklow Hill SJ733823
Little Oaks
Forest or Wood
Knutsford SJ683845
Llangollen Canal
Other Water Feature
Norbury SJ565465
Loach Brook
Other Water Feature
Brereton Heath SJ815645
Lodge Plantation
Forest or Wood
Gawsworth SJ891689
Lodge Plantations
Forest or Wood
Tatton SJ743827
Lodge Wood
Forest or Wood
Hankelow SJ674461
Lodge Wood
Forest or Wood
Odd Rode SJ823573
Long Belt
Forest or Wood
Peover Superior SJ768731
Long Clough
Macclesfield Forest and Wildbo SJ987728
Long Highlees Wood
Forest or Wood
Henbury SJ866750
Long Plantation
Forest or Wood
Moreton cum Alcumlow SJ837592
Long Plantation
Forest or Wood
Burland SJ621527
Long Plantation
Forest or Wood
Poynton SJ930851
Long Plantation
Forest or Wood
Cholmondeley SJ548515
Long Wood
Forest or Wood
North Rode SJ903671
Long Wood
Forest or Wood
Haughton SJ593567
Long Wood
Forest or Wood
Tatton SJ749812
Longside Plantation
Forest or Wood
Disley SJ993824
Lower Know Wood
Forest or Wood
Macclesfield Forest and Wildbo SJ982678
Lowerhouse Wood
Forest or Wood
Bosley SJ914653
Macclesfield Canal
Other Water Feature
Gawsworth SJ915685
Macclesfield Canal
Other Water Feature
Poynton SJ945835
Macclesfield Common
Other Landcover
Macclesfield SJ937730
Macclesfield Forest
Forest or Wood
Macclesfield Forest and Wildbo SJ964716
Madcroft Wood
Forest or Wood
Bosley SJ919647
Mag Brook
Other Water Feature
High Legh SJ685855
Maggoty Wood
Forest or Wood
Gawsworth SJ888701
Majority Clump
Forest or Wood
Tatton SJ741817
Marley Hall Covert
Forest or Wood
Marbury cum Quoisley SJ581451
Marley Moss
Forest or Wood
Marbury cum Quoisley SJ577457
Marsh Lane Covert
Forest or Wood
Acton SJ635514
Marthall Brook
Other Water Feature
Marthall SJ785775
Marton Brook
Other Water Feature
Siddington SJ845695
Martonheath Wood
Forest or Wood
Marton SJ861689
Mason's Wood
Forest or Wood
Bosley SJ934654
Masseys Moss
Forest or Wood
Siddington SJ841718
Mather Clough
Disley SJ978824
Meadow Planting
Forest or Wood
Odd Rode SJ818575
Meglane Wood
Forest or Wood
Bosley SJ943646
Melchett Mere
Inland Water
Tatton SJ749810
Mellor's Covert
Forest or Wood
High Legh SJ705823
Mellow Clough
Rainow SJ960781
Mercury Pool
Inland Water
Tatton SJ746814
Mere Covert
Forest or Wood
Rostherne SJ746844
Mere Moss
Forest or Wood
Siddington SJ839697
Mereheath Plantation
Forest or Wood
Knutsford SJ744806
Meremoor Moss
Forest or Wood
Weston SJ744525
Meremoss Wood
Forest or Wood
Mere SJ731809
Middle Willowbed Wood
Forest or Wood
Tabley Inferior SJ729774
Middle Wood
Forest or Wood
Odd Rode SJ842579
Middlecale Wood
Forest or Wood
Lyme Handley SJ955840
Midge Brook
Other Water Feature
Swettenham SJ815675
Midgley Wood
Forest or Wood
Wincle SJ975663
Mill Bottoms
Plumley SJ710755
Mill Covert
Forest or Wood
Doddington SJ713475
Mill Lane Plantation
Forest or Wood
Kidsgrove SJ827558
Mill Plantation
Forest or Wood
Audlem SJ664449
Mill Pool
Inland Water
Mobberley SJ759819
Mill Pool Wood
Forest or Wood
Mobberley SJ760816
Mill Wood
Forest or Wood
Aston by Budworth SJ684807
Mill Wood
Forest or Wood
Siddington SJ836730
Mill Wood
Forest or Wood
Odd Rode SJ821579
Mill Wood
Forest or Wood
Ashley SJ798838
Mill Wood
Forest or Wood
Plumley SJ704755
Millbank Wood
Forest or Wood
Odd Rode SJ822576
Doddington SJ715474
Millennium Wood
Forest or Wood
Batherton SJ658501
Mobberley Bottoms
Mobberley SJ765814
Mobberley Brook
Other Water Feature
Ashley SJ775825
Mobberley Spinney
Forest or Wood
Mobberley SJ761811
Moreton Meadows
Other Landcover
Congleton SJ851619
Moss Oaks
Forest or Wood
High Legh SJ675835
Moss Plantation
Forest or Wood
Nether Alderley SJ854744
Moss Plantation
Forest or Wood
Knutsford SJ749807
Moss Wood
Forest or Wood
North Rode SJ885669
Moss Wood
Forest or Wood
Gawsworth SJ860700
Moss Wood
Forest or Wood
Odd Rode SJ824572
Moss Wood
Forest or Wood
Toft SJ767760
Moss Wood
Forest or Wood
Cholmondeley SJ542500
Moss's Strip
Forest or Wood
Knutsford SJ685848
Mossnook Wood
Forest or Wood
Toft SJ753756
Mottram Wood
Forest or Wood
Mottram St Andrew SJ886790
Mow Cop
Hill or Mountain
Kidsgrove SJ858575
Nab Head
Hill or Mountain
Bollington SJ940788
Nab Head
Hill or Mountain
Rainow SJ945785
Nab Wood
Forest or Wood
Bollington SJ941790
Nantwich Lake
Inland Water
Baddington SJ649511
Neild's Rough
Forest or Wood
Tabley Superior SJ711802
Nevill's Wood
Forest or Wood
Cholmondeley SJ549521
New Covert
Forest or Wood
Brereton SJ777654
New Covert
Forest or Wood
Wrenbury cum Frith SJ594491
New Gorse
Forest or Wood
Middlewich SJ697649
New Planting
Forest or Wood
Twemlow SJ797702
New Trout Pond
Inland Water
Over Alderley SJ848761
Nightingale Wood
Forest or Wood
Bosley SJ918649
Norbury Meres
Inland Water
Cholmondeley SJ558493
Norbury Meres
Other Water Feature
Cholmondeley SJ555495
North Wood
Forest or Wood
Brereton SJ793666
Nursery Lane Covert
Forest or Wood
Siddington SJ839713
Nut Wood
Forest or Wood
Lower Withington SJ811706
Oak Coppice
Forest or Wood
Crewe SJ724539
Oak Wood
Forest or Wood
Hankelow SJ672462
Oak Wood
Forest or Wood
Odd Rode SJ812585
Oak Wood
Forest or Wood
Marthall SJ782773
Oak Wood
Forest or Wood
Toft SJ762761
Oaken Clough
Sutton SJ962691
Oakhanger Moss
Forest or Wood
Haslington SJ767550
Offley Wood
Forest or Wood
Crewe Green SJ754541
Offley Wood
Forest or Wood
Sandbach SJ766612
Old Brickbank Wood
Forest or Wood
Eaton SJ876661
Old Covert
Forest or Wood
Crewe SJ683546
Old Covert
Forest or Wood
Wrenbury cum Frith SJ597490
Old Covert
Forest or Wood
Cholmondeston SJ620589
Old Gorse
Forest or Wood
Middlewich SJ694644
Old Gorse Covert
Forest or Wood
Crewe SJ678552
Old Hall Covert
Forest or Wood
Mobberley SJ754810
Old Hall Wood
Forest or Wood
Rostherne SJ742837
Old Wood
Forest or Wood
Odd Rode SJ816571
Oldgate Nick
Hill or Mountain
Rainow SJ995763
Oldhall Wood
Forest or Wood
Somerford Booths SJ829670
Oldham's Wood
Forest or Wood
Over Alderley SJ865765
Oldpool Wood
Forest or Wood
Lower Withington SJ809718
Otter's Pool
Inland Water
Wincle SJ964654
Overton Green
Other Landcover
Smallwood SJ804604
Oxclose Wood
Forest or Wood
Wincle SJ958668
Paddock Covert
Forest or Wood
Little Bollington SJ735862
Paradise Wood
Forest or Wood
Church Minshull SJ646606
Park Belt
Forest or Wood
High Legh SJ704841
Park Clough
Gawsworth SJ902688
Park Covert
Forest or Wood
High Legh SJ711835
Park Moor
Other Landcover
Pott Shrigley SJ963811
Park Pit Plantation
Forest or Wood
Poynton-with-Worth SJ933847
Park Plantation
Forest or Wood
Siddington SJ840731
Park Wood
Forest or Wood
Congleton SJ861634
Park Wood
Other Landcover
Lyme Handley SJ971815
Parkhead Pond
Inland Water
Nether Alderley SJ848763
Pastures Wood
Forest or Wood
Gawsworth SJ874676
Peas Wood
Forest or Wood
Plumley SJ701757
Pecker Pool
Inland Water
North Rode SJ904656
Peckerpool Wood
Forest or Wood
North Rode SJ905656
Peckforton Mere
Inland Water
Peckforton SJ541576
Peckforton Mere
Other Water Feature
Peckforton SJ545575
Peckforton Moss
Forest or Wood
Ridley SJ544558
Peckforton Wood
Forest or Wood
Spurstow SJ554560
Pedley Brook
Other Water Feature
Mobberley SJ785785
Peel's Gorse
Forest or Wood
Wirswall SJ554437
Peover Eye
Other Water Feature
Plumley SJ715755
Perry's Rough
Forest or Wood
Hatherton SJ696479
Peter's Covert
Forest or Wood
High Legh SJ704845
Pewit Covert
Forest or Wood
Brereton SJ767650
Pexhall Wood
Forest or Wood
Henbury SJ875722
Pick Mere
Inland Water
Higher Wincham SJ682770
Pick Mere
Other Water Feature
Pickmere SJ685775
Pickmeremoss Wood
Forest or Wood
Higher Wincham SJ693774
Pigeon House Clough
Twemlow SJ790677
Piggford Moor
Other Landcover
Sutton SJ967686
Pinfold Rough
Forest or Wood
Brereton SJ787670
Pipe Wood
Forest or Wood
North Rode SJ899677
Planted Moor
Other Landcover
Pott Shrigley SJ956805
Platt Wood
Forest or Wood
Lyme Handley SJ953834
Plex Flash
Inland Water
Moston SJ730616
Polestead Wood
Forest or Wood
Minshull Vernon SJ675617
Pool Wood
Forest or Wood
Somerford SJ818644
Pool Wood
Forest or Wood
Gawsworth SJ872710
Pool Wood
Forest or Wood
Rode Heath SJ811572
Poole Gorse
Forest or Wood
Poole SJ650556
Poole Gorse
Forest or Wood
Wrenbury cum Frith SJ584451
Poolfield Wood
Forest or Wood
Church Minshull SJ657607
Poolfield Wood
Forest or Wood
Peover Superior SJ793722
Poolstead Plantation
Forest or Wood
Nether Alderley SJ850745
Poolstead Wood
Forest or Wood
Henbury SJ857740
Porters Wood
Forest or Wood
Peover Superior SJ803723
Potters Clough
Poynton-with-Worth SJ937837
Poynton Brook
Other Water Feature
Poynton SJ925825
Poynton Coppice
Forest or Wood
Poynton-with-Worth SJ935826
Poynton Lake
Inland Water
Poynton SJ923846
Poynton Lake
Other Water Feature
Poynton SJ925845
Prestbury Wood
Forest or Wood
Macclesfield SJ907763
Prince's Wood
Forest or Wood
Poynton-with-Worth SJ936841
Privet Wood
Forest or Wood
Lower Withington SJ814720
Prize Plantation
Forest or Wood
Rode Heath SJ816569
Promontory Wood
Forest or Wood
Chelford SJ816740
Pursefield Wood
Forest or Wood
Pott Shrigley SJ957816
Pythorne Wood
Forest or Wood
Siddington SJ868711
Quarry Wood
Forest or Wood
Kidsgrove SJ854580
Quoisley Big Mere
Inland Water
Marbury cum Quoisley SJ546455
Quoisley Little Mere
Inland Water
Marbury cum Quoisley SJ549455
Quoisley Meres
Other Water Feature
Marbury cum Quoisley SJ545455
Rabb Clough
Sutton SJ961684
Rabbit Warren
Other Landcover
Rostherne SJ754827
Racecourse Wood
Forest or Wood
Goostrey SJ761699
Radnor Mere
Inland Water
Over Alderley SJ847758
Radnor Mere
Other Water Feature
Alderley Park SJ845755
Rainow Hill
Hill or Mountain
Congleton SJ893623
Raleigh Wood
Forest or Wood
Mobberley SJ770817
Ralph's Wood
Forest or Wood
Odd Rode SJ822560
Rams Clough
Adlington SJ942819
Raspberrylane Plantation
Forest or Wood
Bucklow Hill SJ732826
Ratcliff Wood
Forest or Wood
Sutton SJ922692
Read's Wood
Forest or Wood
Mottram St. Andrew SJ883773
Rector's Plantation
Forest or Wood
Nether Alderley SJ839760
Red Brook
Other Water Feature
Peover Superior SJ755745
Red Brook
Other Water Feature
Adlington SJ905815
Red Hall Wood
Forest or Wood
Leighton SJ667580
Red Pool
Inland Water
Bosley SJ931636
Redacre Wood
Forest or Wood
Pott Shrigley SJ946819
Redes Mere
Inland Water
Siddington SJ847717
Redes Mere
Other Water Feature
Siddington SJ845715
Redlion Brook
Other Water Feature
Lower Withington SJ805695
Reed Hill
Hill or Mountain
Lyme Handley SJ978798
Ribblebridge Wood
Forest or Wood
Peover Superior SJ780729
Ridgegate Reservoir
Inland Water
Sutton SJ955713
Ridgegate Resr
Other Water Feature
Sutton SJ955715
Ridley Pool
Inland Water
Ridley SJ539551
Ridley's Pool
Inland Water
Hunsterson SJ699466
Rinks Pool
Inland Water
Tabley Inferior SJ713779
Rinks Wood
Forest or Wood
Tabley Inferior SJ713777
River Bollin
Other Water Feature
Little Bollington SJ735865
River Bollin
Other Water Feature
Langley SJ935715
River Croco
Other Water Feature
Holmes Chapel SJ755665
River Dane
Other Water Feature
Swettenham SJ805665
River Dane
Other Water Feature
Macclesfield Forest and Wildbo SK005675
River Dean
Other Water Feature
Mottram St. Andrew SJ885815
River Dean
Other Water Feature
Adlington SJ915785
River Duckow
Other Water Feature
Dodcott cum Wilkesley SJ645405
River Gowy
Other Water Feature
Peckforton SJ545575
River Weaver
Other Water Feature
Cholmondeley SJ555515
River Weaver
Other Water Feature
Newhall SJ625465
River Weaver
Other Water Feature
Aston juxta Mondrum SJ665575
River Wheelock
Other Water Feature
Moston SJ715605
Roach-hey Wood
Forest or Wood
Disley SJ978855
Robin Knight's Rough
Forest or Wood
Blakenhall SJ717474
Robin Wood
Forest or Wood
Macclesfield SJ920709
Robins Clough
Macclesfield Forest and Wildbo SK000678
Rock Wood
Forest or Wood
Higher Hurdsfield SJ938751
Rode Pool
Inland Water
Rode Heath SJ814574
Rode Pool
Other Water Feature
Odd Rode SJ815575
Roe Park
Forest or Wood
Odd Rode SJ855585
Rookery Wood
Forest or Wood
Crewe SJ728544
Rookery Wood
Forest or Wood
Hankelow SJ671462
Rookery Wood
Forest or Wood
Wincle SJ945654
Rookerybank Covert
Forest or Wood
Crewe SJ685544
Rooks Wood
Forest or Wood
Mobberley SJ768795
Rossen Dale
Sutton SJ934702
Rossendale Wood
Forest or Wood
Sutton SJ933705
Inland Water
Mobberley SJ820811
Rostherne Mere
Inland Water
Rostherne SJ744841
Rostherne Mere
Other Water Feature
Rostherne SJ745845
Round Covert
Forest or Wood
Ashley SJ787831
Round Plantation
Forest or Wood
Moreton cum Alcumlow SJ841591
Round Wood
Forest or Wood
Tabley Inferior SJ715781
Forest or Wood
Wilmslow SJ826792
Rowlinson's Green
Other Landcover
High Legh SJ671840
Royd Wood
Forest or Wood
Tabley Inferior SJ724765
Rulow Wood
Forest or Wood
Lower Withington SJ815707
Rushy-pits Covert
Forest or Wood
Millington SJ730850
Ryecroft Covert
Forest or Wood
Rostherne SJ756846
Ryecroft Wood
Forest or Wood
Brereton SJ779675
Ryle's Pool
Inland Water
Macclesfield SJ914727
Ryles Wood
Forest or Wood
Adlington SJ933802
Ryles Wood
Forest or Wood
Lyme Handley SJ958840
Saddleback Plantations
Forest or Wood
Mobberley SJ750819
Sanctuary Moor
Forest or Wood
Knutsford SJ756779
Sand Pit Wood
Forest or Wood
Bucklow Hill SJ738812
Sanderson's Brook
Other Water Feature
Middlewich SJ725645
Sandfield Wood
Forest or Wood
Knutsford SJ754770
Sandholes Moss
Forest or Wood
Adlington SJ909815
Sandicroft Wood
Forest or Wood
Church Minshull SJ663616
Sandle Heath
Forest or Wood
Nether Alderley SJ830752
Scar Pool
Inland Water
Wincle SJ965652
Scar Wood
Forest or Wood
Somerford Booths SJ835651
School Wood
Forest or Wood
Odd Rode SJ823570
School Wood
Forest or Wood
Tabley Inferior SJ717775
Scissorcroft Wood
Forest or Wood
North Rode SJ892672
Sebastopol Covert
Forest or Wood
High Legh SJ672831
Serpentine Wood
Forest or Wood
Poynton SJ928848
Shading Pond
Inland Water
Tatton SJ746821
Shannock Big Wood
Forest or Wood
Hulme Walfield SJ838652
Shaw Green Willows
Other Landcover
Rostherne SJ750839
Shawgreen Wood
Forest or Wood
Rostherne SJ754838
Shawheath Covert
Forest or Wood
Mobberley SJ763807
Shawheath Coverts
Forest or Wood
Mobberley SJ763804
Shawheath Plantation
Forest or Wood
Knutsford SJ764801
Shell Brook
Other Water Feature
Wincle SJ945645
Shellbrook Copse
Forest or Wood
Wincle SJ944641
Shellow Wood
Forest or Wood
Gawsworth SJ886683
Sherriff's Wood
Forest or Wood
Rode Heath SJ814567
Shinglar Wood
Forest or Wood
Twemlow SJ797697
Shining Tor
Hill or Mountain
Macclesfield Forest and Wildbo SJ994737
Shooter's Clough
Macclesfield Forest and Wildbo SK005745
Shores Clough
Macclesfield SJ928748
Shoulder of Mutton Wood
Forest or Wood
Odd Rode SJ825572
Shropshire Union Canal
Other Water Feature
Baddington SJ645475
Shropshire Union Canal Middlewich Branch
Other Water Feature
Cholmondeston SJ645585
Hill or Mountain
Macclesfield Forest and Wildbo SJ976695
Sidder Plantation
Forest or Wood
Toft SJ755758
Siddington Moss
Forest or Wood
Siddington SJ839709
Simon's Wood
Forest or Wood
Siddington SJ856710
Sink Moss
Other Landcover
High Legh SJ677830
Slack Wood
Forest or Wood
Bosley SJ921641
Slope Plantation
Forest or Wood
Gawsworth SJ891691
Small Brook
Other Water Feature
Bradwall SJ755625
Smiths Millennium Wood
Forest or Wood
Batherton SJ662496
Smithy Wood
Forest or Wood
Henbury SJ864727
Smoker Brook
Other Water Feature
Tabley Inferior SJ715765
Smoker Wood
Forest or Wood
Tabley Inferior SJ707761
Snape Brook
Other Water Feature
Siddington SJ835725
Snelson Covert
Forest or Wood
Snelson SJ803740
Sossmoss Wood
Forest or Wood
Nether Alderley SJ824763
Sound Heath
Forest or Wood
Sound SJ621480
Speakman's Moss
Forest or Wood
Doddington SJ701476
Spinney Wood
Forest or Wood
Peover Superior SJ766725
Sponds Hill
Hill or Mountain
Pott Shrigley SJ970802
Spout Wood
Forest or Wood
Bosley SJ916654
Spring Plantation
Forest or Wood
Minshull Vernon SJ694587
Spring Wood
Forest or Wood
Marthall SJ773783
Sprink Plantation
Forest or Wood
Rode Heath SJ816567
Spurstow Spa
Other Water Feature
Spurstow SJ575545
Square Covert
Forest or Wood
Marbury cum Quoisley SJ569452
Square Wood
Forest or Wood
Mere SJ718811
Square Wood
Forest or Wood
Mobberley SJ770811
St John's Wood
Forest or Wood
Knutsford SJ763789
Stanleyhall Wood
Forest or Wood
Disley SJ969857
Stanner Nab
Hill or Mountain
Peckforton SJ531573
Station Wood
Forest or Wood
North Rode SJ899669
Stockin Moss
Forest or Wood
Marthall SJ802750
Stockley Rough
Forest or Wood
Aston by Budworth SJ678813
Stonelodge Wood
Forest or Wood
Dodcott cum Wilkesley SJ597434
Stonyfold Wood
Forest or Wood
Bosley SJ914678
Strawberry Wood
Forest or Wood
Lower Withington SJ803699
Styperson Pool
Inland Water
Adlington SJ932795
Sugar Brook
Other Water Feature
Ashley SJ775825
Summer House Plantation
Forest or Wood
Church Lawton SJ825559
Summerhouse Island
Coastal Headland
Newhall SJ586446
Sutton Common
Other Landcover
Wincle SJ934680
Sutton Common
Hill or Mountain
Sutton SJ935675
Sutton Reservoir
Inland Water
Sutton SJ918700
Sutton Resr
Other Water Feature
Sutton SJ915705
Swan Clump
Forest or Wood
Mobberley SJ759815
Swanley Covert
Forest or Wood
Baddiley SJ612528
Sweethill Clough
Lyme Handley SJ980809
Swettenham Brook
Other Water Feature
Swettenham SJ795675
Swinerood Wood
Forest or Wood
Bollington SJ932781
Sworton Heath
Other Landcover
High Legh SJ683841
Tabley Mere
Inland Water
Tabley Inferior SJ722768
Tabley Mere
Other Water Feature
Tabley Inferior SJ725765
Tableymoss Wood
Forest or Wood
Tabley Superior SJ729803
Tableypipe Wood
Forest or Wood
Mere SJ719804
Tagsclough Hill
Hill or Mountain
Macclesfield Forest and Wildbo SJ985675
Tally-ho Covert
Forest or Wood
Ravensmoor SJ622514
Tatton Mere
Inland Water
Tatton SJ755801
Tatton Mere
Other Water Feature
Knutsford SJ755795
Tatton Mere
Other Water Feature
Knutsford SJ755805
Tatton Mere Covert
Forest or Wood
Mobberley SJ758799
Inland Water
Sandbach SJ779623
Teggsnose Reservoir
Inland Water
Langley SJ947718
Teggsnose Wood
Forest or Wood
Langley SJ948719
Temple Of Peace Wood
Forest or Wood
Crewe Green SJ734544
The Belt
Forest or Wood
Acton SJ641521
The Belt
Forest or Wood
Ollerton SJ778776
The Belts
Forest or Wood
Aston by Budworth SJ670802
The Bottoms
Siddington SJ833720
The Clough
Mottram St Andrew SJ878781
The Common Wood
Forest or Wood
Snelson SJ802743
The Green
Other Landcover
Worleston SJ647536
The Grove
Forest or Wood
Aston by Budworth SJ679810
The Mere
Inland Water
Alsager SJ793555
The Mere
Inland Water
Bucklow Hill SJ732818
The Mere
Other Water Feature
Bucklow Hill SJ735815
The Moat
Inland Water
Nether Alderley SJ844763
The Moss
Forest or Wood
Brereton Heath SJ808643
The Moss
Forest or Wood
Ridley SJ540542
The Oaks
Forest or Wood
Walgherton SJ697488
The Oaks
Forest or Wood
Rainow SJ956756
The Oaks
Forest or Wood
High Legh SJ690834
The Rookery
Forest or Wood
Stoke SJ625565
The Rookery
Forest or Wood
Bollington SJ915773
The Rookery
Forest or Wood
Ashley SJ769847
The Rough
Forest or Wood
Siddington SJ845724
The Wilderness
Forest or Wood
Odd Rode SJ826596
The Wilderness
Forest or Wood
Adlington SJ905800
The Wilderness
Forest or Wood
Sutton Lane Ends SJ927715
Thornycroft Pools
Inland Water
Siddington SJ870710
Forest or Wood
Rode Heath SJ801574
Tidnock Wood
Forest or Wood
Gawsworth SJ869693
Tidnock Wood
Forest or Wood
Marton SJ865695
Timberhurst Wood
Forest or Wood
Wincle SJ958647
Todd Brook
Other Water Feature
Kettleshulme SJ985785
Tongue Sharp Wood
Forest or Wood
Macclesfield Forest and Wildbo SJ982679
Top Willowbed Wood
Forest or Wood
Tabley Inferior SJ731777
Tower Wood
Forest or Wood
Bickerton SJ510541
Trafford's Bank Covert
Forest or Wood
Ashley SJ755851
Trent & Mersey Canal
Other Water Feature
Middlewich SJ715645
Trentabank Reservoir
Inland Water
Sutton SJ962713
Trentabank Reservoir
Other Water Feature
Sutton SJ965715
Turnpike Wood
Forest or Wood
Mere SJ724806
Twiss's Wood
Forest or Wood
Rostherne SJ752833
Tytherington Wood
Forest or Wood
Macclesfield SJ906755
Union Gorse
Forest or Wood
Bradwall SJ727638
Upton Wood
Forest or Wood
Macclesfield SJ905752
Valley Brook
Other Water Feature
Crewe Green SJ755535
Vicarage Wood
Forest or Wood
Macclesfield Forest and Wildbo SJ985702
Victoria Wood
Forest or Wood
Toft SJ746755
Victory Planting
Forest or Wood
Odd Rode SJ823579
Walk Mill Covert
Forest or Wood
Mobberley SJ760822
Walkmill Covert
Forest or Wood
Dodcott cum Wilkesley SJ611430
Wall Pool
Inland Water
Gawsworth SJ893697
Walley Wood
Forest or Wood
North Rode SJ899679
Ward's Plantation
Forest or Wood
Rostherne SJ756831
Wardle Covert
Forest or Wood
Calveley SJ594580
Warmingham Moss
Other Landcover
Warmingham SJ699599
Waterfall Wood
Forest or Wood
Mottram St Andrew SJ865777
Weaver Bank Wood
Forest or Wood
Church Minshull SJ678624
Weaver Wood Rookery
Forest or Wood
Church Minshull SJ672616
Westlow Mere
Inland Water
Congleton SJ855643
Wettenhall Brook
Other Water Feature
Wettenhall SJ615615
Whaley Moor
Hill or Mountain
Lyme Handley SJ989821
Whartons Pool Plantation
Forest or Wood
Church Lawton SJ801569
Whetstone Ridge
Hill or Mountain
Macclesfield Forest and Wildbo SK001708
Inland Water
Macclesfield SJ881747
White Moss
Forest or Wood
Radway Green SJ774548
Whitecroft Heath
Forest or Wood
Lower Withington SJ819712
Whitefield Covert
Forest or Wood
High Legh SJ694826
Whitefield Covert
Forest or Wood
Peover Superior SJ777735
Whitemoor Hill
Hill or Mountain
Bosley SJ915679
Whitemoor Wood
Forest or Wood
Gawsworth SJ915680
Whitemore Wood
Forest or Wood
Congleton SJ882607
Whitemore Wood
Forest or Wood
Congleton SJ881599
Whiteridges Wood
Forest or Wood
Bosley SJ945645
Whitlow Wood
Forest or Wood
Nether Alderley SJ835740
Wigwam Wood
Forest or Wood
Poynton SJ911834
Wilbraham's Clump
Forest or Wood
Rostherne SJ754827
Wildforest Wood
Forest or Wood
North Rode SJ901664
Wilkesley Covert
Forest or Wood
Dodcott cum Wilkesley SJ623416
Willie's Wood
Forest or Wood
Lower Withington SJ819716
Willocks Wood
Forest or Wood
Newbold Astbury SJ874595
Willow Gaff
Forest or Wood
Chelford SJ823741
Willow Ground Wood
Forest or Wood
Wilmslow SJ835823
Willow Slips
Forest or Wood
Mere SJ739828
Forest or Wood
Aston by Budworth SJ682807
Willowbed Wood
Forest or Wood
Aston by Budworth SJ673793
Wilmer Wood
Forest or Wood
Toft SJ759753
Wilson's Wood
Forest or Wood
Siddington SJ841711
Windmill Wood
Forest or Wood
Wilmslow SJ856772
Winnington Belt
Forest or Wood
Plumley SJ702753
Winterley Pool
Inland Water
Wheelock Heath SJ747570
Witchcote Wood
Forest or Wood
Mobberley SJ767806
Withington Pool
Inland Water
Lower Withington SJ812719
Withinleach Moor
Other Landcover
Rainow SJ998759
Wood Bongs
Forest or Wood
Rostherne SJ746836
Wood Moss
Other Landcover
Macclesfield Forest and Wildbo SJ997692
Other Landcover
Mobberley SJ806824
Other Landcover
Gawsworth SJ914696
Worsley Covert
Forest or Wood
Minshull Vernon SJ681610
Worthington Gorse
Forest or Wood
Mobberley SJ764829
Wych Wood
Forest or Wood
Adlington SJ914800
Yarnshaw Hill
Hill or Mountain
Macclesfield Forest and Wildbo SJ987707
Yarwoodheath Covert
Forest or Wood
Rostherne SJ743852
Yew Wood
Forest or Wood
Tatton SJ745825