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Gazetteer Entries in Cornwall, England
Populated Places only
Geographic Features only
Markers are clustered as there are too many to display individually when zoomed out.
Abe's Rock
Marhamchurch SS196040
Abraham's Down Wood
Forest or Wood
Pelynt SX196569
Aesop's Bed
Other Coastal Landform
Polperro SX232512
Affaland Wood
Forest or Wood
North Tamerton SX318986
Aire Point
Other Coastal Landform
St. Just SW358281
Alder Strand
Other Coastal Landform
St. Gennys SX127949
Alderplot Bottom
Saltash SX401592
Alex Tor
Hill or Mountain
St. Breward SX118787
Allday's Fields
Other Landcover
Fowey SX114509
Amalveor Downs
Other Landcover
Towednack SW475376
Amphitheatre Wood
Forest or Wood
Maker-with-Rame SX455526
Amsterdam Point
Gerrans SW851325
Amy Down
Other Landcover
St. Mellion SX361660
Angrouse Cliff
Cliff or Slope
Mullion SW663192
Appledore Brake
Forest or Wood
St. Ive SX326693
Appledore Wood
Forest or Wood
St. Ive SX325696
Appletree Beach
St Austell SX044516
Appletree Point
St Austell SX044515
Arch Zawn
Breage SW550279
Ardensawah Cliff
Cliff or Slope
St. Levan SW361226
Argal Reservoir
Inland Water
Budock SW760322
Argal Resr
Other Water Feature
Budock SW765325
Armed Knight
Sennen SW341247
St. Keverne SW809221
Arrow Rock
Other Coastal Landform
Mevagissey SX018445
Arrowan Common
Other Landcover
St. Keverne SW756175
Ash Wood
Forest or Wood
Fowey SX101515
Ash Wood
Forest or Wood
Mylor SW794354
Ashlake Wood
Forest or Wood
Linkinhorne SX302713
Ashleigh Meadow
Other Landcover
Menheniot SX292641
Asparagus Island
Landewednack SW682131
Athill Wood
Forest or Wood
St. Thomas the Apostle Rural SX280854
Attimidday Rock
St. Goran SW983404
August Rock
Mawnan SW795270
Backways Cove
Other Water Feature
Tintagel SX045855
Badgall Downs
Other Landcover
Laneast SX222860
Badger's Cross
Other Landcover
Madron SW484332
Bagalow Beach
Tintagel SX048874
Bagatelle Plantation
Forest or Wood
Mylor SW798359
Baggmill Plantation
Forest or Wood
Sheviock SX378546
Bake Bottoms
St. Germans SX330579
Bake Wood
Forest or Wood
Deviock SX311580
Bakesdown Common
Other Landcover
Week St. Mary SS246011
Ball Plantation
Forest or Wood
Pillaton SX409642
Ball Wood
Forest or Wood
Carkeel SX400607
Ballpark Plantation
Forest or Wood
St. Germans SX309600
Bamaluz Point
St Ives (Cornwall) SW522409
Bar Meadows
Other Landcover
St. Clement SW844430
Bar Walk Plantation
Forest or Wood
Porthleven SW644245
Bara Copse
Forest or Wood
Boyton SX308913
Bara Wood
Forest or Wood
St. Germans SX323602
St. Levan SW396220
Barges Rock
Landewednack SW696114
Bargus Common
Other Landcover
Perranarworthal SW765397
Barleysplat Wood
Forest or Wood
Warleggan SX159683
Barn Bottom
Sheviock SX369559
Barn Gallac
Other Coastal Landform
Paul SW456239
Barn Meadow Plantation
Forest or Wood
St. Germans SX355582
Barn Park Plantation
Forest or Wood
Sheviock SX377540
Barn Pool
Other Water Feature
Maker-with-Rame SX455525
Barn Wood
Forest or Wood
Ladock SW926507
Barnacott Wood
Forest or Wood
Bude-Stratton SS229092
Barnclose Plantation
Forest or Wood
St. Michael Penkevil SW853414
Barnpark Plantation
Forest or Wood
North Hill SX263776
Barnpool Wood
Forest or Wood
Maker-with-Rame SX454528
Barras Bay
St. Merryn SW859766
Barras Gug
Tintagel SX055893
Barras Moor
Other Landcover
St. Gluvias SW773375
Barras Nose
Other Coastal Landform
Tintagel SX052894
Barrel Rock
Bude SS199067
Barrett's Zawn
Other Water Feature
St. Endellion SX025815
Barteliver Wood
Forest or Wood
Grampound SW928479
Bartinney Downs
Other Landcover
St. Just SW394294
Bartinney Downs
Hill or Mountain
St. Just SW395295
Basore Point
Perranuthnoe SW531294
Bass Point
Coastal Headland
Landewednack SW715119
Bass Rock
Other Coastal Landform
Downderry SX324538
Bass Rock
Gerrans SW877354
Basset's Cove
Other Water Feature
Illogan SW635445
Bathpool Wood
Forest or Wood
North Hill SX277750
Battern Cliffs
Cliff or Slope
Deviock SX328539
Battery Point
Other Coastal Landform
Breage SW558277
Battery Rocks
Penzance SW477297
Battery Walk Wood
Forest or Wood
St. Michael Caerhays SW972412
Batty's Point
Coastal Headland
St. Keverne SW808219
Baulk Head
Other Coastal Landform
Gunwalloe SW653221
Bawden Rocks
St. Agnes SW700532
Bawden's Wood
Forest or Wood
Warleggan SX159685
Baypark Wood
Forest or Wood
St. Mellion SX348655
Bazley's Plantation
Forest or Wood
Lanhydrock SX091648
Bazley's Plantn
Forest or Wood
Bodmin SX095655
Beacon Cove
Newquay SW804624
Beacon Cove
Mawgan-in-Pydar SW843666
Beacon Cove
Other Water Feature
Mawgan-in-Pydar SW845665
Beacon Hill
Hill or Mountain
St. Winnow SX123596
Beacon Park Plantation
Forest or Wood
Duloe SX228625
Perranzabuloe SW756579
Beagles Point
Coastal Headland
St. Keverne SW766165
Beagletodn Downs
Other Landcover
Towednack SW479384
Beaks Horn
Deviock SX343539
Bear Wood
Forest or Wood
Cardinham SX118650
Bear's Downs
Other Landcover
St. Ervan SW898680
Bearah Tor
Hill or Mountain
Linkinhorne SX257744
Bearah Wood
Forest or Wood
Landrake with St. Erney SX358628
Beardon Plantation
Forest or Wood
Boyton SX296942
Beardon Plantn
Forest or Wood
Boyton SX295945
Beardon Wood
Forest or Wood
Boyton SX299931
Beech Wood
Forest or Wood
Maker-with-Rame SX455527
Beech Wood
Forest or Wood
Illogan SW644431
Beeny Cliff
Cliff or Slope
St. Juliot SX112930
Beeny Sisters
St. Juliot SX108931
Beepark Copse
Forest or Wood
Egloskerry SX275876
Beepark Plantation
Forest or Wood
Polperro SX239533
Beersheba Plantation
Forest or Wood
St. Ives SW528370
Beggar's Island
Antony SX424571
Behest Wood
Forest or Wood
Saltash SX399601
Belah Meadow
Other Landcover
Otterham SX155895
Belingick Wood
Forest or Wood
St. Breock SW997688
Other Coastal Landform
St. Merryn SW853766
Belman's Park Wood
Forest or Wood
St. Breock SW999692
Belowda Beacon
Hill or Mountain
Roche SW971625
Belt Plantation
Forest or Wood
Kea SW805417
Beneath Wood
Forest or Wood
Linkinhorne SX302722
Bennett's Hill Plantation
Forest or Wood
North Hill SX259779
Benny Island
Mevagissey SX017449
Benoak Plantation
Forest or Wood
Duloe SX230607
Benoak Wood
Forest or Wood
Duloe SX240604
Benorth Wood
Forest or Wood
Cardinham SX118697
Bephillick Wood
Forest or Wood
Duloe SX218591
Beria Wood
Forest or Wood
Pillaton SX381638
Berry Down
Other Landcover
Sheviock SX376552
Berry Down
Other Landcover
St. Neot SX197688
Berry Down
Hill or Mountain
Sheviock SX375555
Berry Hill
Hill or Mountain
Landrake with St. Erney SX375585
Berry Plantation
Forest or Wood
Deviock SX337566
Berryl's Point
Other Coastal Landform
Mawgan-in-Pydar SW841670
Bessack Rock
Gwinear-Gwithian SW571417
Bessy's Cove
Other Water Feature
Breage SW555275
Bib Rock
Other Coastal Landform
Veryan SW939393
Bicton Wood
Forest or Wood
St. Ive SX320697
Big Wood
Forest or Wood
St. Anthony-in-Meneage SW773260
Billy's Cavern
Other Coastal Landform
Trebetherick SW933796
Bin Down
Hill or Mountain
Morval SX276578
Bin Down
Other Landcover
Morval SX278577
Binner Downs
Other Landcover
Crowan SW614338
Binney's Plantation
Forest or Wood
Torpoint SX415556
Birch Wood
Forest or Wood
Ladock SW863525
Bishop's Rock
Newquay SW813618
Bishop's Wood
Forest or Wood
St. Breock SX008700
Bishop's Wood
Forest or Wood
St. Erme SW828487
Bittleford Wood
Forest or Wood
Landulph SX406642
Black Alders Wood
Forest or Wood
Morval SX302598
Black Ball Cliff
Cliff or Slope
Sheviock SX371535
Black Carn
Other Coastal Landform
St. Levan SW361223
Black Cliff
Cliff or Slope
Riviere Towans SW554387
Black Covert
Forest or Wood
St. Erme SW859509
Black Down
Other Landcover
Duloe SX226597
Black Head
Coastal Headland
St Austell Bay SX039480
Black Head
St. Keverne SW778160
Black Humphrey Rock
Newquay SW830632
Black Rock
Gerrans SW857328
Black Rock
Other Coastal Landform
Poundstock SS195017
Black Rock
St. Gennys SX138971
Black Rock
Kilkhampton SS200099
Black Rock
Other Coastal Landform
Saltash SX397561
Black Rock
Looe SX269539
Black Rock
St. Goran SW987405
Black Rock
Other Coastal Landform
St. Michael Caerhays SW977407
Black Rock
Falmouth SW833316
Black Rock
Grade-Ruan SW728154
Blackadon Wood
Forest or Wood
Menheniot SX290600
Blackbottle Rock
Other Coastal Landform
Polruan SX136504
Blackheath Wood
Forest or Wood
Lanivet SX074638
Blackhill Down
Other Landcover
Altarnun SX184781
Blackley Wood
Forest or Wood
St. Ive SX326666
Blackmore Beach
Fowey SX107502
Blackybale Point
Coastal Headland
Polperro SX187502
Blake Wood
Forest or Wood
Launcells SS253041
Blarrick Cliff
Cliff or Slope
Antony SX381530
Blind Wood
Forest or Wood
Quethiock SX301648
Blindwell Wood
Forest or Wood
Pillaton SX399653
Blinker's Bed
Other Coastal Landform
Morvah SW393361
Bloggerheads Wood
Forest or Wood
Morval SX298594
Blogsters Wood
Forest or Wood
South Hill SX345703
Blouth Point
Coastal Headland
Veryan SW927379
Blowing Hole
Other Coastal Landform
Newquay SW824630
Blue Rocks
Other Coastal Landform
Gunwalloe SW648232
Bo Cowloe
Sennen Cove SW346268
Bodelva Moor
Other Landcover
St. Blaise SX055550
Bodigga Cliff
Cliff or Slope
St. Martin-by-Looe SX274541
Bodinnick Wood
Forest or Wood
St. Stephen-in-Brannel SW951518
Bodithiel Wood
Forest or Wood
St. Neot SX172645
Bodmin Moor
Other Landcover
St. Neot SX193770
Bodrawl Wood
Forest or Wood
St. Pinnock SX195621
Bodrugan's Leap
Coastal Headland
Mevagissey SX026428
Bodwannick Wood
Forest or Wood
Lanivet SX034652
Bofarnel Downs
Other Landcover
St. Winnow SX117633
Bog Plantation
Forest or Wood
Ludgvan SW509316
Bohetherick Wood
Forest or Wood
St. Dominick SX421678
Bokenna Wood
Forest or Wood
St. Cleer SX205667
Bokenna Wood
Forest or Wood
St. Neot SX205665
Bokenver Wood
Forest or Wood
St. Martin-by-Looe SX286558
Bokiddick Downs
Other Landcover
Lanivet SX050617
Bold Gate Plantation
Forest or Wood
Crowan SW627353
Bolenowe Carn Moor
Other Landcover
Camborne SW671375
Bolenowe Moor
Other Landcover
Carn Brea SW674383
Bolesbridge Water
Other Water Feature
North Petherwin SX285895
Landewednack SW706116
Bollowall Cliff
Cliff or Slope
St. Just SW354311
Bollowall Common
Other Landcover
St. Just SW355311
Bonallack Wood
Forest or Wood
Gweek SW713261
Bones Wood
Forest or Wood
Quethiock SX330614
Bonniny Wood
Forest or Wood
Polperro SX236546
Bonython Plantations
Forest or Wood
Cury SW699205
Bonython Plantns
Forest or Wood
Cury SW695205
Booby's Bay
St. Merryn SW855753
Booby's Bay
Other Water Feature
St. Merryn SW855755
Booley Beach
Fowey SX088524
Borlase Wood
Forest or Wood
Philleigh SW856401
Borlase Wood
Forest or Wood
St. Michael Penkevil SW855405
Bosahan Wood
Forest or Wood
Constantine SW731297
Boscarne Wood
Forest or Wood
Bodmin SX044677
Boscastle Harbour
Boscastle SX093914
Boscaswell Higher Downs
Other Landcover
Higher Boscaswell SW387342
Boscaswell Lower Downs
Other Landcover
Higher Boscaswell SW382346
Boscaswell North Cliff
Cliff or Slope
St. Just SW374352
Boscaswell South Cliff
Cliff or Slope
St. Just SW372351
Boscathnoe Reservoir
Inland Water
Penzance SW452311
Boscathnoe Resr
Other Water Feature
Penzance SW455315
Boscawen Cliff
Cliff or Slope
St. Buryan SW429230
Boscawen Point
Other Coastal Landform
St. Buryan SW431228
Boscregan And Hendra Cliff
Cliff or Slope
St. Just SW356296
Bosigran Cliff
Cliff or Slope
Zennor SW416368
Bosistow Island
St. Levan SW356231
Boskenna Cliff
Cliff or Slope
St. Buryan SW428231
Boskenwyn Downs
Other Landcover
Gweek SW696272
Bosmaugan Wood
Forest or Wood
St. Winnow SX113615
Bosorne Common
Other Landcover
St. Just SW359308
Bosporthennis Common
Other Landcover
Zennor SW444359
Bossiney Haven
Tintagel SX066893
Bossiney Haven
Other Water Feature
Tintagel SX065895
Bosullow Common
Other Landcover
Morvah SW419348
Bosvenning and Roskennals Common
Other Landcover
Sancreed SW415314
Bosvisack Plantation
Forest or Wood
Kenwyn SW784465
Boswednack Cliff
Cliff or Slope
Zennor SW440385
Boswednack Common
Other Landcover
Zennor SW448366
Boswens Common
Other Landcover
Sancreed SW406327
Boswiddle Wood
Forest or Wood
Ladock SW869520
Bosworlas Moor
Other Landcover
St. Just SW381303
Boswyn Reservoir
Inland Water
Camborne SW658363
Botallack Common
Other Landcover
Sancreed SW387326
Botallack Head
Coastal Headland
St. Just SW362338
Botallack Moor
Other Landcover
St. Just SW366329
Newquay SW812619
Botternel Wood
Forest or Wood
North Hill SX285743
Bounds Cliff
Cliff or Slope
St. Teath SX023813
Bow Beach
Gorran Haven SX008406
Bowdanoddon Wood
Forest or Wood
North Hill SX262760
Bowden Wood
Forest or Wood
St. Neot SX206687
Bowling Cove
Towednack SW483408
Bowling Cove
Zennor SW471407
Braddock Wood
Forest or Wood
Broadoak SX161619
Braddockpark Wood
Forest or Wood
Broadoak SX163618
Braddockround Plantation
Forest or Wood
Boconnoc SX170617
Bradridge Wood
Forest or Wood
North Tamerton SX325935
Braggshill Wood
Forest or Wood
Boyton SX326926
Brake Wood
Forest or Wood
Dobwalls and Trewidland SX240629
Bramble Park Plantation
Forest or Wood
St. Germans SX352586
Bramble Wood
Forest or Wood
St. Mellion SX354654
Bramblecoombe Wood
Forest or Wood
Boconnoc SX152596
Branchecombe Wood
Forest or Wood
St. Germans SX349571
Brandis Rocks
Fowey SX098493
Grade-Ruan SW729148
Zennor SW412366
Brane Moor
Other Landcover
Sancreed SW401285
Branstone Plantations
Forest or Wood
St. Winnow SX110637
Brawn Point
Polruan SX128513
Bray Down
Hill or Mountain
Altarnun SX188821
Bray's Point
Other Coastal Landform
St. Gennys SX139968
Brea Beach
St. Minver Lowlands SW926766
Brea Downs
Other Landcover
St. Just SW380286
Brea Hill
Hill or Mountain
St. Minver Lowlands SW928771
Brea Hill
Hill or Mountain
Trebetherick SW925775
Breakneck Cavern
Other Coastal Landform
Trebetherick SW935796
Bream Cove
Other Water Feature
Mawnan SW795285
Bream Rocks
Carlyon SX074522
Breja Common
Other Landcover
St. Ives SW491388
Breney Common
Other Landcover
Lanlivery SX056613
Brick Kiln Copse
Forest or Wood
North Tamerton SX313984
Brickley Plantation
Forest or Wood
North Petherwin SX273894
Brickleydown Plantation
Forest or Wood
North Petherwin SX272896
Brickmoor Plantation
Forest or Wood
Kea SW808422
Bridge Moor
Forest or Wood
Portreath SW665451
Bridge Plantation
Forest or Wood
Laneast SX253856
Bridge Rocks
Looe SX242511
Bridge Wood
Forest or Wood
Helland SX067718
Bridwill Point
Other Landform
Poundstock SS186002
Brighter Wood
Forest or Wood
St. Tudy SX044758
Brighton Wood
Forest or Wood
St. Veep SX128561
Brill Hill
Hill or Mountain
Constantine SW718297
Brimclose Plantation
Forest or Wood
North Petherwin SX274892
Britain Cliff
Cliff or Slope
Sheviock SX349539
Britain Point
Coastal Headland
Sheviock SX350538
Broad Strand
Other Coastal Landform
Poundstock SX177999
Broad Wood
Forest or Wood
Linkinhorne SX289741
Broad's Piece Plantation
Forest or Wood
Broadoak SX162615
Broadmoor Wood
Forest or Wood
Carkeel SX403605
Broom Down Wood
Forest or Wood
Landrake with St. Erney SX365590
Broomhill Grove
Forest or Wood
Antony SX417566
Broomhill Plantation
Forest or Wood
St. Germans SX333604
Broompark Wood
Forest or Wood
Egloskerry SX272883
Browda Wood
Forest or Wood
Linkinhorne SX306718
Brown Gelly
Hill or Mountain
St. Neot SX195727
Brown Willy
Hill or Mountain
St. Breward SX158799
Brown Willy
Hill or Mountain
Altarnun SX155795
Brownberry Wood
Forest or Wood
St. Michael Caerhays SW969428
Browngelly Downs
Other Landcover
St. Neot SX196728
Brownqueen Plantation
Forest or Wood
St. Winnow SX102630
Brownqueen Wood
Forest or Wood
St. Winnow SX098627
Brownwilly Downs
Other Landcover
St. Breward SX158789
Browther Rock
St. Ives SW508413
Buckabarrow Downs
Other Landcover
Lanreath SX173603
Buckabarrow Plantation
Forest or Wood
Boconnoc SX169605
Other Coastal Landform
St. Gennys SX118934
Bucklawren Wood
Forest or Wood
St. Martin-by-Looe SX272555
Bude Bay
Other Water Feature
Flexbury SS165075
Bude Haven
Flexbury SS199069
Bude Haven
Other Water Feature
Bude SS205065
Bulland Downs
Other Landcover
St. Cleer SX231694
Bullapit Plantation
Forest or Wood
Werrington SX320896
Buller Downs
Other Landcover
Redruth SW704397
Bullion Cliff
Cliff or Slope
Porthleven SW620259
Bumble Rock
Landewednack SW707114
Burgotha Wood
Forest or Wood
St. Stephen-in-Brannel SW933552
Burnewhall Cliff
Cliff or Slope
St. Levan SW405228
Burnt Downs
Other Landcover
Crowan SW612345
Burnt Wood
Forest or Wood
Duloe SX209596
Burnt Wood
Forest or Wood
St. Ive SX316701
Burrhills Wood
Forest or Wood
Botusfleming SX419609
Burthallan Cliff
Cliff or Slope
St. Ives SW507412
Burton Wood
Forest or Wood
St. Pinnock SX201612
Bury Down
Other Landcover
Lanreath SX190592
Bussow Moor
Forest or Wood
St. Ives SW502389
Bussow Reservoir
Inland Water
St. Ives SW501390
Bussow Resr
Other Water Feature
St. Ives SW505395
Busvargus and Tregeseal Common
Other Landcover
St. Just SW388313
Butt Rock
Mawgan-in-Pydar SW845673
Butter's Tor
Hill or Mountain
St. Breward SX155783
Butter's Tor
Hill or Mountain
Altarnun SX155785
Buttern Hill
Hill or Mountain
Altarnun SX175815
Butternhill Wood
Forest or Wood
Pillaton SX362647
Butts Point
Other Coastal Landform
Polperro SX209507
Bynorth Cliff
Cliff or Slope
St. Gennys SX170991
Cabilla Wood
Forest or Wood
Warleggan SX140658
Cabilla Wood
Forest or Wood
Cardinham SX135655
Caca-stull Zawn
Porthleven SW635248
Caddydaw Rock
Other Coastal Landform
Veryan SW938394
Cadson Bury Down
Other Landcover
St. Ive SX343672
Cadycrowse Rock
Gorran Haven SX014415
Cadythew Rock
Other Coastal Landform
Gorran Haven SX015408
Cadythew Rock
St. Goran SW991404
St. Keverne SW796249
Caervallack-hills Wood
Forest or Wood
St. Martin-in-Meneage SW723245
Grade-Ruan SW737164
Calamansack Wood
Forest or Wood
Constantine SW752270
Calhill Plantation
Forest or Wood
Menheniot SX294619
California Wood
Forest or Wood
Kea SW814425
Call Wood
Forest or Wood
Stokeclimsland SX336765
Callabarrett Wood
Forest or Wood
Cardinham SX101680
Callywith Wood
Forest or Wood
Cardinham SX097671
Cam Strand
St. Gennys SX130964
Coastal Headland
St. Gennys SX128966
Camerance Wood
Forest or Wood
St. Just-in-Roseland SW841379
Other Coastal Landform
Newquay SW791617
Canakey Wood
Forest or Wood
Lanreath SX202610
Other Coastal Landform
Mullion SW660169
Cancleave Strand
Other Coastal Landform
Poundstock SX174996
Cannapark Wood
Forest or Wood
Morwenstow SS229132
Cannapark Wood
Forest or Wood
St. Stephens by Launceston Rur SX306856
Other Coastal Landform
Fowey SX101491
Cant Cove
Other Water Feature
St. Minver Lowlands SW955745
Cant Hill
Hill or Mountain
St. Minver Lowlands SW946743
Cape Cornwall
Coastal Headland
St. Just SW351318
Captain Blake's Point
Other Coastal Landform
Maker-with-Rame SX418498
Captain's Wood
Forest or Wood
St. Enoder SW871546
Caradon Hill
Hill or Mountain
Linkinhorne SX273707
Caradon Wood
Forest or Wood
Linkinhorne SX303717
Caragloose Point
Other Coastal Landform
Veryan SW946399
Carbilly Tor
Hill or Mountain
Blisland SX126755
Carbis Common
Other Landcover
Roche SX001588
Carbis Valley
St Ives (Cornwall) SW526386
Carburrow Tor
Hill or Mountain
Warleggan SX155705
Carcaddon Wood
Forest or Wood
Feock SW837398
Carclaze Downs
Other Landcover
Treverbyn SX026550
Carcoe Wood
Forest or Wood
Deviock SX304563
Cardinham Downs
Other Landcover
Cardinham SX104697
Carey Tor
Hill or Mountain
North Hill SX230770
Carfury Moor
Other Landcover
Madron SW449340
Cargentle Wood
Forest or Wood
St. Stephens by Launceston Rur SX295873
Cargenwen Reservoir
Inland Water
Crowan SW651351
Cargenwen Reservoirs
Inland Water
Crowan SW655352
Cargenwen Resrs
Other Water Feature
Crowan SW655355
Cargloth Cliffs
Cliff or Slope
Deviock SX337537
Carkees Down
Other Landcover
St. Breward SX137763
Carkees Tor
Hill or Mountain
St. Breward SX138763
Carkeet Downs
Other Landcover
St. Cleer SX223728
Carleon Cove
Other Water Feature
Grade-Ruan SW725155
Carlithey Point
Other Coastal Landform
St. Goran SW997395
Carlyon Bay
Carlyon SX058520
Carmears Wood
Forest or Wood
Lanlivery SX070563
Carminowe Creek
Other Water Feature
Helston SW645245
Carminowe Down Plantation
Forest or Wood
Mawgan-in-Meneage SW666246
Carminowe Wood
Forest or Wood
Mawgan-in-Meneage SW666242
Carn Aire
Other Coastal Landform
St. Just SW359282
Carn Barges
Other Coastal Landform
St. Buryan SW446234
Carn Barges
Other Coastal Landform
St. Levan SW377217
Carn Barges
Other Coastal Landform
Sennen SW360269
Carn Bargus
Other Coastal Landform
Zennor SW438383
Carn Barra
Other Coastal Landform
St. Levan SW359225
Carn Barrow
Other Coastal Landform
Grade-Ruan SW719139
Carn Bean
Other Coastal Landform
Sennen SW348240
Carn Boel
Other Coastal Landform
Sennen SW348238
Carn Bosistow
Other Coastal Landform
St. Levan SW359231
Carn Boswarthen
Hill or Mountain
Sancreed SW407290
Carn Brâs
Sennen SW319252
Carn Brea
Hill or Mountain
Carn Brea SW683407
Carn Brea
Hill or Mountain
St. Buryan SW385280
Carn Caerthillian
Other Coastal Landform
Landewednack SW695126
Carn Cheer
Other Coastal Landform
Sennen SW346243
Carn Clew
Other Coastal Landform
Perranzabuloe SW759555
Carn Clodgy
Other Coastal Landform
Breage SW595267
Carn Clough
Hill or Mountain
Morvah SW391358
Carn Clougy
Other Coastal Landform
St. Just SW358293
Carn Cravah
Other Coastal Landform
Sennen SW354238
Carn Creagle
Other Coastal Landform
St. Just SW357286
Carn Creis
Other Coastal Landform
Sennen SW361271
Carn Creis
Other Coastal Landform
St. Just SW357297
Carn Crows
Other Coastal Landform
St Ives (Cornwall) SW521409
Carn Ding Dong
Other Coastal Landform
St. Just SW357295
Carn Downs
Other Landcover
Morvah SW410346
Carn Du
Other Coastal Landform
St. Just SW365344
Carn Enys
Other Coastal Landform
Sennen SW345245
Carn Everis
St Ives (Cornwall) SW518413
Carn Fran-kas
Other Coastal Landform
Morvah SW406360
Carn Glaze
Other Coastal Landform
St. Levan SW366221
Carn Gloose
Hill or Mountain
St. Just SW354312
Carn Gloose
Other Coastal Landform
Zennor SW429382
Carn Gowla
Cliff or Slope
St. Agnes SW698514
Carn Greeb
Other Coastal Landform
Sennen SW343247
Carn Gribba
Other Coastal Landform
St. Just SW356303
Carn Guthensbras
St. Levan SW362217
Carn Haut
Other Coastal Landform
Perranzabuloe SW760559
Carn Hoar
Other Coastal Landform
Sennen SW361272
Carn Kez
Other Coastal Landform
Sennen SW342249
Carn Kizzie
Other Coastal Landform
St. Levan SW390223
Carn Lês Boel
Coastal Headland
St. Levan SW356232
Carn Leskys
Other Coastal Landform
St. Just SW356305
Carn Lodgia
Other Coastal Landform
Mousehole SW473261
Carn Marth
Hill or Mountain
Lanner SW715408
Carn Marth
Hill or Mountain
Lanner SW715405
Carn Mellyn
Other Coastal Landform
St. Buryan SW450237
Carn Mellyn
Other Coastal Landform
St. Just SW358292
Carn Milla
Other Coastal Landform
Zennor SW440385
Carn Moyle Cliff
Cliff or Slope
Zennor SW423374
Carn Naun
Hill or Mountain
Zennor SW477408
Carn Naun Point
Other Coastal Landform
Zennor SW476411
Carn Need
Other Coastal Landform
Zennor SW439385
Carn Olva
Other Coastal Landform
Sennen Cove SW357263
Carn Olven
Other Coastal Landform
Penzance SW477297
Carn Pebo
Other Coastal Landform
Sennen SW342250
Carn Pednathan
Coastal Headland
Veryan SW948401
Carn Polpry
Other Coastal Landform
St. Just SW357298
Carn Praunter
Other Coastal Landform
St. Just SW361324
Carn Rocks
Other Coastal Landform
Gorran Haven SX017424
Carn Ros
Other Coastal Landform
St. Just SW374352
Carn Scathe
Other Coastal Landform
St. Levan SW372216
Carn Silver
Other Coastal Landform
St. Buryan SW439231
Carn Sperm
Other Coastal Landform
Sennen SW348238
Carn Spernic
Other Coastal Landform
St. Keverne SW752167
Carn Trevean
Other Coastal Landform
St. Levan SW361229
Carn Vean
Other Coastal Landform
Sennen SW349239
Carn Vellan
Other Coastal Landform
St. Just SW364342
Carn Venton Les
Other Coastal Landform
St. Just SW359284
Carn Veslan
Other Coastal Landform
Zennor SW419371
Carn Veslan Cliff
Cliff or Slope
Zennor SW420373
Carn Vres Common
Other Landcover
St. Just SW387322
Carn Watch
Other Coastal Landform
Paul SW457238
Other Coastal Landform
Paul SW456238
Other Coastal Landform
Sennen Cove SW347260
Carnanton Woods
Forest or Wood
Newquay Cornwall Airport SW888639
Carnaquidden Downs
Other Landcover
Towednack SW470357
Carne Beach
Veryan SW906381
Carne Common
Other Landcover
Crowan SW659344
Carne Down
Other Landcover
Altarnun SX200817
Carne Wood
Forest or Wood
Warleggan SX153685
Carnelloe Cliff
Cliff or Slope
Zennor SW445387
Carnelloe Long Rock
Zennor SW441389
Carnewas Island
St. Eval SW846689
Carnewas Point
Coastal Headland
St. Eval SW847689
Carnjewey Beach
Duporth SX031504
Carnkief Plantations
Forest or Wood
Perranzabuloe SW782525
Carnmeal Downs
Other Landcover
Breage SW627293
Hill or Mountain
Wendron SW695364
Carnon River
Other Water Feature
Kea SW775415
Carnsew Pool
Inland Water
Hayle SW554373
Carnweather Point
Other Coastal Landform
St. Minver Highlands SW951801
Carnwinnick Wood
Forest or Wood
St. Stephen-in-Brannel SW931513
Carnyorth Common
Other Landcover
St. Just SW385330
Carnyorth Moor
Other Landcover
St. Just SW370333
Carpuan Wood
Forest or Wood
St. Neot SX207688
Carracawn Down
Forest or Wood
Deviock SX314573
Carracawn Plantation
Forest or Wood
Deviock SX317573
Carracawn Wood
Forest or Wood
St. Germans SX327577
Carrack Gladden
Coastal Headland
St Ives (Cornwall) SW534387
St. Levan SW384216
Other Coastal Landform
Mullion SW661202
Carrag-a-pilez Cliff
Cliff or Slope
Mullion SW661202
St. Keverne SW812213
Other Coastal Landform
Mullion SW667183
Carrallack and Higher Bosavern Common
Other Landcover
St. Just SW388309
Carrick Du
Other Coastal Landform
St Ives (Cornwall) SW512410
Carrick Lûz
St. Keverne SW756162
Carrick Roads
Mylor Bridge SW827347
Carrick Roads
Other Water Feature
St. Just-in-Roseland SW835345
Carricknath Point
Coastal Headland
Gerrans SW845319
Carrickowel Point
Other Coastal Landform
Duporth SX034507
Carrine Common
Other Landcover
Kea SW795432
Carter's Downs
Other Landcover
Rosudgeon SW559296
Carter's Rocks
Cubert SW754594
Carthamartha Wood
Forest or Wood
Lezant SX374780
Cartuther Wood
Forest or Wood
Menheniot SX258625
Caruggatt Wood
Forest or Wood
Tywardreath and Par SX086570
Carvannel Downs
Other Landcover
Portreath SW644447
Carveth Wood
Forest or Wood
Cuby SW935463
Carvolth Downs
Other Landcover
Crowan SW662358
Carwarrick Wood
Forest or Wood
St. Pinnock SX192614
Cascade Wood
Forest or Wood
North Hill SX256773
Casehill Downs
Other Landcover
St. Breward SX125782
Castallack Moor
Other Landcover
Paul SW453250
Castick Plantation
Forest or Wood
North Hill SX260767
Castick Wood
Forest or Wood
North Hill SX258772
Castle Beach
Falmouth SW815319
Castle Cove
St. Just-in-Roseland SW839327
Castle Downs
Hill or Mountain
St. Columb Major SW945625
Castle Peak
Other Coastal Landform
St. Levan SW397219
Castle Point
Other Landform
St. Gennys SX145976
Castle Point
Coastal Headland
St. Just-in-Roseland SW841327
Castle Rock
Port Gaverne SX001811
Castle Rock
Zennor SW415372
Castle Wood
Forest or Wood
St. Michael Caerhays SW969418
Castle Wood
Forest or Wood
Helland SX060700
Hill or Mountain
Ludgvan SW484350
Castlehill Plantation
Forest or Wood
Launceston SX319864
Castlepark Hill
Hill or Mountain
Lezant SX365795
Cat's Cove
Other Water Feature
St. Merryn SW855765
Cataclews Point
Coastal Headland
St. Merryn SW871760
Catchole Beach
Veryan SW952408
Catherinepark Wood
Forest or Wood
Pelynt SX216546
Catshole Downs
Other Landcover
Altarnun SX165790
Catshole Tor
Hill or Mountain
Altarnun SX169785
Catticombe Wood
Forest or Wood
Dobwalls and Trewidland SX258627
Caudworthy Water
Other Water Feature
North Petherwin SX245915
Caunter Beach
Morwenstow SS197138
Cavehole Cellar
Other Coastal Landform
Kingsand SX438508
Cavehole Point
Other Coastal Landform
Kingsand SX439508
Cavouga Rocks
Grade-Ruan SW730159
Cawsand Bay
Maker-with-Rame SX448504
Cawsand Bay
Other Water Feature
Kingsand SX445505
Cawsand Beach
Kingsand SX434502
Cellar Rock
Veryan SW952407
Cellars Plantation
Forest or Wood
Gerrans SW851324
Ceres Rock
Gwinear-Gwithian SW574413
Chair Carn
Other Coastal Landform
Morvah SW398360
Chair Ladder
Other Coastal Landform
St. Levan SW364216
Chairs Rock
Other Coastal Landform
St. Merryn SW858767
Challicotts Wood
Forest or Wood
St. Germans SX338596
Chamber Rock
St. John SX404513
Chapel Cliff
Cliff or Slope
Polperro SX209507
Chapel Coombe
St. Agnes SW702490
Chapel Downs
Other Landcover
Sancreed SW417293
Chapel Meadow
Other Landcover
Perranwell SW778395
Chapel Point
Other Coastal Landform
Mevagissey SX029432
Chapel Porth
Other Water Feature
St. Agnes SW695495
Chapel Rock
Bude SS200066
Chapel Rock
Marazion SW516304
Chapel Rock
Perranporth SW754546
Chapel Wood
Forest or Wood
Philleigh SW844398
Chapelhill Plantation
Forest or Wood
Lezant SX351794
Chark Moor
Forest or Wood
Lanlivery SX083612
Chimney Rock
Other Coastal Landform
Looe SX257527
Chimney Rocks
Penzance SW474297
Chipman Cliff
Cliff or Slope
St. Gennys SX157987
Chipman Point
Other Landform
St. Gennys SX158987
Chipman Strand
St. Gennys SX158991
Cholwell Plantation
Forest or Wood
St. Ive SX337681
Chough Rock
Other Coastal Landform
Looe SX264537
Chough Zawn
St. Buryan SW434230
Chough Zawn
St. Levan SW398221
Chun Downs
Other Landcover
Madron SW405339
Church Carn
Other Coastal Landform
Zennor SW412361
Church Coombe
Carn Brea SW691406
Church Cove
Mullion SW660203
Church Cove
Lizard SW715127
Church Cove
Other Water Feature
Mullion SW665205
Church Hay Down
Other Landcover
St. Breward SX101770
Church Races
Other Coastal Landform
Marhamchurch SS198040
Churchpark Wood
Forest or Wood
Lostwithiel SX103608
Churchtown Common
Other Landcover
Zennor SW459381
Chycarn Moor
Other Landcover
Camborne SW666374
Chyenhal Moor
Other Landcover
Paul SW447279
Chygarkye Wood
Forest or Wood
Mawgan-in-Meneage SW715227
Chykembro Common
Other Landcover
Zennor SW449366
Chynhalls Cliff
Cliff or Slope
St. Keverne SW781171
Chynhalls Point
Other Coastal Landform
St. Keverne SW786173
Chypraze Cliff
Cliff or Slope
Morvah SW392360
Chyrose Cliff
Other Coastal Landform
St. Just SW391355
Chytane Wood
Forest or Wood
St. Enoder SW902560
Clann Wood
Forest or Wood
Lanivet SX036635
Clarrick Woods
Forest or Wood
Maker-with-Rame SX437520
Cleave Strand
Other Coastal Landform
St. Gennys SX152979
Cleese Wood
Forest or Wood
St. Martin-by-Looe SX264562
Other Coastal Landform
St. Levan SW370214
Cligga Head
Coastal Headland
Perranzabuloe SW738537
Clitter's Rock
Other Coastal Landform
St. Goran SW987407
Clitters Wood
Forest or Wood
Gunnislake SX423722
Cliver Wood
Forest or Wood
St. Pinnock SX213628
Clodgy Moor
Other Landcover
Paul SW450265
Clodgy Point
Other Coastal Landform
St. Ives SW507414
Clowne Plantation
Forest or Wood
Boconnoc SX163607
Coach Rock
Other Coastal Landform
Bude SS201067
Coachfield Plantation
Forest or Wood
Constantine SW750302
Cobland Hill
Hill or Mountain
Deviock SX341542
Cock's Wood
Forest or Wood
St. Breock SX002700
Cockaluney Beach
Mevagissey SX018461
Cockett Haven
Trebetherick SW935793
Cocklehorn Plantation
Forest or Wood
Fowey SX096516
Codda Downs
Other Landcover
Altarnun SX176791
Codda Tor
Hill or Mountain
Altarnun SX176791
Cododden Wood
Forest or Wood
St. Just-in-Roseland SW845390
Coffin Rock
St. Buryan SW416227
Coggan Rock
Veryan SW925380
Coldeadon Point
Other Coastal Landform
Deviock SX329538
Coldgear Plantation
Forest or Wood
St Germans SX353577
Coldrinnick Wood
Forest or Wood
Pelynt SX215571
Coldrinnick Woods
Forest or Wood
Helland SX095715
Colehill Wood
Forest or Wood
Werrington SX328912
Colesloggett Plantation
Forest or Wood
Bodmin SX098651
Colgare Plantation
Forest or Wood
Lanhydrock SX092640
Colhender Wood
Forest or Wood
Duloe SX221574
Collars Road
St. Goran SW997394
College Reservoir
Inland Water
Mabe Burnthouse SW768334
College Resr
Other Water Feature
Mabe SW765335
Colliershill Wood
Forest or Wood
Boconnoc SX142606
Colliery Wood
Forest or Wood
Kilkhampton SS236114
Colliford Downs
Other Landcover
St. Neot SX183713
Colliford Lake
Other Water Feature
St. Neot SX175725
Colly Cliff
Other Coastal Landform
Calstock SX435704
Colmer Rocks
St. Martin-by-Looe SX278538
Colona Beach
Mevagissey SX026431
Colors Cove
Other Water Feature
Polperro SX185505
Colquite Wood
Forest or Wood
Linkinhorne SX290739
Colquite Wood
Forest or Wood
St. Mabyn SX059706
Colquite Woods
Forest or Wood
St. Mabyn SX055705
Other Coastal Landform
Grade-Ruan SW724144
Colvase Wood
Forest or Wood
Morval SX298588
Colvithick Wood
Forest or Wood
St. Sampson SX120537
Colvithick Wood
Forest or Wood
Lanteglos SX125535
Colwood Wood
Forest or Wood
Boconnoc SX141592
Com Head
Coastal Headland
St. Minver Highlands SW939804
Maker-with-Rame SX422503
Combers Common
Other Landcover
Maker-with-Rame SX417489
Comfort Wood
Forest or Wood
Calstock SX412686
Commando Ridge
Other Coastal Landform
Zennor SW415367
Commerce Common
Other Landcover
St. Mewan SW983498
Common Moor
Other Landcover
St. Cleer SX238692
Common Wood
Forest or Wood
St. Ive SX307706
Commons Wood
Forest or Wood
Duloe SX219587
Compass Mark
Other Coastal Landform
Maker-with-Rame SX442487
Compass Point
Other Coastal Landform
Bude SS199063
Conce Moor
Other Landcover
Luxulyan SX039620
Condolden Barrow
Hill or Mountain
Tintagel SX090871
Conger Point
Other Coastal Landform
Kingsand SX434501
Connon Wood
Forest or Wood
St. Pinnock SX194624
Conquer Downs
Other Landcover
Towednack SW474359
Constantine Bay
Constantine Bay SW856747
Constantine Bay
Other Water Feature
St. Merryn SW855745
Constantine Island
St. Merryn SW857751
Coode's Wood
Forest or Wood
Lezant SX343771
Coombe Bottoms
Maker-with-Rame SX425502
Coombe Hawne
Other Water Feature
Fowey SX115505
Coombe Valley
Morwenstow SS218116
Coombe Wood
Forest or Wood
Deviock SX308565
Coombe Wood
Forest or Wood
St. Neot SX185653
Coombedown Wood
Forest or Wood
Stokeclimsland SX394748
Coombehead Plantation
Forest or Wood
Pelynt SX217552
Coombekeale Plantation
Forest or Wood
Egloskerry SX281876
Coppice Wood
Forest or Wood
St. Pinnock SX213633
Corgee Moor
Other Landcover
Luxulyan SX054603
Cork Wood
Forest or Wood
St. Cleer SX292679
Cornakey Cliff
Cliff or Slope
Morwenstow SS205167
Cornakey Woods
Forest or Wood
Morwenstow SS215166
Cornish Wood
Forest or Wood
Luxulyan SX053553
Cosawes Wood
Forest or Wood
St. Gluvias SW769375
Costislost Plantation
Forest or Wood
Egloshayle SX026698
Costislost Plantation
Forest or Wood
Lanhydrock SX094642
Cot Valley
St. Just SW365304
Cot Wood
Forest or Wood
St. Mabyn SX072719
Cot Wood
Forest or Wood
Ponsanooth SW754375
Cotehele Wood
Forest or Wood
Calstock SX419681
Cotton Beach
Morwenstow SS198152
Cotton Wood
Forest or Wood
Lanivet SX019677
Cotty's Point
Perranporth SW757550
Court Meadow
Other Landcover
Lanreath SX180567
Court Wood
Forest or Wood
Pelynt SX174555
Cove Head
Other Coastal Landform
Antony SX434566
Cove Plantation
Forest or Wood
Antony SX430568
Cove Wood
Forest or Wood
St. Michael Penkevil SW852411
Covington Woods
Forest or Wood
Fowey SX116511
Cow And Calf
St. Eval SW837706
Cow And Calf
St. Minver Highlands SW966808
Cowlands Wood
Forest or Wood
Feock SW831410
Sennen Cove SW348266
Cox Cliff
Cliff or Slope
St. Levan SW378217
Coxpark Plantation
Forest or Wood
Calstock SX405724
Crabb's Pool
Inland Water
Bodmin SX053686
Craddock Moor
Other Landcover
St. Cleer SX247718
St. Levan SW375217
Crafthole Reservoir
Inland Water
Sheviock SX370543
Craggs' Wood
Forest or Wood
St. Germans SX360587
Craigshill Wood
Forest or Wood
St. Neot SX182661
Other Coastal Landform
Padstow SW907783
Other Water Feature
St. Agnes SW695515
Crane Islands
Illogan SW633441
Crane Ledges
Landewednack SW693122
Cransdown Plantation
Forest or Wood
St. Ive SX331681
Cransworth Common
Other Landcover
St. Wenn SW959675
Crantock Beach
Crantock SW783610
Creed Wood
Forest or Wood
Grampound SW932477
Creek Stephen
Other Coastal Landform
Gerrans SW887372
Creek Stephen Point
Other Coastal Landform
Gerrans SW887371
Creepinghole Point
Coastal Headland
Newquay Cornwall Airport SW837642
Crendle Down
Other Landcover
St. Ive SX338655
Crenver Grove
Forest or Wood
Crowan SW632339
Crescent Plantation
Forest or Wood
Maker-with-Rame SX439520
Longrock SW489306
Cribba Head
Coastal Headland
St. Levan SW401224
Cribbar Rocks
Newquay SW797629
Criffle Wood
Forest or Wood
St. Germans SX327604
Crift Downs
Other Landcover
Lanlivery SX068598
Crift Downs
Hill or Mountain
Lanlivery SX065595
Crig-a-tana Rocks
Grade-Ruan SW733162
Newquay SW818622
Crinnis Beach
Carlyon SX055520
Crinnis Island
Carlyon SX055520
Crinnis Wood
Forest or Wood
Carlyon SX049524
Crocadon Wood
Forest or Wood
St. Dominick SX395659
Crocadon Wood
Forest or Wood
Pillaton SX395655
Croft Common
Other Landcover
Camborne SW667381
Croft Pascoe Forest
Forest or Wood
Mawgan-in-Meneage SW727195
Croft Pascoe Pool
Inland Water
Mawgan-in-Meneage SW731197
Croft Pascoe Pool
Other Water Feature
St. Keverne SW735195
Croft Plantation
Forest or Wood
Constantine SW749304
Croftwest Plantation
Forest or Wood
Kenwyn SW775464
Crooklets Beach
Flexbury SS201071
Crookmoyle Rock
St. Teath SX031828
Cross Plantation
Forest or Wood
St. Neot SX169651
Crossmans Hill Wood
Forest or Wood
Liskeard SX242660
Crosspark Wood
Forest or Wood
North Tamerton SX318980
Crosspark Wood
Forest or Wood
Landulph SX411638
Crousa Common
Other Landcover
St. Keverne SW772201
Crousa Downs
Other Landcover
St. Keverne SW762190
Crowan Beacon
Hill or Mountain
Crowan SW664350
Crowdillion Plantation
Forest or Wood
Kea SW799421
Crowdy Reservoir
Inland Water
St. Clether SX146836
Crowdy Reservoir
Other Water Feature
Advent SX145835
Crowner Rocks
St Ives (Cornwall) SW513411
Crows Nest Point
Other Coastal Landform
St. Michael Caerhays SW960411
Other Coastal Landform
St. John SX390525
Crowstone Cliff
Cliff or Slope
St. John SX390524
Crowzer Island
St. Endellion SW986812
Cubit Plantation
Forest or Wood
St. Ives SW531377
Cuckoo Rock
Other Coastal Landform
Veryan SW937392
Cudden Point
Coastal Headland
Breage SW549276
Cuddle Park Wood
Forest or Wood
St. Germans SX332604
Cuddra Plantation
Forest or Wood
Carlyon SX048528
Culver Cove Plantation
Forest or Wood
Antony SX429566
Culvercliff Wood
Forest or Wood
Dobwalls and Trewidland SX199656
Curran Vean
Other Coastal Landform
Gorran Haven SX016409
Curtis's Rock
Bude-Stratton SS201085
Cutkive Wood
Forest or Wood
St. Ive SX290676
Cutmere Wood
Forest or Wood
St. Germans SX326604
Cuttine Wood
Forest or Wood
Menheniot SX295603
Dairy Wood
Forest or Wood
St. Germans SX358586
Dannett Wood
Forest or Wood
Quethiock SX331648
Dark Hole
Other Coastal Landform
St. Eval SW848693
Dark Toll Rock
Porthleven SW624254
Dark's Wood
Forest or Wood
Werrington SX341889
Darley Wood
Forest or Wood
Linkinhorne SX276736
Darracott Down Plantation
Forest or Wood
North Petherwin SX286925
Darvis's Point
Coastal Headland
Trevalga SX074904
St. Keverne SW801191
David's Rock
Veryan SW958411
Davidstow Moor
Other Landcover
St. Clether SX156834
Davidstow Woods
Forest or Wood
St. Clether SX146845
Davidstow Woods
Forest or Wood
Davidstow SX145845
Dawe's Hill Plantation
Forest or Wood
Lewannick SX257792
Dawna Wood
Forest or Wood
St. Winnow SX141620
Daws Ogo
Other Coastal Landform
Landewednack SW706115
Daymer Bay
St. Minver Lowlands SW926772
Daymer Bay
Other Water Feature
Trebetherick SW925775
De Lank River
Other Water Feature
Blisland SX125755
Deadman's Cove
Other Water Feature
Camborne SW615435
Deadman's Point
Other Coastal Landform
Torpoint SX423542
Dean Point
Coastal Headland
St. Keverne SW805204
Deer Park Wood
Forest or Wood
St. Erme SW835519
Deerpark Plantation
Forest or Wood
Duloe SX251547
Deerpark Wood
Forest or Wood
Duloe SX251545
Deerpark Wood
Forest or Wood
Duloe SX199601
Deerpark Wood
Forest or Wood
Lanreath SX205605
Degibna Wood
Forest or Wood
Helston SW649250
Delabole Point
Coastal Headland
St. Teath SX028820
Delabole Wood
Forest or Wood
Feock SW826399
Dennicksball Wood
Forest or Wood
St. Pinnock SX191649
Dennis Cove Lake
Inland Water
Padstow SW920744
Dennis Head
Coastal Headland
St. Anthony-in-Meneage SW788256
Dennis Point
Coastal Headland
Tintagel SX045861
Dennis Scale
Other Coastal Landform
Tintagel SX046875
Other Coastal Landform
Polperro SX213508
Dennybowl Coppice
Forest or Wood
St. Germans SX334600
Denzell Downs
Hill or Mountain
St. Ervan SW905675
Deptford Wood
Forest or Wood
Deviock SX305560
Derricombe Plantation
Forest or Wood
Broadoak SX156645
Derry's Wood
Forest or Wood
St. Breock SX001705
Deveral Common
Other Landcover
Sancreed SW407314
Devichoys Wood
Forest or Wood
St. Gluvias SW775375
Devil's Frying Pan
Grade-Ruan SW720142
Deviock Wood
Forest or Wood
Cardinham SX111680
Portreath SW663465
Diamond Horse
Other Coastal Landform
Sennen SW351238
Diamond Rock
St. Michael Caerhays SW975408
Diana's Wood
Other Landcover
St. Mewan SW986496
Diggory's Island
St. Eval SW847701
Digoridge Wood
Forest or Wood
Quethiock SX332643
Dinas Head
Coastal Headland
St. Merryn SW848761
Dingle Hill Wood
Forest or Wood
Menheniot SX277625
Dipple Wood
Forest or Wood
Week St. Mary SX231969
Dizzard Point
Other Landform
St. Gennys SX165992
Dobnas Plantation
Forest or Wood
Mawgan-in-Meneage SW715223
Dodman Horse
Other Coastal Landform
St. Goran SX004394
Dodman Point
Coastal Headland
St. Goran SX002393
Dogkennel Copse
Forest or Wood
Werrington SX337873
Sennen SW341251
Dollar Rock
Newquay SW826631
Dolor Point
Other Coastal Landform
St. Keverne SW785182
Dolsdon Plantation
Forest or Wood
Boyton SX273952
Penzance SW469256
Down Plantation
Forest or Wood
Morval SX257569
Downas Valley
St. Keverne SW760174
Downderry Beach
Downderry SX311539
Downend Point
Coastal Headland
Polperro SX220508
Downend Rock
Polperro SX218507
Downpark Plantation
Forest or Wood
Boconnoc SX154616
Dowran Common
Other Landcover
St. Just SW385304
Doyden Point
Other Coastal Landform
St. Minver Highlands SW967806
Dozmary Downs
Other Landcover
St. Neot SX191756
Dozmary Pool
Inland Water
St. Neot SX194744
Dozmary Pool
Other Water Feature
St. Neot SX195745
Dr Johnson's Head
Coastal Headland
Sennen SW342250
Dr Syntax's Head
Coastal Headland
Sennen SW342253
Draw Wood
Forest or Wood
Broadoak SX162648
Gerrans SW857326
Drawler Plantation
Forest or Wood
Gerrans SW856325
Drawna Rocks
St. Keverne SW807229
Draynes Common
Other Landcover
St. Cleer SX210707
Draynes Wood
Forest or Wood
St. Neot SX225687
Dreasonball Wood
Forest or Wood
Cardinham SX103645
Dreasonmoor Wood
Forest or Wood
St. Winnow SX109642
Coastal Headland
St Austell Bay SX035480
Dria Cove
Tintagel SX047874
Drift Reservoir
Inland Water
Sancreed SW433292
Drift Resr
Other Water Feature
Sancreed SW435295
Drift Wood
Forest or Wood
Broadoak SX131646
Drive Plantation
Forest or Wood
St. Clement SW842482
Drive Plantations
Forest or Wood
Egloshayle SX038707
Droskyn Point
Coastal Headland
Perranporth SW751543
Druid's Hill
Hill or Mountain
St. Winnow SX126613
Drywalk Wood
Forest or Wood
Maker-with-Rame SX448523
Dryworks Plantation
Forest or Wood
Altarnun SX194773
Du Porth
Duporth SX035511
Dub Wood
Forest or Wood
Launcells SS245054
Morwenstow SS200115
Other Water Feature
Morwenstow SS195115
Dulgevean Rocks
St. Keverne SW810211
Dunderhole Point
Coastal Headland
Tintagel SX046880
Dunhill Plantation
Forest or Wood
Sheviock SX353547
Dunker Point
Other Coastal Landform
Looe SX255514
Dunker Rock
Looe SX255513
Dunmere Wood
Forest or Wood
Lanivet SX047687
Dunn's Wood
Forest or Wood
Werrington SX325914
Dwellamill Wood
Forest or Wood
Linkinhorne SX299713
Dyer's Coppice
Forest or Wood
St. Neot SX172651
East Castick Wood
Forest or Wood
North Hill SX262764
East Coombe
Polperro SX178509
East Court Wood
Forest or Wood
Lanreath SX181560
East Down Wood
Forest or Wood
Pillaton SX389638
East Hill Plantation
Forest or Wood
Antony SX381543
East Looe River
Other Water Feature
St. Keyne SX245615
East Park Wood
Forest or Wood
St. Germans SX344593
East Penrest Wood
Forest or Wood
Lezant SX336771
East Rookery
Forest or Wood
Marhamchurch SS239012
East Trevillies Wood
Forest or Wood
St. Keyne SX233618
East Waters Wood
Forest or Wood
Saltash SX371572
East Wood
Forest or Wood
St. Gennys SX141958
East Wood
Forest or Wood
Bodmin SX056686
East Wood
Forest or Wood
Helland SX055685
Eastaway Wood
Forest or Wood
Morwenstow SS212132
Eastcott Moor
Other Landcover
Morwenstow SS265162
Eastcott Wood
Forest or Wood
North Tamerton SX325955
Eastdowns Lake
Other Coastal Landform
Torpoint SX420543
Eastern Cliff
Cliff or Slope
St. Keverne SW744167
Eastern Gear
Maker-with-Rame SX419483
Eastern Shag Rock
Breage SW548274
Eastern Tye
Other Coastal Landform
Porthleven SW634249
Eastpark Wood
Forest or Wood
Stokeclimsland SX343768
Eavermoor Plantation
Forest or Wood
Lezant SX355791
Ebal Rocks
Zennor SW430388
Ebber Rocks
St. Keverne SW781165
Eddystone Rocks
Maker-with-Rame SX383336
Efford Beacon
Hill or Mountain
Bude SS199058
Efford Cliff
Cliff or Slope
Bude SS200060
Efford Ditch
Other Coastal Landform
Bude SS199056
Efford Down
Other Landcover
Bude SS203057
Eglarooze Cliff
Cliff or Slope
Deviock SX344539
Eglarooze Reservoir
Inland Water
Deviock SX341546
Eighteen Acre Plantation
Forest or Wood
Broadoak SX169619
Elger Wood
Forest or Wood
North Tamerton SX318982
Eliza Beach
Kilkhampton SS200106
Elldown Wood
Forest or Wood
Morwenstow SS212128
Elwell Wood
Forest or Wood
Saltash SX432588
Elwinick Cove
Gerrans SW867320
Emblance Downs
Other Landcover
St. Breward SX126772
Enoch Rock
Landewednack SW702110
Enys Dodnan
Sennen SW344244
Enys Head
Coastal Headland
Grade-Ruan SW728149
Enys Vean
Landewednack SW688129
Erth Hill
Hill or Mountain
Antony SX385555
Erth Island
Saltash SX376566
Escalls Cliff
Cliff or Slope
Sennen SW362273
Escalls Common
Other Landcover
Sennen SW372270
Escalls Moor
Other Landcover
Sennen SW366271
Ethy Rock
Other Coastal Landform
St. Winnow SX130567
Ethy Wood
Forest or Wood
St. Winnow SX130571
Evans's Wood
Forest or Wood
St. Germans SX330604
Fabey's Hole
Other Coastal Landform
Gunwalloe SW654219
Falmouth Bay
Falmouth SW821298
Falmouth Bay
Other Water Feature
Falmouth SW815295
Fanny's Beach
St Austell SX051519
Farms Common
Other Landcover
Wendron SW677341
Fern Cavern
Other Coastal Landform
Newquay SW832633
Fern Tor
Other Coastal Landform
Trevalga SX082906
Fifteen Acre Plantation
Forest or Wood
Boconnoc SX157616
Other Coastal Landform
Sennen SW324255
Filly Horse
St. Teath SX023816
Finnygook Beach
Sheviock SX360537
Finnygook Knoll
Other Coastal Landform
Sheviock SX360538
Firebeacon Hill
Hill or Mountain
Trevalga SX073905
Firhill Wood
Forest or Wood
Colan SW877619
Fish Cellar
Other Coastal Landform
Kingsand SX437507
Fishing Cove
Other Water Feature
Camborne SW595435
Fishing Point
Other Coastal Landform
Carlyon SX067521
Fishpond Plantation
Forest or Wood
Ladock SW925501
Fistral Bay
Newquay SW794622
Fistral Bay
Other Water Feature
Newquay SW795625
Fistral Beach
Newquay SW796619
Five Acre Plantation
Forest or Wood
Maker-with-Rame SX429499
Flat Hole
Other Coastal Landform
St. Teath SX041848
Flat Rock
Other Coastal Landform
Duporth SX032501
Flat Rock
St. Goran SX005400
Floor Rock
Trevalga SX081906
Flowery Point
Other Coastal Landform
Looe SX245517
Folly Cove
Other Water Feature
St. Levan SW355225
Folly Rocks
Other Coastal Landform
Pengersick SW573279
Follycoombe Wood
Forest or Wood
St. Neot SX200659
Foot's Plantation
Forest or Wood
Egloskerry SX276873
Ford Plantation
Forest or Wood
Lanhydrock SX087628
Fore Down
Other Landcover
Pensilva SX279692
Fore Downs
Other Landcover
Cardinham SX130697
Fore Downs
Hill or Mountain
Cardinham SX133699
Forest Plantation
Forest or Wood
St. Neot SX185660
Forrabury Common
Other Landcover
Boscastle SX095910
Forty Acre Wood
Forest or Wood
St. Goran SW974419
Foss Point
Millbrook SX431521
Four Acre Wood
Forest or Wood
Duloe SX226580
Fowey Well
Inland Water
St. Breward SX162800
Fox Carn
Other Coastal Landform
Morvah SW395360
Fox Cove
Other Water Feature
St. Merryn SW855735
Fox Grove
Forest or Wood
Crowan SW632344
Fox Hole
Other Coastal Landform
St. Minver Highlands SW973809
Fox Hole
Other Coastal Landform
Mawgan-in-Pydar SW842661
Fox Tor
Hill or Mountain
Altarnun SX226785
Fox's Hole
Other Coastal Landform
Deviock SX338537
Foxeypiece Plantation
Forest or Wood
Boconnoc SX158609
Foxhole Copse
Forest or Wood
Launcells SS260064
Foxhole Point
Other Coastal Landform
Poundstock SS185005
Foxhole Strand
Other Coastal Landform
Poundstock SS185003
Foxhole Wood
Forest or Wood
Quethiock SX351638
Foxhole Wood
Forest or Wood
St. Kew SX059786
Fraddon Down
Other Landcover
St. Enoder SW923579
Freathy Cliff
Cliff or Slope
St. John SX397519
Frythens Wood
Forest or Wood
St. Hilary SW545330
Funnel Hole
Other Coastal Landform
St. Levan SW366215
Furniss Island
Truro SW828447
Furze Park Plantation
Forest or Wood
St. Germans SX348583
Furze Park Wood
Forest or Wood
St. Germans SX347585
Furzepark Wood
Forest or Wood
Week St. Mary SX226978
Gaff Wood
Forest or Wood
Egloshayle SX011702
Gala Rocks
Zennor SW455397
Other Coastal Landform
St. Keverne SW797233
Galowras Wood
Forest or Wood
St. Goran SX001436
Gamas Point
Other Coastal Landform
Pentewan Valley SX023471
Sennen SW345256
Other Water Feature
Sennen SW345255
Other Water Feature
St. Levan SW405225
Gamper Hole
Other Coastal Landform
Sennen SW344254
Gannel Rock
St. Levan SW365214
Garden Grove
Forest or Wood
St. Germans SX326581
Garlenick Wood
Forest or Wood
Grampound with Creed SW944499
Garrack Roberts
Coastal Headland
St. Levan SW372216
Garrow Downs
Other Landcover
St. Breward SX142786
Garrow Tor
Hill or Mountain
St. Breward SX145785
Garvinack Brake
Forest or Wood
Kenwyn SW773481
Gate Beach
Helford Passage SW760268
Gavnas Point
Other Coastal Landform
Gorran Haven SX015413
St. Buryan SW444232
St. Levan SW408227
Cliff or Slope
St. Just SW357292
Other Water Feature
Newquay SW805625
Gear Common
Other Landcover
Madron SW461337
Gear Common
Other Landcover
Zennor SW446369
Gear Sands
Perranzabuloe SW766555
Gearhills Wood
Forest or Wood
St. Martin-in-Meneage SW721245
Gell Point
Coastal Headland
St. Goran SW995399
Geof's Wood
Forest or Wood
Tregony SW927444
Gerrans Bay
Other Water Feature
Veryan SW905375
Gerrans Point
Other Coastal Landform
St Austell Bay SX039486
Other Water Feature
Landewednack SW675145
Giant's Rock
Porthleven SW623257
Veryan SW907382
Gilbert's Piece Plantation
Forest or Wood
Boconnoc SX169609
Gill Wood
Forest or Wood
St. Neot SX156654
Gillan Harbour
St. Anthony-in-Meneage SW778252
Gillan Harbour
Other Water Feature
St. Anthony-in-Meneage SW785255
Gillhill Wood
Forest or Wood
Morval SX247563
Gillhill Wood
Forest or Wood
Duloe SX226577
Gillhouse Downs
Other Landcover
St. Neot SX190738
Gillick Rock
Gwinear-Gwithian SW579418
Gimpson Wood
Forest or Wood
Torpoint SX426558
Glasdon Wood
Forest or Wood
St. Germans SX339590
Glasney Valley
Penryn SW782342
Glasshouse Wood
Forest or Wood
Lanreath SX205603
Glebe Cliff
Cliff or Slope
Tintagel SX048883
Godolphin Hill
Hill or Mountain
Breage SW592312
Godolphin Hill
Hill or Mountain
Germoe SW595315
Godolphin Lower Downs
Other Landcover
Breage SW589322
Godolphin Warren
Other Landcover
Breage SW592312
Godrevy Cove
Other Water Feature
St. Keverne SW805205
Godrevy Island
Gwinear-Gwithian SW576435
Godrevy Point
Coastal Headland
Gwinear-Gwithian SW581431
Godrevy Rocks
Gwinear-Gwithian SW581425
Golant Down
Other Landcover
St. Sampson SX120539
Golden Wood
Forest or Wood
Probus SW926470
Golitha Falls
Other Water Feature
St. Cleer SX225685
Gonorman Downs
Other Landcover
St. Gluvias SW749360
Goodaver Downs
Other Landcover
St. Cleer SX213753
Gooden Heane Point
Coastal Headland
Portreath SW659460
Gooden Heane Rock
Portreath SW658457
Goodmerry Wood
Forest or Wood
Quethiock SX336642
Goonhilly Downs
Hill or Mountain
Mawgan-in-Meneage SW725211
Goonhilly Plantation
Forest or Wood
Mawgan-in-Meneage SW723219
Goonzion Downs
Other Landcover
St Neot SX175675
Gooseham Wood
Forest or Wood
Morwenstow SS235166
Gordonhill Plantation
Forest or Wood
Lawhitton Rural SX365839
Gorran Haven Beach
Gorran Haven SX013415
Goscott Wood
Forest or Wood
Jacobstow SX226965
Gothall Carns
Other Coastal Landform
St. Levan SW369215
St. Levan SW368214
Gover Valley
St. Mewan SW996534
Governs Wood
Forest or Wood
Kenwyn SW792461
Gradna Plantation
Forest or Wood
Sheviock SX379542
Grange Point
Mawgan-in-Pydar SW846673
Gratna Wood
Forest or Wood
Deviock SX334564
Gratna Wood
Forest or Wood
St. Neot SX199663
Gratton Wood
Forest or Wood
St. Pinnock SX210625
Gravel Caverns
Other Coastal Landform
Trebetherick SW931797
Gravesend Hard
Torpoint SX440554
Gravesend Point
Torpoint SX439554
Great Barton Strand
St. Gennys SX140973
Great Close Plantation
Forest or Wood
Kea SW804423
Great Cupboard
Other Coastal Landform
Newquay SW825627
Great Down Wood
Forest or Wood
Pillaton SX380642
Great Downs
Other Landcover
Madron SW477350
Great Goular
St. Levan SW396218
Great Grogley Downs
Forest or Wood
St. Breock SX012676
Great Heaver
Paul SW456237
Great Hill Plantation
Forest or Wood
St. Germans SX355592
Great Hogus
Marazion SW513304
Great Kithill Plantation
Forest or Wood
Antony SX422566
Great Lantic Beach
Lanteglos SX147508
Great Lobb's Rock
St. Minver Highlands SW955800
Great Molunan
Other Coastal Landform
Gerrans SW845316
Great Park Plantation
Forest or Wood
Torpoint SX425554
Great Perhaver Beach
Gorran Haven SX015421
Great Perhaver Point
Other Coastal Landform
Gorran Haven SX014419
Great Perlea
Veryan SW951407
Great Shell Wood
Forest or Wood
Helland SX085720
Great Tregassow Wood
Forest or Wood
St. Clement SW857493
Great Tregassow Wood
Forest or Wood
St Erme SW855495
Great Treveria Wood
Forest or Wood
St. Martin-by-Looe SX291563
Great Trigg Rocks
Porthleven SW625254
Great Western Beach
Newquay SW813619
Great Wood
Forest or Wood
St. Neot SX186663
Great Wood
Forest or Wood
Lezant SX312775
Great Wood
Forest or Wood
Stokeclimsland SX345768
Great Wood
Forest or Wood
Linkinhorne SX331768
Great Wood
Forest or Wood
St. Veep SX125563
Great Wood
Forest or Wood
Lanhydrock SX091632
Great Wood
Forest or Wood
St. Martin-in-Meneage SW732258
Great Wood
Forest or Wood
St. Winnow SX125565
Great Wrea
St. Keverne SW804194
Great Zawn
Other Water Feature
Zennor SW415375
Greatwood Plantation
Forest or Wood
St. Winnow SX110617
Grebe Rock
Mawnan SW774271
Greeb Point
Other Coastal Landform
St. Goran SW982405
Greeb Point
Other Coastal Landform
Morvah SW397362
Greeb Point
Other Coastal Landform
Gerrans SW878336
Greek Rock
Other Coastal Landform
Tintagel SX046874
Green Island
St. Agnes SW728524
Green Rock
Gunwalloe SW653214
Green Saddle
St. Keverne SW744165
Green Wood
Forest or Wood
Liskeard SX239660
Greena Moor
Other Landcover
Week St. Mary SX248960
Greenaway Beach
Trebetherick SW927782
Greenbarrow Downs
Other Landcover
Blisland SX130730
Greenberry Downs
Other Landcover
Germoe SW566294
Greendowns Wood
Forest or Wood
Philleigh SW858400
Greenway Beach
Morwenstow SS197143
Gretna Wood
Forest or Wood
Menheniot SX292614
Grey Mare Plantations
Forest or Wood
St. Winnow SX119640
Greystone Wood
Forest or Wood
St. Germans SX301601
Greystonemoor Plantation
Forest or Wood
Lezant SX358795
Gribba Point
Other Coastal Landform
St. Just SW355301
Gribbin Head
Coastal Headland
Fowey SX098495
Griffin's Point
Coastal Headland
Mawgan-in-Pydar SW842664
Grimshall Wood
Forest or Wood
Boconnoc SX144591
Grose Plantation
Forest or Wood
Indian Queens SW908591
Grotton Plantation
Forest or Wood
Maker-with-Rame SX453520
Grower Rock
Trevalga SX083908
Groyne Point
Constantine SW741264
Grumbla Common
Other Landcover
Sancreed SW411295
Grushill Wood
Forest or Wood
Stratton SS228070
Grylls' Plantation
Forest or Wood
St. Neot SX171653
Gue Hole
Other Coastal Landform
Gerrans SW869324
St. Minver Highlands SW932810
Gull Island
St Austell SX049517
Gull Point
Other Coastal Landform
Tintagel SX046879
Gull Rock
Other Coastal Landform
Poundstock SX176999
Gull Rock
St. Gennys SX117933
Gull Rock
Other Coastal Landform
St. Gennys SX146978
Gull Rock
Tintagel SX038864
Gull Rock
Other Coastal Landform
Mullion SW663175
Gull Rock
Landewednack SW682130
Gull Rock
Portreath SW648457
Gull Rock
Veryan SW927368
Tintagel SX060894
Gullyn Rock
Portreath SW674469
Gulval Downs
Other Landcover
Madron SW482346
Gun Point
Padstow SW919767
Other Landcover
Treverbyn SW997567
Gunneton Wood
Forest or Wood
St. Enoder SW877545
Gunoak Wood
Forest or Wood
Stokeclimsland SX382768
Gunveor Plantation
Forest or Wood
St. Michael Penkevil SW864419
Gunver Head
Coastal Headland
Padstow SW896772
Gunwalloe Fishing Cove Beach
Gunwalloe SW649231
Gurland Cliff
Cliff or Slope
St. Just SW359282
Gurlyn Wood
Forest or Wood
St. Erth SW575327
Gurnard's Head
Coastal Headland
Zennor SW432386
Gwarnick Wood
Forest or Wood
Kenwyn SW812483
Gwarth-an-drea Plantation
Forest or Wood
Gweek SW705257
Gwavas Lake
Newlyn SW471285
Gwavas Lake
Other Water Feature
Newlyn SW475285
Gweek Downs
Other Landcover
Gweek SW695267
Gweek Wood
Forest or Wood
Gweek SW705260
Gwendra Beach
St Austell Bay SX033493
Gwendra Point
Other Landform
St Austell Bay SX033494
Gwennap Head
Coastal Headland
St. Levan SW366215
Gwinear Downs
Other Landcover
Gwinear-Gwithian SW605349
St. Just SW361276
Gyes Moor
Forest or Wood
St. Ives SW536375
Gyllyngvase Beach
Falmouth SW808316
Haine's Rock
Veryan SW918369
Halbullock Moor
Forest or Wood
Truro SW795445
Hale Downs
Other Landcover
St. Just SW400348
Hale's Wood
Forest or Wood
Week St. Mary SX224960
Hales Wood
Forest or Wood
Saltash SX385610
Half Tide Rock
St. Buryan SW454239
Halgavor Moor
Other Landcover
Bodmin SX074653
Halgavor Plantation
Forest or Wood
Lanhydrock SX084646
Halgavor Plantn
Forest or Wood
Lanhydrock SX085645
Hall Dinas
Other Coastal Landform
St. Levan SW399223
Hall Downs
Other Landcover
Broadoak SX151646
Hall Wood
Forest or Wood
Pelynt SX212557
Hall's Wood
Forest or Wood
Duloe SX249551
Halldrine Cliff
Cliff or Slope
Zennor SW417371
Halldrine Cove
Other Water Feature
Zennor SW415375
Halliggye Plantation
Forest or Wood
Mawgan-in-Meneage SW713246
Hallwell Plantation
Forest or Wood
Davidstow SX126890
Halvana Plantation
Forest or Wood
Altarnun SX209782
Halvana Plantn
Forest or Wood
Altarnun SX205785
Halwell Wood
Forest or Wood
Linkinhorne SX304776
Halzephron Cliff
Cliff or Slope
Gunwalloe SW654214
Halzephron Cove
Gunwalloe SW655217
Halzephron Cove
Other Water Feature
Gunwalloe SW655215
Hamblyshill Wood
Forest or Wood
St. Neot SX155656
Hamlet's Wood
Forest or Wood
St. Breock SX001697
Hammett Down
Other Landcover
Quethiock SX332658
Hammett Plantation
Forest or Wood
Liskeard SX316659
Hampt Wood
Forest or Wood
Stokeclimsland SX396746
Hancock's Wood
Forest or Wood
St. Neot SX170649
Hannafore Beach
Looe SX256524
Hannafore Point
Other Coastal Landform
Looe SX256522
Hanover Cove
Other Water Feature
Perranzabuloe SW735535
Harbour Cove
Other Water Feature
Padstow SW915775
Harbour View Plantation
Forest or Wood
Maker-with-Rame SX450523
Hard Head
Hill or Mountain
Polperro SX201507
Hardhead Downs
Other Landcover
Blisland SX152718
Hare Wood
Forest or Wood
Calstock SX437693
Harlyn Bay
St. Merryn SW875757
Harlyn Bay
Other Water Feature
St. Merryn SW875755
Harlyn Beach
St. Merryn SW877754
Harlyn Warren
Other Landcover
St. Merryn SW874754
Harpur's Downs
Other Landcover
St. Breward SX114798
Harris's Wood
Forest or Wood
Week St. Mary SX222978
Harry's Ball
Other Coastal Landform
Sheviock SX361538
Harry's Ball Cliff
Cliff or Slope
Sheviock SX360537
Harryshill Wood
Forest or Wood
St. Martin-by-Looe SX287569
Harscott High Cliff
Cliff or Slope
Morwenstow SS197124
Harsdon Coppice
Forest or Wood
St. Germans SX339602
Hart Wood
Forest or Wood
Lanhydrock SX099641
Hartland Forest
Forest or Wood
Bude-Stratton SS234091
Hartriza Point
Coastal Headland
Veryan SW942396
Hartswell Wood
Forest or Wood
Duloe SX206602
Harvose Wood
Forest or Wood
St. Stephen-in-Brannel SW957503
Hatch Wood
Forest or Wood
Gunnislake SX435715
Hatt Wood
Forest or Wood
St. Cleer SX286690
Hatter's Wood
Forest or Wood
St. Germans SX353591
Haunch Wood
Forest or Wood
Werrington SX322915
Hawk's Point
Other Landform
St Ives (Cornwall) SW538384
Hawk's Tor
Hill or Mountain
Blisland SX145755
Hawk's Tor
Hill or Mountain
North Hill SX255765
Hawk's Wood
Forest or Wood
North Hill SX267758
Hawke's Wood
Forest or Wood
St. Breock SW986708
Hawker's Cove
Other Water Feature
Padstow SW915775
Hawkey's Piece Plantation
Forest or Wood
Broadoak SX157619
Hawks Wood
Forest or Wood
Saltash SX378555
Hawkstor Downs
Other Landcover
North Hill SX254764
Hay Lake
Other Water Feature
Quethiock SX325635
Hay Lake Bottom
Landrake with St. Erney SX364601
Hay Plantation
Forest or Wood
Quethiock SX328631
Hay Point
Lanteglos SX126544
Hay Wood
Forest or Wood
Morwenstow SS237171
Hay Wood
Forest or Wood
St. Ive SX294670
Haydon Moor Plantations
Forest or Wood
North Tamerton SX284975
Haydon Moor Plantns
Forest or Wood
Whitstone SX285975
Hayle Bay
Trebetherick SW933794
Hayle Bay
Other Water Feature
Trebetherick SW935795
Hayle Kimbro Pool
Inland Water
Grade-Ruan SW694169
Hayle Kimbro Pool
Other Water Feature
Grade-Ruan SW695165
Hayle Ulla
Other Coastal Landform
Portreath SW662463
Haypark Copse
Forest or Wood
Werrington SX324879
Haywell Wood
Forest or Wood
Deviock SX333569
Headweir Wood
Forest or Wood
Kilkhampton SS229115
Helford Point
Other Coastal Landform
Manaccan SW759264
Helford River
Other Water Feature
Manaccan SW765265
Hell's Mouth
Other Water Feature
Camborne SW605435
Hella Point
Other Coastal Landform
St. Levan SW370214
Hella Rock
St. Levan SW371213
Helland Wood
Forest or Wood
Helland SX075692
Hellangove Plantation
Forest or Wood
Madron SW484338
Hellesveor Cliff
Cliff or Slope
St. Ives SW499411
Hellesveor Moor
Other Landcover
St. Ives SW499397
Helligan Wood
Forest or Wood
St. Tudy SX081721
Helligan Wood
Forest or Wood
Blisland SX085725
Helman Tor
Hill or Mountain
Lanivet SX061615
Helman Tor
Hill or Mountain
Lanlivery SX065615
Helsbury Park Woods
Forest or Wood
Michaelstow SX090789
Helston Downs
Other Landcover
Helston SW673261
Hemmick Beach
St. Goran SW994404
Hendergrove Wood
Forest or Wood
St. Cleer SX218683
Hendra Brake
Forest or Wood
Deviock SX339547
Hendra Downs
Hill or Mountain
Altarnun SX196792
Hendra Downs
Other Landcover
Altarnun SX196794
Hendra Downs
Other Landcover
St Dennis SW951569
Hendra Plantation
Forest or Wood
Cardinham SX106658
Hendra Wood
Forest or Wood
Ladock SW858534
Hendraburnick Down
Other Landcover
Davidstow SX136877
Hendragreen Wood
Forest or Wood
St. Stephens by Launceston Rur SX288864
Hengar Wood
Forest or Wood
St. Breward SX087767
Henn Point
Other Coastal Landform
Saltash SX428577
Henna Cliff
Hill or Mountain
Morwenstow SS204157
Hensbarrow Beacon
Hill or Mountain
Roche SW996575
Hensbarrow Downs
Other Landcover
Roche SW997579
Hensbarrow Downs
Hill or Mountain
Roche SW995575
Mullion SW664180
Hepwell Wood
Forest or Wood
Quethiock SX307640
Herdbury Wood
Forest or Wood
Kilkhampton SS244083
Herne's Oak
Forest or Wood
Lezant SX371777
Herod Down
Other Landcover
Quethiock SX351647
Herod Wood
Forest or Wood
Quethiock SX357643
Heronshill Plantation
Forest or Wood
Boconnoc SX145595
Heronshill Wood
Forest or Wood
Boconnoc SX147595
Heskyn Wood
Forest or Wood
St. Germans SX340595
Hewes Common
Other Landcover
Sancreed SW417312
Heywards Heath
Other Landcover
Luxulyan SX054553
Higginsmoor Wood
Forest or Wood
Lanhydrock SX095630
High Carn
Other Coastal Landform
Zennor SW412362
High Cliff
Cliff or Slope
St. Gennys SX130943
High Cliff
Cliff or Slope
Mawnan SW792293
High Cove
Looe SX255513
High Cove
Polperro SX218508
High Cove
Other Water Feature
Mawgan Porth SW845685
High Cove
Other Water Feature
St. Eval SW845715
High Downs
Other Landcover
Camborne SW669372
High Moor
Other Landcover
St. Breward SX166807
High Place
Other Coastal Landform
Newquay SW800630
High Point
Coastal Headland
St. Goran SW996397
High Wood
Forest or Wood
Liskeard SX237658
Higher Bosistow Cliff
Cliff or Slope
St. Levan SW358234
Higher Coryton Wood
Forest or Wood
St. Keyne SX232618
Higher Downs
Other Landcover
Morvah SW399339
Higher Downs
Other Landcover
Goldsithney SW555309
Higher Hill Wood
Forest or Wood
Ludgvan SW521362
Higher Lanseague Wood
Forest or Wood
St. Kew SX049774
Higher Lerrick Common
Other Landcover
Lezant SX308786
Higher Lestowcoombe Wood
Forest or Wood
St. Neot SX162675
Higher Liggars Wood
Forest or Wood
Duloe SX220618
Higher Longbeak
Other Coastal Landform
Marhamchurch SS196038
Higher Longbeak Strand
Other Coastal Landform
Marhamchurch SS198041
Higher Merope Island
Padstow SW895772
Higher Penhallic Point
Other Coastal Landform
Tintagel SX045877
Higher Penventinue Reservoir
Inland Water
Fowey SX116532
Higher Predannack Cliff
Cliff or Slope
Mullion SW661169
Higher Predannack Downs
Other Landcover
Grade-Ruan SW686167
Higher Sharpnose Point
Coastal Headland
Morwenstow SS195147
Higher Trefrize Wood
Forest or Wood
Linkinhorne SX310774
Higher Wearland's Plantation
Forest or Wood
Antony SX427569
Higher Westdown Wood
Forest or Wood
Torpoint SX415560
Highpark Wood
Forest or Wood
St. Germans SX309593
Hill Coppice
Forest or Wood
North Petherwin SX293878
Hill Down
Other Landcover
St. Gennys SX143935
Hill Tor
Hill or Mountain
St. Cleer SX225739
Hill Wood
Forest or Wood
St. Breock SX005703
Hillball Wood
Forest or Wood
Broadoak SX176636
Hillball Wood
Forest or Wood
St. Neot SX186651
Hilltor Downs
Other Landcover
St. Cleer SX224738
Hillymeadows Wood
Forest or Wood
St. Neot SX185661
Hilstor Rock
Sheviock SX364535
Hilton Wood
Forest or Wood
Whitstone SX251994
Hingston Down
Other Landcover
Callington SX384709
Hippa Rock
Morwenstow SS195137
Hoblyn's Cove
Other Water Feature
Perranzabuloe SW765585
Other Coastal Landform
St Ives (Cornwall) SW522411
Hoe Point
Coastal Headland
Pengersick SW570278
Hoe Wood
Forest or Wood
Budock SW789309
Holacombe Beach
Morwenstow SS197129
Hole Beach
Tintagel SX050872
Hole Plantation
Forest or Wood
Egloskerry SX275870
Hole Wood
Forest or Wood
Carkeel SX419606
Hole Wood
Forest or Wood
St. Neot SX184663
Other Coastal Landform
Landewednack SW691130
Hollowmarsh Wood
Forest or Wood
Warleggan SX153652
Holly Wood
Forest or Wood
Gwennap SW738405
Hollygrove Wood
Forest or Wood
Morwenstow SS211123
Hollygrove Wood
Forest or Wood
Stokeclimsland SX348766
Hollyvagg Brake
Forest or Wood
Lewannick SX290796
Holman's Wood
Forest or Wood
Quethiock SX342643
Holmbush Plantation
Forest or Wood
Kelly Bray SX355722
Holtroad Downs
Other Landcover
Warleggan SX150656
Holtroad Wood
Forest or Wood
Warleggan SX146658
Holwood Coppice
Forest or Wood
Stokeclimsland SX346759
Holwood Wood
Forest or Wood
Quethiock SX356639
Holywell Bay
Cubert SW761597
Holywell Bay
Other Water Feature
Cubert SW765595
Holywell Beach
Cubert SW764595
Home Wood
Forest or Wood
North Tamerton SX320978
Homehill Wood
Forest or Wood
St. Pinnock SX211597
Homepool Plantation
Forest or Wood
Lezant SX356800
Homer Downs
Other Landcover
Ladock SW899526
Homer Downs Plantation
Forest or Wood
St. Ewe SW977488
Honiton Wood
Forest or Wood
South Petherwin SX299802
Hoodwell Wood
Forest or Wood
Quethiock SX331645
Hooe Lake Point
Other Coastal Landform
Maker-with-Rame SX449513
Hooker's Grove
Forest or Wood
Fowey SX102507
Hoopershaye Plantation
Forest or Wood
Werrington SX330889
Hor Point
Other Coastal Landform
St. Ives SW497412
Horneywink Wood
Forest or Wood
St. Gluvias SW781362
Hornifast Wood
Forest or Wood
Pillaton SX405651
St. Levan SW397218
Horse Rock
Portreath SW654457
Horse Rock
Veryan SW924377
Horse Rock
Newquay SW836641
Horse Wood
Forest or Wood
St. Winnow SX112614
Horse Wood
Forest or Wood
Gwennap SW736405
Horsemoor Wood
Forest or Wood
St. Ewe SX003466
Horsepark Plantation
Forest or Wood
Kea SW800420
Horsepark Wood
Forest or Wood
Morwenstow SS223125
Horsepool Plantation
Forest or Wood
Broadoak SX162617
Horson Plantation
Forest or Wood
Torpoint SX414555
Hot Point
Other Coastal Landform
Landewednack SW718123
Housel Bay
Other Water Feature
Landewednack SW705115
Howard's Wood
Forest or Wood
Lezant SX367801
Howe Downs
Other Landcover
Crowan SW619357
Hudder Down
Other Landcover
Camborne SW606429
Hunthill Wood
Forest or Wood
Kilkhampton SS245085
Huntly Burn Plantation
Forest or Wood
Egloskerry SX242861
Hurdondown Wood
Forest or Wood
Launceston SX342823
Hurlands Wood
Forest or Wood
St. Pinnock SX195623
Hurtstocks Wood
Forest or Wood
Cardinham SX110675
Hustyn Downs
Hill or Mountain
Withiel SX005675
Hustyn Wood
Forest or Wood
St. Breock SX001692
Hut Plantation
Forest or Wood
Tresillian SW858454
Hyrlas Rock
St. Keverne SW775161
Illogan Woods
Forest or Wood
Portreath SW662447
Ince Brake
Forest or Wood
Saltash SX393565
Ince Point
Other Coastal Landform
Saltash SX404565
Inn Down
Other Landcover
Linkinhorne SX271739
Inner Bucks
St. Buryan SW443230
Inner Kimlers
Looe SX254519
Inner Pendower Cove
Other Water Feature
St. Levan SW355225
Inner Penlee Point
Other Coastal Landform
Maker-with-Rame SX442493
Inner Redding
Maker-with-Rame SX459519
Inner Stone
Veryan SW927367
Inner Wood
Forest or Wood
Gwennap SW739407
Innis Downs
Other Landcover
Luxulyan SX026626
Inny Foot
Inland Water
Lezant SX379779
Inny Ham Mere
Inland Water
Lezant SX377778
Inswork Point
Coastal Headland
Millbrook SX436532
Irish Lady
Sennen Cove SW346260
Ironmine Plantation
Forest or Wood
St. Winnow SX126627
Island Rock
Gerrans SW871323
Island Wood
Forest or Wood
St. Germans SX328596
Ivyleaf Wood
Forest or Wood
Kilkhampton SS236084
Jacka Point
Other Coastal Landform
Veryan SW938392
Jacket's Point
Coastal Headland
St. Teath SX034829
Jackeypark Wood
Forest or Wood
St. Clement SW853484
Jago's Island
Newquay SW810618
Other Coastal Landform
Gunwalloe SW658206
Jasper's Wood
Forest or Wood
Dobwalls and Trewidland SX233633
Jericho Valley
St. Agnes SW732509
Jetty Beach
Looe SX258514
Jobbles Rock
Gorran Haven SX018423
Jopes Plantation
Forest or Wood
Stokeclimsland SX383735
Jordan Valley
Boscastle SX101906
Jubilee Plantation
Forest or Wood
Ladock SW876532
Jubilee Rock
Hill or Mountain
Blisland SX105742
Jupiter Plantation
Forest or Wood
Antony SX415567
Jupiter Point
Antony SX414568
Kayne Rock
Other Coastal Landform
Polperro SX207507
Kea Wood
Forest or Wood
Kea SW848423
Keason Plantation
Forest or Wood
Pillaton SX372655
Keasts Park Wood
Forest or Wood
Liskeard SX234659
Keeper's Plantation
Forest or Wood
St. Germans SX353588
Keepscombe Wood
Forest or Wood
Duloe SX245575
Kellan Head
Coastal Headland
St. Minver Highlands SW970811
Kelsey Head
Coastal Headland
Crantock SW765607
Kempthorn's Rock
Morwenstow SS197119
Kemyel Cliff
Cliff or Slope
Paul SW458240
Kemyel Point
Other Coastal Landform
Paul SW459240
Kemyel Rock
Paul SW459239
Kenewal Rock
Port Gaverne SW995811
Kenidjack Cliff
Cliff or Slope
St. Just SW354325
Kenidjack Valley
St. Just SW365321
Kennack Sands
Grade-Ruan SW735164
Kennacott Copse
Forest or Wood
North Petherwin SX293891
Kennacott Wood
Forest or Wood
Werrington SX301890
Kennall Vale
Stithians SW748373
Kennall Wood
Forest or Wood
Stithians SW750377
Kenneggy Cliff
Cliff or Slope
Breage SW563282
Kenneggy Downs
Other Landcover
Breage SW569292
Kenneggy Sand
Breage SW562281
Kennel Close Wood
Forest or Wood
St. Michael Caerhays SW969413
Kennel Orchard Plantation
Forest or Wood
Dobwalls and Trewidland SX240627
Kennelhill Wood
Forest or Wood
Egloskerry SX269885
Kerley Downs
Other Landcover
Kea SW762439
Kernick's Plantation
Forest or Wood
Advent SX111827
Kerrow Downs
Other Landcover
Blisland SX114753
Kerrow Downs
Hill or Mountain
Blisland SX114750
Kerrow Moor
Other Landcover
Treverbyn SX024576
Kerslake Cliff
Cliff or Slope
Sheviock SX374533
Kerslake Plantation
Forest or Wood
Sheviock SX376547
Kestle Wood
Forest or Wood
St. Thomas the Apostle Rural SX293845
Kestle Wood
Forest or Wood
Egloshayle SX017720
Kettle's Bottom
Sennen SW330253
Keveral Beach
St. Martin-by-Looe SX293542
Keveral Wood
Forest or Wood
St. Martin-by-Looe SX291556
Kiberick Cove
Veryan SW926378
Kiberick Cove
Other Water Feature
Veryan SW925375
Kildown Point
Other Coastal Landform
Grade-Ruan SW726146
Kilkhampton Common
Other Landcover
Kilkhampton SS245118
Killatown Wood
Forest or Wood
St. Neot SX203665
Killham Wood
Forest or Wood
St. Neot SX204668
Killigerran Head
Other Coastal Landform
Gerrans SW870322
Killyvarder Rock
Fowey SX083523
Kilmar Tor
Hill or Mountain
St. Cleer SX252748
Kilmar Tor
Hill or Mountain
Linkinhorne SX255745
Kilminorth Wood
Forest or Wood
Looe SX243539
Kiln Quay
Other Coastal Landform
Flushing SW814335
Kiln Wood
Forest or Wood
Polperro SX231549
Kiln Wood
Forest or Wood
Pelynt SX225545
Kilnpark Wood
Forest or Wood
Deviock SX340569
Kilnquay Wood
Forest or Wood
Flushing SW815337
Kilquite Wood
Forest or Wood
St. Germans SX332619
King Phillip
Other Coastal Landform
St. Minver Highlands SW915811
King's Wood
Forest or Wood
Pentewan Valley SX005485
Kingsand Beach
Kingsand SX435505
Kingsmill Lake
Other Water Feature
Saltash SX435605
Kingswood Downs
Other Landcover
Cardinham SX112663
Kinsale Rock
Mullion SW663199
Kit Hill
Hill or Mountain
Stokeclimsland SX375713
Kite's Carn
Other Coastal Landform
St. Levan SW395222
Kitesnest Wood
Forest or Wood
St. Neot SX183656
Kitleigh Wood
Forest or Wood
Whitstone SX247991
Kittow's Moor
Other Landcover
St. Clether SX203868
Knilly Wood
Forest or Wood
Dobwalls and Trewidland SX248588
Knowle Wood
Forest or Wood
Poundstock SX228994
Kynance Cliff
Cliff or Slope
Landewednack SW674136
Kynance Cove
Other Water Feature
Landewednack SW685135
Labham Rock
Landewednack SW699111
Laden Ceyn
Mullion SW664176
Ladies' Window
Cliff or Slope
Trevalga SX078907
Ladock Wood
Forest or Wood
Ladock SW884517
Lady Down
Other Landcover
St. Breward SX110766
Lady Downs
Other Landcover
Towednack SW476364
Lady Downs
Hill or Mountain
Towednack SW471365
Lady's Wood
Forest or Wood
Cardinham SX107652
Lady's Wood
Forest or Wood
Kenwyn SW823480
Ladycross Wood
Forest or Wood
Werrington SX321881
Ladypark Wood
Forest or Wood
Quethiock SX340637
Lafrowda Common
Other Landcover
St. Just SW383309
Laity Moor
Other Landcover
Redruth SW690454
Laity Moor
Other Landcover
St. Gluvias SW758367
Lake's Plantation
Forest or Wood
Kea SW811420
Lambe Wood
Forest or Wood
Kea SW835418
Lamberal Water
Other Water Feature
Kilkhampton SS275125
Lambessow Plantation
Forest or Wood
St. Clement SW847447
Lambest Wood
Forest or Wood
Quethiock SX302640
Lambourne Castle Plantations
Forest or Wood
Perranzabuloe SW775523
Lambpark Wood
Forest or Wood
Menheniot SX302611
Lambsclose Plantation
Forest or Wood
Feock SW831401
Lambsowden Beach
St. Goran SW981407
Lamellen Plantation
Forest or Wood
St. Kew SX052773
Lamellen Wood
Forest or Wood
St. Tudy SX052775
Lamellyon Wood
Forest or Wood
Lanteglos SX142522
Lamorna Cove
Other Water Feature
St. Buryan SW455235
Lamorna Point
Other Coastal Landform
St. Buryan SW450236
Lamorna Valley
Paul SW445246
Lamorran Wood
Forest or Wood
St. Michael Penkevil SW883422
Lamp Rock
Polruan SX121509
Lamp Rock
Other Coastal Landform
St Ives (Cornwall) SW521411
Lamphill Woods
Forest or Wood
St. Breward SX088772
Land's End
Coastal Headland
Sennen SW342252
Land's End Hole
Other Coastal Landform
Sennen SW341253
Landevale Wood
Forest or Wood
Deviock SX341561
Landing Rock
St Agnes SW722516
Landlake Wood
Forest or Wood
South Petherwin SX326822
Landlizzick Wood
Forest or Wood
Landulph SX410638
Landrion Point
Other Coastal Landform
St Austell SX047516
Landy Wood
Forest or Wood
St. Gennys SX178984
Lane Wood
Forest or Wood
Egloshayle SX006713
Laneast Downs
Other Landcover
Laneast SX233851
Laneskin Wood
Forest or Wood
Cardinham SX121656
Langford Wood
Forest or Wood
Poundstock SS231013
Langstone Downs
Hill or Mountain
Linkinhorne SX255737
Langunnett Woods
Forest or Wood
St. Veep SX151572
Lanheriott Wood
Forest or Wood
Fowey SX116540
Lanjore Coppice
Forest or Wood
St. Germans SX340590
Lankelly Cliff
Cliff or Slope
Fowey SX106503
Coastal Headland
St. Keverne SW754166
Lanlavery Rock
Hill or Mountain
St. Clether SX156826
Lanner Wood
Forest or Wood
St. Allen SW823495
Lanoy Wood
Forest or Wood
Linkinhorne SX304778
Lanrennick Wood
Forest or Wood
Pelynt SX216551
Lansallos Cliff
Cliff or Slope
Polperro SX172509
Lantewey Wood
Forest or Wood
St. Neot SX160682
Lantic Bay
Lanteglos SX144506
Lantic Bay
Other Water Feature
Lanteglos SX145505
Lantivet Bay
Lanteglos SX164507
Lantivet Bay
Other Water Feature
Lanteglos SX165505
Lantivet Beach
Lanteglos SX159511
Lantreise Wood
Forest or Wood
St. Neot SX197657
Lantundle Wood
Forest or Wood
Duloe SX217585
Lantyan Wood
Forest or Wood
St. Sampson SX110569
Lantyan Wood
Forest or Wood
St. Winnow SX115565
Largin Wood
Forest or Wood
Broadoak SX167643
Lariggan Rocks
Penzance SW467293
Polperro SX191501
Laurie's Plantation
Forest or Wood
Lanhydrock SX082639
Lavethan Wood
Forest or Wood
Blisland SX102729
Lavis's Wood
Forest or Wood
Lezant SX366805
Lawarnick Pit
Other Coastal Landform
Landewednack SW682134
Lawn Wood
Forest or Wood
Deviock SX322581
Lawnhills Wood
Forest or Wood
St. Martin-in-Meneage SW726238
Lazy Bank
Pengersick SW571277
Leadenhill Wood
Forest or Wood
Lostwithiel SX096616
Lean Point
Other Coastal Landform
Zennor SW436383
Lean Wood
Forest or Wood
Dobwalls and Trewidland SX263613
Leball Wood
Forest or Wood
Cardinham SX128656
Lee Wood
Forest or Wood
Morwenstow SS217117
Lee Wood
Forest or Wood
St. Pinnock SX214619
Lee Wood
Forest or Wood
Kilkhampton SS215115
Leech Pool
Inland Water
Mawgan-in-Meneage SW718209
Leech Pool
Other Water Feature
Mawgan-in-Meneage SW715205
Leggan Point
Other Coastal Landform
St. Keverne SW807210
Leigh Hill Wood
Forest or Wood
Quethiock SX340645
Leigh Plantation
Forest or Wood
Quethiock SX343647
Leigh Wood
Forest or Wood
Launcells SS255065
Lelight Plantation
Forest or Wood
Perranzabuloe SW789514
Lemail Wood
Forest or Wood
Egloshayle SX023730
Lemarne Mine Plantation
Forest or Wood
North Hill SX255776
Lemarnedown Plantation
Forest or Wood
North Hill SX254773
Leminnick Rock
St. Goran SX005396
Lemon Point
Other Coastal Landform
Lizard SW694120
Lemoria Rock
Veryan SW923373
Lendra Wood
Forest or Wood
Callington SX339686
Lerryn Wood
Forest or Wood
Lerryn SX136566
Lesceave Cliff
Cliff or Slope
Breage SW587274
Lesceave Por
Breage SW586273
Lesceave Rocks
Breage SW586274
Leskernick Hill
Hill or Mountain
Altarnun SX183803
Lestoon Moor
Other Landcover
Luxulyan SX038584
Lestowder Cliff
Cliff or Slope
St. Keverne SW793250
Letcha Cliff
Cliff or Slope
St. Just SW356306
Letter Moor
Other Landcover
St. Neot SX172701
Levalsa Down
Other Landcover
Pentewan Valley SX003496
Levant Zawn
Other Water Feature
St. Just SW365345
St. Keverne SW809222
Lewannick Down Plantation
Forest or Wood
Lewannick SX276795
Lewarne Great Wood
Forest or Wood
St. Neot SX163650
Lewarnecoombe Plantation
Forest or Wood
St. Neot SX167649
Leymill Wood
Forest or Wood
Linkinhorne SX281718
Liam's Land
Forest or Wood
Landrake with St. Erney SX362606
Lidcutt Wood
Forest or Wood
Cardinham SX102685
Inland Water
Morvah SW399338
Newquay SW806624
Lifter Wood
Forest or Wood
Landulph SX419640
Liggars Wood
Forest or Wood
Duloe SX215618
Ligger Bay
Perranzabuloe SW755561
Ligger or Perran Bay
Other Water Feature
Perranzabuloe SW755565
Ligger Point
Other Coastal Landform
Perranzabuloe SW756581
Lillery's Cove
Other Water Feature
Maker-with-Rame SX425485
Looe SX261533
Lion Rock
Landewednack SW687129
Lion's Den
Landewednack SW705115
Lion's Den
Other Coastal Landform
Sennen SW347240
Liskey Plantation
Forest or Wood
St. Clement SW850476
Little Barton Strand
Other Coastal Landform
St. Gennys SX141974
Little Bo
Sennen Cove SW345269
Little Carracks
Zennor SW470410
Little Castle
Pengersick SW572279
Little Coombe Hawne
Fowey SX113506
Little Cove
Grade-Ruan SW721143
Little Cove
Grade-Ruan SW728157
Little Cudden
Other Coastal Landform
Breage SW552276
Little Funnel Hole
Other Coastal Landform
St. Levan SW366215
Little Galver
Hill or Mountain
Zennor SW432359
Little Gerrans
St Austell Bay SX039488
Little Goular
St. Levan SW396218
Little Gribbin
Coastal Headland
Fowey SX090501
Little Heaver
Paul SW456237
Little Hell
Other Coastal Landform
Fowey SX087526
Little Hogus
Marazion SW511306
Little Kithill Grove
Forest or Wood
Antony SX423569
Little Kithill Plantation
Forest or Wood
Antony SX424569
Little Lantic Beach
Lanteglos SX149506
Little Larnick Wood
Forest or Wood
Pelynt SX218554
Little Lobb's Rock
Other Coastal Landform
St. Minver Highlands SW954800
Little London
Marazion SW525302
Little Lydcott Wood
Forest or Wood
Morval SX302579
Little Molunan
Other Coastal Landform
Gerrans SW846315
Little Perhaver Beach
Gorran Haven SX013417
Little Perhaver Point
Other Coastal Landform
Gorran Haven SX013416
Little Perlea
Veryan SW951406
Little Petherick Creek
Other Water Feature
Padstow SW915735
Little Polstreath
Mevagissey SX017451
Little Porth Carn
Other Coastal Landform
Zennor SW425376
Little Rough Tor
Hill or Mountain
St. Breward SX148810
Little Shell Wood
Forest or Wood
Helland SX082718
Little Strand
St. Gennys SX130958
Little Tregassow Wood
Forest or Wood
St. Clement SW858487
Little Trenant Wood
Forest or Wood
Menheniot SX290646
Little Treveria Wood
Forest or Wood
St. Martin-by-Looe SX290566
Little Trevorder Wood
Forest or Wood
St. Breock SW984706
Little Trigg Rocks
Porthleven SW627254
Little Vro
Other Coastal Landform
Mullion SW663175
Little Wood
Forest or Wood
Week St. Mary SX230974
Little Wood
Forest or Wood
St. Martin-in-Meneage SW735257
Little Wrea
St. Keverne SW807195
Littleton's Wood
Forest or Wood
Deviock SX300559
Lizard Downs
Other Landcover
Landewednack SW693138
Lizard Point
Coastal Headland
Landewednack SW696117
Lizard Pool
Inland Water
St. Goran SW999393
Lizard Pool
Other Water Feature
St. Goran SW995395
Lo Cabm
Mullion SW662193
Lobber Point
Other Coastal Landform
Port Gaverne SW994811
Lockengate Moor
Other Landcover
Luxulyan SX037617
Lodge Plantation
Forest or Wood
Trewen SX251847
Lodge Plantation
Forest or Wood
Lanhydrock SX088644
Lodge Plantation
Forest or Wood
Feock SW831396
Loe Bar
Porthleven SW643240
Loe Beach
Feock SW824380
Loe Valley
Helston SW653265
Loe Warren
Other Coastal Landform
St. Just SW361329
Logan Rock
Other Coastal Landform
St. Levan SW396219
Logan Rock
Other Coastal Landform
St. Levan SW368216
Loggans Moor
Other Landcover
Gwinear-Gwithian SW576389
Long Carn
Other Coastal Landform
Zennor SW411361
Long Carn
Hill or Mountain
Zennor SW415365
Long Cliff
Cliff or Slope
St. Gennys SX160990
Long Cove
Maker-with-Rame SX416490
Long Cove
St. Merryn SW858740
Long Cove
St. Eval SW854723
Long Cove
St. Merryn SW860763
Long Cove
Newquay SW823629
Long Downs
Other Landcover
Cardinham SX109671
Long Green
Other Landcover
Marazion SW510312
Long Island
Trevalga SX074905
Long Meadow Copse
Forest or Wood
North Petherwin SX265892
Long Orchard
Forest or Wood
Antony SX421567
Long Plantation
Forest or Wood
St. Neot SX169654
Long Plantation
Forest or Wood
South Petherwin SX339818
Long Plantation
Forest or Wood
Playing Place SW814422
Long Point
Other Coastal Landform
Gorran Haven SX015413
Long Point
Other Coastal Landform
St. Michael Caerhays SW969411
Long Rock
Kilkhampton SS200097
Long Rock
St. Goran SW994400
Long Rock
Longrock SW498308
Long Sands
Antony SX380529
Long Stone Ridge
Cliff or Slope
Deviock SX336538
Long Wood
Forest or Wood
Linkinhorne SX309724
Longcoe Wood
Forest or Wood
Looe SX258557
Longdowns Plantation
Forest or Wood
Cardinham SX117661
Longfield Wood
Forest or Wood
Egloskerry SX276880
Longlands Plantation
Forest or Wood
Torpoint SX412552
Group of Islands
Sennen SW321252
Longstone Down
Other Landcover
Sithney SW656316
Longstone Downs
Other Landcover
St. Stephen-in-Brannel SW984555
Longstone Plantation
Forest or Wood
Lawhitton Rural SX364807
Longstone Plantation
Forest or Wood
St Ives (Cornwall) SW532380
Looe Bay
Other Water Feature
Looe SX265525
Looking Glass
Coastal Headland
Antony SX436565
Lord's Meadow
Other Landcover
Kilkhampton SS257113
Lord's Wood
Forest or Wood
Kenwyn SW818482
Louden Hill
Hill or Mountain
St. Breward SX137803
Lovely Vale
Perranzabuloe SW751514
Lower Bosistow Cliff
Cliff or Slope
St. Levan SW357236
Lower Boswedden Cliff
Cliff or Slope
St. Just SW354320
Lower Cabilla Wood
Forest or Wood
Cardinham SX131656
Lower Catticombe Wood
Forest or Wood
Menheniot SX259626
Lower Coldrinnick Wood
Forest or Wood
Helland SX092721
Lower Deerhouse Plantation
Forest or Wood
Maker-with-Rame SX451524
Lower Downs
Other Landcover
St. Hilary SW560310
Lower Helland Wood
Forest or Wood
Helland SX063704
Lower Hill Wood
Forest or Wood
Ludgvan SW524363
Lower Lestowcoombe Wood
Forest or Wood
St. Neot SX159676
Lower Liggars Wood
Forest or Wood
Duloe SX218617
Lower Longbeak
Other Coastal Landform
Marhamchurch SS196032
Lower Longbeak Strand
Other Coastal Landform
Marhamchurch SS197034
Lower Merope Island
Padstow SW894770
Lower Moor
Other Landcover
Advent SX137827
Lower Moor Plantation
Forest or Wood
Advent SX144826
Lower Penhallic Point
Other Coastal Landform
Tintagel SX045875
Lower Predannack Cliff
Cliff or Slope
Mullion SW664158
Lower Predannack Downs
Other Landcover
Landewednack SW685146
Lower Sharpnose Point
Coastal Headland
Morwenstow SS198126
Lower Strangles
Other Coastal Landform
St. Gennys SX128951
Lower Tamar Lake
Inland Water
Kilkhampton SS294110
Lower Trefrize Wood
Forest or Wood
Linkinhorne SX314773
Lower Wearland's Plantation
Forest or Wood
Antony SX429570
Lower Westdown Wood
Forest or Wood
Antony SX413564
Lower Wood
Forest or Wood
St. Ive SX337684
Lower Woodland Plantation
Forest or Wood
St. Clement SW848469
Lower Woodlands
Forest or Wood
St. Clement SW846468
Lowertown Moor
Other Landcover
Luxulyan SX050614
Lowland Point
St. Keverne SW804195
Lowlands Beach
Gerrans SW857331
Lowlands Down
Other Landcover
St. Cleer SX212746
Lowley Brook
Other Water Feature
South Petherwin SX345815
Lowley Wood
Forest or Wood
Werrington SX323871
Lucky Hole
Other Coastal Landform
Morwenstow SS196151
Lucky Hole
Other Water Feature
Morwenstow SS195155
Lundy Beach
St. Minver Highlands SW958799
Lundy Hole
Other Coastal Landform
St. Minver Highlands SW957798
Newquay SW801627
Lusty Glaze
Newquay SW822625
Lusty Glaze
Other Coastal Landform
Newquay SW821624
Lutteridge Wood
Forest or Wood
Jacobstow SX226986
Luxulyan Valley
Luxulyan SX063566
Lydcott Wood
Forest or Wood
Morval SX301582
Lydcott Wood
Forest or Wood
Deviock SX305585
Lye Rock
Other Coastal Landform
Tintagel SX064898
Lynher River or St Germans
Other Water Feature
Antony SX395555
Mackerel Cove
St. Eval SW842707
Mackerel Cove
St. Merryn SW849760
Madam Bray Rock
St. Goran SW990405
Madderly Moor
Other Landcover
Lostwithiel SX106588
Maen Chynoweth
St. Keverne SW816216
Maen Derrens
Other Coastal Landform
St Ives (Cornwall) SW519412
Maen Dower
Other Coastal Landform
St. Just SW356294
Maen Garrick
Other Coastal Landform
St. Keverne SW818212
Maen Land
St. Keverne SW807201
Maen Thomas
Mevagissey SX024426
Maen-du Point
Other Coastal Landform
Perranuthnoe SW535290
Maen-lay Rock
St. Goran SW999391
Budock SW790296
Maer Cliff
Cliff or Slope
Bude-Stratton SS202082
Maer Down
Other Landcover
Bude-Stratton SS202075
Maer High Cliff
Cliff or Slope
Bude-Stratton SS201076
Maer High Cliff Beach
Bude-Stratton SS200077
Maer Low Cliff Beach
Flexbury SS200074
Magor Downs
Other Landcover
Illogan SW636421
Magow Rocks
Gwinear-Gwithian SW581422
Maiden Tor
Hill or Mountain
St. Breward SX158808
Maidenwood Copse
Forest or Wood
Bude-Stratton SS234081
Main Dale
St. Keverne SW783199
Main Head
Coastal Headland
St. Endellion SX002810
Maker Heights
Hill or Mountain
Maker-with-Rame SX435515
Malmanare Point
Other Coastal Landform
Veryan SW915373
Malpas Point
St. Michael Penkevil SW846426
Man of War
Landewednack SW694113
Man's Head
Coastal Headland
St Ives (Cornwall) SW511409
Manacle Point
Coastal Headland
St. Keverne SW810213
Morvah SW404363
Manare Point
Coastal Headland
Veryan SW934388
Manare Rock
Veryan SW934387
Manassick Wood
Forest or Wood
St. Michael Caerhays SW956419
Manely Wood
Forest or Wood
St. Veep SX130564
Manor Common
Other Landcover
Blisland SX130745
Margate Wood
Forest or Wood
Cardinham SX096667
Mark's Plantation
Forest or Wood
St. Neot SX173653
Markham's Quay
St. Minver Highlands SW955798
Marsh Plantation
Forest or Wood
Pillaton SX389636
Marsh Wood
Forest or Wood
Saltash SX397602
Marsland Mouth
Other Water Feature
Morwenstow SS205175
Marsland Water
Other Water Feature
Morwenstow SS235175
Martha's Plantation
Forest or Wood
Werrington SX335888
Marypark Wood
Forest or Wood
Pelynt SX215543
Mawgan Porth
Mawgan Porth SW846676
Mawnan Rock
Mawnan SW788269
Mawnan Shear
Mawnan SW785268
May's Rock
Veryan SW951405
Mayon Cliff
Cliff or Slope
Sennen Cove SW347258
Boscastle SX090916
Meddon Moor
Other Landcover
Morwenstow SS271175
Medlyn Moor
Other Landcover
Wendron SW706334
Megiliggar Rocks
Breage SW609266
Sennen SW320254
St. Keverne SW768164
Men an Mor
St Ives (Cornwall) SW520403
Men Hewel
Mullion SW661194
Mên Hyr
Landewednack SW700107
Men Par
Landewednack SW697111
Men Tallic
St. Keverne SW808225
Mên-aver Beach
St. Keverne SW793250
Men-aver Point
Other Coastal Landform
St. Anthony-in-Meneage SW793252
Other Coastal Landform
Mullion SW659168
Men-y-grib Point
Coastal Headland
Mullion SW662195
Menabilly Wood
Forest or Wood
Fowey SX105514
Menachurch Point
Coastal Headland
Bude-Stratton SS201088
Menacrin Downs
Other Landcover
Blisland SX140742
Menheniot Wood
Forest or Wood
St. Stephens by Launceston Rur SX304863
Meres Cliff
Cliff or Slope
Mullion SW666189
Merlyn Rock
Mousehole SW469258
Merope Rocks
St. Merryn SW861766
St Ives (Cornwall) SW522410
Merthen Downs
Other Landcover
Gweek SW726276
Merthen Point
St. Buryan SW418227
Merthen Rock
St. Buryan SW419226
Merthen Wood
Forest or Wood
Constantine SW736263
Merther Pond
Inland Water
St. Michael Penkevil SW857436
Merton Plantation
Forest or Wood
St. Allen SW803510
Merton Rock
St. Goran SX004392
Messack Point
Coastal Headland
St. Just-in-Roseland SW841357
Metha Wood
Forest or Wood
St Newlyn East SW837562
Metherin Downs
Other Landcover
Blisland SX119746
Mevagissey Bay
Mevagissey SX029455
Mevagissey Bay
Other Water Feature
Mevagissey SX035455
Mewstone Rock
Other Coastal Landform
Kingsand SX435501
Mid Main
Looe SX258521
Middle Carn Gloose
Other Coastal Landform
St. Just SW353313
Middle Merope Island
Padstow SW894771
Middle Plantation
Forest or Wood
Playing Place SW811418
Middle Point
Other Coastal Landform
Falmouth SW825320
Middle Stone
Other Coastal Landform
Veryan SW925365
Middle Westdown Wood
Forest or Wood
Antony SX413562
Middle Wood
Forest or Wood
St. Winnow SX127569
Middlebarton Brake
Forest or Wood
Maker-with-Rame SX433488
Middleclose Plantations
Forest or Wood
Perranzabuloe SW800510
Middledown Wood
Forest or Wood
St. Germans SX324578
Mildran's Rock
St. Keverne SW813212
Mill Bay
St. Levan SW354235
Mill Bay
Other Water Feature
Sennen SW355235
Mill Down Wood
Forest or Wood
St. Erme SW835517
Mill Hill Wood
Forest or Wood
St. Germans SX350595
Mill Pool Wood
Forest or Wood
St. Breock SX000696
Mill Wood
Forest or Wood
St. Winnow SX129571
Mill Wood
Forest or Wood
Warleggan SX158674
Mill-hill Wood
Forest or Wood
Mevagissey SW999455
Milladon Wood
Forest or Wood
St. Germans SX327579
Millball Wood
Forest or Wood
Morwenstow SS214124
Millbrook Lake
Other Water Feature
Millbrook SX435525
Millbrook Reservoir
Inland Water
Millbrook SX411521
Millcoombe Wood
Forest or Wood
Boconnoc SX150595
Milldown Wood
Forest or Wood
Menheniot SX298649
Milldown Wood
Forest or Wood
Broadoak SX145622
Millendreath Beach
Looe SX268540
Millennium Wood
Forest or Wood
Lewannick SX285800
Millhill Plantation
Forest or Wood
Morval SX259561
Millhill Wood
Forest or Wood
Morval SX258559
Millook Common
Forest or Wood
Poundstock SX184995
Millook Haven
Poundstock SS184003
Millook Haven
Other Water Feature
Poundstock SS185005
Millook Mouth
Other Coastal Landform
Poundstock SS183002
Millpool Plantation
Forest or Wood
Maker-with-Rame SX432501
Milltown Wood
Forest or Wood
St. Sampson SX106577
Millway Wood
Forest or Wood
Morval SX298592
Minack Point
Other Coastal Landform
St. Levan SW387220
Minard Plantation
Forest or Wood
Deviock SX325565
Mingoose Plantation
Forest or Wood
St. Agnes SW729482
Minnows Islands
St. Merryn SW853728
Minster Wood
Forest or Wood
Forrabury and Minster SX109908
Minzies Downs
Other Landcover
St. Neot SX178753
Mirrose Well Cove
Illogan SW639445
Mixtow Pill
Other Water Feature
Lanteglos SX135525
Moditon Wood
Forest or Wood
Pillaton SX369628
Molenick Plantation
Forest or Wood
St. Germans SX331613
Molenick Wood
Forest or Wood
St. Germans SX329608
Cubert SW761591
Monk Rock
Maker-with-Rame SX419493
Moor Plantation
Forest or Wood
St. Tudy SX053773
Moor Plantation
Forest or Wood
Kea SW797421
Moor Wood
Forest or Wood
St. Germans SX331582
Moorwell Wood
Forest or Wood
Dobwalls and Trewidland SX228633
Morgan Wood
Forest or Wood
St. Breock SW999694
Morish's Beach
St Austell SX052519
Morses Wood
Forest or Wood
Probus SW875470
Morvah Cliff
Cliff or Slope
Morvah SW402360
Morval Wood
Forest or Wood
Morval SX261563
Morwell Rocks
Other Coastal Landform
Calstock SX440704
Morwell Wood
Forest or Wood
Calstock SX440706
Mother Ivey's or Polventon Bay
Other Water Feature
St. Merryn SW865765
Mount Ararat
Hill or Mountain
Pillaton SX403649
Mount Plantation
Forest or Wood
Egloshayle SX041710
Mount's Bay
Other Water Feature
Breage SW565265
Mulberry Downs
Other Landcover
Lanivet SX021659
Mulfra Hill
Hill or Mountain
Madron SW450354
Mullion Cliff
Cliff or Slope
Mullion SW665175
Mullion Island
Mullion SW660176
Landewednack SW691113
Mundy Rocks
Fowey SX119510
Mussel Point
Other Coastal Landform
Zennor SW464403
Mussel Rock
Morwenstow SS199111
Mutton Cove
Other Water Feature
Maker-with-Rame SX455535
Mutton's Downs
Hill or Mountain
St. Neot SX195697
Mutton's Wood
Forest or Wood
St. Kew SX026734
Mygog Rock
Port Gaverne SW995811
Mylor Clump
Forest or Wood
Restronguet SW806370
Mylor Creek
Other Water Feature
Mylor Bridge SW805355
Namphillows Wood
Forest or Wood
Feock SW829401
Nance Fishing Lakes
Inland Water
St. Ives SW516374
Nance Wood
Forest or Wood
Portreath SW666449
Nancekuke Common
Other Landcover
St. Agnes SW690466
Nancemellin Plantation
Forest or Wood
Gwinear-Gwithian SW607402
Nanie Rowe's Wood
Forest or Wood
Calstock SX404683
Nanjulian Cliff
Cliff or Slope
St. Just SW357287
Nanny Parson's Grove
Forest or Wood
Maker-with-Rame SX444524
Nanquidno Downs
Other Landcover
St. Just SW368287
Nansavallan Wood
Forest or Wood
Kea SW810439
Nansilgans Plantation
Forest or Wood
Kea SW810421
Nantillio Plantation
Forest or Wood
St. Enoder SW876542
Nantivet Rock
Landewednack SW680134
Other Coastal Landform
St. Just SW355307
Naphene Downs
Other Landcover
Gweek SW711279
Napp's Moor
Other Landcover
Laneast SX215855
Nare Cove
Other Water Feature
St. Keverne SW795245
Nare Head
Coastal Headland
St. Keverne SW800247
Nare Head
Coastal Headland
Veryan SW916370
Nare Point
Other Coastal Landform
St. Keverne SW800251
Narrow Cliff
Cliff or Slope
Newquay SW818620
Nathaga Rocks
Camborne SW591437
Navax Point
Other Coastal Landform
Camborne SW592436
Neal Point
Coastal Headland
Cargreen SX435612
Nealand Point
Coastal Headland
Polperro SX190502
Net Rock
Maker-with-Rame SX417491
New Down
Other Landcover
St. Mellion SX358656
New Invention
Other Coastal Landform
Maker-with-Rame SX435499
New Plantation
Forest or Wood
Liskeard SX236662
New Road Plantation
Forest or Wood
Pentewan Valley SX004474
Newbridge Wood
Forest or Wood
St. Winnow SX119644
Newdowns Head
Coastal Headland
St. Agnes SW708518
Newhedges Wood
Forest or Wood
Egloskerry SX265886
St. Minver Highlands SW914811
Newlyn Downs
Other Landcover
St. Erme SW831541
Newpark Wood
Forest or Wood
Quethiock SX353637
Newpark Wood
Forest or Wood
Cardinham SX105655
Newporth Head
Coastal Headland
Falmouth SW798300
Newquay Bay
Newquay SW812626
Newquay Bay
Other Water Feature
Newquay SW815625
Newton Moor
Other Landcover
Camborne SW669390
Newton Plantation
Forest or Wood
Lewannick SX290795
Newton Wood
Forest or Wood
Lewannick SX296798
Newtrain Bay
Trevone SW884759
Newtrain Bay
Other Water Feature
Padstow SW885755
Nine Maidens Common
Other Landcover
St. Just SW384323
Nine Maidens Downs
Other Landcover
Wendron SW679368
Ninney Cliff
Cliff or Slope
St. John SX409510
Ninney Rock
Other Coastal Landform
St. John SX410508
Nitting's Down Plantation
Forest or Wood
Lezant SX353781
No Man's Land
Other Landcover
Deviock SX328551
No Man's Land
Other Landcover
Camborne SW667365
No Man's Land
Other Landcover
St. Buryan SW402267
No Man's Land
Other Landcover
Gwinear-Gwithian SW588349
North Carn Gloose
Other Coastal Landform
St. Just SW352313
North Cliff Plantation
Forest or Wood
Illogan SW642436
North Cliffs
Cliff or Slope
Illogan SW632436
North Criffle Wood
Forest or Wood
St. Germans SX322607
North Down Wood
Forest or Wood
Pillaton SX383637
North Downs
Other Landcover
Redruth SW714445
North Downs
Hill or Mountain
Redruth SW708445
North Hill Wood
Forest or Wood
Luxulyan SX064564
North Plantation
Forest or Wood
Kea SW799424
North Plantation
Forest or Wood
Kenwyn SW768485
North Rock
Kingsand SX436506
North West Plantation
Forest or Wood
Kea SW795420
North Wood
Forest or Wood
Feock SW839398
North-hill Point
St. Just-in-Roseland SW859333
Northcott Mouth
Bude-Stratton SS200084
Northcott Mouth
Other Water Feature
Bude-Stratton SS205085
Northcott Mouth Beach
Bude-Stratton SS200082
Northcott Wood
Forest or Wood
Kilkhampton SS240091
Northcott Wood
Forest or Wood
Boyton SX331917
Northcotthill Wood
Forest or Wood
Kilkhampton SS243087
Northdown Plantation
Forest or Wood
Lewannick SX257827
Northern Door
St. Gennys SX129960
Northpark Copse
Forest or Wood
North Petherwin SX281909
Northpark Wood
Forest or Wood
St. Ive SX302660
Northwood Downs
Other Landcover
St. Neot SX202701
Norton Wood
Forest or Wood
Kilkhampton SS248083
Norwegian Rock
Newquay SW826630
Notter Tor
Hill or Mountain
Linkinhorne SX271737
Nullas Plantation
Forest or Wood
Feock SW830391
Numphra Common
Other Landcover
St. Just SW388295
Oak Grove
Forest or Wood
Porthleven SW650259
Oak Plantation
Forest or Wood
Maker-with-Rame SX452523
Oak Tree Covert
Forest or Wood
St. Enoder SW872537
Oak Wood
Forest or Wood
St. Winnow SX140623
Oak Wood
Forest or Wood
Illogan SW639429
Oakpark Wood
Forest or Wood
St. Mellion SX353661
Obelisk Plantation
Forest or Wood
Boconnoc SX153609
Ogo Mesul
Other Coastal Landform
Mullion SW665189
Ogo-dour Cove
Mullion SW668157
Ogo-dour Cove
Other Water Feature
Mullion SW665155
Old Boar
Other Coastal Landform
Padstow SW915784
Old Dane
Newquay SW806625
Old Man's Face
Other Coastal Landform
Veryan SW919370
Old Park Wood
Forest or Wood
St. Michael Caerhays SW968424
Old Plantation
Forest or Wood
Dobwalls and Trewidland SX196656
Old Plantation
Forest or Wood
North Hill SX252778
Old Woman's Close Plantation
Forest or Wood
Kea SW802420
Old Wood
Forest or Wood
St. Ewe SX002463
Old Wood
Forest or Wood
Gwennap SW740405
Oldtown Cove
Other Water Feature
St. Issey SW935735
Other Coastal Landform
Morwenstow SS198141
Olver's Coppice
Forest or Wood
Menheniot SX296651
Ontonna Rock
Mawgan-in-Pydar SW842658
Orchard Strand
Other Coastal Landform
St. Gennys SX142976
Orchard Vale
Flushing SW810341
Orwell Wood
Forest or Wood
Morval SX286571
Osborne Carn
Other Coastal Landform
Zennor SW413364
Outer Bucks
Other Coastal Landform
St. Buryan SW442228
Outer Wood
Forest or Wood
Gwennap SW734409
Outlands Wood
Forest or Wood
Helland SX062691
Owen Vean Common
Other Landcover
St. Hilary SW538309
Owls' Holes
Other Coastal Landform
Deviock SX329539
Oxpark Wood
Forest or Wood
St. Ive SX326689
Pabyer Hole
Other Coastal Landform
St. Goran SX022426
Pabyer Point
Other Coastal Landform
Mevagissey SX024426
Padgagarrack Wood
Forest or Wood
Manaccan SW768263
Padstow Bay
Trebetherick SW924792
Padstow Bay
Other Water Feature
Trebetherick SW925795
Painters' Plantation
Forest or Wood
Crowan SW624352
Palmer Point
Coastal Headland
Maker-with-Rame SX441526
Palmer Rock
Other Coastal Landform
Maker-with-Rame SX442528
Par Sands
Fowey SX083528
Other Coastal Landform
Landewednack SW680134
Paramoor Wood
Forest or Wood
St. Ewe SW985485
Parc Bean Cove
Mullion SW666158
Parc Caragloose Rock
Other Coastal Landform
Veryan SW929383
Parc-an-als Cliff
Cliff or Slope
Porthleven SW634249
Pargodonnel Rocks
Porthleven SW622257
Parish Meadows Plantations
Forest or Wood
St. Germans SX325610
Parishpark Wood
Forest or Wood
Morwenstow SS217126
Park Bean Cliff
Cliff or Slope
Gunwalloe SW655218
Park Bean Cove
Gunwalloe SW654220
Park Head
Coastal Headland
St. Eval SW843708
Park Matthews Wood
Forest or Wood
Pentewan Valley SX023505
Park Plantation
Forest or Wood
Helston SW644259
Park Plantation
Forest or Wood
Lelant SW538370
Park Wood
Forest or Wood
St. Mellion SX347668
Park Wood
Forest or Wood
Lanivet SX049693
Park Wood
Forest or Wood
Helland SX055695
Park Wood
Forest or Wood
St. Ive SX345665
Parkendues Wood
Forest or Wood
Pentewan Valley SX008469
Parkhills Wood
Forest or Wood
Mawgan-in-Meneage SW724234
Parkslade Wood
Forest or Wood
Mawgan-in-Meneage SW720243
St. Keverne SW756165
Parnall's Hill Wood
Forest or Wood
St. Michael Caerhays SW958417
Parson's Beach
Mawnan SW787270
Parson's Hill Wood
Forest or Wood
St. Michael Penkevil SW871420
Parsonage Wood
Forest or Wood
Cardinham SX121681
Passage Point
Other Coastal Landform
Saltash SX415572
Pathada Wood
Forest or Wood
Quethiock SX320623
Pato Point
Antony SX433564
Patron's Wood
Forest or Wood
Lewannick SX293799
Paul's Green
Other Landcover
Crowan SW602334
Paul's Plantation
Forest or Wood
Egloskerry SX280872
Payntersmoor Plantations
Forest or Wood
North Petherwin SX275909
Peader Rock
Maker-with-Rame SX414488
Peak Rock
Coastal Headland
Polperro SX210508
Pearce's Plantation
Forest or Wood
Egloskerry SX264868
Sennen SW341251
Peckhill Wood
Forest or Wood
Pentewan Valley SX008491
Pedn Billy
Other Coastal Landform
Helford Passage SW755269
Pedn Boar
Coastal Headland
St. Keverne SW771161
Pedn Crifton
Other Coastal Landform
Mullion SW659165
Pedn Kei
Zennor SW430384
Pedn Olva
Other Coastal Landform
St Ives (Cornwall) SW520403
Pedn Tiere
St. Keverne SW805231
Other Coastal Landform
St. Levan SW384217
Coastal Headland
Sennen Cove SW347262
Other Coastal Landform
St. Levan SW386219
St. Keverne SW793190
Other Coastal Landform
Mullion SW668186
Gunwalloe SW652210
Other Water Feature
Gunwalloe SW655205
Other Coastal Landform
Gerrans SW882359
Other Coastal Landform
St. Levan SW391223
Pednvounder Beach
St. Levan SW393223
Pellitras Point
Other Coastal Landform
St. Levan SW362220
Pelyn Wood
Forest or Wood
Lanlivery SX092584
Pelyndowns Plantation
Forest or Wood
Lanlivery SX084584
Pemberknowse Point
Other Coastal Landform
Kingsand SX434502
Pen a Grader
Other Coastal Landform
St. Agnes SW731528
Pen Diu
Other Coastal Landform
Tintagel SX047889
Pen Enys Point
Coastal Headland
St. Ives SW490410
Pen Ervan
Landewednack SW701110
Pen Nanven
Cliff or Slope
St. Just SW355308
Pen Olver
Other Coastal Landform
Landewednack SW712117
Pen Rocks
Looe SX258531
Coastal Headland
Gorran Haven SX017411
Penadlake Plantation
Forest or Wood
Broadoak SX137645
Penaligon Downs
Other Landcover
Lanivet SX033685
Penally Hill
Hill or Mountain
Boscastle SX096916
Penally Point
Coastal Headland
Boscastle SX093915
Penance Wood
Forest or Wood
St. Breock SW999706
Penare Point
Coastal Headland
Mevagissey SX020458
Penarrow Point
Other Coastal Landform
Mylor Bridge SW827349
Penberth Cove
Other Water Feature
St. Levan SW405225
Penberth Valley
St. Buryan SW392235
Other Coastal Landform
Gerrans SW879352
Pencabe Drang
Other Coastal Landform
Gerrans SW880351
Pencalenick Wood
Forest or Wood
St. Clement SW850460
Pencannow Point
Other Coastal Landform
St. Gennys SX138973
Pencarrow Head
Coastal Headland
Lanteglos SX150504
Pencarrow Wood
Forest or Wood
St. Mabyn SX048699
Pencarrow Wood
Forest or Wood
Helland SX055695
Pencra Head
Coastal Headland
St. Keverne SW808224
Pendarves Island
St. Eval SW847693
Pendarves Point
Coastal Headland
St. Eval SW848693
Pendarves Wood
Forest or Wood
Camborne SW644374
Pendeen Cliff
Cliff or Slope
St. Just SW382359
Pendeen Coppice
Forest or Wood
Sheviock SX380552
Pendeen New Cliff
Cliff or Slope
St. Just SW378358
Pendeen Old Cliff
Cliff or Slope
St. Just SW378355
Pendeen Watch
St. Just SW377358
Pendennis Point
Coastal Headland
Falmouth SW826315
Penderleath Common
Other Landcover
Towednack SW500377
Pendour Cove
Other Water Feature
Zennor SW445395
Pendower Beach
Veryan SW902381
Pendrift Downs
Other Landcover
Blisland SX104744
Pendruffle Wood
Forest or Wood
Duloe SX216589
Penearth Wood
Forest or Wood
Menheniot SX319624
Penfound Wood
Forest or Wood
Poundstock SX220999
Pengall Plantation
Forest or Wood
Luxulyan SX064558
Pengelly Wood
Forest or Wood
St. Neot SX184651
Pengenna Wood
Forest or Wood
St. Kew SX056781
Coastal Headland
Landewednack SW669147
Other Coastal Landform
St. Levan SW408229
Penhale Covert
Forest or Wood
Ladock SW860522
Penhale Moor
Other Landcover
Gwinear-Gwithian SW626373
Penhale Point
Coastal Headland
Cubert SW757590
Penhale Sands
Perranzabuloe SW769571
Penhale Wood
Forest or Wood
St. Michael Penkevil SW856438
Penhallow Moor
Other Landcover
St. Newlyn East SW827549
Penhallow Plantation
Forest or Wood
St. Agnes SW732476
Penhalt Cliff
Cliff or Slope
Poundstock SS190006
Penharget Wood
Forest or Wood
Linkinhorne SX305706
Penimble Plantation
Forest or Wood
St. Germans SX357589
Penkestle Moor
Other Landcover
St. Neot SX177702
Penkevel Wood
Forest or Wood
St. Michael Penkevil SW875417
Penleath Point
Other Coastal Landform
Lanteglos SX129516
Penlee Point
Other Coastal Landform
Maker-with-Rame SX442487
Penlee Point
Other Coastal Landform
Penzance SW473269
Penmadown Wood
Forest or Wood
St. Germans SX351583
Pennance Point
Coastal Headland
Falmouth SW804305
Pennarin Point
Other Coastal Landform
Veryan SW913376
Pennington Wood
Forest or Wood
St. Pinnock SX212609
Pennywilgie Point
Other Coastal Landform
St. Minver Highlands SW959799
Penolva Carn
Other Coastal Landform
Penzance SW470269
Penpell Plantation
Forest or Wood
Lanlivery SX074572
Penpoll Creek
Other Water Feature
St. Veep SX135545
Penpoll Wood
Forest or Wood
Kea SW838424
Penpont Water
Other Water Feature
Altarnun SX235825
Penquite Wood
Forest or Wood
Duloe SX217578
Penquite Wood
Forest or Wood
St. Sampson SX122557
Penrice Wood
Forest or Wood
Pentewan Valley SX023500
Other Coastal Landform
Forrabury and Minster SX106919
Pentddy Community Woodland
Forest or Wood
St. Cleer SX284693
Pentewan Beach
Pentewan Valley SX021469
Pentiddy Woods
Forest or Wood
St. Cleer SX286688
Pentire Haven
Trebetherick SW932797
Pentire Point
Coastal Headland
St. Minver Highlands SW925804
Pentire Point East
Other Coastal Landform
Newquay SW780615
Pentire Point West
Other Coastal Landform
Crantock SW773612
Pentire Steps
Other Coastal Landform
St. Eval SW847704
Pentire Wood
Forest or Wood
Helston SW649244
Pentireglaze Haven
Other Water Feature
Trebetherick SW935795
Pentonwarra Point
Coastal Headland
Trevone SW889759
Pentreath Beach
Landewednack SW692127
Penveor Point
Other Coastal Landform
St. Goran SX004399
Penvivian Downs
Other Landcover
Lanivet SX066632
Penvose Wood
Forest or Wood
Boconnoc SX149599
Penwater Wood
Forest or Wood
Broadoak SX151624
Penzer Point
Other Coastal Landform
Paul SW465249
Pepper Cove
Other Water Feature
St. Merryn SW855735
Pepper Hole
Other Coastal Landform
Padstow SW907780
Perbargus Beach
Veryan SW954408
Perbargus Point
Other Coastal Landform
Veryan SW957410
Perbean Beach
St. Michael Caerhays SW965411
Percella Point
Other Coastal Landform
St. Levan SW388223
Percolan Beach
Veryan SW944399
Percuil River
Other Water Feature
St. Just-in-Roseland SW855335
Perdredda Plantation
Forest or Wood
Deviock SX332562
Perdredda Wood
Forest or Wood
Deviock SX340563
Perdredda Wood
Forest or Wood
St. Germans SX345565
Periock Wood
Forest or Wood
St. Neot SX208684
Perprean Cove
Other Water Feature
St. Keverne SW785175
Perran Beach
Perranzabuloe SW757557
Perran or Ligger Bay
Other Water Feature
Perranzabuloe SW755565
Perran Sands
Perranuthnoe SW539291
Perunys Rock
Other Coastal Landform
Mevagissey SX017448
Peter's Point
Other Landform
Gwinear-Gwithian SW577411
Peter's Splash
Gerrans SW878345
Peter's Wood
Forest or Wood
St. Juliot SX112908
Petherick Moon Plantation
Forest or Wood
St. Clement SW853477
Petherwin Wood
Forest or Wood
North Petherwin SX287896
Phillip's Point
Other Landform
Marhamchurch SS199043
Phillip's Strand
Other Coastal Landform
Marhamchurch SS198044
Philly Davis' Grove
Forest or Wood
Crowan SW627350
Phoebe's Point
Other Coastal Landform
Pentewan Valley SX033498
Pibyah Rock
Philleigh SW893377
Picklecombe Point
Other Coastal Landform
Maker-with-Rame SX455514
Picklecombe Valley
Maker-with-Rame SX455517
Pickshill Wood
Forest or Wood
Tremar SX261677
Pidgerton Wood
Forest or Wood
Callington SX344691
Piece Bottom
St. Erme SW846514
Pier Cellars
Maker-with-Rame SX441494
Pierfields Plantation
Forest or Wood
Maker-with-Rame SX437496
Pigeon Ogo
Other Water Feature
Landewednack SW675145
Pigsback Rock
Morwenstow SS197120
Pigshill Wood
Forest or Wood
Maker-with-Rame SX445522
Pill Plantation
Forest or Wood
Feock SW830383
Pill Point
Feock SW828380
Pill Wood
Forest or Wood
Helland SX071690
Pine Haven
Other Water Feature
Port Gaverne SW995815
Pineaster Plantation
Forest or Wood
Boconnoc SX156610
Pinkson Creek
Other Water Feature
St. Issey SW945725
Pinnock Wood
Forest or Wood
Fowey SX101537
Pinsla Downs
Other Landcover
Cardinham SX113667
Pinslapark Wood
Forest or Wood
Cardinham SX123666
Piskies Cove
Other Water Feature
Breage SW555275
Pithill Wood
Forest or Wood
Duloe SX244583
Pitt Wood
Forest or Wood
Pelynt SX229555
Plaidy Beach
Looe SX265538
Plane Rocks
St. Gennys SX161992
Fowey SX094498
Playingplace Plantation
Forest or Wood
Playing Place SW811416
Pleasure Rock
Other Coastal Landform
Calstock SX440705
Poadsdown Plantation
Other Landcover
Lezant SX358785
Point Neptune
Other Coastal Landform
Fowey SX119510
Point Noe
Newquay SW782612
Point of Well
Other Coastal Landform
Pentewan Valley SX025473
Point Spaniard
Other Coastal Landform
Penzance SW468255
Pol Cornick
Mullion SW669154
Pol Cornick
Other Water Feature
Mullion SW665155
Pol Gwarra
Other Coastal Landform
St. Keverne SW804231
Pol Lawrance
Other Coastal Landform
St. Keverne SW801231
Pol Ledan
St. Levan SW373216
Polawyn Plantation
Forest or Wood
Mawgan-in-Meneage SW721234
Other Coastal Landform
Grade-Ruan SW717135
Polbathic Wood
Forest or Wood
Sheviock SX354566
Polborder Wood
Forest or Wood
St. Mellion SX382647
Polbream Cove
Other Water Feature
Landewednack SW705115
Polbream Point
Grade-Ruan SW729158
Polbream Point
Other Coastal Landform
Mullion SW666188
St. Keverne SW803199
Poldew Wood
Forest or Wood
Lostwithiel SX095602
Poldhu Cove
Other Water Feature
Mullion SW665195
Poldhu Point
Other Coastal Landform
Mullion SW661196
Poldue Downs
Other Landcover
Advent SX134818
Polgassick Rock
St. Ives SW489411
Polgaver Beach
Carlyon SX065522
Polgeel Wood
Forest or Wood
Egloshayle SX017695
Polgerran Wood
Forest or Wood
Philleigh SW850401
Polgerran Wood
Forest or Wood
St. Michael Penkevil SW855405
Polglase Covert
Forest or Wood
St. Erme SW847511
Polglase Wood
Forest or Wood
Gweek SW703286
Polgoda Downs
Other Landcover
Goonhavern SW794526
Other Coastal Landform
St. Keverne SW784176
Grade-Ruan SW717136
Polgwidden Cove
Other Water Feature
Helford Passage SW765275
Polgwyn Beach
Pentewan Valley SX030479
Polhawn Cove
Other Water Feature
Maker-with-Rame SX415495
Polhigey Moor
Other Landcover
Wendron SW708354
Polkirt Beach
Mevagissey SX016442
Polmarkin Wood
Forest or Wood
St. Germans SX334590
Polmear Island
Other Coastal Landform
St Austell SX039512
Polmenna Wood
Forest or Wood
Dobwalls and Trewidland SX257624
Polmenna Wood
Forest or Wood
St Neot SX185666
Polmenor Downs
Other Landcover
Gwinear-Gwithian SW616381
Polnare Cove
Other Water Feature
St. Keverne SW805245
Polostoc Zawn
Other Water Feature
St. Levan SW365215
Polpeor Cliff
Cliff or Slope
Landewednack SW699115
Polpeor Cove
Other Water Feature
Landewednack SW705115
Polpeor Island
Landewednack SW701113
Polpiece Wood
Forest or Wood
Boconnoc SX151593
Polpry Cove
Other Water Feature
St. Just SW355295
Other Water Feature
Fowey SX105505
Polruan Pool
Polruan SX124511
Polscoe Wood
Forest or Wood
Lostwithiel SX112611
Mevagissey SX017453
Polsue Wood
Forest or Wood
St. Clement SW855460
Poltesco Rock
Grade-Ruan SW729156
Poltesco Valley
Grade-Ruan SW720159
Polurrian Cove
Other Water Feature
Mullion SW665185
Polvarth Cellars
Other Coastal Landform
St Mawes SW854328
Polvarth Point
St Mawes SW854328
Polvean Wood
Forest or Wood
Duloe SX242587
Polventon Bay
St. Merryn SW862762
Polventon or Mother Ivey's Bay
Other Water Feature
St. Merryn SW865765
Polwheveral Wood
Forest or Wood
Constantine SW736286
Polzion Wood
Forest or Wood
Polperro SX232545
Pomery Wood
Forest or Wood
Probus SW925461
Pont Pill
Other Water Feature
Lanteglos SX135515
Pool End Wood
Forest or Wood
Stokeclimsland SX332761
Pool Plantation
Forest or Wood
Kea SW806419
Poolpark Wood
Forest or Wood
Deviock SX326571
Poppy Coppice
Other Landcover
Towednack SW459360
Pordenack Point
Coastal Headland
Sennen SW345242
Porkellis Moor
Other Landcover
Wendron SW689323
Porn Boe
Paul SW460242
Port Gaverne
Port Gaverne SX001809
Port Isaac Bay
St. Teath SX016827
Port Isaac Bay
Other Water Feature
St. Endellion SX015815
Port Quin Bay
St. Minver Highlands SW951806
Port Quin Bay
Other Water Feature
St. Minver Highlands SW955805
Port William
Tintagel SX046864
Port William
Other Water Feature
Tintagel SX045865
Porth Beach
Newquay SW828628
Porth Chapel
St. Levan SW381218
Porth Curno
St. Levan SW387221
Porth Curno
Other Water Feature
St. Levan SW385225
Porth Island
Newquay SW825630
Porth Joke
Other Water Feature
Crantock SW775605
Porth Kidney Sands
St. Ives SW542385
Porth Ledden
St. Just SW353321
Porth Loe
St. Levan SW363219
Porth Loe
Other Water Feature
St. Levan SW365215
Porth Mear
St. Eval SW846716
Porth Mear
Other Water Feature
St. Eval SW845715
Porth Mellin
Mullion SW666178
Porth Nanven
St. Just SW355308
Porth Pyg
Mullion SW666176
Porth Reservoir
Inland Water
Colan SW868621
Porth Resr
Other Water Feature
Colan SW865625
Porth Sampson
Perranuthnoe SW549281
Porth Saxon
Mawnan SW780270
Porth Sulinces
Breage SW616264
Porth Towan
St. Agnes SW690481
Porth Towan
Other Water Feature
St. Agnes SW695485
Mawnan SW781269
Porthbean Beach
Gerrans SW882367
Porthbeor Beach
Gerrans SW861319
Breage SW592268
Porthcothan Bay
St. Eval SW848720
Porthcothan Bay
Other Water Feature
St. Eval SW855725
Porthcothan Beach
St. Eval SW857720
Porthcurnick Beach
Gerrans SW879359
Portheras Cliff
Cliff or Slope
Higher Boscaswell SW388355
Portheras Common
Other Landcover
St. Just SW388338
Portheras Cove
Other Water Feature
St. Just SW385355
Other Coastal Landform
Breage SW587272
Porthglaze Cove
Other Water Feature
Zennor SW445385
St. Buryan SW410229
Other Water Feature
St. Buryan SW415225
Porthilly Cove
Other Water Feature
Rock (Cornwall) SW935755
Porthkerris Point
Other Coastal Landform
St. Keverne SW806229
Porthleven Sands
Porthleven SW634249
Porthluney Cove
Other Water Feature
St. Goran SW975415
Porthmellin Head
Other Coastal Landform
Gerrans SW869320
Porthmeor Beach
St Ives (Cornwall) SW515409
Porthmeor Cliff
Cliff or Slope
Zennor SW427379
Porthmeor Common
Other Landcover
Zennor SW445362
Porthmeor Cove
Other Water Feature
Zennor SW425375
Porthmeor Point
Other Coastal Landform
Zennor SW424379
Porthminster Beach
St Ives (Cornwall) SW520401
Porthminster Point
Coastal Headland
St Ives (Cornwall) SW523399
Porthmissen Beach
Trevone SW890760
Porthmissen Bridge
Other Coastal Landform
Padstow SW892764
Porthmoina Cove
Other Water Feature
Zennor SW415365
Porthmoina Island
Zennor SW415368
Porthoustock Point
Coastal Headland
St. Keverne SW810216
Porthtowan Beach
St. Agnes SW689481
Porthzennor Cove
Other Water Feature
Zennor SW455395
Portloe Point
Other Coastal Landform
Veryan SW940393
Portnadler Bay
Looe SX241511
Portnadler Bay
Other Water Feature
Looe SX245515
Portreath Beach
Portreath SW652453
Portugal Pump
Other Coastal Landform
Sheviock SX363536
Potiphar Wood
Forest or Wood
St. Pinnock SX214614
Potter's Grove
Forest or Wood
Tregoney SW895440
Praa Sands
Pengersick SW581278
Predannack Head
Coastal Headland
Mullion SW660162
Preeze Wood
Forest or Wood
Cardinham SX119702
Prideaux Wood
Forest or Wood
St. Blaise SX071557
Priest's Cove
Other Water Feature
St. Just SW355315
Primrose Vale
Linkinhorne SX298731
Prince's Briars Wood
Forest or Wood
Duloe SX249560
Priory Point
St. Just-in-Roseland SW858337
Other Coastal Landform
St. Just SW355304
Puddle Wood
Forest or Wood
Lanlivery SX080586
Puffer Cliff
Cliff or Slope
Breage SW559281
Punch Rocks
Polruan SX121508
Cliff or Slope
St. Minver Highlands SW929807
Other Coastal Landform
St. Buryan SW414228
Landewednack SW716121
Landewednack SW693115
Quarle Wood
Forest or Wood
Pillaton SX372657
Quarry Park Bottom
Torpoint SX428554
Quarry Park Plantation
Forest or Wood
Maker-with-Rame SX436495
Quarry Park Plantation
Forest or Wood
Torpoint SX426553
Quarry Wood
Forest or Wood
St. Neot SX190651
Quarryclose Plantation
Forest or Wood
Perranzabuloe SW799507
Quarryhill Wood
Forest or Wood
Stokeclimsland SX337768
Quarryhill Wood
Forest or Wood
Cardinham SX119685
Quayfield Coppice
Forest or Wood
Saltash SX427608
Quayfield Wood
Forest or Wood
Duloe SX244545
Queen Bess Rock
St. Eval SW847698
Queen's Rock
Newlyn SW464290
Queener Point
Other Coastal Landform
Maker-with-Rame SX415489
Queenie Wood
Forest or Wood
St. Clement SW851429
Group of Islands
St. Merryn SW833761
Quinceborough Plantation
Forest or Wood
Poundstock SS212013
Rabbit Carn
Other Coastal Landform
Morvah SW405360
Racecourse Downs
Other Landcover
Helland SX091696
Raggot Hill
Hill or Mountain
North Tamerton SX316979
Rainbow Plantations
Forest or Wood
Egloshayle SX041698
Rainer Rocks
Other Coastal Landform
St. Minver Highlands SW913810
Rame Common
Other Landcover
Stithians SW722344
Rame Head
Coastal Headland
Maker-with-Rame SX419481
Ramehead Common
Other Landcover
Maker-with-Rame SX419485
Rane Beach
Morwenstow SS198131
Rane Point
Other Coastal Landform
Morwenstow SS198132
Ranie Point
Coastal Headland
St. Teath SX024816
Raven Rock
Other Coastal Landform
Looe SX267538
Raven's Beak
Other Coastal Landform
Poundstock SX181999
Raven's Hole
Other Coastal Landform
Gerrans SW877343
Ravenness Point
Maker-with-Rame SX459523
Receven Common
Other Landcover
Sancreed SW413317
Red Down
Other Landcover
Egloskerry SX266856
Red Down Plantation
Forest or Wood
Egloskerry SX257858
Red River
Other Water Feature
Ludgvan SW515345
Red River
Other Water Feature
Camborne SW605415
Redcove Island
St. Eval SW848695
Redding Point
Other Coastal Landform
Maker-with-Rame SX459518
Redding Point Plantation
Forest or Wood
Maker-with-Rame SX456518
Redhill Downs
Other Landcover
St. Neot SX164718
Redhill Downs
Other Landcover
St. Neot SX204707
Redrice Wood
Forest or Wood
Warleggan SX142660
Redstone Quarry Plantation
Forest or Wood
Maker-with-Rame SX453523
Reed Rocks
Other Coastal Landform
Morwenstow SS194127
Reedy Cliff
Cliff or Slope
St. Minver Highlands SW978809
Reen Sands
Perranporth SW762547
Rees Woods
Forest or Wood
Perranzabuloe SW797522
Reeve House Plantations
Other Landcover
Week St. Mary SX248965
Reskajeage Downs
Other Landcover
Illogan SW633434
Restronguet Creek
Other Water Feature
Penpol SW815385
Restronguet Point
Coastal Headland
Feock SW819375
Resurrance Wood
Forest or Wood
St. Enoder SW889541
Retire Common
Other Landcover
Withiel SX004633
Rett Wood
Forest or Wood
Saltash SX385597
Rhine Arrish Coppice
Forest or Wood
North Hill SX253769
Ribby Wood
Forest or Wood
St. Veep SX147571
Rick Park Wood
Forest or Wood
St. Tudy SX054777
Hill or Mountain
North Hill SX245775
Rill Ledges
Landewednack SW673133
Rill Point
Landewednack SW672135
Rinsey East Cliff
Cliff or Slope
Breage SW594267
Rinsey Head
Other Coastal Landform
Breage SW589268
Rinsey West Cliff
Cliff or Slope
Breage SW588272
River Allen
Other Water Feature
Truro SW825455
River Allen
Other Water Feature
St. Kew SX045765
River Amble
Other Water Feature
St. Kew SW995745
River Bedalder or Warleggan River
Other Water Feature
Warleggan SX145715
River Camel
Other Water Feature
Lanivet SX025675
River Cober
Other Water Feature
Wendron SW675305
River Fal
Other Water Feature
Grampound with Creed SW935495
River Fal
Other Water Feature
St. Stephen-in-Brannel SW935525
River Fowey
Other Water Feature
St. Sampson SX125545
River Fowey
Other Water Feature
St. Cleer SX215725
River Gannel
Other Water Feature
St. Newlyn East SW825595
River Hayle
Other Water Feature
Crowan SW585325
River Inny
Other Water Feature
Lezant SX355775
River Kennal
Other Water Feature
Ponsanooth SW765375
River Kensey
Other Water Feature
Egloskerry SX265865
River Kenwyn
Other Water Feature
Kenwyn SW795465
River Lerryn
Other Water Feature
Lerryn SX145575
River Loveny or St Neot River
Other Water Feature
St. Neot SX185685
River Lynher
Other Water Feature
South Hill SX325695
River Menalhyl
Other Water Feature
St. Columb Major SW895645
River Neet or Strat
Other Water Feature
Kilkhampton SS255095
River Ottery
Other Water Feature
Tremaine SX245895
River Seaton
Other Water Feature
Deviock SX305565
River Tiddy
Other Water Feature
Quethiock SX325625
River Valency
Other Water Feature
St. Juliot SX125915
Robin Jane's Plantation
Forest or Wood
Lanhydrock SX089645
Robin's Rock
Duporth SX032504
Robin's Rocks
Zennor SW425380
Roches Wood
Forest or Wood
Stithians SW749373
Rock Park Wood
Forest or Wood
St. Germans SX345593
Rock Wood
Forest or Wood
Morval SX250563
Rocky Pedn-y-ke
Other Coastal Landform
Mullion SW667185
Rocky Valley
Tintagel SX072893
Rocky Wood
Forest or Wood
North Hill SX270754
Rookery Wood
Forest or Wood
Morwenstow SS232120
Rookery Wood
Forest or Wood
Lezant SX348799
Rookery Wood
Forest or Wood
St. Mellion SX351659
Roscarnon Plantation
Forest or Wood
St. Keverne SW774219
Roscommon Cliff
Cliff or Slope
St. Just SW363339
Rose Valley
St. Just SW399350
Rose Wood
Forest or Wood
Pillaton SX363632
Other Coastal Landform
Breage SW564281
Gwinear-Gwithian SW611395
Rosecraddoc Wood
Forest or Wood
St. Cleer SX266679
Roseland Peninsula
Coastal Headland
Gerrans SW866379
Rosemergy Cliff
Cliff or Slope
Zennor SW413365
Rosemodress Cliff
Cliff or Slope
St. Buryan SW440230
Rosemullion Head
Coastal Headland
Mawnan SW796279
Rosen Cliff
Cliff or Slope
Veryan SW921373
Rosenannon Downs
Other Landcover
St. Wenn SW954674
Rosenannon Downs
Hill or Mountain
St. Wenn SW955675
Rosenun Wood
Forest or Wood
Dobwalls and Trewidland SX257618
Rosewall Hill
Hill or Mountain
St. Ives SW487391
Roseweek Plantation
Forest or Wood
Pentewan Valley SX015502
Roskestal East Cliff
Cliff or Slope
St. Levan SW376218
Roskestal West Cliff
Cliff or Slope
St. Levan SW363218
Penzance SW471273
Roskrow Wood
Forest or Wood
St. Gluvias SW761357
Roskruge Beacon
Hill or Mountain
St. Anthony-in-Meneage SW779231
Roskymmer Wood
Forest or Wood
Mawgan-in-Meneage SW698247
Rospletha Cliff
Cliff or Slope
St. Levan SW385219
Rostowrack Downs
Other Landcover
St. Stephen-in-Brannel SW951564
Rosudgeon Common
Other Landcover
St. Hilary SW556293
Rosuic Common
Other Landcover
St. Keverne SW736201
Rotterdam Beach
Polperro SX226515
Rough Acres
Other Landcover
Hayle SW571391
Rough Hill Plantation
Forest or Wood
St. Stephens by Launceston Rur SX312870
Rough Tor
Hill or Mountain
St. Breward SX145807
Roughdown Plantation
Forest or Wood
Lezant SX367772
Roughtor Marsh
Other Water Feature
Advent SX155815
Roughtor Moors
Other Landcover
St. Breward SX139806
Roughtor Plantation
Forest or Wood
Advent SX152823
Round Copse
Forest or Wood
Egloskerry SX278879
Round Copse
Forest or Wood
Egloskerry SX273880
Round Hole
Other Coastal Landform
Trevone SW890762
Round Hole
Other Coastal Landform
St. Merryn SW851761
Round Wood
Forest or Wood
Feock SW837403
Roundclose Plantations
Forest or Wood
Perranzabuloe SW800512
Roundhill Plantation
Forest or Wood
Lanhydrock SX091643
Roundhole Point
Other Coastal Landform
Trevone SW888762
Roundpark Wood
Forest or Wood
Lanreath SX195611
Rouse Rocks
Kingsand SX434501
Roward's Quay
Other Coastal Landform
Mevagissey SX026434
Rowland Hill Wood
Forest or Wood
Stokeclimsland SX337767
Ruan Pool
Inland Water
Landewednack SW696158
Ruan Pool
Other Water Feature
Landewednack SW695155
Ruan River
Other Water Feature
Ruanlanihorne SW895415
Ruffy Plantation
Forest or Wood
St. Germans SX335600
Rumps Point
Other Coastal Landform
St. Minver Highlands SW931812
Rumsdale Wood
Forest or Wood
Lanreath SX192570
Rusey Beach
St. Gennys SX125940
Rusey Cliff
Cliff or Slope
St. Gennys SX125939
Ruthern Valley
Withiel SX012664
Longrock SW495304
Ryland's Plantation
Forest or Wood
St. Mellion SX389664
Rytha Plantations
Forest or Wood
Deviock SX334570
Saddle Rock
Other Coastal Landform
Poundstock SS178000
Saddle Rock
Other Coastal Landform
Bude SS199064
Saddle Rock
St. Juliot SX112931
Saddle Rocks
Trevalga SX073902
Sallys Bottom
Portreath SW677469
Salt Rocks
Cliff or Slope
Breage SW594265
Salter Rocks
St. Martin-by-Looe SX281541
Saltmill Creek
Other Water Feature
Saltash SX425595
Other Coastal Landform
Poundstock SS190009
Saltstone Strand
Other Coastal Landform
Poundstock SS190007
Samaritan Island
St. Eval SW848697
Samphire Beach
Looe SX248518
Samphire Island
Illogan SW638447
Samphire Rock
St. Gennys SX129956
Sand Acre Bay
Saltash SX420574
Sandheap Point
Coastal Headland
Lanteglos SX163511
Sandinway Beach
St. Minver Highlands SW935808
Sandway Cellar
Maker-with-Rame SX441510
Sandway Point
Other Coastal Landform
Maker-with-Rame SX441509
Sandy Cove
Other Water Feature
Fowey SX095495
Sandy Mouth
Other Water Feature
Kilkhampton SS205095
Sandy Mouth Beach
Kilkhampton SS200098
Sandy Vro
Mullion SW664175
Sandyway Wood
Forest or Wood
Lanlivery SX072579
Sango Island
Millbrook SX429536
Sango Point
Coastal Headland
Millbrook SX430535
Newquay SW779617
Sawpit Plantation
Forest or Wood
St. Ive SX328694
Scarnor Point
Other Coastal Landform
St. Minver Highlands SW978811
Landewednack SW692120
Sconhoe Beach
Pentewan Valley SX019467
Sconhoe Rock
Other Coastal Landform
Pentewan Valley SX018463
Sconner Down
Other Landcover
Sheviock SX358563
Sconner Plantation
Forest or Wood
Sheviock SX359567
Sconner Turf Wood
Forest or Wood
Sheviock SX363566
Sconner Wood
Forest or Wood
Sheviock SX357562
Scor Rock
St. Goran SX005398
Scorsham Wood
Forest or Wood
Launcells SS249053
Scott's Wood
Forest or Wood
Constantine SW736275
Mullion SW665179
Other Coastal Landform
St. Gennys SX155985
Scrawsdon Plantation
Forest or Wood
St. Ive SX318700
Screek Wood
Forest or Wood
St. Martin-by-Looe SX286560
Scribble Downs
Other Landcover
St. Breward SX142770
Scrible Downs
Hill or Mountain
St. Breward SX145775
Scullop Plantation
Forest or Wood
St. Germans SX334578
Scurvella Point
Other Coastal Landform
Gorran Haven SX015414
Seals Hole
Other Water Feature
St. Juliot SX105925
Searle's Downs
Other Landcover
St. Neot SX170712
Seaton Beach
Deviock SX303543
Seaureaugh Moor
Other Landcover
Stithians SW731373
Sebastopol Wood
Forest or Wood
Tregadillett SX295846
St. Levan SW399219
Selley's Wood
Forest or Wood
Egloshayle SX012695
Seniorshill Wood
Forest or Wood
Duloe SX245553
Sevensouls Rock
St. Minver Highlands SW934812
Shadywalk Wood
Forest or Wood
Porthleven SW643255
Shag Rock
Other Coastal Landform
Polperro SX179505
Shag Rock
Fowey SX095497
Shag Rock
Trebetherick SW927783
Shag Rock
Mawnan SW790271
Shag Rock
St. Keverne SW806207
Shag Rock
Landewednack SW698114
Shag Rock
Mousehole SW473260
Shag Rock
Gerrans SW845311
Shag Rock
Veryan SW947397
Shag Rock
Perranporth SW747542
Shannick Point
Other Coastal Landform
Veryan SW915372
Shark's Fin
St. Keverne SW813214
Sharnhole Point
Other Coastal Landform
Poundstock SX170994
Sharp Tor
Hill or Mountain
Linkinhorne SX260736
Sharrow Cliff
Cliff or Slope
St. John SX392523
Sharrow Point
Other Coastal Landform
St. John SX393521
Shearme Wood
Forest or Wood
Morwenstow SS251171
Sheep Rock
Portreath SW668468
Shell Woods
Forest or Wood
Blisland SX085725
Shepherd's Plantation
Forest or Wood
St. Allen SW815538
Shepherdshill Wood
Forest or Wood
Pentewan Valley SX010494
Sheppen Park Wood
Forest or Wood
St. Breock SX004701
Sheviock Wood
Forest or Wood
Saltash SX373560
Sheviock Wood
Forest or Wood
St Germans SX375565
Shillamill Lakes
Inland Water
Boconnoc SX172578
Shillingham Point
Other Coastal Landform
Saltash SX407567
Shippingpark Wood
Forest or Wood
Morval SX303597
Shirehall Moor
Other Landcover
Lostwithiel SX107584
Shorstone Moor
Other Landcover
Morwenstow SS268172
Short Island
Trevalga SX076908
Shorthorn Beach
Carlyon SX062522
Showery Tor
Hill or Mountain
St. Breward SX149813
Shut Close Plantation
Forest or Wood
Kea SW803419
Siblyback Lake
Inland Water
St. Cleer SX233710
Siblyback Lake
Other Water Feature
St. Cleer SX235705
Silver Valley
Calstock SX382702
Silvermine Beach
Pentewan Valley SX032495
Silvermine Point
Coastal Headland
Pentewan Valley SX032496
Simmons's Plantation
Forest or Wood
St. Michael Penkevil SW878441
Sithney Common
Other Landcover
Porthleven SW646281
Sithney Green
Other Landcover
Sithney SW644292
Sivel Wood
Forest or Wood
St. Ive SX312701
Skelton's Wood
Forest or Wood
St. Ive SX292669
Skentrick Wood
Forest or Wood
Deviock SX301566
Penzance SW470275
Skinham Point
Other Coastal Landform
Saltash SX430607
Skinner's Ball
Other Coastal Landform
Sheviock SX363539
Skinner's Ball Cliff
Cliff or Slope
Sheviock SX363537
Sladepark Wood
Forest or Wood
Pillaton SX384636
Slades-hill Wood
Forest or Wood
St. Ewe SX000458
Slaughteran Plantation
Forest or Wood
Kea SW811423
Sliding Cliff
Cliff or Slope
St. Eval SW849699
Slinke Dean
Other Coastal Landform
Paul SW460243
Slip Wood
Forest or Wood
St. Winnow SX104619
Slipper Point
Other Coastal Landform
Trebetherick SW934795
Smallacoombe Wood
Forest or Wood
St. Stephens by Launceston Rur SX336863
Smith's Cliff
Cliff or Slope
Tintagel SX057892
Smith's Moor
Other Landcover
St. Neot SX207757
Smithdowns Wood
Forest or Wood
Probus SW897446
Smooth Rock
Bude-Stratton SS200082
Snail's Creep
Other Coastal Landform
St. Keverne SW797238
Soap Rock
Other Coastal Landform
Landewednack SW676144
Solomons Plantation
Forest or Wood
Chilsworthy SX413730
Source of the River Fowey
Other Water Feature
Altarnun SX175805
South Carn Gloose
Other Coastal Landform
St. Just SW353312
South Down
Other Landcover
Landulph SX423612
South Downs
Other Landcover
Paul SW452276
South Hill Plantation
Forest or Wood
Perranzabuloe SW779523
South Lidden
Inland Water
St. Just SW386330
South Plantation
Forest or Wood
Kenwyn SW772478
South Rock
Kingsand SX434503
South Wood
Forest or Wood
Callington SX351680
South Wood
Forest or Wood
Feock SW839392
Southdown Wood
Forest or Wood
Landulph SX421616
Southground Cliffs
Cliff or Slope
Fowey SX110504
Southground Point
Other Coastal Landform
Fowey SX104502
Southmoor Plantation
Forest or Wood
Kea SW796420
Southpark Wood
Forest or Wood
Stokeclimsland SX346761
Sowden's Wood
Forest or Wood
Duloe SX229559
Spernic Cove
Other Water Feature
St. Keverne SW755165
Spires Point
Other Coastal Landform
Veryan SW903382
Spit Point
Other Coastal Landform
Carlyon SX075523
Spittal Wood
Forest or Wood
St. Tudy SX085726
Sprey Moor
Other Landcover
St. Neot SX170751
Spriddles Wood
Forest or Wood
Deviock SX304578
Squench Rock
Morwenstow SS196122
St Agnes Beacon
Hill or Mountain
St. Agnes SW710502
St Agnes Head
Coastal Headland
St. Agnes SW699514
St Anthony Head
Coastal Headland
Gerrans SW846311
St Austell Bay
Fowey SX097494
St Austell Bay
Other Water Feature
Carlyon SX065505
St Bellarmin's Tor
Hill or Mountain
Cardinham SX130709
St Breock Beacon
Hill or Mountain
St. Breock SW967682
St Breock Downs
Other Landcover
St. Breock SW969684
St Cadoc's Point
Other Coastal Landform
St. Merryn SW879757
St Catherine's Point
Coastal Headland
Fowey SX118509
St Cleer Downs
Other Landcover
St Cleer SX250676
St Clement Woods
Forest or Wood
Kenwyn SW826483
St Clement's Isle
Mousehole SW474261
St Enoder Wood
Forest or Wood
Ladock SW883521
St George's Island
Looe SX256514
St Germans or Lynher River
Other Water Feature
Antony SX395555
St Ingunger Wood
Forest or Wood
Lanivet SX058640
St Ives Bay
Riviere Towans SW544399
St Ives Bay
Other Water Feature
Riviere Towans SW545405
St John's Down
Other Landcover
Antony SX402531
St John's Lake
Other Water Feature
Torpoint SX425545
St Just Pool
St. Just-in-Roseland SW844353
St Just Pool
Other Water Feature
St. Just-in-Roseland SW845355
St Loy's Cove
Other Water Feature
St. Buryan SW425225
St Martin's Copse
Forest or Wood
Looe SX254551
St Martin's Wood
Forest or Wood
Looe SX254549
St Mawes Harbour
Gerrans SW846325
St Mawes Harbour
Other Water Feature
St Mawes SW845325
St Michael's Mount
St. Michael's Mount SW514299
St Nectan's Glen
Tintagel SX077886
St Neot River or River Loveny
Other Water Feature
St. Neot SX185685
St Saviour's Point
Padstow SW922760
St Saviour's Point
Coastal Headland
Polruan SX123507
St Winnow Point
St. Veep SX126559
St Winoll's Plantation
Forest or Wood
Deviock SX346553
Stacey's Wood
Forest or Wood
Lezant SX310775
Stackhouse Cliff
Cliff or Slope
Perranuthnoe SW549283
Stackhouse Cove
Other Water Feature
Perranuthnoe SW545285
Stair Hole
Other Coastal Landform
Mawgan Porth SW845684
Stanbury Beach
Morwenstow SS199133
Stanbury Mouth
Other Water Feature
Morwenstow SS195135
Star Rock
St. Agnes SW723518
Starrick Moor
Other Landcover
Luxulyan SX044564
Start Plantation
Forest or Wood
St. Erth SW548356
Start Point
Other Coastal Landform
Tintagel SX043856
Station Wood
Forest or Wood
Fowey SX123523
Steeple Beach
Morwenstow SS199120
Steeple Point
Other Coastal Landform
Morwenstow SS198116
Steeple Woods
Forest or Wood
St Ives (Cornwall) SW515389
Stem Point
Mawgan-in-Pydar SW841662
Stennacks Plantation
Forest or Wood
Ludgvan SW512319
Stepper Point
Other Coastal Landform
Padstow SW915785
Stepshill Wood
Forest or Wood
Morval SX255556
Sterling Wood
Forest or Wood
North Hill SX259770
Sticker Down
Hill or Mountain
St. Mewan SW985503
Stinking Cove
Other Water Feature
St. Merryn SW855765
Stitches Plantation
Forest or Wood
Feock SW835400
Stithians Reservoir
Inland Water
Stithians SW712365
Stithians Resr
Other Water Feature
Stithians SW715365
Stock's Wood
Forest or Wood
Duloe SX242593
Stockaton Wood
Forest or Wood
South Hill SX308716
Stockhouse Wood
Forest or Wood
St. Neot SX191652
Stockhousecoombe Wood
Forest or Wood
St. Pinnock SX188649
Stoketon Wood
Forest or Wood
Saltash SX386600
Stonaford Stones Plantation
Forest or Wood
North Hill SX254779
Stoneivy Rock
St. Gennys SX155986
Stonerush Lakes
Other Water Feature
Lanreath SX175575
Stoneystile Plantation
Forest or Wood
St. Stephens by Launceston Rur SX322864
Stowe Wood
Forest or Wood
Kilkhampton SS225115
Stowe Woods
Forest or Wood
Kilkhampton SS221114
Stowe's Hill
Hill or Mountain
Linkinhorne SX255725
Strap Rocks
Gwinear-Gwithian SW578416
Strase Cliff
Cliff or Slope
Mawgan-in-Pydar SW843658
Strawberry Piece Plantation
Forest or Wood
Boconnoc SX157613
Strayerpark Plantation
Forest or Wood
Lewannick SX263812
Stuckumb Point
Other Coastal Landform
Mevagissey SX017446
Sturts Wood
Forest or Wood
Stokeclimsland SX348760
Sudcott Wood
Forest or Wood
Jacobstow SX226970
Sugarloaf Rock
Landewednack SW682132
Summerleaze Beach
Bude SS202066
Summerleaze Point
Other Coastal Landform
Bude SS202067
Summers Beach
St Mawes SW851329
Sunny Corner
Newquay SW800622
Suttondown Plantn
Forest or Wood
North Tamerton SX295955
Swan Pool
Inland Water
North Hill SX261772
Swan Pool
Inland Water
Falmouth SW801315
Swan Pool
Other Water Feature
Falmouth SW805315
Swannacott Wood
Forest or Wood
Week St. Mary SX253980
Swanpool Beach
Falmouth SW802312
Swanpool Point
Other Coastal Landform
Falmouth SW807313
Sweden Rock
Newquay SW835640
Sycamore Grove
Forest or Wood
Porthleven SW644256
Sydney Cove
Pengersick SW575280
Tailor's Shop Plantation
Forest or Wood
Stokeclimsland SX342735
Sennen SW322250
Tala Water
Other Water Feature
Boyton SX315915
Talland Bay
Polperro SX227511
Talland Bay
Other Water Feature
Polperro SX225515
Talland Cliff
Cliff or Slope
Polperro SX220511
Talland Sand
Polperro SX223515
Tamerton Town Wood
Forest or Wood
North Tamerton SX322960
Tamp's Wood
Forest or Wood
St. Gennys SX179989
Tankins Plantation
Forest or Wood
Whitstone SS261002
Tankins Wood
Forest or Wood
Whitstone SS264002
Tappswell Plantation
Forest or Wood
St. Keyne SX230617
Other Coastal Landform
St. Levan SW398220
Tar Cavern
Other Coastal Landform
Trebetherick SW932797
Tar Rose Brake
Other Landcover
Downderry SX320541
Other Coastal Landform
St. Buryan SW440229
Tavern Beach
St Mawes SW844329
Tavis Vor
Other Coastal Landform
Mousehole SW472264
Tawell Plantation
Forest or Wood
St. Veep SX140583
Tawna Downs
Other Landcover
Cardinham SX134666
Tawna Downs
Hill or Mountain
Cardinham SX130669
Tawnamoor Wood
Forest or Wood
Cardinham SX101667
Taylor's Rock
Landewednack SW693112
Taylor's Wood
Forest or Wood
Linkinhorne SX284718
Tehidy Woods
Forest or Wood
Illogan SW642435
Tempellow Wood
Forest or Wood
Dobwalls and Trewidland SX261612
Temple Plantation
Forest or Wood
Porthleven SW639257
Temple Tor
Hill or Mountain
Blisland SX140736
Temple Wood
Forest or Wood
Mevagissey SX003456
Ten Acre Plantation
Forest or Wood
St. Keverne SW766200
Ten Acre Wood
Forest or Wood
Polperro SX229542
Ten Acre Wood
Forest or Wood
Lerryn SX133565
Terras Hill Wood
Forest or Wood
Lostwithiel SX102604
Other Coastal Landform
Grade-Ruan SW724145
Thanckes Lake
Other Water Feature
Torpoint SX435555
The Avarack
St. Just SW372353
The Balk
Lizard SW715128
The Bar
Helford Passage SW758269
The Battery
Mevagissey SX017449
The Beacon
Hill or Mountain
Jacobstow SX187958
The Beacon
Hill or Mountain
Bodmin SX067663
The Beacon
Hill or Mountain
Sancreed SW414294
The Beacon
Hill or Mountain
Altarnun SX195795
The Beacon
Hill or Mountain
Sheviock SX355545
The Bees
Other Coastal Landform
St. Keverne SW770160
The Bell
Other Coastal Landform
St. Goran SX001391
The Bellows
Other Coastal Landform
Landewednack SW682132
The Bishop
Landewednack SW683130
The Bishop
Other Coastal Landform
Breage SW597264
The Bite
Other Coastal Landform
St Austell Bay SX038483
The Blouth
Other Coastal Landform
Veryan SW929380
The Brawn
Deviock SX338535
The Bridge
Maker-with-Rame SX460522
The Bridges
Polperro SX207505
The Brisons
St. Just SW340311
The Bull
St. Merryn SW845762
The Burrows
Other Landcover
Madron SW442295
The Carracks
Zennor SW466408
The Chair
Other Coastal Landform
Mullion SW661169
The Chair
Other Coastal Landform
Lizard SW715131
The Chick
Crantock SW763610
The Cleaders
Gwinear-Gwithian SW578429
The Cove
Antony SX432567
The Crook
Other Coastal Landform
St. Anthony-in-Meneage SW789254
The Crowns
St. Just SW361335
The Dales
Landewednack SW701108
The Earthquake
Other Coastal Landform
Maker-with-Rame SX453516
The Enys
St. Just SW376355
The Enys
Breage SW559277
The Fern Glen
St. Anthony-in-Meneage SW770261
The Frenchman
Perranuthnoe SW530296
The Gaider
Coastal Headland
St. Keverne SW761167
The Gannel
Other Water Feature
Crantock SW805605
The Gear
Penzance SW479293
The Gew
Other Coastal Landform
St. Anthony-in-Meneage SW781261
The Goose
Newquay SW777616
The Greeb
Perranuthnoe SW531290
The Green
Other Landcover
St. Martin-in-Meneage SW735237
The Grove
Forest or Wood
Lanteglos SX141519
The Grove
Forest or Wood
St. Keverne SW789194
The Grove
Forest or Wood
Kea SW808418
The Gunden
St. Keverne SW812214
The Herra
Other Coastal Landform
St. Anthony-in-Meneage SW787252
The Horse
Landewednack SW672138
The Horse
Other Coastal Landform
Portreath SW645451
The Hutches
Other Coastal Landform
Mawnan SW791287
The Island
Coastal Headland
St Ives (Cornwall) SW520411
The Island
Mevagissey SX017448
The Island
Tintagel SX049891
The Island
Grade-Ruan SW722144
The Island
Newquay SW810618
The Jacka
Cliff or Slope
Veryan SW936391
The Jay
St. Keverne SW748163
The Kenidjacks
St. Just SW385359
The Knavocks
Hill or Mountain
Camborne SW591434
The Lake
Inland Water
Boconnoc SX147599
The Lawn
Other Landcover
St. Germans SX360581
The Lizard
Coastal Headland
Grade-Ruan SW726188
The Loe
Inland Water
Helston SW649255
The Loe
Other Water Feature
Helston SW645245
The Long Stone
Deviock SX337536
The Moor
Other Landcover
Tregony SW922450
The Mouls
St. Minver Highlands SW938815
The Mountain
Other Coastal Landform
St. Teath SX042841
The Mousehole
Other Water Feature
Penzance SW465255
The Mozens
Morvah SW390363
The Narrows
Other Water Feature
Padstow SW915785
The Oaks
Forest or Wood
Gwennap SW739403
The Oxen
St. Keverne SW784178
The Peal
Sennen SW340254
The Pit
Downderry SX324539
The Pool
Mevagissey SX016447
The Porth
Gerrans SW878353
The Pound
Other Water Feature
Landewednack SW675135
The Pulpit
Other Coastal Landform
St. Levan SW409228
The Raven's Cliffs
Cliff or Slope
Maker-with-Rame SX458525
The Riblows
St. Just SW354310
The Rill
Other Coastal Landform
Landewednack SW675134
The Rookery
Forest or Wood
St. Clement SW853456
The Rushy Green
Other Landcover
Crantock SW786608
The Saddle
Other Coastal Landform
St. Eval SW845706
The Sisters
Tintagel SX060899
The Skerrish
Cliff or Slope
Deviock SX332539
The Stags
Landewednack SW692113
The Steeple
Landewednack SW684132
The Strangles
St. Gennys SX129954
The Tidna
Other Water Feature
Morwenstow SS205145
The Tribbens
Other Water Feature
Sennen Cove SW345265
The Two Brothers
Deviock SX330538
The Vans
Other Coastal Landform
St Austell Bay SX032482
The Var
Other Coastal Landform
Mullion SW665178
The Vro
Mullion SW663175
The Warren
Forest or Wood
Morval SX272575
The Warren
Other Landcover
Polperro SX215510
The Warren
Forest or Wood
Mawgan-in-Meneage SW721243
The Wilderness
Forest or Wood
South Petherwin SX310833
The Wilderness
Forest or Wood
Egloskerry SX240866
The Wra
St. Just SW380364
Thieves Acre Plantation
Forest or Wood
Boconnoc SX170615
Thomas's Plantation
Forest or Wood
Pentewan Valley SX012496
Thorn Point
Other Landform
Cargreen SX439629
Thorn's Beach
St. Gennys SX151979
Thorne Wood
Forest or Wood
St. Neot SX162687
Thorny Cliff
Cliff or Slope
Grade-Ruan SW730162
Three Brothers
St. Levan SW365214
Three Brothers
St Ives (Cornwall) SW517411
Three Holes
Other Coastal Landform
Maker-with-Rame SX416481
Thurlibeer Wood
Forest or Wood
Launcells SS255045
Tilland Wood
Forest or Wood
Quethiock SX330623
Timber Wood
Forest or Wood
St. Neot SX171650
Timber Wood
Forest or Wood
Calstock SX401683
Timber Wood
Forest or Wood
Lanhydrock SX099643
Tinkers Castle Wood
Forest or Wood
St. Allen SW804520
Tinner's Point
Other Coastal Landform
Newquay SW837644
Tinners Quarry Plantation
Forest or Wood
St. Germans SX354595
Tintagel Haven
Tintagel SX051891
Tintagel Head
Coastal Headland
Tintagel SX048889
Tiscott Wood
Forest or Wood
Bude-Stratton SS229087
Tobban Horse
Other Coastal Landform
St. Agnes SW685476
Tol Plous
Other Coastal Landform
St. Levan SW361221
Coastal Headland
St. Levan SW365217
Tolborough Downs
Other Landcover
Altarnun SX172776
Tolborough Tor
Hill or Mountain
Altarnun SX175778
Tolcarne Beach
Newquay SW817621
Tolcarne Point
Coastal Headland
Newquay SW815619
Tolcarne Wood
Forest or Wood
St. Just-in-Roseland SW841385
Other Water Feature
Mullion SW665175
Tolgroggan Wood
Forest or Wood
St. Allen SW818510
Tolgus Mount
Redruth SW681431
Toll Hole
Other Coastal Landform
Mawnan SW784268
Toll Point
Other Coastal Landform
Mawnan SW782267
Tolvaddon Downs
Other Landcover
South Tehidy SW662419
Tom's Rock
Other Coastal Landform
Philleigh SW842396
Tonkins Downs
Other Landcover
Towednack SW484352
Toodleoodle Wood
Forest or Wood
Sheviock SX348562
Tookmill Wood
Forest or Wood
Stokeclimsland SX347763
Top Tieb
Other Coastal Landform
Marazion SW521304
Tor Balk
Other Coastal Landform
Landewednack SW685134
Tor Wood
Forest or Wood
St. Mellion SX356649
Tor Wood
Forest or Wood
Egloskerry SX252875
Totty Cove
St. Eval SW844714
Totty Cove
St. Eval SW854722
Towan Beach
Gerrans SW871330
Towan Beach
Newquay SW810619
Towan Head
Coastal Headland
Newquay SW799629
Towans Carn Rock
Other Coastal Landform
Zennor SW415366
Towednack Quae Head
Coastal Headland
Zennor SW474408
Tower Wood
Forest or Wood
Linkinhorne SX311713
Tower Wood
Forest or Wood
St. Kew SX048770
Towerhill Wood
Forest or Wood
Week St. Mary SX225982
Town Bar
Padstow SW927748
Trago Wood
Forest or Wood
St. Neot SX181646
Trannack Downs
Other Landcover
Sithney SW664309
Trannack Downs
Hill or Mountain
Sithney SW665305
Trap Wood
Forest or Wood
Lostwithiel SX110612
Trebant Water
Other Water Feature
St. Veep SX155565
Trebarfoote Wood
Forest or Wood
Poundstock SX187993
Trebarvah Cliff
Cliff or Slope
Perranuthnoe SW542290
Trebatches Plantation
Forest or Wood
St. Stephens by Launceston Rur SX314868
Trebeigh Wood
Forest or Wood
St. Ive SX297668
Trebeigh Wood
Forest or Wood
Menheniot SX295665
Trebetherick Point
Coastal Headland
Trebetherick SW926778
Trebetherick Rocks
Trebetherick SW924779
Trebrownbridge Wood
Forest or Wood
Morval SX291595
Trebullett Green
Other Landcover
Lezant SX322781
Treburley Wood
Forest or Wood
Lezant SX347770
Trebursye Wood
Forest or Wood
St. Thomas the Apostle Rural SX302846
Treburtle Wood
Forest or Wood
Tresmeer SX248888
Trecoosehills Wood
Forest or Wood
St. Martin-in-Meneage SW726241
Tredinney Common
Other Landcover
St. Buryan SW393286
Tredis Plantation
Forest or Wood
Sheviock SX350563
Tredis Wood
Forest or Wood
St. Germans SX351567
Treduan Wood
Forest or Wood
St. Germans SX338599
Treen Cliff
Cliff or Slope
St. Levan SW401222
Treen Cliff
Cliff or Slope
St. Levan SW391223
Treen Cliff
Cliff or Slope
Zennor SW430383
Treen Common
Other Landcover
Zennor SW446364
Treeve Common
Other Landcover
Sennen SW351252
Treffry Wood
Forest or Wood
Lanhydrock SX075635
Trefullock Moor
Other Landcover
St. Enoder SW899563
Trefusis Point
Other Coastal Landform
Flushing SW817334
Tregagle's Hole
Other Coastal Landform
Veryan SW914376
Tregaminion Cliff
Cliff or Slope
Morvah SW397361
Tregantle Cliff
Cliff or Slope
Antony SX387526
Tregantle Down
Other Landcover
St. John SX388527
Tregardock Beach
St. Teath SX039839
Tregardock Cliff
Cliff or Slope
St. Teath SX039836
Tregarland Wood
Forest or Wood
Morval SX250575
Tregarrick Tor
Hill or Mountain
St. Cleer SX241711
Tregarrick Wood
Forest or Wood
Pelynt SX201563
Tregassick Plantation
Forest or Wood
Pentewan Valley SX005461
Tregastick Wood
Forest or Wood
Morval SX288597
Tregath Wood
Forest or Wood
Camelford SX106850
Tregathenan Reservoir
Inland Water
Sithney SW655307
Tregavarah Downs
Forest or Wood
Sancreed SW435299
Tregavethan Wood
Forest or Wood
Kenwyn SW786467
Tregavithick Wood
Forest or Wood
Polperro SX167529
Tregear Point
Other Coastal Landform
Porthleven SW620258
Tregear's Wood
Forest or Wood
Fowey SX105511
Tregeare Down
Other Landcover
Laneast SX253862
Tregearedown Beacon
Hill or Mountain
Egloskerry SX250868
Tregerras Receven and Higher Bodinar Common
Other Landcover
Sancreed SW410316
Tregerthen Cliff
Cliff or Slope
Zennor SW460397
Tregiffian Vean Cliff
Cliff or Slope
St. Just SW362279
Tregiffian Veor Cliff
Cliff or Slope
St. Just SW363277
Tregilliowe Wood
Forest or Wood
St. Hilary SW534328
Tregoiffe Wood
Forest or Wood
Linkinhorne SX316771
Tregonce Cliff
Cliff or Slope
St. Issey SW928742
Tregondale Wood
Forest or Wood
Quethiock SX300641
Tregonhawke Cliff
Cliff or Slope
St. John SX405513
Tregonian Wood
Forest or Wood
St. Michael Penkevil SW852424
Tregonnett Wood
Forest or Wood
Linkinhorne SX320708
Tregonnick Point
Other Landform
St. Teath SX042844
Tregonnick Tail
Other Coastal Landform
St. Teath SX039846
Tregonning Hill
Hill or Mountain
Germoe SW599300
Tregrylls Plantation
Forest or Wood
Lesnewth SX126898
Treguddick Down Plantation
Forest or Wood
South Petherwin SX281830
Tregunnick Wood
Forest or Wood
Deviock SX303558
Tregurnow Cliff
Cliff or Slope
St. Buryan SW449238
Other Coastal Landform
Landewednack SW716119
Newquay SW837647
Tregye Wood
Forest or Wood
Carnon Downs SW809398
Trehane Pool
Inland Water
Davidstow SX143876
Trehane Wood
Forest or Wood
St. Clement SW859488
Trehawke Wood
Forest or Wood
Menheniot SX315624
Trehawsa Wood
Forest or Wood
Whitstone SX253986
Trehill Wood
Forest or Wood
Downgate SX364732
Trehudreth Downs
Hill or Mountain
Blisland SX130730
Trekennick Tor
Hill or Mountain
Altarnun SX213816
Treknow Cliff
Cliff or Slope
Tintagel SX050868
Trelaske Wood
Forest or Wood
Lewannick SX291807
Trelavour Downs
Other Landcover
St. Stephen-in-Brannel SW958571
Trelay Copse
Forest or Wood
Marhamchurch SS236018
Trelean Plantation
Forest or Wood
St. Ewe SW990468
Treleaven Plantation
Forest or Wood
Mevagissey SX004453
Treleaven's Piece Plantation
Forest or Wood
Boconnoc SX165615
Treleaver Cliff
Cliff or Slope
St. Keverne SW771161
Treleaver Common
Other Landcover
St. Keverne SW760177
Treligga Cliff
Cliff or Slope
Tintagel SX043854
Treligga Common
Other Landcover
St. Teath SX044850
Trelill Beacon
Hill or Mountain
St. Kew SX048779
Trelill Wood
Forest or Wood
St. Kew SX050779
Trelow Downs
Hill or Mountain
St. Columb Major SW925685
Trelowarren Plantations
Forest or Wood
Mawgan-in-Meneage SW718228
Treloweth Common
Other Landcover
Sticker SW987501
Treluggan Wood
Forest or Wood
Landrake with St. Erney SX379584
Tremadart Wood
Forest or Wood
Duloe SX219580
Tremain's Wood
Forest or Wood
St. Blaise SX062552
Tremarcoombe Common
Other Landcover
St. Cleer SX253690
Tremearne Cliff
Cliff or Slope
Breage SW610266
Tremearne Par
Breage SW611265
Tremedda Cliff
Cliff or Slope
Zennor SW455392
Tremedda Common
Other Landcover
Zennor SW464385
Tremethick Moor
Other Landcover
Madron SW442303
Tremoan Wood
Forest or Wood
Pillaton SX397656
Tremollet Down
Other Landcover
Stokeclimsland SX335753
Penryn SW776350
Tremoutha Haven
St. Gennys SX136966
Tremoutha Haven
Other Water Feature
St. Gennys SX135965
Trenance Boating Lake
Inland Water
Newquay SW815608
Trenance Downs
Other Landcover
Treverbyn SX001544
Trenance Downs
Hill or Mountain
Treverbyn SX005545
Trenance Point
Coastal Headland
Mawgan Porth SW845682
Trenance Rock
Mawgan Porth SW845679
Trenance Wood
Forest or Wood
St Austell SX010532
Trenant Point
Duloe SX251539
Trenant Wood
Forest or Wood
Looe SX248540
Trenant Wood
Forest or Wood
Quethiock SX301644
Trenay Wood
Forest or Wood
St. Neot SX160673
Trenchway Wood
Forest or Wood
Lanreath SX204606
Trencrom Hill
Hill or Mountain
Ludgvan SW518362
Trendeal Hill
Hill or Mountain
Ladock SW888529
Trendrine Hill
Hill or Mountain
Towednack SW478387
Trendrine Hill
Hill or Mountain
Zennor SW475385
Treneague Moor
Other Landcover
St Stephen SW937537
Trenerry Wood
Forest or Wood
St. Allen SW834516
Trenewjack Wood
Forest or Wood
Ludgvan SW530322
Trengale Wood
Forest or Wood
St. Cleer SX208679
Trengayor Copse
Forest or Wood
St. Gennys SX179981
Treninnow Grove
Forest or Wood
Maker-with-Rame SX419515
Trenode Wood
Forest or Wood
Morval SX288594
Trenow Cove
Other Water Feature
Perranuthnoe SW535295
Trenowin Downs
Other Landcover
Towednack SW486353
Trenowth Wood
Forest or Wood
Ladock SW931509
Treovis Wood
Forest or Wood
Linkinhorne SX287742
Trequean Cliff
Cliff or Slope
Breage SW605267
Trequite Plantation
Forest or Wood
Menheniot SX323612
Trerank Moor
Other Landcover
Roche SW983592
Trerathick Point
Coastal Headland
St. Eval SW846687
Treraven Wood
Forest or Wood
St. Breock SX001708
Trerice Plantation
Forest or Wood
St. Breock SW994695
Trerubies Cove
Other Water Feature
St. Teath SX035835
Tresawna Woods
Forest or Wood
Probus SW891484
Tresayes Downs
Other Landcover
Roche SW999584
Trescoll Moor
Other Landcover
Luxulyan SX034617
Trescore Islands
St. Eval SW848720
Trescowe Brake
Forest or Wood
Egloshayle SX045705
Trescowe Common
Other Landcover
Breage SW578316
Tresean Common
Other Landcover
Cubert SW784587
Tresemple Plantation
Forest or Wood
St. Clement SW851447
Tresemple Pond
Inland Water
St. Clement SW854446
Tresillian River
Other Water Feature
St. Clement SW855445
Tresithick Wood
Forest or Wood
Feock SW809395
Treskilling Downs
Other Landcover
Luxulyan SX034577
Treslea Downs
Other Landcover
Cardinham SX142687
Tresparrett Down
Other Landcover
St. Gennys SX144928
Tresparrett Down
Hill or Mountain
St. Juliot SX134931
Tresungers Point
Coastal Headland
St. Endellion SX008811
Treswallock Downs
Other Landcover
St. Breward SX112781
Treswithian Downs
Other Landcover
Camborne SW626411
Tretawn Wood
Forest or Wood
St. Mabyn SX041753
Trethawle Wood
Forest or Wood
Menheniot SX258622
Trethevan Wood
Forest or Wood
St. Kew SX037742
Trethevey Wood
Forest or Wood
Lanlivery SX067568
Trethew Wood
Forest or Wood
Menheniot SX288603
Trethias Island
St. Merryn SW854739
Trethill Cliffs
Cliff or Slope
Sheviock SX370535
Trethowel Wood
Forest or Wood
Treverbyn SX011533
Trethowell Wood
Forest or Wood
Kea SW827429
Treva Croft Wood
Forest or Wood
St Ives Holiday Village SW528364
Treva Croft Wood
Forest or Wood
Ludgvan SW535365
Trevales Wood
Forest or Wood
Stithians SW745356
Trevalga Cliff
Cliff or Slope
Trevalga SX074903
Trevalgan Cliff
Cliff or Slope
St. Ives SW488408
Trevan Point
Coastal Headland
St. Minver Highlands SW961801
Trevan Wood
Forest or Wood
Probus SW933501
Trevan Wood
Forest or Wood
Ladock SW935505
Trevanney Wood
Forest or Wood
Luxulyan SX056568
Trevarnon Moor
Other Landcover
Gwinear-Gwithian SW591395
Trevarren Green
Other Landcover
St. Enoder SW913600
Trevarthian Wood
Forest or Wood
St. Hilary SW536325
Trevaunance Coombe
St Agnes SW721511
Trevaunance Cove
Other Water Feature
St. Agnes SW725515
Trevaylor Stream
Other Water Feature
Madron SW465325
Treveal Cliff
Cliff or Slope
Zennor SW467404
Trevean Cliff
Cliff or Slope
Morvah SW411361
Trevean Cliff
Cliff or Slope
Perranuthnoe SW545286
Trevean Cove
Other Water Feature
Perranuthnoe SW545285
Treveddoe Wood
Forest or Wood
Warleggan SX149692
Trevedra Cliff
Cliff or Slope
Sennen SW363275
Trevedra Common
Other Landcover
St. Just SW373274
Trevedran Cliff
Cliff or Slope
St. Buryan SW412228
Trevega Cliff
Cliff or Slope
Zennor SW480408
Treveigan Wood
Forest or Wood
Egloshayle SX025711
Trevelgue Head
Coastal Headland
Newquay SW824630
Trevella Stream
Other Water Feature
Probus SW855475
Trevellan Wood
Forest or Wood
Kenwyn SW811482
Trevellas Coombe
St. Agnes SW730513
Trevellas Downs
Other Landcover
St. Agnes SW743518
Trevellas Porth
St. Agnes SW725519
Trevellas Porth
Other Water Feature
St. Agnes SW725525
Trevellion Moor
Other Landcover
Luxulyan SX047616
Trevelyan Plantation
Forest or Wood
Goldsithney SW555304
Trevenna Wood
Forest or Wood
St. Neot SX180684
Trevenson Moor
Other Landcover
Illogan SW663420
Treveor Wood
Forest or Wood
St. Michael Penkevil SW876439
Treverbyn Wood
Forest or Wood
St. Neot SX205677
Treverry Wood
Forest or Wood
Gweek SW701254
Trevescan Cliff
Cliff or Slope
Sennen SW341252
Trevider Moor
Other Landcover
St. Buryan SW433263
Trevillador Wood
Forest or Wood
St. Issey SW919704
Trevilley Cliff
Cliff or Slope
Sennen SW350237
Trevillis Wood
Forest or Wood
St. Pinnock SX194618
Trevince Plantations
Forest or Wood
Gwennap SW733408
Treviscoe Wood
Forest or Wood
St. Dennis SW931563
Trevol Grove
Forest or Wood
Torpoint SX428551
Trevone Bay
Trevone SW889761
Trevone Bay
Other Water Feature
Trevone SW885765
Trevoole Moor
Other Landcover
Crowan SW642371
Trevorder Wood
Forest or Wood
St. Breock SW982703
Trevorian Common
Other Landcover
Sennen SW375268
Trevose Head
Coastal Headland
St. Merryn SW851765
Trevowhan Cliff
Cliff or Slope
Morvah SW406360
Trewannion Down
Hill or Mountain
Lesnewth SX147884
Trewavas Cliff
Cliff or Slope
Breage SW597264
Trewavas Head
Coastal Headland
Breage SW595264
Trewellard Bottoms
St. Just SW373348
Trewellard Common
Other Landcover
St. Just SW382337
Trewellard North Cliff
Cliff or Slope
St. Just SW370348
Trewellard South Cliff
Cliff or Slope
St. Just SW365344
Trewellard Zawn
Other Water Feature
St. Just SW375345
Trewen Wood
Forest or Wood
Duloe SX207596
Trewey Cliff
Cliff or Slope
Zennor SW448389
Trewey Common
Other Landcover
Towednack SW462368
Trewin's Wood
Forest or Wood
Week St. Mary SX228978
Trewinnow Plantation
Forest or Wood
North Hill SX303787
Trewirgie Downs
Other Landcover
Redruth SW698395
Trewith Wood
Forest or Wood
Duloe SX246555
Trewithick Wood
Forest or Wood
St. Stephens by Launceston Rur SX292851
Trewollack Plantation
Forest or Wood
St. Wenn SW966668
Trewollack Plantn
Forest or Wood
St. Wenn SW965665
Trewonnal Plantation
Forest or Wood
St. Michael Penkevil SW873432
Treworder Wood
Forest or Wood
Egloshayle SX015719
Treworder Wood
Forest or Wood
Kenwyn SW786466
Treworgan Grove
Forest or Wood
St. Erme SW832486
Treworgey Wood
Forest or Wood
Morval SX247571
Treyarnon Bay
St. Merryn SW856740
Treyarnon Bay
Other Water Feature
St. Merryn SW855745
Treyarnon Beach
St. Merryn SW858739
Treyarnon Point
Other Coastal Landform
Constantine Bay SW855743
Treyone Woods
Forest or Wood
Deviock SX305568
Trezemper Plantation
Forest or Wood
Mawgan-in-Meneage SW719225
Trilley Rock
Zennor SW463399
Trinaway Plantation
Forest or Wood
Torpoint SX410549
Trink Hill
Hill or Mountain
Towednack SW504371
Trink Hill
Hill or Mountain
Ludgvan SW505375
Trowan Cliff
Cliff or Slope
St. Ives SW492410
Truro River
Other Water Feature
St. Clement SW845425
Trussel Wood
Forest or Wood
St. Keyne SX241620
Truthall Wood
Forest or Wood
Sithney SW649298
Truthwall Common
Other Landcover
Sancreed SW390323
Truthwall Wood
Forest or Wood
Ludgvan SW532326
Try Valley
Madron SW454356
Tubbon Hill
Hill or Mountain
Stithians SW741377
Tubby's Head
Coastal Headland
St. Agnes SW698504
Tuckingmill Wood
Forest or Wood
Poundstock SX217991
Tuelmenna Wood
Forest or Wood
Dobwalls and Trewidland SX218654
Turbot Point
Other Coastal Landform
Mevagissey SX027429
Turnaware Point
St. Just-in-Roseland SW835382
St. Keverne SW798239
Twelve Men's Moor
Other Landcover
St. Cleer SX250744
Twelvewood Wood
Forest or Wood
St. Neot SX201656
Twenty Acre Plantation
Forest or Wood
St. Keverne SW767197
Twinaways Wood
Forest or Wood
Morval SX284591
Tye Rocks
Other Coastal Landform
Porthleven SW632250
Under Wood
Forest or Wood
Manaccan SW756256
Undertown Wood
Forest or Wood
St. Germans SX352588
Undertown Wood
Forest or Wood
Dobwalls and Trewidland SX194651
Undertown Wood
Forest or Wood
Egloskerry SX279879
Undertown Wood
Forest or Wood
Egloshayle SX014698
Underways Plantation
Forest or Wood
St. Germans SX343569
United Downs
Forest or Wood
St Day SW746418
Unity Wood
Forest or Wood
St. Day SW732437
Upper Covert
Forest or Wood
St. Erth SW541354
Upper Plantation
Forest or Wood
St. Neot SX171659
Vale of Mawgan
Mawgan-in-Pydar SW876654
Varley Head
Coastal Headland
St. Endellion SW985814
Varley Sand
St. Endellion SW985813
Vean Hole
Tintagel SX049867
Vellan Drang
Landewednack SW700113
Vellan Head
Coastal Headland
Mullion SW668149
Vellin-gluz Rocks
Other Coastal Landform
Porthleven SW637246
Velvet Rock
Mullion SW667152
Venman's Hill Wood
Forest or Wood
Menheniot SX261625
Venn Wood
Forest or Wood
Cardinham SX140675
Venslooe Wood
Forest or Wood
Pelynt SX225549
Venton Hill Point
Other Coastal Landform
Lizard SW693120
Venton Vaden
Other Coastal Landform
Veryan SW917369
Venton Wood
Forest or Wood
St. Germans SX347594
Ventonwyn Wood
Forest or Wood
St. Stephen-in-Brannel SW958503
Vervan Rocks
St. Keverne SW812216
Veryan Bay
St. Goran SW987405
Veryan Bay
Other Water Feature
Veryan SW965395
St. Levan SW379216
Vetches Downs Plantations
Forest or Wood
St. Allen SW803513
Vicarage Cliff
Cliff or Slope
Morwenstow SS198154
Vicarage Wood
Forest or Wood
Landrake with St. Erney SX367597
Vicarage Wood
Forest or Wood
Quethiock SX316658
Victoria Point
St. Clement SW842425
Vile's Park Wood
Forest or Wood
St. Breock SW993687
Villaton Plantation
Forest or Wood
Boyton SX291947
Vinnick Rock
Trebetherick SW927785
Virginia Wood
Forest or Wood
St. Stephen-in-Brannel SW935556
Viverdon Down
Other Landcover
St. Mellion SX375670
Viverdon Plantation
Forest or Wood
St. Mellion SX385669
Other Coastal Landform
St. Levan SW385218
Voter Run
Other Coastal Landform
St. Gennys SX126948
Vugga Cove
Other Water Feature
Crantock SW775605
Wacker Wood
Forest or Wood
Antony SX385548
Wallace Beach
Looe SX253522
Wallis Downs
Other Landcover
Cuby SW924456
Wallpark Wood
Forest or Wood
Pentewan Valley SX020498
Walter's Plantation
Forest or Wood
Bodmin SX093646
Wanson Mouth
Poundstock SS193012
Wanson Mouth
Other Water Feature
Poundstock SS195015
Wanson Water
Other Water Feature
Poundstock SS195005
Wareham Wood
Forest or Wood
Stokeclimsland SX388780
Warleggan Down
Other Landcover
Warleggan SX157699
Warleggan River or River Bedalder
Other Water Feature
Warleggan SX145715
Warn Sandway
Cliff or Slope
Maker-with-Rame SX444513
Warren Cove
Other Water Feature
St. Merryn SW855735
Warren Gutter
Other Coastal Landform
Morwenstow SS201110
Warren Gutter Beach
Morwenstow SS199110
Warren Little Beach
Morwenstow SS199108
Warren Long Beach
Kilkhampton SS200104
Warren Plantation
Forest or Wood
Maker-with-Rame SX457520
Warren Plantation
Forest or Wood
Polperro SX225546
Warren Plantation
Forest or Wood
St. Winnow SX119626
Warren Point
Antony SX387552
Warren Point
Cliff or Slope
Morwenstow SS201113
Warren Point Wood
Forest or Wood
Antony SX386551
Warren Wood
Forest or Wood
St. Germans SX326584
Warren Wood
Forest or Wood
St. Blaise SX060555
Warren Wood
Forest or Wood
St. Tudy SX054778
Warren Wood
Forest or Wood
St. Michael Penkevil SW856408
Warrenhouse Plantation
Forest or Wood
St. Ive SX344654
Washing Rocks
Polruan SX124505
Washingplace Wood
Forest or Wood
Pillaton SX364636
Watch Croft
Hill or Mountain
Morvah SW420357
Watch Croft
Hill or Mountain
Madron SW425355
Watch House Field
Other Landcover
Maker-with-Rame SX438488
Watch Rock
Other Coastal Landform
Veryan SW936390
Watchouse Point
Other Coastal Landform
St. Michael Caerhays SW971410
Watergate Bay
Newquay SW833647
Watergate Bay
Other Water Feature
Newquay SW835655
Watergate Plantation
Forest or Wood
Kea SW811423
Watergate Wood
Forest or Wood
Stokeclimsland SX344755
Waterhill Wood
Forest or Wood
South Hill SX325698
Waterloo Plantation
Forest or Wood
Feock SW818398
Waterpark Wood
Forest or Wood
Dobwalls and Trewidland SX240621
Waterpit Down
Other Landcover
Forrabury and Minster SX106879
Watery Orchard Plantation
Forest or Wood
Maker-with-Rame SX440492
Wayland Reservoir
Inland Water
Polperro SX238531
Weir Point
Restronguet SW819367
Weir Point
Coastal Headland
Cargreen SX437619
Well Beach
Falmouth SW805333
Well Plantation
Forest or Wood
St. Neot SX174654
Well Wood
Forest or Wood
Warleggan SX155665
Wellake Scattered Rock
Other Coastal Landform
Polruan SX133504
Wellclose Plantation
Forest or Wood
Kea SW810416
Wellpark Wood
Forest or Wood
Deviock SX327569
West Colquite Wood
Forest or Wood
St. Mabyn SX053702
West Coombe
Lanteglos SX166513
West Down Plantation
Forest or Wood
Egloshayle SX034702
West Down Wood
Forest or Wood
Landrake with St. Erney SX365589
West Downs
Other Landcover
Lanivet SX032640
West Drive
Forest or Wood
Boconnoc SX136605
West Drive
Forest or Wood
St. Winnow SX135605
West Kilgrew Wood
Forest or Wood
St. Keyne SX236619
West Looe Downs
Other Landcover
Looe SX251533
West Looe River
Other Water Feature
Duloe SX215595
West Penquite Wood
Forest or Wood
St. Cleer SX287676
West Penrest Wood
Forest or Wood
Lezant SX330771
West Town Wood
Forest or Wood
Morwenstow SS224126
West Wood
Forest or Wood
Menheniot SX294609
West Wood
Forest or Wood
St. Pinnock SX187648
West Wood
Forest or Wood
St. Veep SX122563
Westaways Plantation
Forest or Wood
Sheviock SX373542
Westcott Outer Plantation
Forest or Wood
Boyton SX281948
Westcott Plantn
Forest or Wood
North Tamerton SX305995
Westcott Wattle
Morwenstow SS198161
Westdown Wood
Forest or Wood
Quethiock SX297658
Westdown Wood
Forest or Wood
Menheniot SX295655
Western Cressar
Longrock SW487305
Western Gear
Maker-with-Rame SX417485
Western Plantation
Forest or Wood
Laneast SX239862
Western Shag Rock
Breage SW548276
Western Tye
Other Coastal Landform
Porthleven SW632251
Westhill Wood
Forest or Wood
Lezant SX338767
Westnorth Wood
Forest or Wood
Dobwalls and Trewidland SX248579
Weston Wood
Forest or Wood
North Petherwin SX299883
Westpark Beach
Bude-Stratton SS200089
Westside Wood
Forest or Wood
Cardinham SX122663
Westwood Common
Other Landcover
Week St. Mary SX225974
Wet Plantation
Forest or Wood
Dobwalls and Trewidland SX193652
Wetherslade Wood
Forest or Wood
Quethiock SX344646
Wetton Downs
Other Landcover
St. Cleer SX229719
Whale Rock
Grade-Ruan SW717133
Whales Back
Other Coastal Landform
Bude SS200064
Whalesborough Wood
Forest or Wood
Marhamchurch SS212040
Wheal Bal Hill
Hill or Mountain
St. Just SW385335
Wheal Brothers Wood
Forest or Wood
Calstock SX390700
Wheal Charlotte Moor
Other Landcover
St. Agnes SW700492
Wheal Edward Zawn
Other Water Feature
St. Just SW355325
Wheal Fortune Plantation
Forest or Wood
Crowan SW623350
Wherry Rocks
Penzance SW469294
Whimple Wood
Forest or Wood
Calstock SX434705
Whipsiderry Beach
Newquay SW830634
Whirl Pool
Zennor SW411363
Whirl Pool
Other Water Feature
Zennor SW415365
White Downs
Other Landcover
Madron SW425357
White Hill Wood
Forest or Wood
St. Michael Caerhays SW971419
White Rocks
Other Coastal Landform
St. Agnes SW698511
Whitebarrow Downs
Other Landcover
St. Neot SX189710
Whitecraft Plantation
Forest or Wood
St. Allen SW802513
Whiteford Plantations
Forest or Wood
Stokeclimsland SX358729
Whitehouse Point
Other Coastal Landform
Fowey SX123514
Whiterocks Plantation
Other Landcover
Maker-with-Rame SX434498
Whitesand Bay
Sennen SW354272
Whitesand Bay
Other Water Feature
Sennen SW355275
Whitley Wood
Forest or Wood
Helland SX069685
Whitsand Bay
St. John SX385511
Whitsand Bay
Other Water Feature
St. John SX395515
Whitstone Wood
Forest or Wood
Whitstone SX259984
Wicca Cliff
Cliff or Slope
Zennor SW464399
Wicca Pool
Zennor SW463399
Wicca Pool
Other Water Feature
Zennor SW465405
Widemouth Plantation
Forest or Wood
Poundstock SS206010
Widemouth Sand
Poundstock SS196021
Widlake Wood
Forest or Wood
Morval SX296585
Wiggle Cliff
Cliff or Slope
Maker-with-Rame SX416504
Wiggle Sandway
Cliff or Slope
Maker-with-Rame SX418500
Forest or Wood
Antony SX414565
Wilderness Point
Other Coastal Landform
Maker-with-Rame SX456531
Will's Rock
St. Eval SW852724
Willake Wood
Forest or Wood
St. Veep SX155570
Coastal Headland
Tintagel SX061897
Coastal Headland
Boscastle SX091912
Wilsey Down
Forest or Wood
Warbstow SX191879
Wilsey Down
Hill or Mountain
Davidstow SX189879
Wilton Wood
Forest or Wood
Deviock SX316583
Landewednack SW695114
Windsor Wood
Forest or Wood
Duloe SX244593
Wine Cove
St. Merryn SW854737
Wine Cove
Newquay SW823627
Winecove Point
Other Coastal Landform
St. Merryn SW853738
Wiseman's Stone
Other Coastal Landform
Lanteglos SX125530
Withey Brook
Other Water Feature
North Hill SX245745
Withnoe Cliff
Cliff or Slope
St. John SX401517
Withnoe Common
Other Landcover
St. John SX402517
Withy Piece Plantation
Forest or Wood
Boconnoc SX167608
Wolf Rock
St. Levan SW270119
Wolf Rocks
Morvah SW404361
Wollaton Wood
Forest or Wood
St. Mellion SX383651
Wood Orchard
Forest or Wood
Pentewan Valley SX004489
Wooda Parkhill Wood
Forest or Wood
Lezant SX341769
Wooda Wood
Forest or Wood
Warleggan SX148690
Woodapark Copse
Forest or Wood
Launcells SS260064
Woodbine Meadow
Other Landcover
Camborne SW638384
Woodbury Point
Kea SW850421
Woodcock Corner
Forest or Wood
St. Clement SW845462
Woodford Plantation
Other Landcover
Pelynt SX183542
Woodford Wood
Forest or Wood
Morwenstow SS221129
Woodgate Wood
Forest or Wood
St. Sampson SX111561
Woodland Valley
Ladock SW906514
Woodland Wood
Forest or Wood
Morwenstow SS239128
Woodlay Wood
Forest or Wood
Lanreath SX192609
Woodpark Copse
Forest or Wood
North Petherwin SX284902
Woodpark Wood
Forest or Wood
Morwenstow SS222128
Woolley Moor
Other Landcover
Morwenstow SS266168
Woolston Wood
Forest or Wood
Pensilva SX290686
Woolstone Wood
Forest or Wood
Poundstock SS226020
Woon Gumpus Common
Other Landcover
St. Just SW397334
Wrangle Point
Other Coastal Landform
Flexbury SS200072
Wrasford Moor
Forest or Wood
Morwenstow SS258143
St. Keverne SW765164
Wren Beach
Morwenstow SS198122
Wren Rock
Other Coastal Landform
Morwenstow SS198121
Wren Wood
Forest or Wood
Polperro SX163538
Wrenchford Plantation
Forest or Wood
Werrington SX333888
Wringford Down
Other Landcover
Kingsand SX428506
Yearle's Wood
Forest or Wood
Pelynt SX226558
Yellow Carn
Other Coastal Landform
Landewednack SW688130
Yellow Carn
Other Coastal Landform
Zennor SW425378
Yeol Mouth
Other Water Feature
Morwenstow SS205165
Yeolmbridge Wood
Forest or Wood
St. Stephens by Launceston Rur SX320871
Yeolmouth Cliff
Cliff or Slope
Morwenstow SS204163
Yonderberry Point
Torpoint SX438558
Youldon Wood
Forest or Wood
Morwenstow SS227171
Zacry's Islands
Newquay SW832637
Zawn a Bal
Other Water Feature
St. Just SW365335
Zawn Alley Isle
Morvah SW402361
Zawn Kellys
Other Water Feature
St. Levan SW355225
Zawn Organ
Other Water Feature
Paul SW465245
Zawn Tor
Sennen SW345244
Zawn Wells
Sennen SW345244
Zennor Cliff
Hill or Mountain
Zennor SW449391
Zennor Head
Other Coastal Landform
Zennor SW449395
Ziggarson Wood
Forest or Wood
Landulph SX413621
Zone Point
Coastal Headland
Gerrans SW850309