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East Riding of Yorkshire
Gazetteer Entries in East Riding of Yorkshire, England
Populated Places only
Geographic Features only
Markers are clustered as there are too many to display individually when zoomed out.
Above Line Plantation
Forest or Wood
Wold Newton TA034742
Acre Plantation
Forest or Wood
Bishop Wilton SE772564
Acredike Lands
Other Landcover
Mappleton TA219445
Other Landcover
Bielby SE804444
Adam and Eve
Other Coastal Landform
Flamborough TA254708
Adlingfleet Drain
Other Water Feature
Twin Rivers SE845215
Admiral Plantation
Forest or Wood
Kirby Underdale SE818586
Admiral Plantn
Forest or Wood
Kirby Underdale SE815585
Aike Plantation
Forest or Wood
Lockington TA053463
Aire and Calder Navigation
Other Water Feature
Snaith and Cowick SE635185
Airmyn New Wood
Forest or Wood
Airmyn SE719243
Airmyn Wood
Forest or Wood
Airmyn SE706239
Aldbrough Cliff
Cliff or Slope
Aldbrough TA265383
Aldbrough Sands
Aldbrough TA265385
Aldermen's Gorse
Forest or Wood
Brandesburton TA105488
Allerthorpe Common
Forest or Wood
Thornton SE755475
Allerthorpe Woods
Forest or Wood
Barmby Moor SE758476
Alma Plantation
Forest or Wood
Hutton Cranswick TA007550
Angram Field
Other Landcover
Melbourne (East Riding of York SE758436
Anlaby Common
Other Landcover
Kingston upon Hull TA044285
Arglam Wood
Forest or Wood
Holme upon Spalding Moor SE786361
Ash Dike Plantation
Forest or Wood
Wawne TA084385
Ash Garths
Other Landcover
Kelk TA094600
Ash Plantation
Forest or Wood
Rowley SE971328
Ash Plantation
Forest or Wood
Kirby Underdale SE797569
Ash Wood
Forest or Wood
Pocklington SE820478
Ashslack Wood
Forest or Wood
Lund SE902461
Ashton Fields
Other Landcover
Skirpenbeck SE749578
Ashton Wood
Other Landcover
West Cowick SE647200
Ashwood Plantation
Forest or Wood
Yapham SE792510
Asselby Island
Forest or Wood
Asselby SE722264
Atwick Cliff
Cliff or Slope
Atwick TA195512
Atwick Sands
Atwick TA196512
Auburn Sands
Barmston TA171630
Aughton Common
Other Landcover
Ellerton SE724382
Aughton Plantation
Forest or Wood
Ellerton SE717385
Aunham Dale
Tibthorpe SE919563
Aunham Flats
Other Landcover
Tibthorpe SE918571
Austin's Dale
South Cave SE931340
Avenue Plantation
Forest or Wood
Brough SE933276
Avenue Wood
Forest or Wood
Sledmere SE934636
Back Dale
Warter SE854509
Back Dale Plantation
Forest or Wood
Warter SE853512
Backside Plantation
Forest or Wood
North Newbald SE910370
Bacon Flitch Hole
Other Coastal Landform
Flamborough TA238721
Badger Wood
Forest or Wood
Sledmere SE928628
Badger Wood
Forest or Wood
Fimber SE915625
Baggaby Bottom
Warter SE850499
Bail Bottom
Skipsea TA161549
Bail Wood
Forest or Wood
East Garton TA251365
Bail Wood
Forest or Wood
Aldbrough TA255365
Bainton Burrows
Other Landcover
Bainton SE953506
Balk Belt
Forest or Wood
Hayton SE816471
Balkend Field
Other Landcover
Foston TA064537
Balkholme Common
Other Landcover
Kilpin SE791282
Banes Field
Other Landcover
Humbleton TA234346
Barf Hill
Hill or Mountain
Lockington TA044472
Barf Plantation
Forest or Wood
Bugthorpe SE775571
Barfhill Covert
Forest or Wood
Lockington TA041475
Barker's Field
Other Landcover
East Garton TA276352
Barlam Beck
Other Water Feature
Skirpenbeck SE735575
Barmanhill Bottom
Skipsea TA167544
Barmby Bottoms
Sutton upon Derwent SE743472
Barmby Cutting
Other Landcover
Barmby on the Marsh SE700283
Barmby Field
Other Landcover
Barmby Moor SE773499
Barmby Moor
Other Landcover
Barmby Moor SE760487
Barmston Fox Covert
Forest or Wood
Barmston TA144593
Barmston Main Drain
Other Water Feature
Barmston TA165585
Barmston Sands
Barmston TA171593
Barnet Shoot
Other Coastal Landform
Bempton TA180747
Baron Old Oven
Other Coastal Landform
Bempton TA188745
Barrow Fields
Other Landcover
Burton Fleming TA086713
Barrow Flat
Other Landcover
Barmby Moor SE795478
Bartlett Nab
Other Coastal Landform
Bempton TA195743
Barton Dale
Kilham TA057668
Bassymoor Plantation
Forest or Wood
Seaton TA156481
Baylis Wood
Forest or Wood
Everingham SE825436
Beacon Hill
Hill or Mountain
Aldbrough TA277366
Beacon Hill
Hill or Mountain
Welwick TA345222
Beacon Wood
Forest or Wood
Bainton SE971540
Bealey's Plantations
Forest or Wood
Lockington SE998453
Beck Clump
Forest or Wood
Hotham SE898339
Beck Field
Other Landcover
Bishop Wilton SE767550
Beck Lands
Other Landcover
Bugthorpe SE765574
Beck Plantation
Forest or Wood
Bugthorpe SE782587
Beck Plantation
Forest or Wood
Bishop Wilton SE816536
Beck Plantn
Forest or Wood
Bugthorpe SE785585
Beck Wood
Forest or Wood
Nunburnholme SE844469
Becks Drain
Other Water Feature
Etton SE975445
Beech Wood
Forest or Wood
Nafferton TA031623
Beech Wood
Forest or Wood
Warter SE846499
Belby Common
Other Landcover
Kilpin SE771287
Bell Mills Plantation
Forest or Wood
Driffield TA027564
Bellasize Clough
Blacktoft SE833241
Belt Plantation
Forest or Wood
Everingham SE817420
Bempton Cliffs
Cliff or Slope
Bempton TA200739
Bentley Moor Wood
Forest or Wood
Beverley TA022367
Bessing Dale
Fimber SE914601
Bessingby High Field
Other Landcover
Bridlington TA155669
Bessingby Low Field
Other Landcover
Bridlington TA163657
Bessingdale Plantation
Forest or Wood
Sledmere SE913610
Bessingdale Plantn
Forest or Wood
Fimber SE915605
Beswick Rush Plantation
Forest or Wood
Beswick TA032481
Beswick Rush Plantn
Forest or Wood
Watton TA035485
Beswickheads Plantation
Forest or Wood
Beswick TA005485
Beverley and Barmston Drain
Other Water Feature
Lockington TA055455
Beverley Clump
Forest or Wood
South Cave SE940324
Bielby Beck
Other Water Feature
Bielby SE795445
Big Dale
Fimber SE892618
Bigland's Belt
Forest or Wood
Burton Constable TA181369
Bilks Hill
Hill or Mountain
Ellerker SE941305
Bilkshill Plantation
Forest or Wood
Brantingham SE939300
Billiard Table
Bempton TA211734
Billings Hill
Hill or Mountain
Bewholme TA148504
Bins Dale
Boynton TA127682
Birk Lane Drain
Other Water Feature
Bubwith SE715375
Birk Plantations
Forest or Wood
Ellerton SE719381
Birker Fields
Other Landcover
Newton on Derwent SE715500
Birker Fields
Other Landcover
Wilberfoss SE737512
Birkhill Wood
Forest or Wood
Rowley TA031356
Birkhill Wood
Forest or Wood
Woodmansey TA035355
Bishop Burton Wold
Other Landcover
Bishop Burton SE968391
Bishop Wilton Beck
Other Water Feature
Bishop Wilton SE795535
Bishop Wilton Wold
Other Landcover
Bishop Wilton SE815556
Bishopsoil Skelton Common
Other Landcover
Eastrington SE782293
Black Clump
Forest or Wood
South Cliffe SE852373
Black Dike
Other Water Feature
Barmby Moor SE765505
Black Dike
Other Water Feature
Holme upon Spalding Moor SE805395
Black Kell
Inland Water
Watton TA042504
Black Moor Well
Inland Water
Easington TA408160
Black Plantation
Forest or Wood
Twin Rivers SE824216
Black Plantation
Forest or Wood
Seaton TA176452
Black Plantation
Forest or Wood
Leven TA090451
Black Plantation
Forest or Wood
Kilham TA058681
Black Plantation
Forest or Wood
Catton SE735533
Black Plantation
Forest or Wood
Bugthorpe SE793582
Black Plantation
Forest or Wood
Nunburnholme SE861493
Black Plantation
Forest or Wood
Holme upon Spalding Moor SE792368
Black Planting
Forest or Wood
Etton SE942438
Black Plantn
Forest or Wood
Catton SE735535
Black Plantn
Forest or Wood
Holme upon Spalding Moor SE795365
Black Shelf
Other Coastal Landform
Bempton TA202738
Black Wood
Forest or Wood
Wetwang SE952618
Black Wood
Forest or Wood
Bainton SE968531
Black Wood
Forest or Wood
Sledmere SE955615
Blackabies Plantation
Forest or Wood
Rowley SE976328
Blackdike Plantation
Forest or Wood
Rowley TA007353
Blackfoss Beck
Other Water Feature
Sutton upon Derwent SE725475
Blacksmith's Shop
Other Coastal Landform
Bempton TA209735
Blacktoft Channel
Other Water Feature
Blacktoft SE845235
Blacktoft Clough
Blacktoft SE837243
Blakes Dale
Warter SE861519
Blanch Dale Plantation
Forest or Wood
Warter SE884515
Blanch Dale Plantn
Forest or Wood
Warter SE885515
Blanch Plantation
Forest or Wood
Allerthorpe SE764471
Blanch Wood
Forest or Wood
Warter SE890522
Blareham Flats
Other Landcover
Skirpenbeck SE751567
Blasket Pond
Inland Water
Ferriby High Road, nr North Fe SE995257
Bluepaling Plantation
Forest or Wood
Kirby Underdale SE791569
Blythe Barn Plantation
Forest or Wood
Bishop Burton SE966387
Bog Plantation
Forest or Wood
North Cave SE895328
Bog Wood
Forest or Wood
Ellerby TA171366
Boggy Clump
Forest or Wood
Brough SE970255
Bolton Common
Other Landcover
Fangfoss SE761513
Boot and Shoe Plantation
Forest or Wood
Kirby Underdale SE810601
Booth Fields
Other Landcover
Howden SE736272
Bortree Dale
Cottam SE989627
Bottom Plantation
Forest or Wood
Welton SE965304
Boundary Wood
Forest or Wood
South Cliffe SE857365
Bourdass Shoot
Other Coastal Landform
Bempton TA184746
Bow Plantation
Forest or Wood
Brough SE970275
Bowbriggs Plantation
Forest or Wood
Bugthorpe SE774584
Bowdale Slack
Garton SE962574
Bowlams Fox Covert
Forest or Wood
Long Riston TA121442
Bowlams Fox Covert
Forest or Wood
Catwick TA125445
Bownhill Plantation
Forest or Wood
Elstronwick TA225315
Boynton Field
Other Landcover
Boynton TA135691
Bracepits Wood
Forest or Wood
Melbourne SE749432
Bracey Garth Plantation
Forest or Wood
Harpham TA079620
Bradeham Dale
Huggate SE842581
Braffords Clump
Forest or Wood
Skidby SE976302
Braggitt Field
Other Landcover
Gilberdyke SE807297
Bramble Plantation
Forest or Wood
Langtoft TA012690
Bramley Wood
Forest or Wood
Rawcliffe SE697227
Brandesburton Moor
Other Landcover
Brandesburton TA128501
Brantingham Common
Other Landcover
Brantingham SE927283
Brantingham Dale Plantation
Forest or Wood
Brantingham SE947308
Brantingham Heads Plantation
Forest or Wood
Brantingham SE949293
Brantingham Wold
Other Landcover
Brantingham SE951307
Bratt Wood
Forest or Wood
Nunburnholme SE851487
Bream Wood
Forest or Wood
Bempton TA214703
Breckstreet Field
Other Landcover
Seaton Ross SE765410
Breckstreet Plantation
Forest or Wood
Seaton Ross SE766415
Other Coastal Landform
Flamborough TA247718
Breil Head
Other Coastal Landform
Flamborough TA248716
Breil Nook
Other Coastal Landform
Flamborough TA246719
Briarpit Plantation
Forest or Wood
Rowley TA006364
Brick Close Plantation
Forest or Wood
Holmpton TA371234
Brick Hill Plantation
Forest or Wood
Burton Agnes TA111622
Brickfield Plantation
Forest or Wood
Burton Constable TA195371
Brickpit Plantation
Forest or Wood
Thornton SE762462
Brickpond Plantation
Forest or Wood
Everingham SE814421
Brickpond Plantation
Forest or Wood
Allerthorpe SE777468
Bridlington Bay
Bridlington TA213635
Bridlington Bay
Other Water Feature
Bridlington TA215655
Brig Dale
Warter SE890533
Brigg Bottom
Flamborough TA231702
Brigham Carr
Forest or Wood
Foston TA082532
Brimlands Wood
Forest or Wood
Millington SE810535
Brind Common
Other Landcover
Wressle SE744319
Brindleys Plantation
Forest or Wood
Wressle SE742317
Brindleys Plantn
Forest or Wood
Wressle SE745315
Broach Dale
Kilham TA043679
Broad Dale
Sledmere SE910615
Brogdale Plantation
Forest or Wood
Bishop Burton SE965403
Broom Plantation
Forest or Wood
Easington TA372215
Broomfleet Carr
Other Landcover
Broomfleet SE881276
Broomhill Plantation
Forest or Wood
Sutton upon Derwent SE703448
Broomhill Plantn
Forest or Wood
Sutton upon Derwent SE705445
Brough Roads
Other Water Feature
Brough SE945245
Brough Sand
Brough SE923261
Brown Moor
Other Landcover
Stamford Bridge SE717550
Browning Plantation
Forest or Wood
East Garton TA252365
Bryan Mills Beck
Other Water Feature
Lockington TA015465
Bryans Plantation
Forest or Wood
Dalton Holme SE956459
Bubwith Clough
Bubwith SE708364
Buck Wood
Forest or Wood
Kirby Underdale SE803572
Buckclose Plantation
Forest or Wood
Patrington TA298224
Buckton Cliffs
Hill or Mountain
Bempton TA171748
Bug Dale
Kirby Underdale SE800572
Bugthorpe Beck
Other Water Feature
Bugthorpe SE765575
Bugthorpe Pasture
Other Landcover
Bugthorpe SE792583
Bunnyhill Plantation
Forest or Wood
South Cliffe SE858356
Burgany Plantation
Forest or Wood
Patrington TA302262
Burland Common
Other Landcover
Eastrington SE775299
Burn Field
Other Landcover
Twin Rivers SE812216
Burnby Moor
Other Landcover
Nunburnholme SE824477
Burnby Wold
Hill or Mountain
Hayton SE861470
Burshill and Barff Drain
Other Water Feature
Leven TA095465
Burshill Carr
Other Landcover
Brandesburton TA082482
Burstwick Drain
Other Water Feature
Burstwick TA215285
Burton Agnes Field
Other Landcover
Burton Agnes TA096641
Burton Agnes Moor
Other Landcover
Burton Agnes TA113623
Burton Bushes
Forest or Wood
Bishop Burton TA010393
Burton Bushes
Forest or Wood
Beverley TA015395
Burton Fields
Other Landcover
Stamford Bridge SE728555
Bustardnest Fox Covert
Forest or Wood
Hutton Cranswick SE994525
Butcherclose Plantation
Forest or Wood
Everingham SE814424
Butt Field
Other Landcover
Howden SE748273
Butterfly Lane Plantation
Forest or Wood
Bridlington TA154662
Bydales Plantation
Forest or Wood
Bempton TA196726
Bygot Wood
Forest or Wood
Lockington SE999436
Bygot Wood
Forest or Wood
Leconfield TA005435
Byholme Field
Other Landcover
Thornton SE766452
Callace Dale
Lund SE919463
Callas Wold Plantation
Forest or Wood
Market Weighton SE909410
Callis Wold
Other Landcover
Bishop Wilton SE829562
Campbell's Wood
Forest or Wood
Eastrington SE807317
Canada Plantation
Forest or Wood
Kirby Underdale SE814572
Carden Dale
Warter SE866525
Carnaby Covert
Forest or Wood
Carnaby TA151642
Carnaby Moor
Other Landcover
Carnaby TA160643
Carr Lane Plantation
Forest or Wood
Burton Agnes TA114622
Carr Plantation
Forest or Wood
Woodmansey TA073380
Carr Plantation
Forest or Wood
Harpham TA088608
Carr Plantation
Forest or Wood
Rudston TA114673
Carr Plantn
Forest or Wood
Wawne TA075385
Carr Plantn
Forest or Wood
Rudston TA115675
Carr Pond
Inland Water
Leconfield TA033466
Carr Tongue
Other Landcover
Newton on Derwent SE753500
Carter Lane
Other Coastal Landform
Flamborough TA243720
Carter's Plantation
Forest or Wood
Eastrington SE814295
Carting Dale
Londesborough SE875470
Cascade Clump
Forest or Wood
Sancton SE888388
Castle Covert
Forest or Wood
South Cave SE917314
Castle Wood
Forest or Wood
Sledmere SE947642
Castlefield Plantation
Forest or Wood
Bishop Wilton SE816538
Cat Nab
Other Coastal Landform
Bempton TA212733
Catchwater Drain
Other Water Feature
Leconfield TA035445
Catfoss Whin Covert
Forest or Wood
Seaton TA151481
Cattlemere Hole
Other Coastal Landform
Flamborough TA255701
Cattlemere Scar
Other Coastal Landform
Flamborough TA255699
Catwick Heads Plantation
Forest or Wood
Sigglesthorne TA147448
Causeway Hag Plantation
Forest or Wood
Lund SE918472
Causeway Hag Plantn
Forest or Wood
Middleton SE915475
Cave Common
Other Landcover
South Cave SE892293
Cave Ings Walling Fen Cave Common
Other Landcover
South Cave SE903290
Cave Wold
Other Landcover
South Cave SE941321
Cawkeld Field
Other Landcover
Hutton Cranswick SE997509
Cawkeld Sinks
Inland Water
Watton SE995501
Cawkeldsinks Plantation
Forest or Wood
Watton SE993502
Cawthornes Clump
Forest or Wood
Lockington SE992456
Chalk Pit Plantation
Forest or Wood
Kirby Underdale SE815593
Charity Land
Other Landcover
Ellerton SE736407
Charleston Field
Other Landcover
Boynton TA139704
Other Coastal Landform
Flamborough TA230724
Cherry Burton Wold
Other Landcover
Cherry Burton SE961414
Cherry Cobb Sands Clough
Sunk Island TA235189
Cherry Plantation
Forest or Wood
Patrington TA302220
Cherry Wood
Forest or Wood
Sledmere SE946653
Cherry Wood
Forest or Wood
Seaton Ross SE784395
Cherrytree Row Plantation
Forest or Wood
Laxton SE789247
Church Belt
Forest or Wood
Brantingham SE942302
Church Dale
Bishop Wilton SE812542
Church Field
Other Landcover
Hayton (East Riding of Yorkshi SE822461
Church Field
Other Landcover
Melbourne (East Riding of York SE758441
Church Hill
Hill or Mountain
Holme upon Spalding Moor SE821388
Church Land
Other Landcover
Hornsea TA199489
Church Lands
Other Landcover
Patrington TA288258
Church Plantation
Forest or Wood
North Cave SE899328
Church Plantation
Forest or Wood
Bridlington TA161657
Church Plantation
Forest or Wood
Beswick SE996495
Church Pond
Inland Water
Nunburnholme SE827498
Church Walk Plantation
Forest or Wood
Rise TA150420
Church Wood
Forest or Wood
Harpham TA079609
Churchlands Plantation
Forest or Wood
Patrington TA287256
Clay Pits Plantation
Forest or Wood
Wold Newton TA018762
Clayfield Carr
Other Landcover
Brandesburton TA098493
Clayflat Plantation
Forest or Wood
Everingham SE813426
Clayflat Plantn
Forest or Wood
Everingham SE815425
Clayhill Plantation
Forest or Wood
Swine TA119384
Clayhill Plantation
Forest or Wood
Bugthorpe SE763564
Clayhill Plantn
Forest or Wood
Swine TA115385
Claypits Wood
Forest or Wood
Sledmere SE926640
Clays Plantation
Forest or Wood
Melbourne SE737437
Cleaving Coombe
Hayton SE860465
Cleaving Coombe
Hill or Mountain
Londesborough SE865465
Cleaving Field
Other Landcover
Londesborough SE849455
Cleaving Plantation
Forest or Wood
Londesborough SE856454
Cliff Plantation
Forest or Wood
Bridlington TA216693
Cliffs Plantation
Forest or Wood
South Cave SE931306
Close Nooks
Other Coastal Landform
Flamborough TA222727
Close Plantation
Forest or Wood
Laxton SE781247
Clough Plantation
Forest or Wood
Patrington TA284216
Clough Wood
Forest or Wood
Sancton SE903385
Clubley's Plantation
Forest or Wood
Brandesburton TA126495
Clubley's Plantn
Forest or Wood
Plantation, nr Brandesburton B TA125495
Clump Close Plantation
Forest or Wood
Mappleton TA226409
Coachroad Plantation
Forest or Wood
Melbourne SE753435
Coal Dike
Other Water Feature
Leconfield TA035465
Coat's Flat
Other Landcover
Bielby SE800447
Coat's Flats
Other Landcover
Bielby SE794444
Cobble Gap
Skipsea Sands Caravan Park TA178563
Cockerill Hill Plantation
Forest or Wood
Bempton TA213705
Cockshaw Plantation
Forest or Wood
Sutton upon Derwent SE735465
Cockshaw Plantn
Forest or Wood
Sutton upon Derwent SE735465
Cogan's Plantation
Forest or Wood
Laxton SE784263
Cold Harbour Plantation
Forest or Wood
Bishop Burton SE981388
Cold Nab Plantation
Forest or Wood
Nafferton TA053629
Cold Nab Plantn
Forest or Wood
Nafferton TA055625
Cold Wold
Other Landcover
Warter SE851520
College Wold
Other Landcover
Millington SE845553
Collingwood Plantation
Forest or Wood
Sledmere SE954662
Comber Dale
South Cave SE936327
Common Beck
Other Water Feature
Catton SE725525
Common End Plantation
Forest or Wood
Ellerton SE727384
Common Wold
Other Landcover
Etton SE931442
Common Wood
Forest or Wood
Eastrington SE812316
Common Wood
Forest or Wood
Gilberdyke SE815315
Coneygarth Pond
Inland Water
Brandesburton TA111466
Coneyhouse Plantation
Forest or Wood
Londesborough SE887470
Cook's Wood
Forest or Wood
Pocklington SE801504
Coombs Plantation
Forest or Wood
North Cave SE900334
Coombs Plantn
Forest or Wood
North Cave SE905335
Cooness Nook
Other Coastal Landform
Flamborough TA240721
Corner Wood
Forest or Wood
Hayton SE845465
Cote Walls Plantation
Forest or Wood
Bridlington TA189700
Cote Walls Plantn
Forest or Wood
Bridlington TA185705
Cotness Clough
Laxton SE801236
Cottage Flat
Other Landcover
Nunburnholme SE833477
Cottage Pasture
Other Landcover
Lockington TA011464
Cottage Pasture Wood
Forest or Wood
Warter SE857493
Cottage Pasture Wood
Forest or Wood
Boynton TA135685
Cottage Plantation
Forest or Wood
Hayton (East Riding of Yorkshi SE821464
Cottage Plantation
Forest or Wood
Bishop Wilton SE819538
Cottam Well Dale
Cottam SE979646
Coverdale Strip
Forest or Wood
Beswick TA009493
Cow Dale
Sledmere SE956636
Cow Dale
Middleton SE919478
Cow Dale
Huggate SE885559
Cow Dale
North Newbald SE917365
Cow Moor
Other Landcover
Warter SE846535
Cow Moor
Other Landcover
Bielby SE792450
Cow Pasture
Other Landcover
Snaith and Cowick SE676199
Cowdale Plantation
Forest or Wood
Huggate SE908579
Cowdale Plantn
Forest or Wood
Huggate SE905575
Cowden Cliff
Cliff or Slope
Mappleton TA241416
Cowden Sands
Mappleton TA241418
Cowick Gorse
Forest or Wood
West Cowick SE638192
Cowlam Well Dale
Cottam SE971651
Cowpasture Wood
Forest or Wood
Londesborough SE884451
Crab Rocks
Bempton TA198742
Crabley Clough
South Cave SE905273
Crabley Staith
Reedness SE802229
Cradle Head
Other Coastal Landform
Flamborough TA250715
Other Coastal Landform
Flamborough TA245695
Crake Dale
Langtoft SE987679
Cranswick Common
Other Landcover
Hutton Cranswick TA049519
Crawberry Dale
Bishop Burton SE982381
Crofts Plantation
Forest or Wood
Patrington TA290218
Crooked Dale
Langtoft (East Riding of Yorks TA005658
Croome Dale
Sledmere SE935669
Croome Dale Plantation
Forest or Wood
Cottam SE953670
Cross Drain
Other Water Feature
Leven TA085445
Cross Green
Other Landcover
Warter SE869505
Crosswood Field
Other Landcover
Thornton SE782452
Crow Plantation
Forest or Wood
Bridlington TA191695
Crow Shaw
Other Landcover
Brandesburton TA086508
Crow Wood
Forest or Wood
Skidby SE993307
Crow Wood
Forest or Wood
Bridlington TA207692
Crow Wood
Forest or Wood
Cottam SE965658
Crow Wood
Forest or Wood
Sledmere SE930657
Crow Wood
Forest or Wood
Burton Agnes TA104635
Crow Wood
Forest or Wood
Foston TA120566
Crow Wood
Forest or Wood
Kirby Underdale SE787569
Crow Wood
Forest or Wood
Sutton upon Derwent SE725476
Crow Wood
Forest or Wood
Fangfoss SE754526
Crow Wood
Forest or Wood
Fangfoss SE767534
Crow Wood
Forest or Wood
Yapham SE784511
Crow Wood
Forest or Wood
Bishop Wilton SE806557
Crow Wood
Forest or Wood
Nunburnholme SE839501
Crowe's Shoot
Cliff or Slope
Bempton TA167749
Crowshore Plantation
Forest or Wood
Routh TA078431
Cupola Hill Plantation
Forest or Wood
Rowley TA001357
Dale Plantation
Forest or Wood
Brough SE962282
Dale Plantation
Forest or Wood
Langtoft TA011679
Dale Plantation
Forest or Wood
Wold Newton TA033748
Dale Plantation
Forest or Wood
Newbald SE925358
Dale Plantn
Forest or Wood
North Newbald SE925365
Dalton Dale
North Dalton SE928518
Dalton Wood
Forest or Wood
Etton SE949449
Danes Graves Wood
Forest or Wood
Burton Agnes TA110604
Danes' Graves Plantation
Forest or Wood
Kilham TA019633
Dawson's Belt
Forest or Wood
Rise TA158411
Day Hills Plantation
Forest or Wood
Laxton SE782256
Decoy Plantation
Forest or Wood
Hornsea TA181463
Decoy Plantn
Forest or Wood
Hornsea TA185465
Decoy Wood
Forest or Wood
Leconfield TA034458
Decoy Wood
Forest or Wood
Watton TA068495
Deep Dale
Tibthorpe SE934545
Deep Dale
Nunburnholme SE859485
Deep Dale
Warter SE848514
Deep Dale
Newbald SE926358
Deepdale Plantation
Forest or Wood
Bishop Burton SE955402
Deepdale Plantation
Forest or Wood
Warter SE845513
Deepdale Plantn
Forest or Wood
Warter SE845515
Deepdale Plantn
Forest or Wood
Bishop Burton SE955405
Deershed Plantation
Forest or Wood
Everingham SE814418
Dial Fields
Other Landcover
Sledmere SE934653
Dicken Dale
Bainton SE958532
Dickenson's Plantation
Forest or Wood
Sancton SE885382
Dicky Smith's Plantation
Forest or Wood
Rudston TA066687
Dicky Wood
Forest or Wood
Boynton TA144681
Dimlington Cliff
Cliff or Slope
Easington (East Riding of York TA394212
Dimlington High Land
Other Landcover
Easington TA388215
Dobeller Wood
Forest or Wood
Rawcliffe SE696222
Dog Flats
Other Landcover
Nafferton TA059595
Dovelands Plantation
Forest or Wood
Laxton SE792246
Dovelands Plantn
Forest or Wood
Laxton SE795245
Drapecarr Plantation
Forest or Wood
Watton TA062498
Drewton Belts
Forest or Wood
North Cave SE903328
Drewton Dale
South Cave SE923331
Drewton Wold
Other Landcover
South Cave SE938340
Driffield Canal
Other Water Feature
Skerne and Wansford TA055565
Driffield Wold
Other Landcover
Nafferton TA014619
Drive Plantation
Forest or Wood
Bainton SE971531
Drive Plantation
Forest or Wood
Sancton SE883392
Duck Belt
Forest or Wood
Pocklington SE813479
Duck Nest Plantation
Forest or Wood
South Cliffe SE857344
Duck Planting
Forest or Wood
Dalton Holme SE955453
Duck Wood
Forest or Wood
Pocklington SE812476
Duesberry Plantation
Forest or Wood
Kilham TA085661
Dugdale Fields
Other Landcover
Warter SE887490
Dunn Ings Plantation
Forest or Wood
Patrington TA295223
Dutch River
Other Water Feature
Airmyn SE715215
Dyke Side Plantation
Forest or Wood
South Cliffe SE863358
Dyke Wood
Forest or Wood
Bridlington TA214695
Dykes End
Bridlington TA215691
Dykes End
Other Coastal Landform
Bempton TA212732
Dykes Plantation
Forest or Wood
Bempton TA212727
Dykes Plantn
Forest or Wood
Flamborough TA215725
Easing Wood
Forest or Wood
Bubwith SE713378
Easington Clays
Easington TA388161
Easington Clough
Easington TA394169
Easington Clough
Easington TA394170
Easingwold Plantation
Other Landcover
Watton TA064480
East Beck
Other Water Feature
Shipton Thorpe SE865435
East Brow Plantation
Forest or Wood
Kirby Underdale SE820573
East Clough
Brough SE975248
East Common
Other Landcover
Melbourne SE768434
East Common
Other Landcover
Holme upon Spalding Moor SE840385
East Cottingwith Common
Other Landcover
Cottingwith SE720422
East Crags Wood
Forest or Wood
Boynton TA146686
East Dale
Rowley SE942343
East Dale
Wold Newton TA054748
East Dale Wood
Forest or Wood
Brough SE967267
East Field
Other Landcover
Twin Rivers SE852215
East Field
Other Landcover
Humbleton TA200345
East Field
Other Landcover
Mappleton TA214421
East Field
Other Landcover
Roos TA295309
East Field
Other Landcover
Wawne TA099380
East Field
Other Landcover
Hornsea TA198491
East Field
Other Landcover
Wold Newton TA057734
East Field
Other Landcover
Burton Agnes TA104644
East Field
Other Landcover
Carnaby TA133653
East Field
Other Landcover
Foston TA102551
East Field
Other Landcover
Bewholme TA155529
East Field
Other Landcover
Brandesburton TA128479
East Field
Other Landcover
Kelk TA107586
East Field
Other Landcover
Bugthorpe SE781588
East Field
Other Landcover
Bishop Wilton SE787532
East Furze
Other Landcover
Roos TA293328
East Leys Plantation
Forest or Wood
Grindale TA150708
East Moor
Other Landcover
Wilberfoss SE749513
East Moor
Other Landcover
Thornton SE776443
East Nook
Other Coastal Landform
Flamborough TA233691
East Plantation
Forest or Wood
Walkington SE959360
East Plantn
Forest or Wood
Walkington SE955365
East Redcarr Plantation
Forest or Wood
Beeford TA123554
East Redcarr Plantn
Forest or Wood
Beeford TA125555
East Scar
Flamborough TA240722
Eastbelt Plantation
Forest or Wood
Beswick SE998491
Eastburn Beck
Other Water Feature
Kirkburn SE995555
Eastfield Plantation
Forest or Wood
Roos TA298299
Eastfield Plantation
Forest or Wood
Nafferton TA044634
Easthorpe Wold
Other Landcover
Londesborough SE889448
Easton Ashes
Other Landcover
Bridlington TA161689
Easton Plantation
Forest or Wood
Boynton TA153684
Eastroad Plantation
Forest or Wood
Melbourne SE734438
Egg Dale
Sledmere SE920627
Egg Plantation
Forest or Wood
South Cave SE934327
Eight Acre Lake
Inland Water
North Cave SE885311
Eleven Acre Plantation
Forest or Wood
Rowley TA014361
Ell Well
Inland Water
Bainton SE955522
Ella Carr
Forest or Wood
Brandesburton TA095475
Ella Dyke
Other Water Feature
Leconfield TA015445
Elleker Ings Wood
Forest or Wood
Everingham SE798418
Eller Carr
Forest or Wood
Sutton upon Derwent SE730456
Ellerker Clough
Brough SE934265
Ellerker Foreshore
Brough SE930266
Ellerker North Wold
Other Landcover
Ellerker SE941307
Ellerton Common
Other Landcover
Ellerton SE707404
Ellerton Poor's Land
Other Landcover
Cottingwith SE708417
Elloughton Clough
Brough SE945253
Elloughton Wold
Other Landcover
Elloughton-cum-Brough SE956284
Elmer Wood
Forest or Wood
Asselby SE732277
Elmswell Wold
Other Landcover
Garton TA004602
Engine Drain
Other Water Feature
Wawne TA085365
Enholmes Plantation
Forest or Wood
Patrington TA297220
Enthorpe Cutting
Other Landcover
Lund SE909457
Enthorpe Wood
Forest or Wood
Lund SE913463
Eppleworth Wood
Forest or Wood
Skidby SE998319
Eske Boundary Plantation
Forest or Wood
Tickton TA067446
Eske Boundary Plantn
Forest or Wood
Tickton TA065445
Eske Plantation
Forest or Wood
Tickton TA063437
Eske Wood
Forest or Wood
Tickton TA067444
Etton West Wood
Forest or Wood
Etton SE950434
Etton Wold
Other Landcover
Etton SE961435
Evergreen Belt
Forest or Wood
Pocklington SE809486
Evergreen Wood
Forest or Wood
Pocklington SE811483
Everingham Common
Other Landcover
Everingham SE822433
Ewe Dale
Cottam TA000621
Fair Field
Other Landcover
Stamford Bridge SE707555
Fairy Ground
Other Landcover
Leconfield TA026420
Fall Hole
Other Coastal Landform
Flamborough TA248716
Fangfoss Plantation
Forest or Wood
Fangfoss SE746530
Far Field
Other Landcover
Fangfoss SE741516
Far Wold
Other Landcover
Rowley SE955314
Farberry Plantation
Forest or Wood
Warter SE895491
Farclose Plantation
Forest or Wood
Millington SE861562
Farm Wood
Forest or Wood
Melbourne SE733444
Farnton Hill
Hill or Mountain
Rise TA141427
Farnton Plantations
Forest or Wood
Rise TA139428
Faxfleet Ness
Blacktoft SE861239
Feoffee Common
Other Landcover
Yapham SE763508
Fifty Six Acre Covert
Forest or Wood
Bridlington TA151662
Fir Trees
Forest or Wood
Beswick TA005497
First Dale Plantation
Forest or Wood
Warter SE855510
First Dale Plantn
Forest or Wood
Warter SE855505
Firth Plantation
Forest or Wood
Leven TA108440
Firtholme Clough
Easington TA398167
Fish Ponds Wood
Forest or Wood
Bridlington TA143674
Fish Ponds Wood
Forest or Wood
Boynton TA145675
Fisher's Wood
Forest or Wood
Seaton TA168459
Fisherman's Channel
Other Water Feature
Sunk Island TA285195
Fishpond Plantation
Forest or Wood
North Cave SE899330
Fishpond Wood
Forest or Wood
Rowley TA013354
Fishpond Wood
Forest or Wood
Holme upon Spalding Moor SE780387
Fishpond Wood
Forest or Wood
Seaton Ross SE775385
Fishponds Plantation
Forest or Wood
Goodmanham SE883428
Flamborough Head
Coastal Headland
Flamborough TA252706
Flamborough Road Plantation
Forest or Wood
Bempton TA207700
Flame Bushes
Forest or Wood
Nunburnholme SE835497
Flaspins Wood
Forest or Wood
Everingham SE796424
Flatmere Plantation
Forest or Wood
Flamborough TA241709
Flatmere Plantn
Forest or Wood
Flamborough TA245705
Flats Plantation
Forest or Wood
Laxton SE789250
Flawith Beck
Other Water Feature
Stamford Bridge SE735565
Flinton Carr
Other Landcover
Burton Constable TA213365
Flinton Woods
Forest or Wood
Burton Constable TA202362
Flora Plantation
Forest or Wood
North Cave SE899333
Flowery Dale
Bishop Burton SE968377
Folly Hole
Inland Water
Far Grange Park TA180542
Folly Wood
Forest or Wood
Rowley TA012353
Fordham Dale
Kirby Underdale SE835578
Fordham Plantation
Forest or Wood
Kirby Underdale SE830577
Forward Hill Plantation
Forest or Wood
Kelk TA105588
Foss Beck
Other Water Feature
Catton SE735515
Foss Dike
Other Water Feature
Seaton Ross SE765395
Foss Dike
Other Water Feature
Hornsea TA205455
Fosse Hill Pond
Inland Water
Brandesburton TA126465
Fosses Covert
Forest or Wood
Seaton Ross SE767403
Foulholme Sands
Paull TA197217
Four Acre Plantation
Forest or Wood
Kingston upon Hull TA012289
Fox Covert
Forest or Wood
Everingham SE825425
Fox Covert
Forest or Wood
Elstronwick TA225305
Fox Covert
Forest or Wood
Halsham TA285285
Fox Covert Plantation
Forest or Wood
Grindale TA126705
Fox Covert Plantation
Forest or Wood
Holme upon Spalding Moor SE823335
Fox Covert Plantation
Forest or Wood
Wold Newton TA020755
Fox Covert Plantn
Forest or Wood
Holme upon Spalding Moor SE825335
Fox Covert Plantn
Forest or Wood
Grindale TA125705
Foxcovert Wood
Forest or Wood
Pocklington SE818507
Foxholes Bottom
Thwing TA020726
Foxholes Hill Plantation
Forest or Wood
Thwing TA014707
Foxlane Plantation
Forest or Wood
Laxton SE785248
Fraisthorpe Sands
Barmston TA170617
Frendal Dale
Millington SE850549
Friar's Tongue
Other Landcover
Leven TA080468
Fridaythorpe Field
Other Landcover
Wetwang SE885593
Frodingham Beck
Other Water Feature
North Frodingham TA085525
Froghall Plantation
Forest or Wood
Preston TA171319
Funicle Dale
Londesborough SE881467
Furlong Field
Other Landcover
Catton SE711543
Furrows Plantation
Forest or Wood
Bishop Burton SE957404
Gabbetis's Plantation
Forest or Wood
Dalton Holme SE963445
Gale Carr
Other Landcover
Bielby SE782433
Gall Plantation
Forest or Wood
Skirlaugh TA134393
Galley Moor
Other Landcover
Holme upon Spalding Moor SE839401
Gallops Plantation
Forest or Wood
Bishop Burton SE964399
Gally Moor
Other Landcover
Holme upon Spalding Moor SE839398
Gallymoor Plantation
Forest or Wood
Holme upon Spalding Moor SE843398
Gameslack Plantation
Forest or Wood
Fimber SE906601
Gameslack Plantn
Forest or Wood
Fimber SE905605
Gardam Moor
Forest or Wood
South Cliffe SE883366
Garden Covert
Forest or Wood
Bainton SE977531
Garden House Plantation
Forest or Wood
Bridlington TA155661
Garden Plantation
Forest or Wood
Rise TA155421
Garden Plantation
Forest or Wood
Langtoft TA010690
Gardham Warren
Other Landcover
Etton SE949414
Garforth Wood
Forest or Wood
Nunburnholme SE850488
Gargill Close Plantation
Forest or Wood
Humbleton TA233343
Garrowby Hill Plantation
Forest or Wood
Kirby Underdale SE801567
Garrowby Wold
Other Landcover
Kirby Underdale SE813571
Garsome Dale
Lund SE903455
Garthend Field
Other Landcover
Melbourne (East Riding of York SE751437
Garths End Fields
Other Landcover
Millington SE809543
Garton Bottom
Garton SE978624
Garton Gap
East Garton TA279363
Garton Wold
Other Landcover
Garton SE985613
Gawdy Hall Plantation
Forest or Wood
Hutton Cranswick TA015538
Gell-spring Plantation
Forest or Wood
Bridlington TA212698
Gembling Green
Other Landcover
Foston TA111571
Gilders Dale
Nunburnholme SE844500
Gills Mere
Inland Water
Roos TA299331
Given Dale
Bishop Wilton SE818536
Glebe Plantation
Forest or Wood
Bugthorpe SE796581
Golden Valley
Dalton Holme SE940456
Golden Valley
Warter SE869516
Golden Valley Plantation
Forest or Wood
Warter SE867517
Golden Valley Plantn
Forest or Wood
Warter SE865515
Goodmanham Dale
Goodmanham SE913433
Goodmanham Wold
Other Landcover
Goodmanham SE909441
Goole Fields
Other Landcover
Goole Fields SE752201
Goole Moors
Other Landcover
Goole Fields SE739178
Goole Reach
Inland Water
Goole SE753222
Gorse Plantation
Forest or Wood
Rowley TA009352
Gowdall Fields
Other Landcover
Gowdall SE616218
Gowthorpe Beck
Other Water Feature
Bishop Wilton SE775555
Grange Field
Other Landcover
Wawne TA100404
Grange Plantation
Other Landcover
North Cave SE879310
Grange Plantation
Forest or Wood
Bugthorpe SE764578
Grange Plantation
Forest or Wood
Wressle SE720315
Grange Plantn
Forest or Wood
Bugthorpe SE765575
Gransmoor Wood
Forest or Wood
Burton Agnes TA117607
Grass North Field
Other Landcover
Welwick TA349222
Gravelpit Plantation
Forest or Wood
Sutton upon Derwent SE702457
Gravelwalk Plantation
Forest or Wood
Bainton SE977535
Gravelwalk Plantn
Forest or Wood
Bainton SE975535
Gray's Plantation
Forest or Wood
Barmby Moor SE765482
Great Dug Dale
Warter SE881498
Great Flat
Other Landcover
Bempton TA159730
Great Heads Belt
Forest or Wood
Lockington SE994451
Great Plantation
Forest or Wood
Rudston TA072683
Great Plantation
Forest or Wood
Millington SE853564
Great Plantn
Forest or Wood
Millington SE855565
Great Round Plantation
Forest or Wood
Rise TA150425
Great Scars
Flamborough TA238691
Great West Field
Other Landcover
Dalton Holme SE942469
Great West Wood
Forest or Wood
Melbourne SE741429
Great Wold
Other Landcover
South Cave SE942315
Great Wold Plantation
Forest or Wood
South Cave SE936317
Great Wold Plantn
Forest or Wood
South Cave SE945325
Greedy Gut
Easington TA405120
Green Acre
Other Landcover
Rudston TA082717
Green Dikes Plantation
Forest or Wood
Nafferton TA039626
Green Dikes Plantn
Forest or Wood
Nafferton TA045625
Green Lands
Other Landcover
Allerthorpe SE769468
Green Stacks
Other Coastal Landform
Flamborough TA258704
Green Stacks Pinnacle
Flamborough TA258704
Greenland Warren
Other Landcover
Barmby Moor SE754486
Greenoak Clough
Blacktoft SE816234
Other Landcover
Burton Pidsea TA239301
Greenwick Dale
Millington SE849564
Grimethorpe Wood
Forest or Wood
Millington SE808525
Grimthorpe Wood
Forest or Wood
Millington SE811523
Grindale Field
Other Landcover
Grindale TA136719
Groves Plantation
Forest or Wood
Laxton SE797240
Groves Staith
Laxton SE791239
Gull Nook
Other Coastal Landform
Flamborough TA219728
Guy's Wood
Forest or Wood
Melbourne SE728441
Gypsey Race
Other Water Feature
Rudston TA095685
Hagworm Wood
Forest or Wood
Bishop Wilton SE803554
Hailstone Shelves
Other Coastal Landform
Bempton TA176748
Haisthorpe Field
Other Landcover
Carnaby TA131655
Haisthorpe Fox Covert
Forest or Wood
Carnaby TA129626
Haisthorpe High Field
Other Landcover
Carnaby TA123656
Haisthorpe Moor
Other Landcover
Burton Agnes TA128625
Halfmoon Plantation
Forest or Wood
Ottringham TA283229
Hall Field
Other Landcover
Catton SE712539
Hall Fields
Other Landcover
Twin Rivers SE825225
Hall Flat
Other Landcover
Thornton SE769454
Hall Flats
Other Landcover
Burton Agnes TA094624
Hall Moors
Other Landcover
Breighton SE712330
Hall Plantation
Forest or Wood
Patrington TA295239
Hall Staith
Laxton SE782239
Hall Staith
Blacktoft SE824238
Hallowkiln Wood
Forest or Wood
Bridlington TA145670
Hallowkiln Wood
Forest or Wood
Carnaby TA145665
Hamilton Hill
Hill or Mountain
Barmston TA163602
Hammer Rock
Other Coastal Landform
Flamborough TA239722
Hammers Dale
Warter SE881478
Harolds Wood
Forest or Wood
Dalton Holme SE966469
Harper Dale
Wetwang SE895579
Harper Dale Plantation
Forest or Wood
Wetwang SE895578
Harpham Field
Other Landcover
Harpham TA079632
Harpham Moor
Other Landcover
Burton Agnes TA110606
Harrison's Plantation
Forest or Wood
Bishop Burton SE975394
Harswell Wood
Forest or Wood
Everingham SE827403
Hartendale Crag
Other Coastal Landform
Flamborough TA220691
Hartley Shoot
Other Coastal Landform
Bempton TA182746
Hasley Dale
Fimber SE904620
Hatfield Wood
Forest or Wood
Mappleton TA215428
Haver Fields
Other Landcover
Routh TA087422
Haver Ings Wood
Forest or Wood
Millington SE824512
Haver Land
Other Landcover
Thornton SE778446
Hawk Plantation
Forest or Wood
Swanland TA010266
Hawke Channel
Other Water Feature
Easington TA365125
Haxby Plantation
Forest or Wood
Sutton upon Derwent SE738467
Haxby Plantn
Forest or Wood
Sutton upon Derwent SE735465
Haybridge Plantation
Forest or Wood
Bugthorpe SE762572
Hayton Common
Other Landcover
Hayton (East Riding of Yorkshi SE816466
Hayton Field
Other Landcover
Bielby SE806445
Hazelwood Flat
Other Landcover
Bempton TA153728
Head's Plantation
Forest or Wood
Dalton Holme SE957460
Heads Plantation
Forest or Wood
Dalton Holme SE973447
Heads Plantn
Forest or Wood
Etton SE975445
Hedge Nook
Other Coastal Landform
Flamborough TA257701
Hedon Haven
Other Water Feature
Paull TA175275
Hedon Haven Clough
Paull TA175280
Hentig Belt
Forest or Wood
Everingham SE813445
Hentig Plantation
Forest or Wood
Everingham SE811442
Hentig Plantn
Forest or Wood
Everingham SE815445
Hessle Clough
Hessle TA034258
Hessle Haven
Other Water Feature
Hessle TA035255
High Bents
Easington TA418130
High Hunsley
Hill or Mountain
Rowley SE938346
High Moor
Forest or Wood
Barmby Moor SE761476
High Pasture Hill
Hill or Mountain
Bugthorpe SE756579
High Plantation
Forest or Wood
Hayton SE829456
High Plantation
Forest or Wood
Londesborough SE881446
High Plantn
Forest or Wood
Hayton SE835455
High Plantn
Forest or Wood
Londesborough SE885445
High Stacks
Other Coastal Landform
Flamborough TA258704
High Stacks
Other Water Feature
Flamborough TA255705
High Wood
Forest or Wood
Patrington TA298264
High Wood
Forest or Wood
Bridlington TA158667
High Wood
Forest or Wood
Bainton SE957539
High Wood
Forest or Wood
Beswick SE992489
High Wood
Forest or Wood
Nunburnholme SE846497
Highbridge Plantation
Forest or Wood
Seaton Ross SE779421
Highcliff Plantation
Forest or Wood
Warter SE856506
Highcliff Plantn
Forest or Wood
Warter SE855505
Higher Moor Plantation
Forest or Wood
Burton Constable TA186379
Highgate Wood
Forest or Wood
Kirkburn TA002543
Hill Field
Other Landcover
Bridlington TA169698
Hill Fields
Other Landcover
Tibthorpe SE924569
Hill Side Plantation
Forest or Wood
South Cliffe SE879356
Hill Wood
Forest or Wood
Hayton SE834470
Hillside Plantation
Forest or Wood
Rowley SE957337
Hillside Plantation
Forest or Wood
Millington SE816514
Hillside Plantation
Forest or Wood
Hotham SE901337
Hodgson Wood
Forest or Wood
Millington SE804534
Hodsow Field
Other Landcover
Pocklington SE791485
Other Landcover
Elstronwick TA213338
Holderness Drain
Other Water Feature
Tickton TA075415
Hole Bars
Other Water Feature
Sunk Island TA335155
Hollybush Plantation
Forest or Wood
Newbald SE938379
Holme Common
Other Landcover
Holme upon Spalding Moor SE806367
Holme Planting
Forest or Wood
Dalton Holme SE965460
Holmes Gut
Other Coastal Landform
Flamborough TA237720
Holmes Scar
Other Coastal Landform
Flamborough TA235724
Holy Well
Inland Water
Atwick TA185506
Home Covert
Forest or Wood
Bubwith SE747348
Home Covert
Forest or Wood
Everthorpe Hall SE897311
Home Farm Plantation
Forest or Wood
Flamborough TA218699
Honey Pot Plantation
Forest or Wood
Ellerton SE723378
Hook Carr
Other Landcover
Goole SE746251
Hook Clough
Goole SE741257
Hook Moor
Other Landcover
Goole Fields SE723202
Hook Pasture
Other Landcover
Goole SE734219
Hoppel Carr
Other Landcover
Melbourne SE762435
Hoppet Moor
Other Landcover
Sutton upon Derwent SE713484
Hords Covert
Forest or Wood
Burton Agnes TA101625
Hornsea Mere
Inland Water
Hornsea TA192469
Hornsea Mere
Other Water Feature
Hornsea TA195475
Hornsea Sands
Hornsea TA207485
Horse Hole
Other Coastal Landform
Flamborough TA238721
Horse Keld Pond
Inland Water
Dalton Holme SE972464
Horse Pastures
Other Landcover
Thornton SE743452
Horsedale Plantation
Forest or Wood
Huggate SE876571
Horsedale Plantn
Forest or Wood
Huggate SE875575
Horseshoe Plantation
Forest or Wood
Kingston upon Hull TA013284
Hotham Common
Other Landcover
Hotham SE875335
Hotham Hill
Hill or Mountain
South Cliffe SE882354
Houghton Moor
Forest or Wood
Newbald SE890373
Houghton Moor
Forest or Wood
South Cliffe SE885375
Houseclose Plantation
Forest or Wood
Holmpton TA356219
Houseclose Plantation
Forest or Wood
Warter SE882532
Houseclose Plantn
Forest or Wood
Warter SE885535
Howden Common
Other Landcover
Howden SE758305
Howden Dyke Island
Goole SE751259
Howden Dyke Lee
Goole SE750261
Howe Hill Field
Other Landcover
Cherry Burton SE941407
Howgate Plantation
Forest or Wood
Londesborough SE869459
Huddlecross Plantation
Forest or Wood
Riston TA147440
Huddlecross Plantn
Forest or Wood
Catwick TA145445
Huggate Pasture
Other Landcover
Millington SE859556
Huggate Wold
Other Landcover
Huggate SE868575
Hugill Dale
Lund SE937477
Humbleton Beck
Other Water Feature
Elstronwick TA235335
Humbleton Moor
Other Landcover
Humbleton TA210346
Hundle Dale
Kirby Underdale SE815575
Hunsley Dale
Rowley SE946340
Hursthill Plantation
Forest or Wood
Breighton Airfield SE717353
Hut Plantation
Forest or Wood
Kingston upon Hull TA014284
Hutton Plantation
Forest or Wood
Thwing TA026706
Icehouse Plantation
Forest or Wood
Burton Constable TA182373
In Fields
Other Landcover
Twin Rivers SE814222
Ing Nook Plantation
Forest or Wood
Gilberdyke SE827312
Ings Wood
Forest or Wood
Eastrington SE819301
Inkerman Plantation
Forest or Wood
Hutton Cranswick TA006548
Intack Plantation
Forest or Wood
Paull TA190256
Intack Plantation
Forest or Wood
Holmpton TA367239
Intake Field
Other Landcover
Bubwith SE718366
Intake Plantation
Forest or Wood
Wressle SE723318
Ireland's Clough
Easington TA396168
Ireland's Clough (Valley)
Easington TA396168
Iron Hole
Other Coastal Landform
Flamborough TA232724
Island Plantation
Forest or Wood
Hutton Cranswick TA016559
Isle of Man Wood
Forest or Wood
Burton Agnes TA123608
Jack Plantation
Forest or Wood
Foggathorpe SE743419
Jackdaw Plantation
Forest or Wood
South Cave SE923337
Jackson's Plantation
Forest or Wood
Riston TA113398
Jackson's Plantation
Forest or Wood
Dalton Holme SE940459
Jackson's Plantation
Forest or Wood
Sancton SE884395
Jackson's Plantn
Forest or Wood
Dalton Holme SE945465
Jarvis Lands
Other Landcover
North Dalton SE897547
Jaw Bottom Plantation
Forest or Wood
Patrington TA300235
Jenny Firkin Pond
Inland Water
Nunburnholme SE827502
Jenny Firkin Wood
Forest or Wood
Nunburnholme SE828502
Jerry Plantation
Forest or Wood
Harpham TA082599
Jessop's Plantation
Forest or Wood
Warter SE852543
Forest or Wood
Skidby TA027353
Joe Whiteley's Hole
Other Coastal Landform
Flamborough TA237723
Johnie Wold
Forest or Wood
Bishop Burton SE967391
Jordan's Leap
Other Coastal Landform
Bempton TA171748
Jubilee Belt
Forest or Wood
Cherry Burton SE987434
Jubilee Copse
Forest or Wood
Kingston upon Hull TA162282
Jubilee Plantation
Forest or Wood
Bishop Wilton SE766562
Jubilee Wood
Forest or Wood
Hutton Cranswick TA017545
Keasey Dale
Warter SE873538
Keasey Plantation
Forest or Wood
Warter SE887529
Keldsike Plantation
Forest or Wood
Bugthorpe SE773568
Keldsike Plantn
Forest or Wood
Bishop Wilton SE775565
Kelk Beck
Other Water Feature
Kelk TA095575
Kelleythorpe Trout Lake
Inland Water
Kirkburn TA013562
Ken's Wood
Forest or Wood
Watton TA075485
Kendale Bushes
Forest or Wood
Nafferton TA016599
Key Hole
Other Coastal Landform
Flamborough TA233692
Key Plantation
Forest or Wood
Rawcliffe SE688239
Keyingham Clough
Sunk Island TA236189
Keyingham Drain
Other Water Feature
Thorngumbald TA225245
Keyingham Ings
Other Landcover
Keyingham TA248244
Kilham Bottom
Langtoft (East Riding of Yorks TA016659
Kilham West Field
Other Landcover
Kilham TA009641
Kilnsea Clays
Easington TA407141
Kilnsea Warren
Easington TA421147
Kilnwick New Cut
Other Water Feature
Beswick TA015495
Kilnwick Percy Wood
Forest or Wood
Nunburnholme SE825488
Kilpin Common
Other Landcover
Kilpin SE779280
Kindle Scar
Other Coastal Landform
Flamborough TA255709
King Rock
Other Coastal Landform
Flamborough TA245719
King's Moor
Other Landcover
Rawcliffe SE717191
Kirk Lands
Other Landcover
Bishop Wilton SE765554
Knedlington Clough
Airmyn SE731262
Knowles Field
Other Landcover
Hatfield TA192422
L Dike
Other Water Feature
Aldbrough TA205385
Ladies' Fields
Other Landcover
Bewholme TA161536
Lake's Wood
Forest or Wood
Leconfield TA007454
Lakes Wood
Forest or Wood
Leconfield TA005455
Lambert Dale
Cottam SE981626
Lambfold Wood
Forest or Wood
Bishop Burton SE992407
Lambwath Stream
Other Water Feature
Withernwick TA185405
Lambwath Wood
Forest or Wood
Withernwick TA178401
Lang Ness
Cliff or Slope
Flamborough TA230724
Langham Plantation
Forest or Wood
Thorngumbald TA212275
Langrickgate Field
Other Landcover
Cottingwith SE709428
Larch Plantation
Forest or Wood
Everingham SE817416
Lavender Dale
Warter SE887521
Other Landcover
Catton SE727526
Laxton Clough
Laxton SE797238
Leak Wood
Forest or Wood
Hayton SE835442
Leatherdog Lane Plantation
Forest or Wood
Sutton upon Derwent SE700457
Leman Wood
Forest or Wood
Etton SE986439
Leman Wood
Forest or Wood
Dalton Holme SE985445
Letterbox Plantation
Forest or Wood
Allerthorpe SE774466
Leven Canal
Other Water Feature
Leven TA075445
Leys Plantation
Forest or Wood
Bridlington TA202696
Leys Plantation
Forest or Wood
Bugthorpe SE770587
Lily Dale
Millington SE835534
Lily Wood
Forest or Wood
Holme upon Spalding Moor SE797376
Limekiln Wood
Forest or Wood
Sledmere SE941642
Lingholmes Plantation
Forest or Wood
Harpham TA094605
Linghowe Plantation
Forest or Wood
Walkington SE966357
Linghowes Plantation
Forest or Wood
Warter SE854512
Lings Plantation
Forest or Wood
Welton SE959288
Lings Plantation
Forest or Wood
Bishop Burton SE955400
Lings Plantation
Forest or Wood
Warter SE854518
Lings Plantn
Forest or Wood
Warter SE855525
Linley Carr
Other Landcover
Leven TA111448
Little Covert
Forest or Wood
Foston TA091562
Little Dor
Other Coastal Landform
Bempton TA206736
Little Fox Covert
Forest or Wood
Allerthorpe SE771467
Little Thornwick
Other Coastal Landform
Flamborough TA231724
Little Weighton Common
Other Landcover
Rowley SE966347
Little West Wood
Forest or Wood
Melbourne SE743428
Little Wold
Other Landcover
South Cave SE931322
Little Wold
Other Landcover
Dalton Holme SE940460
Little Wold Plantation
Forest or Wood
South Cave SE931323
Little Wold Plantn
Forest or Wood
South Cave SE935325
Little Wood
Forest or Wood
Walkington SE956374
Littlefield Plantation
Forest or Wood
Welton SE976294
Littler Field
Other Landcover
Bielby SE790424
Loaningdale Bottom
Londesborough SE887481
Lockington Carrs Plantation
Forest or Wood
Lockington TA043460
Lockington Wood
Forest or Wood
Lockington SE982458
Lodge Plantation
Forest or Wood
Market Weighton SE879393
Londesborough Field
Other Landcover
Londesborough SE868465
Londesborough Moor
Other Landcover
Londesborough SE847444
Londesborough Wold
Other Landcover
Londesborough SE888470
Long Bottoms
Ulrome TA152563
Long Bottoms
Sutton upon Derwent SE725463
Long Dale
Dalton Holme SE939452
Long Drive Wood
Forest or Wood
Kingston upon Hull TA007296
Long Field
Other Landcover
Twin Rivers SE804217
Long Lands
Other Landcover
Huggate SE908559
Long Plantation
Forest or Wood
Ellerby TA170362
Long Plantation
Forest or Wood
Paull TA228214
Long Plantation
Forest or Wood
North Ferriby SE980258
Long Plantation
Forest or Wood
Brantingham SE956301
Long Plantation
Forest or Wood
Cherry Burton SE990413
Long Plantation
Forest or Wood
Routh TA080408
Long Plantation
Forest or Wood
Wetwang SE942582
Long Plantation
Forest or Wood
Hotham SE858335
Long Plantn
Forest or Wood
Brantingham SE955305
Long Plantn
Forest or Wood
North Ferriby SE985255
Long Wold
Other Landcover
Brantingham SE950308
Long Wood
Forest or Wood
Bridlington TA207696
Long Wood
Forest or Wood
Sledmere SE940653
Long Wood
Forest or Wood
Nafferton TA025623
Longhill Wood
Forest or Wood
Hayton SE840473
Longhowes Plantation
Forest or Wood
Bugthorpe SE785582
Longlane Plantation
Forest or Wood
Ellerton SE722384
Lord Mayor's Whins
Forest or Wood
Brandesburton TA133493
Lord Mayor's Whins
Forest or Wood
Plantation, nr Brandesburton B TA135495
Lord's Field
Other Landcover
Far Grange Park TA182519
Lough Lands
Other Landcover
Leven TA116463
Low Catton Common
Other Landcover
Catton SE713508
Low Caythorpe
Hill or Mountain
Boynton TA122693
Low East Moor Field
Other Landcover
Reedness SE796206
Low Field
Other Landcover
Hessle TA036278
Low Field
Other Landcover
Nunburnholme SE840481
Low Grounds
Other Landcover
Bilton TA141336
Low Grounds
Other Landcover
Barmston TA166602
Low Grounds
Other Landcover
Sutton upon Derwent SE696445
Low Hunsley Plantation
Forest or Wood
Rowley SE944340
Low Hunsley Plantn
Forest or Wood
Rowley SE945335
Low Mere
Inland Water
Fimber SE895606
Low Middle Field
Other Landcover
Newbald SE917354
Low Moor
Forest or Wood
Thornton SE750476
Low Plantation
Forest or Wood
North Cave SE905314
Low Plantation
Forest or Wood
Holme upon Spalding Moor SE834383
Low Plantn
Forest or Wood
Holme upon Spalding Moor SE835385
Low South Field
Other Landcover
Newbald SE917349
Low Thorns
Other Landcover
North Frodingham TA106511
Low Wood
Forest or Wood
Seaton TA174465
Low Wood
Forest or Wood
Beswick TA004498
Low Wood
Forest or Wood
Tibthorpe SE960546
Lowclose Plantation
Forest or Wood
Welwick TA355217
Lower Moor Plantation
Forest or Wood
Burton Constable TA187375
Lund Moor Plantations
Forest or Wood
Beswick SE985487
Lund Moor Wood
Forest or Wood
Beswick SE983487
Lund Wold
Other Landcover
Lund SE920472
Maidlands Plantation
Forest or Wood
Bridlington TA218699
Mallery Nook Plantation
Forest or Wood
Bielby SE781431
Manor Belts
Forest or Wood
South Cave SE924334
Mappleton Cliff
Cliff or Slope
Mappleton TA225442
Mappleton Sands
Mappleton TA224445
Mar Holes Plantation
Forest or Wood
Bridlington TA207691
Margery Staith
Swinefleet SE768225
Market Weighton Canal
Other Water Feature
Holme upon Spalding Moor SE845335
Marketbridge Field
Other Landcover
Bielby SE792450
Marr Plantation
Forest or Wood
Barmston TA152599
Marrbottom Plantn
Forest or Wood
Beswick TA005495
Other Landcover
Twin Rivers SE805210
Marton Belts
Forest or Wood
Burton Constable TA187387
Mask Plantation
Forest or Wood
Sancton SE891402
Mastill Bottom
Goodmanham SE890441
Mathon Nook
Other Coastal Landform
Flamborough TA257705
Mathon Sand
Other Coastal Landform
Flamborough TA258706
Matthew Allison's Nab
Other Coastal Landform
Bempton TA185746
Mausoleum Plantation
Forest or Wood
Welton SE965291
Mazey Shelves
Other Coastal Landform
Bempton TA202737
Meadows Dale
Warter SE892529
Meg Dale
Cottam SE965640
Megdale Plantation
Forest or Wood
Kirby Underdale SE809578
Melton Common
Other Landcover
Brough SE969250
Mere Wood
Forest or Wood
Burton Agnes TA126617
Merebalk Plantation
Forest or Wood
Nunburnholme SE865482
Merrellthorn Field
Other Landcover
Catton SE712531
Metham Clough
Laxton SE811232
Mickfield Plantation
Forest or Wood
Thornton SE739463
Mickfield Plantn
Forest or Wood
Sutton upon Derwent SE735465
Middle Belt
Forest or Wood
Ellerker SE940303
Middle Dale
Kilham TA036653
Middle Dale
Market Weighton SE897413
Middle Field
Other Landcover
Mappleton TA214438
Middle Field
Other Landcover
Harpham TA097648
Middle Field
Other Landcover
Bugthorpe SE776588
Middle Field
Other Landcover
Newton on Derwent SE730494
Middle Field
Other Landcover
Holme upon Spalding Moor SE828388
Middle Plantation
Forest or Wood
Rudston TA069690
Middle Plantn
Forest or Wood
Rudston TA065695
Middle Staith
Kilpin SE765244
Middle Wood
Forest or Wood
Bridlington TA165658
Middleflat Plantation
Forest or Wood
Watton TA066488
Middleham Plantation
Forest or Wood
Wetwang SE903583
Middleham Plantn
Forest or Wood
Wetwang SE905585
Middlethorpe Clump
Forest or Wood
Londesborough SE890458
Middlethorpe Dale
Londesborough SE894448
Middleton Dale
Middleton SE917491
Middleton Road Plantation
Forest or Wood
Warter SE896502
Middleton Wold
Other Landcover
Middleton SE925486
Mill Beck
Other Water Feature
Nurseries, nr South Cave SE905295
Mill Clump
Forest or Wood
Burton Pidsea TA253305
Mill Dale
Nunburnholme SE870494
Mill Field
Other Landcover
Burstwick TA201320
Mill Field
Other Landcover
Riston TA149435
Mill Field
Other Landcover
Newton on Derwent SE729501
Mill Fields
Other Landcover
Burton Constable TA211386
Mill Fields
Other Landcover
Bempton TA174720
Mill Fields
Other Landcover
Wetwang SE940589
Mill Fields
Other Landcover
Twin Rivers SE844199
Mill Flats
Other Landcover
Burton Fleming TA072734
Mill House Lane Plantation
Forest or Wood
Thornton SE764449
Mill Wood
Forest or Wood
Hayton (East Riding of Yorkshi SE823457
Millans Wood
Forest or Wood
Yapham SE782516
Milldale Plantation
Forest or Wood
Nunburnholme SE870493
Millhill Fields
Other Landcover
Sutton upon Derwent SE732460
Millhill Plantation
Forest or Wood
Sancton SE881387
Millington Beck
Other Water Feature
Millington SE825515
Millington Bottom
Nunburnholme SE827510
Millington Bottom
Warter SE835523
Millington Dale
Warter SE844536
Millington Pasture
Other Landcover
Millington SE840537
Millington Wold
Other Landcover
Millington SE842556
Millington Wood
Forest or Wood
Millington SE835535
Millsike Beck
Other Water Feature
Catton SE715545
Milner Wood
Forest or Wood
Bishop Wilton SE801550
Mingle Dale
Bishop Wilton SE821547
Mingledale Plantation
Forest or Wood
Bishop Wilton SE821547
Mingledale Plantn
Forest or Wood
Bishop Wilton SE825545
Minnees Plantation
Forest or Wood
Kirby Underdale SE789574
Minning Dale
Warter SE869520
Minningdale Plantation
Forest or Wood
Warter SE884528
Mo's Wood
Forest or Wood
Warter SE838525
Molk Hole
Other Coastal Landform
Flamborough TA254709
Money Hill
Hill or Mountain
Goodmanham SE919454
Monk Dike
Other Water Feature
Riston TA105425
Monkbridge Plantations
Forest or Wood
Leven TA106437
Monks Dale
Nafferton TA005608
Moor Beck
Other Water Feature
Lockington SE995445
Moor Covert
Forest or Wood
Londesborough SE847447
Moor Fields
Other Landcover
Reedness SE790205
Moor House Field
Other Landcover
Kelk TA106614
Moor Plantation
Forest or Wood
Seaton TA152487
Moor Plantation
Forest or Wood
Dalton Holme SE985446
Moordales Plantation
Forest or Wood
Hayton SE826475
Moordales Plantn
Forest or Wood
Hayton SE825475
Moors Plantation
Forest or Wood
South Cave SE909311
Morris Carr
Other Landcover
Tickton TA075384
Moses Downgate
Other Coastal Landform
Bempton TA197741
Moss Hill Wood
Forest or Wood
Warter SE882494
Mouth Of The Humber
Other Water Feature
Easington TA375095
Mouth of the River Humber
Easington TA370097
Murder Dale
Swanland TA000267
Nabs Plantation
Forest or Wood
Burton Agnes TA119631
Nafferton Mere
Inland Water
Nafferton TA056589
Nafferton Wold
Hill or Mountain
Nafferton TA039615
Natterton Wold
Other Landcover
Nafferton TA044613
Near Drain
Other Water Feature
Kilpin SE795275
Neat Holmes Wood
Forest or Wood
Harpham TA084616
Needles Plantation
Forest or Wood
Bridlington TA218694
Nettle Dale
Warter SE852540
Nettle Trip
Other Coastal Landform
Bempton TA192744
New Covert
Forest or Wood
Melbourne SE731440
New Drain
Other Water Feature
Brandesburton TA115465
New Fall
Other Coastal Landform
Flamborough TA248696
New Field
Other Landcover
Paull TA174281
New Lands
Other Landcover
Ellerton SE718403
New Lands
Other Landcover
Cottingwith SE720428
New Moor
Other Landcover
Melbourne SE743424
New Moor Lands
Other Landcover
Bubwith SE729366
New Paradise Plantation
Forest or Wood
Harpham TA090605
New Pasture
Other Landcover
Cottingwith SE719426
New Plantation
Forest or Wood
East Garton TA274348
New Plantation
Forest or Wood
Bielby SE794416
New Plantation
Forest or Wood
Holme upon Spalding Moor SE794366
New Roll-up
Other Coastal Landform
Bempton TA200739
Newbald Moor
Other Landcover
Newbald SE896373
Newbald Plantation
Forest or Wood
Bishop Burton SE951386
Newbald Wold
Other Landcover
North Newbald SE928374
Newclose Plantation
Forest or Wood
Kilpin SE767235
Newcombe Hope
Other Coastal Landform
Flamborough TA242721
Newcote Fields
Other Landcover
Warter SE846506
Newdikes Plantation
Forest or Wood
Laxton SE783246
Newdrive Plantation
Forest or Wood
Melbourne SE753426
Newfield Plantation
Forest or Wood
South Cave SE905302
Newsham Field
Other Landcover
Bempton TA180713
Newsholme Parks
Other Landcover
Wressle SE730293
Newsome Plantation
Forest or Wood
Plantation, nr Brandesburton B TA131485
Newton Carr
Other Landcover
Newton on Derwent SE743493
Newton Common
Other Landcover
Newton on Derwent SE715496
Newton Fields
Other Landcover
Sutton upon Derwent SE729460
Nine Acre Plantation
Forest or Wood
Laxton SE783261
Nine Acre Plantn
Forest or Wood
Laxton SE785265
Noon Nook
Other Coastal Landform
Bempton TA215730
North Carr
Other Landcover
North Cave SE862318
North Carr
Other Landcover
Woodmansey TA072373
North Channel
Other Water Feature
Sunk Island TA265215
North Cliff
Cliff or Slope
Hornsea TA203492
North Cliff
Cliff or Slope
Withernsea TA334290
North Cliff
Cliff or Slope
Flamborough TA239720
North Cliff
Cliff or Slope
Flamborough TA237720
North Cliffe Common
Other Landcover
South Cliffe SE865375
North Cliffe Wood
Forest or Wood
South Cliffe SE863371
North Common
Other Landcover
Foggathorpe SE743411
North Cotes Plantation
Forest or Wood
Wold Newton TA056742
North Cotes Plantn
Forest or Wood
Wold Newton TA055745
North Covert
Forest or Wood
Bubwith SE744355
North Dale
Kirby Underdale SE813595
North Drive Plantation
Forest or Wood
Hessle TA014266
North Drive Plantation
Forest or Wood
Hessle TA013272
North End Field
Other Landcover
Withernwick TA198408
North End Field Pasture
Other Landcover
Mappleton TA213412
North Field
Other Landcover
Blacktoft SE824260
North Field
Other Landcover
Coniston TA157358
North Field
Other Landcover
Elstronwick TA206331
North Field
Other Landcover
Preston TA183317
North Field
Other Landcover
Elstronwick TA247331
North Field
Other Landcover
Leven TA117460
North Field
Other Landcover
Hornsea TA185489
North Field
Other Landcover
Mappleton TA210446
North Field
Other Landcover
Patrington TA324238
North Field
Other Landcover
Hollym TA349258
North Field
Other Landcover
Hollym TA356237
North Field
Other Landcover
Wetwang SE934601
North Field
Other Landcover
Fimber SE891618
North Field
Other Landcover
Skipsea TA146564
North Field
Other Landcover
Atwick TA183515
North Field
Other Landcover
Hutton Cranswick TA026542
North Field
Other Landcover
Bishop Wilton SE784559
North Field
Other Landcover
Pocklington SE798503
North Field
Other Landcover
Huggate SE893570
North Field
Other Landcover
Everingham SE803431
North Field
Other Landcover
Shiptonthorpe SE859440
North Hill Plantation
Forest or Wood
Bishop Wilton SE767561
North Ings
Other Landcover
Spaldington SE772350
North Landing
Flamborough TA238720
North Lawn
Other Landcover
Welton SE977268
North Middlehowe Remembrance Wood
Forest or Wood
Walkington SE969368
North Moor
Other Landcover
North Moor TA057343
North Moor
Other Landcover
Cottingwith SE711425
North Moor
Other Landcover
Hotham SE894356
North Pasture
Other Landcover
Foston TA123562
North Plantation
Forest or Wood
Burton Constable TA181382
North Plantation
Forest or Wood
Nafferton TA041638
North Plantation
Forest or Wood
Warter SE833510
North Plantation
Forest or Wood
Newbald SE946356
North Plantn
Forest or Wood
Nunburnholme SE835515
North Plantn
Forest or Wood
Nafferton TA045635
North Plantn
Forest or Wood
Ellerby TA175385
North Sands
Bridlington TA194678
North Wold
Other Landcover
Bishop Wilton SE816548
North Wood
Forest or Wood
Boynton TA134689
North Wood
Forest or Wood
Rudston TA113690
North Wood
Forest or Wood
Yapham SE799508
Northdale Plantation
Forest or Wood
Kirby Underdale SE815597
Northfield Plantation
Forest or Wood
Patrington TA288252
Northfield Plantation
Forest or Wood
Hutton Cranswick TA020543
Other Landcover
Burton Constable TA181378
Norwood Plantation
Forest or Wood
Roos TA282341
Nun Flats
Other Landcover
Catton SE704528
Nunburnholme Wold
Other Landcover
Nunburnholme SE860482
Nursery Plantation
Forest or Wood
Bridlington TA154664
Nut Wood
Forest or Wood
Skidby SE989303
Nut Wood
Forest or Wood
North Newbald SE922364
Nut Wood
Forest or Wood
Newbald SE915382
Oak Cottage Plantation
Forest or Wood
Rise TA165409
Oak Plantation
Forest or Wood
Welton SE952258
Oak Wood
Forest or Wood
Burton Agnes TA124619
Oaks Wood
Forest or Wood
West Cowick SE654201
Oaktree Wood
Forest or Wood
Cherry Burton SE983406
Oakwood Plantation
Forest or Wood
South Cliffe SE873354
Old Brackendale Wood
Other Landcover
Barmston TA149634
Old Dale
Dalton Holme SE931447
Old Dale
Thwing TA019707
Old Dale Plantation
Forest or Wood
Dalton Holme SE939441
Old Dale Plantn
Forest or Wood
Dalton Holme SE935445
Old Den
Easington TA402119
Old Den
Other Coastal Landform
Easington TA407124
Old Derwent
Other Water Feature
Asselby SE725285
Old Dor
Other Coastal Landform
Bempton TA205736
Old Fall Plantation
Forest or Wood
Flamborough TA248699
Old Fall Plantn
Forest or Wood
Flamborough TA245705
Old Fox Covert Plantation
Forest or Wood
Hutton Cranswick TA014542
Old Fox Covert Plantn
Forest or Wood
Hutton Cranswick TA015545
Old Gardham Field
Other Landcover
Etton SE945415
Old Hive
Easington TA381231
Old Howe
Other Water Feature
Beeford TA105545
Old Moor
Forest or Wood
Rowley TA011351
Old Plantation
Forest or Wood
Burton Fleming TA071695
Old Road Plantation
Forest or Wood
Cherry Burton SE996417
Old Roll-up
Other Coastal Landform
Bempton TA200738
Old Rush
Forest or Wood
Beswick TA030480
Old Wood
Forest or Wood
Burton Constable TA177360
Old Wood
Forest or Wood
Kirby Underdale SE794569
Old Wood
Forest or Wood
Bishop Wilton SE807552
Oldflat Wood
Forest or Wood
Everingham SE822413
Omascreek Plantation
Forest or Wood
Patrington TA296212
Open Shed Plantation
Forest or Wood
Rise TA150422
Oppy Wood
Other Landcover
Cottingham TA059333
Orchard Plantation
Forest or Wood
Hotham SE897339
Ottringham Drain
Other Water Feature
Ottringham TA255215
Ottringham Ings
Other Landcover
Ottringham TA273234
Ouse Carr
Other Landcover
Goole SE745261
Ousethorpe Wood
Forest or Wood
Millington SE818513
Outfield Plantation
Forest or Wood
Sledmere SE914636
Owl Wood
Forest or Wood
Pocklington SE815479
Owlethill Plantation
Forest or Wood
Londesborough SE882462
Owstwick Carr
Other Landcover
Roos TA273312
Ox Close Wood
Forest or Wood
Londesborough SE862446
Ox Dale
Walkington SE965372
Ox Lands
Other Landcover
Huggate SE895551
Ox Pasture
Other Landcover
Thearne TA064372
Ox Pasture
Other Landcover
Hornsea TA170476
Ox Pasture
Other Landcover
North Frodingham TA087528
Oxen Stang Field
Other Landcover
Barmby on the Marsh SE704278
Oxlands Dale
Huggate SE893558
Oxlands Plantation
Forest or Wood
Huggate SE893559
Oxlands Plantn
Forest or Wood
Huggate SE895555
Oyster Ness
Welton SE953247
Paddock Plantation
Forest or Wood
Patrington TA303216
Painsthorpe Dale
Kirby Underdale SE821585
Painsthorpe Wold
Other Landcover
Kirby Underdale SE830587
Paradise Plantation
Forest or Wood
Harpham TA089604
Park Carr
Other Landcover
Brandesburton TA078486
Park Grounds
Other Landcover
Reedness SE800194
Park Plantation
Forest or Wood
Rise TA157417
Park Plantation
Forest or Wood
Nunburnholme SE818499
Park Wood
Forest or Wood
Melbourne SE732444
Parker's Close Plantation
Forest or Wood
Holmpton TA356223
Pasture Dale
Huggate SE857546
Pasture Dale Plantation
Forest or Wood
Millington SE861549
Other Landcover
Airmyn SE711228
Other Landcover
Burton Constable TA195357
Patrington Channel
Other Water Feature
Sunk Island TA345175
Paull Holme Sands
Paull TA194225
Paull Roads
Inland Water
Paull TA167243
Paull Roads
Other Water Feature
Paull TA165245
Peartree Hill Plantation
Forest or Wood
Routh TA088403
Pecker Plantation
Forest or Wood
Everingham SE805416
Pefham Plantn
Forest or Wood
Fridaythorpe SE865585
Peg Wood
Forest or Wood
Thornton SE756470
Pennythorpes Plantation
Forest or Wood
Laxton SE777253
Pepper Wood
Forest or Wood
Holme-on-Spalding-Moor SE795391
Petersfield Plantation
Forest or Wood
Bielby SE790420
Petersfield Wood
Forest or Wood
Bielby SE794422
Petrel Hole
Other Coastal Landform
Flamborough TA246718
Pexton Plantation
Forest or Wood
Everingham SE812429
Pheasant Plantation
Forest or Wood
Bridlington TA208692
Pheasant Pool
Inland Water
Everingham SE811426
Pheasantpool Plantation
Forest or Wood
Everingham SE810427
Phippin Parks
Other Landcover
West Cowick SE651197
Pigeon Hole
Other Coastal Landform
Flamborough TA255707
Pigeoncote Plantation
Forest or Wood
Bridlington TA206691
Pinderhill Plantation
Forest or Wood
Beeford TA131520
Piper Hill
Hill or Mountain
Patrington TA312241
Piper Hill Clump
Forest or Wood
Patrington TA310240
Pits Plantation
Forest or Wood
Rudston TA101668
Pits Plantn
Forest or Wood
Rudston TA105665
Pitts Plantation
Forest or Wood
Millington SE819535
Pitwherry Bottoms
Beeford TA104543
Plaster Green Wood
Forest or Wood
Harpham TA076619
Platwoods Bar Plantation
Forest or Wood
Skidby TA019349
Platwoods Fields
Other Landcover
Skidby TA025355
Pluckham Dale
Huggate SE847581
Pluckham Plantation
Forest or Wood
Huggate SE846579
Pocklington Beck
Other Water Feature
Yapham SE805505
Pocklington Canal
Other Water Feature
Melbourne (East Riding of York SE755445
Pocklington Common
Other Landcover
Pocklington SE804468
Pocklington Wood
Forest or Wood
Pocklington SE813506
Pollington Carr
Other Landcover
Pollington SE626202
Pond Wood
Forest or Wood
Hayton (East Riding of Yorkshi SE817451
Pond Wood
Forest or Wood
Londesborough SE872447
Poor Wood
Forest or Wood
Millington SE822508
Poor Wood
Forest or Wood
Nunburnholme SE825505
Poor's Land
Other Landcover
Newton on Derwent SE718502
Portington Common
Other Landcover
Eastrington SE782315
Potter Dale
Little Weighton SE991342
Preserve Plantn
Forest or Wood
Kirby Underdale SE795575
Prick Moor
Other Landcover
Allerthorpe SE785479
Prickett Fields
Other Landcover
Sutton upon Derwent SE709467
Prickett Walk Plantation
Forest or Wood
Middleton SE897472
Priest Ings Keld
Other Landcover
Hutton Cranswick TA030515
Primrose Hill
Hill or Mountain
Catton SE720526
Primrose Pit Plantation
Forest or Wood
Nafferton TA049604
Primrose Wood
Forest or Wood
Pocklington SE808484
Prior Moor
Other Landcover
Wold Newton TA021756
Prospect Hill
Hill or Mountain
Burton Pidsea TA256299
Pry Belt
Forest or Wood
Wetwang SE947625
Pry Wood
Forest or Wood
Wetwang SE945630
Quakers' Wood
Forest or Wood
Cottingwith SE722439
Quay Field
Other Landcover
Reedness SE772212
Queen Anne Plantation
Forest or Wood
Hayton SE844462
Queen Rock
Flamborough TA245718
Quintin Bottom
Harpham TA074623
Rabbit Dale
Huggate SE893568
Rabbit Dale Plantation
Forest or Wood
Warter SE851515
Rabbit Hills
Forest or Wood
Rawcliffe Bridge SE686215
Rabbit Warren
Other Landcover
Warter SE844526
Rabbit Warren
Other Landcover
Allerthorpe SE765471
Rabbit Wood
Forest or Wood
Huggate SE889565
Race Dale
Warter SE869515
Racedale Plantation
Forest or Wood
Warter SE867523
Ragstone Hole
Other Coastal Landform
Bridlington TA212689
Raikeshill Plantation
Forest or Wood
Dalton Holme SE943457
Railway Wood
Forest or Wood
Hayton SE837455
Rain Cliff
Cliff or Slope
Bempton TA171749
Ramer's Plantation
Forest or Wood
Coniston TA162360
Rasp Clump
Forest or Wood
Rowley SE954346
Rawcliffe Moors
Other Landcover
Rawcliffe SE724188
Ray Dale
Kirby Underdale SE808599
Red Cliff
Cliff or Slope
North Ferriby SE979249
Red Cliff Hole
Other Coastal Landform
Bempton TA165750
Redcliff Channel
Other Water Feature
Brough SE975245
Redcliff Sand
North Ferriby SE979243
Reedness Clough
Reedness SE799231
Reedness Point
Laxton SE788237
Reservoir Plantation
Forest or Wood
Newbald SE901339
Rhododendron Wood
Forest or Wood
Newbald SE898376
Ridings Beck
Other Water Feature
Millington SE825525
Ridings Plantation
Forest or Wood
Millington SE824538
Rigg Plantation
Forest or Wood
Newbald SE945368
Rigg Plantn
Forest or Wood
Newbald SE945365
Ringlands Plantation
Forest or Wood
Thwing TA020704
Ringlands Plantation
Forest or Wood
Warter SE883523
Ringlands Plantn
Forest or Wood
Warter SE885525
Ringlands Plantn
Forest or Wood
Thwing TA025705
Riplingham Clump
Forest or Wood
Rowley SE958313
Riplingham Common
Other Landcover
Rowley SE961341
Rise Wood
Forest or Wood
Skirlaugh TA150410
Rise Wood
Forest or Wood
Rise TA145415
River Aire
Other Water Feature
Rawcliffe SE675225
River Foulness
Other Water Feature
Holme-on-Spalding-Moor SE795395
River Hull
Other Water Feature
Lockington TA055455
River Humber
Other Water Feature
Welton SE955235
River Ouse
Other Water Feature
Airmyn SE715265
Rock Ends
Other Coastal Landform
Bridlington TA200685
Roehill Plantation
Forest or Wood
Coniston TA173359
Roller Clump
Forest or Wood
Aldbrough TA229382
Rolston Cliff
Cliff or Slope
Mappleton TA217455
Rolston Sands
Mappleton TA217457
Roos Drain
Other Water Feature
Halsham TA285285
Rosemary Coombe
Londesborough SE880464
Rotsea Drain
Other Water Feature
Hutton Cranswick TA065515
Rough Ends Plantation
Forest or Wood
Thwing TA013694
Rough Hill
Hill or Mountain
Aldbrough TA227370
Rough Hill
Hill or Mountain
Humbleton TA225365
Round Close Plantation
Forest or Wood
Roos TA309308
Round Plantation
Forest or Wood
Holme upon Spalding Moor SE794365
Rowlandhall Plantation
Forest or Wood
Wressle SE720303
Rowton Field
Other Landcover
Skirlaugh TA133404
Ruddens Covert
Forest or Wood
Withernwick TA172412
Ruddings Wood
Forest or Wood
Foggathorpe SE737401
Rudston Beacon
Hill or Mountain
Kilham TA094655
Rudstone Dale
Newbald SE922346
Rudstone Walk Plantation
Forest or Wood
Newbald SE923346
Ruffham Field
Other Landcover
Nurseries, nr South Cave SE912295
Ruffhamfield Plantation
Forest or Wood
South Cave SE910300
Ruler Moor
Other Landcover
Holme upon Spalding Moor SE829397
Rush Plantation
Forest or Wood
Bishop Wilton SE797558
Rush Plantn
Forest or Wood
Bishop Wilton SE795555
Rush Wold Plantation
Forest or Wood
Bishop Burton SE967393
Rye Field
Other Landcover
Twin Rivers SE802220
Saddle Nook
Other Coastal Landform
Flamborough TA244719
Sails Beck
Other Water Feature
Newton on Derwent SE745495
Saintofts Dale
Warter SE869531
Saintofts Plantation
Forest or Wood
Warter SE871535
Saintofts Plantn
Forest or Wood
Huggate SE865535
Salamanca Beck
Other Water Feature
Bugthorpe SE795585
Sallymere Plantation
Forest or Wood
Burton Constable TA178378
Salt Beck
Other Water Feature
Fangfoss SE775535
Salthaugh Clough
Sunk Island TA237190
Saltmarshe Clough
Laxton SE780238
Sancton Wold
Other Landcover
Sancton SE916399
Sand Field
Other Landcover
Brough SE932283
Sand Hole
Other Coastal Landform
Flamborough TA237692
Sand le Mere
Roos TA319310
Sandhall Landing
Kilpin SE761238
Sandhall Point
Goole SE750231
Sandhall Reach
Inland Water
Kilpin SE753237
Sandhall Staith
Kilpin SE763240
Sandhill Bottoms
Sutton upon Derwent SE724471
Sandpit Belt
Forest or Wood
Burton Constable TA189356
Sands Clough
Ellerker SE912280
Sands Wood
Forest or Wood
Boynton TA129670
Sands Wood
Forest or Wood
Rudston TA125675
Sandwalk Plantation
Forest or Wood
Sancton SE884388
Sandy Camp Plantation
Forest or Wood
South Cliffe SE868357
Flamborough TA229724
Sanwick Brig
Other Coastal Landform
Flamborough TA228724
Sarah Rhodes' Staith
Kilpin SE766247
Saxon Plantation
Forest or Wood
Londesborough SE869462
Scab Scar
Other Coastal Landform
Flamborough TA232724
Scale Nab
Other Coastal Landform
Bempton TA204737
Scarborough Hill
Hill or Mountain
Hollym TA347242
Scarbro' Wold Plantation
Forest or Wood
Brantingham SE947289
Scarshaws Plantation
Forest or Wood
Mappleton TA223410
Scatter Dale
Warter SE882529
School House Dale
Sledmere SE932630
Scoar Dale
Millington SE840544
Scorborough Beck
Other Water Feature
Leconfield TA015455
Scorborough Ings
Other Landcover
Leconfield TA036458
Scorbro Rush Plantation
Forest or Wood
Londesborough SE842450
Scorbro Rush Plantn
Forest or Wood
Londesborough SE845455
Scoreby Wood
Forest or Wood
Catton SE705525
Scotland Bottoms
Sutton upon Derwent SE723455
Scotten Dale
Kirby Underdale SE817587
Scottendale Plantation
Forest or Wood
Kirby Underdale SE820583
Scout Hole
Other Coastal Landform
Flamborough TA254713
Scrayingham Thorns
Forest or Wood
Bugthorpe SE741585
Scurf Dike
Other Water Feature
Watton TA055505
Sea Field
Other Landcover
Mappleton TA221448
Seaton Common
Other Landcover
Seaton Ross SE772421
Seaton Old Wood
Forest or Wood
Holme upon Spalding Moor SE787392
Seaton Whin Common
Forest or Wood
Seaton TA160481
Seavy Carr
Other Landcover
Thornton SE753451
Selley Carr
Other Landcover
Wawne TA087399
Selwicks Bay
Flamborough TA255710
Selwicks Bay
Other Water Feature
Flamborough TA255705
Seventy Acre Plantation
Forest or Wood
Millington SE846565
Sewerby Rocks
Bridlington TA208687
Shaw Plantation
Forest or Wood
North Cave SE898316
Shearburn Plantation
Forest or Wood
West Cowick SE645206
Sherbuttgate Field
Other Landcover
Pocklington SE793499
Shipton Common
Other Landcover
Shipton Thorpe SE843418
Skeffling TA367159
Short Dale
Dalton Holme SE943456
Shortlands Dale
Huggate SE896555
Shortlands Plantation
Forest or Wood
Huggate SE896557
Shortlands Plantn
Forest or Wood
Huggate SE895555
Shoulder of Mutton Plantation
Forest or Wood
Grindale TA108703
Side Brays
Other Coastal Landform
Bempton TA203737
Silver Fir Plantation
Forest or Wood
Rowley TA003355
Singleton's Wood
Forest or Wood
Nunburnholme SE838487
Sir Charles's Clump
Forest or Wood
Dalton Holme SE959438
Sir John's Plantation
Forest or Wood
Dalton Holme SE956438
Six Acre Plantation
Forest or Wood
Rudston TA126675
Sixpenny Hill Plantation
Forest or Wood
Flamborough TA222719
Sixpenny Hill Plantn
Forest or Wood
Flamborough TA225715
Sixpenny Wood
Forest or Wood
Laxton SE798270
Skeffling Clays
Skeffling TA371171
Skelton Clough
Goole SE765258
Skelton Common
Other Landcover
Eastrington SE772293
Skerne Beck
Other Water Feature
Skerne and Wansford TA045535
Skidby Carr
Other Landcover
Woodmansey TA065354
Skiftings Clump
Forest or Wood
Brough SE981283
Skillings Wood
Forest or Wood
Kelk TA104617
Skipsea Cliff
Cliff or Slope
Far Grange Park TA183546
Skipsea Sands
Skipsea TA183549
Skirlington Cliff
Cliff or Slope
Far Grange Park TA189528
Skirlington Sands
Far Grange Park TA190529
Skirpen Beck
Other Water Feature
Skirpenbeck SE745575
Slaperleys Plantation
Forest or Wood
Hutton Cranswick TA023548
Slays Dale
Nafferton TA016606
Slight's Plantation
Forest or Wood
Kingston upon Hull TA016289
Small Thorns Plantation
Forest or Wood
Dalton Holme SE966447
Smith's Wood
Forest or Wood
Warter SE854496
Smithy Bridge Plantation
Forest or Wood
Burton Constable TA199369
Smugglers' Hole
Other Coastal Landform
Flamborough TA234723
Snaith and Cowick Moors
Other Landcover
Rawcliffe SE715182
Snake Hall Plantation
Forest or Wood
Hotham SE866343
Snake Hall Plantn
Forest or Wood
Hotham SE865345
Snever Dale
Goodmanham SE899427
Snipe Ground
Other Landcover
Hornsea TA188465
Snowclose Plantation
Forest or Wood
Lockington TA003462
Snowclose Plantn
Forest or Wood
Lockington TA005465
Snuff Mill Wood
Forest or Wood
Cottingham TA052321
Sober Hill
Hill or Mountain
Newbald SE930388
Socken Wood
Forest or Wood
Rowley SE979321
Sodwall Plantation
Forest or Wood
Rowley TA005357
Sotheron's Plantation
Forest or Wood
Holme upon Spalding Moor SE807355
Sotheron's Plantn
Forest or Wood
Holme upon Spalding Moor SE805355
Sourland Plantation
Forest or Wood
Sproatley TA185348
South Breil
Flamborough TA245718
South Cliff
Cliff or Slope
Hornsea TA213464
South Cliff
Cliff or Slope
Withernsea TA351266
South Cliff
Cliff or Slope
Flamborough TA253699
South Cliffe Common
Other Landcover
South Cliffe SE863355
South Dalton Wold
Other Landcover
Dalton Holme SE944449
South End Field
Other Landcover
Withernwick TA201401
South End Field
Other Landcover
Withernwick TA187405
South Field
Other Landcover
Welton SE996300
South Landing
Flamborough TA231691
South Lawn
Other Landcover
Welton SE974266
South Moor
Other Landcover
Pocklington SE812476
South Pasture
Other Landcover
Paull TA167269
South Sands
Bridlington TA176652
South Sea
Flamborough TA231690
South Sea Plantation
Forest or Wood
Flamborough TA231694
South Side Plantation
Forest or Wood
Rudston TA106667
South Wold
Forest or Wood
Brantingham SE951296
South Wold
Other Landcover
Newbald SE923348
South Wold Plantation
Forest or Wood
Elloughton-cum-Brough SE952292
South Wold Plantation
Forest or Wood
Kirby Underdale SE817573
South Wold Plantation
Forest or Wood
Newbald SE921346
South Wood
Forest or Wood
Sutton upon Derwent SE697451
South Wood
Forest or Wood
Melbourne SE730433
Southbelt Plantation
Forest or Wood
Beswick SE986491
Southbelt Plantn
Forest or Wood
Beswick SE995485
Southburn Beck
Other Water Feature
Kirkburn SE985545
Southfield Reservoir
Inland Water
West Cowick SE652191
Southfield Reservoir
Other Water Feature
Snaith and Cowick SE655195
Southwood Bottoms
Sutton upon Derwent SE697454
Spaldington Common
Other Landcover
Spaldington SE770324
Speeton Field
Other Landcover
Bempton TA152733
Speeton Moor
Other Landcover
Bempton TA162744
Spellow Clump
Forest or Wood
Garton TA001597
Spen Carr
Other Landcover
Brandesburton TA093488
Spittal Beck
Other Water Feature
Fangfoss SE765525
Spittle Fields
Other Landcover
Nafferton TA062576
Spring Covert
Forest or Wood
Newbald SE904341
Spring Dale
Goodmanham SE892425
Spring Plantation
Forest or Wood
Brough SE961279
Spring Wood
Forest or Wood
Nunburnholme SE816495
Spring Wood
Forest or Wood
Everingham SE810412
Spring Wood
Forest or Wood
Londesborough SE878457
Springfield Wood
Forest or Wood
Seaton TA178461
Springwell Field
Other Landcover
Goodmanham SE910431
Sproatley Drain
Other Water Feature
Sproatley TA205335
Spruce Plantation
Forest or Wood
Allerthorpe SE778461
Spurn Head
Easington TA397103
Spurn Point
Other Landform
Easington TA398107
Spurn Warren
Other Landcover
Easington TA409119
Square Plantation
Forest or Wood
Wold Newton TA039722
Square Wood
Forest or Wood
Bridlington TA206694
St Leonard's Well
Other Water Feature
Fangfoss SE775535
Stable Plantation
Forest or Wood
Millington SE849561
Stack Yard Plantation
Forest or Wood
Swanland TA003272
Stacks Pinnacle
Other Coastal Landform
Flamborough TA258704
Stackyard Plantation
Forest or Wood
Bridlington TA189694
Stackyard Plantation
Forest or Wood
Melbourne SE732437
Standard Hill
Hill or Mountain
Bempton TA190735
Stankhill Field
Other Landcover
Lund SE896445
Star Carr
Other Landcover
Brandesburton TA104466
Starcarr Ponds
Inland Water
Brandesburton TA106468
Stickhill Plantation
Forest or Wood
Laxton SE779242
Stockbridge Hill
Hill or Mountain
Rimswell TA324280
Stockbridge Plantations
Forest or Wood
Brough SE936280
Stockdove Shaw
Forest or Wood
East Garton TA246335
Stockdove Wood
Forest or Wood
Hessle TA020270
Stoddy Dykes
Other Coastal Landform
Bempton TA199741
Stone Breck Field
Other Landcover
Sutton upon Derwent SE718467
Stone Carr
Other Landcover
Wawne TA080386
Stone Creek
Other Water Feature
Sunk Island TA235185
Stone Pit Plantation
Forest or Wood
Burton Agnes TA097639
Stonepit Field
Other Landcover
Wilberfoss SE723512
Stonepit Plantation
Forest or Wood
Brough SE964278
Stonepit Plantation
Forest or Wood
North Cave SE906337
Stonepit Plantation
Forest or Wood
Bempton TA202723
Stonepit Plantation
Forest or Wood
Bishop Wilton SE812547
Stony Binks
Easington TA401103
Storwood Carr
Other Landcover
Melbourne SE733453
Stottle Bank
Cliff or Slope
Flamborough TA253713
Stottle Bank Nook
Other Coastal Landform
Flamborough TA253712
Stream Dike
Other Water Feature
Catwick TA145445
Stream Dike
Other Water Feature
Skipsea TA165545
Strick Pastures
Other Landcover
North Frodingham TA095512
Stripe Close Plantation
Forest or Wood
Twin Rivers SE824209
Stubb's Plantation
Forest or Wood
Bugthorpe SE779585
Studforth Plantation
Forest or Wood
Leven TA098462
Studforth Plantn
Forest or Wood
Leven TA095465
Sugar Mill Ponds
Inland Water
Rawcliffe Bridge SE694210
Summerhouse Plantation
Forest or Wood
Bishop Wilton SE814545
Sunk Island Drain
Other Water Feature
Sunk Island TA275215
Sunk Roads
Sunk Island TA291157
Sunk Roads
Other Water Feature
Sunk Island TA295155
Sutton Common
Other Landcover
Cottingwith SE714456
Sutty Moor
Other Landcover
Newton on Derwent SE734486
Swadgery Mere Wood
Forest or Wood
Bishop Burton TA011382
Swan Island
Hornsea TA194472
Swang Clough
Goole SE735225
Swanland Plantation
Forest or Wood
Swanland TA007283
Swaythorpe Plantation
Forest or Wood
Thwing TA044695
Swaythorpe Plantn
Forest or Wood
Thwing TA045695
Sweattyhill Plantation
Forest or Wood
South Cave SE942323
Swiftdale Plantation
Forest or Wood
Dalton Holme SE945461
Swin Dale
North Newbald SE931368
Swine Moor
Other Landcover
Beverley TA052407
Swinefleet and Reedness Field
Other Landcover
Swinefleet SE786215
Swinefleet and Reedness Moor
Other Landcover
Swinefleet SE770177
Swinefleet and Reedness Pasture
Other Landcover
Reedness SE776192
Swinefleet and Reedness Waste
Other Landcover
Swinefleet SE761164
Swinefleet Reach
Inland Water
Swinefleet SE771228
Swinefleet Warping Drain
Other Water Feature
Swinefleet SE755185
Swinekeld Field
Other Landcover
Watton TA011509
Swineshaw Hole
Other Coastal Landform
Flamborough TA250714
Swingling Moor
Forest or Wood
Millington SE829546
Other Coastal Landform
Flamborough TA242694
Sykes Plantation
Forest or Wood
Flamborough TA243698
Sykes's Plantation
Forest or Wood
Twin Rivers SE808207
Sylvan Dale
Warter SE847527
Sylvia Grove
Forest or Wood
Sledmere SE929639
Syn Dale
Thwing TA042706
Syndale Bottom
Thwing TA040711
Tall Trees
Forest or Wood
Watton TA009497
Tank Plantation
Forest or Wood
Allerthorpe SE772473
Tank Plantn
Forest or Wood
Allerthorpe SE775475
Telford's Plantation
Forest or Wood
Newbald SE900347
Ten Acre Belt
Forest or Wood
Welton SE971291
Ten Acre Plantation
Forest or Wood
Hotham SE898364
Ten Pound Plantation
Forest or Wood
Humbleton TA225335
Terrace Plantation
Forest or Wood
Welton SE976271
The Arches
Other Coastal Landform
Flamborough TA241722
The Beck
Other Water Feature
Thornton SE745455
The Belt
Forest or Wood
Rudston TA109670
The Belt
Forest or Wood
Nunburnholme SE845492
The Belts
Other Landcover
Foggathorpe SE745402
The Bog
Forest or Wood
Halsham TA275285
The Bottoms
Skerne and Wansford TA038567
The Bottoms
Sutton upon Derwent SE725458
The Bottoms
Ellerton SE715389
The Bottoms
Ellerton SE696382
The Brambles
Forest or Wood
Warter SE887500
The Carr
Other Landcover
Spaldington SE799337
The Carr
Forest or Wood
West Cowick SE636204
The Carr
Other Landcover
Mappleton TA242411
The Carr
Other Landcover
Newport SE835323
The Carr
Other Landcover
Pocklington SE802467
The Carr
Other Landcover
Thornton SE737454
The Clump
Forest or Wood
Coniston TA153341
The Cut
Inland Water
Stamford Bridge SE713557
The Dale
Market Weighton SE908425
The Flats
Other Landcover
Eastrington SE789304
The Flats
Other Landcover
Bishop Wilton SE764540
The Furze
Forest or Wood
Roos TA288326
The Glen
Millington SE821512
The Greens
Other Landcover
Humbleton TA223343
The Greens
Other Landcover
Roos TA294292
The Grove
Forest or Wood
Kingston upon Hull TA009287
The Grove
Other Landcover
Bishop Burton SE991396
The Grove
Forest or Wood
Sancton SE890391
The Groves
Other Landcover
Broomfleet SE894278
The Groves
Forest or Wood
Boynton TA139677
The Island
Sancton SE890387
The Island
Hotham SE898338
The Island Sand
Twin Rivers SE864215
The Keld
Inland Water
Driffield TA013575
The Keld
Other Water Feature
Driffield TA015575
The Lake
Inland Water
Burton Constable TA185359
The Lake
Inland Water
Londesborough SE871448
The Lawns
Other Landcover
Withernwick TA205391
The Limekiln
Flamborough TA254710
The Meadows
Other Landcover
Warter SE895526
The Mere
Inland Water
Etton SE980434
The Mere
Inland Water
Dalton Holme SE968454
The Mere
Inland Water
Bishop Burton SE989398
The Mere
Inland Water
Walkington SE999371
The Mere
Inland Water
Bempton TA190720
The Mere
Inland Water
Grindale TA131711
The Mere
Inland Water
Garton-on-the-Wolds SE983594
The Mere
Inland Water
Burton Fleming TA083724
The Mere
Inland Water
Wold Newton TA046729
The Mere
Inland Water
Burton Agnes TA104630
The Mere
Inland Water
North Dalton SE935521
The Mere
Inland Water
Wetwang SE934591
The Moor
Other Landcover
Hatfield TA173438
The Moor
Other Landcover
Bempton TA199734
The Moor
Other Landcover
Brandesburton TA122502
The Moors
Forest or Wood
Burton Constable TA187378
The Moors
Other Landcover
South Cave SE909313
The Moors
Other Landcover
Ulrome TA155577
The Parks
Other Landcover
Sigglesthorne TA140462
The Parks
Other Landcover
Cottingwith SE716438
The Pastures
Other Landcover
Sancton SE892387
The Plain
Other Landcover
Hornsea TA167490
The Plumbs
Welwick TA348174
The Rookery
Forest or Wood
Rowley SE954353
The Runnell
Hollym TA367247
The Saddle
Other Coastal Landform
Flamborough TA244719
The Shrubbery
Forest or Wood
Bridlington TA159663
The Warren
Other Landcover
Ellerker SE940309
The Warren
Other Landcover
Thornton SE739460
The Weir
Inland Water
Holme-on-Spalding-Moor SE816389
The Weres
Inland Water
Ellerton SE708399
The Wilderness
Forest or Wood
Londesborough SE868452
Thearne Common
Forest or Wood
Woodmansey TA075370
Thirty Acre Plantation
Forest or Wood
Warter SE892518
Thirty Acres
Other Landcover
Warter SE897520
Thistlegrowth Plantation
Forest or Wood
Patrington TA297216
Thompson's Plantation
Forest or Wood
Wressle SE744332
Thompson's Plantation
Forest or Wood
Laxton SE791245
Thorn Clump
Forest or Wood
Londesborough SE875452
Thorn Dale
Burton Fleming TA089726
Thorn Dale
Wetwang SE929579
Thorn Dale
Warter SE862522
Thorngumbald Clough
Paull TA171250
Thorngumbald Drain
Other Water Feature
Paull TA185255
Thornholme Field
Other Landcover
Burton Agnes TA113649
Thornholme Moor
Other Landcover
Burton Agnes TA117612
Thornholme Moor
Other Landcover
Burton Agnes TA123628
Thorns Copse
Forest or Wood
Swanland TA001270
Thorns Wood
Forest or Wood
South Cave SE919337
Thorns Wood
Forest or Wood
Nunburnholme SE850472
Thornton Common
Other Landcover
Thornton SE750463
Thornton Wood
Forest or Wood
Thornton SE779444
Thornton Wood
Forest or Wood
Bielby SE785445
Thornwick Bay
Flamborough TA234723
Thornwick Bay
Other Water Feature
Flamborough TA235725
Thornwick Nab
Other Coastal Landform
Flamborough TA232724
Thorp's Plantation
Forest or Wood
Patrington TA293246
Thorp's Plantn
Forest or Wood
Patrington TA295245
Thorpe Common
Other Landcover
Eastrington SE761300
Thorpe Common
Other Landcover
Hayton SE837433
Thorpe Wold
Other Landcover
Brantingham SE953303
Thousand Yard Plantation
Forest or Wood
Kirby Underdale SE826593
Three Cocked Hat Plantation
Forest or Wood
Allerthorpe SE765469
Three Corner Plantation
Forest or Wood
Warter SE885518
Three Nooks
Other Coastal Landform
Bempton TA199740
Throlam Plantation
Forest or Wood
Holme upon Spalding Moor SE821351
Throstle Wood
Forest or Wood
Nunburnholme SE830478
Throstle Wood
Forest or Wood
Hayton SE835475
Throwmires Beck
Other Water Feature
Catton SE715525
Tibthorpe Wold
Other Landcover
Tibthorpe SE947566
Tickton Bridge Plantations
Forest or Wood
Tickton TA074421
Tindal Moor
Forest or Wood
South Cliffe SE887365
Tinkhill Plantation
Forest or Wood
Laxton SE779246
Todd Plantation
Forest or Wood
Patrington TA299231
Toft Lane Wood
Forest or Wood
Carnaby TA144650
Tog Dale
Kilham TA029685
Tollingham Warren
Other Landcover
Holme upon Spalding Moor SE836361
Other Landcover
Blacktoft SE854262
Top Plantation
Forest or Wood
Rowley SE956306
Top Plantn
Forest or Wood
Brantingham SE955305
Top Wood
Forest or Wood
Fangfoss SE765537
Town End Plantation
Forest or Wood
Catton SE709527
Town End Plantn
Forest or Wood
Catton SE715525
Town Pasture
Other Landcover
Burton Agnes TA112634
Town's Pasture
Other Landcover
Ellerton SE698382
Townend Field
Other Landcover
Thornton SE753456
Townend Wood
Forest or Wood
Warter SE880505
Towthorpe Dale
Sledmere SE915632
Towthorpe Plantation
Forest or Wood
Fimber SE888642
Towthorpe Wold
Other Landcover
Fimber SE904638
Trafalgar Plantation
Forest or Wood
Gilberdyke SE829317
Tranmere Cliff
Cliff or Slope
Skipsea Sands Caravan Park TA178561
Tranmere Plantation
Other Landcover
Langtoft (East Riding of Yorks TA013654
Trent Falls
Other Water Feature
Blacktoft SE865235
Triangle Wood
Forest or Wood
Hayton (East Riding of Yorkshi SE810448
Trinity Channel
Other Water Feature
Easington TA395135
Trinity House Land
Other Landcover
Brough SE938286
Trinity Sands
Easington TA382145
Triplescore Plantation
Forest or Wood
Sledmere SE917615
Other Coastal Landform
Flamborough TA252699
Trusey Bottom
Barmston TA164585
Tun Dale
Millington SE850558
Tunstall Drain
Other Water Feature
Rimswell TA315305
Tunstall Pastures
Other Landcover
Roos TA293339
Turfgraft Wood
Forest or Wood
Holme upon Spalding Moor SE785389
Turtle Hill Wood
Forest or Wood
Kelk TA107603
Tutman's Plantation
Forest or Wood
Huggate SE893554
Two Stones
Flamborough TA240692
Ulrome Sands
Ulrome TA175571
Uncleby Brow Plantation
Forest or Wood
Kirby Underdale SE821588
Uncleby Wold
Other Landcover
Kirby Underdale SE825595
Under Parks
Other Landcover
Cottingwith SE711429
Walkington Plantation
Forest or Wood
Rowley SE999362
Walkington Wold
Other Landcover
Walkington SE972366
Walling Fen
Other Landcover
Newport SE875294
Walmsley Siping
Other Coastal Landform
Bempton TA198741
Waltham's Wold Plantation
Forest or Wood
Ellerker SE942305
Wan Dale
Fimber SE880605
Wan Dale
Millington SE836518
Wandale Nab
Other Coastal Landform
Bempton TA207735
Wandhills Plantation
Forest or Wood
Brantingham SE945299
Warham Plantation
Forest or Wood
Spaldington SE786344
Warleycross Hill
Hill or Mountain
North Frodingham TA125505
Warnutts Plantation
Forest or Wood
Rowley SE978326
Warping Clough
Blacktoft SE815235
Warren Dale
Garton SE975620
Warren Dale
Lund SE925470
Warren Dale
Nunburnholme SE834507
Warren Fields
Other Landcover
Garton SE965617
Warren Head
Other Landform
Easington TA419150
Warren Hill Bottom
Harpham TA090587
Warren Hill Plantation
Forest or Wood
Harpham TA086586
Warren Wood
Forest or Wood
Allerthorpe SE767464
Warrendale Plantation
Forest or Wood
Nunburnholme SE834507
Warrendale Plantation
Forest or Wood
Nunburnholme SE867471
Warrendale Plantn
Forest or Wood
Nunburnholme SE835505
Warrendale Plantn
Forest or Wood
Nunburnholme SE875475
Warter Road Plantation
Forest or Wood
Nunburnholme SE839498
Warter Wold
Other Landcover
Warter SE869511
Washdyke Plantation
Forest or Wood
Sancton SE879389
Washdyke Plantn
Forest or Wood
Sancton SE885385
Wasters Plantn
Forest or Wood
Grindale TA135725
Watermill Grounds
Other Landcover
Barmston TA167610
Watery Dyke Belt
Forest or Wood
South Cave SE939316
Watton Beck
Other Water Feature
Watton TA055485
Wauldby Gates Plantation
Forest or Wood
Elloughton-cum-Brough SE955290
Wauldby Green
Other Landcover
Welton SE975300
Wawne Common
Other Landcover
Wawne TA105382
Wawne Common Plantation
Forest or Wood
Wawne TA105393
Wayrham Dale
Kirby Underdale SE837572
Weather Castle
Other Coastal Landform
Bempton TA174748
Weatherhill Plantation
Forest or Wood
Hornsea TA188458
Wedding Wood
Forest or Wood
Hutton Cranswick SE991500
Weedley Dale
South Cave SE942332
Weedley Plantation
Forest or Wood
South Cave SE958324
Weel Carr
Forest or Wood
Tickton TA076394
Weel Stone Carr
Other Landcover
Tickton TA069384
Weeton Clough
Welwick TA354186
Weighton Clay Field
Other Landcover
Market Weighton SE872429
Weighton Common
Other Landcover
Market Weighton SE865402
Weighton Wold
Other Landcover
Market Weighton SE910417
Weldon's Plantation
Forest or Wood
Patrington TA315251
Weldon's Plantation
Forest or Wood
Rimswell TA315255
Well Close Plantation
Forest or Wood
Skidby SE992316
Well Dale
Warter SE862532
Well Dale Plantation
Forest or Wood
Cottam SE971651
Wellfield Plantation
Forest or Wood
Bishop Burton SE963396
Wells Plantation
Forest or Wood
Routh TA103419
Wellsprings Drain
Other Water Feature
Kirkburn SE995535
Welton Bank Clough
Welton SE951249
Welton Common
Other Landcover
Welton SE956259
Welton Dale
Welton SE964284
Welton Water Pond
Inland Water
Welton SE958249
Welton Wold
Other Landcover
Welton SE971283
Welton Wold Plantation
Forest or Wood
Welton SE967289
West Carr
Other Landcover
Sutton upon Derwent SE701462
West Clough
Welton SE963246
West Dale
Langtoft SE993678
West Dale
Wold Newton TA039749
West Field
Other Landcover
Goole SE752254
West Field
Other Landcover
Eastrington SE785302
West Field
Other Landcover
Twin Rivers SE826207
West Field
Other Landcover
Bilton TA188342
West Field
Other Landcover
Humbleton TA220345
West Field
Other Landcover
Skirlaugh TA134395
West Field
Other Landcover
Patrington TA295253
West Field
Other Landcover
Hornsea TA180479
West Field
Other Landcover
Garton SE957605
West Field
Other Landcover
Nafferton TA048588
West Field
Other Landcover
Burton Agnes TA094638
West Field
Other Landcover
Carnaby TA122651
West Field
Other Landcover
Beeford TA110550
West Field
Other Landcover
Kelk TA096574
West Field
Other Landcover
Wetwang SE915589
West Field
Other Landcover
Bishop Wilton SE783548
West Field
Other Landcover
Huggate SE862552
West Field
Other Landcover
Seaton Ross SE775407
West Field
Other Landcover
Thornton SE744455
West Field
Other Landcover
Melbourne SE739447
West Field
Other Landcover
Foggathorpe SE735371
West Fields
Other Landcover
Tibthorpe SE927555
West Furze
Other Landcover
Roos TA286325
West Furze
Other Landcover
Skipsea TA150567
West Hill Plantation
Forest or Wood
Rowley SE945334
West Lands
Other Landcover
Sunk Island TA276221
West Lands
Other Landcover
Huggate SE865565
West Lawn Wood
Forest or Wood
Boynton TA131679
West Moor
Other Landcover
Catton SE721506
West Moor
Other Landcover
Thornton SE752466
West Newton Belts
Forest or Wood
Burton Constable TA191376
West Nook
Other Coastal Landform
Flamborough TA230692
West Pasture
Other Landcover
Millington SE806540
West Plantation
Forest or Wood
Laxton SE776238
West Scar
Other Coastal Landform
Flamborough TA238722
West Wood
Forest or Wood
Bridlington TA200697
West Wood
Forest or Wood
Bugthorpe SE766586
Westbeck Bottom
Warter SE859498
Westbelt Plantation
Forest or Wood
Beswick SE986494
Westfield Plantation
Forest or Wood
Patrington TA292252
Westfield Plantation
Forest or Wood
Bridlington TA197689
Westlands Plantation
Forest or Wood
Ottringham TA277227
Westlands Pond
Inland Water
Brandesburton TA136463
Whale Belt
Forest or Wood
Burton Constable TA190361
Whay Dale
Fimber SE881625
Wheldrake Plantation
Forest or Wood
Hayton (East Riding of Yorkshi SE824465
Whin Hill Clump
Forest or Wood
Patrington TA307238
Whin Plantation
Forest or Wood
Hutton Cranswick TA018546
Whincovert Plantation
Forest or Wood
Everingham SE813423
Whinny Clump
Forest or Wood
Brough SE971251
White Corner
Other Coastal Landform
Flamborough TA217730
White Hill
Hill or Mountain
Burton Fleming TA076709
White Lands
Other Landcover
Sutton upon Derwent SE722482
White Walk Plantation
Forest or Wood
Anlaby with Anlaby Common TA011284
Whitecross Plantation
Forest or Wood
Bugthorpe SE755562
Whitedyke Hole Plantation
Forest or Wood
Grindale TA143722
Whitegates Plantation
Forest or Wood
Sancton SE891395
Whitekeld Dale
Millington SE824537
Whiteland Field
Other Landcover
Sutton upon Derwent SE729489
Whitgift Clough
Laxton SE811227
Whitgift Pasture
Other Landcover
Reedness SE792191
Whitgift Sand
Twin Rivers SE814232
Whitton Island
Broomfleet SE879249
Whitton Sand
Broomfleet SE892254
Forest or Wood
Nunburnholme SE824499
Wilkinson's Wood
Forest or Wood
Everingham SE820430
Willow Flats
Other Landcover
South Cave SE919303
Willow Garth
Forest or Wood
Barmston TA156632
Willow Garth Plantation
Forest or Wood
Brough SE969255
Willow Plantation
Forest or Wood
Laxton SE789264
Willow Toft Fox Covert
Forest or Wood
Elstronwick TA252327
Wilson Wood
Forest or Wood
South Cave SE927312
Wilsthorpe Cliff
Cliff or Slope
Wilsthorpe TA172646
Wilsthorpe Covert
Forest or Wood
Carnaby TA163644
Wilsthorpe Plantation
Forest or Wood
Carnaby TA167644
Wilton Wold Plantation
Forest or Wood
Bishop Wilton SE811553
Wind Covert
Forest or Wood
Nafferton TA027626
Winestead Drain
Other Water Feature
Patrington TA295215
Winestead West Lands
Other Landcover
Patrington TA283225
Winsetts Clough
Easington TA386174
Winter Beck
Other Water Feature
Full Sutton SE745555
Withow Gap
Far Grange Park TA184546
Wold Dale
Londesborough SE883471
Wold Plantation
Forest or Wood
Cherry Burton SE945405
Wold Plantation
Forest or Wood
Fimber SE873649
Woldwater Trout Lakes
Inland Water
Millington SE816515
Woo Dale
Ellerker SE938309
Wood Closes
Other Landcover
Sutton upon Derwent SE708489
Wood Dale
Sledmere SE957645
Wood Dale Plantation
Forest or Wood
Sledmere SE957647
Wood Dale Plantn
Forest or Wood
Sledmere SE955645
Wood Hill Plantation
Forest or Wood
Sledmere SE953631
Wood Leys
Other Landcover
Kirby Underdale SE810596
Wood Whins
Forest or Wood
Nunburnholme SE828485
Wood Whins Belt
Forest or Wood
Nunburnholme SE826482
Wood's Plantation
Forest or Wood
Roos TA296291
Woodale Plantation
Forest or Wood
South Cave SE937311
Woodcock Wood
Forest or Wood
Ellerby TA173374
Woodhouse Common
Other Landcover
Sutton upon Derwent SE735469
Woodley Plantation
Forest or Wood
Kirby Underdale SE811595
Woods Plantation
Forest or Wood
Holmpton TA364223
Woody Plantation
Forest or Wood
Laxton SE796266
Worm Hill Plantation
Forest or Wood
Dalton Holme SE940455
Worsen Dale
Bishop Wilton SE804558
Worsendale Plantation
Forest or Wood
Kirby Underdale SE806563
Wressle Clough
Breighton SE706327
Wycliffe Plantation
Forest or Wood
Burton Constable TA182357
Wycliffe Plantn
Forest or Wood
Coniston TA175355
Wye Dale
Newbald SE919353
Wyton Drain
Other Water Feature
Bilton TA175325
Yapham Common
Other Landcover
Yapham SE767507
Yapham Wood
Forest or Wood
Yapham SE792514
Yarburgh Plantation
Forest or Wood
Bridlington TA205692
Yarmshaw Plantations
Forest or Wood
Asselby SE730285
Yewtree Plantation
Forest or Wood
Rowley TA007351
Yokefleet Clough
Blacktoft SE821237
York Dale
Sledmere SE920631
York Plantation
Forest or Wood
Rowley SE967336
Yorkshire Wolds
Other Landcover
Hutton Cranswick SE996524
Yorkshire Wolds
Hill or Mountain
Cottam SE975635
Zigzag Plantation
Forest or Wood
Rudston TA104670