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Gazetteer Entries in Wiltshire, England
Populated Places only
Geographic Features only
Markers are clustered as there are too many to display individually when zoomed out.
Abberd Brook
Other Water Feature
Calne Without SU015725
Abbey's Wood
Forest or Wood
West Tisbury ST881278
Abbot's Copse
Forest or Wood
Donhead St. Mary ST921191
Abbot's Pond
Inland Water
West Tisbury ST904294
Abbots Down
Other Landcover
Upavon Army Camp SU173562
Abbotscombe Wood
Forest or Wood
Colerne ST801704
Abbott's Wood
Forest or Wood
Bromham ST959643
Ablington Amenity Plantation
Forest or Wood
Figheldean SU156468
Ablington Furze
Forest or Wood
Milston SU181482
Ablington Furze
Forest or Wood
Figheldean SU185485
Acre of Oaks
Forest or Wood
Compton Bassett SU025731
Albie's Planting
Forest or Wood
Redlynch SU247188
Alder Plantation
Forest or Wood
Lydiard Millicent SU093852
Alderbury Common
Other Landcover
Alderbury SU192277
Alderbury Meadows
Other Landcover
Alderbury SU174259
Forest or Wood
Whiteparish SU260229
Aldermoor Copse
Forest or Wood
Sedgehill and Semley ST880251
Aldermoor Wood
Forest or Wood
Redlynch SU240171
Alderton Grove
Forest or Wood
Grittleton ST826812
All Cannings Down
Other Landcover
Alton SU096655
Allen Grove
Forest or Wood
Luckington ST816834
Allen's Grove
Forest or Wood
Ashton Keynes SU041946
Alma Clump
Forest or Wood
Everleigh SU204532
Almshouse Copse
Forest or Wood
Froxfield SU290674
Almshouse Copse
Forest or Wood
Little Bedwyn SU285675
Alsesetting Copse
Forest or Wood
Stockton ST947370
Ambrose Copse
Forest or Wood
Sedgehill and Semley ST901261
Amesbury Down
Other Landcover
Wilsford cum Lake SU149397
Anchor Copse
Forest or Wood
Ramsbury SU284745
Andover Clump
Forest or Wood
Tidworth SU246493
Andover Plantation
Forest or Wood
Tidworth SU239482
Andover's Belt
Forest or Wood
Charlton (Brinkworth Ward) ST944896
Andover's Gorse
Forest or Wood
Charlton (Brinkworth Ward) ST974898
Andrew's Patch
Forest or Wood
Calne Without SU018719
Angrove Wood
Forest or Wood
St. Paul Malmesbury Without ST948844
Ann's Copse
Forest or Wood
Cholderton SU207422
Ann's Wood
Forest or Wood
Cholderton SU209425
Ansty Coombe
Ansty ST950263
Ansty Down
Other Landcover
Ansty ST952250
Ansty Pond
Inland Water
Ansty ST956263
Anville's Copse
Forest or Wood
Shalbourne SU341647
Appsey Copse
Forest or Wood
Redlynch SU237164
Appsy Copse
Forest or Wood
Landford SU227207
Apshill Copse
Forest or Wood
Wootton Rivers SU203637
Apshill Copse
Forest or Wood
Sutton Mandeville ST975295
Arn Hill Down
Hill or Mountain
Warminster ST875463
Arn Hill Down
Hill or Mountain
Warminster ST875465
Arnold's Hill
Hill or Mountain
Wingfield ST834573
Ash Bed
Forest or Wood
Monkton Farleigh ST813646
Ash Bed
Forest or Wood
Bremhill SU001754
Ash Bed
Forest or Wood
Grittleton ST850807
Ash Bed
Forest or Wood
Crudwell ST935936
Ash Bed
Forest or Wood
Minety ST991917
Ash Copse
Forest or Wood
Woodford SU130383
Ash Grove
Forest or Wood
Calne Without ST942692
Ash Plantation
Forest or Wood
Lydiard Millicent SU097850
Ashbed Copse
Forest or Wood
Purton SU076865
Ashcombe Bottom
Berwick St. John ST934190
Ashdod Pond
Inland Water
Whiteparish SU230222
Ashdown Copse
Forest or Wood
Tidworth SU245475
Ashen Bottom
Sherston ST830869
Ashen Copse
Forest or Wood
Hilmarton SU031773
Ashen Copse
Forest or Wood
Preshute SU160670
Ashen Copse
Forest or Wood
Horningsham ST795425
Ashen Wood
Forest or Wood
Bromham ST966634
Ashfield Bottom
Mere ST830333
Ashlade Firs
Forest or Wood
Savernake SU227676
Ashley Down
Other Landcover
Shalbourne SU320614
Ashley Hill
Hill or Mountain
Clarendon Park SU175295
Ashley Wood
Forest or Wood
Kingsdown (Wiltshire) ST805667
Ashley Wood
Forest or Wood
Tisbury ST946312
Ashley's Copse
Forest or Wood
Winterslow SU255345
Ashmore Pond
Inland Water
Chute SU314551
Ashmore Pond
Inland Water
Whiteparish SU247242
Ashton Common
Other Landcover
Steeple Ashton ST881582
Ashton Down
Other Landcover
Ashton Keynes SU037960
Atherton Coppice
Forest or Wood
Ramsbury SU282707
Atkin's Coppice
Forest or Wood
West Knoyle ST850322
Aucombe Bottom
Mere ST826333
Aucombe Bottom
Longbridge Deverill ST833426
Aucombe Island Pond
Inland Water
Crockerton ST842426
Aughton Down
Other Landcover
Everleigh SU216566
Avebury Down
Other Landcover
Avebury SU119702
Avon Grove Wood
Forest or Wood
Bremhill ST990781
Avoncliff Wood
Forest or Wood
Westwood ST797597
Backpath Wood
Forest or Wood
Biddestone ST844737
Bacon Copse
Forest or Wood
Wilcot SU144627
Baden's Clump
Forest or Wood
Enford SU183532
Baden's Clump
Forest or Wood
Everleigh SU185535
Badger's Copse
Forest or Wood
Redlynch SU211206
Badgers' Copse
Forest or Wood
Clyffe Pypard SU063760
Badminton Down
Forest or Wood
Luckington ST817855
Bagbury Belt
Forest or Wood
Upton Lovell ST956419
Bagbury Plantation
Forest or Wood
Upton Lovell ST953416
Bagfield Copse
Forest or Wood
Landford SU237211
Bagfield Copse
Forest or Wood
Whiteparish SU235215
Bailey Hill
Hill or Mountain
Baydon SU282796
Bailey Hill Copse
Forest or Wood
Baydon SU281795
Bailey's Strips
Forest or Wood
Downton SU213236
Baker's Copse
Forest or Wood
Stourton with Gasper ST757340
Baker's Gorse
Forest or Wood
Norton ST888855
Balaam's Wood
Forest or Wood
Ramsbury SU301725
Ball Down
Other Landcover
West Lavington SU047510
Ball's Brake
Forest or Wood
Bremhill ST977736
Ballard's Copse
Forest or Wood
Ramsbury SU290740
Bank Copse
Forest or Wood
Tidcombe and Fosbury SU331569
Banke's Copse
Forest or Wood
Whiteparish SU248220
Barbones Plantation
Forest or Wood
Potterne ST993580
Barford Down
Other Landcover
Barford St Martin SU056327
Barford Down
Other Landcover
Downton SU199225
Barford Heath
Other Landcover
Barford St. Martin SU046305
Barn Bottom
Edington ST946513
Barn Copse
Forest or Wood
Shalbourne SU303654
Barn Copse
Forest or Wood
Dinton SU001324
Barnett's Down
Other Landcover
Broad Chalke SU029269
Barnridge Copse
Forest or Wood
Pitton and Farley SU239290
Barnridge Copse
Forest or Wood
West Dean SU245295
Barnsell Copse
Forest or Wood
Landford SU251218
Barridge Brake
Forest or Wood
Ramsbury SU234722
Barrow Clump
Forest or Wood
Stockton ST965376
Barrow Clump
Forest or Wood
Milston SU165469
Barrow Coppice
Forest or Wood
Berwick St. John ST967179
Barrow Copse
Forest or Wood
West Overton SU155657
Barrow Hill
Hill or Mountain
Ebbesborne Wake ST993234
Barrow Plantation
Forest or Wood
Tilshead SU059495
Barrow Plantation
Forest or Wood
Collingbourne Ducis SU230514
Barrow Plantn
Forest or Wood
Collingbourne Ducis SU225515
Barton Copse
Forest or Wood
Preshute SU173697
Barton Down
Other Landcover
Ogbourne St. Andrew SU168709
Basin Covert
Forest or Wood
Melksham Without ST942654
Basset Down
Other Landcover
Lydiard Tregoze SU116797
Bassett's Moor
Forest or Wood
Calne Without ST972705
Bath Hole Plantation
Forest or Wood
Redlynch SU230194
Bathford Hill
Hill or Mountain
Monkton Farleigh ST794661
Battens Hill Copse
Forest or Wood
Redlynch SU217197
Battery Hill
Hill or Mountain
Gomeldon SU206348
Battery Hill
Hill or Mountain
Firsdown SU205345
Battle Lake
Inland Water
Braydon SU060881
Battle Lake
Other Water Feature
Purton SU065885
Battlelake Plantation
Forest or Wood
Purton SU064879
Battlesbury Hill
Hill or Mountain
Warminster ST898455
Battlesbury Wood
Forest or Wood
Warminster ST898453
Battscroft Copse
Forest or Wood
Downton SU212234
Baverstock Long Coppice
Forest or Wood
Barford St. Martin SU027344
Baverstock's Copse
Forest or Wood
Shalbourne SU312642
Bay's Wood
Forest or Wood
Monkton Farleigh ST797647
Baydons Wood
Forest or Wood
Chippenham (Wiltshire) ST925730
Bayley's Coppice
Forest or Wood
Stourton with Gasper ST762355
Baynton Down
Other Landcover
Bratton ST945503
Baynton Hillside Wood
Forest or Wood
Edington ST947532
Beach's Barn Warren
Forest or Wood
Milston SU187510
Beach's Plantation
Forest or Wood
Milston SU181505
Beach's Plantation
Forest or Wood
Enford SU185505
Beacon Hanging
Forest or Wood
Bulford Camp SU198427
Beacon Hill
Hill or Mountain
Heddington SU001653
Beacon Hill
Hill or Mountain
Bulford Camp SU195427
Beacon Hill
Hill or Mountain
Fonthill Gifford ST915305
Beaconhill Gorse
Forest or Wood
Amesbury SU192419
Bean Hay Copse
Forest or Wood
Latton SU100960
Beaumont's Plantation
Forest or Wood
Newton Tony SU212404
Becker's Wood
Forest or Wood
Castle Combe ST839765
Beckett's Copse
Forest or Wood
Tockenham SU034794
Beckford's Copse
Forest or Wood
Redlynch SU207209
Beckhampton Plantation
Forest or Wood
Avebury SU088671
Beckhill Wood
Forest or Wood
Corsham ST872722
Becky Addy Wood
Forest or Wood
Westwood ST809600
Bedwyn Brail
Forest or Wood
Great Bedwyn SU283627
Bedwyn Common
Forest or Wood
Great Bedwyn SU255655
Beech Circle
Forest or Wood
Preshute SU135712
Beech Clump
Forest or Wood
Stourton with Gasper ST791347
Beech Clump
Forest or Wood
Donhead St. Mary ST924210
Beech Plantation
Forest or Wood
Box ST854670
Beech Walk
Forest or Wood
Calne Without ST944686
Beech Wood
Forest or Wood
Market Lavington SU012543
Beech Wood
Forest or Wood
Durnford SU141384
Beechen Copse
Forest or Wood
Redlynch SU214198
Beechways Copse
Forest or Wood
West Dean SU249301
Beechy Dean Copse
Forest or Wood
Clarendon Park SU195303
Beegarden Copse
Forest or Wood
West Dean SU249285
Bell Copse
Forest or Wood
Ashton Keynes SU039946
Belmore Copse
Forest or Wood
Little Bedwyn SU251664
Belvedere Wood
Forest or Wood
Devizes SU003620
Belvedere Wood
Forest or Wood
Buttermere SU347610
Bemerton Heath
Forest or Wood
Salisbury SU120318
Bencroft Plantation
Forest or Wood
Bremhill ST969733
Benett's Copse
Forest or Wood
Sedgehill and Semley ST871255
Bentley Wood
Forest or Wood
Pitton and Farley SU249297
Bentley Wood
Forest or Wood
West Dean SU255305
Berkley Wood
Forest or Wood
Chapmanslade ST817486
Berril Down
Other Landcover
Chitterne ST993473
Berry Wood Copse
Forest or Wood
Donhead St. Andrew ST907250
Berrymoor Coppice
Forest or Wood
Bromham (Wiltshire) ST959654
Berrymoor Wood
Forest or Wood
Bromham (Wiltshire) ST958653
Berwick Bassett Clump
Forest or Wood
Preshute SU121733
Berwick Bassett Common
Forest or Wood
Winterbourne Bassett SU083732
Berwick Bassett Down
Other Landcover
Preshute SU120734
Berwick Coombe
Berwick St. John ST943233
Berwick Down
Other Landcover
Berwick St. James SU050396
Berwick Down
Other Landcover
Chicklade ST917341
Berwick Down
Other Landcover
Berwick St. John ST940197
Bewley Common
Other Landcover
Lacock ST932680
Bewley Copse
Forest or Wood
Great Bedwyn SU271655
Bewley Green
Other Landcover
Lacock ST927686
Bewley Pond
Inland Water
Great Bedwyn SU269657
Bidcombe Down
Other Landcover
Kingston Deverill ST829385
Bidcombe Hill
Hill or Mountain
Horningsham ST835395
Big Wood
Forest or Wood
Bromham ST983637
Big Wood
Forest or Wood
Chute Forest SU314513
Bigbury Wood
Forest or Wood
Warminster ST909463
Bigg's Copse
Forest or Wood
Pitton and Farley SU215301
Billhay Ashes
Forest or Wood
West Tisbury ST895285
Billhay Pond
Inland Water
West Tisbury ST895280
Bincknoll Wood
Forest or Wood
Broad Town SU104789
Bincombe Wood
Forest or Wood
St. Paul Malmesbury Without ST922823
Birch Copse
Forest or Wood
Little Bedwyn SU241663
Birch Copse
Forest or Wood
Little Bedwyn SU297639
Birch Wood
Forest or Wood
Southwick ST818564
Birchen Copse
Forest or Wood
Redlynch SU215197
Bird's Marsh
Forest or Wood
Langley Burrell Without ST917755
Bird's Marsh
Forest or Wood
Chippenham (Wiltshire) ST915755
Bishop's Cannings Down
Other Landcover
Bishops Cannings SU056667
Bishop's Cannings Down
Hill or Mountain
Bishops Cannings SU055665
Bishops Wood
Forest or Wood
Redlynch SU226202
Bishopstone Down
Forest or Wood
Bishopstone SU076289
Bishopstone Down
Hill or Mountain
Bishopstone SU066292
Bishopstrow Down
Other Landcover
Warminster ST916468
Biss Bottom
Upton Scudamore ST864483
Biss Brook
Other Water Feature
Westbury (Wiltshire) ST855525
Biss Wood
Forest or Wood
West Ashton ST877566
Bitham Lake
Inland Water
Fonthill Gifford ST918305
Bitham Wood
Forest or Wood
Erlestoke ST957531
Bittam Pond
Inland Water
Burbage SU221651
Black Dog Woods
Forest or Wood
Chapmanslade ST825489
Black Heath
Other Landcover
Easterton SU068513
Black Hill
Hill or Mountain
Coombe Bissett SU107229
Blackball Firs
Forest or Wood
Shrewton SU098474
Blackbush Plantation
Forest or Wood
Redlynch SU223197
Blackland Wood
Forest or Wood
Calne Without SU010680
Blackmoor Copse
Forest or Wood
Pitton and Farley SU235295
Blackmore Down
Other Landcover
Ludgershall SU264517
Blackmore Forest
Other Landcover
Melksham Without ST924645
Blacksmith's Copse
Forest or Wood
Shalbourne SU317648
Blackwell Wood
Forest or Wood
Compton Bassett SU042724
Blake's Copse
Forest or Wood
Ramsbury SU252722
Blake's Copse
Forest or Wood
Ramsey (Wiltshire) SU255725
Blake's Firs
Forest or Wood
Winterslow SU232362
Blasketts Copse
Forest or Wood
Sutton Veny ST897430
Blind Ditch Well Bottom
Berwick St. John ST967204
Bloxham Copse
Forest or Wood
Great Bedwyn SU266636
Boar's Bottom
Kingston Deverill ST853382
Bockerly Hill
Hill or Mountain
Chicklade ST895355
Bodenham Hill Plantation
Forest or Wood
Nunton SU160253
Bohemia Plantation
Forest or Wood
Lover SU205195
Boltsridge Copse
Forest or Wood
Ramsey (Wiltshire) SU268722
Bond's Wood
Forest or Wood
North Wraxall ST809738
Bonfire Clump
Forest or Wood
Crockerton ST860427
Bonning's Copse
Forest or Wood
Little Bedwyn SU294652
Boreham Down
Other Landcover
Warminster ST909471
Boreham Down
Other Landcover
Lockeridge SU138664
Boreham Wood
Forest or Wood
West Overton SU133658
Boreland Hill
Hill or Mountain
Woodford SU115375
Botleaze Wood
Forest or Wood
Atworth ST849669
Botley Copse
Forest or Wood
Baydon SU281803
Botley Down
Other Landcover
Shalbourne SU297602
Botley Oak Brake
Forest or Wood
Chicklade ST894368
Bottom Coppice
Forest or Wood
Ramsbury SU279698
Bottom Copse
Forest or Wood
West Tisbury ST920284
Bottom Copse
Forest or Wood
Fonthill Gifford ST903305
Bottom Pond Copse
Forest or Wood
Redlynch SU240203
Bottomhalves Copse
Forest or Wood
Chute SU308545
Boundary Plantation
Forest or Wood
Sherston ST869874
Bourton Green
Other Landcover
Bishops Cannings SU043644
Bowden's Copse
Forest or Wood
Alderbury SU186269
Bower Wood
Forest or Wood
Ramsbury SU305728
Bowman's Wood
Forest or Wood
Winterbourne Bassett SU104747
Bowood Lake
Inland Water
Calne Without ST977699
Bowood Lake
Other Water Feature
Calne Without ST975695
Box Bottom
Box ST829680
Boys Meadow Withybed
Forest or Wood
Quidhampton SU113308
Boyton Bottom
Boyton ST945393
Boyton Wood
Forest or Wood
Boyton ST946391
Brach Copse
Forest or Wood
Sedgehill and Semley ST917263
Brach Pond
Inland Water
West Tisbury ST898279
Brache Copse
Forest or Wood
Teffont Magna ST994322
Bradfield Wood
Forest or Wood
Norton ST900842
Bramshaw Wood
Forest or Wood
Nomansland SU255165
Bransdown Hill
Hill or Mountain
Sherston ST866875
Bratton Down
Other Landcover
Bratton ST903512
Braydon Pond
Inland Water
Charlton (Brinkworth Ward) ST998879
Braydon Pond
Other Water Feature
Lea and Cleverton ST995875
Braydon Wood
Forest or Wood
Charlton (Brinkworth Ward) SU000876
Braydon Wood
Forest or Wood
Lea and Cleverton ST995875
Breach Copse
Forest or Wood
Ham SU340633
Breach Wood
Forest or Wood
Colerne ST806703
Bremhill Grove
Forest or Wood
Bremhill ST973746
Brewers Bushes
Forest or Wood
Redlynch SU236171
Briary Wood
Forest or Wood
Corsham ST875719
Briary Wood
Forest or Wood
Box ST811693
Briary Wood
Forest or Wood
Lacock ST933681
Briary Wood
Forest or Wood
Ramsbury SU244695
Brick Hill
Hill or Mountain
Warminster ST862462
Brick Hill Copse
Forest or Wood
Savernake SU195646
Brick Kiln Wood
Forest or Wood
Calne Without ST965703
Brickhouse Copse
Forest or Wood
Shalbourne SU308658
Brickkiln Copse
Forest or Wood
Tockenham SU025799
Brickkiln Copse
Forest or Wood
Lydiard Millicent SU063863
Brickkiln Copse
Forest or Wood
Winterbourne Bassett SU094746
Brickkiln Copse
Forest or Wood
Braydon SU055878
Brickkiln Copse
Forest or Wood
West Overton SU149658
Brickkiln Copse
Forest or Wood
Clarendon Park SU185287
Brickkiln Copse
Forest or Wood
Sedgehill and Semley ST893276
Brickkiln Plantation
Forest or Wood
Alderbury SU175275
Brickkiln Ride
Forest or Wood
Chute Forest SU305516
Brickworth Down
Other Landcover
Whiteparish SU217245
Brickyard Plantation
Forest or Wood
Melksham Without ST932645
Bridmore Belt
Forest or Wood
Berwick St. John ST957204
Bridmore Green
Forest or Wood
Berwick St. John ST967196
Bright's Reservoir
Inland Water
Christian Malford ST989791
Brimble Hill Clump
Forest or Wood
Maiden Bradley ST810383
Brimley Copse
Forest or Wood
Great Bedwyn SU269655
Brims Down
Other Landcover
Brixton Deverill ST855393
Brimsdown Hill
Hill or Mountain
Maiden Bradley with Yarnfield ST825395
Brimstone Bottom
Perham Down SU251500
Brinkworth Brook
Other Water Feature
Dauntsey ST995835
Brittle Wood
Forest or Wood
Whitley ST877667
Broad Wood
Forest or Wood
Corsham ST850710
Broadlands Copse
Forest or Wood
Landford SU261220
Broadmead Brook
Other Water Feature
Nettleton ST805765
Broadmead Covert
Forest or Wood
Grittleton ST854826
Broadoak Wood
Forest or Wood
Bromham ST950663
Brock's Plantation
Forest or Wood
Sedgehill and Semley ST870263
Brockhurst Wood
Forest or Wood
Lydiard Millicent SU070866
Brokenboro Wood
Forest or Wood
Colerne ST798702
Brokenborough Plantation
Forest or Wood
Brokenborough ST917898
Brokenway Copse
Forest or Wood
Collingbourne Ducis SU263552
Bromham Common
Other Landcover
Bromham ST957643
Bronsdons Copse
Forest or Wood
Great Bedwyn SU271653
Brookes Coppice
Forest or Wood
Berwick St. John ST958176
Broom Copse
Forest or Wood
West Overton SU161653
Broom Copse
Forest or Wood
Compton Chamberlayne SU038307
Broom Hill Wood
Forest or Wood
Redlynch SU240174
Broomsgrove Wood
Forest or Wood
Milton Lilbourne SU179630
Brouncker's Well
Other Water Feature
Coulston ST955505
Brown's Copse
Forest or Wood
Grimstead SU224285
Brown's Copse
Forest or Wood
Middle Winterslow SU240327
Brown's Wood
Forest or Wood
Colerne ST835706
Brown's Wood
Forest or Wood
Sedgehill and Semley ST896272
Brownockhill Plantation
Forest or Wood
Minety SU017903
Browse Green Wood
Forest or Wood
Redlynch SU231174
Bruce Down
Other Landcover
Upavon Army Camp SU165560
Buckerfield Copse
Forest or Wood
Ogbourne St. George SU216741
Bucklands Copse
Forest or Wood
Chute Forest SU328500
Buckler's Plantation
Forest or Wood
Warminster ST846430
Buckler's Wood
Forest or Wood
Warminster ST851433
Buffage Wood
Forest or Wood
Sutton Veny ST876434
Bugden Bottom
Tollard Royal ST951169
Bulford Down
Other Landcover
Bulford Camp SU204442
Bull Plot Withybed
Forest or Wood
Salisbury SU120304
Bullpark Wood
Forest or Wood
Sopworth ST814864
Bulpitt's Copse
Forest or Wood
Tidcombe and Fosbury SU323579
Bunckley's Copse
Forest or Wood
Alderbury SU193258
Bupton Copse
Forest or Wood
Clyffe Pypard SU060758
Burbage Common
Other Landcover
Burbage SU224630
Burbage Down
Other Landcover
Burbage SU220586
Burbrook's Wood
Forest or Wood
Bromham ST962639
Burnstack Plantation
Forest or Wood
Durnford SU144379
Burnt Ground Wood
Forest or Wood
Redlynch SU224173
Burnt Tree Copse
Forest or Wood
Redlynch SU238171
Burnt Wood
Forest or Wood
Froxfield SU264694
Burnt Wood
Forest or Wood
Ramsbury SU265695
Burridge Heath
Other Landcover
Little Bedwyn SU298649
Burridgeheath Plantation
Forest or Wood
Little Bedwyn SU301646
Burton Lane Copse
Forest or Wood
Mere ST832323
Bury Hill Plantation
Forest or Wood
Redlynch SU230192
Bushcombe Bottom
Kingston Deverill ST843387
Bushel's Copse
Forest or Wood
Buttermere SU345601
Bushelleys Copse
Forest or Wood
Little Bedwyn SU271668
Bushy Copse
Forest or Wood
Whiteparish SU253232
Butcher's Copse
Forest or Wood
Grafton SU283595
Buttermere Bottom
Buttermere SU345609
Buttermere Pond
Inland Water
Buttermere SU339613
Buttermere Wood
Forest or Wood
Buttermere SU348605
By Brook
Other Water Feature
Box ST835705
Cadley Bottom
Chute Forest SU310524
Calstone Down
Other Landcover
Cherhill SU048685
Cam's Hill
Hill or Mountain
St. Paul Malmesbury Without ST939858
Candown Copse
Forest or Wood
West Lavington SU040502
Canon Copse
Forest or Wood
Clarendon Park SU185291
Captain's Copse
Forest or Wood
Ham SU345631
Captain's Copse
Forest or Wood
Nomansland SU256192
Carrion Copse
Forest or Wood
Shalbourne SU300597
Carverel Copse
Forest or Wood
Clarendon Park SU196312
Castle Copse
Forest or Wood
Great Bedwyn SU285632
Castle Copse
Forest or Wood
Whiteparish SU247216
Castle Grove Border
Forest or Wood
Froxfield SU270696
Castle Hill
Hill or Mountain
Salisbury SU145325
Castle Plantation
Forest or Wood
Mere ST818329
Castle Plantation
Forest or Wood
Chirton SU081556
Castle Wood
Forest or Wood
Stourton with Gasper ST755335
Catcomb Wood
Forest or Wood
Lyneham Airfield SU001777
Catherines Plantation
Forest or Wood
Odstock SU132236
Catmore Copse
Forest or Wood
Shalbourne SU315657
Catt's Grove
Forest or Wood
Clarendon Park SU170309
Caumans Coppice
Forest or Wood
Bromham ST974642
Cave Copse
Forest or Wood
Donhead St. Mary ST883226
Chaddenwick Furze
Other Landcover
Mere ST849343
Chaddenwick Wood
Forest or Wood
Mere ST831321
Chain Hill
Hill or Mountain
Stapleford SU084371
Chalcot Wood
Forest or Wood
Westbury (Wiltshire) ST842492
Chalkpit Hill Plantation
Forest or Wood
Tidworth SU222496
Chalkpit Wood
Forest or Wood
Tidworth SU223494
Challenge's Grove
Forest or Wood
Monkton Farleigh ST807635
Chantry Copse
Forest or Wood
Chute SU284545
Chantry Wood
Forest or Wood
North Wraxall ST837759
Chapel Belt
Forest or Wood
Corsham ST862712
Chapel Copse
Forest or Wood
Shalbourne SU300596
Chapel Copse
Forest or Wood
Whiteparish SU271239
Chapel Copse
Forest or Wood
Ludgershall SU293512
Chapel Copse
Forest or Wood
Chilmark ST956320
Chapel Plantation
Forest or Wood
Melksham Without ST933645
Chapel Plantation
Forest or Wood
West Tisbury ST905286
Chapel Planting
Forest or Wood
Bromham ST957663
Chapel Wood
Forest or Wood
Yatton Keynell ST851754
Chapperton Down
Other Landcover
West Lavington ST988478
Chapscroft Wood
Forest or Wood
Chippenham Without ST873738
Charlton Clump
Other Landcover
Chirton SU094540
Charlton Clump
Forest or Wood
Charlton (Upavon Ward) SU095545
Charlton Clumps
Other Landcover
Chirton SU100548
Charlton Down
Other Landcover
Chirton SU083522
Charlton Down
Other Landcover
Donhead St. Mary ST906205
Charlton Furze
Forest or Wood
Odstock SU138228
Charlton Plantation
Forest or Wood
Downton SU162248
Forest or Wood
Box ST852670
Charlwood Plantation
Forest or Wood
Box ST853671
Charnage Down
Other Landcover
Mere ST846338
Charwood Copse
Forest or Wood
Bremhill ST981781
Chase Woods
Forest or Wood
Ogbourne St. George SU217749
Chase Woods
Forest or Wood
Aldbourne SU223745
Chase Woods
Forest or Wood
Ebbesborne Wake ST975195
Chequers Hill Plantation
Forest or Wood
Corsham ST887718
Cherhill Down
Other Landcover
Cherhill SU054693
Cherhill Down
Hill or Mountain
Cherhill SU055695
Cherhill Field
Other Landcover
Cherhill SU038707
Cherry Orchard
Forest or Wood
South Wraxall ST824638
Cherry Orchard
Forest or Wood
Luckington ST815845
Cherry Orchard Wood
Forest or Wood
Ramsbury SU239731
Cherry Tree Farm Wood
Forest or Wood
Netheravon SU126491
Cherryfield Wood
Forest or Wood
West Tisbury ST917276
Chesland Wood
Forest or Wood
South Wraxall ST819664
Chessley Hill
Hill or Mountain
Brinkworth SU026816
Chetcombe Bottom
Mere ST821332
Cheval Bottom
Savernake SU229660
Cheverell Wood
Forest or Wood
Marston ST972556
Cheverell Wood
Forest or Wood
Cheverell Magna ST975555
Cheyney's Wood
Forest or Wood
Downton SU208235
Chickard Wood
Forest or Wood
Winterslow SU247309
Chicklade Bottom
Chicklade ST928344
Chicksgrove Wood
Forest or Wood
Chilmark ST976307
Chilfinch Hill
Hill or Mountain
Berwick St. Leonard ST926353
Chilmark Common
Other Landcover
Chilmark ST969313
Chilmark Down
Other Landcover
Chilmark ST971349
Chirton Bottom
Chirton SU064557
Chirton Down
Other Landcover
Chirton SU071543
Chirton Gorse
Other Landcover
Chirton SU067530
Chisbury Wood
Forest or Wood
Great Bedwyn SU273654
Chisenbury Warren
Forest or Wood
Enford SU177538
Chitterne Down
Other Landcover
Chitterne SU025438
Chitterne Down
Other Landcover
Chitterne SU004474
Chittoe Heath Plantation
Forest or Wood
Bromham ST966668
Church Bottom
Broad Chalke SU046240
Church Close Copse
Forest or Wood
Downton SU180201
Church Copse
Forest or Wood
Pitton and Farley SU223304
Church Copse
Forest or Wood
Whiteparish SU228230
Church Fields
Other Landcover
South Wraxall ST834648
Church Hill Plantation
Forest or Wood
Everleigh SU197543
Church Plantation
Forest or Wood
West Ashton ST879561
Churchway Copse
Forest or Wood
East Grimstead SU237276
Chute Down
Other Landcover
Chute SU287536
Clanger Wood
Forest or Wood
Heywood ST878542
Clanger Wood
Forest or Wood
West Ashton ST875545
Clap Lane Coppice
Forest or Wood
Tollard Royal ST946169
Clapcote Brake
Grittleton ST867815
Clapgate Copse
Forest or Wood
Whiteparish SU220235
Clarendon Hill
Hill or Mountain
Tidworth SU225485
Clarendon Hill Plantation
Forest or Wood
Tidworth SU224491
Clatford Bottom
Preshute SU157689
Clatford Down
Other Landcover
Preshute SU145712
Clay Hill Wood
Forest or Wood
West Tisbury ST904301
Clay Pit Clump
Forest or Wood
Chitterne ST994424
Clay Pit Hill
Hill or Mountain
Chitterne ST996424
Clay Pit Hill
Hill or Mountain
Warminster ST995425
Clayhill Copse
Forest or Wood
Ashton Keynes SU048948
Clear Wood
Forest or Wood
Upton Scudamore ST843470
Clearbury Down
Other Landcover
Downton SU156240
Clearbury Plantation
Forest or Wood
Odstock SU151246
Clearbury Ring
Hill or Mountain
Odstock SU152245
Cleeve Coppice
Forest or Wood
East Knoyle ST866323
Cleeve Copse
Forest or Wood
Chilmark ST975319
Cleeve Hill
Hill or Mountain
West Knoyle ST860322
Cleeve Hill
Hill or Mountain
Chirton SU106556
Clevancy Wood
Forest or Wood
Hilmarton SU051750
Cleve Hill Plantation
Forest or Wood
Newton Tony SU221407
Cleves Copse
Forest or Wood
Tidcombe and Fosbury SU312557
Cley Hill
Hill or Mountain
Corsley ST838448
Cliffansty Wood
Forest or Wood
Hilmarton SU053751
Cliffis Copse
Forest or Wood
Donhead St. Andrew ST922251
Clifford Bottom
Steeple Langford SU039376
Clifford's Hill
Hill or Mountain
Alton SU084637
Clifford's Hill
Hill or Mountain
All Cannings SU085635
Clinghill Wood
Forest or Wood
Bromham ST969636
Close Wood
Forest or Wood
Derry Hill ST960714
Cloven Hill Plantation
Forest or Wood
Redlynch SU229179
Clyffe Pypard Wood
Forest or Wood
Clyffe Pypard SU061791
Coal Brake
Forest or Wood
Ramsbury SU300717
Coalpits Copse
Forest or Wood
Winterslow SU245299
Coalpits Copse
Forest or Wood
West Dean SU245295
Cobham Frith
Forest or Wood
Little Bedwyn SU257671
Cock Road Plantation
Forest or Wood
Atworth ST845651
Cocked Hat Copse
Forest or Wood
Mildenhall SU237716
Cocked Hat Plantation
Forest or Wood
Durnford SU153385
Cocked Hat Wood
Forest or Wood
Charlton (Brinkworth Ward) SU003885
Cockey Down
Other Landcover
Salisbury SU170317
Cocklemore Brook
Other Water Feature
Chippenham ST935705
Cockshord Copse
Forest or Wood
Collingbourne Ducis SU270523
Codford Down
Other Landcover
Codford ST973428
Cold Berwick Hill
Hill or Mountain
Chicklade ST919341
Cold Kitchen Hill
Hill or Mountain
Kingston Deverill ST845382
Coldharbour Copse
Forest or Wood
Collingbourne Ducis SU243520
Coldridge Down
Forest or Wood
Ludgershall SU291519
Coldridge Wood
Forest or Wood
Chute SU286528
Cole's Copse
Forest or Wood
Redlynch SU217202
Coles's Copse
Forest or Wood
Redlynch SU233201
Colham Wood
Forest or Wood
Castle Combe ST841760
Collett's Bottom Woods
Forest or Wood
Corsham ST845716
Collin's Copse
Forest or Wood
Whiteparish SU231247
Collingbourne Wood
Forest or Wood
Chute SU276535
Collingbourne Wood
Forest or Wood
Collingbourne Ducis SU275535
Colloway Clump
Forest or Wood
Warminster ST873470
Colonel's Brake
Forest or Wood
Ramsbury SU282699
Colwell Copse
Forest or Wood
Bromham ST955662
Combe Bottom
Bratton ST910517
Combe Hill
Hill or Mountain
Bratton ST906512
Combe Wood
Forest or Wood
Buttermere SU358596
Common Hill
Hill or Mountain
Cricklade SU086933
Common Hill Plantation
Forest or Wood
Biddestone ST839745
Common Hill Wood
Forest or Wood
Sutton Mandeville ST978287
Common Plantation
Forest or Wood
Grimstead SU196276
Common Plantation
Forest or Wood
Alderbury SU195275
Common Wood
Forest or Wood
West Knoyle ST847311
Compton Down
Other Landcover
Chirton SU106516
Compton Down
Other Landcover
Compton Chamberlayne SU036285
Compton Wood
Forest or Wood
Compton Chamberlayne SU020303
Compton Wood
Forest or Wood
Fovant SU015305
Conegar Copse
Forest or Wood
Broad Hinton SU103774
Coneybury Hill Plantation
Forest or Wood
Amesbury SU137413
Coneygre Copse
Forest or Wood
Ramsbury SU291762
Coneygre Copse
Forest or Wood
Tidcombe and Fosbury SU312570
Conholt Bottom
Tidcombe and Fosbury SU327559
Conigree Wood
Forest or Wood
Heywood ST853533
Conkwell Wood
Forest or Wood
Winsley ST788619
Convent Bottom
Stourton with Gasper ST752347
Cook's Common
Forest or Wood
East Grimstead SU235286
Cook's Plantation
Forest or Wood
Cherhill SU071696
Cool's Alders
Forest or Wood
West Tisbury ST905301
Coombe Bissett Down
Other Landcover
Coombe Bissett SU102247
Coombe Bottom
East Knoyle ST891309
Coombe Down
Hill or Mountain
Ogbourne St. Andrew SU182744
Coombe Down
Other Landcover
Everleigh SU186516
Coombe Down
Hill or Mountain
Ogbourne St. George SU185745
Coombe Plantation
Forest or Wood
Enford SU150506
Coombs Wood
Forest or Wood
Colerne ST836735
Copehill Down
Hill or Mountain
Tilshead SU027460
Copehill Down
Other Landcover
Tilshead SU023464
Copehill Plantation
Forest or Wood
Tilshead SU030463
Copse Ground Wood
Forest or Wood
Ramsbury SU290757
Corfe End Lakes
Inland Water
Netheravon SU144495
Coronation Plantation
Forest or Wood
Berwick St. Leonard ST961359
Corp's Clump
Forest or Wood
Crockerton ST857427
Corsham Lake
Inland Water
Corsham ST880705
Corsham Wood
Forest or Wood
Chippenham Without ST881740
Corton Down
Other Landcover
Stockton ST932383
Corton Hill
Hill or Mountain
Corton ST933396
Corton Wood
Forest or Wood
Hilmarton SU055754
Corton Wood
Forest or Wood
Berwick St. Leonard ST928368
Costard's Bushes
Other Landcover
Berwick St. John ST956192
Coster's Ground
Forest or Wood
Chirton SU071571
Cotley Hill
Hill or Mountain
Heytesbury ST920432
Cotley Hill Woods
Forest or Wood
Heytesbury ST922432
Cottage Copse
Forest or Wood
Ramsbury SU242730
Cottage Lake
Inland Water
Oaksey SU009938
Cottles Wood
Forest or Wood
Atworth ST851666
Coulston Down
Other Landcover
Edington ST948505
Coulston Hill
Hill or Mountain
Edington ST944529
Coulston Hillside Wood
Forest or Wood
Edington ST953531
Coulston Shrubbery
Forest or Wood
Edington ST950522
Court Hill
Hill or Mountain
Kingston Deverill ST835367
Court Hill Plantation
Forest or Wood
Kingston Deverill ST835365
Cout Copse
Forest or Wood
Sedgehill and Semley ST918267
Cow Down
Other Landcover
Sutton Veny ST885404
Cow Down
Hill or Mountain
Longbridge Deverill ST886408
Cow Down
Other Landcover
Collingbourne Kingston SU250554
Cow Down
Other Landcover
West Overton SU118654
Cow Down
Other Landcover
Milton Lilbourne SU202563
Cow Down
Other Landcover
Collingbourne Ducis SU230514
Cow Down
Hill or Mountain
Sutton Veny ST885405
Cowage Brook
Other Water Feature
Bremhill ST995745
Cowage Gorse
Forest or Wood
Malmesbury ST912859
Cowage Grove
Forest or Wood
Norton ST903854
Cowage Wood
Forest or Wood
Bremhill ST997742
Cowcommon Bottom
Collingbourne Ducis SU275526
Cowdown Plantation
Forest or Wood
Collingbourne Kingston SU253551
Cowdry's Coppice
Forest or Wood
Teffont Magna ST984319
Cowern Coppice
Forest or Wood
Horningsham ST802423
Cowesfield Green
Forest or Wood
Whiteparish SU261233
Cowesfield Wood
Forest or Wood
Whiteparish SU264231
Cowleaze Coppice
Forest or Wood
Shalbourne SU319656
Cowleaze Copse
Forest or Wood
Lyneham Airfield SU025792
Cowleaze Copse
Forest or Wood
Lydiard Millicent SU062858
Cowley's Copse
Forest or Wood
West Dean SU260294
Cowley's Copse
Forest or Wood
Ham SU345635
Cox Hill
Hill or Mountain
Leigh SU055905
Crab Tree Copse
Forest or Wood
Derry Hill ST972716
Crabtree Bottom
Warminster ST841437
Cradle Hill
Hill or Mountain
Warminster ST882462
Cranhill Wood
Forest or Wood
Grittleton ST839815
Crates Wood
Forest or Wood
Donhead St. Mary ST885252
Cream Gorse
Forest or Wood
Sherston ST860833
Crendle Bottom Copse
Forest or Wood
Clarendon Park SU197299
Crescent Copse
Forest or Wood
Shrewton SU102454
Creswell's Pond
Inland Water
Tisbury ST934264
Crichton Plantation
Forest or Wood
Coombe Bissett SU129254
Croat Wood
Forest or Wood
Compton Bassett SU039722
Crockerton Firs
Forest or Wood
Ansty ST963249
Crockerton Ponds
Inland Water
Longbridge Deverill ST854422
Crockford Copse
Forest or Wood
West Grimstead SU204268
Croft Hanger
Forest or Wood
Chute Forest SU310534
Crooks Copse
Forest or Wood
Wootton Rivers SU212639
Cross Bottom
Bowerchalke SU018218
Crouch's Down
Other Landcover
Barford St. Martin SU043325
Crouch's Down
Hill or Mountain
Dinton SU043324
Croucheston Down
Other Landcover
Bishopstone SU077224
Crow Brake
Forest or Wood
Lydiard Millicent SU107848
Crow Down
Other Landcover
Burbage SU216575
Crow Down Springs
Other Water Feature
Sopworth ST835865
Crow's Nest Bottom
Redlynch SU243160
Crow's Nest Copse
Forest or Wood
Redlynch SU237165
Crowdell's Copse
Forest or Wood
Dinton SU034318
Crowdown Clump
Forest or Wood
Burbage SU217577
Cuckold's Green
Other Landcover
Potterne ST981576
Cuckoo Clump
Forest or Wood
Cholderton SU224426
Cullimer's Wood
Forest or Wood
North Wraxall ST822748
Culversleaze Copse
Forest or Wood
East Grafton SU254609
Cumberwell Wood
Forest or Wood
South Wraxall ST817635
Cupid's Grove
Forest or Wood
Alderbury SU173280
Cusse's Gorse
Forest or Wood
Winterbourne SU163370
Custom Bottom
Great Wishford SU081337
Cuttice Bottom
Berwick St. John ST954190
Cuttice Down
Other Landcover
Berwick St. John ST955197
D Covert
Forest or Wood
Stockton ST962364
Daffy Copse
Forest or Wood
Chilton Foliat SU307714
Daffy Copse
Forest or Wood
Fyfield SU162664
Dairy Coppice
Forest or Wood
Horningsham ST802418
Dairy Plantation
Forest or Wood
Sutton Veny ST901427
Dance Common
Other Landcover
Cricklade SU098927
Danes' Bottom
Kingston Deverill ST837361
Daniel's Wood
Forest or Wood
Lacock ST897669
Dank Wood Corner
Forest or Wood
Ebbesborne Wake ST996212
Danks Down Cottage Wood
Forest or Wood
North Wraxall ST840755
Danks Down Wood
Forest or Wood
North Wraxall ST843753
Dark Copse
Forest or Wood
Redlynch SU189200
Dawes Pond
Inland Water
Holt (Wiltshire) ST860619
Deadhill Plantation
Forest or Wood
Grittleton ST881802
Deadhill Wood
Forest or Wood
Grittleton ST884801
Dean Bottom
Preshute SU152741
Dean Copse
Forest or Wood
Fovant ST994286
Dean Copse
Forest or Wood
West Dean SU249280
Dean Hill
Hill or Mountain
West Dean SU255265
Dean Plantation
Forest or Wood
Oaksey ST985945
Deane Water
Other Water Feature
Milton Lilbourne SU195615
Deane Water
Other Water Feature
Easton SU215615
Dee Plantation
Forest or Wood
Kingston Deverill ST843356
Deepet's Wood Copse
Forest or Wood
Calne Without ST981673
Deer Mead Pond
Inland Water
Calne Without ST965700
Delhi Plantation
Forest or Wood
Grittleton ST853785
Delling Copse
Forest or Wood
Preshute SU133711
Dengrove Bottom
Donhead St. Andrew ST925241
Dengrove Copse
Forest or Wood
Donhead St. Andrew ST924243
Denmead Copses
Forest or Wood
Ansty ST955256
Deptford Down
Other Landcover
Wylye SU014405
Derry Brook
Other Water Feature
Leigh SU045925
Derry Hill Plantation
Forest or Wood
Derry Hill ST959701
Derry Woods
Forest or Wood
Derry Hill ST955710
Dertford's Wood
Forest or Wood
Corsley ST817445
Dertley Plain
Forest or Wood
Longbridge Deverill ST839416
Deverell's Plantation
Forest or Wood
Nettleton ST830776
Deverells Wood
Forest or Wood
Mere ST803338
Devil's Copse
Forest or Wood
Crudwell ST972946
Dewdown Copse
Forest or Wood
Sedgehill and Semley ST858273
Didmarton Grove
Forest or Wood
Sherston ST833894
Diens Plantation
Forest or Wood
Britford SU163272
Dilton Middle Down
Other Landcover
Westbury ST886496
Dinton Beeches
Forest or Wood
Dinton SU007348
Dirtley Wood
Forest or Wood
Warminster ST895485
Dod Pool
Inland Water
Horningsham ST826433
Dodleaze Wood
Forest or Wood
Limpley Stoke ST777616
Dog Kennel Plantation
Forest or Wood
Langley Burrell Without ST925755
Dogtail Plantation
Forest or Wood
Urchfont SU046557
Dogtail Plantn
Forest or Wood
Urchfont SU045555
Dollaker's Green
Forest or Wood
Brinkworth ST997863
Doncombe Bottom
North Wraxall ST812739
Dongola Clump
Forest or Wood
Calne Without ST971683
Donkey Copse
Forest or Wood
West Dean SU249279
Down Plantation
Forest or Wood
Colerne ST827740
Downbarn Plantation
Forest or Wood
Shrewton SU080470
Other Landcover
Buttermere SU366596
Other Landcover
Coombe Bissett SU105256
Draught Wood
Forest or Wood
Colerne ST804702
Drew's Pond
Inland Water
Devizes SU005596
Drew's Pond Wood
Forest or Wood
Devizes SU006598
Dreweatt's Clump
Forest or Wood
Everleigh SU178519
Druid's Head Wood
Forest or Wood
Stapleford SU084385
Duchess' Clump
Forest or Wood
Sopworth ST813858
Dukes Brake
Forest or Wood
Latton SU078976
Dunch Hill
Hill or Mountain
Tidworth SU215485
Dunch Hill Plantation
Forest or Wood
Tidworth SU208485
Dunch Hill Plantation
Forest or Wood
Tidworth SU205485
Dunley Gorse
Forest or Wood
Grittleton ST850815
Dunley Wood
Forest or Wood
Grittleton ST859810
Dunn's Lane Wood
Forest or Wood
Calne Without ST981701
Dunscombe Bottom
Knook ST940431
Dunstable Pond
Inland Water
Winterslow SU223332
Dunworth Copse
Forest or Wood
Tisbury ST952278
Durlett Wood
Forest or Wood
Rowde ST963632
Durrington Down
Other Landcover
Durrington SU120438
Durrington Down Plantation
Forest or Wood
Shrewton SU116442
Durrington Field
Other Landcover
Larkhill SU145445
Dwarf Brake
Forest or Wood
Chilton Foliat SU302710
Dyer's Plantation
Forest or Wood
Castle Combe ST840773
Earl's Farm Down
Other Landcover
Amesbury SU184414
East Barrow Belt
Forest or Wood
Upton Lovell ST955423
East Codford Down
Other Landcover
Codford ST987416
East Combe Wood
Forest or Wood
Alvediston ST991220
East Combe Wood
Forest or Wood
Ebbesborne Wake ST995225
East Common
Forest or Wood
Horningsham ST803406
East Copse
Forest or Wood
Whiteparish SU226215
East Croft Coppice
Forest or Wood
Little Bedwyn SU233683
East Down
Other Landcover
Tidcombe and Fosbury SU321573
East Down
Other Landcover
Tilshead SU061491
East Ivers Wood
Forest or Wood
Berwick St. John ST958214
East Wood
Forest or Wood
Redlynch SU210187
Eastern Plantation
Forest or Wood
Newton Tony SU224415
Eastleigh Wood
Forest or Wood
Sutton Veny ST884429
Easton Clump
Forest or Wood
Easton Royal SU211593
Easton Clump
Forest or Wood
Burbage SU215595
Easton Down
Other Landcover
Bishops Cannings SU061660
Easton Hill
Hill or Mountain
Bishops Cannings SU060652
Easton Hill
Hill or Mountain
Easton Royal SU210591
Easton Hill
Hill or Mountain
Milton Lilbourne SU205585
Easton Wood
Forest or Wood
Kington St. Michael ST890779
Ebbesborne Down
Other Landcover
Ebbesborne Wake ST977251
Ebsbury Copse
Forest or Wood
Steeple Langford SU055355
Ebsbury Hill
Hill or Mountain
Steeple Langford SU065353
Edgecorner Wood
Forest or Wood
Nettleton ST811792
Edington Hill
Hill or Mountain
Edington ST928523
Edwards Copse
Forest or Wood
Dinton (Wiltshire) SU000310
Eelstage Pond
Inland Water
West Tisbury ST900277
Eight Acre Plantation
Forest or Wood
Melksham Without ST932638
Eighteen Acre Plantation
Forest or Wood
Melksham Without ST936640
Eisey Field Copse
Forest or Wood
Latton SU124956
Elcombe Copse
Forest or Wood
Alvediston ST975220
Elcombe Down
Other Landcover
Alvediston ST978217
Eleanor Belt
Forest or Wood
Clarendon Park SU175314
Ell Wood
Forest or Wood
Seagry ST938802
Elm Plantation
Forest or Wood
Lydiard Tregoze SU096845
England's Wood
Forest or Wood
Box ST820678
Ennox Wood
Forest or Wood
Box ST841690
Erkwell Wood
Forest or Wood
Biddestone ST843722
Erlestoke Park Wood
Forest or Wood
Erlestoke ST964535
Etchilhampton Hill
Hill or Mountain
Bishops Cannings SU032601
Etchilhampton Hill
Hill or Mountain
Stert SU035605
Etchilhampton Plantation
Forest or Wood
Etchilhampton SU054599
Etchilhampton Water
Other Water Feature
Etchilhampton SU065605
Everett's Wood
Forest or Wood
Horningsham ST817402
Everleigh Ashes
Forest or Wood
Milton Lilbourne SU196566
Everleigh Down
Other Landcover
Everleigh SU203529
Eyeworth Wood
Forest or Wood
Redlynch SU225155
Faggotty Copse
Forest or Wood
Great Bedwyn SU267656
Fagot Heath
Forest or Wood
Chippenham Without ST877740
Fairbroad Coppice
Forest or Wood
Horningsham ST796420
Fairmile Clumps
Forest or Wood
Collingbourne Kingston SU261575
Fairmile Down
Other Landcover
Collingbourne Kingston SU259570
Fairoak Copse
Forest or Wood
Chute SU279528
Fairoak Copse
Forest or Wood
Clarendon Park SU199308
Fairview Fields
Other Landcover
Cricklade SU105936
Fargo Plantation
Forest or Wood
Winterbourne Stoke SU110432
Fargo Plantation
Forest or Wood
Durrington SU115435
Farleigh Clump
Forest or Wood
Monkton Farleigh ST798656
Farleigh Down Plantation
Forest or Wood
Monkton Farleigh ST794654
Farley Copse
Forest or Wood
Pitton and Farley SU226289
Farm Close Hanging
Forest or Wood
Donhead St. Mary ST892248
Farm Down
Other Landcover
Westbury ST905502
Farm Down Plantation
Forest or Wood
Bratton ST907502
Farm Plantation
Forest or Wood
Redlynch SU234191
Farnell Copse
Forest or Wood
Tisbury ST949312
Faulston Down
Other Landcover
Stratford Toney SU084242
Fern Patch
Other Landcover
Coulston ST947536
Ferne Wood
Forest or Wood
Donhead St. Andrew ST928228
Fernham Wood
Forest or Wood
Erlestoke ST965549
Fewley Coppice
Forest or Wood
Ramsbury SU301719
Fiddington Common
Other Landcover
Easterton SU010559
Fiddle Clump
Forest or Wood
Colerne ST818731
Fifield Ashes
Forest or Wood
Fovant SU004263
Fifield Down
Other Landcover
Ebbesborne Wake SU004255
Fine Wood
Forest or Wood
West Dean SU248275
Fir Clump
Forest or Wood
Brixton Deverill ST856393
Fir Copse
Forest or Wood
Manningford SU133580
Fir Hill
Hill or Mountain
Fovant SU004296
Fir Hill
Hill or Mountain
Fovant SU005295
Fir Hill Plantation
Forest or Wood
Fovant SU001295
Fir Plantation
Forest or Wood
Redlynch SU243189
Fir Plantation
Forest or Wood
Odstock SU142251
Forest or Wood
Barford St. Martin SU039337
Firs Hill Copse
Forest or Wood
Redlynch SU238168
Firth Copse
Forest or Wood
Froxfield SU302672
Fisher's Brook
Other Water Feature
Calne Without ST995735
Fisher's Hanger
Forest or Wood
Chute Forest SU315538
Fishpond Birches
Forest or Wood
Redlynch SU230188
Flat Copse
Forest or Wood
Sutton Mandeville ST964310
Flaxlands Wood
Forest or Wood
Lydiard Millicent SU057852
Flaxlands Wood
Forest or Wood
Lydiard Tregoze SU055855
Flisteridge Wood
Forest or Wood
Minety ST994914
Flowers Bottom
Coombe Bissett SU118252
Flowers Wood
Forest or Wood
West Ashton ST875551
Folly Bottom
Amesbury SU168421
Folly Copse
Forest or Wood
Mildenhall SU213689
Folly Wood
Forest or Wood
Easterton SU018568
Folly Wood
Forest or Wood
Great Cheverell ST973530
Folly Wood
Forest or Wood
Royal Wootton Bassett SU059843
Fonthill Abbey Wood
Forest or Wood
Fonthill Gifford ST918308
Fonthill Bushes
Forest or Wood
Berwick St. Leonard ST952354
Fonthill Bushes
Forest or Wood
Stockton ST955355
Fonthill Clump
Forest or Wood
Fonthill Bishop ST937326
Fonthill Down
Other Landcover
Berwick St. Leonard ST938348
Fonthill Lake
Inland Water
Tisbury ST935313
Ford Copse
Forest or Wood
South Wraxall ST838632
Ford Down
Other Landcover
Laverstock SU174326
Ford Wood
Forest or Wood
Woodborough SU106609
Fore Hill
Hill or Mountain
Cheverell Parva ST985524
Forest Oaks
Forest or Wood
East Knoyle ST862291
Forty Acre Copse
Forest or Wood
Melksham Without ST927648
Forty Acre Plantation
Forest or Wood
Winterslow SU238367
Fosbury Down
Other Landcover
Tidcombe and Fosbury SU315585
Foss Belt
Forest or Wood
Upton Lovell ST952419
Foss Plantation
Forest or Wood
Upton Lovell ST949416
Fountain Wood
Forest or Wood
Colerne Airfield ST849751
Four Hundred Down
Other Landcover
Westbury ST897502
Fovant Down
Other Landcover
Fovant SU007274
Fovant Wood
Forest or Wood
Fovant SU007301
Fowl's Copse
Forest or Wood
West Overton SU154669
Fox Covert
Forest or Wood
Chirton SU084541
Fox Covert
Forest or Wood
Chitterne SU025445
Foxbury Copse
Forest or Wood
Fyfield SU164664
Foxbury Wood
Forest or Wood
Chilton Foliat SU308724
Foxbury Wood
Forest or Wood
Bromham ST945674
Foxbury Wood
Forest or Wood
Little Bedwyn SU294646
Foxbury Wood
Forest or Wood
Ramsbury SU305725
Foxham Common
Other Landcover
Bremhill ST977771
Foxhole Bottom
Wylye ST982393
Foxholes Plantation
Forest or Wood
Longbridge Deverill ST860418
Foxley Grove
Forest or Wood
Brokenborough ST892868
Foxley Grove
Forest or Wood
Norton ST895865
Franchises Common
Forest or Wood
Redlynch SU233177
Franchises Common Wood
Forest or Wood
Redlynch SU234175
Franchises Wood
Forest or Wood
Redlynch SU239170
Freeth's Wood
Forest or Wood
Ashton Keynes SU033939
Freya's Copse
Forest or Wood
Bishopstone SU072252
Frith Copse
Forest or Wood
Lydiard Tregoze SU073854
Frith Copse
Forest or Wood
Manningford SU130599
Frost Acre
Other Landcover
Norton Bavant ST904432
Froud's Copse
Forest or Wood
Sedgehill and Semley ST875256
Fry's Wood
Forest or Wood
Winsley ST793620
Fullwood Green
Other Landcover
Keevil ST943570
Furze Brake
Forest or Wood
Ashton Keynes SU035946
Furze Coppice
Forest or Wood
Preshute SU172655
Furze Copse
Forest or Wood
Shalbourne SU309652
Furze Copse
Forest or Wood
Cholderton SU215442
Furze Down
Other Landcover
Bishopstone SU074219
Furze Ground Copse
Forest or Wood
Clarendon Park SU187290
Furze Hill
Hill or Mountain
Alton SU118648
Furze Knoll
Hill or Mountain
Bishops Cannings SU029668
Furzy Close Copse
Forest or Wood
Grimstead SU212279
Fyfield Down
Other Landcover
Preshute SU142706
Fyfield Down
Other Landcover
Milton Lilbourne SU188584
Fyfield Wood
Forest or Wood
West Overton SU158668
Gallow Clump
Forest or Wood
Shalbourne SU312600
Gallows Hayes Copse
Forest or Wood
West Grimstead SU215264
Gallows Hill
Hill or Mountain
Downton SU136215
Gallows Hill
Hill or Mountain
Berwick St. John ST955241
Gallows Hill
Hill or Mountain
Ansty ST955245
Gally Leaze Copse
Forest or Wood
Latton SU111955
Game Withy Bed
Forest or Wood
Woodborough (Wiltshire) SU113603
Gammon's Copse
Forest or Wood
Chute SU280550
Garden Lake
Inland Water
Stourton with Gasper ST772340
Gardens Plantation
Forest or Wood
Charlton (Brinkworth Ward) ST944892
Gardiner Forest
Forest or Wood
Ebbesborne Wake ST991197
Garrick Wood
Forest or Wood
Nettleton ST815780
Garsdon Wood
Forest or Wood
Lea and Cleverton ST970872
Gasper Common
Forest or Wood
Stourton with Gasper ST760328
Gaston Green
Other Landcover
Bulkington ST943579
Gatcombe Hill Plantation
Forest or Wood
Grittleton ST837786
Gatcombe Wood
Forest or Wood
Grittleton ST835784
Gatmore Copse
Forest or Wood
Whiteparish SU274252
Gattrell's Bottom
Corsley ST828439
Gattrell's Copse
Forest or Wood
Berwick St. Leonard ST955355
Gauze Brook
Other Water Feature
Hullavington ST905835
Giant's Grave Plantation
Forest or Wood
Downton SU162230
Giants Grave
Hill or Mountain
Wilcot SU165632
Gilbert's Plantation
Forest or Wood
Wylye SU008395
Giles Wood
Forest or Wood
Melksham Without ST915609
Gilling Grove
Forest or Wood
Colerne ST830740
Gillum's Clump
Other Landcover
Easterton SU045536
Glazier's Copse
Forest or Wood
Whiteparish SU241215
Glazier's Copse
Forest or Wood
Landford SU245215
Glover's Coppice
Forest or Wood
Berwick St. John ST962188
Goddard's Cleeve
Forest or Wood
Rushall SU109550
Goddard's Cleeve
Forest or Wood
Charlton (Upavon Ward) SU105545
Golden Ball Hill
Hill or Mountain
West Overton SU131639
Golden Ball Hill
Hill or Mountain
Wilcot SU125635
Golden Grove
Forest or Wood
Dilton Marsh ST848487
Good's Clump
Forest or Wood
Shrewton SU092466
Goose Eye Copse
Forest or Wood
Whiteparish SU225229
Goosehole Plantation
Forest or Wood
Urchfont SU038558
Gopher Wood
Forest or Wood
Huish SU141642
Gore Copse
Forest or Wood
Ansty ST952263
Gore Down
Other Landcover
Everleigh SU217537
Gore's Copse
Forest or Wood
Baydon SU285765
Gorse Copse
Forest or Wood
Winterbourne Bassett SU081737
Goscombe Copse
Forest or Wood
Alvediston ST972221
Gould's Copse
Forest or Wood
Donhead St. Andrew ST915243
Goulter's Gorse
Forest or Wood
Grittleton ST824808
Grafton Clump
Forest or Wood
Collingbourne Kingston SU253579
Grafton Down
Other Landcover
East Grafton SU260580
Grains Quarry Plantation
Forest or Wood
Castle Combe ST847760
Grannels Orchard
Forest or Wood
Berwick St. John ST962192
Grant's Copse
Forest or Wood
Buttermere SU348598
Grant's Firs
Forest or Wood
Upavon Army Camp SU173554
Grant's Firs
Forest or Wood
Pewsey SU165565
Granthams Copse
Forest or Wood
Whiteparish SU263239
Grassy Common
Forest or Wood
Pitton and Farley SU227288
Gravelpit Plantation
Forest or Wood
Alderbury SU183272
Great Arundell Coppice
Forest or Wood
Berwick St. John ST959187
Great Bodnage Copse
Forest or Wood
Derry Hill ST968720
Great Botley Copse
Forest or Wood
Shalbourne SU295601
Great Bottom
Stockton ST957363
Great Bottom
Mere ST812336
Great Bradford Wood
Forest or Wood
Holt ST846604
Great Bradley Wood
Forest or Wood
Maiden Bradley with Yarnfield ST787405
Great Cartway Coppice
Other Landcover
Berwick St. John ST960185
Great Cheverell Hill
Hill or Mountain
Cheverell Parva ST978521
Great Coppice
Forest or Wood
Froxfield SU285702
Great Gilbert's Copse
Forest or Wood
Clarendon Park SU187299
Great Ground Coppice
Forest or Wood
East Knoyle ST873300
Great Ground Hill
Hill or Mountain
Sutton Mandeville ST990292
Great Ground Hill
Hill or Mountain
Fovant ST995295
Great Henny Wood
Forest or Wood
Redlynch SU245173
Great Island
Alderbury SU174270
Great Lodge Bottom
Savernake SU210670
Great Lodge Copse
Forest or Wood
Chute Forest SU309523
Great Mead Copse
Forest or Wood
West Tisbury ST902288
Great Netley Copse
Forest or Wood
Clarendon Park SU201304
Great Plantation
Forest or Wood
Whiteparish SU265233
Great Sherwood Copse
Forest or Wood
Whiteparish SU229218
Great Wickheath Copse
Forest or Wood
Collingbourne Ducis SU272526
Great Withy Wood
Forest or Wood
Charlton (Brinkworth Ward) SU009880
Great Withybed
Forest or Wood
Clarendon Park SU189285
Great Wood
Forest or Wood
Calne Without ST964690
Great Wood
Forest or Wood
Brinkworth SU023818
Great Wurs Copse
Forest or Wood
Compton Chamberlayne SU016293
Great Yews
Forest or Wood
Odstock SU120230
Great Yews
Forest or Wood
Coombe Bissett SU115235
Green Close Copse
Forest or Wood
Swallowcliffe ST963268
Green Hill
Hill or Mountain
Aldbourne SU277760
Green Hill Trees
Forest or Wood
Aldbourne SU277762
Green Lane Wood
Forest or Wood
Steeple Ashton ST882577
Green Lane Wood
Forest or Wood
West Ashton ST885575
Green Pond
Inland Water
Aldbourne SU249730
Green's Coppice
Forest or Wood
Corsley ST815439
Griffin's Wood
Forest or Wood
Lacock ST938675
Grimsditch Copse
Forest or Wood
Clarendon Park SU198297
Grimsditch Plantation
Forest or Wood
Clarendon Park SU198294
Grimstead Beeches
Forest or Wood
Whiteparish SU216253
Grip Wood
Forest or Wood
Bradford on Avon ST821603
Gripp Patch
Forest or Wood
Chirton SU080569
Grit Ground Plantation
Forest or Wood
Chute SU298547
Grotto Wood
Forest or Wood
Newton Tony SU220412
Grove Coppice
Forest or Wood
Sedgehill and Semley ST854289
Grove Copse
Forest or Wood
Chute SU312534
Grove Copse
Forest or Wood
Redlynch SU208215
Grove Mead Plantation
Forest or Wood
Atworth ST846662
Grove Wood
Forest or Wood
Newton Tony SU220415
Grovely Down
Forest or Wood
Wilton SU083331
Grovely Hill
Hill or Mountain
Wilton SU079327
Grovely Wood
Forest or Wood
Barford St. Martin SU057341
Grub Ground
Forest or Wood
Chute SU276541
Grubbe's Wood
Forest or Wood
Potterne SU008585
Grubbin's Wood
Forest or Wood
Box ST801693
Grubbins Wood
Forest or Wood
Kington St. Michael ST898760
Grubground Copse
Forest or Wood
Ham SU322611
Grubground Copse
Forest or Wood
Chute SU273540
Guernsey Belt
Forest or Wood
Knook ST943415
Gully Coppice
Forest or Wood
Horningsham ST798425
Gully Copse
Forest or Wood
Shalbourne SU307648
Gully Wood
Forest or Wood
Monkton Farleigh ST793651
Gurston Ashes
Forest or Wood
Ebbesborne Wake SU015267
Gurston Down
Other Landcover
Broad Chalke SU022263
Gutch Common
Forest or Wood
Donhead St. Mary ST895255
Hack Plantation
Forest or Wood
Melksham Without ST932654
Hackney Plantation
Forest or Wood
Chute SU301545
Hackpen Hill
Hill or Mountain
Preshute SU128743
Haddon Acre
Forest or Wood
East Knoyle ST877317
Haddon Hill
Hill or Mountain
East Knoyle ST875315
Hag Hill
Hill or Mountain
Great Hinton ST894590
Hails Grove
Forest or Wood
Ramsbury SU290734
Half and Half Wood
Forest or Wood
Colerne ST800699
Half Hide Down
Other Landcover
Tollard Royal ST951167
Half Mile Pond
Inland Water
Horningsham ST809434
Half Moon Copse
Forest or Wood
Redlynch SU235184
Halfmoon Clump
Forest or Wood
Countess SU148425
Halfmoon Clump
Forest or Wood
Tidworth SU227497
Hall Covert
Forest or Wood
Sutton Veny ST897425
Ham Hill
Hill or Mountain
Buttermere SU339618
Ham Island
Downton SU177242
Ham Plantation
Forest or Wood
Wilsford cum Lake SU134384
Ham Wood
Forest or Wood
West Tisbury ST913283
Ham Wood
Forest or Wood
Durnford SU138388
Hammerdown Wood
Forest or Wood
Yatton Keynell ST856761
Hamptworth Common
Forest or Wood
Redlynch SU244181
Hancock's Well
Other Water Feature
Luckington ST845845
Hanger Wood
Forest or Wood
Nettleton ST812781
Hanghill Copse
Forest or Wood
Whiteparish SU218222
Hanging Bottom
Berwick St. John ST970202
Hanging Wood
Forest or Wood
Melksham Without ST937652
Hanging Wood
Forest or Wood
Berwick St. James SU081397
Hangings Copse
Forest or Wood
Chute SU279539
Hankerton Copse
Forest or Wood
Hankerton ST979911
Hannah's Wood
Forest or Wood
Calne Without ST944703
Harding Copse
Forest or Wood
Great Bedwyn SU297628
Hare Covert
Forest or Wood
Warminster ST992407
Hare Down
Other Landcover
Everleigh SU223553
Hare Warren
Forest or Wood
Wilton SU087289
Hare Warren
Forest or Wood
Middle Winterslow SU230330
Hare Warren
Forest or Wood
Donhead St. Andrew ST929210
Hare Warren
Forest or Wood
Tidworth SU216471
Hare Warren
Forest or Wood
Stratford Toney SU095285
Haredene Wood
Forest or Wood
Tisbury ST964289
Haredene Wood
Forest or Wood
Sutton Mandeville ST965285
Harestone Down
Other Landcover
East Kennett SU112662
Harrison's Coppice
Forest or Wood
Derry Hill ST962703
Hart Coppice
Forest or Wood
Chilmark ST959351
Hart Hill Firs
Forest or Wood
Redlynch SU202202
Hatch Plantations
Forest or Wood
Nettleton ST835778
Hatchers Copse
Forest or Wood
West Dean SU247284
Hatfield Copse
Forest or Wood
Beechingstoke SU089583
Haw Wood
Forest or Wood
Great Bedwyn SU260637
Hawcombe Copse
Forest or Wood
Donhead St. Mary ST909204
Hawks Grove
Forest or Wood
East Grimstead SU236281
Hawks Grove
Forest or Wood
Pitton and Farley SU235285
Haxton Down
Other Landcover
Tidworth SU202509
Haxton O
Forest or Wood
Everleigh SU195505
Haybourne Copse
Forest or Wood
Chute SU291546
Haycombe Bottom
Sutton Veny ST904402
Haydown Hill
Hill or Mountain
Tidcombe and Fosbury SU313566
Hayes Copse
Forest or Wood
Sedgehill and Semley ST862275
Hayes Wood
Forest or Wood
Limpley Stoke ST774607
Hayfield Copse
Forest or Wood
Calne Without ST975673
Haygrove Plantation
Forest or Wood
Westwood ST808587
Haygrove Wood
Forest or Wood
Hilmarton SU012767
Hays Wood
Forest or Wood
Monkton Farleigh ST818638
Hayter's Wood
Forest or Wood
Landford SU258224
Hazel Coppice
Forest or Wood
Corsley ST814436
Hazel Copse
Forest or Wood
Sutton Veny ST902428
Hazel Copse
Forest or Wood
Calne Without ST938697
Hazel Hill Wood
Forest or Wood
Pitton and Farley SU219283
Hazel Plantation
Forest or Wood
Barford St. Martin SU051341
Hazel Wood
Forest or Wood
North Bradley ST837524
Hazel Wood
Forest or Wood
North Wraxall ST829764
Hazeland Wood
Forest or Wood
Bremhill ST979719
Hazelberry Plantation
Forest or Wood
Collingbourne Ducis SU231533
Hazelberry Plantn
Forest or Wood
Collingbourne Ducis SU235535
Hazelton Wood
Forest or Wood
Monkton Farleigh ST815662
Heart Plantation
Forest or Wood
Aldbourne SU243785
Heath Copse
Forest or Wood
Chute SU278559
Heath Copse
Forest or Wood
Nomansland SU253193
Heath Hill Plantation
Forest or Wood
West Ashton ST892564
Heath Plantation
Forest or Wood
Charlton (Brinkworth Ward) ST978883
Heath Plantation
Forest or Wood
West Overton SU149656
Heath Wood
Forest or Wood
Wilton SU078333
Heath Wood
Forest or Wood
Great Wishford SU075335
Heather New Copse
Forest or Wood
Redlynch SU223204
Heathy Down Copse
Forest or Wood
Sutton Mandeville ST992285
Hedden's Copse
Forest or Wood
Baydon SU284781
Hedge Croft Wood
Forest or Wood
Dilton Marsh ST850479
Hedge-end Plantation
Forest or Wood
Ludgershall (Wiltshire) SU259503
Hendon Copse
Forest or Wood
Clarendon Park SU181293
Henley Firs
Forest or Wood
West Overton SU154666
Henley Wood
Forest or Wood
West Overton SU154665
Henning Wood
Forest or Wood
Cheverell Magna ST972542
Hens Wood
Forest or Wood
Ramsbury SU246689
Hens Wood
Forest or Wood
Little Bedwyn SU245685
Hermitage Wood
Forest or Wood
Whiteparish SU262239
Heron Nest Wood
Forest or Wood
Urchfont SU025577
Heron Pond
Inland Water
Ansty ST927259
Heron's Copse
Forest or Wood
Ludgershall SU262519
Hewetts Bottom
Berwick St. John ST962195
Hewetts Coppice
Forest or Wood
Berwick St. John ST964195
Hey Wood
Forest or Wood
Kington St. Michael ST897762
Heytesbury Plantation
Forest or Wood
Heytesbury ST936431
High Clear Plantation
Forest or Wood
Aldbourne SU235765
High Elms Covert
Forest or Wood
Grittleton ST851802
High Grove
Forest or Wood
Berwick St. Leonard ST957361
High Trees
Forest or Wood
Shrewton SU039424
High Wood
Forest or Wood
Southwick ST808553
High Wood
Forest or Wood
Horningsham ST806423
High Wood
Forest or Wood
North Bradley ST838527
High Wood
Forest or Wood
Tisbury ST940268
Higher Beasden Coppice
Forest or Wood
Tollard Royal ST934160
Highland Copse
Forest or Wood
Chute Forest SU320522
Hightrees Wood
Forest or Wood
Alderbury SU185267
Hill Copse
Forest or Wood
Tidcombe and Fosbury SU282573
Hill House Wood
Forest or Wood
Castle Combe ST845756
Hill Plantation
Forest or Wood
Wilsford cum Lake SU130391
Hill Planting
Forest or Wood
Melksham Without ST937662
Hill Wood
Forest or Wood
Erlestoke ST956531
Hill-top Plantation
Forest or Wood
Calne Without ST986693
Hillbarn Copse
Forest or Wood
Ramsbury SU235729
Hillcroft Copse
Forest or Wood
Shalbourne SU316649
Hilldown Copse
Forest or Wood
Sedgehill and Semley ST881254
Hillfield Copse
Forest or Wood
Ludgershall SU291505
Hillground Copse
Forest or Wood
Tisbury ST940305
Hillier's Copse
Forest or Wood
Ramsbury SU292754
Hillocks Wood
Forest or Wood
Tockenham SU027807
Hills Copse
Forest or Wood
Cholderton SU212444
Hinderway Plantation
Forest or Wood
Chirton SU091560
Hindon Plantation
Forest or Wood
East Knoyle ST893309
Hippenscombe Bottom
Tidcombe and Fosbury SU295558
Hiscombe Wood
Forest or Wood
Kingston Deverill ST833382
Hog Down
Other Landcover
Everleigh SU208562
Hogdown Brake
Forest or Wood
Everleigh SU209560
Hogdown Copse
Forest or Wood
Everleigh SU206559
Holland's Moor
Forest or Wood
Calne Without ST975688
Holly Clump
Forest or Wood
Redlynch SU244165
Holly Copse
Forest or Wood
Landford SU244206
Holly Ditch Planting
Forest or Wood
Calne Without ST985686
Holly Head Copse
Forest or Wood
Compton Chamberlayne SU031295
Hollygres Plantation
Forest or Wood
Tidcombe and Fosbury SU320571
Holmere Common
Forest or Wood
Whiteparish SU245218
Homan's Copse
Forest or Wood
Landford SU234207
Home Copse
Forest or Wood
Castle Combe ST837773
Home Copse
Forest or Wood
Clarendon Park SU187305
Home Covert
Forest or Wood
Roundway SU009632
Home Wood
Forest or Wood
Compton Bassett SU034715
Home Wood
Forest or Wood
Calne Without ST967681
Home Woods
Forest or Wood
Nettleton ST815774
Homington Down
Other Landcover
Coombe Bissett SU117244
Homington Down
Other Landcover
Britford SU122267
Honey Bottom
Chute SU291528
Honey Hill Copse
Forest or Wood
Broad Town SU099790
Honeyball Plantation
Forest or Wood
Cherhill SU020704
Honeybed Wood
Forest or Wood
Bremhill ST988746
Honeydown Copse
Forest or Wood
Shrewton SU080482
Hook Copse
Forest or Wood
Sedgehill and Semley ST911264
Hooklands Plantation
Forest or Wood
Woodford SU116366
Hopgood's Copse
Forest or Wood
Chute SU279535
Hopyard Copse
Forest or Wood
Calne Without ST983677
Horningsham Common Plantation
Forest or Wood
Horningsham ST805413
Horse Close Copse
Forest or Wood
Grimstead SU213278
Horse Common
Forest or Wood
Redlynch SU232183
Horse Copse
Forest or Wood
Calne Without ST949701
Horse Copse
Forest or Wood
Great Bedwyn SU272649
Horse Down
Other Landcover
Tilshead SU017483
Horse Down
Other Landcover
Berwick St. James SU086401
Horse Grove
Forest or Wood
North Wraxall ST832755
Horse Hill
Hill or Mountain
Berwick St. John ST949228
Horse Hill Clump
Forest or Wood
Berwick St. John ST949229
Horse Lane Copse
Forest or Wood
Bromham ST975637
Horse Leys Wood
Forest or Wood
Bradenstoke ST995797
Horse Pond Copse
Forest or Wood
Redlynch SU215214
Horse Shoe Copse
Forest or Wood
Compton Chamberlayne SU034306
Horsecombe Bottom
Calne Without SU026675
Horseleaze Wood
Forest or Wood
Savernake SU236673
Horsepools Coppice
Forest or Wood
Bishopstrow ST885439
Horwood Bottom
Ansty ST937253
Horwood Pond
Inland Water
Ansty ST932252
Hospital Belt
Forest or Wood
Sutton Veny ST892429
Hound Plantation
Forest or Wood
Tidworth SU197501
Hound Wood
Forest or Wood
Winterslow SU234308
Howe Copse
Forest or Wood
Winterslow SU255339
Hoyels Copse
Forest or Wood
Alderbury SU185259
Huish Hill
Hill or Mountain
Wilcot SU154639
Hull Copse
Forest or Wood
Sedgehill and Semley ST853276
Hulse's Clump
Forest or Wood
Downton SU133209
Hundred Acre Copse
Forest or Wood
Whiteparish SU221233
Hundred Acre Plantation
Forest or Wood
Bromham ST945637
Hungerford Wood
Forest or Wood
Colerne ST842715
Hunt's Copse
Forest or Wood
Ramsbury SU294736
Hunt's Copse
Forest or Wood
Clarendon Park SU209297
Hunt's Down
Other Landcover
Bishopstone SU077294
Hursley Bottom
West Overton SU151663
Husseyhill Wood
Forest or Wood
Biddestone ST841724
Hut Bottom
Bishopstone SU047279
Hyam Wood
Forest or Wood
Brokenborough ST905875
Hyde's Copse
Forest or Wood
Dinton SU014321
Hydes Brake
Forest or Wood
Brokenborough ST915903
Icehouse Ride
Forest or Wood
Calne Without ST978699
Idmiston Down
Other Landcover
Winterslow SU222364
Iford Wood
Forest or Wood
Westwood ST801590
Imber Firs
Forest or Wood
Knook ST959468
Infirmary Copse
Forest or Wood
Milton Lilbourne SU201558
Ingram's Coppice
Forest or Wood
Berwick St. John ST967188
Inham Down
Hill or Mountain
Collingbourne Kingston SU225565
Inkpen Hill
Hill or Mountain
Ham SU355619
Inlands Copse
Forest or Wood
Ham SU325612
Forest or Wood
Monkton Farleigh ST800633
Forest or Wood
Lacock ST909676
Inwood Copse
Forest or Wood
Ham SU348626
Island Pond
Inland Water
Tisbury ST925262
Islands Thorns Inclosure
Forest or Wood
Redlynch SU215155
Isle of Wight Hill
Hill or Mountain
Winterslow SU245375
Ivory Copse
Forest or Wood
Whiteparish SU236215
Ivy's Copse
Forest or Wood
Great Bedwyn SU282635
Ivychurch Copse
Forest or Wood
Clarendon Park SU186276
Jack's Castle Plantation
Forest or Wood
Kilmington ST746354
Jockey Copse
Forest or Wood
Great Bedwyn SU287646
John Coppice
Forest or Wood
Clarendon Park SU176310
Joyce's Copse
Forest or Wood
Collingbourne Ducis SU268533
Jubilee Clump
Forest or Wood
Downton SU135212
Jubilee Plantation
Forest or Wood
Hilmarton SU012749
Jubilee Plantation
Forest or Wood
Cherhill SU038706
Jubilee Wood
Forest or Wood
Corsham ST879720
Jubilee Wood
Forest or Wood
Biddestone ST857726
Jugg's Wood
Forest or Wood
Little Bedwyn SU300666
Julia's Wood
Forest or Wood
Codford St Peter ST968393
Juniper Valley
Dinton ST995342
Kate's Bench Clump
Forest or Wood
Maiden Bradley with Yarnfield ST793399
Keepence Copse
Forest or Wood
West Overton SU161658
Kennel Wood
Forest or Wood
West Ashton ST887562
Kennels Plantation
Forest or Wood
Charlton (Brinkworth Ward) ST951896
Kennet & Avon Canal
Other Water Feature
Bishops Cannings SU035635
Kent's Bottom
Yatton Keynell ST863769
Kent's Bottom Plantation
Forest or Wood
Yatton Keynell ST858765
Kent's Copse
Forest or Wood
Buttermere SU334599
Kerrymoor Copse
Forest or Wood
Landford SU255210
Keycroft Copse
Forest or Wood
Lydiard Millicent SU097864
Kidneybean Copse
Forest or Wood
Bromham ST954665
King Manor Hill
Hill or Mountain
Clarendon Park SU183301
King's Bottom
Corsley ST832438
King's Copse
Forest or Wood
Chilton Foliat SU313714
King's Copse
Forest or Wood
Redlynch SU250199
King's Down
Other Landcover
Box ST815672
King's Play Hill
Hill or Mountain
Heddington SU009659
King's Wood
Forest or Wood
Kilmington ST756360
Kings Heath
Other Landcover
Norton ST905852
Kingsdown Plantation
Forest or Wood
Monkton Farleigh ST809663
Kingsmoor Wood
Forest or Wood
Box ST847682
Kingston Wood
Forest or Wood
Easterton SU020570
Kingston's Copse
Forest or Wood
Shalbourne SU316648
Kingway Covert
Forest or Wood
Grittleton ST857826
Kitt's Island
Clarendon Park SU170282
Knap Hill
Hill or Mountain
Wilcot SU125635
Knapp Down
Other Landcover
Fovant SU022272
Knighton Copse
Forest or Wood
Figheldean SU157457
Knighton High Wood
Forest or Wood
Bishopstone SU063231
Knighton Hill
Hill or Mountain
Broad Chalke SU055245
Knighton Wood
Forest or Wood
Broad Chalke SU057223
Knoll Down
Other Landcover
Cherhill SU072694
Knoll Plantation
Forest or Wood
Collingbourne Ducis SU253530
Knolls Down
Other Landcover
Tidcombe and Fosbury SU319564
Knook Barrow
Hill or Mountain
Knook ST957447
Knook Down
Other Landcover
Knook ST950435
Knook Horse Hill
Hill or Mountain
Upton Lovell ST949419
Knook Wood
Forest or Wood
Upton Lovell ST946419
Knowle Hens Wood
Forest or Wood
Ramsbury SU256684
Knowle Hill
Hill or Mountain
Broad Chalke SU035231
Lackham Wood
Forest or Wood
Lacock ST926698
Lacock Road Plantation
Forest or Wood
Corsham ST875702
Ladd's Planting
Forest or Wood
Horningsham ST791430
Ladies Lawn
Other Landcover
Chute Forest SU295525
Lady Down
Other Landcover
Tisbury ST960307
Lady Wood
Forest or Wood
Southwick ST835525
Lady Wood
Forest or Wood
Market Lavington SU006542
Lady's Coppice
Forest or Wood
Corsley ST828469
Lady's Coppice
Forest or Wood
Holt ST862628
Ladywell Copse
Forest or Wood
Burbage SU238627
Lake Bottom
Wilsford cum Lake SU125390
Lamb Down
Other Landcover
Wylye ST986397
Lambing Pen Belt
Forest or Wood
Stockton ST964373
Lambourne's Hill
Hill or Mountain
Ludgershall SU290505
Lambpit Copse
Forest or Wood
Woodborough (Wiltshire) SU118605
Lan Hill
Hill or Mountain
Chippenham Without ST875740
Land Girl Plantation
Forest or Wood
Barford St. Martin SU043330
Landford Larches
Forest or Wood
Nomansland SU253189
Landford Wood
Forest or Wood
Landford SU261214
Langfield Copse
Forest or Wood
Great Bedwyn SU255635
Langford Copse
Forest or Wood
Downton SU209227
Langford Lane Wood
Forest or Wood
Downton SU206229
Langford Long Coppice
Forest or Wood
Steeple Langford SU020351
Langford Wood
Forest or Wood
Steeple Langford SU043349
Langham Brake
Southwick ST808549
Langley Wood
Forest or Wood
Redlynch SU226205
Lanhill Brake
Forest or Wood
Chippenham Without ST878743
Lanhill Clump
Forest or Wood
Chippenham Without ST879744
Lapwing Plantation
Forest or Wood
Seend ST945634
Lashes Copse
Forest or Wood
Ramsbury SU251715
Laurel Pond
Inland Water
Ramsbury SU245729
Laverstock Down
Other Landcover
Salisbury SU166310
Lavington Down
Other Landcover
West Lavington SU006495
Lawn Coppice
Forest or Wood
Ramsbury SU285696
Lay Wood
Forest or Wood
Bishops Cannings SU028627
Lea Wood
Forest or Wood
Lea and Cleverton ST961856
Leckford Bottom
Collingbourne Ducis SU237515
Leech Pool
Inland Water
Bromham ST963677
Leg of Mutton Copse
Forest or Wood
Ramsbury SU256720
Leg Plantation
Forest or Wood
Downton SU205239
Leigh Delamere Wood
Forest or Wood
Grittleton ST887791
Leigh Hill Copse
Forest or Wood
Burbage SU220638
Leigh Wood
Forest or Wood
Corsham ST866722
Lessister's Plantation
Forest or Wood
Sutton Benger ST942768
Letterage Copse
Forest or Wood
Lydiard Tregoze SU092841
Leys Coppice
Forest or Wood
Tollard Royal ST941172
Lid Brook
Other Water Feature
Colerne Airfield ST825705
Lidbrooks Bottom
Colerne Airfield ST821702
Life of Man Plantation
Forest or Wood
Crockerton ST852426
Lightslane Plantation
Forest or Wood
Alderbury SU184271
Lily Pond
Inland Water
Stourton with Gasper ST771344
Lime Plantation
Forest or Wood
Crudwell ST972947
Limekiln Wood
Forest or Wood
Berwick St. Leonard ST933355
Limmer Copse
Forest or Wood
Chute SU294549
Limmer Pond
Inland Water
Chute SU292553
Limmer Pond
Other Water Feature
Chute SU295555
Limpley Stoke Wood
Forest or Wood
Limpley Stoke ST780614
Linchet's Copse
Forest or Wood
Redlynch SU204217
Linden Copse
Forest or Wood
Everleigh SU203559
Linley Wood
Forest or Wood
West Tisbury ST897288
Little Acre
Other Landcover
Netherhampton SU122280
Little Ann Copse
Forest or Wood
Pewsey SU175607
Little Bonning's Copse
Forest or Wood
Little Bedwyn SU297653
Little Boscombe Down
Other Landcover
Allington SU197384
Little Botley Copse
Forest or Wood
Shalbourne SU299598
Little Bradford Wood
Forest or Wood
Holt ST849610
Little Bradley Wood
Forest or Wood
Horningsham ST795415
Little Cartway Coppice
Forest or Wood
Berwick St. John ST957179
Little Clapgate Copse
Forest or Wood
Whiteparish SU223233
Little Coppice
Forest or Wood
Grafton SU274593
Little Copse
Forest or Wood
Froxfield SU273692
Little Copse
Forest or Wood
Ham SU345630
Little Copse
Forest or Wood
Chute Forest SU294527
Little Copse
Forest or Wood
Downton SU183201
Little Dean Copse
Forest or Wood
Whiteparish SU253239
Little Down
Other Landcover
Steeple Langford SU020387
Little Down
Other Landcover
Tidcombe and Fosbury SU308553
Little Down
Other Landcover
Durnford SU136372
Little Down
Other Landcover
Bishopstone SU050276
Little Firs
Forest or Wood
Winterslow SU261357
Little Frith
Forest or Wood
Savernake SU244675
Little Frith
Forest or Wood
Little Bedwyn SU245675
Little Gilbert's Copse
Forest or Wood
Clarendon Park SU182299
Little Ground Copse
Forest or Wood
Tidcombe and Fosbury SU311584
Little Heath Copse
Forest or Wood
Tidcombe and Fosbury SU312585
Little Henny Wood
Forest or Wood
Redlynch SU248172
Little Hill
Hill or Mountain
Easterton SU062531
Little Hill
Hill or Mountain
Sedgehill and Semley ST868251
Little Knoll
Hill or Mountain
Maiden Bradley ST807378
Little Knoll
Hill or Mountain
Kilmington ST805375
Little Knoll Wood
Forest or Wood
Maiden Bradley ST807379
Little Lodge Copse
Forest or Wood
Chute Forest SU304521
Little Marcombe Wood
Forest or Wood
Kingston Deverill ST825385
Little Netley Copse
Forest or Wood
Clarendon Park SU201299
Little Nursery Copse
Forest or Wood
Redlynch SU206205
Little Park Copse
Forest or Wood
Redlynch SU241195
Little Ridge Wood
Forest or Wood
Fonthill Bishop ST944321
Little Ridghams Copse
Forest or Wood
Alderbury SU188255
Little Rivar Copse
Forest or Wood
Ham SU355622
Little Sherwood Copse
Forest or Wood
Whiteparish SU232216
Little Spinney
Forest or Wood
Kington St. Michael ST886782
Little Stony Dean Copse
Forest or Wood
Whiteparish SU269250
Little Toyd Down
Other Landcover
Coombe Bissett SU090216
Little Wood
Forest or Wood
Codford St Peter ST977397
Little Wood
Forest or Wood
West Overton SU153660
Little Wood
Forest or Wood
Tollard Royal ST945174
Little Worth Wood
Forest or Wood
Grittleton ST866816
Little Wurs Copse
Forest or Wood
Compton Chamberlayne SU014294
Little Yews
Forest or Wood
Coombe Bissett SU130241
Little Yews
Forest or Wood
Odstock SU135245
Little Yews Plantation
Forest or Wood
Odstock SU133241
Littlecombe Bottom
Heytesbury ST908398
Littlecott Down
Other Landcover
Enford SU171534
Littledown Clump
Forest or Wood
Durnford SU135372
Littleton Down
Other Landcover
West Lavington ST978510
Littleworth Plantation
Forest or Wood
Nettleton ST821790
Lock Wood
Forest or Wood
Manningford SU134585
Lockeridge Copse
Forest or Wood
West Overton SU152669
Lodge Coppice
Forest or Wood
Dinton SU012343
Lodge Coppice
Forest or Wood
Berwick St. John ST951183
Lodge Coppice
Forest or Wood
Berwick St. John ST980199
Lodge Copse
Forest or Wood
Redlynch SU224195
Lodge Copse
Forest or Wood
Morgan's Vale SU191199
Lodge Copse
Forest or Wood
Downton SU187198
Lodge Hill Copse
Forest or Wood
Redlynch SU233171
Lodge Wood
Forest or Wood
Redlynch SU228197
Lodge Wood
Forest or Wood
Donhead St. Mary ST884247
Loes Belt
Forest or Wood
Great Somerford ST968834
Loin Copse
Forest or Wood
Wilcot SU142625
Long Belt
Forest or Wood
Corsham ST844705
Long Bottom
Sutton Veny ST914382
Long Bottom
Chute Forest SU301517
Long Bottom
Ebbesborne Wake ST988250
Long Bottom
Donhead St. Mary ST883227
Long Copse
Forest or Wood
Calne Without ST934688
Long Copse
Forest or Wood
Ramsbury SU288753
Long Copse
Forest or Wood
Burbage SU216638
Long Copse
Forest or Wood
Shalbourne SU303638
Long Copse
Forest or Wood
Chilmark ST976319
Long Copse
Forest or Wood
Clarendon Park SU189294
Long Copse
Forest or Wood
Downton SU214230
Long Copse
Forest or Wood
Donhead St. Mary ST885225
Long Covert
Forest or Wood
Buttermere SU344615
Long Hayes Clump
Forest or Wood
Corsley ST831444
Long Hayes Copse
Forest or Wood
Ansty ST957262
Long Hill
Hill or Mountain
Mere ST809325
Long Knoll
Hill or Mountain
Maiden Bradley with Yarnfield ST785376
Long Knoll
Hill or Mountain
Kilmington ST795375
Long Knoll Wood
Forest or Wood
Maiden Bradley with Yarnfield ST787377
Long Mead Wood
Forest or Wood
West Ashton ST887541
Long Plantation
Forest or Wood
Odstock SU112223
Long Plantation
Forest or Wood
Corsham ST857712
Long Plantation
Forest or Wood
Sutton Benger ST932794
Long Plantation
Forest or Wood
Orcheston SU060476
Long Plantation
Forest or Wood
Durnford SU133368
Long Plantation
Forest or Wood
Downton SU207241
Long Pond Plantation
Forest or Wood
Kington Langley ST931763
Long Pond Wood
Forest or Wood
Bromham ST971640
Long Rambridge Copse
Forest or Wood
Landford SU226205
Long Walk Plantation
Forest or Wood
Newton Tony SU238403
Long Wood
Forest or Wood
Charlton (Brinkworth Ward) SU001884
Long Wood
Forest or Wood
Charlton (Brinkworth Ward) ST950884
Longbarrow Clump
Forest or Wood
Bulford Camp SU163430
Longcombe Bottom
Bratton ST920514
Longdean Bottom
Berwick St. Leonard ST943365
Longmead Coppice
Forest or Wood
West Knoyle ST851324
Longstreet Down
Other Landcover
Enford SU180526
Loosehanger Common
Forest or Wood
Redlynch SU211187
Loosehanger Copse
Forest or Wood
Redlynch SU214193
Lopthorn Copse
Forest or Wood
Ogbourne St. George SU205714
Lord Weymouth's Plantation
Forest or Wood
Horningsham ST817419
Lord's Copse
Forest or Wood
Sopworth ST811848
Lord's Oak Plantation
Forest or Wood
Landford SU262177
Lord's Wood
Forest or Wood
Sherston ST861837
Love's Copse
Forest or Wood
Ramsbury SU272733
Love's Copse
Forest or Wood
Aldbourne SU275735
Lowdens Copse
Forest or Wood
Whiteparish SU231226
Lower Bigmans Copse
Forest or Wood
Alderbury SU178276
Lower Blackbush Copse
Forest or Wood
Redlynch SU222200
Lower Bristow Copse
Forest or Wood
Wilcot SU149614
Lower Copse
Forest or Wood
Allington SU203384
Lower Highwood Copse
Forest or Wood
East Grimstead SU233276
Lower Hobbs Row
Forest or Wood
Chute Forest SU311525
Lower Holt Copse
Forest or Wood
Teffont ST981312
Lower House Clump
Forest or Wood
Everleigh SU206532
Lower Linley Pond
Inland Water
West Tisbury ST899291
Lower Randell Copse
Forest or Wood
Downton SU186195
Lower Selves Wood
Forest or Wood
Bromham ST941667
Lower Spray Copse
Forest or Wood
Ham SU349634
Lower Stapens Copse
Forest or Wood
Landford SU243212
Lower Studley Copse
Forest or Wood
Lydiard Tregoze SU099818
Lower Sunt Copse
Forest or Wood
Landford SU232210
Luccombe Bottom
Bratton ST924521
Lucknow Plantation
Forest or Wood
Grittleton ST859788
Lyburn Birches
Forest or Wood
Redlynch SU241187
Lydiard Plain
Other Landcover
Lydiard Millicent SU058861
Lyefield's Copse
Forest or Wood
Sedgehill and Semley ST888260
Lynch Bottom
South Wraxall ST841648
Lynch Wood
Forest or Wood
Stourton with Gasper ST765338
Lynden Down
Other Landcover
Collingbourne Ducis SU254542
Maccoombe Bottom
Shalbourne SU301577
Maccoombe Down
Other Landcover
Shalbourne SU296575
Machine Pond Copse
Forest or Wood
Alderbury SU184262
Maddington Down
Other Landcover
Shrewton SU036432
Maidford Brake
Forest or Wood
Norton ST896844
Maidford Clump
Forest or Wood
Norton ST891841
Main Place Row
Forest or Wood
Chute SU303540
Malacombe Bottom
Berwick St. John ST946191
Mallard Lake
Inland Water
Oaksey SU012936
Mankhorn Ride
Forest or Wood
Chute Forest SU303506
Manor Common Wood
Forest or Wood
Maiden Bradley with Yarnfield ST781388
Manor Copse
Forest or Wood
Chilmark ST962316
Manor House Woods
Forest or Wood
Market Lavington SU004541
Manor Plantation
Forest or Wood
Chute SU301538
Manorbrook Lake
Inland Water
Leigh SU066938
Manswood Coppice
Forest or Wood
Longbridge Deverill ST839411
Manton Copse
Forest or Wood
Preshute SU170670
Manton Copse
Forest or Wood
Savernake SU175675
Manton Down
Other Landcover
Preshute SU154713
Manwood Copse
Forest or Wood
Alvediston ST974208
Manwood Copse
Forest or Wood
Berwick St. John ST975205
Maple Sale Copse
Forest or Wood
Braydon SU050878
Maples Wood
Forest or Wood
Bromham ST950649
Mapleway Dean Copse
Forest or Wood
West Dean SU251298
Mapperton Hill
Hill or Mountain
Maiden Bradley with Yarnfield ST793387
Marcombe Wood
Forest or Wood
Kingston Deverill ST824388
Marden Copse
Forest or Wood
Chirton SU083553
Marden Covert
Forest or Wood
Chirton SU085547
Marden Down
Other Landcover
Chirton SU080542
Margaret's Wood
Forest or Wood
Amesbury SU202418
Marlborough Road Plantation
Forest or Wood
Everleigh SU206550
Marleycombe Hill
Hill or Mountain
Bowerchalke SU024224
Marridge Hill
Hill or Mountain
Ramsbury SU287745
Marridge Hill Wood
Forest or Wood
Ramsbury SU292738
Marsh Copse
Forest or Wood
Charlton (Brinkworth Ward) ST942887
Marston Green
Other Landcover
Marston ST966567
Martinsell Hill
Hill or Mountain
Milton Lilbourne SU178639
Maskelyne's Copse
Forest or Wood
Minety ST997913
Matthew's Copse
Forest or Wood
Lydiard Millicent SU075862
Matthew's Wood
Forest or Wood
North Wraxall ST825743
Meads and Fields Plantation
Forest or Wood
Grittleton ST852791
Mean Wood
Forest or Wood
Whiteparish SU253253
Medleys Wood
Forest or Wood
Colerne ST812706
Melbury Wood
Forest or Wood
Donhead St. Mary ST905195
Melsome Wood
Forest or Wood
Christian Malford ST986786
Melsome Wood
Forest or Wood
Bremhill ST985785
Melsome's Copse
Forest or Wood
Shrewton SU046421
Mercombe Wood
Forest or Wood
Biddestone ST845746
Merrylawn Copse
Forest or Wood
Collingbourne Ducis SU269537
Messcombe Wood
Forest or Wood
Ebbesborne Wake SU008246
Michael's Wood
Forest or Wood
Cholderton SU219430
Middle Copse
Forest or Wood
Redlynch SU250195
Middle Covert
Forest or Wood
Berwick St. James SU056393
Middle Down
Other Landcover
Alvediston ST970250
Middle Hill
Hill or Mountain
Norton Bavant ST908449
Middle Hill
Hill or Mountain
Bishopstrow ST905445
Middle Plantation
Forest or Wood
Heddington SU001639
Middledown Wood
Forest or Wood
Preshute SU145727
Middleton Down
Other Landcover
Norton Bavant ST923466
Midge Copse
Forest or Wood
Baydon SU281766
Midgehall Copse
Forest or Wood
Lydiard Tregoze SU062845
Milbourne Common Wood
Forest or Wood
Brinkworth SU020865
Milbury Coppice
Forest or Wood
Kilmington ST792370
Mildenhall Borders
Forest or Wood
Aldbourne SU226707
Milk Hill
Hill or Mountain
Alton SU104643
Milking Bushes
Forest or Wood
Milton Lilbourne SU194562
Milkingpound Copse
Forest or Wood
Landford SU255210
Mill Covert
Forest or Wood
Stourton with Gasper ST767326
Mill Down
Other Landcover
Kingston Deverill ST851376
Mill Down
Other Landcover
Kingston Deverill ST848366
Mill Green
Other Landcover
Bulkington ST950575
Mill Mead Wood
Forest or Wood
Clyffe Pypard SU059771
Mill Tyning Wood
Forest or Wood
Horningsham ST799411
Millborough Wood
Forest or Wood
Newton Tony SU215415
Milston Down
Other Landcover
Milston SU204460
Milton Hill
Hill or Mountain
Milton Lilbourne SU192584
Milton Hill Clump
Forest or Wood
Milton Lilbourne SU192584
Milton Wood
Forest or Wood
Milton Lilbourne SU194570
Mire Wood
Forest or Wood
Redlynch SU243173
Mistleberry Wood
Forest or Wood
Bowerchalke ST995194
Mitchell's Coppice
Forest or Wood
West Knoyle ST855315
Mitchell's Row
Forest or Wood
Redlynch SU209217
Mockeny Wood
Forest or Wood
West Tisbury ST909299
Moll Harris's Clump
Forest or Wood
Winterslow SU219358
Mollcroft Copse
Forest or Wood
Redlynch SU214217
Monk's Down
Other Landcover
Berwick St. John ST939208
Monk's Hill Wood
Forest or Wood
Calne Without ST966694
Monk's Wood
Forest or Wood
Colerne ST838719
Monks' Arundell Coppice
Forest or Wood
Berwick St. John ST966181
Monkton Down
Other Landcover
Preshute SU121721
Monkton Field
Other Landcover
Winterbourne Monkton SU088726
Moon's Copse
Forest or Wood
Ramsbury SU308744
Moonground Plantation
Forest or Wood
Bromham ST943640
Moor Copse
Forest or Wood
Redlynch SU228200
Moor Copse
Forest or Wood
Whiteparish SU233219
Moore's Wood
Forest or Wood
Ogbourne St. George SU223739
Moorshall Copse
Forest or Wood
Kington St. Michael ST893789
Morass Wood
Forest or Wood
Melksham Without ST940644
Morgan's Hill
Hill or Mountain
Bishops Cannings SU025675
Morley Plantation
Forest or Wood
Clarendon Park SU181288
Morris's Copse
Forest or Wood
Lydiard Tregoze SU068851
Moses Wood
Forest or Wood
Chilmark ST969310
Mosshouse Planting
Forest or Wood
West Tisbury ST908287
Mother Anthony's Well
Other Water Feature
Rowde ST995645
Moulton's Park Wood
Forest or Wood
Maiden Bradley with Yarnfield ST781390
Mount Copse
Forest or Wood
Whiteparish SU255248
Mount Scylla Wood
Forest or Wood
North Wraxall ST835748
Mount Wood
Forest or Wood
Cherhill SU037712
Mullins' Copse
Forest or Wood
Donhead St. Mary ST895241
Mundays Plantation
Forest or Wood
Berwick St. John ST947184
Mundays Pond
Inland Water
Berwick St. John ST949184
Muriel Plantation
Forest or Wood
Lea and Cleverton ST957885
Mynte Wood
Forest or Wood
Corsham ST885714
Nannies Belt
Forest or Wood
Dauntsey ST978830
Net Down
Other Landcover
Shrewton SU092453
Netherhampton Down
Other Landcover
Stratford Toney SU102284
Nethermore Wood
Forest or Wood
Calne Without ST947689
Netton Clump
Forest or Wood
Bishopstone SU072292
Netton Down
Forest or Wood
Bishopstone SU066281
New Berryfield Copse
Forest or Wood
West Dean SU246281
New Buildings Plantation
Forest or Wood
Durnford SU153381
New Coppice
Forest or Wood
Berwick St. John ST970195
New Copse
Forest or Wood
Heytesbury ST932433
New Copse
Forest or Wood
West Lavington SU025505
New Court Down
Other Landcover
Downton SU144221
New Cover Copse
Forest or Wood
Redlynch SU236188
New Covert
Forest or Wood
Compton Bassett SU022728
New Covert
Forest or Wood
Grittleton ST848822
New Covert
Forest or Wood
Ashton Keynes SU072946
New Covert
Forest or Wood
Bishopstone SU075292
New Forest
Forest or Wood
Savernake SU204686
New Lake
Inland Water
Stourton with Gasper ST767330
New Moor Copse
Forest or Wood
Calne Without ST981677
New Plantation
Forest or Wood
Urchfont SU040556
New Plantation
Forest or Wood
Bremhill ST969728
New Plantation
Forest or Wood
Bromham ST944662
New Plantation
Forest or Wood
Sherston ST864857
New Plantation
Forest or Wood
Sherston ST860840
New Plantation
Forest or Wood
Shalbourne SU308582
New Pond Arundell Coppice
Forest or Wood
Berwick St. John ST961183
New Town Plantation
Forest or Wood
Heytesbury ST921429
New Wood
Forest or Wood
Atworth ST856672
New Wood
Forest or Wood
North Wraxall ST831746
Newbury Wood
Forest or Wood
Horningsham ST824420
Newcome's Gorse
Other Landcover
Shrewton SU120496
Newdown Copse
Forest or Wood
Perham Down SU265485
Newfield Copse
Forest or Wood
Shalbourne SU305572
Newlands Wood
Forest or Wood
Roundway SU006621
Newleaze Wood
Forest or Wood
North Wraxall ST803735
Niehills Plantation
Forest or Wood
Calne Without ST953686
Nightingale Wood
Forest or Wood
Stockton ST945378
Nightwood Copse
Forest or Wood
Grimstead SU209284
Nine Acre Wood
Forest or Wood
Hilmarton SU011747
Nine Acre Wood
Forest or Wood
Bromham ST960638
Nine Mile River
Other Water Feature
Bulford Camp SU195455
Nineteen Acre Wood
Forest or Wood
Charlton (Brinkworth Ward) SU012883
No Man's Land
Forest or Wood
Winterslow SU238370
Noad's Copse
Forest or Wood
Winterslow SU255328
Nockatt Coppice
Forest or Wood
Horningsham ST828421
Nockatt Plain
Forest or Wood
Longbridge Deverill ST834421
Noke Wood
Forest or Wood
Little Bedwyn SU269675
Nor Wood
Forest or Wood
Mere ST797328
Nor Wood
Forest or Wood
Zeals ST795325
Norley Copse
Forest or Wood
Crudwell ST981913
Normanton Down
Other Landcover
Wilsford cum Lake SU118411
Normanton Gorse
Forest or Wood
Wilsford cum Lake SU113414
Norridge Common
Other Landcover
Upton Scudamore ST852471
Norridge Wood
Forest or Wood
Warminster ST851458
North Barrow Belt
Forest or Wood
Upton Lovell ST956426
North Close Wood
Forest or Wood
Erlestoke ST961541
North Common
Other Landcover
Landford SU246209
North Copse
Forest or Wood
Oare SU151631
North Down
Other Landcover
Bishops Cannings SU044674
North Down
Other Landcover
Stratford Toney SU098276
North Field Copse
Forest or Wood
Downton SU165232
North Hill Down
Other Landcover
Durnford SU128335
North Newnton Wood
Forest or Wood
North Newnton SU129579
North Wessex Downs
Hill or Mountain Range
Ramsbury SU240704
North Wood
Forest or Wood
Colerne Airfield ST813738
North Wood
Forest or Wood
Lacock ST927702
Norton Down
Other Landcover
Norton Bavant ST924460
Norton Plantation
Forest or Wood
Norton Bavant ST910438
Norton Waters
Inland Water
Norton Bavant ST908427
Nower's Copse
Forest or Wood
Ansty ST928253
Nower's Copse
Forest or Wood
Donhead St. Andrew ST925255
Nunton Copse
Forest or Wood
Odstock SU145247
Nut Covert
Forest or Wood
Buttermere SU345608
Nythefield Copse
Forest or Wood
Downton SU180254
Oak Belt
Forest or Wood
Woodford SU130382
Oak Copse
Forest or Wood
Marston Maisey SU135991
Oak Copse
Forest or Wood
Purton SU052886
Oak Hill
Hill or Mountain
Seagry ST938803
Oak Plantation
Forest or Wood
Luckington ST813832
Oaken Coppice
Forest or Wood
Ramsbury SU299721
Oakety Copse
Forest or Wood
Collingbourne Ducis SU273531
Oakfrith Wood
Forest or Wood
Urchfont SU029570
Oakhill Wood
Forest or Wood
Tidcombe and Fosbury SU324570
Oakley Copse
Forest or Wood
Dinton SU008341
Oakridge Copse
Forest or Wood
West Grimstead SU201263
Oaksey Nursery
Forest or Wood
Minety ST995915
Oaksey Wood
Forest or Wood
Oaksey ST979935
Oaksey Wood
Forest or Wood
Oaksey ST975935
Oddford Copse
Forest or Wood
Tisbury ST930298
Odstock Copse
Forest or Wood
Odstock SU142248
Odstock Down
Other Landcover
Odstock SU133248
Officer's Copse
Forest or Wood
Ramsbury SU283760
Ogbourne Down
Other Landcover
Ogbourne St. Andrew SU173744
Old Cleeve
Forest or Wood
Upavon SU125545
Old Coppice
Forest or Wood
Sutton Benger ST937764
Old Copse
Forest or Wood
Braydon SU029896
Old Copse
Forest or Wood
Minety SU025895
Old Downs
Forest or Wood
Latton SU076978
Old Farm Clump
Forest or Wood
Shrewton SU101482
Old House Copse
Forest or Wood
Bromham ST949668
Old Lodge Copse
Forest or Wood
Broad Chalke SU053220
Old Mead Covert
Forest or Wood
Grittleton ST857795
Old Osier Bed
Forest or Wood
Chilton Foliat SU324700
Old Park Plantation
Forest or Wood
Zeals ST797313
Old Park Wood
Forest or Wood
Ramsbury SU250709
Old Plantation
Forest or Wood
Easterton SU051542
Old Plantation
Forest or Wood
Castle Combe ST839776
Old Plantation
Forest or Wood
Ogbourne St. Andrew SU162722
Old Plantation
Forest or Wood
Tidcombe and Fosbury SU309583
Old Wood
Forest or Wood
Sherston ST862858
Oldfield Copse
Forest or Wood
Ramsbury SU254715
Oldhat Copse
Forest or Wood
Milton Lilbourne SU202567
Oldhouse Wood
Forest or Wood
Little Bedwyn SU271662
Oldlands Wood
Forest or Wood
Grittleton ST843803
Orcheston Down
Other Landcover
Orcheston SU050467
Out Wood
Forest or Wood
Landford SU226209
Out Woods
Forest or Wood
North Wraxall ST833763
Overton Down
Other Landcover
Preshute SU131709
Oxdown Copse
Forest or Wood
Ludgershall SU274521
Oxendean Bottom
Warminster ST901476
Oxendean Down
Other Landcover
Warminster ST899466
Oxenwood Green
Other Landcover
Shalbourne SU303590
Oxhanger Wood
Forest or Wood
Chute SU285552
Oxleaze Copse
Forest or Wood
Lydiard Millicent SU074863
Oxleaze Copse
Forest or Wood
Mildenhall SU230689
Paget's Copse
Forest or Wood
Coombe Bissett SU129248
Pains Hill Firs
Forest or Wood
Donhead St. Andrew ST917245
Painter's Copse
Forest or Wood
Whiteparish SU231217
Paradise Copse
Forest or Wood
Redlynch SU197217
Parham Wood
Forest or Wood
Market Lavington SU006558
Park Bottom
Stockton ST952376
Park Coppice
Forest or Wood
Ramsbury SU290707
Park Coppice
Forest or Wood
East Knoyle ST878301
Park Copse
Forest or Wood
Hankerton ST997899
Park Copse
Forest or Wood
Lydiard Tregoze SU088850
Park Copse
Forest or Wood
Little Bedwyn SU274656
Park Copse
Forest or Wood
Wilcot SU149624
Park Copse
Forest or Wood
West Dean SU257295
Park Copse
Forest or Wood
Redlynch SU239194
Park Copse
Forest or Wood
Donhead St. Andrew ST923256
Park Copse
Forest or Wood
Charlton (Brinkworth Ward) ST995895
Park Copse
Forest or Wood
Lydiard Millicent SU085855
Park Hill
Hill or Mountain
Horningsham ST825431
Park Hill Plain
Forest or Wood
Horningsham ST828429
Park Pond
Inland Water
Tisbury ST923263
Park Wood
Forest or Wood
Monkton Farleigh ST818657
Parley Copse
Forest or Wood
Lydiard Millicent SU061865
Parson's Coppice
Forest or Wood
West Knoyle ST857321
Parson's Coppice
Forest or Wood
East Knoyle ST872298
Parson's Coppice
Forest or Wood
Berwick St. John ST977198
Parson's Wood
Forest or Wood
Monkton Farleigh ST814641
Parsonage Coppice
Forest or Wood
Atworth ST861663
Parsonage Down
Other Landcover
Sutton Veny ST892391
Parsonage Down
Other Landcover
Shrewton SU061411
Parsonage Down Clump
Forest or Wood
Barford St. Martin SU028342
Parsonage Wood
Forest or Wood
Castle Combe ST843770
Parsonage Wood
Forest or Wood
Nettleton ST815772
Patcombe Hill
Hill or Mountain
Bratton ST923515
Patney Copse
Forest or Wood
Etchilhampton SU068591
Paven Hill
Hill or Mountain
Purton SU080880
Paxcroft Brook
Other Water Feature
Trowbridge ST875585
Paxlet Plantation
Forest or Wood
Ramsbury SU296755
Peace Clump
Forest or Wood
Pewsey SU174578
Peaked Field Coppice
Forest or Wood
East Knoyle ST884324
Peaked Wood
Forest or Wood
Redlynch SU226191
Peaks Copse
Forest or Wood
Landford SU255219
Peaks Downs
Other Landcover
Baydon SU262795
Peaks Wood
Forest or Wood
Aldbourne SU261789
Peggy Knowl Copse
Forest or Wood
Aldbourne SU271758
Pegsbrook Copse
Forest or Wood
West Dean SU242278
Pen Hill
Hill or Mountain
Chicklade ST875362
Pen Hill Down
Other Landcover
Chicklade ST874366
Penning Bottom
Steeple Langford SU072349
Penning Down
Other Landcover
Easterton SU042551
Penning Wood
Forest or Wood
Berwick St. Leonard ST923358
Pennings Plantation
Forest or Wood
Tidworth SU227509
Pennings Wood
Forest or Wood
Tidworth SU228506
Penny's Wood
Forest or Wood
Horningsham ST796412
Pentico Wood
Forest or Wood
Aldbourne SU256733
Pepper Alley Wood
Forest or Wood
Lyneham Airfield SU001781
Pepperbox Hill
Hill or Mountain
Whiteparish SU217252
Pepperbox Hill
Hill or Mountain
West Grimstead SU215255
Periwinkle Pond
Inland Water
Littleton Panell SU012531
Perlieu Plantation
Forest or Wood
Hankerton SU010897
Pertwood Down
Other Landcover
Chicklade ST882371
Peter's Wood
Forest or Wood
Great Somerford ST961832
Pewsey Down
Other Landcover
Pewsey SU171570
Pheasant Covert
Forest or Wood
Corsham ST882709
Pheasantry Copse
Forest or Wood
Odstock SU133244
Pheasants Copse
Forest or Wood
Tisbury ST947272
Piccadilly Clump
Forest or Wood
Firsdown SU209328
Picked Copse
Forest or Wood
Winterslow SU256316
Picked Hill
Hill or Mountain
Wilcot SU125610
Picked Plantation
Forest or Wood
Tidcombe and Fosbury SU282568
Picket Grove
Forest or Wood
Stockton ST928371
Picket Wood
Forest or Wood
West Ashton ST873544
Pickpit Hill
Hill or Mountain
Tidworth SU246500
Pickpit Hill
Hill or Mountain
Tidworth SU245505
Pickpocket Firs
Forest or Wood
Winterslow SU230345
Pig-trough Copse
Forest or Wood
West Overton SU158658
Pigs' Hill Wood
Forest or Wood
Ramsbury SU288758
Pigsty Copse
Forest or Wood
Calne Without ST952700
Pigsty Copse
Forest or Wood
Derry Hill ST955705
Pigtrough Copse
Forest or Wood
Buttermere SU349614
Pile Oak Copse
Forest or Wood
Donhead St. Andrew ST923254
Pilpot Wood
Forest or Wood
Calne Without ST962693
Pimlico Bottom
Redlynch SU223187
Pimlico Copse
Forest or Wood
Redlynch SU216191
Pimlico Firs
Forest or Wood
Redlynch SU223191
Pimlico Plantation
Forest or Wood
Redlynch SU220193
Pincombe Down
Other Landcover
Berwick St. John ST966219
Pinhills Lane Plantation
Forest or Wood
Calne Without ST990696
Pinkney Wood
Forest or Wood
Sherston ST863861
Pinnock's Coppice
Forest or Wood
West Knoyle ST843324
Pintail Wood
Forest or Wood
Enford SU162522
Piper's Waight Wood
Forest or Wood
Redlynch SU245166
Pitchpenny Clump
Forest or Wood
Fonthill Bishop ST949325
Pits Wood
Forest or Wood
Chilmark ST965313
Pitt Coppice
Forest or Wood
Dinton SU023346
Pitter's Wood
Forest or Wood
Calne Without ST950688
Pitton Copse
Forest or Wood
Clarendon Park SU204307
Plain Copse
Forest or Wood
Lydiard Millicent SU058857
Plain Plantation
Forest or Wood
Castle Combe ST835769
Plowman's Copse
Forest or Wood
Chilmark ST958316
Plucking Grove
Forest or Wood
Lacock ST917703
Point Pond Wood
Forest or Wood
Berwick St. Leonard ST928359
Polesdons Copse
Forest or Wood
Shalbourne SU315648
Pond Bottom
Mere ST823347
Pond Copse
Forest or Wood
Compton Chamberlayne SU041299
Pond Hill Cuttings
Forest or Wood
Redlynch SU210193
Pond Wood
Forest or Wood
Ramsbury SU278730
Pond Wood
Forest or Wood
Redlynch SU229189
Pondclose Copse
Forest or Wood
Shalbourne SU305582
Pondhead Copse
Forest or Wood
West Tisbury ST896281
Poor Lains Coppice
Forest or Wood
Sutton Benger ST941762
Poor Patch
Forest or Wood
Bishopstone SU072283
Poor Patch
Forest or Wood
Bishopstone SU056273
Poor Patch
Forest or Wood
Broad Chalke SU030268
Poor Patch
Forest or Wood
Broad Chalke SU047234
Poor Patch
Forest or Wood
Bishopstone SU068228
Poor's Furze
Forest or Wood
Mildenhall SU214732
Popple Light Copse
Forest or Wood
Winterslow SU259350
Popplehill Copse
Forest or Wood
Whiteparish SU215222
Popplehill Copse
Forest or Wood
Whiteparish SU271232
Porton Down
Other Landcover
Winterslow SU214355
Potterne Field
Other Landcover
Potterne SU005589
Potterne Wood
Forest or Wood
Potterne SU014587
Poulton Downs
Hill or Mountain
Ogbourne St. George SU202724
Poulton Spinney
Forest or Wood
Mildenhall SU197702
Pound Bottom
Redlynch SU220176
Pound Coppice
Forest or Wood
Tollard Royal ST956182
Pound Copse
Forest or Wood
Heytesbury ST929429
Pound Copse
Forest or Wood
Braydon SU068893
Pound Copse
Forest or Wood
Berwick St. Leonard ST915365
Pound Piece Withybed
Forest or Wood
Downton SU173253
Powney's Wood
Forest or Wood
Bromham ST944677
Prancley Copse
Forest or Wood
Collingbourne Ducis SU271545
Preshute Down
Other Landcover
Preshute SU138749
Prestley Wood
Forest or Wood
Corsham ST855715
Prickmoor Wood
Forest or Wood
Bromham ST947658
Prickmoor Wood
Forest or Wood
Melksham Without ST945655
Princess Copse
Forest or Wood
Chilton Foliat SU314717
Priors Copse
Forest or Wood
Chippenham Without ST893734
Priory Wood
Forest or Wood
Kington St. Michael ST891776
Privet Copse
Forest or Wood
Ansty ST932249
Privett's Wood
Forest or Wood
Box ST834678
Prospect Clump
Forest or Wood
Orcheston SU072490
Proutly Wood
Forest or Wood
Kingston Deverill ST818390
Puckwell Coppice
Forest or Wood
West Knoyle ST854318
Pumphouse Belt
Forest or Wood
Clarendon Park SU182308
Pumphouse Plantation
Forest or Wood
Alderbury SU183274
Pumphrey Wood
Forest or Wood
West Overton SU144660
Punch Bowl Bottom
Codford ST975405
Punch Bowl Bottom
Burcombe Without SU068299
Purchase Plantation
Forest or Wood
Quidhampton SU114308
Purton Common
Other Landcover
Purton SU087883
Pyles Copse
Forest or Wood
Fyfield SU164655
Pythouse Plantation
Forest or Wood
West Tisbury ST907290
Quar Hill Cuttings
Forest or Wood
Redlynch SU212190
Quar Hill Plantation
Forest or Wood
Redlynch SU218182
Quarr Plantation
Forest or Wood
Yatton Keynell ST848758
Quarry Bottom
Donhead St. Mary ST922197
Quarry Copse
Forest or Wood
Barford St. Martin SU046311
Quarry Copse
Forest or Wood
Teffont ST973314
Quarry Plantation
Forest or Wood
Melksham Without ST934648
Quarry Wood
Forest or Wood
Tisbury ST936315
Queen Manor Belt
Forest or Wood
Clarendon Park SU178313
Queen's Coppice
Forest or Wood
Chilton Foliat SU311719
Queenwood Plantation
Forest or Wood
Derry Hill ST959707
Quemerford Lodge Plantation
Forest or Wood
Calne SU001701
Quentins Copse
Forest or Wood
Clyffe Pypard SU061765
Quidhampton Wood
Forest or Wood
Lydiard Tregoze SU115795
Quobwell Copse
Forest or Wood
Charlton (Brinkworth Ward) ST932892
Quobwell Plantations
Forest or Wood
Brokenborough ST923901
Rabbit Warren
Forest or Wood
Durnford SU129341
Rabley Wood
Forest or Wood
Mildenhall SU202706
Radnor Firs
Forest or Wood
Redlynch SU211184
Rag Copse
Forest or Wood
Chute SU272552
Rag Wood
Forest or Wood
Kilmington ST801378
Ragland Coppice
Forest or Wood
Corsley ST809447
Rainbow Bottom
Enford SU155518
Raines Copse
Forest or Wood
Bromham ST951662
Rake Pond Wood
Forest or Wood
Lacock ST919697
Ram Alley Copse
Forest or Wood
Burbage SU216631
Ramps Hill
Hill or Mountain
Brinkworth SU013853
Ranger's Belts
Forest or Wood
Clarendon Park SU172303
Ranscombe Bottom
Westbury ST887491
Ranscombe Bottom
Calne Without SU037685
Raspberry Copse
Forest or Wood
Calne Without ST949695
Rat Hill
Hill or Mountain
Grittleton ST865785
Rathill Plantation
Forest or Wood
Grittleton ST859785
Ravensroost Wood
Forest or Wood
Charlton (Brinkworth Ward) SU023881
Ravensroost Wood
Forest or Wood
Braydon SU025885
Red Vein Bottom
Savernake SU222677
Redhorn Hill
Hill or Mountain
Easterton SU059551
Redhorn Plantation
Forest or Wood
Chirton SU060559
Redlodge Plantation
Forest or Wood
Braydon SU058888
Redlynch Plantation
Forest or Wood
West Grimstead SU216266
Redridge Copse
Forest or Wood
West Dean SU253293
Redway Bottom
Corsley ST839434
Reeves' Firs
Forest or Wood
West Overton SU157662
Reeves' Plantation
Forest or Wood
Corsley ST831441
Reservoir Plantation
Forest or Wood
Ham SU344633
Richardson Wood
Forest or Wood
Winterbourne Bassett SU095740
Richwellsted Copse
Forest or Wood
Middle Winterslow SU252318
Rickpiece Plantation
Forest or Wood
Heddington ST996635
Risbury Hill Plantation
Forest or Wood
Redlynch SU245181
Rivar Copse
Forest or Wood
Ham SU351621
Rivar Down
Other Landcover
Shalbourne SU302607
Rivar Down
Hill or Mountain
Shalbourne SU308609
Rivar Firs
Forest or Wood
Shalbourne SU311612
Rivar Hill
Hill or Mountain
Shalbourne SU321613
River Avon
Other Water Feature
Sutton Benger ST955775
River Avon
Other Water Feature
Rushall SU125565
River Avon
Other Water Feature
Salisbury SU135315
River Avon
Other Water Feature
Pewsey SU155595
River Biss
Other Water Feature
North Bradley ST865565
River Bourne
Other Water Feature
Newton Tony SU215395
River Bourne
Other Water Feature
Burbage SU225585
River Ebble
Other Water Feature
Britford SU135265
River Isis or Thames
Other Water Feature
Leigh SU065935
River Kennet
Other Water Feature
Preshute SU155685
River Key
Other Water Feature
Purton SU075885
River Marden
Other Water Feature
Bremhill ST945735
River Nadder
Other Water Feature
Donhead St. Andrew ST915245
River Nadder
Other Water Feature
Barford St. Martin SU065315
River Og
Other Water Feature
Ogbourne St. George SU195735
River Sem
Other Water Feature
West Tisbury ST915275
River Thames or Isis
Other Water Feature
Leigh SU065935
River Till
Other Water Feature
Winterbourne Stoke SU075405
River Wylye
Other Water Feature
Kingston Deverill ST855375
River Wylye
Other Water Feature
Wylye SU005385
Roach Wood
Forest or Wood
Compton Bassett SU040730
Roach Wood
Forest or Wood
Hilmarton SU045735
Roadhill Wood
Forest or Wood
Colerne ST802698
Roakham Bottom
Stockton ST979359
Roakham Hill Copse
Forest or Wood
Stockton ST982364
Robin Hood Ball Clump
Forest or Wood
Shrewton SU106463
Robin Hood Plantation
Forest or Wood
Heddington SU003636
Rockley Down
Other Landcover
Ogbourne St. Andrew SU150733
Rockley Plantation
Forest or Wood
Ogbourne St. Andrew SU164727
Rockshill Plantation
Forest or Wood
Laverstock SU144337
Rodmead Hill
Hill or Mountain
Maiden Bradley with Yarnfield ST819359
Rodmead Wood
Forest or Wood
Maiden Bradley with Yarnfield ST814357
Rollerhouse Belt
Forest or Wood
Cholderton SU212420
Rollestone Clump
Forest or Wood
Shrewton SU093448
Rook Grove
Forest or Wood
Milton Lilbourne SU181626
Rookery Plantation
Forest or Wood
Barford St. Martin SU042309
Rose's Wood
Forest or Wood
Winsley ST804627
Rotherley Bottom
Berwick St. John ST952194
Rotherley Down
Other Landcover
Berwick St. John ST947198
Rotherley Wood
Forest or Wood
Berwick St. John ST950191
Rough Down
Other Landcover
Ogbourne St Andrew SU182706
Rough Lawn
Forest or Wood
West Tisbury ST917298
Roughridge Hill
Hill or Mountain
Bishops Cannings SU051655
Round Clump
Forest or Wood
Odstock SU112227
Round Clump
Other Landcover
Urchfont SU042557
Round Clump
Forest or Wood
Atworth ST855670
Round Copse
Forest or Wood
Burbage SU210630
Round Copse
Forest or Wood
Little Bedwyn SU263669
Round Copse
Forest or Wood
Great Bedwyn SU291639
Round Copse
Forest or Wood
Wilcot SU140618
Round Copse
Forest or Wood
Chute SU312538
Round Copse
Forest or Wood
Landford SU229207
Round Copse
Forest or Wood
Whiteparish SU228212
Round Copse
Forest or Wood
Redlynch SU222203
Round Covert
Forest or Wood
Shrewton SU128471
Round Down
Other Landcover
Milton Lilbourne SU196555
Round Down
Hill or Mountain
Everleigh SU195555
Round Hill
Hill or Mountain
Sedgehill and Semley ST914260
Round Hill Downs
Other Landcover
Ogbourne St. George SU213749
Round Hill Plantation
Forest or Wood
Horningsham ST825414
Round Hills Copse
Forest or Wood
Sedgehill and Semley ST901259
Round Plantation
Forest or Wood
Downton SU204242
Round Wood
Forest or Wood
North Bradley ST840521
Round Wood
Forest or Wood
Heywood ST869540
Round Wood
Forest or Wood
Box ST847685
Round Wood
Forest or Wood
Bradenstoke ST992796
Round Wood
Forest or Wood
Broad Town SU081768
Roundway Hill
Hill or Mountain
Devizes SU022646
Roundway Hill
Hill or Mountain
Bishops Cannings SU025645
Roundway Hill Covert
Forest or Wood
Heddington SU004639
Rowbarrow Wood
Forest or Wood
Monkton Farleigh ST793654
Rowde Common
Other Landcover
Rowde ST959627
Rowden Wood
Forest or Wood
St. Paul Malmesbury Without ST921814
Rowden's Cleeve
Forest or Wood
Upavon Army Camp SU149545
Rowden's Cleeve
Forest or Wood
Upavon SU145545
Rowety Plantation
Forest or Wood
Tisbury ST951274
Rowley Copse
Forest or Wood
Westwood ST807584
Rowley Copse
Forest or Wood
Tockenham SU033800
Rox Hill Clump
Forest or Wood
Wilsford cum Lake SU122386
Ruddlebats Hanging
Forest or Wood
Stert SU034588
Rudge Coppice
Forest or Wood
Ramsbury SU278696
Rudge Coppice
Forest or Wood
Froxfield SU275695
Rudge Copse
Forest or Wood
Chute SU275536
Rudghams Copse
Forest or Wood
Alderbury SU186257
Rudloe Wood
Forest or Wood
Colerne ST841710
Rush Pool Pond
Inland Water
Corsley ST818442
Ryder's Wood
Forest or Wood
Colerne ST807704
Rye Hill Copse
Forest or Wood
Redlynch SU181198
Sabre Lake
Inland Water
Calne Without SU024699
Salisbury Clumps
Forest or Wood
Amesbury SU158389
Salisbury Plain
Other Landcover
Orcheston SU062467
Salterton Down
Other Landcover
Durnford SU141357
Salts Hole
Other Water Feature
Purton SU085905
Sand Walk Plantation
Forest or Wood
Horningsham ST809436
Sanders' Copse
Forest or Wood
Donhead St. Andrew ST925240
Sandland Copse
Forest or Wood
Whiteparish SU225231
Sandpit Coppice
Forest or Wood
East Knoyle ST874305
Sandy Furlong Plantation
Forest or Wood
Hilmarton SU024746
Sandyfield Plantation
Forest or Wood
Redlynch SU242176
Savernake Forest
Forest or Wood
Savernake SU222663
Sawpit Copse
Forest or Wood
Ludgershall SU277524
Scotspoor Plantation
Forest or Wood
Tidcombe and Fosbury SU287563
Scotspoor Wood
Forest or Wood
Tidcombe and Fosbury SU281564
Scraggy Copse
Forest or Wood
Chirton SU082536
Scratchbury Hill
Hill or Mountain
Norton Bavant ST911442
Scrope's Wood
Forest or Wood
Froxfield SU264688
Scrope's Wood
Forest or Wood
Little Bedwyn SU265685
Scrubbed Oak
Forest or Wood
Berwick St. Leonard ST925361
Scutts Copse
Forest or Wood
Bromham ST951669
Seagry Wood
Forest or Wood
Upper Seagry ST940815
Seagry Wood
Forest or Wood
Great Somerford ST945815
Searchers Wood
Forest or Wood
Calne Without ST975714
Semington Brook
Other Water Feature
Semington ST905605
Semley Common
Forest or Wood
Sedgehill and Semley ST899272
Semley Common
Other Landcover
Sedgehill and Semley ST876273
Setting Copse
Forest or Wood
Chilmark ST975355
Seven Island Pond
Inland Water
Lydiard Tregoze SU048853
Sevington Covert
Forest or Wood
Grittleton ST872793
Sewell Wood
Forest or Wood
Colerne ST818733
Seymour Pond
Inland Water
Burbage SU231607
Shady Hanging
Forest or Wood
Stourton with Gasper ST763346
Shalbourne Heath Plantation
Forest or Wood
Shalbourne SU308638
Sharp Hearn Wood
Forest or Wood
Landford SU249200
Shaw Bottom
Chute SU281537
Shaw Copse
Forest or Wood
West Overton SU140650
Shaw Down
Forest or Wood
Chute SU278545
Shawdown Copse
Forest or Wood
Chute SU275545
Shear Water
Inland Water
Longbridge Deverill ST850421
Shear Water
Other Water Feature
Longbridge Deverill ST845425
Shearwater Bottom
Longbridge Deverill ST854421
Shearwood Copse
Forest or Wood
Redlynch SU218206
Sheephouse Belt
Forest or Wood
East Knoyle ST892313
Sheephouse Copse
Forest or Wood
Chute SU303549
Sheepless Hill
Hill or Mountain
Buttermere SU357605
Sheepsleight Wood
Forest or Wood
North Wraxall ST826762
Sheepwalk Plantation
Forest or Wood
Aldbourne SU242788
Sheldon Wood
Forest or Wood
Chippenham Without ST884742
Shell's Wood
Forest or Wood
Ramsbury SU288739
Sheloes Copse
Forest or Wood
Sedgehill and Semley ST868253
Sheremarsh Wood
Forest or Wood
Lye's Green ST812462
Sheriff's Clump
Forest or Wood
Hilmarton SU014762
Sherrington Clump
Forest or Wood
Stockton ST965382
Sherrington Down
Other Landcover
Stockton ST950369
Sherrington Plantation
Forest or Wood
Stockton ST964381
Sherrington Wood
Forest or Wood
Berwick St. Leonard ST943357
Sherwood Moor
Forest or Wood
Calne Without ST942699
Shiftway Coppice
Forest or Wood
Berwick St. John ST960190
Shipton Plantation
Forest or Wood
Tidworth SU240458
Shipton Road Plantation
Forest or Wood
Tidworth SU232465
Shipton Wood
Forest or Wood
Tidworth SU241455
Shipway's Brake
Forest or Wood
Chippenham Without ST884752
Short Hill Plantation
Forest or Wood
Redlynch SU244175
Short Oak Copse
Forest or Wood
Preshute SU166663
Short Shrub
Forest or Wood
Stockton ST990375
Short Wood
Forest or Wood
Limpley Stoke ST773613
Forest or Wood
Great Wishford SU067334
Shoulder of Mutton Copse
Forest or Wood
Ludgershall SU284509
Shoulder of Mutton Plantation
Forest or Wood
Preshute SU132742
Shovel Wood
Forest or Wood
Cheverell Parva ST987540
Shrub Down
Other Landcover
Westwood ST794593
Shute End Copse
Forest or Wood
Alderbury SU176276
Shute Plantation
Forest or Wood
Stockton ST969384
Sicily Clump
Forest or Wood
Little Bedwyn SU255659
Sidbury Hill
Hill or Mountain
Tidworth SU216506
Sidbury Hill Plantation
Forest or Wood
Tidworth SU219498
Silbury Hill
Hill or Mountain
Avebury SU100685
Silk Hill
Hill or Mountain
Milston SU185465
Silver Down
Other Landcover
Tidcombe and Fosbury SU290566
Silverlands Lake
Inland Water
Melksham Without ST907672
Silverstreet Wood
Forest or Wood
Bromham ST948665
Six Acre Plantation
Forest or Wood
Calne Without ST940707
Six Acres
Forest or Wood
Rushall SU107553
Six Wells Bottom
Stourton with Gasper ST766347
Slay Down
Other Landcover
Chirton SU095505
Sleight Wood
Forest or Wood
Southwick ST816559
Slittems Wood
Forest or Wood
Limpley Stoke ST768612
Sloe Copse
Forest or Wood
Winterbourne Monkton SU097706
Slop Pond
Inland Water
Tollard Royal ST956180
Smallgrain Plantation
Forest or Wood
Bishops Cannings SU017670
Smatcham's Copse
Forest or Wood
Mildenhall SU228721
Smay Down
Other Landcover
Shalbourne SU310593
Smeathe's Plantation
Forest or Wood
Ogbourne St. Andrew SU175746
Smeathe's Plantation
Forest or Wood
Ogbourne St. George SU175745
Smith's Plantation
Forest or Wood
Chippenham Without ST876743
Smith's Well Wood
Forest or Wood
Steeple Ashton ST886576
Smithen Down
Other Landcover
Woodford SU110357
Snail Clump
Forest or Wood
Everleigh SU208527
Snail Down
Other Landcover
Everleigh SU221523
Snail-creep Hanging
Forest or Wood
Berwick St. Leonard ST947362
Snake's Lane Plantation
Forest or Wood
Cherhill SU074712
Snakesfield Plantation
Forest or Wood
Odstock SU139248
Somerford Common
Forest or Wood
Brinkworth SU027867
Sound Bottom
Mildenhall SU229710
Sound Copse
Forest or Wood
Mildenhall SU226713
South Avenue Plantation
Forest or Wood
Corsham ST873703
South Down
Other Landcover
Mere ST843353
South Down
Other Landcover
Alvediston ST985217
South Hill Copse
Forest or Wood
Ansty ST934255
South Wood
Forest or Wood
Sedgehill and Semley ST899263
Southdown Wood
Forest or Wood
Coombe Bissett SU107239
Southern Copse
Forest or Wood
Ramsbury SU262732
Southgrove Copse
Forest or Wood
Burbage SU232590
Southleigh Wood
Forest or Wood
Sutton Veny ST877425
Southmill Hill Plantation
Forest or Wood
Amesbury SU157406
Southward Down
Other Landcover
Aldbourne SU270742
Spectacle Plantation
Forest or Wood
Castle Combe ST849779
Speirs Lynch Plantation
Forest or Wood
Coombe Bissett SU127251
Spelts Copse
Forest or Wood
Alderbury SU183264
Spring Bottom
Wilsford cum Lake SU120400
Spring Plantation
Forest or Wood
Lydiard Tregoze SU103842
Square Copse
Forest or Wood
Purton SU054892
Square Copse
Forest or Wood
Burbage SU218637
Square Covert
Forest or Wood
Corsham ST853720
Square Plantation
Forest or Wood
Grittleton ST835781
Square Plantation
Forest or Wood
Hankerton SU006898
Square Plantation
Forest or Wood
Wilcot SU169638
Squeak's Wood
Forest or Wood
East Knoyle ST862304
Squire's Copse
Forest or Wood
North Newnton SU131579
St Edith's Leigh Wood
Forest or Wood
Calne Without ST972678
St John's Island
Salisbury SU144290
Stable Moor Copse
Forest or Wood
Calne Without ST979677
Stadborough Copse
Forest or Wood
Crudwell ST946941
Staghorn Copse
Forest or Wood
Ramsbury SU263719
Staircase Plantation
Forest or Wood
Wilsford cum Lake SU128386
Standfield's Copse
Forest or Wood
Landford SU230204
Standlynch Down
Other Landcover
Downton SU203239
Stanmore Copse
Forest or Wood
Clyffe Pypard SU075752
Stanton Park
Forest or Wood
Kington St. Michael ST895795
Stapleford Clump
Forest or Wood
Stapleford SU086375
Starbridge's Wood
Forest or Wood
Bromham ST958639
Starveall Plantation
Forest or Wood
Shalbourne SU293608
Step Hill Plantation
Forest or Wood
Nettleton ST836789
Stepping Stones Plantation
Forest or Wood
Nettleton ST833777
Stert Copse
Forest or Wood
Ludgershall SU280521
Stert Copse
Forest or Wood
Chute SU285525
Stert Pond
Inland Water
Cherhill SU067726
Stert Valley
Stert SU024593
Stib Acre Copse
Forest or Wood
Sedgehill and Semley ST879257
Stock Bottom
Amesbury SU158396
Stock Wood
Forest or Wood
Stanton St. Quintin ST894809
Stockley Wood
Forest or Wood
Chilmark ST962312
Stockton Down
Other Landcover
Stockton ST961368
Stockton Wood
Forest or Wood
Berwick St. Leonard ST966357
Stockton Wood
Forest or Wood
Stockton ST965355
Stoford Bottom
South Newton SU088359
Stoke Bushes
Forest or Wood
Bishopstone SU049284
Stoke Down
Other Landcover
Broad Chalke SU053270
Stoke Hill
Hill or Mountain
Erlestoke ST957525
Stone's Wood
Forest or Wood
West Overton SU162657
Stonedown Wood
Forest or Wood
Ebbesborne Wake ST994204
Stonehenge Down
Other Landcover
Winterbourne Stoke SU119421
Stonehill Copse
Forest or Wood
Berwick St. Leonard ST915365
Stonehill Wood
Forest or Wood
Charlton (Brinkworth Ward) SU002892
Stony Copse
Forest or Wood
West Overton SU153665
Stony Hill
Hill or Mountain
Wylye ST998402
Stourton Bushes
Other Landcover
Dilton Marsh ST831513
Stourton Plantation
Forest or Wood
Steeple Ashton ST888574
Stowell Wood
Forest or Wood
Box ST810701
Stratford Tony Down
Other Landcover
Stratford Toney SU095240
Strawberry Ground
Forest or Wood
West Overton SU151657
Strawberry Hill
Hill or Mountain
West Lavington ST994526
Street's Copse
Forest or Wood
Morgan's Vale SU203202
Strockeridge Copse
Forest or Wood
Little Bedwyn SU294648
Studlands Copse
Forest or Wood
Downton SU211227
Stype Wood
Forest or Wood
Shalbourne SU309662
Stype Wood
Forest or Wood
Little Bedwyn SU305665
Sugar Hill
Hill or Mountain
Aldbourne SU241784
Summer Down
Other Landcover
Everleigh SU211554
Summerham Brook
Other Water Feature
Seend ST955605
Summerleaze Oaks
Forest or Wood
East Knoyle ST896294
Summerleaze Pond
Inland Water
East Knoyle ST891305
Summerslade Down
Other Landcover
Brixton Deverill ST872379
Summerton's Clump
Forest or Wood
Buttermere SU364600
Summerton's Down
Other Landcover
Buttermere SU362600
Sun Plantation
Forest or Wood
Tidworth SU209497
Sunny Hanging
Forest or Wood
Stourton with Gasper ST767347
Sunnyhill Copse
Forest or Wood
Collingbourne Ducis SU240516
Sunnyhill Down
Other Landcover
Collingbourne Ducis SU243515
Sunset Strip
Forest or Wood
Brokenborough ST919899
Sunt Copse
Forest or Wood
Whiteparish SU235213
Sunton Heath
Other Landcover
Collingbourne Ducis SU264539
Surrendell Wood
Forest or Wood
Hullavington ST867823
Sutton Bottom
Sutton Veny ST888398
Sutton Down
Other Landcover
Fovant ST990262
Swains Trees
Forest or Wood
Ogbourne St. George SU211723
Swallow Pool
Inland Water
Oaksey SU010939
Swallowcliffe Down
Other Landcover
Swallowcliffe ST979261
Swallowcliffe Wood
Forest or Wood
Swallowcliffe ST963278
Swallowhead Springs
Other Water Feature
Avebury SU105685
Swancombe Bottom
Longbridge Deverill ST841419
Swanton's Covert
Forest or Wood
South Newton SU095347
Swatnage Wood
Forest or Wood
Charlton (Brinkworth Ward) ST985885
Swayne's Firs
Forest or Wood
Bishopstone SU075225
Sweeps Coppice
Forest or Wood
Winsley ST805631
Sweetnut Wood
Forest or Wood
Coulston ST953538
Swell Hill Wood
Forest or Wood
Sutton Mandeville ST974285
Swill Plantation
Forest or Wood
Hilmarton SU029749
Swindley Copse
Forest or Wood
Dinton SU014336
Swinley Withy Bed
Forest or Wood
Kington St. Michael ST908788
Sydney's Copse
Forest or Wood
Chute Forest SU322525
Sydney's Wood
Forest or Wood
Kington Langley ST935766
Tacklemore Wood
Forest or Wood
Calne Without ST936696
Talmage's Copse
Forest or Wood
Tidcombe and Fosbury SU319576
Tan Hill
Hill or Mountain
Alton SU082647
Tanner's Copse
Forest or Wood
Chute SU282555
Tanner's Wood
Forest or Wood
Horningsham ST793411
Tarrant's Bottom
Berwick St. John ST968183
Tarrant's Coppice
Forest or Wood
Berwick St. John ST970182
Tawsmead Copse
Forest or Wood
Wilcot SU125618
Teagles Copse
Forest or Wood
Royal Wootton Bassett SU041809
Teffont Down
Other Landcover
Dinton ST993344
Templar's Firs
Forest or Wood
Royal Wootton Bassett SU074816
Temple Bottom
Preshute SU143724
Temple Common
Forest or Wood
Corsley ST819447
Temple Coppice
Forest or Wood
Corsley ST821446
Temple Copse
Forest or Wood
Wilton (Wiltshire) SU098303
Temple Covert
Forest or Wood
Preshute SU141726
Ten Acre Copse
Forest or Wood
Donhead St. Andrew ST920255
Ten Acre Copse
Forest or Wood
Donhead St. Mary ST897227
Tenantry Down
Other Landcover
Bratton ST934504
Tennis Corner Wood
Forest or Wood
Dilton Marsh ST832508
Terrace Clump
Forest or Wood
Burbage SU232639
Terrace Hill
Hill or Mountain
Burbage SU232638
Terrace Wood
Forest or Wood
Hindon ST910316
Testwood Copse
Other Landcover
Whiteparish SU270240
The Acre
Forest or Wood
Alderbury SU185269
The Beeches
Forest or Wood
Preshute SU147717
The Belt
Forest or Wood
Codford St Peter ST978399
The Belt
Forest or Wood
Corsham ST886712
The Belt
Forest or Wood
Fyfield SU141696
The Belt
Forest or Wood
Lockeridge SU137675
The Belt
Forest or Wood
Barford St Martin SU041315
The Belt
Forest or Wood
Berwick St. James SU081393
The Belt
Forest or Wood
Donhead St. Mary ST901237
The Belt
Forest or Wood
Tidworth SU215465
The Birches
Forest or Wood
Landford SU231202
The Brake
Forest or Wood
Edington ST942533
The Brake
Forest or Wood
West Ashton ST884562
The Brake
Forest or Wood
Calne ST985713
The Brake
Forest or Wood
Bremhill ST985758
The Brake
Forest or Wood
Bromham ST941664
The Bushes
Forest or Wood
Chilmark ST941315
The Clump
Forest or Wood
Charlton (Brinkworth Ward) SU000885
The Clump
Forest or Wood
Little Bedwyn SU277667
The Clump
Forest or Wood
Donhead St. Mary ST881245
The Common
Other Landcover
Teffont ST997318
The Coppice
Forest or Wood
Bromham ST962657
The Copse
Forest or Wood
Norton Bavant ST915441
The Crammer
Inland Water
Devizes SU010614
The Cross Belt
Forest or Wood
Tidworth SU224462
The Dean
Forest or Wood
Aldbourne SU245756
The Dell
Shalbourne SU304650
The Down
Forest or Wood
Charlton (Brinkworth Ward) ST978897
The Earldoms
Forest or Wood
Landford SU253219
The Firs
Forest or Wood
West Lavington SU012484
The Firs
Forest or Wood
Lydiard Millicent SU047865
The Firs
Forest or Wood
Stanton St. Bernard SU097596
The Folly
Forest or Wood
Latton SU085985
The Gorse
Forest or Wood
Chippenham (Wiltshire) ST903756
The Green
Other Landcover
Lyneham Airfield SU019791
The Grove
Forest or Wood
Corsley ST814431
The Grove
Forest or Wood
Corsham ST864724
The Grove
Forest or Wood
Grittleton ST845795
The Grove
Forest or Wood
Langley Burrell Without ST920756
The Grove
Forest or Wood
Luckington ST850853
The Grove
Forest or Wood
East Knoyle ST878306
The Grove
Forest or Wood
Tisbury ST934268
The Grove
Forest or Wood
Newton Tony SU214403
The Grove
Forest or Wood
Newton Tony SU222414
The Grove
Forest or Wood
Britford SU160270
The Groves
Forest or Wood
Colerne ST830721
The Gully
Shalbourne SU310654
The Gully
Calne Without ST979694
The Hanging
Forest or Wood
Stapleford SU073377
The Jubilee Lake
Inland Water
Wootton Bassett SU068838
The Knoll
Hill or Mountain
All Cannings SU060629
The Lake
Inland Water
Ramsbury SU256707
The Lake Covert
Forest or Wood
Great Somerford ST977824
The Larches
Forest or Wood
Corsham ST846713
The Lawn
Other Landcover
Chapmanslade ST829494
The Lawns
Forest or Wood
Kington Langley ST928762
The Moor
Other Landcover
Charlton (Brinkworth Ward) ST976892
The Moors
Forest or Wood
Marden SU081582
The Moors
Forest or Wood
Bromham ST967634
The Pennings
Forest or Wood
Tidworth SU229502
The Pit Plantation
Forest or Wood
Wootton Rivers SU201641
The Plain
Other Landcover
Clyffe Pypard SU065763
The Plain
Other Landcover
Ramsbury SU249694
The Plantation
Forest or Wood
Whiteparish SU279242
The Plantation
Forest or Wood
Bradford on Avon ST824611
The Plantation
Forest or Wood
Roundway SU012640
The Plantation
Forest or Wood
West Lavington ST985491
The Plantation
Forest or Wood
Ramsbury SU260704
The Plantation
Forest or Wood
Manningford SU126593
The Plantation
Forest or Wood
Grimstead SU205286
The Rings
Forest or Wood
West Lavington SU005485
The Rookery
Forest or Wood
Lacock ST902676
The Rookery
Forest or Wood
Crudwell ST977917
The Rookery
Forest or Wood
Mildenhall SU215723
The Rookery
Forest or Wood
Shalbourne SU307598
The Rookery
Forest or Wood
Collingbourne Kingston SU244560
The Rookery
Forest or Wood
Tisbury ST925269
The Rookery
Forest or Wood
Clarendon Park SU197285
The Shrubbery
Forest or Wood
Sutton Benger ST939787
The Strip
Forest or Wood
Wilton SU099293
The Valley
Fonthill Gifford ST922304
The Warren
Hill or Mountain
West Knoyle ST865327
The Warren
Forest or Wood
Market Lavington SU005518
The Warren
Forest or Wood
Calne Without ST953682
The Warren
Forest or Wood
Ogbourne St. Andrew SU160714
The Warren
Forest or Wood
Netheravon SU145497
The Wig
Forest or Wood
Milston SU185475
The Wilderness
Forest or Wood
Corsham ST863716
The Wilderness
Forest or Wood
Royal Wootton Bassett SU050815
The Wilderness
Forest or Wood
Croucheston SU073257
The Withy Bed
Forest or Wood
Dauntsey ST974834
The Withy Bed
Other Landcover
West Overton SU132682
Thicket Copse
Forest or Wood
Mildenhall SU220702
Thicket Copse
Forest or Wood
West Grimstead SU217268
Thickthorn Copse
Forest or Wood
Dinton SU001342
Thorn Hill Copse
Forest or Wood
Redlynch SU235169
Thorn Wood
Forest or Wood
Box ST829681
Thorn's Copse
Forest or Wood
Whiteparish SU231214
Thorney Pits
Forest or Wood
Box ST843688
Thornham Down
Other Landcover
Chirton SU098517
Thornhill Down
Forest or Wood
Everleigh SU220557
Thornhill Pond
Inland Water
Savernake SU217666
Thorny Bottom
Sutton Mandeville ST977291
Thorny Down
Other Landcover
Gomeldon SU207343
Three Acre Plantation
Forest or Wood
Bulford Camp SU196442
Three Corner Firs
Forest or Wood
Cheverell Parva ST986524
Three Corner Plantation
Forest or Wood
Corsham ST858674
Three Corner Plantation
Forest or Wood
Langley Burrell Without ST941758
Three Cornered Covert
Forest or Wood
Buttermere SU345618
Three Score Acre
Other Landcover
Colerne ST819729
Three Score Acres
Forest or Wood
Stourton with Gasper ST753343
Three Stones Plantation
Forest or Wood
Nettleton ST833784
Throope Down
Other Landcover
Stratford Toney SU089246
Throope Hill
Hill or Mountain
Bishopstone SU090252
Thunder Brook
Other Water Feature
Royal Wootton Bassett SU055835
Tidcombe Down
Other Landcover
Tidcombe and Fosbury SU286580
Tidworth Down
Other Landcover
Tidworth SU251501
Tilley's Wood
Forest or Wood
Colerne ST837715
Tilshead Down
Other Landcover
Tilshead SU021470
Tinhead Hill
Hill or Mountain
Edington ST940524
Tinkley Bottom
Tollard Royal ST951175
Tinkley Coppice
Forest or Wood
Tollard Royal ST953179
Tinkley Down
Other Landcover
Tollard Royal ST953178
Tinney's Firs
Forest or Wood
Lover SU205195
Tinney's Plantation
Forest or Wood
Redlynch SU237177
Titchborne Hundred Acre Copse
Forest or Wood
Whiteparish SU218221
Tittle Path Hill
Hill or Mountain
Donhead St. Mary ST895255
Tockenham Reservoir
Inland Water
Tockenham SU025806
Tollard Clump
Forest or Wood
Tollard Royal ST946179
Tollard Green
Other Landcover
Tollard Royal ST929167
Tollard Green Bottom
Tollard Royal ST926159
Tollard Plantation
Forest or Wood
Berwick St. John ST945186
Top Wood
Forest or Wood
Stourton with Gasper ST766336
Totney Firs
Forest or Wood
Box ST813679
Tottenham Wood
Forest or Wood
Edington ST941524
Totterdale Copse
Forest or Wood
Tisbury ST948280
Totterdown Clump
Forest or Wood
Countess SU153431
Totterdown Wood
Forest or Wood
Preshute SU136718
Touching Head Copse
Forest or Wood
Fovant ST997289
Tow Barrow
Hill or Mountain
Grafton SU275575
Towerhill Plantation
Forest or Wood
Winterslow SU235384
Townsend Copse
Forest or Wood
Sutton Mandeville ST984285
Townsend Wood
Forest or Wood
Cheverell Magna ST976538
Toyd Clump
Forest or Wood
Stratford Toney SU088229
Toyd Clump
Forest or Wood
Bishopstone SU085225
Treasurer's Dean Wood
Forest or Wood
Downton SU185255
Tree Ground
Forest or Wood
Newton Tony SU219414
Triangle Plantation
Forest or Wood
Nettleton ST834779
Triangle Wood
Forest or Wood
Cherhill SU037708
Trimby's White Marshes Plantation
Forest or Wood
Horningsham ST798430
Trindledown Copse
Forest or Wood
Froxfield SU305670
Trow Clump
Forest or Wood
Alvediston ST971217
Trow Down
Hill or Mountain
Alvediston ST971217
Trowle Wood
Forest or Wood
Wingfield ST828581
Truckle Hill
Hill or Mountain
North Wraxall ST835755
Tucking Mill Hanging
Forest or Wood
Stourton with Gasper ST764343
Tummer Copse
Forest or Wood
Shalbourne SU309576
Turf Hill Inclosure
Forest or Wood
Redlynch SU205175
Turner's Copse
Forest or Wood
Ansty ST948266
Turner's Paddock Lake
Inland Water
Stourton with Gasper ST771337
Turnham Wood
Forest or Wood
Bremhill ST998747
Twelve Acre Copse
Forest or Wood
Ansty ST946265
Two Acre Coppice
Forest or Wood
Ogbourne St. Andrew SU154719
Two Mile Down
Other Landcover
Chicklade ST892334
Tyning Belt
Forest or Wood
Corsham ST854718
Tyning Wood
Forest or Wood
Corsham ST855719
Tytherington Hill
Hill or Mountain
Heytesbury ST914395
Uddens Coppice
Forest or Wood
Tollard Royal ST953174
Ugford Clump
Forest or Wood
Wilton SU081318
Under Sheriff's Clump
Forest or Wood
Bremhill SU009765
Under Win Green
Other Landcover
Berwick St. John ST930203
Underhill Copse
Forest or Wood
Chilmark ST966319
Upavon Hill
Hill or Mountain
Upavon Army Camp SU149555
Upavon Hill
Hill or Mountain
Upavon SU145555
Upham Copse
Forest or Wood
Aldbourne SU228774
Upper Blackbush Copse
Forest or Wood
Redlynch SU221201
Upper Bristow Copse
Forest or Wood
Pewsey SU149617
Upper Bushes
Forest or Wood
Whiteparish SU219246
Upper Copse
Forest or Wood
Allington SU205385
Upper Dwarf Brake
Forest or Wood
Ramsbury SU302715
Upper Highwood Copse
Forest or Wood
East Grimstead SU236278
Upper Holt
Forest or Wood
Teffont Magna ST983317
Upper New Copse
Forest or Wood
Redlynch SU224204
Upper Noad's Copse
Forest or Wood
Winterslow SU257324
Upper Pertwood Bushes
Other Landcover
Chicklade ST889352
Upper Pond
Inland Water
Horningsham ST815419
Upper Selves Wood
Forest or Wood
Lacock ST942672
Upper Stapens Copse
Forest or Wood
Landford SU246212
Upper Sunt Copse
Forest or Wood
Landford SU230211
Upper Thicket Copse
Forest or Wood
Mildenhall SU220707
Upton Cow Down
Hill or Mountain
Westbury ST878492
Urchfont Down
Hill or Mountain
Easterton SU060521
Urchfont Gorse
Other Landcover
Easterton SU064525
Urchfont Hill
Hill or Mountain
Urchfont SU050555
Vagg's Hill Bushes
Forest or Wood
Southwick ST812555
Vale of Pewsey
Wilcot SU134609
Vale of Wardour
Tisbury ST949285
Vastern Wood
Forest or Wood
Royal Wootton Bassett SU041814
Vernditch Chase
Forest or Wood
Broad Chalke SU035215
Vesey Trees
Forest or Wood
Burcombe Without SU077296
Vicarage Plantation
Forest or Wood
Bromham ST958668
Victory Clump
Forest or Wood
Milton Lilbourne SU179577
Vines Brake
Forest or Wood
Latton SU083979
Vineyard Wood
Forest or Wood
Boyton ST942395
Voronzoff Wood
Forest or Wood
Little Bedwyn SU247676
Waden Hill
Hill or Mountain
Avebury SU105689
Wadman's Coppice
Forest or Wood
Bratton ST945495
Wadsmere Down
Other Landcover
Buttermere SU359603
Waite Hill Reservoir
Inland Water
Brinkworth SU013802
Waits Wood
Forest or Wood
Minety SU024894
Wakesdean Wood
Forest or Wood
Ebbesborne Wake ST991203
Walk Copse
Forest or Wood
Whiteparish SU256245
Walker's Copse
Forest or Wood
Ansty ST956270
Walker's Plantation
Forest or Wood
Preshute SU128757
Walkers Hill
Hill or Mountain
Alton SU112633
Wall Copse
Forest or Wood
Whiteparish SU220215
Wall Leaze Wood
Forest or Wood
Nettleton ST806796
Wallmead Copse
Forest or Wood
Tisbury ST947281
Warden's Down
Other Landcover
Bratton ST905505
Warleigh Wood
Forest or Wood
Winsley ST793632
Warminster Plain
Forest or Wood
Horningsham ST835432
Warner's Copse
Forest or Wood
Clarendon Park SU194306
Warr Hill Plantation
Forest or Wood
Yatton Keynell ST850759
Warren Copse
Forest or Wood
Berwick St. John ST951238
Warren Down
Other Landcover
Market Lavington SU047517
Warren Down
Other Landcover
Wilton SU096292
Warren Field Plantation
Forest or Wood
Downton SU185243
Warren Hill
Hill or Mountain
Tidworth SU249480
Warren Plantation
Forest or Wood
Shrewton SU098462
Warren Plantation
Forest or Wood
Downton SU150231
Wash Way Wood
Forest or Wood
Calne Without ST965694
Water Eaton Copse
Forest or Wood
Latton SU145935
Water Ridge Bottom
Berwick St. John ST964189
Waterlane Bottom
Collingbourne Ducis SU275532
Waterlane Copse
Forest or Wood
Collingbourne Ducis SU276529
Waterloo Plantation
Forest or Wood
Newton Tony SU230401
Weather Hill
Hill or Mountain
Everleigh SU204517
Weather Hill Firs
Forest or Wood
Everleigh SU208522
Weavern Wood
Forest or Wood
Box ST840723
Webb's Copse
Forest or Wood
Lover SU214205
Webb's Gully
Great Bedwyn SU296634
Webb's Patch
Forest or Wood
Calne Without ST957687
Webb's Wood
Forest or Wood
Lydiard Millicent SU045857
Well Bottom
Upton Lovell ST954415
Well Bottom Belt
Forest or Wood
Codford ST956410
Well Bottom Plantation
Forest or Wood
Upton Lovell ST957416
Well Copse
Forest or Wood
Whiteparish SU262251
Well Ground Copse
Forest or Wood
Mildenhall SU215716
Wellhead Pond
Inland Water
Erlestoke ST962532
Wells' Copse
Forest or Wood
West Overton SU150661
Wentworth's Copse
Forest or Wood
Shalbourne SU306652
West Close Copse
Forest or Wood
Tockenham SU032811
West Common
Forest or Wood
Maiden Bradley with Yarnfield ST791400
West Common Plantation
Forest or Wood
Grimstead SU201271
West Down
Other Landcover
Cherhill SU072689
West Down Plantation
Forest or Wood
Tilshead SU045495
West Down Spinney
Forest or Wood
Upton Lovell ST953427
West Everleigh Down
Other Landcover
Everleigh SU182554
West Heath
Forest or Wood
Sutton Veny ST876430
West Hill
Hill or Mountain
Steeple Langford SU006353
West Ivers Wood
Forest or Wood
Berwick St. John ST954216
West Lane Wood
Forest or Wood
Bromham ST950656
West Lavington Down
Other Landcover
West Lavington ST994495
West Park Wood
Forest or Wood
Corston (Wiltshire) ST916842
West Wood
Forest or Wood
Easterton SU016563
West Wood
Forest or Wood
Colerne ST805701
West Wood
Forest or Wood
Sutton Mandeville ST966303
West Woods
Forest or Wood
West Overton SU154662
West Yatton Down
Other Landcover
Yatton Keynell ST852760
Westbury Down
Other Landcover
Westbury ST890500
Westbury Hill
Hill or Mountain
Westbury ST897512
Westcott Copse
Forest or Wood
Shalbourne SU319648
Westfield Copse
Forest or Wood
Ramsbury SU265719
Westrop Plantation
Forest or Wood
Corsham ST883705
Wexcombe Down
Other Landcover
Grafton SU276581
Whaddon Common
Forest or Wood
Alderbury SU198267
Whatcomb Bottom
Corton ST931393
Whatley's Brake
Forest or Wood
South Wraxall ST825649
Wheeler's Wood
Forest or Wood
Calne Without ST931697
Wheelers Wood
Forest or Wood
Bromham ST946680
Whetham Wood
Forest or Wood
Calne Without ST975681
Whipshill Copse
Forest or Wood
Whiteparish SU221223
White Bird Lake
Inland Water
Steeple Langford SU039371
White Cliff Wood
Forest or Wood
Biddestone ST848732
White Gate Plantation
Forest or Wood
Castle Combe ST842778
White Hill
Hill or Mountain
Market Lavington SU000512
White Hill Wood
Forest or Wood
Mere ST819309
White Horse Hill
Hill or Mountain
Bratton ST901511
White Horse Plantation
Forest or Wood
Cherhill SU050696
White Marshes Plantation
Forest or Wood
Horningsham ST800428
White Mead Wood
Forest or Wood
West Tisbury ST914295
White Sheet Downs
Other Landcover
Kilmington ST804356
White Sheet Downs
Hill or Mountain
Kilmington ST805355
White Sheet Hill
Hill or Mountain
Mere ST804346
White Sheet Hill
Hill or Mountain
Ansty ST943242
White Wood
Forest or Wood
Box ST832677
White Wood
Forest or Wood
Kington Langley ST901760
White's Common
Forest or Wood
Pitton and Farley SU231290
White's Copse
Forest or Wood
Whiteparish SU241217
Whitecliff Down
Other Landcover
Kingston Deverill ST834387
Whitecomb Plantation
Forest or Wood
Aldbourne SU248776
Whitefield Hill
Hill or Mountain
Ogbourne St. George SU208765
Whitehill Coppice
Forest or Wood
Ramsbury SU286707
Whitehouse Copse
Forest or Wood
West Dean SU246258
Whitelane Copse
Forest or Wood
Chute SU273545
Whiten Hill
Hill or Mountain
Sutton Veny ST893403
Whiteparish Common
Forest or Wood
Landford SU257224
Whitepits Down
Other Landcover
Kingston Deverill ST842378
Whiteshard Bottom
Ogbourne St. George SU227734
Whitewalls Wood
Forest or Wood
Easton Grey ST889875
Whitley Brake
Forest or Wood
Calne Without ST990730
Whitmarsh Wood
Forest or Wood
Sutton Mandeville ST969286
Whittle Copse
Forest or Wood
Collingbourne Ducis SU271543
Wick Down
Other Landcover
Preshute SU136740
Wick Down
Hill or Mountain
Collingbourne Ducis SU261530
Wick Down
Other Landcover
Downton SU138217
Wick Hill
Hill or Mountain
Bremhill ST973739
Wick Wood
Forest or Wood
Nettleton ST819769
Wickheath Copse
Forest or Wood
Collingbourne Ducis SU274524
Widbrook Wood
Forest or Wood
Bradford on Avon ST842596
Widgerly Down
Other Landcover
Ludgershall SU255517
Widham Grove
Other Landcover
Purton SU092883
Widley's Gorse
Forest or Wood
Sherston ST848847
Wigmoreash Pond
Inland Water
Ham SU358621
Wilcot Withy Bed
Forest or Wood
Wilcot SU133607
Forest or Wood
Ramsbury SU255706
Forest or Wood
Milton Lilbourne SU178605
Wilding's Copse
Forest or Wood
Aldbourne SU224743
Willocks Wood
Forest or Wood
Monkton Farleigh ST809643
Wilsford Down
Other Landcover
Wilsford cum Lake SU109407
Wilton Brail
Forest or Wood
Great Bedwyn SU274627
Wilton Common
Other Landcover
Great Bedwyn SU277623
Wilton Down
Other Landcover
Great Bedwyn SU289619
Wilton Water
Other Water Feature
Great Bedwyn SU265625
Win Green
Other Landcover
Donhead St. Mary ST925205
Win Green
Hill or Mountain
Donhead St. Mary ST925205
Win Green Clump
Forest or Wood
Donhead St. Mary ST925206
Winchcombe Copse
Forest or Wood
Aldbourne SU277752
Windmill Hill
Hill or Mountain
Clyffe Pypard SU055767
Windmill Hill
Hill or Mountain
Winterbourne Monkton SU086713
Windmill Hill
Hill or Mountain
Alvediston ST965232
Windmill Hill Copse
Forest or Wood
Clyffe Pypard SU054767
Windmill Hill Plantation
Forest or Wood
Winterbourne Monkton SU084713
Windmill Plantation
Forest or Wood
Collingbourne Kingston SU231552
Windmillhill Down
Other Landcover
Tidworth SU248509
Windmillhill Plantation
Forest or Wood
Tidworth SU247505
Windward Ball Plantation
Forest or Wood
Everleigh SU198550
Winkland's Down
Other Landcover
Westbury ST898512
Winkworth Plantation
Forest or Wood
Lea and Cleverton ST976864
Winterbourne Down
Other Landcover
Preshute SU122742
Winterbourne Down
Other Landcover
Firsdown SU212338
Winterbourne Stoke Clump
Forest or Wood
Winterbourne Stoke SU101415
Winterbourne Stoke Down
Other Landcover
Winterbourne Stoke SU099423
Winterslow Firs
Forest or Wood
Winterslow SU223350
Wiren Copse
Forest or Wood
Everleigh SU198551
Wires Plain
Other Landcover
Calne Without ST972690
Witch Plantation
Forest or Wood
Cherhill SU058689
Witcha Copse
Forest or Wood
Ramsbury SU297741
Witherington Down
Other Landcover
Downton SU205246
Withy Copse
Forest or Wood
Little Bedwyn SU261670
Withy Copse
Forest or Wood
Wilcot SU172643
Withybed Copse
Forest or Wood
Melksham Without ST927651
Withybed Planation
Forest or Wood
West Tisbury ST890288
Withybed Wood
Forest or Wood
Rowde ST990634
Wollard Copse
Forest or Wood
Chilmark ST950312
Wood Copse
Forest or Wood
Sedgehill and Semley ST913255
Wood Hill
Hill or Mountain
Brinkworth ST999866
Wood House Hanging
Forest or Wood
Bowerchalke SU000221
Woodborough Hill
Hill or Mountain
Alton SU118614
Woodbridge Brook
Other Water Feature
Brinkworth ST995855
Woodbridge Copse
Forest or Wood
Lea and Cleverton ST985863
Woodbury Hill Plantation
Forest or Wood
Castle Combe ST841784
Woodcock Copse
Forest or Wood
Redlynch SU235186
Woodcock Corner Copse
Forest or Wood
Compton Chamberlayne SU018295
Woodcock Grove
Forest or Wood
Ramsbury SU281749
Woodcombe Wood
Forest or Wood
Horningsham ST834389
Woodcroft Wood
Forest or Wood
Sutton Veny ST881433
Woodford Brake
Forest or Wood
Nettleton ST830773
Woodford Clump
Forest or Wood
Woodford SU108358
Woodford's Piece
Forest or Wood
Whiteparish SU229252
Woodlands Down
Other Landcover
Berwick St. John ST947240
Woodley Down
Other Landcover
Donhead St. Mary ST925183
Woodley's Copse
Forest or Wood
Baydon SU281761
Woodman Croft Covert
Forest or Wood
Seagry ST931803
Woodman's Breach
Forest or Wood
Monkton Farleigh ST792660
Woodminton Down
Other Landcover
Bowerchalke SU001216
Woodside Bottom
Nomansland SU257176
Woodside Plantation
Forest or Wood
Landford SU264178
Woody Ground
Forest or Wood
Pitton and Farley SU229293
Wools Grove
Forest or Wood
West Overton SU147666
Wormstall Wood
Forest or Wood
Redlynch SU216193
Wraxworthy Plantation
Forest or Wood
Codford St Peter ST962415
Wreakliz Plantation
Forest or Wood
Downton SU145226
Writh Copse
Forest or Wood
Stourton with Gasper ST768332
Wroughton Copse
Forest or Wood
Preshute SU137709
Wyatt's Wood
Forest or Wood
Bromham (Wiltshire) ST966658
Wylye Cow Down Bottom
Wylye SU000358
Wylye Valley
Wylye ST999383
Yarnbury Castle
Hill or Mountain
Shrewton SU037402
Yarnfield Common Wood
Forest or Wood
Maiden Bradley with Yarnfield ST785390
Yatesbury Copse
Forest or Wood
Cherhill SU062727
Yatesbury Field
Other Landcover
Cherhill SU068705
Yatesbury Withybed
Forest or Wood
Winterbourne Bassett SU071736
Yew Grove
Forest or Wood
Cholderton SU228429
Yewtree Copse
Forest or Wood
Whiteparish SU232254
Yielding Copse
Forest or Wood
Ogbourne St. George SU219735
Young Plantation
Forest or Wood
Berwick St. James SU055397
Zeals Knoll
Hill or Mountain
Mere ST797332
Zeals Knoll
Hill or Mountain
Stourton with Gasper ST795335