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Gazetteer Entries in Worcestershire, England
Populated Places only
Geographic Features only
Markers are clustered as there are too many to display individually when zoomed out.
Abberley Hill
Hill or Mountain
Abberley SO751672
Forest or Wood
Drakes Broughton and Wadboroug SO886492
Aggberrow Wood
Forest or Wood
Longdon SO855349
Ailes Grove
Forest or Wood
Elmley Castle SO983400
Aileshurst Coppice
Forest or Wood
Malvern SO773502
Aldwick Wood
Forest or Wood
Bredon SO941387
Allesborough Hill
Hill or Mountain
Pershore SO939465
Almshouse Wood
Forest or Wood
Knightwick SO724537
Andrews' Coppice
Forest or Wood
Tutnall and Cobley SP016713
Aniceford Coppice
Forest or Wood
Abberley SO720673
Annhill Coppice
Forest or Wood
Kidderminster Foreign SO776788
Apes Dale
Blackwell SO987729
Apple Cross Plantation
Forest or Wood
Stoke Bliss SO641633
Areley Wood
Forest or Wood
Stourport-on-Severn SO789711
Areley Wood
Forest or Wood
Rock SO785715
Arle Covert
Forest or Wood
Strensham SO917393
Arley Wood
Forest or Wood
Wolverley and Cookley SO801825
Arrow Valley Lake
Inland Water
Redditch, unparished area SP059673
Arrow Valley Lake
Other Water Feature
Redditch SP065675
Ash Beds
Forest or Wood
Hinton on the Green SP026400
Ash Coppice
Forest or Wood
Lindridge SO675702
Ash Coppice
Forest or Wood
Beckford SO989376
Ash Coppice
Forest or Wood
Hadzor SO917624
Ash Plantation
Forest or Wood
Hanbury SO974648
Ash Plantation
Forest or Wood
Aston Somerville SP044388
Ashbeds Coppice
Forest or Wood
Hanbury SO926636
Ashbeds Wood
Forest or Wood
Newland SO802492
Ashmoor Common
Other Landcover
Kempsey SO851466
Ashton Wood
Forest or Wood
Ashton under Hill SO993391
Ashton Wood
Forest or Wood
Elmley Castle SO995395
Asplands Husk Coppice
Forest or Wood
Cladswell SP056589
Atchlench Wood
Forest or Wood
South Lenches SP039517
Axborough Wood
Forest or Wood
Wolverley and Cookley SO856793
Ayton's Heath
Forest or Wood
Clifton upon Teme SO700630
Backgreen Covert
Forest or Wood
Upton-upon-Severn SO846386
Badgers Walk
Other Landcover
Bayton SO714727
Badsey Brook
Other Water Feature
Wickhamford SP065415
Badsey Field
Other Landcover
Badsey SP080432
Baggotts Coppice
Forest or Wood
Broadwas SO767563
Ballom Hill
Hill or Mountain
Dormston SO982581
Bank Wood
Forest or Wood
West Malvern SO755466
Barnes's Rough
Forest or Wood
Severn Stoke SO856427
Barnett Hill
Hill or Mountain
Broome SO889770
Barnett Hill
Hill or Mountain
Blakedown SO885775
Baron's Coppice
Forest or Wood
Wolverley and Cookley SO807832
Barrel's Wood
Forest or Wood
Inkberrow SP043560
Barrel's Wood
Forest or Wood
Abbots Morton SP040559
Bartles Wood
Forest or Wood
Bentley Pauncefoot SP003674
Batchley Pool
Inland Water
Redditch SP027678
Bateman's Dingle
Upper Arley SO774809
Bath Coppice
Forest or Wood
Kidderminster Foreign SO777782
Bath House Coppice
Forest or Wood
Tenbury SO618659
Bath Pool
Inland Water
Wolverley and Cookley SO858809
Batten's Wood
Forest or Wood
Eckington SO955408
Battenton Green
Forest or Wood
Ombersley SO830659
Battlefield Brook
Other Water Feature
Bromsgrove SO945715
Baylis's Hill
Hill or Mountain
Honeybourne SP123452
Bayton Pool
Inland Water
Bayton SO693744
Beacon Hill
Hill or Mountain
Lickey and Blackwell SO987760
Beacon Hill
Hill or Mountain
Barnt Green SO985755
Beacon Wood
Forest or Wood
Bromsgrove, unparished area SO980758
Beanhill Coppice
Forest or Wood
Lindridge SO650700
Beans Coppice
Forest or Wood
Upper Arley SO781814
Beckford Coppice
Forest or Wood
Beckford SO978372
Beckford Hill
Hill or Mountain
Beckford SO985384
Bednal Coppice
Forest or Wood
Tenbury Wells SO584677
Beech Coppice
Forest or Wood
Eldersfield SO838330
Beech Drive
Forest or Wood
Severn Stoke SO873459
Belt Covert
Forest or Wood
Hanbury SO939635
Belt Plantation
Forest or Wood
Hanley SO684659
Bengeworth Lake
Inland Water
Evesham SP050425
Benstoken Coppice
Forest or Wood
Leigh SO763498
Bentley Common
Other Landcover
Bentley Pauncefoot SO975656
Bernard's Green Belt
Forest or Wood
Hanley Castle SO812441
Berrington Heath
Other Landcover
Tenbury SO578658
Berrow Hill
Hill or Mountain
Martley SO744585
Berrow Hill
Hill or Mountain
Feckenham SO997622
Berrow Wood
Forest or Wood
Pendock SO791337
Bevere Green
Other Landcover
North Claines SO840590
Bevere Island
North Claines SO837595
Bibsworth Covert
Forest or Wood
Broadway SP109384
Bickenham Wood
Forest or Wood
Stanford with Orleton SO696659
Big Covert
Forest or Wood
Upton-upon-Severn SO822392
Big Wood
Forest or Wood
Dodford with Grafton SO918731
Bills Wood
Forest or Wood
Hanbury SO953622
Bine Coppice
Forest or Wood
Eastham SO677674
Birch Covert
Forest or Wood
Severn Stoke SO865451
Birch Hill Coppice
Forest or Wood
Martley SO742594
Birch Wood
Forest or Wood
Wolverley and Cookley SO801812
Birch-Hill Coppice
Forest or Wood
Shelsley Kings SO724649
Birchen Coppice
Forest or Wood
Stoke Bliss SO642633
Birchen Grove
Forest or Wood
Lower Broadheath SO816563
Birchend Coppice
Forest or Wood
Little Witley SO783621
Forest or Wood
Leigh SO755505
Bishampton Bank
Forest or Wood
South Lenches SP009496
Bishop's Wood
Forest or Wood
Hartlebury SO839682
Bissell Wood
Forest or Wood
Stone SO868771
Bissell Wood
Forest or Wood
Churchill and Blakedown SO865775
Black Covert
Forest or Wood
Strensham SO890396
Black Monk Lakes
Inland Water
Norton and Lenchwick SP033470
Black Pool
Inland Water
Ombersley SO842629
Blackmore Wood
Forest or Wood
Hanley Castle SO793430
Blackpool Coppice
Forest or Wood
Kenswick SO788577
Blackthorn Covert
Forest or Wood
Martin Hussingtree SO880590
Blake's Hill
Hill or Mountain
Hinton on the Green SP036391
Blake's Hill Brake
Forest or Wood
Aston Somerville SP035384
Blakeshall Common
Forest or Wood
Wolverley and Cookley SO825815
Blaythorn Wood
Forest or Wood
Drakes Broughton and Wadboroug SO908478
Blenheim Wood
Forest or Wood
Honeybourne SP118459
Blissgate Coppice
Forest or Wood
Rock SO748722
Blue Bank Coppice
Forest or Wood
Fladbury SP011477
Bockleton Grove
Forest or Wood
Bockleton SO585613
Boddington Coppice
Forest or Wood
Stockton on Teme SO723676
Bodenham Wood
Forest or Wood
Wolverley and Cookley SO808816
Bonfire Hill Plantation
Forest or Wood
Eastham SO646680
Bossil Wood
Forest or Wood
Himbleton SO966584
Botany Bay Coppice
Forest or Wood
Ribbesford SO785719
Bottom Dingle
Upper Arley SO799832
Bournes Dingle
Ombersley SO844615
Bow Brook
Other Water Feature
Peopleton SO935515
Bow Wood
Forest or Wood
Crowle SO940556
Bowling Green Plantation
Forest or Wood
Westwood SO880639
Boycott Wood
Forest or Wood
Westwood SO884637
Brakemill Plantation
Forest or Wood
Hagley SO890800
Brand Wood
Forest or Wood
Rock SO725765
Brandlodge Coppice
Forest or Wood
Rock SO738751
Brandlodge Coppice
Forest or Wood
Far Forest SO735755
Brandon Brook
Other Water Feature
Feckenham SP015605
Brazier's Coppice
Forest or Wood
Hanley SO644642
Breach Dingle
Romsley SO959810
Bredicot Rough
Forest or Wood
Spetchley SO903542
Bredon Hill
Hill or Mountain
Eckington SO957402
Bredon Hill
Hill or Mountain
Overbury SO965395
Brick Kiln Rough
Forest or Wood
Defford SO915440
Brickbarns Coppice
Forest or Wood
Stanford with Orleton SO691664
Brickpits Plantation
Forest or Wood
Hanley Castle SO846445
Bridge Coppice
Forest or Wood
Doddenham SO735561
Brinkhill Coppice
Forest or Wood
Shelsley Kings SO727649
Brinks Coppice
Forest or Wood
Clent SO936798
Brinsell Dingle
Hanley SO642658
Broad Dingle
Lulsley SO746543
Broad Down
Other Landcover
Castlemorton SO765393
Broadfield Plantation
Forest or Wood
Westwood SO876629
Broadley Coppice
Forest or Wood
Broadwas SO760565
Broadmeadow Brake
Forest or Wood
Hinton on the Green SP025395
Broadmoor Wood
Forest or Wood
Bromsgrove, unparished area SO978765
Broadwaters Upper Pool
Inland Water
Kidderminster SO842780
Broadway Coppice
Forest or Wood
Broadway SP087366
Brockeridge Common
Other Landcover
Ripple SO886381
Brockhill Wood
Forest or Wood
Tutnall and Cobley SP023687
Brockhill Wood
Forest or Wood
Beoley SP080713
Brockhill Wood
Forest or Wood
Lindridge SO701696
Brockhill Wood
Forest or Wood
Redditch SP025685
Brook Range
Forest or Wood
Feckenham SP005654
Brook Wood
Forest or Wood
Leigh Sinton SO788502
Brook's Coppice
Forest or Wood
Kidderminster Foreign SO792802
Brookfield Coppice
Forest or Wood
Martley SO764624
Broom Covert
Other Landcover
Wolverley and Cookley SO843789
Broomhill Coppice
Forest or Wood
Castlemorton SO768388
Broomy Bank Dingle
Shrawley SO793642
Brotherton's Wood
Forest or Wood
Bentley Pauncefoot SO996676
Broughton Wood
Forest or Wood
Hanbury SO960611
Brownheath Common
Forest or Wood
Salwarpe SO896599
Bryan's Green
Forest or Wood
Elmbridge SO885684
Buckland Wood
Forest or Wood
Broadway SP095355
Burdon Brook Plantation
Forest or Wood
Bredon's Norton SO937387
Burgess Green
Other Landcover
Chaddesley Corbett SO885727
Burnt Wood
Forest or Wood
Ribbesford SO763734
Bush Hill Coppice
Forest or Wood
Powick SO808515
Bushyhill Coppice
Forest or Wood
Feckenham SO996621
Busk Coppice
Forest or Wood
Hanley SO693652
Butler's Hill Wood
Forest or Wood
Tutnall and Cobley SP027697
Butlers Wood
Forest or Wood
Hanbury SO956621
Cabinet Wood
Forest or Wood
Great Malvern SO812464
Cabinet Wood
Forest or Wood
Guarlford SO815465
Cadmore Lake
Inland Water
Tenbury SO576666
Callan's Wood
Forest or Wood
Drakes Broughton and Wadboroug SO910471
Callow Coppice
Forest or Wood
Martley SO748615
Cames Coomb Wood
Forest or Wood
Elmley Castle SO970412
Camp Coppice
Forest or Wood
Suckley SO710509
Captain's Pool
Inland Water
Stone SO848749
Carpenters Hill Wood
Forest or Wood
Beoley SP078706
Carter's Hill
Hill or Mountain
Hanbury SO956632
Castle Covert
Forest or Wood
Earl's Croome SO885427
Castlehill Wood
Forest or Wood
Wolverley and Cookley SO806824
Castlemorton Common
Other Landcover
Castlemorton SO777386
Centurian Wood
Forest or Wood
Wychbold SO921656
Chaddesley Wood
Forest or Wood
Chaddesley Corbett SO910734
Chadwich Wood
Forest or Wood
Bromsgrove, unparished area SO982762
Chamberline Wood
Forest or Wood
Bewdley SO765765
Chapelhill Coppice
Forest or Wood
Bransford SO796514
Chapelhill Rough
Forest or Wood
Guarlford SO837472
Chapter Meadows
Other Landcover
Powick SO846538
Charland Coppice
Forest or Wood
Droitwich SO884641
Chase End Hill
Hill or Mountain
Berrow SO765355
Cherryhill Coppice
Forest or Wood
Barnt Green SP003738
Chestnut Coppice
Forest or Wood
Wolverley and Cookley SO847794
Chevington Rough
Forest or Wood
Besford SO911473
Chilbrook Coppice
Forest or Wood
Hartlebury SO831702
Church Coppice
Forest or Wood
Hanbury SO953644
Church Covert
Forest or Wood
Hanley Castle SO810435
Church Hill
Hill or Mountain
Bayton SO710731
Churchill Wood
Forest or Wood
Churchill SO912545
Clent Hill
Hill or Mountain
Hagley SO933803
Clent Hills
Hill or Mountain Range
Clent SO935796
Clent Hills
Hill or Mountain
Clent SO935795
Cleobury Coppice
Forest or Wood
Bayton SO705745
Clevelode Rough
Forest or Wood
Guarlford SO836474
Cliff Wood
Forest or Wood
Severn Stoke SO854429
Cliff Wood
Forest or Wood
Upper Arley SO762786
Cliffey Wood
Forest or Wood
Hanley Castle SO841445
Clifford's Wood
Forest or Wood
Beoley SP081698
Climer's Hill
Hill or Mountain
Crowle SO919573
Clouts Covert
Forest or Wood
Wolverley and Cookley SO853815
Coalpit Coppice
Forest or Wood
Chaddesley Corbett SO916739
Coalpits Wood
Forest or Wood
Knightwick SO728546
Cobbler's Coppice
Forest or Wood
Dodford with Grafton SO924693
Cobbler's Coppice
Forest or Wood
Upton Warren SO925695
Cockshot Coppice
Forest or Wood
Shelsley Beauchamp SO745626
Cockshute Pool
Inland Water
Hadzor SO913617
Cocksian Covert
Forest or Wood
Bentley Pauncefoot SP000677
Cockspur Coppice
Forest or Wood
Bockleton SO578620
Cofton Hill
Hill or Mountain
Cofton Hackett SP000750
Cofton Hill
Hill or Mountain
Barnt Green SO995755
Cofton Plantation
Forest or Wood
Cofton Hackett SP012749
Cold Elm
Forest or Wood
Eldersfield SO843326
Cold Harbour Coppice
Forest or Wood
Rock SO759747
Cold Knap Wood
Forest or Wood
Fladbury SP014474
Coldridge Wood
Forest or Wood
Upper Arley SO801819
Coldridge Wood
Forest or Wood
Wolverley and Cookley SO805825
Collier's Knap
Forest or Wood
Broadway SP108379
Collier's Pool
Inland Water
Hanley SO681660
Combehill Coppice
Forest or Wood
Leigh SO763527
Comberton Wood
Forest or Wood
Elmley Castle SO966412
Commissioners Wood
Forest or Wood
Church Lench SP038531
Common Wood
Forest or Wood
Hanley Castle SO796429
Coney Meadow
Other Landcover
Salwarpe SO878623
Coneyburrow Hill
Hill or Mountain
Holdfast SO831374
Coneybury Wood
Forest or Wood
Tibberton (Wychavon) SO894570
Coneygore Coppice
Forest or Wood
Suckley SO744510
Coombefield Plantation
Forest or Wood
Wickhamford SP072413
Coombegreen Common
Other Landcover
Birtsmorton SO776366
Coombgrove Coppice
Forest or Wood
Shrawley SO788657
Cornhill Coppice
Forest or Wood
Wolverley and Cookley SO806799
Coronation Copse
Forest or Wood
Whittington SO886532
Cother Wood
Forest or Wood
West Malvern SO756467
Cothercraft Wood
Forest or Wood
Lindridge SO705697
Cottage Wood
Forest or Wood
Sedgeberrow SP009389
Cotton Pool
Inland Water
Bromsgrove SO953707
Court Coppice
Forest or Wood
Broadway SP099364
Cowleasowe Wood
Forest or Wood
Tenbury SO564666
Cowley's Wood
Forest or Wood
Abbots Morton SP042557
Cox's Coppice
Forest or Wood
Upper Arley SO788805
Crabtree Coppice
Forest or Wood
Fairfield SO941754
Craycombe Coppice
Forest or Wood
Fladbury SP007477
Craycombe Hill
Hill or Mountain
Fladbury SP008479
Crews Hill
Hill or Mountain
Alfrick SO740531
Cromer Pit
Inland Water
Pendock SO782327
Crookbarrow Hill
Hill or Mountain
Whittington SO874522
Croome Perry Wood
Forest or Wood
Besford SO899464
Croome Perry Wood
Forest or Wood
Pirton SO895465
Croppings Green Wood
Forest or Wood
Belbroughton SO928739
Crundall Coppice
Forest or Wood
Lindridge SO674689
Crutch Hill
Hill or Mountain
Dodderhill SO900660
Cubs Moor
Other Landcover
Severn Stoke SO865444
Cutpursey Coppice
Forest or Wood
Chaddesley Corbett SO908720
Dales Wood
Forest or Wood
Romsley SO954787
Danemoor Coppice
Forest or Wood
Welland SO791409
Dark Pool
Inland Water
Clent SO932797
Day's Coppice
Forest or Wood
Hanley Swan SO827432
Dayhouse Wood
Forest or Wood
Frankley SO971795
Deadfield Coppice
Forest or Wood
Wichenford SO768607
Dean Brook
Other Water Feature
Hadzor SO925605
Dean Covert
Forest or Wood
Eldersfield SO837336
Dean's Wood
Forest or Wood
Ombersley SO856645
Death's Dingle
Eastham SO670678
Deep Wood
Forest or Wood
Clent SO931799
Deerbarn Covert
Forest or Wood
Great Witley SO765639
Deerfold Wood
Forest or Wood
Besford SO911477
Deerfold Wood
Forest or Wood
Drakes Broughton and Wadboroug SO915475
Deerpen Thorns
Forest or Wood
Hanbury SO970641
Dell Pool
Inland Water
Hadzor SO913625
Dell Wood
Forest or Wood
Hadzor SO913625
Dick Brook
Other Water Feature
Astley and Dunley SO775685
Digging Wood
Forest or Wood
Himbleton SO964592
Digging Wood
Forest or Wood
Hanbury SO965595
Little Malvern SO783400
Dingle Coppice
Forest or Wood
Berrow SO772363
Dingle Pool
Inland Water
Little Witley SO787642
Dingle Wood
Forest or Wood
Berrow SO772360
Doctor's Coppice
Forest or Wood
Romsley SO980792
Doctor's Coppice
Forest or Wood
Kidderminster Foreign SO808794
Doctor's Wood
Forest or Wood
Elmley Castle SO969406
Dodderhill Common
Forest or Wood
Dodderhill SO957650
Doddsend Wood
Forest or Wood
Elmley Castle SO973413
Dog Wood
Forest or Wood
Upton-upon-Severn SO856385
Doghanging Coppice
Forest or Wood
Far Forest SO736744
Dogkennel Pool
Inland Water
Bockleton SO581619
Dowles Brook
Other Water Feature
Rock SO745765
Downend Coppice
Forest or Wood
Longdon SO832335
Downs Plantation
Forest or Wood
Churchill and Blakedown SO872784
Downsell Wood
Forest or Wood
Redditch, unparished area SP025657
Dripshill Wood
Forest or Wood
Guarlford SO827457
Droitwich Canal
Other Water Feature
Salwarpe SO875615
Droitwich Community Woods
Forest or Wood
Droitwich SO881626
Ducton Coppice
Forest or Wood
Martley SO761596
Dufty Coppice
Forest or Wood
Drakes Broughton and Wadboroug SO916484
Dundridge Coppice
Forest or Wood
Martley SO753628
Dunstall Common
Other Landcover
Earl's Croome SO885429
Easerfield Coppice
Forest or Wood
Kyre SO607630
Easthams Coppice
Forest or Wood
Kidderminster Foreign SO800785
Egg Hill
Hill or Mountain
Frankley SO992797
Egghill Dingle
Frankley SO991793
Ell Wood
Forest or Wood
Romsley SO967795
Ellbatch Wood
Forest or Wood
Abberley SO733664
Elmbridge Green Coppice
Forest or Wood
Elmbridge SO895690
Elmley Brook
Other Water Feature
Doverdale SO865675
Engine Coppice
Forest or Wood
Shelsley Kings SO732645
Even Hill
Hill or Mountain
Elmley Castle SO965405
Eymore Wood
Forest or Wood
Kidderminster Foreign SO776795
Fall Dingle
Hanley SO695654
Far Wood
Forest or Wood
Elmley Castle SO964410
Farm Plantation
Forest or Wood
Hindlip SO878584
Farmbank Plantation
Forest or Wood
Hampton Lovett SO879653
Fattening Pen Covert
Forest or Wood
Hanley Castle SO845429
Fenny Rough
Forest or Wood
Stone SO863751
Fern Hill
Hill or Mountain
Severn Stoke SO860432
Fillet Wood
Forest or Wood
Crowle SO923579
Fir Bed Plantation
Forest or Wood
Tenbury SO570667
Firs Valley
Great Malvern SO772448
Fish Hill
Hill or Mountain
Broadway SP115375
Fishpools Coppice
Forest or Wood
Hanbury SO966640
Fitcher Brook
Other Water Feature
Kenswick SO795585
Flasher's Wood
Forest or Wood
Madresfield SO812468
Fletchers Coppice
Forest or Wood
Bayton SO707746
Flint's Covert
Forest or Wood
Stoke Bliss SO633635
Flint's Dingle
Stoke Bliss SO636636
Floods Dingle
Alfrick SO752535
Flora's Wood
Forest or Wood
Bromsgrove, unparished area SO978712
Forge Pond
Inland Water
Blakedown SO879781
Fourstones Covert
Forest or Wood
Clent SO936802
Fox Hill Wood
Forest or Wood
Elmley Castle SO972411
Foxholes Coppice
Forest or Wood
Eastham SO660672
Foxholes Wood
Forest or Wood
Bransford SO811524
Foxlydiate Wood
Forest or Wood
Redditch SP018675
Frankley Beeches
Forest or Wood
Frankley SO992797
Frieze Wood
Forest or Wood
Powick SO835477
Front Pool
Inland Water
Great Witley SO770651
Furzehill Brake
Forest or Wood
Hinton on the Green SP004406
Gadbury Coppice
Forest or Wood
Eldersfield SO792317
Gadbury Plantation
Forest or Wood
Eldersfield SO792315
Gadley Covert
Forest or Wood
Earl's Croome SO871425
Gannow Green
Forest or Wood
Bromsgrove, unparished area SO977782
Gannow Wood
Forest or Wood
Inkberrow SP002593
Gaplow Grove
Forest or Wood
Clent SO929797
Gappelter Common
Forest or Wood
Clent SO929795
Gardener's Grove
Forest or Wood
Ombersley SO855635
Garrett Coppice
Forest or Wood
Hagley SO936820
Garter Wood
Forest or Wood
Guarlford SO813459
Gladder Brook
Other Water Feature
Rock SO755725
Gloucester Coppice
Forest or Wood
Fairfield SO834797
Glove Wood
Forest or Wood
Kidderminster Foreign SO788802
Glover's Island
Evesham SP030444
Golden Grove
Forest or Wood
Bockleton SO584613
Golden Valley
Castlemorton SO773367
Goodwins Hill Coppice
Forest or Wood
Hanbury SO945643
Goosehill Wood
Forest or Wood
Hanbury SO938608
Gorse Covert
Forest or Wood
Kidderminster SO813749
Graft Wood
Forest or Wood
Upper Arley SO771784
Grafton Wood
Forest or Wood
Kington SO971561
Great Blaythorn Wood
Forest or Wood
Drakes Broughton and Wadboroug SO908482
Great Farley Wood
Forest or Wood
Romsley SO952782
Great Hill
Hill or Mountain
Ashton under Hill SO983388
Great Hopehouse Coppice
Forest or Wood
Martley SO760586
Great Pool
Inland Water
Westwood SO879632
Great Pool
Other Water Feature
Westwood SO875635
Great Vineyard Wood
Forest or Wood
West Malvern SO754470
Green Valley
Great Malvern SO768459
Green's Wood
Forest or Wood
Dormston SO979579
Greenhill Coppice
Forest or Wood
Little Witley SO786641
Grimley Brook
Other Water Feature
Holt SO825615
Grosvenor Stocks Plantation
Forest or Wood
Powick SO818474
Grove Coppice
Forest or Wood
Hagley SO939822
Grove Coppice
Forest or Wood
Astley and Dunley SO776686
Grove Covert
Forest or Wood
Rushwick SO808545
Grove Dingle
Suckley SO717540
Grove Farm Reservoir
Inland Water
Worcester SO823540
Grovefield Coppice
Forest or Wood
Tenbury SO573676
Groveley Coppice
Forest or Wood
Broadwas SO760567
Gunhill Wood
Forest or Wood
Upper Arley SO789804
Hackenchop Coppice
Forest or Wood
Knighton on Teme SO627695
Hadley Brook
Other Water Feature
Ombersley SO865645
Haggett's Coppice
Forest or Wood
Rochford SO647666
Hagley Wood
Forest or Wood
Hagley SO936813
Half Crown Wood
Forest or Wood
Stourport-on-Severn SO804702
Half Moon Coppice
Forest or Wood
Fladbury SP021474
Hall Wood
Forest or Wood
Abberley SO730680
Hallhouse Coppice
Forest or Wood
Suckley SO728522
Ham Wood
Forest or Wood
Clifton upon Teme SO736593
Hambridge Coppice
Forest or Wood
Martley SO739611
Hamcastle Plantation
Forest or Wood
Clifton upon Teme SO723616
Hanging Bank Coppice
Forest or Wood
Lulsley SO732545
Hanging Grove
Forest or Wood
Hanley SO634658
Hanging Wood
Forest or Wood
Inkberrow SP017595
Hangman's Hill
Hill or Mountain
Castlemorton SO762391
Hanley Dingle
Stanford with Orleton SO686664
Hanning's Pool
Inland Water
Kyre SO623635
Harborough Hill
Hill or Mountain
Churchill and Blakedown SO885795
Harbour Hill Coppice
Forest or Wood
Kyre SO628657
Harbour Wood
Forest or Wood
Ripple SO895387
Harmony Wood
Forest or Wood
Wythall SP086759
Haselor Hill
Hill or Mountain
Charlton SP005423
Hastings Pool
Inland Water
Great Malvern SO791454
Hawford Wood
Forest or Wood
Ombersley SO844610
Hawley Coppice
Forest or Wood
Knightwick SO720562
Hay Wood
Forest or Wood
Doddenham SO736570
Hayley Dingle
Alfrick SO757538
Hayley Dingle
Forest or Wood
Alfrick SO755535
Hazel Wood
Forest or Wood
Himbleton SO915613
Hen and Chicken Covert
Forest or Wood
Queenhill SO853370
Hennals Wood
Forest or Wood
Bentley Pauncefoot SP004667
Heriotts Pool
Inland Water
Droitwich SO901631
High Firs Covert
Forest or Wood
Hanley Castle SO807433
High Oak Coppice
Forest or Wood
Astley and Dunley SO786715
High Wood
Forest or Wood
Dodford with Grafton SO922726
High Wood
Forest or Wood
West Malvern SO759473
High Wood
Forest or Wood
Hindlip SO874586
Highfield Coppice
Forest or Wood
Clent SO938791
Highley Brake
Forest or Wood
Upton-upon-Severn SO840390
Highpark Wood
Forest or Wood
Beoley SP086709
Highstank Pool
Inland Water
Dodderhill SO895651
Hightrees Copse
Forest or Wood
Wolverley and Cookley SO803829
Hill Barn
Hill or Mountain
Huddington SO954558
Hill Wood
Forest or Wood
Himbleton SO958587
Hillditch Coppice
Forest or Wood
Hartlebury SO830708
Hillditch Pool
Inland Water
Hartlebury SO828706
Hillfields Coppice
Forest or Wood
Upper Arley SO785818
Hipkins's Coppice
Forest or Wood
Clent SO936798
Hipton Hill Wood
Forest or Wood
Norton and Lenchwick SP030482
Hitterhill Coppice
Forest or Wood
Bewdley SO767758
Hob Hill
Hill or Mountain
Beoley SP067723
Hockley Brook
Other Water Feature
Belbroughton SO925745
Hodgehole Dingle
Hagley SO926823
Holbourne Wood
Forest or Wood
Dodford with Grafton SO942734
Holcomb Nap
Hill or Mountain
Ashton under Hill SO992387
Holders Pool
Inland Water
Shrawley SO806651
Holling Coppice
Forest or Wood
Martley SO755580
Holly Mount Wood
Forest or Wood
Great Malvern SO773462
Hollybed Common
Other Landcover
Castlemorton SO775374
Holt Mill Coppice
Forest or Wood
Holt SO802637
Holtsbank Coppice
Forest or Wood
Eastham SO666679
Home Close Meadow
Other Landcover
Redditch, unparished area SP063662
Home Covert
Forest or Wood
Lower Sapey SO680608
Home Covert
Forest or Wood
Stoulton SO928502
Home Farm Plantation
Forest or Wood
Madresfield SO811469
Hook Common
Other Landcover
Upton-upon-Severn SO814403
Hooks Coppice
Forest or Wood
Upper Arley SO776823
Hope Orchard
Forest or Wood
Martley SO752619
Hopeshill Coppice
Forest or Wood
Lindridge SO648705
Hornyold Wood
Forest or Wood
Malvern Wells SO775428
Horse Hill
Hill or Mountain
Powick SO831489
Horsecroft Coppice
Forest or Wood
Great Malvern SO760466
House Coppice
Forest or Wood
Shelsley Walsh SO719627
Howney Coppice
Forest or Wood
Lindridge SO652695
Hundred Pool
Inland Water
Great Witley SO763651
Hunthouse Wood
Forest or Wood
Mamble SO703702
Hunting Grove
Forest or Wood
Worcester SO831574
Huntingdrop Common
Other Landcover
Hanbury SO930621
Hurcott Pool
Inland Water
Churchill and Blakedown SO852778
Hurcott Wood
Forest or Wood
Churchill and Blakedown SO859781
Hurst Coppice
Forest or Wood
Belbroughton SO925758
Hurst Coppice
Forest or Wood
Upper Arley SO753795
Icehouse Plantation
Forest or Wood
Upton-upon-Severn SO852387
Indhouse Coppice
Forest or Wood
Clifton upon Teme SO736607
Irongate Plantation
Forest or Wood
Clent SO941797
Island Coppice
Forest or Wood
Hanley SO636647
Island Covert
Forest or Wood
Holdfast SO843385
Island Pool
Inland Water
Earl's Croome SO867421
Island Pool
Inland Water
Wolverley and Cookley SO855802
Jack's Paddock
Forest or Wood
Hill Croome SO879407
Jacob's Wood
Forest or Wood
Pensax SO718687
James's Brake
Forest or Wood
Shelsley Walsh SO714633
Jubilee Plantation
Forest or Wood
Hanley Castle SO808444
Kedges Wood
Forest or Wood
Kenswick SO784590
Kempsey Common
Other Landcover
Kempsey SO873482
Kempsey Grove
Forest or Wood
Kempsey SO851506
Ketch Coppice
Forest or Wood
Worcester SO851523
Kettlepin Rough
Forest or Wood
Madresfield SO802471
Kettles Wood
Forest or Wood
Frankley SO985805
Keybridge Coppice
Forest or Wood
Hampton Lovett SO872659
Keybridge Plantation
Forest or Wood
Hampton Lovett SO876661
King Edward's Plantation
Forest or Wood
Church Lench SP037523
King's Wood
Forest or Wood
Wythall SP068781
King's Wood
Forest or Wood
Spetchley SO894549
King's Wood
Forest or Wood
Grafton Flyford SO964581
King's Wood
Forest or Wood
Grafton Flyford SO972577
King's Wood
Forest or Wood
Hampton Lovett SO879662
Kings Wood
Forest or Wood
Shelsley Kings SO738658
Kingsford Forest Park
Other Water Feature
Wolverley and Cookley SO825815
Kingswood Common
Forest or Wood
Martley SO744600
Kingswood Common
Other Landcover
Shelsley Kings SO731655
Kington Brake
Forest or Wood
Dormston SP003554
Kinthall Plantation
Forest or Wood
Hanley SO665644
Kitchen Coppice
Forest or Wood
Rous Lench SP018538
Kitlands Coppice
Forest or Wood
Upper Arley SO779820
Knight's Grove
Forest or Wood
Ombersley SO854623
Kyre Brook
Other Water Feature
Rochford SO615675
Kyre Pool
Inland Water
Hanley SO634647
Kyrebatch Wood
Forest or Wood
Kyre SO618615
Ladies Pool
Inland Water
Blakedown SO882779
Lady Wood
Forest or Wood
Hanbury SO934632
Lady's Coppice
Forest or Wood
Holberrow Green SP022598
Ladywood Common
Forest or Wood
Shelsley Kings SO734647
Laight Rough
Forest or Wood
Grafton Flyford SO971567
Landymoor Coppice
Forest or Wood
Broadwas SO754558
Lane End Coppice
Forest or Wood
Rock SO756726
Langdale Wood
Forest or Wood
Hanley Castle SO790429
Langett Covert
Forest or Wood
Hanley Castle SO842428
Lantridge Hill
Hill or Mountain
Hanley Castle SO820435
Forest or Wood
Bayton SO701743
Laughern Brook
Other Water Feature
Martley SO765615
Laughern Brook
Other Water Feature
Hallow SO805585
Laurel Covert
Forest or Wood
Tutnall and Cobley SP005695
Layes Pool
Inland Water
Shrawley SO803658
Leary's Clump
Forest or Wood
Hindlip SO878584
Leigh Brook
Other Water Feature
Leigh SO775525
Lellow Coppice
Forest or Wood
Rochford SO644678
Lench Ditch
Other Water Feature
Lower Moor SO975465
Lenchwick Coppice
Forest or Wood
Norton and Lenchwick SP027476
Lett's Wood
Forest or Wood
Chaddesley Corbett SO877727
Ley Coppice
Forest or Wood
Strensham SO888394
Lickey Hill
Hill or Mountain
Lickey and Blackwell SO989760
Lickey Hills
Hill or Mountain
Barnt Green SO995755
Lickey Warren
Forest or Wood
Barnt Green SO997748
Lickmoor Coppice
Forest or Wood
Croome D'Abitot SO879459
Lightwood Coppice
Forest or Wood
Inkberrow SP018597
Linch Meadows
Other Landcover
Eldersfield SO806333
Linkhill Wood
Forest or Wood
Lindridge SO689688
Lion Wood
Forest or Wood
Beoley SP083716
Little Birch Hill Coppice
Forest or Wood
Martley SO741597
Little Broughton Wood
Forest or Wood
Hanbury SO956617
Little Farley Wood
Forest or Wood
Romsley SO961779
Little Goosehill Wood
Forest or Wood
Hadzor SO933606
Little High Wood
Forest or Wood
Himbleton SO960595
Little Hopehouse Coppice
Forest or Wood
Martley SO762589
Littleton Coppice
Forest or Wood
North and Middle Littleton SP073483
Locket's Coppice
Forest or Wood
Shelsley Beauchamp SO742623
Lodge Coppice
Forest or Wood
Upper Arley SO751805
Lodge Plantation
Forest or Wood
Great Witley SO759654
Lodge Pool
Inland Water
Great Witley SO776647
Lodge Pool
Inland Water
Redditch SP048666
Lodge Wood
Forest or Wood
Drakes Broughton SO926481
Long Coppice
Forest or Wood
Leigh SO754508
Long Coppice
Forest or Wood
Kidderminster Foreign SO790800
Long Covert
Forest or Wood
Hanley Castle SO844430
Long Covert
Forest or Wood
Upton-upon-Severn SO828389
Long Covert
Forest or Wood
Queenhill SO844375
Long Kettles Wood
Forest or Wood
Frankley SO988802
Long Plantation
Forest or Wood
Elmley Castle SO970398
Long Saw Croft
Forest or Wood
Romsley SO973793
Long Saw Croft
Forest or Wood
Frankley SO975795
Long Wood
Forest or Wood
Church Lench SP032528
Longdon Hill
Hill or Mountain
Wickhamford SP051416
Lord's Wood
Forest or Wood
Powick SO818521
Lord's Wood
Forest or Wood
Knightwick SO732550
Lord's Yard Coppice
Forest or Wood
Bewdley SO757751
Low Furrow Wood
Forest or Wood
Pebworth SP139484
Lower Arles Wood
Forest or Wood
Hanley Castle SO800432
Lower Astley Wood
Forest or Wood
Astley and Dunley SO809671
Lower Bittell Reservoir
Inland Water
Alvechurch SP017742
Lower Bittell Resr
Other Water Feature
Alvechurch SP015745
Lower Coppice
Forest or Wood
Beckford SO976370
Lower Kite's Wood
Forest or Wood
Kington SO978564
Lower Pool Coppice
Forest or Wood
Knighton on Teme SO638709
Lower Rowney Green
Other Landcover
Rowney Green SP047712
Lowhill Coppice
Forest or Wood
White Ladies Aston SO915519
Lowhill Covert
Forest or Wood
Stoulton SO915523
Lucern Bank
Forest or Wood
Powick SO806493
Lucern Bank
Forest or Wood
Newland SO805495
Lucy's Wood
Forest or Wood
Ombersley SO859610
Luke's Coppice
Forest or Wood
Redditch SP010655
Lybrook Coppice
Forest or Wood
Broadway SP092360
Lyce's Coppice
Forest or Wood
Berrow SO764347
Lynall's Coppice
Forest or Wood
Far Forest SO734754
Madam's Hill
Hill or Mountain
Hanbury SO951615
Madeley Heath
Other Landcover
Belbroughton SO954770
Man Wood
Forest or Wood
Upper Arley SO797810
Manley Grove
Forest or Wood
Croome D'Abitot SO879455
Marlpits Coppice
Forest or Wood
Clifton upon Teme SO725607
Marsh Common
Other Landcover
Earl's Croome SO893422
Marsh Covert
Forest or Wood
Earl's Croome SO892426
Mary's Wood
Forest or Wood
Pensax SO717686
Mason's Covert
Forest or Wood
Martley SO746601
Massey Wood
Forest or Wood
Bushley SO855336
Menagerie Wood
Forest or Wood
Croome D'Abitot SO874443
Meneatt Wood
Forest or Wood
Shelsley Kings SO726659
Menith Wood
Forest or Wood
Lindridge SO704692
Merry Brook
Other Water Feature
Charlton SP015425
Middle Common
Forest or Wood
Bockleton SO598619
Middle Covert
Forest or Wood
Hartlebury SO861699
Middle Hill
Hill or Mountain
Hanbury SO964625
Middleyard Coppice
Forest or Wood
Powick SO806521
Midsummer Hill
Hill or Mountain
Castlemorton SO765375
Mill Coppice
Forest or Wood
Great Malvern SO765481
Mill Coppice
Forest or Wood
Hanley SO669671
Mill Coppice
Forest or Wood
Suckley SO710516
Mill Coppice
Forest or Wood
Feckenham SP005649
Mill Lake
Inland Water
Tenbury SO572672
Mill Rough
Forest or Wood
Pensax SO719688
Mill Rough
Forest or Wood
Drakes Broughton and Wadboroug SO915481
Millbank Coppice
Forest or Wood
Tenbury SO622658
Millgrove Plantation
Forest or Wood
Dodderhill SO892652
Millhampton Wood
Forest or Wood
Ombersley SO830651
Moat Pond
Inland Water
Malvern SO797463
Monday's Hill Coppice
Forest or Wood
Spetchley SO901540
Monk Wood
Forest or Wood
Grimley SO802607
Monkland's Covert
Forest or Wood
Hanley Castle SO834448
Moorfield Coppice
Forest or Wood
Wythall SP063731
Moors Coppice
Forest or Wood
Clent SO935795
Moors Plantation
Forest or Wood
Clent SO936796
Morton Low Wood
Forest or Wood
Abbots Morton SP027535
Mossgreen Shrubbery
Forest or Wood
Bushley SO868351
Mouses Corner Coppice
Forest or Wood
Newland SO794500
Nailer's Coppice
Forest or Wood
Hartlebury SO844681
Nap Coppice
Forest or Wood
Ashton under Hill SO994385
Narrow Wood
Forest or Wood
Drakes Broughton and Wadboroug SO897478
Netherwood Coppice
Forest or Wood
Stoke Bliss SO626613
New Coppice
Forest or Wood
Redditch SP044639
New Coppice
Forest or Wood
Powick SO821485
New Covert
Forest or Wood
Hindlip SO883586
New England Plantation
Forest or Wood
Hanley Castle SO843436
New Hill
Hill or Mountain
Honeybourne SP133441
New Parks
Forest or Wood
Rock SO745750
New Pool
Inland Water
Malvern Wells SO784438
New Pool
Inland Water
Shrawley SO810654
New Pool
Other Water Feature
Malvern Wells SO785435
New Wood
Forest or Wood
Great Witley SO758648
Newbourne Hill
Hill or Mountain
Rowney Green SP040717
Newbridge Coppice
Forest or Wood
Stanford with Orleton SO697645
Newbridge Coppice
Forest or Wood
Astley and Dunley SO789671
Newland Common
Other Landcover
Salwarpe SO906602
Newlands Rough
Forest or Wood
Beoley SP079703
Newpool Coppice
Forest or Wood
Powick SO821479
News Wood
Forest or Wood
Castlemorton SO756391
Nimmings Plantation
Forest or Wood
Clent SO935808
Nipple Coppice
Forest or Wood
Martley SO740567
Noleham Brook
Other Water Feature
Pebworth SP145485
North Covert
Forest or Wood
Strensham SO910408
North Hill
Hill or Mountain
Great Malvern SO769463
North Hill
Hill or Mountain
Spetchley SO891546
North Hill
Hill or Mountain
Great Malvern SO765465
North Hill Plantation
Forest or Wood
Spetchley SO893546
North Plantation
Forest or Wood
Hanley Castle SO809445
North Wood
Forest or Wood
Leigh Sinton SO792501
North Wood
Forest or Wood
Kidderminster Foreign SO781770
North Wood
Forest or Wood
Northwood SO785775
November Wood
Forest or Wood
Redditch SP034652
Nover Coppice
Forest or Wood
Shelsley Kings SO717650
Nunnery Wood
Forest or Wood
Worcester SO875545
Nunnery Wood
Forest or Wood
Inkberrow SP053568
Nunnery Wood
Forest or Wood
Westwood SO870642
Nutnell Belt
Forest or Wood
Astley and Dunley SO782659
Nutnell Pool
Inland Water
Astley and Dunley SO787663
Nutnells Wood
Forest or Wood
Dodford with Grafton SO923736
Nutnells Wood
Forest or Wood
Belbroughton SO925735
Oaken Coppice
Forest or Wood
Leigh SO755495
Oakenshaw Wood
Forest or Wood
Redditch SP042656
Oakley Wood
Forest or Wood
Droitwich SO900606
Ockeridge Wood
Forest or Wood
Holt SO794621
Old Ground Brake
Forest or Wood
Earl's Croome SO884422
Old Ground Coppice
Forest or Wood
Berrow SO767369
Old Hills
Hill or Mountain Range
Powick SO827485
Old House Plantation
Forest or Wood
Whittington SO897528
Old Storridge Common
Forest or Wood
Alfrick SO749509
Old Yew Hill Wood
Forest or Wood
Church Lench SP023521
Oldbury Wood
Forest or Wood
Lower Broadheath SO812552
Oldfield Brake
Forest or Wood
Childswickham SP041395
Oldwood Common
Other Landcover
Tenbury SO586663
Orles Coppice
Forest or Wood
Guarlford SO815464
Ostlers Meadow
Other Landcover
Hanbury SO940626
Overbury Wood
Forest or Wood
Overbury SO963384
Ox Leasow Coppice
Forest or Wood
Martley SO738586
Oxbind Coppice
Forest or Wood
Callow Hill SO742747
Oxton Ditch
Other Water Feature
Fladbury SO985455
Papermill Coppice
Forest or Wood
Alfrick SO746514
Paradise Plantation
Forest or Wood
Holdfast SO854382
Park Coppice
Forest or Wood
Leigh SO767520
Park Dingle
Bewdley SO778745
Park Farm Plantation
Forest or Wood
Cookhill SP053597
Park Plantation
Forest or Wood
Stanford with Orleton SO696650
Park Wood
Forest or Wood
West Malvern SO765445
Parkatt Wood
Forest or Wood
Kidderminster Foreign SO800797
Parson's Brake
Forest or Wood
Childswickham SP035397
Pebworth Downs
Other Landcover
Pebworth SP125485
Pebworth Pasture
Other Landcover
Pebworth SP141481
Peck Wood
Forest or Wood
Rowney Green SP036712
Peghouse Wood
Forest or Wood
Wichenford SO767573
Pendock Moor
Other Landcover
Longdon SO817346
Pendrils Grove
Forest or Wood
Elmley Castle SO974406
Penn Hall Hill
Hill or Mountain
Pensax SO712691
Penny Fields
Forest or Wood
Frankley SO973796
Pensax Common
Other Landcover
Pensax SO719691
Pensax Wood
Forest or Wood
Pensax SO719682
Peopleton Rough
Forest or Wood
Peopleton SO940496
Pepper Wood
Forest or Wood
Belbroughton SO937748
Perhill Coppice
Forest or Wood
Great Witley SO762660
Perry Wood
Forest or Wood
Stoke Bliss SO623619
Perry Wood
Forest or Wood
Worcester SO865545
Perrys Rough
Other Landcover
Upper Arley SO774764
Peterbrook Mill Pool
Inland Water
Solihull SP097782
Pheasant Wood
Forest or Wood
Earl's Croome SO884434
Piddle Brook
Other Water Feature
Wyre Piddle SO965485
Pigstyehill Coppice
Forest or Wood
Kidderminster Foreign SO800779
Pike Pool
Inland Water
Bentley Pauncefoot SO988668
Pikes Pool
Inland Water
Bromsgrove, unparished area SO982709
Pine Clump
Forest or Wood
Madresfield SO812478
Pinfields Wood
Forest or Wood
Barnt Green SP000742
Pinfold Covert
Forest or Wood
Rochford SO627678
Pinket Coppice
Forest or Wood
Childswickham SP053397
Pinkey Common
Other Landcover
Kyre SO609617
Pinkgreen Wood
Forest or Wood
Beoley SP084698
Piper's Coppice
Forest or Wood
Knightwick SO722544
Pirton Gorse
Forest or Wood
Pirton SO878480
Pirton Pool
Inland Water
Pirton SO874472
Pitcher Oak Wood
Forest or Wood
Redditch SP028670
Podmore Pool
Inland Water
Kidderminster SO845779
Pool Covert
Forest or Wood
Pirton SO876476
Poole Wood
Forest or Wood
Abbots Morton SP045543
Poolfields Coppice
Forest or Wood
Martley SO762572
Poolhouse Dingle
Belbroughton SO932750
Poorhill Coppice
Forest or Wood
Redditch SP017654
Pope's Wood
Forest or Wood
Crowle SO927583
Porter's Plantation
Forest or Wood
Evesham SP048409
Pound Green Common
Other Landcover
Upper Arley SO753789
Pound Green Coppice
Forest or Wood
Upper Arley SO751783
Pridzor Wood
Forest or Wood
Droitwich SO907637
Prince's Grove
Forest or Wood
Bockleton SO583630
Puckhill Wood
Forest or Wood
Himbleton SO934603
Pudford Coppice
Forest or Wood
Martley SO742618
Pugh's Rough
Forest or Wood
Wichenford SO772622
Pye Corner Coppice
Forest or Wood
Broadway SP090364
Quarry Coppice
Forest or Wood
Shelsley Beauchamp SO726638
Quarry Hill
Hill or Mountain
Stanford with Orleton SO685675
Queenhill Rough
Forest or Wood
Uckinghall SO863371
Rabbit Coppice
Forest or Wood
Shelsley Beauchamp SO741642
Rabbit Hill Plantation
Forest or Wood
Belbroughton SO973770
Rabbit Wood
Forest or Wood
Grafton Flyford SO958578
Ralph's Wood
Forest or Wood
Pebworth SP121496
Ramscombe Coppice
Forest or Wood
Abberley SO764669
Randan Wood
Forest or Wood
Dodford with Grafton SO920727
Raven Hays Wood
Forest or Wood
Frankley SO990806
Ravenshill Wood
Forest or Wood
Alfrick SO738538
Ravenshill Wood
Forest or Wood
Suckley SO735535
Rector's Coppice
Forest or Wood
Shrawley SO792653
Redhill Bottom
Kyre SO630656
Rhydd Covert
Forest or Wood
Bewdley SO807755
Rhydd Green
Other Landcover
Hanley Castle SO830449
Ribbesford Woods
Forest or Wood
Ribbesford SO785725
Rickyard Coppice
Forest or Wood
Little Witley SO777623
Ridding Coppice
Forest or Wood
Pensax SO730684
Ridge Coppice
Forest or Wood
Hanley SO649646
Ridgend Coppice
Forest or Wood
Wichenford SO782608
Rifle Coppice
Forest or Wood
Pensax SO717693
Ripple Lake
Inland Water
Ripple SO871368
River Arrow
Other Water Feature
Bordesley SP035705
River Avon
Other Water Feature
Lower Moor SO975465
River Cole
Other Water Feature
Wythall SP095765
River Isbourne
Other Water Feature
Aston Somerville SP035375
River Rea
Other Water Feature
Bayton SO675735
River Salwarpe
Other Water Feature
Droitwich SO885635
River Severn
Other Water Feature
Northwood SO775775
River Severn
Other Water Feature
Kempsey SO845495
River Stour
Other Water Feature
Stourport-on-Severn SO825735
River Teme
Other Water Feature
Tenbury SO605685
River Teme
Other Water Feature
Powick SO825525
Rock Common
Other Landcover
Rock SO750720
Rock Coppice
Forest or Wood
Shelsley Walsh SO714638
Rock Coppice
Forest or Wood
Bewdley SO768740
Rock Coppice
Forest or Wood
Ribbesford SO765735
Rock Wood
Forest or Wood
Shelsley Walsh SO724624
Rockhill Covert
Forest or Wood
Bransford SO788531
Rodge Coppice
Forest or Wood
Abberley SO756684
Romer's Wood
Forest or Wood
Bockleton SO603632
Rookery Covert
Forest or Wood
Kyre SO632637
Rosamond Coppice
Forest or Wood
Spetchley SO899544
Rose Cottage Pool
Inland Water
Bewdley SO797753
Rough Coppice
Forest or Wood
Knighton on Teme SO617696
Rough Hill
Hill or Mountain
Church Lench SP029527
Rough Hill Wood
Forest or Wood
Malvern SO758481
Rough Hill Wood
Forest or Wood
Redditch, unparished area SP055645
Round Covert
Forest or Wood
Hanley Castle SO807430
Round Covert
Forest or Wood
Upton-upon-Severn SO824393
Round Hill
Hill or Mountain
Suckley SO730535
Round Hill
Hill or Mountain
Spetchley SO893542
Round Pool
Inland Water
Guarlford SO836448
Roundhill Wood
Forest or Wood
Dormston SO985582
Roundhill Wood
Forest or Wood
Stock and Bradley SO985585
Rousebind Coppice
Forest or Wood
Callow Hill SO739745
Rowley Coppice
Forest or Wood
Pensax SO727691
Rowley Dingle
Little Witley SO797631
Rushy Valley
Great Malvern SO772454
Ruskin Land
Other Landcover
Bewdley SO758756
Rye Coppice
Forest or Wood
Eldersfield SO806331
Saldon Wood
Forest or Wood
Himbleton SO957585
Salegreen Wood
Forest or Wood
Crowle SO927578
Sallings Common
Other Landcover
Bockleton SO602616
Salt Baths Covert
Forest or Wood
Earl's Croome SO893435
Sandpit Plantation
Forest or Wood
Hadzor SO912627
Santery Hill Wood
Forest or Wood
Chaddesley Corbett SO916736
Santery Hill Wood
Forest or Wood
Dodford with Grafton SO915735
Sarn Hill Wood
Forest or Wood
Bushley SO859338
Scarfields Dingle
Tutnall and Cobley SP017716
School Plantation
Forest or Wood
Holt SO822631
Scotland Coppice
Forest or Wood
Eastham SO656681
Seckley Wood
Forest or Wood
Upper Arley SO765784
Seckley Wood
Forest or Wood
Kidderminster Foreign SO765785
Seeley Brook
Other Water Feature
Hanbury SO975605
Segbourne Coppice
Forest or Wood
Belbroughton SO970776
Seven Acre Dingle
Broadwas SO767568
Severn Bank Wood
Forest or Wood
Severn Stoke SO856434
Shadybank Common
Other Landcover
Castlemorton SO768392
Sheephill Coppice
Forest or Wood
Alfrick SO742514
Shelf Held Coppice
Forest or Wood
Bewdley SO755758
Sheltwood Range
Forest or Wood
Bentley Pauncefoot SO989677
Shepherd's Plantation
Forest or Wood
Norton and Lenchwick SP028470
Shooter's Coppice
Forest or Wood
Doddenham SO751574
Shoots Hill Wood
Forest or Wood
Crowle SO919574
Short Wood
Forest or Wood
Hagley SO933807
Shortwood Dingle
Tutnall and Cobley SP022705
Shortwood Rough Grounds
Forest or Wood
Tutnall and Cobley SP018704
Shotgrove Coppice
Forest or Wood
Shrawley SO809645
Shoulder of Mutton Wood
Forest or Wood
Elmley Castle SO965413
Shrawley Wood
Forest or Wood
Shrawley SO806659
Shurnock Brake
Forest or Wood
Redditch, unparished area SP026604
Shut Coppice
Forest or Wood
Clent SO944780
Sink Covert
Forest or Wood
Hanley Castle SO830438
Skeet's Rough
Forest or Wood
Upper Arley SO758799
Skeys Wood
Forest or Wood
Upper Arley SO772775
Skeys Wood
Forest or Wood
Northwood SO775775
Slade Wood
Forest or Wood
South Lenches SP020479
Slade Wood
Forest or Wood
Abbots Morton SP023537
Slashes Coppice
Forest or Wood
Clifton upon Teme SO730612
Slatch Coppice
Forest or Wood
Great Malvern SO760455
Sledgemoor Coppice
Forest or Wood
Wichenford SO780566
Sling Common
Forest or Wood
Belbroughton SO946779
Slingate Brake
Forest or Wood
Aston Somerville SP054363
Smite Hill Covert
Forest or Wood
Hindlip SO897589
Smith Hill Plantation
Forest or Wood
Childswickham SP047398
Smithmoor Common
Other Landcover
Hill Croome SO873410
Smokeacre Coppice
Forest or Wood
Berrow SO771357
Smokeacre Covert
Forest or Wood
Upton-upon-Severn SO831391
Snake Wood
Forest or Wood
Elmley Castle SO971413
Snell's Wood
Forest or Wood
Stoke Bliss SO645632
Snuffmill Dingle
Bewdley SO781745
Solcum Coppice
Forest or Wood
Wolverley and Cookley SO827805
South Covert
Forest or Wood
Strensham SO913403
South Wood
Forest or Wood
Guarlford SO820460
Southcrest Wood
Forest or Wood
Redditch SP041662
Southwood Common
Other Landcover
Shelsley Beauchamp SO741622
Spring Coppice
Forest or Wood
Wolverley and Cookley SO808819
Spring Pools
Inland Water
Bromsgrove, unparished area SO975761
Square Coppice
Forest or Wood
Birmingham SO983765
Square Plantation
Forest or Wood
Hanley Castle SO833444
Squats Wood
Forest or Wood
Clent SO940786
St Gabriel's Wood
Forest or Wood
Hanley Swan SO809428
Stack Pools
Inland Water
Kidderminster SO834778
Staffordshire & Worcestershire Canal
Other Water Feature
Stourport-on-Severn SO825735
Stagborough Hill
Hill or Mountain
Ribbesford SO788721
Stanklyn Pool
Inland Water
Stone SO856748
Stanklyn Wood
Forest or Wood
Stone SO856744
Stanley Wood
Forest or Wood
Crowle SO919577
Stanthill Coppice
Forest or Wood
Birlingham SO935435
Stew Covert
Forest or Wood
Upton-upon-Severn SO834388
Stinton Pool
Inland Water
Hartlebury SO849680
Stocking Pool
Inland Water
Mamble SO688707
Stockingpool Plantation
Forest or Wood
Mamble SO685709
Stoke Coppice
Forest or Wood
Severn Stoke SO860443
Stonehall Common
Other Landcover
Kempsey SO882490
Stonepit Coppice
Forest or Wood
Churchill SO917543
Stonepits Copse
Forest or Wood
Redditch SP040638
Storrage Wood
Forest or Wood
Beoley SP055716
Sturts Coppice
Forest or Wood
Lindridge SO654708
Suckley Hills
Hill or Mountain Range
Suckley SO731520
Suckley Hills
Hill or Mountain
Suckley SO735525
Summer Hill
Hill or Mountain
Hanbury SO935635
Summerhill Wood
Forest or Wood
Hanbury SO935637
Sunday's Hill Coppice
Forest or Wood
Spetchley SO898548
Sunnyhill Coppice
Forest or Wood
Dodford with Grafton SO942729
Surman's Plantation
Forest or Wood
Overbury SO969380
Swan Pool
Inland Water
Hanley Swan SO812428
Swan Pool
Inland Water
Hadzor SO909630
Swan Pool
Inland Water
Blakedown SO877782
Swan Pool
Inland Water
Bewdley SO760752
Swan's Neck
Other Water Feature
Birlingham SO935425
Swanshill Wood
Forest or Wood
Alvechurch SP052748
Sweet Briar Wood
Forest or Wood
Croome D'Abitot SO877441
Sweet Pool
Inland Water
Stourbridge SO895798
Swines Hill Wood
Forest or Wood
South Lenches SP019478
Swinesherd Copse
Forest or Wood
Worcester SO887541
Swingley Pool
Inland Water
Bockleton SO586619
Swinley Green
Other Landcover
Eldersfield SO834324
Swinyard Hill
Hill or Mountain
Castlemorton SO765385
Symond's Stool Coppice
Forest or Wood
Bewdley SO763751
Tadpole Coppice
Forest or Wood
Spetchley SO900546
Tagg Coppice
Forest or Wood
Drakes Broughton and Wadboroug SO929496
Talbotshill Coppice
Forest or Wood
Wolverley and Cookley SO850794
Tanner's Brook
Other Water Feature
Bayton SO715735
Tanner's Coppice
Forest or Wood
Bayton SO715744
Tardebigge Reservoir
Inland Water
Tutnall and Cobley SO985684
Tee Bank Coppice
Forest or Wood
Martley SO744606
Temple Dingle
Stanford with Orleton SO702647
The Ashes
Forest or Wood
Bransford SO786522
The Beeches
Forest or Wood
Hanbury SO963643
The Belt
Forest or Wood
Croome D'Abitot SO881438
The Belt
Forest or Wood
Croome D'Abitot SO884457
The Common
Other Landcover
Hill and Moor SO997485
The Coppice
Forest or Wood
Naunton Beauchamp SO978515
The Dingle
Great Malvern SO766456
The Dingle
Feckenham SP004616
The Dingle
Elmley Castle SO977405
The Firs
Forest or Wood
Hanley SO635648
The Forest
Forest or Wood
Elmley Lovett SO865690
The Forest of Dennis
Forest or Wood
Pebworth SP139455
The Gorse
Forest or Wood
Hanley Castle SO833430
The Gorse
Forest or Wood
Wolverley and Cookley SO856800
The Green
Other Landcover
Kempsey SO861464
The Grove
Forest or Wood
Bushley SO855353
The Grove
Forest or Wood
Birtsmorton SO775360
The Grove
Forest or Wood
Little Malvern SO767402
The Grove
Forest or Wood
Lindridge SO696695
The Grove Coppice
Forest or Wood
Upper Arley SO757807
The Gullet
Other Landcover
Castlemorton SO762380
The Gullet
Forest or Wood
Castlemorton SO765375
The Lake
Inland Water
Tutnall and Cobley SP010689
The Lake
Inland Water
Hindlip SO882582
The Larches
Forest or Wood
Cookhill SP054601
The Ling Ground
Forest or Wood
Abbots Morton SP044545
The Middle Pool
Inland Water
Shrawley SO807658
The Oaks
Forest or Wood
Churchill SO914539
The Plantation
Forest or Wood
Astley and Dunley SO808683
The Reservoir
Inland Water
Hadzor SO909628
The River
Inland Water
Kyre SO625634
The Rookery
Forest or Wood
Bentley Pauncefoot SO999653
The Rookery
Forest or Wood
Kyre SO632636
The Rookery
Forest or Wood
Redditch SP063666
The Rough
Forest or Wood
Feckenham SO999609
The Spinney
Forest or Wood
Wickhamford SP057410
The Thrift
Forest or Wood
Bentley Pauncefoot SO986660
The Warren
Forest or Wood
Lulsley SO736545
The Warren
Forest or Wood
Astley and Dunley SO782669
The Warren
Forest or Wood
Overbury SO950398
The Wilderness
Forest or Wood
Great Witley SO774649
Thirds Land
Forest or Wood
Great Malvern SO767424
Thompson Wood
Forest or Wood
Hanbury SO962652
Three Cornered Covert
Forest or Wood
Wolverley and Cookley SO849791
Three Cornered Wood
Forest or Wood
Ribbesford SO795715
Three Corners Covert
Forest or Wood
Croome D'Abitot SO869449
Three Oak Hill Wood
Forest or Wood
Cookhill SP061579
Thrift Wood
Forest or Wood
Crowle (Wychavon) SO916556
Thrift Wood
Forest or Wood
Inkberrow SO915555
Thurstan's Wood
Forest or Wood
Bredon SO933366
Tiddesley Wood
Forest or Wood
Pershore SO929451
Tiddesley Wood
Forest or Wood
Besford SO925455
Tinkers' Coppice
Forest or Wood
Grimley SO828596
Tinkers' Coppice
Forest or Wood
Martley SO740576
Tolladine Wood
Forest or Wood
Worcester SO879565
Tompkin's Coppice
Forest or Wood
Berrow SO766362
Top Coalpits Coppice
Forest or Wood
Knightwick SO730543
Top Dingle
Upper Arley SO801835
Top Pool
Inland Water
Kyre SO623632
Top Tax
Hill or Mountain
Lindridge SO688700
Tor Coppice
Forest or Wood
Alfrick SO746517
Town Coppice
Forest or Wood
Bewdley SO761760
Trapnell Brook
Other Water Feature
Knighton on Teme SO635715
Trench Wood
Forest or Wood
Himbleton SO919597
Trench Wood
Forest or Wood
Crowle SO926588
Trimpley Green
Forest or Wood
Kidderminster Foreign SO794781
Trimpley Reservoir
Inland Water
Kidderminster Foreign SO770787
Tump Bew Hill
Hill or Mountain
Honeybourne SP116456
Tunnel Coppice
Forest or Wood
Knighton on Teme SO646700
Tunnel Hill
Hill or Mountain
South Lenches SP020476
Tunnel Hill Wood
Forest or Wood
South Lenches SP020476
Turnpike Coppice
Forest or Wood
Hagley SO939820
Twiland Wood
Forest or Wood
Frankley SO975806
Two Acre Covert
Forest or Wood
Upton-upon-Severn SO821395
Two Tree Hill
Hill or Mountain
Stoke SO965665
Twopenny Green Coppice
Other Landcover
Upper Arley SO760780
Twyford Lake
Inland Water
Evesham SP045463
Uckinghall Meadow
Other Landcover
Uckinghall SO861379
Uffmoor Green
Other Landcover
Romsley SO940804
Uffmoor Wood
Forest or Wood
Romsley SO952812
Uffmoor Wood
Forest or Wood
Romsley SO955815
University Wood
Forest or Wood
Madresfield SO798475
Upper Arles Wood
Forest or Wood
Hanley Castle SO797431
Upper Astley Wood
Forest or Wood
Astley and Dunley SO804669
Upper Bittell Reservoir
Inland Water
Alvechurch SP020753
Upper Bittell Resr
Other Water Feature
Cofton Hackett SP015755
Upper Hurst Coppice
Forest or Wood
Belbroughton SO930757
Upper Kite's Wood
Forest or Wood
Dormston SO975578
Upper Moor
Other Landcover
Hill and Moor SO976474
Upper Pool Coppice
Forest or Wood
Knighton on Teme SO635712
Upper Roughs
Forest or Wood
Elmley Castle SO999403
Upper Shooters Wood
Forest or Wood
Elmley Lovett SO866683
Vale of Evesham
Charlton SP028450
Valley Wood
Forest or Wood
Dodford with Grafton SO945732
Vicarage Wood
Forest or Wood
Lindridge SO673690
Village Jubilee Orchard
Other Landcover
Belbroughton SO921768
Vilt's Coppice
Forest or Wood
Lower Sapey SO682601
Vine Coppice
Forest or Wood
Upper Arley SO798834
Wad Ground
Other Landcover
Pebworth SP146457
Walk Coppice
Forest or Wood
Bayton SO670730
Walkwood Coppice
Forest or Wood
Redditch SP027650
Wall Hills Wood
Forest or Wood
Eastham SO685673
Wallhouse Plantation
Forest or Wood
Great Witley SO752640
Walmer Wood
Forest or Wood
Madresfield SO803469
Walmspout Coppice
Forest or Wood
Great Malvern SO761467
Walnut Shell Coppice
Forest or Wood
Doddenham SO751568
Walsgrove Hill
Hill or Mountain
Great Witley SO745655
Walton Hill
Hill or Mountain
Clent SO942797
Wannerton Plantation
Forest or Wood
Churchill and Blakedown SO865785
Warford Pool
Inland Water
Little Witley SO778643
Warndon Wood
Forest or Wood
Warndon SO889562
Waseley Hill
Hill or Mountain
Bromsgrove, unparished area SO975775
Washing Pool
Inland Water
Great Witley SO765645
Washingpool Plantation
Forest or Wood
Great Witley SO767645
Wassage Coppice
Forest or Wood
Hampton Lovett SO883650
Wassell Wood
Forest or Wood
Kidderminster Foreign SO797773
Wassellgrove Dingle
Hagley SO934819
Waste Common
Other Landcover
Clifton upon Teme SO704598
Waste Coppice
Forest or Wood
Astley and Dunley SO785705
Wastehill Wood
Forest or Wood
Stanford with Orleton SO708644
Water Lily Pool
Inland Water
Kyre SO624636
Water Wheel Covert
Forest or Wood
Hanley Castle SO831443
Waterpit Coppice
Forest or Wood
Belbroughton SO920737
Watkin's Dingle
Great Witley SO780646
Weethley Wood
Forest or Wood
Inkberrow SP047562
Weethley Wood
Forest or Wood
Abbots Morton SP045555
Weyman's Wood
Forest or Wood
Clifton upon Teme SO727619
Wheatfield Coppice
Forest or Wood
Feckenham SP003655
Whetty Coppice
Forest or Wood
Birmingham SO984769
White's Wood
Forest or Wood
Elmley Castle SO966409
Whitehill Wood
Forest or Wood
Kidderminster SO808750
Whitehouse Coppice
Forest or Wood
Powick SO807513
Whitelands Belt
Forest or Wood
Kyre SO603628
Whitsun Brook
Other Water Feature
Bishampton SO995515
Whittington Rough
Forest or Wood
Whittington SO896522
Wichenford Coppice
Forest or Wood
Wichenford SO782603
Wide Valley
Great Malvern SO772449
Wigley Coppice
Forest or Wood
Stoke Bliss SO661621
Wilden Covert
Forest or Wood
Kidderminster SO831739
Wilden Pool
Inland Water
Wilden SO822729
Wilden Pool
Other Water Feature
Wilden SO825725
William's Wood
Forest or Wood
Abbots Morton SP043544
Wimperhill Wood
Forest or Wood
Rock SO739765
Windmill Hill
Hill or Mountain
Bromsgrove, unparished area SO975775
Windmill Pool
Inland Water
Broome SO893788
Windmill Tump
Hill or Mountain
Bushley SO864350
Winnall Coppice
Forest or Wood
Ombersley SO815673
Winricks Wood
Forest or Wood
Mamble SO702696
Winter Coombe
Berrow SO760366
Winton's Rough
Forest or Wood
Kyre SO615639
Winwoodhill Coppice
Forest or Wood
Leigh SO773530
Wirehill Wood
Forest or Wood
Redditch SP055644
Wissett's Wood
Forest or Wood
Mamble SO678724
Wissett's Wood
Forest or Wood
Bayton SO675725
Wood Yard
Forest or Wood
Croome D'Abitot SO875451
Woodbury Hill
Hill or Mountain
Great Witley SO747645
Woodcote Coppice
Forest or Wood
Dodford with Grafton SO915720
Woodley's Brake
Forest or Wood
Earl's Croome SO869428
Woodmancote Brake
Forest or Wood
Defford SO901423
Woodsfield Coppice
Forest or Wood
Powick SO815483
Woodside Coppice
Forest or Wood
Worcester SO864542
Woodward's Coppice
Forest or Wood
Callow Hill SO736736
Worcester & Birmingham Canal
Other Water Feature
Hanbury SO935645
Worcester & Birmingham Canal
Other Water Feature
Tutnall and Cobley SP005705
Worcestershire Beacon
Hill or Mountain
West Malvern SO768452
Worcestershire Beacon
Hill or Mountain
Great Malvern SO765455
Wordley Dingle
Astley and Dunley SO776686
Wren Brook Coppice
Forest or Wood
Tenbury SO621652
Wyat's Coppice
Forest or Wood
Kenswick SO778582
Wychbury Hill
Hill or Mountain
Hagley SO925815
Wyre Forest
Forest or Wood
Rock SO742756
Wyre Forest
Forest or Wood
Bewdley SO755765
Yeald Wood
Forest or Wood
Church Lench SP017524
Yeald Wood
Forest or Wood
Rous Lench SP015525
Yew Tree Covert
Other Landcover
Upper Arley SO755815
Young Covert
Forest or Wood
Upton-upon-Severn SO827392