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Gazetteer Entries in Hertfordshire, England
Populated Places only
Geographic Features only
Markers are clustered as there are too many to display individually when zoomed out.
Abbot's Grove
Forest or Wood
Stevenage TL255241
Abbots Langley
Watford TL094019
Abel's Grove
Forest or Wood
Great Gaddesden TL053133
Suburban Area
Hemel Hempstead TL064074
Admirals Walk Lake
Inland Water
Hoddesdon TL377081
Albury TL432246
Albury End
Albury TL428237
Alburyend Wood
Forest or Wood
Albury TL432234
Aldbury SP964124
Aldbury Common
Forest or Wood
Aldbury SP973123
Aldenham TQ139984
Aldenham Reservoir
Inland Water
Elstree and Borehamwood TQ168954
Aldenham Resr
Other Water Feature
Aldenham TQ165955
Aldwicks Plantation
Forest or Wood
Great Offley TL151269
Alexander's Wood
Forest or Wood
Bramfield TL286169
Allabys Wood
Forest or Wood
Flamstead TL043145
Allen's Green
High Wych TL454168
Allensgreen Wood
Forest or Wood
High Wych TL455164
Allum Lane Spinney
Forest or Wood
Borehamwood TQ185962
Alswickhall Wood
Forest or Wood
Buntingford TL380293
Ambrose Wood
Forest or Wood
Harpenden TL129155
Wheathampstead TL167131
Angel's Wood
Forest or Wood
Offley TL142258
Ansells End
Kimpton TL159189
Anstey TL405330
Appletree Dell
Chorleywood TQ035963
Other Settlement
St Michael TL113055
Appspond Wood
Forest or Wood
St Michael TL112053
Suburban Area
Hemel Hempstead TL061051
Apsley Common
Other Landcover
Little Munden TL324219
Arbury Wood
Forest or Wood
Watton-at-Stone TL305205
Ardeley TL309271
Artichoke Dell
Chorleywood TQ035959
Ash Green
Forest or Wood
Sandridge TL187089
Ash Grove
Forest or Wood
Bishop's Stortford TL480221
Ash Grove
Forest or Wood
Nuthampstead TL414356
Ash Hill
Hill or Mountain
Ashwell TL257383
Ash Hill
Hill or Mountain
Newnham TL255385
Ash Plantation
Forest or Wood
Thundridge TL371187
Ash Plantation
Forest or Wood
Wymondley TL213290
Ash Plantation
Forest or Wood
Hinxworth TL238418
St Ippolyts TL202277
Ashen Grove
Forest or Wood
Bayford TL306068
Ashley Grove
Forest or Wood
Codicote TL226187
Ashridge Common
Other Landcover
Thundridge TL374166
Ashtree Wood
Forest or Wood
Stevenage TL257241
Ashwell TL269397
Ashwell End
Ashwell TL252400
Ashwell Fields
Other Landcover
Ashwell TL282384
Aspenden TL361282
Aston TL273224
Aston End
Aston TL272242
Astonbury Wood
Forest or Wood
Aston TL275213
Tring Rural SP894150
Aunt Wood
Forest or Wood
Oaklands TL244180
Ayot Green
Ayot St Peter TL217143
Ayot St Lawrence
Ayot St Lawrence TL194166
Ayot St Lawrence
Wheathampstead TL195165
Ayot St Peter
Ayot St Peter TL218150
Ayres End
Wheathampstead TL156122
Baa Lamb Trees
Forest or Wood
Harpenden TL135139
Babbs Green
Wareside TL394161
Babies Wood
Forest or Wood
Flamstead TL051140
Backhouse Wood
Forest or Wood
Essendon TL271085
Backlane Wood
Forest or Wood
Welwyn Garden City TL278177
Bacon's Green
Other Landcover
Bramfield TL284144
Badger Wood
Forest or Wood
Little Gaddesden TL003139
Badger's Eye
Forest or Wood
Standon TL376197
Badger's Green
Other Landcover
Ardeley TL324251
Badgerdell Wood
Forest or Wood
Chipperfield TL047034
Badgerseye Plantation
Forest or Wood
Standon TL376198
Baisley's Wood
Forest or Wood
Broxbourne, unparished area TL325053
Baker's Belt
Forest or Wood
Gilston TL444128
Baker's End
Wareside TL396170
Baker's Wood
Forest or Wood
Bovingdon TL006026
Baldock TL244339
Baldwin's Wood
Forest or Wood
Flaunden TQ011992
Ball's Covert
Forest or Wood
Hatfield TL194093
Ballard's Wood
Forest or Wood
Stanstead Abbots TL395132
Ballingdon Bottom
Great Gaddesden TL038140
Ballingdon Bottom
Other Settlement
Great Gaddesden TL035145
Balls Wood
Forest or Wood
Hertford Heath TL344105
Ballshill Grove
Forest or Wood
Hertford TL333124
Bamville Wood
Other Landcover
Harpenden TL144123
Bandy Common
Other Landcover
Little Munden TL341223
Bardolphspark Wood
Forest or Wood
Watton-at-Stone TL310196
Bardon Clumps
Forest or Wood
Bengeo Rural TL319156
Barkway TL384356
Barley TL399388
Barley Croft Plantation
Forest or Wood
Braughing TL383247
Barleycroft End
Furneux Pelham TL436278
Barleycroft Grove
Forest or Wood
Stapleford TL314155
Barnacks Hill Wood
Forest or Wood
Weston TL281298
Barnes Wood
Forest or Wood
Welwyn Garden City TL256168
Barnsleys Wood
Forest or Wood
Hertingfordbury TL288138
Bartram's Wood
Forest or Wood
Much Hadham TL407197
Barvin Hill
Hill or Mountain
Northaw and Cuffley TL291009
Standon TL384194
Barwick Ford
Standon TL385188
Bassus Green
Walkern TL305255
Batch Wood
Forest or Wood
St Michael TL138092
Suburban Area
Rickmansworth TQ061939
Batchworth Heath
Other Settlement
Northwood TQ078924
Batchworth Lake
Inland Water
Rickmansworth TQ056940
Suburban Area
Harpenden TL144153
Bath Wood
Forest or Wood
Essendon TL268074
Bathend Clump
Forest or Wood
Northwood TQ079926
Batlers Green
Suburban Area
Radlett TQ155985
Battles Wood
Forest or Wood
High Wych TL436146
Baty's Spinney
Forest or Wood
Kimpton TL184195
Bayford TL310084
Bayford Wood
Forest or Wood
Bayford TL302081
Bayford Wood
Forest or Wood
Bayford TL305085
Beal's Wood
Forest or Wood
Tewin TL279155
Beanfield Wood
Forest or Wood
Bramfield TL289166
Bearton Pond
Inland Water
Hitchin TL179300
Beauchamp's Plantation
Forest or Wood
Wyddial TL376307
Beck Mason's Wood
Forest or Wood
Watford TQ107928
Bedmond TL098037
Other Settlement
Hemel Hempstead TL095035
Bedmond Green
Other Landcover
Bedmond TL095036
Bedmond Wood
Forest or Wood
Bedmond TL101039
Suburban Area
Stevenage TL245241
Beech Bottom
St Albans TL156091
Beech Grove
Forest or Wood
Broxbourne, unparished area TL341055
Beechen Bottom
Abbots Langley TQ070997
Beechen Dell
Hatfield TL208127
Beechen Wood
Forest or Wood
Maple Cross TQ027925
Beechengrove Wood
Forest or Wood
Chorleywood TQ046970
Beechengrove Wood
Forest or Wood
Chorleywood TQ045975
Beechhill Plantation
Forest or Wood
Offley TL116253
Beggarman's Wood
Forest or Wood
Little Munden TL358217
Bell Bar
Suburban Area
Brookmans Park TL252053
Bell's Wood
Forest or Wood
Bayford TL300074
Other Settlement
Sarratt TL035005
Suburban Area
Chipperfield (Three Rivers) BU TL034008
Belt Plantation
Forest or Wood
Hexton TL101303
Bencroft Wood
Forest or Wood
Brickendon Liberty TL329063
St Paul's Walden TL165216
Suburban Area
Hertford TL324137
Bengeo Lammas Land
Other Landcover
Bengeo Rural TL328159
Benington TL298236
Bennetts End
Suburban Area
Hemel Hempstead TL070059
Benstead's Wood
Forest or Wood
Hatfield TL205121
Bentley Heath
Hertsmere, unparished area TQ249995
Bentley Heath
Other Landcover
Hertsmere, unparished area TQ248997
Bentley Heath Pond
Inland Water
Hertsmere, unparished area TQ249995
Berkhamstead Lane Plantation
Forest or Wood
Little Berkhamsted TL285076
Berkhamsted SP984081
Berkhamsted Common
Forest or Wood
Little Gaddesden SP993108
Berkhamsted Lane Plantation
Forest or Wood
Little Berkhamsted TL286076
Bernard's Heath
Forest or Wood
St Albans TL150083
Bernards Heath
Suburban Area
St Albans TL155084
Berrybushes Wood
Forest or Wood
Abbots Langley TL066007
Forest or Wood
Aldenham TQ126983
Forest or Wood
Bushey TQ130980
Forest or Wood
Aldenham TQ128985
Big Wood
Forest or Wood
Great Gaddesden TL046112
Big Wood
Forest or Wood
Watford TQ103937
Bigg's Grove
Forest or Wood
Kimpton TL199192
Biggs Grove
Forest or Wood
Broxbourne, unparished area TL337056
Bigpursley Wood
Forest or Wood
Shenley TL203003
Bill's Wood
Forest or Wood
St Albans TL171099
Bingles Wood
Forest or Wood
Braughing TL389251
Birch Green
Hertingfordbury TL292113
Birch Wood
Forest or Wood
Hatfield TL286060
Birch Wood
Forest or Wood
Shenley TQ197993
Birch Wood
Forest or Wood
How Wood TL137035
Birch Wood
Forest or Wood
St Michael TL119056
Birchall Wood
Forest or Wood
Hertingfordbury TL272122
Birchanger Wood
Forest or Wood
Bishop's Stortford TL501225
Birchin Grove
Forest or Wood
Flamstead TL082176
Birchley Wood
Forest or Wood
Great Gaddesden TL040109
Suburban Area
Hatfield TL227093
Birkitt Hill
Hill or Mountain
Offley TL140275
Bishey Wood
Forest or Wood
Kimpton TL152176
Bishop's Stortford
Bishop's Stortford TL488213
Bishop's Wood
Forest or Wood
Tring SP923097
Black Bushes
Forest or Wood
Stanstead Abbots TL402131
Black Fan Valley
Welwyn Garden City TL254139
Black Green
Suburban Area
Watford TL131024
Black Grove
Forest or Wood
Standon TL360202
Black Hut Wood
Forest or Wood
Hunsdon TL428144
Blackbird Wood
Forest or Wood
Aldenham TQ138996
Blackets Wood
Forest or Wood
Sarratt TQ069979
Blackey Mead Wood
Forest or Wood
Standon TL378198
Blackfan Wood
Forest or Wood
Bayford TL312075
Blackgreen Wood
Forest or Wood
Watford TL136025
Blackmore End
Blackmore End TL170169
Blackmore End
Wheathampstead TL165165
Blacksmith's Pond
Inland Water
Pirton TL148317
Blackthorn Wood
Forest or Wood
Welwyn Garden City TL265119
Blackwater Wood
Forest or Wood
St Michael TL094057
Bladder Wood
Forest or Wood
Ayot St Peter TL207146
Blakemore Wood
Forest or Wood
Hertingfordbury TL305128
Blakes Bushes
Forest or Wood
Much Hadham TL411176
Blocks Wood
Forest or Wood
Widford TL421149
Bloom Wood
Forest or Wood
Abbots Langley TL113019
Blue Hill
Suburban Area
Watton-at-Stone TL295205
Bluebell Hill Wood
Forest or Wood
Hatfield TL208134
Blundell's Copse
Forest or Wood
Hitchin TL179281
Blunts Wood
Forest or Wood
Sarratt TQ043978
Boldero's Wood
Forest or Wood
Cottered TL336307
Bonfield's Lower Plantation
Forest or Wood
Weston TL264288
Bonfield's Upper Plantation
Forest or Wood
Weston TL266287
Borehamwood TQ197970
Botanybay Plantation
Forest or Wood
Great Offley TL148269
Weston TL265290
Bottom Plantation
Forest or Wood
Weston TL264290
Bottom Wood
Forest or Wood
Chorleywood TQ021938
Bourne Brook
Other Water Feature
Bishop's Stortford TL485235
Bourne End
Other Settlement
Bourne End TL025065
Bourne End
Bovingdon TL017058
Bourne Wood
Forest or Wood
Bengeo Rural TL342175
Bourne Wood
Forest or Wood
Brickendon Liberty TL329080
Bovingdon TL015036
Bovingdon Green
Other Settlement
Bovingdon TL015025
Bower Heath
Forest or Wood
Wheathampstead TL145166
Bower Heath
Other Settlement
Harpenden TL145165
Bowle's Wood
Forest or Wood
Wheathampstead TL210141
Bowles Wood
Forest or Wood
Standon TL411211
Box Wood
Forest or Wood
Walkern TL269262
Box Wood
Forest or Wood
Stevenage TL265265
Box Wood
Forest or Wood
Broxbourne, unparished area TL355095
Suburban Area
Hemel Hempstead TL046063
Bozen Green
Other Settlement
Braughing TL405275
Bradcot Wood
Forest or Wood
Ardeley TL321263
Bragbury End
Suburban Area
Stevenage TL268211
Bramble Grove
Forest or Wood
Broxbourne, unparished area TL333052
Bramble's Wood
Forest or Wood
Brickendon Liberty TL337081
Bramfield TL292154
Bramfield Park Wood
Forest or Wood
Bramfield TL283153
Bramfield Woods
Forest or Wood
Bramfield TL285165
Brandish Wood
Forest or Wood
Therfield TL349345
Braughing TL395250
Other Settlement
Braughing TL395245
Braughing Friars
Braughing TL417245
Breach Wood
Forest or Wood
Great Gaddesden TL027130
Breachwood Green
Breachwood Green TL150220
Breeche's Wood
Forest or Wood
Champneys College SP958086
Brent Pelham
Brent Pelham TL433307
Brewers Wood
Forest or Wood
Watton-at-Stone TL286187
Brick Kiln Wood
Forest or Wood
North Mymms TL235040
Brickclamps Wood
Forest or Wood
Watton-at-Stone TL310180
Brickendon Liberty TL322079
Bricket Wood
Forest or Wood
Watford TL122024
Bricket Wood
Watford TL128020
Bricket Wood Common
Forest or Wood
St Stephen TL131011
Brickground Wood
Forest or Wood
Welwyn Garden City TL278166
Brickhill Green
Forest or Wood
Berkhamsted SP986067
Brickkiln Wood
Forest or Wood
Offley TL130231
Brickkiln Wood
Forest or Wood
Hatfield TL249080
Bridget's Wood
Forest or Wood
Hinxworth TL246405
Brimstone Wood
Forest or Wood
Codicote TL199173
Broad Colney
Other Settlement
St Albans TL175035
Broad Colney
Other Settlement
London Colney TL175031
Broad Riding Wood
Forest or Wood
Brickendon Liberty TL339075
Broad Water Island
Tewin TL284128
Broadgreen Wood
Forest or Wood
Bayford TL310095
Broadgreen Wood
Other Settlement
Bayford TL315095
Broadmoor Pond
Inland Water
Barley TL397395
Broadoak End
Hertford TL307138
Broadoak End
Other Settlement
Hertford TL305135
Suburban Area
Stevenage TL256218
Brock's Wood
Forest or Wood
Welwyn Hatfield, unparished ar TL224139
Brogsdell Plantation
Forest or Wood
Lilley TL118282
Broken Green
Other Settlement
Wellpond Green TL415225
Brokers Garden Wood
Forest or Wood
Welwyn TL249185
Standon TL415214
Bromley Bottom
Watton-at-Stone TL315205
Bromley Common
Other Landcover
Watton-at-Stone TL311203
Brooches Wood
Forest or Wood
Stevenage TL261274
Brook End
Cottered TL325290
Brook End
Cottered TL325285
Brookfield Common
Other Landcover
Dane End TL330206
Brookfield Common
Other Landcover
Weston TL293279
Brookmans Park
Brookmans Park TL242041
Broom's Plantation
Forest or Wood
Thorley TL497193
Broombarns Wood
Forest or Wood
Hatfield TL277048
Broomhill Leys Wood
Forest or Wood
Markyate TL074169
Brown's Wood
Forest or Wood
St Paul's Walden TL204225
Suburban Area
Hoddesdon TL365066
Broxbourne Common
Forest or Wood
Brickendon Liberty TL342076
Broxbourne Wood
Forest or Wood
Brickendon Liberty TL326071
Buck's Alley Wood
Forest or Wood
Little Berkhamsted TL296074
Buckland TL358339
Buckland Bottom
Sandon TL350329
Buckney Wood
Forest or Wood
Wareside TL386169
Bucks Hill
Sarratt TL052005
Bull's Green
Welwyn Garden City TL272173
Bull's Green
Welwyn Garden City TL275175
Bull's Wood
Forest or Wood
Wigginton SP932101
Bullbeggar's Wood
Forest or Wood
Nettleden with Potten End TL013076
Bullen's Green
Suburban Area
Colney Heath TL215055
Bullen's Green
Suburban Area
Colney Heath TL213063
Bullock's Pasture Plantation
Forest or Wood
Weston (North Hertfordshire) B TL270296
Bovingdon TL027030
Chipperfield TL035025
Buntingford TL363292
Burge End
Pirton TL144322
Burhill Wood
Forest or Wood
Buckland TL348322
Burleigh Common
Other Landcover
Thundridge TL384174
Burleigh Grove
Forest or Wood
Knebworth TL225217
Burleigh Meadow
Other Landcover
Stevenage, unparished area TL224228
Burleighcroft Wood
Forest or Wood
Langley TL217219
Burloes Plantation
Forest or Wood
Barley TL372407
Burn's Green
Benington TL308226
Burnham Green
Welwyn Garden City TL262165
Burnt Wood
Forest or Wood
King's Walden TL138209
Burnwell Spinneys
Forest or Wood
Lilley TL108277
Burwell Plantation
Forest or Wood
Hexton TL104291
Bury Green
Bury Green TL451214
Bury Green
Suburban Area
Cheshunt TL345020
Bury Lake
Inland Water
Rickmansworth TQ052937
Bury Plantation
Forest or Wood
Hunsdon TL412129
Bury Plantation
Forest or Wood
Royston TL366405
Bury Wood
Forest or Wood
Flamstead TL094119
Bury Wood
Forest or Wood
Bovingdon TL032048
Bury Wood
Forest or Wood
Datchworth TL272195
Bury Wood
Forest or Wood
Wymondley TL218267
Bury Wood
Forest or Wood
Wallington TL287330
Burygreen Plantation
Forest or Wood
Broxbourne, unparished area TL341014
Bush Wood
Forest or Wood
Much Hadham TL434203
Bush Wood
Forest or Wood
Weston TL260314
Bush Wood
Forest or Wood
Sandon TL342323
Bush Wood
Forest or Wood
St Michael TL133103
Bush Wood
Forest or Wood
Welham Green TL225054
Bushey TQ132952
Bushey Heath
Suburban Area
Bushey TQ149942
Butt's Close Pond
Inland Water
Hitchin TL181295
Butts Hill Wood
Forest or Wood
Offley TL109297
Bygrave TL263362
Bygrave Common
Other Landcover
Bygrave TL251350
Other Settlement
Ickleford TL185325
Cage Pond
Inland Water
Shenley TL188007
Calais Wood
Forest or Wood
Brickendon Liberty TL323066
Caldecote TL237385
Caldecote Hill
Other Settlement
Bushey TQ155945
Calves Grove
Forest or Wood
Bayford TL308065
Cangsley Grove
Forest or Wood
North Mymms TL219034
Cannocks Wood
Forest or Wood
Stevenage, unparished area TL227224
Canon's Wood
Forest or Wood
Welwyn Garden City TL277167
Capons Wood
Forest or Wood
Wyddial TL366324
Capons Wood
Forest or Wood
Buckland TL365325
Carbone Bottom
Cuffley TL297037
Carpenders Park
Suburban Area
Watford TQ124925
Carpenter's Wood
Forest or Wood
Chorleywood TQ016965
Cartpath Wood
Forest or Wood
Chandler's Cross TQ072985
Cat Ditch
Other Water Feature
Ashwell TL265375
Catchpole Wood
Forest or Wood
Oaklands TL223172
Catharine Bourne
Other Water Feature
Shenley TL205005
Catstail Wood
Forest or Wood
Great Gaddesden TL037092
Cattlegate Wood
Forest or Wood
Northaw and Cuffley TL296011
Cave Wood
Forest or Wood
Datchworth TL260187
Cavehall Plantation
Forest or Wood
Anstey TL384321
Caws Wood
Forest or Wood
Redbourn TL120105
Cedar Wood
Forest or Wood
King's Walden TL170232
Cell Barnes Orchard
Forest or Wood
St Albans TL172058
Cell Barnes Pond
Inland Water
St Albans TL171058
Chalk Dell
Bayford TL304106
Chalk Dell
Redbourn TL113080
Chalkdell Wood
Forest or Wood
Knebworth TL202198
Chalkdell Wood
Forest or Wood
St Albans, unparished area TL156052
Chalkdell Wood
Forest or Wood
Sandridge TL194113
Chalkleys Wood
Forest or Wood
St Paul's Walden TL186223
Chamberlain's Wood
Forest or Wood
Brent Pelham TL433316
Chandler's Cross
Sarratt TQ066982
Chandler's Cross
Other Settlement
Chandler's Cross TQ065985
Chapel Croft
Suburban Area
Chipperfield (Dacorum) TL044019
Chapel Green
Therfield TL345355
Chapel Wood
Forest or Wood
Watton-at-Stone TL283188
Chapmore End
Bengeo Rural TL330159
Charlotte's Vale
Watford TQ088982
North Hertfordshire, unparishe TL178281
Other Settlement
Hitchin TL175285
Charlton Mill Pond
Inland Water
North Hertfordshire, unparishe TL177278
Charterfield Plantation
Forest or Wood
Hertingfordbury TL294138
Chase Wood
Forest or Wood
Potters Bar TQ266997
Suburban Area
Hemel Hempstead TL036066
Anstey TL407332
Suburban Area
Stevenage TL260248
Chells Manor
Suburban Area
Stevenage TL265257
Chelmsford Wood
Forest or Wood
Hertford TL310124
Cherry Green
Other Landcover
Westmill TL348260
Cherry Green
Westmill TL352260
Cherry Green
Great Munden TL355255
Cherry Orchard Plantation
Forest or Wood
Wyddial TL371319
Chesher's Plantation
Forest or Wood
Hertingfordbury TL306125
Cheshunt TL353022
Cheshunt Common
Other Landcover
Cheshunt TL313035
Cheshunt Lake
Inland Water
Cheshunt TL369025
Cheshunt Reservoir
Inland Water
Cheshunt TL352036
Chestnut Grove
Forest or Wood
Broxbourne, unparished area TL352075
Chestnut Wood
Forest or Wood
Tring SP945115
Cheverell's Belt
Forest or Wood
Flamstead TL055150
Cheverell's Green
Other Settlement
Flamstead TL055155
Childwick Bury
Other Settlement
St Michael TL135105
Childwick Green
St Michael TL141107
Chilton's Wood
Forest or Wood
Chorleywood TQ026976
Chipperfield (Dacorum) TL044019
Chipperfield Common
Forest or Wood
Chipperfield (Three Rivers) BU TL041012
Chipperfield Common
Forest or Wood
Chipperfield (Dacorum) TL045015
Buckland TL355320
Chipping Hill
Hill or Mountain
Buckland TL355329
Chiswell Green
How Wood TL133045
Other Settlement
Tring SP935075
Cholesbury Bottom
Tring SP934074
Chorleywood TQ023961
Chorleywood Bottom
Suburban Area
Chorleywood TQ027957
Chorleywood West
Suburban Area
Chorleywood TQ017960
Christmas Wood
Forest or Wood
Kimpton TL176195
Christmashill Wood
Forest or Wood
St Paul's Walden TL186191
Christopher's Wood
Forest or Wood
Hinxworth TL238401
Church End
Other Settlement
Little Hadham TL445225
Church End
Suburban Area
Redbourn TL099114
Church End
Suburban Area
Braughing TL395252
Church End
Sarratt TQ039983
Church End
Suburban Area
Weston (North Hertfordshire) B TL266301
Church Plantation
Forest or Wood
High Wych TL462139
Church Wood
Forest or Wood
Sacombe TL338194
Church Wood
Forest or Wood
Knebworth TL214205
Church Wood
Forest or Wood
Hexton TL103305
Churchend Common
Other Landcover
Walkern TL283270
Churchfield Common
Other Landcover
Ardeley TL309277
Other Settlement
Broxbourne, unparished area TL345025
Suburban Area
Cheshunt TL349024
Churchyard Meadow
Other Landcover
St Michael TL128081
Claggbottom Wood
Forest or Wood
Kimpton TL189175
Albury TL442249
Other Settlement
Patmore Heath TL445255
Clapper's Wood
Forest or Wood
Wheathampstead TL155126
Clarkshill Wood
Forest or Wood
Kimpton TL172186
Clay End
Walkern TL304250
Clay Hill
Hill or Mountain
Barley TL407405
Claybush Hill
Hill or Mountain
Ashwell TL269386
Claybush Hill
Hill or Mountain
Ashwell TL265385
Claypit Plantation
Forest or Wood
Hexton TL100298
Claypits Wood
Forest or Wood
Little Munden TL339211
Claypits Wood
Forest or Wood
Brickendon Liberty TL324074
Claypits Wood
Forest or Wood
Weston TL254284
Clothall TL271318
Clothall Common
Other Settlement
Clothall TL255335
Clothall Common
Suburban Area
Baldock TL252340
Clusterbolt Wood
Forest or Wood
Sacombe TL315174
Cobs Ash
Forest or Wood
Ridge TL214033
Cock Common
Other Landcover
Stocking Pelham TL454289
Cock Grove
Forest or Wood
Northchurch SP963075
Cock's Head Wood
Forest or Wood
Kings Langley TL056047
Cock's Wood
Forest or Wood
Little Munden TL343209
Offley TL124232
Oaklands TL215182
Codicote Bottom
Codicote TL206179
Codicote Bottom
Ayot St Lawrence TL205175
Codicote Heath
Other Landcover
Codicote TL206185
Other Settlement
Barkway TL395365
Cold Christmas
Thundridge TL367168
Cold Christmas
Wareside TL385165
Cold Harbour
Harpenden TL145165
Coldhall Green
Forest or Wood
Brickendon Liberty TL344066
Coldhams Plantation
Forest or Wood
Standon TL386242
Coldharbour Plantation
Forest or Wood
St Stephen TL124004
Coldharbour Plantation
Forest or Wood
Hatfield TL281049
Coldharbour Wood
Forest or Wood
Stanstead Abbots TL397114
Cole Green
Hertingfordbury TL280114
Cole Green
Brent Pelham TL435315
Cole's Green
Other Landcover
Benington TL303238
Coleman Green
Forest or Wood
Sandridge TL188125
Coleman Green
Sandridge TL187123
Coles Hill
Hill or Mountain
Northaw TL289017
Coles Wood
Forest or Wood
Rushden TL293325
Coleshill Wood
Forest or Wood
Bovingdon TL009051
Collens Leg Wood
Forest or Wood
Stevenage TL262242
Colliers End
Standon TL372212
Colney Heath
Colney Heath TL200060
Colney Heath
Other Landcover
Ridge TL204052
Colney Heath
Other Settlement
Colney Heath TL205055
Colney Heath Lakes
Inland Water
Colney Heath TL202063
Colney Street
Other Settlement
Colney Street TL155022
Comb's Wood
Forest or Wood
Watton-at-Stone TL318218
Combe Wood
Forest or Wood
Shenley TL188012
Combe Wood
Forest or Wood
Shenley TL185015
Sarratt TL047005
Commonwood Common
Forest or Wood
Sarratt TL046000
Conduit Field
Forest or Wood
Welwyn Hatfield, unparished ar TL232142
Conduit Plantation
Forest or Wood
Pirton TL140295
Conduit Pond
Inland Water
Albury TL425253
Conduit Wood
Forest or Wood
Hatfield TL245080
Cony Grove
Forest or Wood
Broxbourne, unparished area TL331056
Cook's Wood
Forest or Wood
Standon TL388194
Cook's Wood
Forest or Wood
Welwyn TL229152
Cooks Wood
Forest or Wood
Three Rivers, unparished area TQ051925
Cooks Wood
Forest or Wood
Welwyn Garden City TL260158
Coombe Wood
Forest or Wood
Hatfield TL245075
Cooper's Green
Other Settlement
Hatfield TL195095
Cooper's Wood
Forest or Wood
St Albans TL184037
Coppice Wood
Forest or Wood
Ridge TL184048
Copthorne Wood
Forest or Wood
Rickmansworth TQ067960
Cornelius Wood
Forest or Wood
Offley TL156260
Corner Hall
Suburban Area
Hemel Hempstead TL057060
Cornhill Common
Other Landcover
Ardeley TL297277
Coronation Plantation
Forest or Wood
Kimpton TL193187
Cottered TL318292
Cottonborough Common
Other Landcover
Dane End TL334210
Counters End
Suburban Area
Hemel Hempstead TL041073
Cow Banks Wood
Forest or Wood
Shenley TL180012
Cow Plantation
Forest or Wood
Royston TL373399
Cow Roast
Northchurch SP958103
Cow Roast
Wigginton SP955105
Cowards Wood
Forest or Wood
Thundridge TL364165
Cowheath Wood
Forest or Wood
Brickendon Liberty TL334077
Cowley's Corner Wood
Forest or Wood
Stevenage, unparished area TL231218
Cowpasture Wood
Forest or Wood
Knebworth TL234206
Cozens Grove
Forest or Wood
Hoddesdon TL361064
Crab Wood
Forest or Wood
St Stephen TL132005
Crabbs Green
Other Settlement
Stocking Pelham TL455285
Crabtree Plantation
Forest or Wood
Hoddesdon TL361074
Crackendell Wood
Forest or Wood
Ayot St Peter TL216138
Cradle End
Little Hadham TL458219
Cradle End
Other Settlement
Bury Green TL455215
Creswick Plantation
Forest or Wood
Welwyn Garden City TL238106
Cricketers Pond
Inland Water
Sarratt TQ043992
Ardeley TL298286
Cromer Hyde
Hatfield TL209123
Cromer Wood
Forest or Wood
Little Gaddesden TL000121
Cromerfield Common
Other Landcover
Ardeley TL301284
Cromerhill Common
Other Landcover
Ardeley TL295282
Cromwell Wood
Forest or Wood
Broxbourne, unparished area TL343046
Crossoaks Wood
Forest or Wood
Shenley TQ204997
Crouch Green
Other Landcover
Knebworth TL211205
Crouch Hill
Hill or Mountain
Kelshall TL314371
Crouchgreen Wood
Forest or Wood
Codicote TL211205
Croxley Green
Suburban Area
Rickmansworth TQ075955
Croxleyhall Wood
Forest or Wood
Rickmansworth TQ071949
Crunnells Green
Forest or Wood
Preston (North Hertfordshire) TL181245
Cuckoldscross Wood
Forest or Wood
Kimpton TL175194
Cuckoo Wood
Forest or Wood
Wellpond Green TL418223
Cuckoo Wood
Forest or Wood
Stevenage TL234265
Cuffley TL304027
Cuffley Brook
Other Water Feature
Cuffley TL305025
Culver Wood
Forest or Wood
Little Berkhamsted TL293088
Cumberlow Green
Rushden TL301305
Cupid Green
Suburban Area
Hemel Hempstead TL072092
Customs Wood
Forest or Wood
Watton-at-Stone TL320218
Cut Field Wood
Forest or Wood
Hatfield TL199094
Cutts Green Wood
Forest or Wood
Wheathampstead TL151120
Dades's Wood
Forest or Wood
Buckland TL361331
Dalmond's Wood
Forest or Wood
Brickendon Liberty TL344090
Damask Green
Other Settlement
Weston (North Hertfordshire) B TL255295
Dancers Hill
South Mimms TQ235992
Dane End
Little Munden TL334219
Dane End
Other Settlement
Dane End TL335215
Dane End Tributary
Other Water Feature
Great Munden TL355235
Dane Wood
Forest or Wood
Much Hadham TL433185
Danemead Wood
Forest or Wood
Brickendon Liberty TL344078
Suburban Area
Welwyn TL231164
Dark Wood
Forest or Wood
Hemel Hempstead TL056039
Darley Wood
Forest or Wood
Offley TL140225
King's Walden TL141224
Other Settlement
Breachwood Green TL145225
Braughing TL392273
Datchworth TL269182
Other Settlement
Datchworth TL275195
Datchworth Green
Other Settlement
Datchworth TL275185
Daw's End
Anstey TL404322
Dawes Common
Forest or Wood
Sarratt TQ036992
Dawley Wood
Forest or Wood
Tewin TL263154
Deacon Hill
Hill or Mountain
Offley TL125297
Deacon's Hill Wood
Forest or Wood
Tring SP916099
Deacons Hill
Other Settlement
Elstree and Borehamwood TQ195955
Deadman Wood
Forest or Wood
St Stephen TL102041
Deadman's Bottom
Hertsmere, unparished area TQ255989
Dean Wood
Forest or Wood
Great Gaddesden TL041140
Dean's Wood
Forest or Wood
King's Walden TL165241
Deard's Wood
Forest or Wood
Codicote TL230191
Debardine Wood
Forest or Wood
Sarratt TL038006
Deep Bottom
Brookmans Park TL249034
Deeve Wood
Forest or Wood
Hatfield TL261078
Dell Grove
Forest or Wood
Shenley TL188019
Dell Wood
Forest or Wood
Hemel Hempstead TL039089
Dell Wood
Forest or Wood
Sarratt TQ076970
Dell Wood
Forest or Wood
Chorleywood TQ035969
Dellacre Wood
Forest or Wood
Preston TL160263
Dells Wood
Forest or Wood
Broxbourne, unparished area TL360101
Dellsome Bottom
Welham Green TL223055
Derry's Wood
Forest or Wood
Broxbourne, unparished area TL315055
Suburban Area
Welwyn Garden City TL248154
Digswell Lake
Inland Water
Welwyn TL242148
Digswell Park
Suburban Area
Welwyn Garden City TL237146
Digswell Water
Other Settlement
Tewin TL255145
Digswell Water
Suburban Area
Welwyn Garden City TL247149
Dilly Wood
Forest or Wood
Sacombe TL349193
Dog Wood
Forest or Wood
Tring SP914096
Doghouse Wood
Forest or Wood
Wareside TL390143
Dolesbury Firs
Forest or Wood
Oaklands TL244180
Dolls Field
Other Landcover
Clothall TL298294
Donkey's Dell
Great Gaddesden TL033128
Dovehouse Wood
Forest or Wood
Kimpton TL174188
Dowdell's Wood
Forest or Wood
Ayot St Peter TL206153
Drinkwater Wood
Forest or Wood
Ardeley TL319278
Driver's End
Codicote TL220198
Dropping's Wood
Forest or Wood
Berkhamsted SP995062
Duck Trap Wood
Forest or Wood
St Paul's Walden TL194199
Duckdell Plantation
Forest or Wood
Stevenage TL251270
Duckett's Wood
Forest or Wood
Thundridge TL359171
Ducks' Green
Other Landcover
Therfield TL337365
Suburban Area
Berkhamsted SP966096
Duncan's Wood
Forest or Wood
Essendon TL270070
Duxleys Wood
Forest or Wood
King's Walden TL160221
Dysons Osiers
Forest or Wood
Broxbourne, unparished area TL324012
Earl's Wood
Forest or Wood
Barkway TL395355
Easington Common
Other Landcover
Dane End TL332217
Easneye Wood
Forest or Wood
Stanstead Abbots TL383135
East End
Furneux Pelham TL450277
East End Green
Hertingfordbury TL296108
East Wood
Forest or Wood
Little Hadham TL461215
East Wood
Forest or Wood
Anstey TL413333
East Wood
Forest or Wood
Aldenham TQ137992
East Wood
Forest or Wood
Barkway TL392371
Other Settlement
Northwood TQ096925
Other Settlement
St Paul's Walden TL195225
Easthall Wood
Forest or Wood
St Paul's Walden TL206223
Eastwick TL434117
Eastwick Wood
Forest or Wood
Widford TL429147
Echo Wood
Forest or Wood
Little Munden TL343215
Edwards Green
Other Landcover
Brickendon Liberty TL328090
Edwards Wood
Forest or Wood
Essendon TL265081
Eight Acre Plantation
Forest or Wood
Hertford TL332148
Eight Acre Wood
Forest or Wood
Wheathampstead TL154124
Elaine's Wood
Forest or Wood
Redbourn TL091140
Eleven Acre Wood
Forest or Wood
Hertford TL310135
Ellen Green
Other Landcover
Sandon TL336314
Suburban Area
Hatfield TL208081
Elstree TQ178952
Epping Green
Little Berkhamsted TL297065
Essendon TL274086
Fair Lady Wood
Forest or Wood
Furneux Pelham TL422286
Fancy Plantation
Forest or Wood
Ayot St Peter TL215135
Fanny's Spinney
Forest or Wood
Hexton TL105300
Farther Wood
Forest or Wood
Standon TL364203
Fears Green
Other Landcover
Kelshall TL325355
Suburban Area
Hemel Hempstead TL040048
Fellowsfield Common
Other Landcover
Little Munden TL344222
Ferricks Wood
Forest or Wood
Braughing TL422246
Fiddler's Brook
Other Water Feature
Much Hadham TL445165
Fiddler's Hill
Suburban Area
Harpenden TL114160
Fields End
Dacorum, unparished area TL027080
Filbert Copse
Forest or Wood
Patmore Heath TL435253
Fir Grove
Forest or Wood
Brickendon Liberty TL341063
Fir Wood
Forest or Wood
Bovingdon TL006012
Fir Wood
Forest or Wood
Potters Bar TQ261995
Firs Wood
Forest or Wood
Brickendon Liberty TL327058
Fish Wood
Forest or Wood
Ayot St Peter TL206151
Fishers Green
Suburban Area
Stevenage TL223261
Fishers Green Wood
Forest or Wood
Stevenage TL221257
Five Acre Wood
Forest or Wood
Potters Bar TL272012
Five Acres
Forest or Wood
Watford TL127026
Flamstead TL078145
Flamstead End
Suburban Area
Cheshunt TL347034
Flaunden TL016008
Suburban Area
St Albans TL170077
Flexleys Wood
Forest or Wood
Tewin TL279144
Flint Bridge Plantation
Forest or Wood
Hatfield TL207130
Flinter's Wood
Forest or Wood
Brookmans Park TL246046
Flowersash Wood
Forest or Wood
Bengeo Rural TL321160
Folly Gorse
Forest or Wood
Albury TL449235
Folly Grove
Forest or Wood
Great Amwell TL376122
Forty Acre Plantation
Forest or Wood
Wyddial TL380322
Four Acre Plantation
Forest or Wood
St Stephen TL134005
Four Acres Wood
Forest or Wood
Datchworth TL283210
Four Gate Plantation
Forest or Wood
Hatfield TL218127
Fox Covert
Forest or Wood
Tring Rural SP885155
Foxdell Wood
Forest or Wood
Great Munden TL355231
Foxdell Wood
Forest or Wood
Watton-at-Stone TL302180
Foxearth Wood
Forest or Wood
Little Hadham TL427227
Foxholes Wood
Forest or Wood
Cottered TL327307
Foxholes Wood
Forest or Wood
St Paul's Walden TL183230
Foxley Grove
Forest or Wood
Welwyn TL244163
Foxleys Wood
Forest or Wood
Stapleford TL315163
Frederick's Wood
Forest or Wood
Ridge TL207050
Frenchcroft Wood
Forest or Wood
Ardeley TL325271
Friar's Wash
Flamstead TL084150
Friendless Wood
Forest or Wood
Flamstead TL065148
Nettleden with Potten End TL015098
Other Settlement
Potten End TL015095
Frithsden Beeches
Forest or Wood
Northchurch SP998101
Froghall Wood
Forest or Wood
Elstree and Borehamwood TQ206950
King's Walden TL170229
Park Street TL151034
Frogmore Bottom
King's Walden TL174228
Frogmore End
Suburban Area
Hemel Hempstead TL057056
Fullar's Common
Other Landcover
Little Munden TL341216
Furneux Pelham
Furneux Pelham TL431279
Furneux Pelham
Other Settlement
Furneux Pelham TL435285
Furze Field
Forest or Wood
Little Berkhamsted TL286083
Furze Field
Forest or Wood
Hatfield TL201104
Furzefield Wood
Forest or Wood
Northchurch SP985109
Furzefield Wood
Forest or Wood
Sandridge TL186121
Furzefield Wood
Forest or Wood
Abbots Langley TL104036
Furzeground Wood
Forest or Wood
Thundridge TL381193
Furzen Wood
Forest or Wood
King's Walden TL140245
Furzens Wood
Forest or Wood
Hexton TL098297
Suburban Area
Hemel Hempstead TL045085
Gallows Hill
Hill or Mountain
Kelshall TL304381
Gannock Green
Other Landcover
Reed TL366351
Gannock Grove
Forest or Wood
Reed TL367354
Ganwick Corner
Other Settlement
Hertsmere, unparished area TQ255995
Garden Grove
Forest or Wood
Nuthampstead TL412359
Garden Plantation
Forest or Wood
Kimpton TL140198
Garden Wood
Forest or Wood
Ridge TL194046
Garden Wood
Forest or Wood
St Paul's Walden TL187226
Garden Wood
Forest or Wood
King's Walden TL160230
Gardenfield Spinney
Forest or Wood
Great Offley TL142268
Garett Wood
Forest or Wood
Three Rivers, unparished area TQ048931
Suburban Area
Watford TL116002
Garston Meadow
Other Landcover
Stevenage, unparished area TL227229
Gearys Plantation
Forest or Wood
Flaunden TQ008994
Geescroft Wilderness
Forest or Wood
Harpenden TL131127
George Wood
Forest or Wood
Hemel Hempstead TL071052
George's Plantation
Forest or Wood
Lilley TL109263
George's Wood
Forest or Wood
Brookmans Park TL256044
Gerry's Hole
Inland Water
Ickleford TL186316
Gibson's Shaw
Forest or Wood
Gilston TL435133
Gidner's Wood
Forest or Wood
Bayford TL310078
Gifford's Wood
Forest or Wood
Little Munden TL345229
Gillhill Plantation
Forest or Wood
Flamstead TL053147
Gilston TL448121
Gilston Park
Other Settlement
Gilston TL445135
Glen Faba
Suburban Area
Broxbourne, unparished area TL391091
Gobions Pond
Inland Water
Brookmans Park TL251037
Gobions Wood
Forest or Wood
Brookmans Park TL253034
Goff's Oak
Cheshunt TL322030
Goffs Oak
Other Settlement
Cheshunt TL325035
Golden Grove
Forest or Wood
Gilston TL447141
Golden Valley
Little Gaddesden SP992126
Golding's Wood
Forest or Wood
Hertford Heath TL359113
Goldsdell Common
Other Landcover
Great Munden TL350228
Goodley's Wood
Forest or Wood
King's Walden TL158258
Goose Green
Broxbourne, unparished area TL355095
Other Settlement
St Michael TL115075
Gorse Field
Forest or Wood
Kimpton TL186182
Gorsedell Plantation
Forest or Wood
Stevenage TL245273
Gorsefield Wood
Forest or Wood
Bovingdon TL022047
Hitchin TL187270
Goss Covert
Forest or Wood
Thundridge TL376177
Gover's Green
Forest or Wood
Datchworth TL270177
Graffridge Wood
Forest or Wood
St Paul's Walden TL215212
Graffridge Wood
Forest or Wood
Knebworth TL225215
Grand Union Canal
Other Water Feature
Hemel Hempstead TL075025
Grandsire Grove
Forest or Wood
Brickendon Liberty TL319063
Gravefield Grove
Forest or Wood
Bayford TL307101
Gravel Hill
Hill or Mountain
Hexton TL108291
Graveley TL231278
Graveley Pond
Inland Water
Graveley TL230278
Gravelhill Plantation
Forest or Wood
Pirton TL148292
Gravelpit Plantation
Forest or Wood
Thundridge TL350165
Gravelpit Wood
Forest or Wood
High Cross TL364180
Graves Wood
Forest or Wood
Westmill TL353262
Patmore Heath TL439257
Gray's Wood
Forest or Wood
Wheathampstead TL197139
Great Amwell
Great Amwell TL370124
Great Collens Wood
Forest or Wood
Stevenage TL260240
Great Dickshill Wood
Forest or Wood
Berkhamsted SP962087
Great Frithsden Copse
Forest or Wood
Potten End TL008098
Great Furzefield Wood
Forest or Wood
St Michael TL103055
Great Gaddesden
Great Gaddesden TL026111
Great Grove
Forest or Wood
Broxbourne, unparished area TL346074
Great Groves
Forest or Wood
Brickendon Liberty TL318085
Great Hill Plantation
Forest or Wood
Wigginton SP949094
Great Hormead
Great Hormead TL401300
Great Hormead
Other Settlement
Hormead TL405295
Great Hormead Park
Forest or Wood
Hormead TL415295
Great Mole Wood
Forest or Wood
Hertford TL316139
Great Munden
Great Munden TL357240
Great Norfolk Wood
Forest or Wood
Ayot St Lawrence TL197156
Great Offley
Great Offley TL144268
Great Plantings Wood
Forest or Wood
Little Hadham TL465217
Great Pryor Spinney
Forest or Wood
Much Hadham TL397185
Great Southey Wood
Forest or Wood
Thundridge TL372185
Great Stock Wood
Forest or Wood
Hertford TL341112
Great West Plantation
Forest or Wood
Tring SP917107
Great Wood
Forest or Wood
Hemel Hempstead TL050043
Great Wood
Forest or Wood
Ardeley TL327268
Great Wood
Forest or Wood
Sarratt TQ054984
Great Wymondley
Wymondley TL213285
Greater Captain's Wood
Forest or Wood
Hertingfordbury TL272114
Greathouse Wood
Forest or Wood
King's Walden TL155217
Green End
Little Munden TL335225
Green End
Other Settlement
Braughing TL395255
Green End
Suburban Area
Hemel Hempstead TL039067
Green End
Braughing TL393257
Green End
Suburban Area
Weston (North Hertfordshire) B TL261307
Green End
Sandon TL328335
Green Grove
Forest or Wood
Clothall TL262314
Green Street
Little Hadham TL454220
Green Street
Borehamwood TQ194988
Green Tye
Much Hadham TL446185
Green Walk Plantation
Forest or Wood
Royston TL358400
Green Wood
Forest or Wood
St Michael TL142104
Green's Wood
Forest or Wood
Welwyn Garden City TL276170
Greencroft Wood
Forest or Wood
Great Gaddesden TL023137
Greenlane Wood
Forest or Wood
Great Gaddesden TL068124
Gregg's Wood
Forest or Wood
Welwyn TL221150
Grimes Bottom
Northaw and Cuffley TL290041
Grimes Brook
Other Water Feature
Northaw and Cuffley TL285045
Grotto Wood
Forest or Wood
Bayford TL300105
Grove Wood
Forest or Wood
Flamstead TL059131
Grove Wood
Forest or Wood
Tring SP917097
Grove Wood
Forest or Wood
Westmill TL369254
Grove Wood
Forest or Wood
Harpenden TL153134
Suburban Area
Hemel Hempstead TL065095
Gryme's Dell
Aldbury SP967118
Gt Furzefield Wood
Forest or Wood
St Michael TL105055
Tring Rural SP904151
Gunpowder Wood
Forest or Wood
Thundridge TL382173
Gustard Wood
Wheathampstead TL176156
Gustard Wood
Other Settlement
Blackmore End TL175165
Gutteridge Grove
Forest or Wood
Welwyn Garden City TL246134
Gutteridge Wood
Forest or Wood
Potten End TL011081
H Plantation
Forest or Wood
St Paul's Walden TL187202
Hadham Cross
Hadham Cross TL426185
Hadham Ford
Other Settlement
Little Hadham TL435225
Hag's Dell
Hertford TL329122
Hoddesdon TL370107
Hailey Wood
Forest or Wood
Hertford Heath TL363110
Haily Park Wood
Forest or Wood
Benington TL285239
Suburban Area
Welwyn Garden City TL245140
Hale's Wood
Forest or Wood
Datchworth TL278204
Halfmoon Plantation
Forest or Wood
Barkway TL367394
Halfway Hill
Hill or Mountain
Offley TL161281
Halfwayoak Pond
Inland Water
Welham Green TL241069
Halfyard Common
Other Landcover
Wareside TL393178
Hall Grove
Suburban Area
Welwyn Garden City TL256117
Hall Wood
Forest or Wood
Brent Pelham TL437312
Hall Wood
Forest or Wood
Stocking Pelham TL446296
Hall Wood
Forest or Wood
Blackmore End TL174168
Hall's Green
Weston TL274288
Hamberlins Wood
Forest or Wood
Champneys College SP957088
Suburban Area
Hemel Hempstead TL048072
Hammond Street
Suburban Area
Cheshunt TL331041
Hammond's Wood
Forest or Wood
Sandridge TL190106
Hammonds End Farm Pond
Inland Water
Harpenden Rural TL124122
Hammondsend Wood
Forest or Wood
Harpenden Rural TL122117
Hampermill Lake
Inland Water
Watford TQ093942
Hampermill Wood
Forest or Wood
Watford TQ098938
Suburban Area
Welwyn Garden City TL231124
Hangbois Wood
Forest or Wood
Stevenage TL262270
Hanger Wood
Forest or Wood
King's Walden TL162229
Hanging Grove
Forest or Wood
Hertford TL301138
Hanging Plantation
Forest or Wood
Broxbourne, unparished area TL337009
Hanging Wood
Forest or Wood
Bovingdon TL019054
Hanging Wood
Forest or Wood
Standon TL385200
Hanging Wood
Forest or Wood
Abbots Langley TL106037
Hanginghill Plantation
Forest or Wood
Pirton TL144303
Hanginghill Wood
Forest or Wood
Watton at Stone TL306187
Hanginghill Wood
Forest or Wood
Stevenage TL254251
Hanginglane Wood
Forest or Wood
Sarratt TQ027996
Hangingwood Plantation
Forest or Wood
Standon TL383203
Hanstead Wood
Forest or Wood
St Stephen TL139020
Harding's Wood
Forest or Wood
Wigginton SP946095
Hare Street
Hormead TL389297
Hare Street
Ardeley TL310285
Hare Street
Cottered TL315285
Harefield Wood
Forest or Wood
Essendon TL264075
Harmer Green
Other Landcover
Welwyn Garden City TL253162
Harmer Green
Welwyn Garden City TL257163
Harmer's Bushes
Forest or Wood
Datchworth TL281209
Harmergreen Wood
Forest or Wood
Oaklands TL251170
Harmond's Wood
Forest or Wood
Brickendon Liberty TL321089
Harpenden TL133143
Harpenden Common
Other Settlement
Harpenden TL135135
Harrocks Wood
Forest or Wood
Sarratt TQ066977
Harry's Grove
Forest or Wood
Bayford TL313077
Other Settlement
Hertford TL325135
Hartham Common
Other Landcover
Brent Pelham TL437299
Harveys' Wood
Forest or Wood
Bury Green TL450204
Hasley Grove
Forest or Wood
Little Munden TL349209
Tring SP917093
Hatch Grove
Forest or Wood
Brickendon Liberty TL332085
Hatching Green
Suburban Area
Harpenden TL133129
Hatfield TL229088
Hatfield Garden Village
Suburban Area
Hatfield TL216099
Hatfield Hyde
Suburban Area
Welwyn Garden City TL239112
Little Munden TL336233
Hawkins Wood
Forest or Wood
Sandon TL335345
Hawkshead Wood
Forest or Wood
Hertsmere, unparished area TL225025
Hay Green
Therfield TL340366
Hay Street
Braughing TL392262
Hay Wood
Forest or Wood
Great Gaddesden TL073115
Hay Wood
Forest or Wood
Hemel Hempstead TL031053
Haycock Spinney
Forest or Wood
Offley TL154257
Haydon Hill Pond
Inland Water
Bushey TQ127950
Haymead Hill
Hill or Mountain
Cottered TL334293
Haystack Grove
Forest or Wood
Broxbourne, unparished area TL352078
Hazel Grove
Forest or Wood
Hatfield TL216071
Hazel Grove
Forest or Wood
Welwyn TL243165
Hazeldell Wood
Forest or Wood
Watton-at-Stone TL286176
Hearnsfield Wood
Forest or Wood
St Paul's Walden TL182233
Heartwood Forest
Other Landcover
Sandridge TL168113
Heartwood Forest
Forest or Wood
Sandridge TL165115
Heath Field
Forest or Wood
Oaklands TL247181
Heath Plantation
Forest or Wood
Codicote TL207181
Heath Wood
Forest or Wood
Watford TQ080991
Heath Wood
Forest or Wood
Abbots Langley TQ085995
Hebing End
Benington TL309227
Hedgerows Wood
Forest or Wood
Brickendon Liberty TL334073
Hedgeswood Common
Other Landcover
Great Gaddesden TL036136
Heizdin's Wood
Forest or Wood
Great Gaddesden TL031099
Helham Green
Other Settlement
Wareside TL395155
Hell Wood
Forest or Wood
Cheshunt TL356046
Hell Wood
Forest or Wood
Hatfield TL285052
Hemel Hempstead
Hemel Hempstead TL055070
Hemps Hill
Hill or Mountain
Northaw TL284025
Hempstall Spinney
Forest or Wood
Oaklands TL255177
Hen's Head Wood
Forest or Wood
Kings Langley TL058046
Henry Wood
Forest or Wood
Hertingfordbury TL275126
Hern's Wood
Forest or Wood
Welwyn Garden City TL252126
Suburban Area
Chorleywood TQ027944
Heronsway Spinney
Forest or Wood
St Albans TL165054
Hertford TL327126
Hertford Heath
Hertford Heath TL348116
Hertford TL307119
Hexton TL106307
Hick's Grove
Forest or Wood
Weston TL283280
Hickman's Hill
Hill or Mountain
Clothall TL264314
Hickman's Hill
Clothall TL268315
High Broomin Wood
Forest or Wood
Langley TL218238
High Cross
High Cross TL362185
High Cross
Aldenham TQ147989
High Grove
Forest or Wood
Hertingfordbury TL277122
High Leigh
Broxbourne, unparished area TL361088
High Scrubs
Forest or Wood
Tring SP927084
High Wood
Forest or Wood
Hemel Hempstead TL077103
High Wood
Forest or Wood
Benington TL286235
High Wood
Forest or Wood
Furneux Pelham TL421273
High Wood
Forest or Wood
Three Rivers, unparished area TQ048930
High Wych
High Wych TL463143
Highdown Plantation
Forest or Wood
Pirton TL145304
Suburban Area
Hemel Hempstead TL062084
Highfield Wood
Forest or Wood
Brickendon Liberty TL342083
Highley Hill
Hill or Mountain
Ashwell TL286379
Highpark Wood
Forest or Wood
Great Gaddesden TL028105
Hilfield Park Reservoir
Inland Water
Aldenham TQ157959
Hilfield Park Resr
Other Water Feature
Bushey TQ155955
Hill Wood
Forest or Wood
Great Gaddesden TL016123
Hill Wood
Forest or Wood
Sandridge TL189104
Hill Wood
Forest or Wood
Little Gaddesden TL015125
Hillas Wood
Forest or Wood
Chorleywood TQ014965
Hilly Wood
Forest or Wood
Reed TL358349
Hinxworth TL234405
Hitch Wood
Forest or Wood
Preston TL192235
Hitch Wood
Forest or Wood
Langley TL195235
Hitchin TL183292
Hitchin Hill
Suburban Area
Hitchin TL186283
Hither Wood
Forest or Wood
St Albans TL178063
Hixberry Lane Orchard
Forest or Wood
St Albans TL178067
Hobb's Grove
Forest or Wood
Therfield TL341355
Hobbyhorse Wood
Forest or Wood
Hertford Heath TL347102
Hockeridge Bottom
Berkhamsted SP979060
Hockeridge Wood
Forest or Wood
Berkhamsted SP975062
Suburban Area
Bishop's Stortford TL493214
Hoddesdon TL372085
Hoddesdonpark Wood
Forest or Wood
Broxbourne, unparished area TL351085
Hog Wood
Forest or Wood
Kimpton TL191187
Hog's Wood
Forest or Wood
Watton-at-Stone TL311208
Hogham's Plantation
Forest or Wood
Widford TL401152
Hogham's Wood
Forest or Wood
Widford TL402153
Hogpits Bottom
Hogpits Bottom TL016013
Hogstrough Dell
Great Gaddesden TL044106
Hogtrough Wood
Forest or Wood
Flamstead TL087160
Suburban Area
Waltham Cross TL370001
Holl Lays Wood
Forest or Wood
Knebworth TL209206
Holly Grove
Forest or Wood
Bramfield TL294150
Hollybush Wood
Forest or Wood
Potten End TL028094
Holt Wood
Forest or Wood
St Stephen TL116035
Holwell TL165333
Holwellpark Wood
Forest or Wood
Hertingfordbury TL270112
Suburban Area
Watford TQ100951
Home Covert
Forest or Wood
Hatfield TL199089
Home Park
Forest or Wood
Hatfield TL243092
Home Plantation
Forest or Wood
Broxbourne, unparished area TL327008
Home Wood
Forest or Wood
Cheshunt TL332011
Home Wood
Forest or Wood
Hemel Hempstead TL047086
Home Wood
Forest or Wood
Hemel Hempstead TL052052
Home Wood
Forest or Wood
Tewin TL258145
Home Wood
Forest or Wood
Gilston TL436128
Home Wood
Forest or Wood
Thundridge TL350163
Home Wood
Forest or Wood
Tewin TL277141
Home Wood
Forest or Wood
How Wood TL136030
Home Wood
Forest or Wood
St Albans TL179075
Home Wood
Forest or Wood
Aldenham TL150012
Home Wood
Forest or Wood
Chorleywood TQ038956
Home Wood
Forest or Wood
Hatfield TL264071
Home Wood
Forest or Wood
Cuffley TL297038
Homer's Wood
Forest or Wood
Welwyn Hatfield, unparished ar TL226144
Hoo Belt
Forest or Wood
Great Gaddesden TL036123
Hoo End
Other Settlement
Kimpton TL185195
Hoo Wood
Forest or Wood
Great Gaddesden TL031123
Hoo Wood
Forest or Wood
Little Gaddesden SP995145
Hook Wood
Forest or Wood
Northaw and Cuffley TL276016
Hook's Cross
Datchworth TL279206
Hook's Wood
Forest or Wood
Sandridge TL188095
Hooke Hill
Hill or Mountain
Northaw and Cuffley TL280008
Hooks Bushes
Forest or Wood
Bramfield TL286138
Hooks Grove
Forest or Wood
Bayford TL313099
Hoopark Wood
Forest or Wood
St Paul's Walden TL188191
Hopkyns' Wood
Forest or Wood
Welwyn Garden City TL269157
Hoppett's Wood
Forest or Wood
Essendon TL274067
Horn Hill
Three Rivers, unparished area TQ017924
Hornbeam Common
Other Landcover
Great Munden TL347231
Horseley's Wood
Forest or Wood
Much Hadham TL414208
Horseshoe Plantation
Forest or Wood
Welwyn TL228152
Horsleys Wood
Forest or Wood
Kimpton TL173194
Hound's Wood
Forest or Wood
St Stephen TL165011
Forest or Wood
St Stephen TL165015
How Wood
Forest or Wood
Graveley TL245292
How Wood
How Wood TL140035
How Wood
Forest or Wood
How Wood TL137037
Howe Dell
Hatfield TL228079
Howe Green
Little Berkhamsted TL286097
Howe Grove
Forest or Wood
Hemel Hempstead TL059086
Howell's Wood
Forest or Wood
Weston TL280278
Howick's Wood
Forest or Wood
Welwyn Garden City TL264117
Hubbard's Wood
Forest or Wood
Stapleford TL309159
Hubbert's Grove
Forest or Wood
Benington TL287237
Little Gaddesden TL005131
Hudnall Corner
Little Gaddesden TL014133
Hull Wood
Forest or Wood
Hunsdon TL415151
Hullockpithill Plantation
Forest or Wood
Newnham TL248368
Hunsdon TL417141
Hunsdon TL416132
Hunters Close Pond
Inland Water
Stevenage TL267252
Hunton Bridge
Other Settlement
Watford TL081005
Hurst Wood
Forest or Wood
King's Walden TL151205
Hurstling's Wood
Forest or Wood
Ayot St Peter TL209160
Icedale Wood
Forest or Wood
Bushey TQ122965
Icedell Wood
Forest or Wood
Berkhamsted SP993064
Icehouse Grove
Forest or Wood
Broxbourne, unparished area TL357073
Icehouse Plantation
Forest or Wood
Offley TL117251
Icehouse Plantation
Forest or Wood
Great Offley TL148270
Icehouse Wood
Forest or Wood
Hertford TL308138
Ickleford TL182316
Ickleford Common
Other Landcover
Ickleford TL185333
Ironbox Plantation
Forest or Wood
Woolmer Green TL260178
Jack William's Wood
Forest or Wood
St Stephen TL138013
Jack's Hill
Hill or Mountain
Graveley TL235296
Jackman's Plantation
Forest or Wood
Letchworth Garden City TL231321
Jackson's Grove
Forest or Wood
Ware TL374149
James' Wood
Forest or Wood
Hinxworth TL238406
James's Wood
Forest or Wood
Wheathampstead TL205140
Jenny's Wood
Forest or Wood
North Hertfordshire, unparishe TL223298
Jepp's Wood
Forest or Wood
Brickendon Liberty TL336086
Jersey Farm
Suburban Area
St Albans TL178091
Jersey Lagoon
Inland Water
St Albans TL176097
Job's Wood
Forest or Wood
St Stephen TL105035
Jobbers Wood
Forest or Wood
Much Hadham TL456197
Jockey End
Hemel Hempstead TL039138
Jockey End
Other Settlement
Great Gaddesden TL045135
Jubilee Plantation
Forest or Wood
Walkern TL292251
Jubilee Wood
Forest or Wood
Therfield TL334396
Judkin's Wood
Forest or Wood
Offley TL143251
Kelshall TL329364
Radlett TQ148989
Other Settlement
Aldenham TQ145995
Kendal Wood
Forest or Wood
Aldenham TQ171984
Kentish Wood
Forest or Wood
Redbourn TL102081
Kents Dell
Sandridge TL193125
Kettle Green
Much Hadham TL417183
Kettle Green
Forest or Wood
Great Munden TL363221
Kilmart's Spring Wood
Forest or Wood
St Michael TL142102
Kiln Wood
Forest or Wood
Preston TL185243
Kimpton TL172183
Kimpton's Wood
Forest or Wood
Ardeley TL321268
King Edward's Gorse
Forest or Wood
Sacombe TL321180
King's Hill Plantation
Forest or Wood
St Ippolyts TL183258
King's Walden
King's Walden TL160236
King's Wood
Forest or Wood
Standon TL370232
King's Wood
Forest or Wood
Little Munden TL332220
Kings Langley
Other Settlement
Hemel Hempstead TL071028
Kings Langley Common
Forest or Wood
Hemel Hempstead TL068030
Kingshill Plantation
Forest or Wood
Lilley TL120277
Suburban Area
Watford TL107005
Kinsbourne Green
Harpenden TL099155
Kinsbourne Green
Other Settlement
Harpenden Rural TL105165
Kipple Field
Other Landcover
Clothall TL295298
Kitchencroft Wood
Forest or Wood
Standon TL382216
Kitchenmead Wood
Forest or Wood
Broxbourne, unparished area TL351050
Kitcher's Pond
Inland Water
Albury TL430258
Kitt's End
Other Settlement
Hertsmere, unparished area TQ245985
Kitts End
South Mimms TQ243986
Knebworth TL252201
Knight's Wood
Forest or Wood
Colney Heath TL185054
Knott Wood
Forest or Wood
Harpenden Rural TL114134
Labby Green
Hertingfordbury TL283111
Ladies Grove Wood
Forest or Wood
St Michael TL132091
Lady Grove
Forest or Wood
Little Gaddesden TL007124
Lady Grove
Forest or Wood
Wareside TL387142
Lady Grove
Forest or Wood
Preston TL186239
Lady Hughes's Wood
Forest or Wood
Hertingfordbury TL301126
Lady Wood
Forest or Wood
Furneux Pelham TL425284
Lady's Wood
Forest or Wood
Stevenage, unparished area TL270220
Ladywalk Wood
Forest or Wood
Three Rivers, unparished area TQ029937
Lamb Dell Wood
Forest or Wood
Tewin TL275140
Lamb's Grove
Forest or Wood
Hatfield TL201127
Lamer Wood
Forest or Wood
Blackmore End TL179164
Lammas Wood
Forest or Wood
St Paul's Walden TL206225
Lane Plantation
Forest or Wood
Thundridge TL350158
Langley TL214223
Langley Bottom
Langley TL213231
Langley Bottom
Other Settlement
Langley TL211231
Langley Meadow
Other Landcover
Langley TL220228
Langley Wood
Forest or Wood
Westmill TL374267
Langley Wood
Forest or Wood
Sandridge TL161109
Other Settlement
Abbots Langley TL075005
Langton Wood
Forest or Wood
Wigginton SP937107
Lannock Hill
Hill or Mountain
Weston TL245305
Lanterns Wood
Forest or Wood
Stevenage TL266249
Larch Plantation
Forest or Wood
Little Berkhamsted TL304100
Standon TL393204
Latton Island
Gilston TL456120
Lawn Pond
Inland Water
Wymondley TL215265
Lawns Wood
Forest or Wood
High Wych TL434149
Lea Valley
Lea Valley TL161146
Lea Valley
Other Settlement
Wheathampstead TL155155
Leafyoak Wood
Forest or Wood
Hertford Heath TL360118
Leasey Bridge
Other Settlement
Lea Valley TL165145
Leavesden Green
Other Settlement
Abbots Langley TL095005
Leavesden Green
Suburban Area
Watford TL099002
Lees Wood
Forest or Wood
Sarratt TQ075982
Leggats End Plantation
Forest or Wood
St Paul's Walden TL182201
Leggatts Plantation
Forest or Wood
St Ippolyts TL186256
Leggatts Wood
Forest or Wood
North Mymms TL268030
Legs and Stockings Wood
Forest or Wood
Welwyn TL244187
Hatfield TL220124
Leonardshill Wood
Forest or Wood
Welwyn Garden City TL284174
Letchmore Heath
Aldenham TQ152977
Letchmore Heath Pond
Inland Water
Aldenham TQ152976
Letchworth Garden City TL216324
Letty Green
Letty Green TL286108
Letty Green
Other Settlement
Hertingfordbury TL285105
Levens Green
Great Munden TL358223
Leverstock Green
Suburban Area
Hemel Hempstead TL083067
Ley Green
King's Walden TL157243
Ley Green
Other Landcover
King's Walden TL159244
Lies Grove
Forest or Wood
Hertford TL298149
Lights Woods
Forest or Wood
Brickendon Liberty TL330089
Lilley TL117267
Lilley Wood
Forest or Wood
Lilley TL115265
Lilley's Wood
Forest or Wood
Widford TL415159
Lilleypark Plantation
Forest or Wood
Lilley TL115265
Lilleypark Wood
Forest or Wood
Lilley TL114260
Limekiln Plantation
Forest or Wood
Markyate TL078173
Limekiln Plantation
Forest or Wood
Braughing TL380241
Limekiln Plantation
Forest or Wood
King's Walden TL156233
Limekiln Wood
Forest or Wood
King's Walden TL141206
Limeshill Wood
Forest or Wood
Flaunden TQ022994
Lincees Plantation
Forest or Wood
St Ippolyts TL188253
Lincoln Hill
Anstey TL398322
Little Almshoe
St Ippolyts TL197259
Little Almshoe
Langley TL195255
Little Barnes Wood
Forest or Wood
Welwyn Garden City TL255168
Little Barwick Wood
Forest or Wood
Standon TL388188
Little Berkhamsted
Little Berkhamsted TL294080
Little Bury Wood
Forest or Wood
St Paul's Walden TL184220
Little Dickshill Wood
Forest or Wood
Northchurch SP962085
Little Frithsden Copse
Forest or Wood
Potten End TL013097
Little Furze Field
Forest or Wood
Watford TQ105931
Little Furzefield Wood
Forest or Wood
St Michael TL108055
Little Gaddesden
Little Gaddesden SP997127
Little Green
Other Landcover
Sarratt TQ071967
Little Grove
Forest or Wood
Brickendon Liberty TL346072
Little Hadham
Little Hadham TL439225
Little Hartsbourne Wood
Forest or Wood
Bushey TQ137936
Little Heath
Forest or Wood
Potten End TL016083
Little Heath
Nettleden with Potten End TL015085
Little Heath
Suburban Area
Potters Bar TL255025
Little Heath
Suburban Area
Potters Bar TL259021
Little Hillfoot Wood
Forest or Wood
Welwyn Garden City TL261161
Little Hocketts Wood
Forest or Wood
Ayot St Peter TL215145
Little Hormead
Hormead TL398291
Little Kendals Wood
Forest or Wood
Aldenham TQ166979
Little Lady's Wood
Forest or Wood
Chorleywood TQ043963
Little Lye Grove
Forest or Wood
Ardeley TL327248
Little Mole Wood
Forest or Wood
Hertford TL318135
Little Norfolk Wood
Forest or Wood
Wheathampstead TL195155
Little Offley
Other Settlement
Offley TL135285
Little Piggotts Wood
Forest or Wood
Wheathampstead TL163131
Little Plantings Wood
Forest or Wood
Little Hadham TL464218
Little Pryor Spinney
Forest or Wood
Standon TL396185
Little Stock Wood
Forest or Wood
Brickendon Liberty TL338110
Little Stocking Wood
Forest or Wood
Wheathampstead TL158131
Little Tring
Tring Rural SP916129
Little Tring
Tring SP915125
Little Wood
Forest or Wood
Bovingdon SP998019
Little Wood
Forest or Wood
Cottered TL335303
Little Wymondley
Little Wymondley TL215274
Littlepursley Wood
Forest or Wood
Shenley TQ201999
Littleridge Wood
Forest or Wood
South Mimms TL207004
Lockleys Wood
Forest or Wood
Welwyn Garden City TL247159
Lockwell Wood
Forest or Wood
Hillingdon TQ071919
Lodge Bushes
Forest or Wood
Tring SP947113
Lodge Plantation
Forest or Wood
Ridge TL193040
Lodgefield Plantation
Forest or Wood
Offley TL136295
Lodgehill Plantation
Forest or Wood
Hatfield TL216122
London Colney
St Albans TL178041
London Wood
Forest or Wood
Great Gaddesden TL044117
Long Green
Forest or Wood
Berkhamsted TL001064
Long Lake
Inland Water
St Albans TL179034
Long Marston
Long Marston (Dacorum) SP898156
Long Plantation
Forest or Wood
Weston TL269288
Long Spinney
Forest or Wood
St Paul's Walden TL180222
Long Valley Wood
Forest or Wood
Rickmansworth TQ077950
Long Wood
Forest or Wood
Great Gaddesden TL064123
Long Wood
Forest or Wood
Flaunden TQ006998
Long Wood
Forest or Wood
Hertford TL306135
Long Wood
Forest or Wood
Hemel Hempstead TL088025
Long Wood
Forest or Wood
Essendon TL269077
Longacre Wood
Forest or Wood
Little Berkhamsted TL289090
Longclose Plantation
Forest or Wood
Braughing TL384243
Longdell Wood
Forest or Wood
Stevenage TL264279
Longmeadow Plantation
Forest or Wood
St Paul's Walden TL215208
Longston Wood
Forest or Wood
Oaklands TL221174
Lord's Wood
Forest or Wood
Bengeo Rural TL345179
Lord's Wood
Forest or Wood
Hunsdon TL413122
Lord's Wood
Forest or Wood
Ardeley TL316255
Lord's Wood
Forest or Wood
Breachwood Green TL155223
Lords Wood
Forest or Wood
Kelshall TL331352
Suburban Area
Chorleywood TQ055965
Loverswalk Wood
Forest or Wood
Bengeo Rural TL350189
Loves Wood
Forest or Wood
Stevenage TL259227
Low Wood
Forest or Wood
Sacombe TL346192
Lower Blackbuck Wood
Forest or Wood
Watton-at-Stone TL291174
Lower Green
Meesden TL425335
Lower Green
Suburban Area
Ickleford TL185322
Lower Gustard Wood
Forest or Wood
Wheathampstead TL174158
Lower Halfpenny Bottom
Potters Bar TL240022
Lower Millfield Wood
Forest or Wood
Thundridge TL364174
Lower Plantation
Forest or Wood
Sarratt TL021012
Lower Plantation
Forest or Wood
Pirton TL148305
Lower Plantation
Forest or Wood
Letchworth Garden City TL214297
Lower Sawpit Wood
Forest or Wood
Flamstead TL088140
Lower Stoneyhills Wood
Forest or Wood
Sacombe TL318165
Lower Titmore Green
Wymondley TL213262
Lower Wood
Forest or Wood
Wigginton SP946099
Lower Wood
Forest or Wood
Datchworth TL283215
Lower Woodside
Other Settlement
Hatfield TL245065
Lucas End
Other Settlement
Cheshunt TL325035
Lucas's Wood
Forest or Wood
Wymondley TL218260
Lucern Warren
Forest or Wood
Hoddesdon TL359077
Luckswarren Wood
Forest or Wood
Knebworth TL198196
Ludlow's Lake
Inland Water
South Mimms TL223006
Clothall TL293290
Ardeley TL295285
Luffenhall Common
Other Landcover
Clothall TL290290
Lye Wood
Forest or Wood
Kimpton TL151187
Lygraves Wood
Forest or Wood
St Paul's Walden TL199198
Mackerye End
Wheathampstead TL156157
Madam's Wood
Forest or Wood
St Michael TL116058
Magpie Corner Wood
Forest or Wood
Stevenage TL248235
Maids Grove
Forest or Wood
St Paul's Walden TL211225
Maitland Wood
Forest or Wood
Hertingfordbury TL292111
Malms Wood
Forest or Wood
Welwyn Garden City TL230147
Mangrove Green
Offley TL124236
Manor Wood
Forest or Wood
North Hertfordshire, unparishe TL222302
Manor Wood
Forest or Wood
Harpenden Rural TL122132
Maple Cross
Maple Cross TQ032927
Maplecroft Wood
Forest or Wood
High Wych TL439147
Mardley Heath
Forest or Wood
Oaklands TL245180
Mardley Heath
Forest or Wood
Welwyn TL245185
Other Settlement
Datchworth TL265185
Mare's Plash Pond
Inland Water
Langley TL220231
Margaret's Wood
Forest or Wood
Wymondley TL221266
Margeholes Wood
Forest or Wood
Watford TQ122941
Margery Green
Other Landcover
Tewin TL268148
Mark's Wood
Forest or Wood
Thundridge TL367181
Markham's Wood
Forest or Wood
Ardeley TL304275
Markhamshill Plantation
Forest or Wood
Offley TL131291
Markyate TL061163
Marsh Wood
Forest or Wood
Great Gaddesden TL039119
Marshall's Heath
Other Landcover
Wheathampstead TL166151
Marshalls Heath
Other Settlement
Wheathampstead TL165155
Marshallsheath Wood
Forest or Wood
Wheathampstead TL160155
Suburban Area
St Albans TL165085
Suburban Area
St Albans TL168086
Marshland Wood
Forest or Wood
Widford TL427152
Suburban Area
North Mymms TL235065
Marsworth Reservoir
Inland Water
Tring SP921137
Martin's Green
Forest or Wood
Brickendon Liberty TL347078
Martin's Wood
Forest or Wood
Stevenage TL262262
Martins Pond
Inland Water
Potten End TL016088
Mathams Wood
Forest or Wood
Thorley TL465185
Maulden Firs
Forest or Wood
Hexton TL093274
Maurice's Belt
Forest or Wood
Barley TL374408
Maylands Wood
Forest or Wood
Hemel Hempstead TL075080
Mead Wood
Forest or Wood
Wareside TL379139
Meesden TL437329
Meesdenhall Wood
Forest or Wood
Meesden TL438321
Memorial Orchard
Forest or Wood
Bourne End TL023060
Mentley Plantation
Forest or Wood
Standon TL372236
Merceys Wood
Forest or Wood
Hemel Hempstead TL062038
Suburban Area
Watford TQ122995
Merlin Wood
Forest or Wood
Brent Pelham TL430284
Merlin's Wood
Forest or Wood
Sarratt TQ072975
Merry Hill
Other Settlement
Bushey TQ135945
Micklefield Green
Sarratt TQ047984
Mill End
Rushden TL302316
Mill End
Suburban Area
Rickmansworth TQ041942
Mill End
Sandon TL330327
Mill Green
Hatfield TL240099
Mill Hill
Hill or Mountain
St Ippolyts TL206253
Mill Wood
Forest or Wood
Much Hadham TL429174
Millcroft Wood
Forest or Wood
Westmill TL378261
Millennium Lake
Inland Water
Stevenage TL253243
Millennium Wood
Forest or Wood
Stevenage TL248234
Millfield Plantation
Forest or Wood
Chorleywood TQ045969
Millhill Gorse
Forest or Wood
Great Gaddesden TL050109
Millward's Park
Forest or Wood
North Mymms TL235065
Mimmshall Brook
Other Water Feature
Hertsmere, unparished area TL235025
Minsbury Plantations
Forest or Wood
Great Offley TL153273
Minsden Chapel Plantation
Forest or Wood
Langley TL197244
Mitchell's Wood
Forest or Wood
Ayot St Peter TL218144
Moat Wood
Forest or Wood
Hunsdon TL401139
Mobbsbury Wood
Forest or Wood
Stevenage TL257252
Mole's Wood
Forest or Wood
Thundridge TL358163
Suburban Area
Rickmansworth TQ047941
Monk's Green
Other Landcover
Brickendon Liberty TL333088
Monk's Wood
Forest or Wood
Brickendon Liberty TL334090
Monk's Wood
Forest or Wood
Stevenage TL244231
Monks Green
Brickendon Liberty TL333085
Monks Wood
Forest or Wood
Aldenham TL172009
Moonshine Wood
Forest or Wood
Flamstead TL068141
Moor Green
Other Landcover
Ardeley TL323267
Moor Green
Ardeley TL324266
Moor Park
Other Settlement
Northwood TQ081924
Moor Wood
Forest or Wood
Hemel Hempstead TL094034
Moorfield Common
Other Landcover
Little Munden TL344217
Morley Grove
Forest or Wood
Brickendon Liberty TL316076
Mortals Wood
Forest or Wood
Brickendon Liberty TL337065
Mortgrove Plantation
Forest or Wood
Hexton TL106296
Moses Dell
Aldenham TQ162984
Mott's Wood
Forest or Wood
Thundridge TL364195
Much Hadham
Hadham Cross TL428197
Much Wood
Forest or Wood
Hertford Heath TL358117
Muncher's Green
Other Landcover
Ardeley TL319263
Munches Wood
Forest or Wood
Clothall TL295315
Mutchetts Wood
Forest or Wood
Watford TL126008
Mutton Wood
Forest or Wood
Watford TQ131930
Muzzleford Wood
Forest or Wood
Offley TL126286
Mymmshall Wood
Forest or Wood
Hertsmere, unparished area TL225025
Nancybury Gorse
Forest or Wood
Tewin TL278164
Nanscot Wood
Forest or Wood
Watford TQ112919
St Stephen TL162047
Napsbury Park
St Albans TL170041
Nash Mills
Suburban Area
Hemel Hempstead TL065045
Nash Mills
Suburban Area
Hemel Hempstead TL071044
Nast Hyde
Suburban Area
Hatfield TL211077
Great Munden TL359245
Nearer Wood
Forest or Wood
Standon TL366203
Nether Street
Widford TL421161
Nether Street
Widford TL425165
Nettleden with Potten End TL020105
New Gorse
Forest or Wood
Great Gaddesden TL046125
New Greens
Suburban Area
St Albans TL146089
New Ground
Other Settlement
Wigginton SP955105
New Lake
Inland Water
Nuthampstead TL419358
New Mill
Suburban Area
Tring SP924127
New Plantation
Forest or Wood
Broxbourne, unparished area TL351055
New Plantation
Forest or Wood
High Wych TL442139
New Plantation
Forest or Wood
Standon TL389187
New Plantation
Forest or Wood
Standon TL387215
New Plantation
Forest or Wood
Great Offley TL149272
New Plantation
Forest or Wood
St Stephen TL136012
New Plantation
Forest or Wood
Abbots Langley TL079041
New River
Other Water Feature
Cheshunt TL355045
New Town
Suburban Area
Bishop's Stortford TL485208
New Wood
Forest or Wood
Braughing TL412236
New Wood
Forest or Wood
Codicote TL234195
New Wood
Forest or Wood
Welwyn Hatfield, unparished ar TL231143
New Woodlands
Forest or Wood
Albury TL432251
Newberry Grove
Forest or Wood
Weston TL267276
Newell Common
Other Landcover
Clothall TL296288
Newfield Plantation
Forest or Wood
Stanstead Abbots TL408133
Newfield Wood
Forest or Wood
Offley TL129281
Newgate Street
Newgate Street TL301050
Newgate Wood
Forest or Wood
Stanstead Abbots TL399134
Newland's Wood
Forest or Wood
Flamstead TL052135
Newnham TL244373
Newnham Hill
Hill or Mountain
Ashwell TL251389
Barkway TL385375
Newsetts Wood
Forest or Wood
Champneys College SP953085
Newton Wood
Forest or Wood
Knebworth TL228220
Newton Wood
Forest or Wood
Langley TL225225
Suburban Area
Buntingford TL364297
Nicholson's Wood
Forest or Wood
Welwyn Garden City TL281169
Nimney Bourne
Other Water Feature
Much Hadham TL405185
Nimney Wood
Forest or Wood
Wareside TL397167
Nine Acre Wood
Forest or Wood
Much Hadham TL415209
Nine Acre Wood
Forest or Wood
Hatfield TL278062
Nine Acres
Forest or Wood
St Stephen TL169013
Ninning's Wood
Forest or Wood
Oaklands TL242185
Ninno Wood
Forest or Wood
Albury TL444244
No-Man's Friend Wood
Forest or Wood
Wigginton SP947107
Nobland Green
Other Settlement
Wareside TL405175
Node Wood
Forest or Wood
Codicote TL211199
Wheathampstead TL170126
Nomansland Common
Other Landcover
Sandridge TL168124
Norcott Hill
Northchurch SP966101
North Belt
Forest or Wood
Thundridge TL356165
North Grove Wood
Forest or Wood
Kings Langley TL074010
North Lake
Inland Water
St Albans TL177034
North Mymms
North Mymms TL223046
North Pest House Wood
Forest or Wood
Wigginton SP933103
North Plantation
Forest or Wood
Little Berkhamsted TL299085
North Pond Plantation
Forest or Wood
Broxbourne, unparished area TL352073
North Watford
Suburban Area
Watford TQ108984
Northaw TL278023
Northaw Great Wood
Forest or Wood
Northaw and Cuffley TL286041
Northaw Valley
Northaw and Cuffley TL288008
Suburban Area
Berkhamsted SP975085
Suburban Area
Berkhamsted SP971087
Northchurch Common
Other Landcover
Northchurch SP975107
Northey Wood
Forest or Wood
Anstey TL399330
Suburban Area
Letchworth Garden City TL230344
Norton Common
Forest or Wood
Letchworth Garden City TL218333
Norton Green
Forest or Wood
Stevenage, unparished area TL229229
Norton Green
Other Settlement
Stevenage TL225235
Norton Pond
Inland Water
Letchworth Garden City TL228342
Norwich Grove
Forest or Wood
Westmill TL374264
Notley Green
Other Landcover
Sandon TL329342
Nottlers Wood
Forest or Wood
St Stephen TL134017
Nup End
Other Settlement
Codicote TL225195
Nup End Green
Codicote TL225199
Nursery Grove
Forest or Wood
Broxbourne, unparished area TL347075
Nursery Plantation
Forest or Wood
Broxbourne, unparished area TL309014
Nursery Wood
Forest or Wood
Cheshunt TL357053
Nursery Wood
Forest or Wood
Sawbridgeworth TL482141
Nut Wood
Forest or Wood
Brickendon Liberty TL327060
Nuthampstead TL400347
Nuttings Plantation
Forest or Wood
Braughing TL385256
Nyn Park
Forest or Wood
Northaw and Cuffley TL275025
Nyn Pond
Inland Water
Northaw and Cuffley TL278027
Oak Grove
Forest or Wood
Stevenage, unparished area TL223229
Oak Vale
Welwyn Garden City TL280167
Oak Wood
Forest or Wood
Sandridge TL187092
Oaken Grove
Forest or Wood
Great Gaddesden TL039115
Suburban Area
Hitchin TL198285
Oakfield Plantation
Forest or Wood
Hertford TL305141
Oakhills Wood
Forest or Wood
Oaklands TL223168
Oaklands TL244174
Offleyroad Plantation
Forest or Wood
Great Offley TL144273
Old Copse
Forest or Wood
Aldbury SP971123
Old Dean
Hemel Hempstead TL038039
Old Furze Field
Forest or Wood
Watford TQ101932
Old Grove
Forest or Wood
Brickendon Liberty TL318064
Old Hall Green
Standon TL369221
Old Hatfield
Suburban Area
Hatfield TL231088
Old Knebworth
Knebworth TL232204
Old Town
Suburban Area
Stevenage TL232256
Old Wood
Forest or Wood
Welwyn Hatfield, unparished ar TL227142
Oldcroft Wood
Forest or Wood
Sarratt TQ030999
Oldfield Plantation
Forest or Wood
St Paul's Walden TL189203
Oldroad Plantation
Forest or Wood
Great Offley TL146271
Ostlers Wood
Forest or Wood
Ardeley TL324256
Oughton Head
Other Water Feature
North Hertfordshire, unparishe TL165295
Overley Common
Other Landcover
Great Munden TL359225
Other Settlement
Bushey TQ125955
Suburban Area
Watford TQ114948
Oxhey Wood
Forest or Wood
Watford TQ108920
Oxhey Woods
Forest or Wood
Watford TQ104928
Oxhey Woods
Forest or Wood
Northwood TQ105925
Suburban Area
Hatfield TL224076
Pain's End
Anstey TL403333
Painter's Green
Other Settlement
Datchworth TL275185
Pallett's Wood
Forest or Wood
Datchworth TL283211
Pancake Wood
Forest or Wood
St Paul's Walden TL171193
Pancake Wood
Forest or Wood
Redbourn TL091110
Suburban Area
Welwyn Garden City TL261127
Panther's Wood
Forest or Wood
Essendon TL274071
Suburban Area
Hemel Hempstead TL055065
Park Corner
Colney Heath TL198061
Park Plantation
Forest or Wood
Stevenage TL246271
Park Street
Park Street TL148039
Park Street
Other Settlement
St Stephen TL145045
Park Wood
Forest or Wood
Wigginton SP932107
Park Wood
Forest or Wood
Benington TL293233
Park Wood
Forest or Wood
Knebworth TL238200
Park Wood
Forest or Wood
Weston TL261290
Park Wood
Forest or Wood
St Paul's Walden TL181227
Park Wood
Forest or Wood
Kimpton TL172188
Park Wood
Forest or Wood
Bygrave TL269362
Park Wood
Forest or Wood
Sandon TL332314
Park Wood
Forest or Wood
St Michael TL126054
Park Wood
Forest or Wood
Hillingdon TQ068919
Park Wood
Forest or Wood
Codicote TL235195
Park Wood
Forest or Wood
Bramfield TL285155
Parker's Green
Ardeley TL325255
Parkhill Plantation
Forest or Wood
Wyddial TL363307
Parrot's Dell
Rickmansworth TQ065963
Parson's Grove
Forest or Wood
Stevenage, unparished area TL231222
Parsonsgreen Wood
Forest or Wood
Stevenage TL256277
Other Landcover
Harpenden Rural TL122133
Patchetts Green
Bushey TQ139976
Patient End
Furneux Pelham TL428269
Patmore Heath
Patmore Heath TL441257
Paynes End
Anstey TL403333
Suburban Area
Welwyn Garden City TL243124
Peartree Acre Wood
Forest or Wood
Great Offley TL145273
Peartree Field Wood
Forest or Wood
Wyddial TL376316
Peartree Wood
Forest or Wood
St Paul's Walden TL207219
Peartree Wood
Forest or Wood
St Stephen TL131004
Pendley Beeches
Forest or Wood
Tring SP942113
Penman's Common
Forest or Wood
Chipperfield (Three Rivers) BU TL036010
Penman's Green
Forest or Wood
Chipperfield (Three Rivers) BU TL038009
Peplin's Wood
Forest or Wood
Brookmans Park TL242048
Periwinkle Hill
Hill or Mountain
Barkway TL375365
Perry Green
Perry Green TL437178
Perry's Grove
Forest or Wood
Welwyn Garden City TL258170
Pestcotts Wood
Forest or Wood
Stevenage TL259244
Peters Green
Kimpton TL142190
Peters' Wood
Forest or Wood
Ware TL358135
Phasels Wood
Forest or Wood
Kings Langley TL052041
Pheasant's Wood
Forest or Wood
Chorleywood TQ039953
Philpott's Wood
Forest or Wood
Sandon TL329349
Piccotts End
Suburban Area
Great Gaddesden TL055095
Piccotts End
Suburban Area
Dacorum, unparished area TL053086
Pickwiddens Plantation
Forest or Wood
Whitwell (North Hertfordshire) TL201211
Piecorner Wood
Forest or Wood
Bedmond TL102038
Pigeonswick Wood
Forest or Wood
Stevenage, unparished area TL226228
Piggottshill Wood
Forest or Wood
Harpenden TL154141
Pilvage Wood
Forest or Wood
Hertsmere, unparished area TL236027
St Michael TL093052
Pin Green
Suburban Area
Stevenage TL249253
Pine Hurst
Suburban Area
Hertford TL345129
Pinfold Wood
Forest or Wood
St Paul's Walden TL186232
Pinker Wood
Forest or Wood
Knebworth TL259202
Pinnaclehill Plantation
Forest or Wood
Preston TL161264
Piper's End
Hertingfordbury TL290105
Piper's Hill
Hill or Mountain
Great Gaddesden TL023109
Pirton TL147317
Other Settlement
Tring SP945145
Pitstone Common
Forest or Wood
Aldbury SP971132
Pitstone Common
Forest or Wood
Little Gaddesden SP975135
Pitstone Park Copse
Forest or Wood
Little Gaddesden SP983132
Pixies Mere
Inland Water
Bourne End TL025064
Plashes Wood
Forest or Wood
Standon TL383207
Plough Wood
Forest or Wood
Sarratt TL037005
Pogden's Wood
Forest or Wood
Hunsdon TL410117
Pollard Wood
Forest or Wood
Little Berkhamsted TL298094
Pollard Wood
Forest or Wood
Hatfield TL252084
Pollardshill Wood
Forest or Wood
Chorleywood TQ023930
Pond Plantation
Forest or Wood
Oaklands TL241182
Pond Wood
Forest or Wood
Watford TQ116930
Pond Wood
Forest or Wood
Northaw and Cuffley TL278006
Ponters Grove
Forest or Wood
Letty Green TL289109
Poor's Land
Other Landcover
Standon TL404229
Poor's Land
Other Landcover
Puckeridge TL386229
Poor's Land
Other Landcover
Barley TL385399
Suburban Area
Stevenage TL269233
Poplars Green
Other Landcover
Tewin TL280132
Poplars Grove
Forest or Wood
Hertingfordbury TL285133
Porter's End
Kimpton TL161171
Post Wood
Forest or Wood
Ware TL361131
Potten End
Potten End TL017089
Potten End
Other Settlement
Nettleden with Potten End TL015085
Potters Bar
Potters Bar TL249011
Potters Crouch
St Michael TL116052
Potters Crouch Plantations
Forest or Wood
Bedmond TL104047
Potters Wood
Forest or Wood
Borehamwood TQ206976
Potterscrouch Plantations
Forest or Wood
St Michael TL105055
Oaklands TL235185
Pouchen End
Dacorum, unparished area TL027068
Pouchen End
Other Settlement
Bourne End TL025065
Poundfield Wood
Forest or Wood
Essendon TL276088
Prae Wood
Forest or Wood
St Albans TL125065
Other Settlement
Ware TL365135
Preston (North Hertfordshire) TL180247
Preston TL175245
Preston Hill Pond
Inland Water
Hemel Hempstead TL032056
Priest Wood
Forest or Wood
Bramfield TL302156
Priest Wood
Forest or Wood
Stapleford TL305155
Priests Osiers
Forest or Wood
Broxbourne, unparished area TL346049
Prince Charles Plantation
Forest or Wood
Little Gaddesden SP979149
Prior's Wood
Forest or Wood
Wareside TL376144
Prior's Wood
Forest or Wood
Kimpton TL187171
Prior's Wood
Forest or Wood
Ayot St Lawrence TL185175
Puckeridge TL386232
Pudler's Wood
Forest or Wood
Sandridge TL158116
Pulridge Wood
Forest or Wood
Little Gaddesden TL009113
Suburban Area
Hitchin TL201300
Tring Rural SP886147
Puttock's End
Anstey TL417316
Puttockhill Wood
Forest or Wood
Welwyn TL243168
Pynesfield Lake
Inland Water
Three Rivers, unparished area TQ036911
Queen Elizabeth's Wood
Forest or Wood
Potten End TL006101
Queen's Wood
Forest or Wood
High Wych TL433147
Queer Wood
Forest or Wood
Little Hadham TL427224
Oaklands TL235190
Other Settlement
Codicote TL235195
Radlett TQ163997
Radwell TL231358
Radwell Grange Spinney
Forest or Wood
Radwell TL232375
Raffin Green
Other Landcover
Datchworth TL275194
Rail Copse
Forest or Wood
Northchurch SP973116
Ramacre Wood
Forest or Wood
Hemel Hempstead TL025049
Ramerick Bottom
Holwell TL171343
Rectory Plantation
Forest or Wood
Gilston TL447131
Rectory Wood
Forest or Wood
Welwyn TL221153
Rectory Wood
Forest or Wood
Welwyn Garden City TL229145
Red Wood
Forest or Wood
Bramfield TL282141
Redbourn TL106124
Other Settlement
Redbourn TL125105
Redcoats Green
St Ippolyts TL207266
Redding Wood
Forest or Wood
Redbourn TL096138
Reddings Plantation
Forest or Wood
Welwyn Garden City TL229134
Sandon TL299329
Redwell Wood
Forest or Wood
Ridge TL213025
Reed TL361360
Other Settlement
Reed TL365365
Reed End
Therfield TL350364
Reed Wood
Forest or Wood
Reed TL361351
Rennesley Garden Wood
Forest or Wood
Thundridge TL355181
Reservoir Plantation
Forest or Wood
Hatfield TL214134
Reynolds Wood
Forest or Wood
Whitwell (North Hertfordshire) TL197218
Reynolds Wood
Forest or Wood
St Paul's Walden TL195215
Richard's Wood
Forest or Wood
Hinxworth TL238397
Rickmansworth TQ060944
South Mimms TL214003
Ridlins Wood
Forest or Wood
Stevenage TL263224
Little Gaddesden SP984142
Ringshall Coppice
Forest or Wood
Little Gaddesden SP979150
River Ash
Other Water Feature
Wareside TL415165
River Beane
Other Water Feature
Aston TL275235
River Bulbourne
Other Water Feature
Berkhamsted SP965095
River Chess
Other Water Feature
Chorleywood TQ045965
River Colne
Other Water Feature
Watford TQ125995
River Gade
Other Water Feature
Kings Langley TL075015
River Hiz
Other Water Feature
Ickleford TL185325
River Lea or Lee
Other Water Feature
Wheathampstead TL205135
River Mimram
Other Water Feature
Ayot St Peter TL215165
River Oughton
Other Water Feature
Hitchin TL175305
River Purwell
Other Water Feature
Hitchin TL195305
River Quin
Other Water Feature
Braughing TL395275
River Rhee
Other Water Feature
Ashwell TL255415
River Rib
Other Water Feature
Standon TL395205
River Stort
Other Water Feature
Broxbourne, unparished area TL395095
River Ver
Other Water Feature
St Michael TL125085
Rivershill Green
Forest or Wood
Datchworth TL280185
Roads Wood
Forest or Wood
Bengeo Rural TL329177
Roaring Meg Plantation
Forest or Wood
Stevenage TL241226
Robert's Copse
Forest or Wood
Graveley TL240276
Robinson's Wood
Forest or Wood
Wheathampstead TL199143
Roe End
Flamstead TL046156
Roe Green
Other Landcover
Sandon TL309338
Roe Green
Sandon TL315337
Roe Green
Suburban Area
Hatfield TL221085
Roe Wood
Forest or Wood
Sandon TL312341
Roebuck Wood
Forest or Wood
Stevenage TL243224
Suburban Area
Colney Heath TL215055
Suburban Area
Colney Heath TL208056
Rolls Wood
Forest or Wood
Oaklands TL226174
Rolls Wood
Forest or Wood
Welwyn Garden City TL264121
Rookery Wood
Forest or Wood
Chipperfield (Dacorum) TL053016
Rookery Wood
Forest or Wood
King's Walden TL167229
Rootypiece Plantation
Forest or Wood
Little Hadham TL456222
Rose Grove
Forest or Wood
St Paul's Walden TL170208
Suburban Area
Cheshunt TL340032
Rosehall Wood
Forest or Wood
Sarratt TL033004
Roseheath Wood
Forest or Wood
Nettleden with Potten End TL015080
Rough Bushes
Forest or Wood
Knebworth TL204207
Rough Wood
Forest or Wood
Watford TQ091982
Roughdown Common
Forest or Wood
Hemel Hempstead TL044056
Roughdown Common
Forest or Wood
Dacorum, unparished area TL045055
Roughground Wood
Forest or Wood
Little Munden TL357212
Round Bush
Aldenham TQ145982
Round Grove
Forest or Wood
Brickendon Liberty TL350078
Round Spring Wood
Forest or Wood
Great Gaddesden TL061126
Round Wood
Forest or Wood
Standon TL390186
Round Wood
Forest or Wood
Standon TL388191
Round Wood
Forest or Wood
Thundridge TL376184
Round Wood
Forest or Wood
Ridge TL210031
Round Wood
Forest or Wood
Graveley TL249276
Round Wood
Forest or Wood
St Paul's Walden TL187196
Round Wood
Forest or Wood
Sandridge TL161120
Round Wood
Forest or Wood
Hemel Hempstead TL085022
Round Wood
Forest or Wood
Hatfield TL201091
Round Wood
Forest or Wood
Oaklands TL239176
Round Wood
Forest or Wood
Brookmans Park TL250048
Roundabouts Plantation
Forest or Wood
King's Walden TL150232
Roundcroft Wood
Forest or Wood
Cheshunt TL342042
Roundhill Wood
Forest or Wood
Tring SP934081
Roundsell Shaw
Forest or Wood
Eastwick TL432133
Row Wood
Forest or Wood
Stapleford TL296162
Rowney Wood
Forest or Wood
Sawbridgeworth TL468139
Rowney Wood
Forest or Wood
Sacombe TL346199
Roydon TL405105
Royston TL358407
Rucklers Lane
Hemel Hempstead TL064041
Rucklers Wood
Forest or Wood
Hemel Hempstead TL063038
Rush Green
Hertford Heath TL350127
Rush Green
Langley TL210235
Rushden TL304315
Rushgreen Wood
Forest or Wood
Langley TL214235
Rusling End
Other Settlement
Knebworth TL208214
Rustling End
Other Settlement
St Paul's Walden TL205215
Rye Park
Suburban Area
Hoddesdon TL380095
Sacombe TL331195
Sacombe Corner Wood
Forest or Wood
Datchworth TL281217
Sacombe Green
Sacombe TL342196
Saddle Plantation
Forest or Wood
Offley TL133288
Saffron Green
Other Landcover
South Mimms TQ221975
Sailor's Grove
Forest or Wood
Bayford TL319099
Sallow Copse
Forest or Wood
Aldbury SP977134
Sallow Copse
Forest or Wood
Little Gaddesden SP975135
Sallow Wood
Forest or Wood
King's Walden TL150252
Sallow Wood
Forest or Wood
Pirton TL142295
Sally Rainbow's Dell
Bramfield TL291163
Salmonsley Wood
Forest or Wood
High Cross TL356192
Sand Plantation
Forest or Wood
Shenley TL176003
Sander's Green
Other Landcover
Walkern TL332244
Sandfield Wood
Forest or Wood
Sarratt TQ038989
Sandon TL321344
Sandpit Green
Forest or Wood
Berkhamsted SP995064
Sandpit Grove
Forest or Wood
Essendon TL283082
Sandpit Wood
Forest or Wood
Thundridge TL357200
Sandpit Wood
Forest or Wood
Watford TQ120929
St Albans TL170105
Sandybottom Wood
Forest or Wood
Welwyn Garden City TL231150
Sarratt TQ041995
Sarratt Bottom
Other Settlement
Sarratt TQ035985
Saul's Wood
Forest or Wood
Ayot St Peter TL217148
Sauncey Wood
Forest or Wood
Wheathampstead TL151158
Sawbridgeworth TL483148
Sawtrees Wood
Forest or Wood
Standon TL386184
Sayes Coppice
Forest or Wood
High Wych TL451142
Scales Park
Forest or Wood
Anstey TL415335
Scatterdells Wood
Forest or Wood
Chipperfield (Dacorum) TL050030
School Plantation
Forest or Wood
Thundridge TL356170
Scotts Wood
Forest or Wood
Bushey TQ122970
Scratch Wood
Forest or Wood
Elstree and Borehamwood TQ198948
Scratch Wood
Forest or Wood
Flamstead TL067135
Scratching Grove
Forest or Wood
Wheathampstead TL197150
Scrubbitts Wood
Forest or Wood
Radlett TQ161996
Scrubbs Wood
Forest or Wood
Sarratt TQ042980
Scrubs Wood
Forest or Wood
St Michael TL123050
Sedge Green
Other Landcover
Welwyn Garden City TL264177
Sefton Plantation
Forest or Wood
Welwyn Hatfield, unparished ar TL229139
Selebroom Wood
Forest or Wood
Hertingfordbury TL294135
St Stephen TL107041
Serpentine Wood
Forest or Wood
Stevenage TL265268
Seven Acre Wood
Forest or Wood
Tewin TL279157
Seven Rides Plantation
Forest or Wood
Reed TL361392
Sewett's Wood
Forest or Wood
King's Walden TL150207
Shaftenhoe End
Barley TL408378
Shaw Green
Rushden TL296320
Shaw Wood
Forest or Wood
Great Gaddesden TL032118
Shelly's Mead Plantation
Forest or Wood
Little Munden TL350211
Shelly's Wood
Forest or Wood
Little Munden TL350211
Shenley TL188006
Shenley TL183018
Other Settlement
Shenley TL185015
Suburban Area
Stevenage TL256230
Shepherdshill Wood
Forest or Wood
High Cross TL357186
Suburban Area
Welwyn Garden City TL237135
Sherrardspark Wood
Forest or Wood
Welwyn Hatfield, unparished ar TL228138
Sherrerdspark Wood
Forest or Wood
Welwyn Garden City TL235135
Sherwoods Wood
Forest or Wood
Watford TQ118942
Other Settlement
Berkhamsted SP975075
Short Whiteley Common
Other Landcover
Little Munden TL337217
Shortridge Wood
Forest or Wood
Hemel Hempstead TL032041
Shotmore Plantation
Forest or Wood
King's Walden TL141203
Shrub Wood
Forest or Wood
Pirton TL138300
Shrubb's Wood
Forest or Wood
Tring SP924087
Sidehill Wood
Forest or Wood
Tewin TL274159
Sidehill Wood
Forest or Wood
Perry Green TL430181
Simon Dean's Wood
Forest or Wood
Bovingdon TL001018
Sishes Wood
Forest or Wood
Stevenage TL251256
Six Acre Wood
Forest or Wood
Stevenage TL262249
Skegg's Wood
Forest or Wood
Datchworth TL276201
Sky's Wood
Forest or Wood
St Albans TL170087
Colney Heath TL200067
Sleeve Hall Wood
Forest or Wood
Hatfield TL192095
Slip End
Kelshall TL290372
Slip End
Ashwell TL285365
Slipes Wood
Forest or Wood
Therfield TL330375
Sloe Grove
Forest or Wood
Stanstead Abbots TL410130
Sloggar's Wood
Forest or Wood
Weston TL288277
Sloughs Wood
Forest or Wood
King's Walden TL144205
Small Lake
Inland Water
St Albans TL177033
Small River Lea or Lee
Other Water Feature
Cheshunt TL365025
Small River Lee or Lea
Other Water Feature
Cheshunt TL365025
Smallford TL195076
Smart's Hill
Hill or Mountain
Little Munden TL337207
Smart's Wood
Forest or Wood
Wigginton SP954091
Smith's End
Barley TL400376
Smug Oak
Suburban Area
Watford TL135021
Other Settlement
Holwell TL175325
Snaps Wood
Forest or Wood
Flamstead TL086158
Snow End
Anstey TL403325
Sollar Wood
Other Landcover
Sandridge TL185121
Solomon's Wood
Forest or Wood
Chorleywood TQ043954
Soot Wood
Forest or Wood
St Paul's Walden TL212221
Sootfield Green
Other Landcover
Preston (North Hertfordshire) TL172255
Other Settlement
St Albans, unparished area TL155055
Suburban Area
St Albans TL153056
South Belt
Forest or Wood
Wareside TL354157
South Hatfield
Suburban Area
Hatfield TL219070
South Mimms
South Mimms TL222010
South Osiers
Forest or Wood
Broxbourne, unparished area TL334004
South Oxhey
Suburban Area
Watford TQ110930
Much Hadham TL438166
Southdown Ponds
Inland Water
Harpenden TL137137
Southern Green
Rushden TL310316
Southfield Grove
Forest or Wood
Reed TL367346
Southfield Wood
Forest or Wood
Bayford TL305108
Other Settlement
Spellbrook TL485175
Spital Wood
Forest or Wood
Clothall TL281331
Suburban Area
Hoddesdon TL370077
Spoilbank Wood
Forest or Wood
Hertsmere, unparished area TQ265995
Spring Wood
Forest or Wood
Cheshunt TL351049
Spring Wood
Forest or Wood
Hertingfordbury TL289100
Springwell Lake
Inland Water
Three Rivers, unparished area TQ040927
Square Planting
Forest or Wood
Broxbourne, unparished area TL331005
Square Wood
Forest or Wood
St Michael TL119050
St Albans
St Albans TL147072
St Ibbs
Hitchin TL195265
St Ippolyts
St Ippolyts TL198270
St John's Wood
Forest or Wood
Hertford TL325153
St John's Wood
Forest or Wood
Walkern TL310257
St John's Wood
Forest or Wood
Harpenden TL139131
St Julian's Wood
Forest or Wood
How Wood TL140049
St Julians
Suburban Area
St Albans TL139059
St Margaret's Copse
Forest or Wood
Great Gaddesden TL022117
St Margarets
St Margarets TL380117
St Margarets
St Margarets TL385115
St Nicholas
Other Settlement
Stevenage TL255265
St Paul's Walden
St Paul's Walden TL193223
St Stephens
Suburban Area
St Albans TL137062
Stable Wood
Forest or Wood
Great Gaddesden TL042113
Stacey's Gorse
Forest or Wood
Albury TL449240
Staines Green
Hertingfordbury TL296117
Stanborough TL222113
Puckeridge TL396221
Standon TL385225
Standon Green End
Thundridge TL359200
Stanstead Abbotts
St Margarets TL386119
Stanstead Abbotts
Other Settlement
Stanstead Abbots TL395115
Stapleford TL312169
Bengeo Rural TL315165
Starch Grove
Forest or Wood
Brickendon Liberty TL321072
Startop's End
Suburban Area
Tring Rural SP918140
Startopsend Reservoir
Inland Water
Tring SP918138
Steere Wood
Forest or Wood
Thundridge TL390182
Stevenage TL238241
Steward's Ley
Forest or Wood
Sandon TL339314
Stile Plantation
Forest or Wood
Royston TL361404
Stocker's Lake
Inland Water
Three Rivers, unparished area TQ048935
Stocker's Lake
Other Water Feature
Rickmansworth TQ045935
Stocking Grove
Forest or Wood
Watton-at-Stone TL282198
Stocking Pelham
Stocking Pelham TL452291
Stocking Wood
Forest or Wood
Brickendon Liberty TL331067
Stocking Wood
Forest or Wood
Bury Green TL456211
Stocking Wood
Forest or Wood
Wheathampstead TL160130
Stocking Wood Plantations
Forest or Wood
Little Hadham TL459211
Stockinghill Plantation
Forest or Wood
Lilley TL121274
Stony Wood
Forest or Wood
King's Walden TL165248
Stowes Wood
Forest or Wood
Abbots Langley TL102028
Stubbing's Wood
Forest or Wood
Tring SP918102
Stubbocks Wood
Forest or Wood
Offley TL137238
Stud Wood
Forest or Wood
Harpenden TL137115
Summer Wood
Forest or Wood
Offley TL136282
Summerhouse Plantation
Forest or Wood
Preston TL184249
Sun's Wood
Forest or Wood
Wellpond Green TL417217
Suburban Area
Hitchin TL192286
Sutes Woods
Forest or Wood
Thundridge TL370192
Sutes Woods
Forest or Wood
Standon TL375195
Swamstey Common
Other Landcover
Clothall TL299292
Swanley Bar
Other Settlement
Potters Bar TL255025
Swanley Bar
Suburban Area
North Mymms TL255029
Sweeting's Wood
Forest or Wood
Brickendon Liberty TL323082
Symond's Wood
Forest or Wood
Tewin TL280163
Symonds Green
Suburban Area
Stevenage TL222252
Symondshyde Great Wood
Forest or Wood
Sandridge TL195108
Symondshyde Great Wood
Forest or Wood
Hatfield TL195105
Tache Wood
Forest or Wood
King's Walden TL158240
Tanners Wood
Forest or Wood
Watford TL091013
Target Plantation
Forest or Wood
St Ippolyts TL170265
Tea Green
Offley TL136230
Teakettle Wood
Forest or Wood
Great Gaddesden TL056129
Temple Dinsley
Preston TL186244
Temple Wood
Forest or Wood
Welwyn Garden City TL234141
Templehill Plantation
Forest or Wood
Hatfield TL213122
Templepan Wood
Forest or Wood
Sarratt TQ067992
Ten Acre Plantation
Forest or Wood
Graveley TL241274
Ten Acre Wood
Forest or Wood
Little Hadham TL423229
Terrace Wood
Forest or Wood
Bayford TL314114
Tewin TL271147
Tewin Wood
Welwyn Garden City TL263163
Tewin Wood
Welwyn Garden City TL275165
Thames Wood
Forest or Wood
Harpenden TL149125
The Alders
Forest or Wood
Rickmansworth TQ069941
The Alders
Forest or Wood
Welwyn Garden City TL248149
The Aquadrome
Inland Water
Rickmansworth TQ055938
The Belt
Forest or Wood
Markyate TL066173
The Belt
Forest or Wood
Wymondley TL208290
The Bushes
Forest or Wood
Walkern TL291255
The Camp
Suburban Area
St Albans TL165063
The Clumps
Forest or Wood
Sacombe TL335185
The Common
Other Landcover
Albury TL456244
The Dell
Watford TQ117954
The Downs
Forest or Wood
St Ippolyts TL169265
The Firs
Forest or Wood
Bishop's Stortford TL483206
The Firs
Forest or Wood
Watton-at-Stone TL285175
The Firs
Forest or Wood
Stevenage, unparished area TL223223
The Firs
Forest or Wood
St Paul's Walden TL185235
The Firs
Forest or Wood
St Paul's Walden TL203220
The Flats
Forest or Wood
Tring SP942083
The Flints
Offley TL134268
The Folly
Wheathampstead TL167145
The Folly
Other Settlement
Lea Valley TL165145
The Folly
Suburban Area
Radlett TQ155995
The Frythe
Other Settlement
Welwyn Hatfield, unparished ar TL225145
The Furze Field
Forest or Wood
Hatfield TL255086
The Gorse
Forest or Wood
Shenley TQ177997
The Grove
Forest or Wood
Chipperfield (Dacorum) TL053028
The Grove
Forest or Wood
High Wych TL461147
The Grove
Forest or Wood
Stanstead Abbots TL401113
The Grove
Forest or Wood
Brickendon Liberty TL332099
The Grove
Forest or Wood
Watton-at-Stone TL304194
The Grove
Forest or Wood
Oaklands TL209186
The Grove
Forest or Wood
Rickmansworth TQ062936
The Grove
Forest or Wood
Broxbourne, unparished area TL395095
The Grove
Other Settlement
Watford TQ085985
The Heath
King's Walden TL148227
The Lake
Inland Water
St Albans TL140069
The Larches
Forest or Wood
Berkhamsted SP996056
The Meadows
Other Landcover
Redbourn TL093106
The Moors
Forest or Wood
Braughing TL384257
The New Plantation
Forest or Wood
Ridge TL199047
The Node
Other Settlement
Knebworth TL215205
The Old Bourne
Other Water Feature
Great Munden TL325235
The Osier Bed
Forest or Wood
Sawbridgeworth TL480138
The Osier Bed
Forest or Wood
Bayford TL313078
The Osiers
Forest or Wood
Harpenden TL137161
The Plantation
Forest or Wood
Wigginton SP957076
The Plantation
Forest or Wood
Northchurch SP974078
The Plantation
Forest or Wood
St Michael TL133099
The Plantation
Forest or Wood
Watford TQ104927
The Ridgeway
Other Settlement
Cuffley TL285035
The Rookery
Forest or Wood
Tring SP942119
The Rookery
Forest or Wood
Berkhamsted SP990064
The Rookery
Forest or Wood
Northchurch SP973082
The Rookery
Forest or Wood
Hexton TL110305
The Rookery
Forest or Wood
Therfield TL353361
The Rookery
Suburban Area
Watford TQ105945
The Rookery
Suburban Area
Watford TQ111951
The Roughs
Forest or Wood
Northwood TQ098932
The Roughs
Forest or Wood
Hatfield TL253076
The Ryde
Suburban Area
Hatfield TL230098
The Shrubbery
Forest or Wood
Northchurch SP957081
The Spinney
Forest or Wood
How Wood TL135031
The Stanley Lord Orchard
Forest or Wood
Shenley TL183006
The Swillett
Suburban Area
Chorleywood TQ020950
The Warren
Forest or Wood
Hertford TL326133
The Warren
Forest or Wood
Weston TL273276
The Warren
Forest or Wood
Preston TL178257
The Warren
Forest or Wood
Hatfield TL245097
The Warren
Forest or Wood
Hatfield TL302057
The Wilderness
Forest or Wood
Hunsdon TL411133
The Wilderness
Forest or Wood
Bayford TL308071
The Willows
Furneux Pelham TL446280
The Willows
Forest or Wood
North Hertfordshire, unparishe TL177285
The Wood
Forest or Wood
Datchworth TL274206
Therfield TL335372
Therfield Heath
Other Landcover
Therfield TL333399
Thickney Wood
Forest or Wood
Codicote TL226192
Thieving Grove
Forest or Wood
St Paul's Walden TL177204
Thirlmere Wood
Forest or Wood
Stevenage TL265266
Thistle Brook
Other Water Feature
Tring Rural SP875175
Thistley Pond
Inland Water
St Ippolyts TL189265
Thomas Plantation
Forest or Wood
Offley TL128259
Thomas' Wood
Forest or Wood
Hemel Hempstead TL035056
Thomas's Wood
Forest or Wood
Great Gaddesden TL055111
Bishop's Stortford TL478190
Thorley Houses
Other Settlement
Bishop's Stortford TL465205
Thorley Street
Bishop's Stortford TL489192
Thorley Street
Other Settlement
Bishop's Stortford TL485195
Thorley Wash
Thorley TL486183
Thorley Wood
Forest or Wood
Thorley TL483185
Three Acre Wood
Forest or Wood
Brent Pelham TL420303
Three Corner Wood
Forest or Wood
Little Munden TL332220
Three Corner Wood
Forest or Wood
Oaklands TL245179
Threecraft Wood
Forest or Wood
Great Gaddesden TL051116
Threegroves Wood
Forest or Wood
Ayot St Peter TL201150
Thrift Hill
Hill or Mountain
Kelshall TL318382
Thrift Plantation
Forest or Wood
St Paul's Walden TL186198
Thrift Wood
Forest or Wood
Great Gaddesden TL046099
Thrift Wood
Forest or Wood
Ardeley TL330249
Thrifts Lake
Inland Water
Ware TL366132
Cottered TL335300
Thunderdell Wood
Forest or Wood
Aldbury SP979122
Thunderfield Grove
Forest or Wood
Broxbourne, unparished area TL338052
Thundridge TL356168
Tilekiln Wood
Forest or Wood
Stevenage TL256278
Timberyard Plantation
Forest or Wood
Offley TL134291
Tingley Wood
Forest or Wood
Pirton TL138304
Tingley Wood
Forest or Wood
Offley TL135305
Titmore Green
Wymondley TL212265
Titnol's Wood
Forest or Wood
Sandridge TL195116
Todd's Green
Wymondley TL220263
Todd's Green
Other Settlement
Stevenage TL225265
Toes Wood
Forest or Wood
Watton-at-Stone TL292196
Tollgate Wood
Forest or Wood
Colney Heath TL217055
Other Settlement
Cuffley TL305035
Tolpits Plantation
Forest or Wood
Watford TQ078941
Bengeo Rural TL334171
Top Plantation
Forest or Wood
Weston TL264294
Tower Hill
Chipperfield TL035024
Towerfield Wood
Forest or Wood
Braughing TL371238
Towers Pond
Inland Water
Stevenage TL239238
Suburban Area
St Albans TL144083
Trims Green
Other Settlement
High Wych TL475175
Tring SP923113
Tring Wharf
Other Settlement
Tring SP925125
Other Settlement
Tring Rural SP915135
Other Settlement
Tring SP917135
Tringford Reservoir
Inland Water
Tring Rural SP918133
Trowley Bottom
Flamstead TL075139
Trowley Bottom
Other Settlement
Flamstead TL075135
Turlhanger's Wood
Forest or Wood
Aldbury SP950132
Suburban Area
Hoddesdon TL365045
Turveylane Wood
Forest or Wood
Chorleywood TQ028981
Tuseley Wood
Forest or Wood
Little Munden TL338210
Twiney Wood
Forest or Wood
Wellpond Green TL415225
Two Waters
Suburban Area
Hemel Hempstead TL055055
Tykes Water Lake
Inland Water
Elstree and Borehamwood TQ172962
Tylers Causeway
Other Settlement
Newgate Street TL295055
Colney Heath TL178057
Union Wood
Forest or Wood
Sawbridgeworth TL474133
Upper Blackbuck Wood
Forest or Wood
Stapleford TL293171
Upper Millfield Wood
Forest or Wood
Thundridge TL363176
Upper Plantation
Forest or Wood
Wymondley TL213295
Upper Plantation
Forest or Wood
Chorleywood TQ052969
Upper Stonyhills Wood
Forest or Wood
Bengeo Rural TL321165
Upwick Green
Albury TL454242
Upwick Wood
Forest or Wood
Albury TL447244
Valentine's Grove
Forest or Wood
Kimpton TL180193
Valley Plantation
Forest or Wood
Therfield TL344399
Varney's Wood
Forest or Wood
Great Gaddesden TL051103
Venus Hill
Other Settlement
Hogpits Bottom TL015015
Vicar's Grove
Forest or Wood
St Ippolyts TL192260
Victoria Wood
Forest or Wood
Champneys College SP947089
Wade's Wood
Forest or Wood
Bengeo Rural TL351173
Thundridge TL359176
Wain Wood
Forest or Wood
Preston TL179254
Other Settlement
Westmill TL345265
Walk Wood
Forest or Wood
Aldbury SP961135
Walk Wood
Forest or Wood
St Paul's Walden TL187220
Walk Wood
Forest or Wood
Barley TL398362
Walk Wood
Forest or Wood
Barkway TL395365
Walkern TL288259
Walkernpark Covert
Forest or Wood
Walkern TL314243
Wall Wood
Forest or Wood
Wheathampstead TL141168
Wallace's Wood
Forest or Wood
Flaunden TQ016990
Wallington TL292338
Walnut Wood
Forest or Wood
Aldenham TL152014
Walnuttree Green
Other Settlement
Albury TL455235
Walsingham Wood
Forest or Wood
North Mymms TL211041
Walsingham Wood
Forest or Wood
Ridge TL215035
Suburban Area
Hitchin TL197302
Waltham Cross
Waltham Cross TL360003
Wandon End
King's Walden TL135223
Ward's Wood
Forest or Wood
Lilley TL106268
Ware TL355146
Wareside TL392154
Warners End
Suburban Area
Hemel Hempstead TL038079
Warnersend Wood
Forest or Wood
Hemel Hempstead TL044087
Warren Lake
Inland Water
Bushey TQ145942
Warren Wood
Forest or Wood
Stapleford TL307169
Warren Wood
Forest or Wood
St Paul's Walden TL200208
Warren Wood
Forest or Wood
Ayot St Peter TL209148
Warren's Green
Weston TL265286
Warrensgreen Wood
Forest or Wood
Weston TL263284
Wasgrove Plantation
Forest or Wood
Offley TL129279
Wasgrove Wood
Forest or Wood
Offley TL129283
Washall Green
Other Settlement
Brent Pelham TL445305
Washingditch Green
Other Landcover
Therfield TL343366
Water End
Great Gaddesden TL038102
Water End
North Mymms TL225045
St Stephen TL111022
Wheathampstead TL205135
Waterford TL313151
Waterford Plantation
Forest or Wood
Waterford TL309148
Wateringplace Green
Other Landcover
Ardeley TL331267
Watery Grove
Forest or Wood
Stevenage, unparished area TL231229
Watford TQ110963
Watford Heath
Suburban Area
Watford TQ119945
Watford Pond
Inland Water
Watford TQ106967
Watkin's Wood
Forest or Wood
Breachwood Green TL154226
Watton at Stone
Watton at Stone TL300193
Watton Green
Other Landcover
Watton at Stone TL302186
Waytinghill Plantation
Forest or Wood
Hexton TL100302
Webb's Copse
Forest or Wood
Little Gaddesden TL003108
Weepings Wood
Forest or Wood
Bayford TL315093
Welham Green
Welham Green TL231054
Well End
Other Settlement
Shenley TQ205985
Well End
Suburban Area
Borehamwood TQ206981
Well Wood
Forest or Wood
Watton-at-Stone TL282189
Well Wood
Forest or Wood
Sandridge TL158114
Well Wood
Forest or Wood
Cuffley TL276033
Well Wood
Forest or Wood
Northaw and Cuffley TL275035
Wellbury Lower Wood
Forest or Wood
Offley TL136286
Wellcroft Wood
Forest or Wood
St Paul's Walden TL204222
Wellfield Wood
Forest or Wood
Stevenage TL257267
Welling Grove
Forest or Wood
Sarratt TQ057975
Wellington Wood
Forest or Wood
Hatfield TL252079
Wellpond Green
Wellpond Green TL414222
Wellpond Green
Other Settlement
Standon TL415215
Welwyn TL230160
Other Settlement
Oaklands TL225165
Welwyn Garden City
Welwyn Garden City TL237132
Wesley Spinney
Forest or Wood
Pirton TL129329
West End
Essendon TL262084
West Hyde
Three Rivers, unparished area TQ032914
West Leith
Tring SP914105
West Watford
Suburban Area
Watford TQ098959
West Wood
Forest or Wood
Aldenham TQ136996
West Wood
Forest or Wood
Preston TL161259
West Wood
Forest or Wood
Therfield TL339335
West Wood
Forest or Wood
King's Walden TL165255
Westbrook Hay
Other Settlement
Bovingdon TL025055
Westbrook Mere
Inland Water
Bourne End TL029062
Westbury Wood
Forest or Wood
Offley TL139256
Westbury Wood
Forest or Wood
King's Walden TL145255
Western Lake
Inland Water
Letchworth Garden City TL231330
Westfield Wood
Forest or Wood
Harpenden TL132158
Westland Green
Other Landcover
Wellpond Green TL422222
Westland Green
Little Hadham TL425215
Westley Wood
Forest or Wood
Tewin TL264143
Westmill TL368270
Suburban Area
Hitchin TL173305
Westmill Green
Other Landcover
Westmill TL348267
Westmill Plantation
Forest or Wood
Thundridge TL340162
Westminster Pond
Inland Water
Aspenden TL354284
Weston (North Hertfordshire) B TL258300
Westwick Row
Other Settlement
St Michael TL095065
Wet Grove
Forest or Wood
Hatfield TL198120
Wheat Hill
Hill or Mountain
Sandon TL311353
Wheathampstead TL177139
Watton-at-Stone TL317212
Whempstead Green
Other Landcover
Watton-at-Stone TL314214
Whippendell Bottom
Chipperfield (Dacorum) TL054022
Whippendell Bottom
Chipperfield (Dacorum) TL053023
Whippendell Bottom
Chipperfield (Dacorum) TL055025
Whippendell Wood
Forest or Wood
Sarratt TQ076977
Whitbury Wood
Forest or Wood
Essendon TL275066
White Hall
Other Settlement
Aston TL285215
Sandon TL335315
Whitehall Wood
Forest or Wood
King's Walden TL171237
Whitehill Wood
Forest or Wood
Redbourn TL092144
Whitelands Wood
Forest or Wood
Chorleywood TQ016968
Whiteley Hill
Hill or Mountain
Royston TL375391
Whiteway Bottom
St Paul's Walden TL154208
Whitney Wood
Forest or Wood
Stevenage TL229262
Whitwell (North Hertfordshire) TL183211
Whomerley Wood
Forest or Wood
Stevenage TL247236
Whores Wood
Forest or Wood
Welwyn TL247165
Wick Wood
Forest or Wood
Tring SP927094
Widbury Wood
Forest or Wood
Wareside TL374139
Widford TL415156
Widmore Wood
Forest or Wood
Hemel Hempstead TL072085
Widow Bushes
Forest or Wood
Stapleford TL304176
Wigginton SP940102
Wigginton Bottom
Suburban Area
Tring SP935095
Wigginton Bottom
Suburban Area
Wigginton SP938096
Hatfield TL262068
Forest or Wood
Hertsmere, unparished area TQ125982
Suburban Area
Letchworth Garden City TL225307
Willian Pond
Inland Water
Letchworth Garden City TL223306
Willow Wood
Forest or Wood
Sarratt TQ051978
Willows Lakes
Inland Water
Ridge TL189048
Tring Rural SP904140
Wilstone Green
Tring Rural SP906135
Wilstone Resr
Other Water Feature
Tring Rural SP905135
Wimsey Hall Plantation
Forest or Wood
Therfield TL352373
Winch Hill
Hill or Mountain
King's Walden TL139217
Winch Hill Wood
Forest or Wood
Watford TL117028
Winchfield Wood
Forest or Wood
St Albans TL176058
Windmill Hill
Hill or Mountain
Clothall TL264326
Windmillhill Wood
Forest or Wood
St Michael TL108081
Suburban Area
Bourne End TL026064
Winter Wood
Forest or Wood
St Paul's Walden TL214207
Winter Wood
Forest or Wood
Sarratt TQ062983
Wintergreen Wood
Forest or Wood
Knebworth TL225212
Wixe's Wood
Forest or Wood
Tring SP922097
Wood End
Ardeley TL325254
Wood Walk
Forest or Wood
Chorleywood TQ034973
Wood Walks
Forest or Wood
Sarratt TQ049985
Woodcock Hill
Other Settlement
Three Rivers, unparished area TQ065925
Woodfern Wick
Forest or Wood
Offley TL143256
Suburban Area
Welwyn Garden City TL245118
Woodhall Spinney
Forest or Wood
Shenley TL188000
Woodhall Wood
Forest or Wood
Hemel Hempstead TL074096
Woodman's Wood
Forest or Wood
Chipperfield TL028016
Hatfield TL251067
Suburban Area
Watford TL105015
Suburban Area
Watford TL105007
Forest or Wood
Watford TQ126931
Other Settlement
Hertford Heath TL365105
Woolmer Green
Oaklands TL254184
Suburban Area
Hoddesdon TL365056
Wormley West End
Brickendon Liberty TL335060
Wormley West End
Broxbourne, unparished area TL335055
Wormley Wood
Forest or Wood
Brickendon Liberty TL320061
Wormley Wood
Forest or Wood
Broxbourne, unparished area TL315055
Other Settlement
Hoddesdon TL365055
Wrens Wood
Forest or Wood
Welwyn Garden City TL281173
Wychdell Plantation
Forest or Wood
Knebworth TL236211
Wyddial TL372313
Wymondley Bury
Other Settlement
Little Wymondley TL215275
Wymondley Wood
Forest or Wood
Wymondley TL213296
Wynnel's Grove
Forest or Wood
Nuthampstead TL411356
Yewtree Wood
Forest or Wood
Hemel Hempstead TL069088
Young Wood
Forest or Wood
Wareside TL392141
Young's Wood
Forest or Wood
Offley TL143253
Other Settlement
Thundridge TL375185